Nurse Mom - Chapter 12 - Aunt Pam takes control over Mom

I woke up the next morning in a way I had never e…


I was 8 years old, my parents just gave the Birds…

New Best Friends

Sarah is a high school girl who's having a rough …

Sex Manor Part 1

I have a fairly unethical lifestyle. Most people …

A new mistress 7

Natasha stuck her tongue in my ear and whispered,…

Amy's reintroduction to sex

This story is about Amy. Amy is now 38 years old…

Sex Life of Tyron and Kari

Sex Life of Tyron and Kari From Kari’s Point o…

Sex Manor Part 2

I woke with a start and sat up in my bed. I was u…

Stolen Pleasures

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Anna's new house Chapter 1

Anna came bouncing out of the title business, new…