Author: admin

Unexpected Weekend Chapter 3 - Final

Unexpected Weekend Chapter 3 "So what did you en…

Unexpected Weekend - Chapter 2 - A Long Weekend

Chapter 2 - A long weekend The sun broke through…


I was looking for a new apartment. They had conti…

My Deb

“Surprise” Birthday Party continues (If you have…

Bahamas Vacation (4)_(1)

Bahamas Vacation (4) (Background: I took a trip …

Cinnamon times 2

Cinnamon times two (I had met Cinnamon in the Ba…

Bahamas Vacation (3]

Bahamas Vacation (3) (Background: I took a trip …

My Deb

Debby’s birthday. ---------- If you have not read…

Lake Cabin - Part 2_(0)

(If you have not read Part 1 it would help to rea…

Bahamas Vacation (6)

Bahamas Vacation (6) (Background: I took a trip …