Author: admin

Fiona puts on a show - Chapter 8

Fiona entertain an audience with her dogs but the…

Fiona puts on a show - Chapter 9

Fiona’s extra activities become known to a female…

I wanted a threesome

Fascinated by the idea of a threesome I get plung…

I was conned

I am sitting here on my couch having just had my …

It was my husband's idea

Hi, I am Louise. I am 29+1, I think attractive, t…

Fiona gets a job - Chapter 3

Fiona finds herself being licked by a dog. Mrs Wa…

Becoming a bitch - Chapter 5

Greg is eager to get me to take Randle in the ope…

Beth goes to the dogs - Chapter 01

It felt weird going to work after quite some time…

I love farm life.

My journey started when I met and started dating …

Fiona gets a job - Chapter 7

Fiona continues her adventures with the Walden’s …