"The Routine" - Chapter IV

Chapter IV It hadn't been easy getting up at sev…

"The Routine" - Chapter III

Chapter III There had really been something surr…

An birthday chapter 6

When I woke in my bed Rita was staring back at me…

An birthday chapter 7

“It’s about time you slowpokes got here!” I look…

An birthday chapter 5

I woke up to the most perfect sight imaginable, m…

Family Vacation 3

FAMILY VACATION 3 Cam, Mayala and I were ready …

Broken Little Thing: Chapter 2

Broken Little Thing: Chapter 2 DarksX for sexsto…

Working out with mom

This is the first story I've posted in a long tim…

A bumpy ride to camp Crystal Lake

This is my first story written, second ever submi…

A farm Adventure

A Farm Adventure They'd been travelling for hour…