Sex with a crack whore

I was in Tucson on business, and had done some re…

Judy sex toy

At the breakfast table, cousin Judy sat with her …

Sandee's Story

Author’s note: I’ve used Sandee, the lovable for…

Deadly Sex Games CH 3

A month passed and Sally, shaken by her experienc…

vacation sex

Tina was in taking a long, hot bath. She felt st…


I was hooked and now we have sex with extra men a…

An Indian Family Story

Ramu was an office boy in the Village Office. He …

A Story of Expedience.

A Story of Expedience. Page 1. At last, wi…

The Sex Table

I plugged in the computer and booted it up, I wai…

Faithful Sex

His kisses trailed down her neck, not ending unti…