Author: admin

Summer Nights_(1)

This is my first attempt at writing for others. C…

A Night I'll Never Forget_(1)

He always admired her, but thought she didn't eve…

L-ing Out

[b]L-ing Out[/b] "Thank again for sleeping over …


Unsure It was such a warm night, a little humid b…


Unsure It was such a warm night, a little humid b…

A Daddy Daughter Talk Part 2

A Daddy daughter talk By Sugar Daddy 8/07/15 All …

Sunday Morning Fuckfest

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and…

Summer Vacation_(0)

Every year my family goes to Cape Cod, Massachuse…

Such Good Friends, Chap 10, Find Your Date

SUCH GOOD FRIENDS Chapter ten—Find Your Date Mar…

A Daddy Daughter Talk.. Part 1

A Daddy Daughter Talk By Sugar Daddy 8/03/15 All …