Author: admin

Santa II

John Timberland was getting frustrated no matter …

Lost Empire 23

Cold, it was deadly cold, shivering the man tried…

Lost Empire 16

It had been almost 12 hours and Mary had been fol…

Lost Empie 5

"Shelby," Derrick asked. "Were there many ships l…

A Past new Beginning (The Mission 2)

A Past new Beginning (The Mission 2) ------------…

Lost Empire 7

Derrick jerked awake as the proximity alarm began…


It had really been a bad day for Alan, his wife h…

Cat Fight_(0)

Bill sat at his desk, god he was tired, this job …

The After Seeding a Second Wave 1

The After Seeding a Second Wave 1 --------------…

Lost Empire 14_(0)

Joseph Hartwell was standing there with his mouth…