Author: admin

A guy and his...? 33 Ally?

Cast of Characters ------------------…

The Maintenance Man 8

The Maintenance Man 8 ---------------------------…

A guy and his...? 26 Bond

Gen and Rosalinda smiled dreamy smiles; their mas…

A guy and his...? 42 Amira

Jake was still sitting at the table wondering wha…

A Royal Pain (The Mission 4)

The emperor jerked awake for the second time not …

Dead Stick 2

The sun was rising outside the window a huge fire…

Lost Empire 36

Hartwell looked at the micro-generator reading, t…

A Guy and his...? 31 Juno

Nyrae growled, she'd tried everything and still s…

A Welcomed Guest 4

Driving like a maniac the man made it home in rec…

Lost Empire 35

Mara's eyes were still wide; it had been exactly …