Author: admin

Twins n best buds V

Twins n best buds V First off, something about o…

twins n best buds_(1)

Im Tistan and Im19 years old and I discovered sex…

Twins n best buds VI

Twins n best buds VI I guess I get to write abou…

Twins n best buds IV

Looks like you are going to have to wait to hear …

Twins n best buds XI

Twins n best buds XI Wow. Seeing what Tris wrot…

twins n best buds VIII_(0)

Twins n best buds VIII We received a lot of mess…

Twins n best buds Xlll

Twins n best buds XIII OK, so I guess its time t…

twins n best buds VIII_(1)

Twins n best buds VIII We received a lot of mess…

Money is Power (part 9)

Mindy had just given me the best sexual experienc…

Three Can Keep a Secret if Two are....Suspicious

Author's Note---My apologies for taking so long t…