Author: admin

A strange twist after My Cure

I apologize that its taken so long to continue, m…

Twins alone late night, outdoor_(0)

My twin sister Kassie had gotten a bottle of rum …

Twins alone late night, outdoor_(1)

My twin sister Kassie had gotten a bottle of rum …

Sweet Dreams Part 2 - The Heights of Love

---- I worked really hard to get this one out qui…

Sweet Dreams Part 5 - Strengthening The Home Front

Chapter #1 - Breakdowns and Warmups Brandon looke…

Sweet Dreams Part 6 - The Light From Yonder Window Breaks

--- Sorry for the delay, it's been a long couple …

Sweet Dreams Part 4 - Watching the Watcher

----- Sorry for the delay, bad couple weeks at wo…

Jennifer and Allison - Part 2

...continued from part 1... Jennifer gazed down …

The Badlands Hike - Part 1

The clouds high in the big Montana sky were puffy…

The Beauty of Friendship

"The Beauty of Friendship" Rebecca, a tall, slen…