Author: admin

Lost Empire 37

Johnathon Hartwell and Derrick O'Toma were on the…

Awakenings 8

Awakenings 8 ------------------------------------…

The Maintenance Man another repair 4

Mark's anger hadn't dampened the least bit, he co…

The Black Willow 3

The Black Willow 3 ------------------------------…

Lost Empire 12

Derrick looked at the readings again, so far all …

A guy and his...? 24 Full Circle

Jake had made his way to the kitchen realizing th…

Awakenings 10

Awakenings 10 ----------------------------------…

S.H.E.I.L.A. 2

Sheila - synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquis…

The Maintenance Man 6

The Maintenance Man 6 --------------------------…

Lost Empire 18

Derrick was enjoying his time to read, the commun…