Author: admin


Lying in near silence on his bedroll, Xavier squi…

My Two Aunts Part 2

Now I was on my way into the city with Aunt Linda…

My Mother loves to spit and squirt

My Mother Loves to Spit and squirt Part One It a…

Christmas With The Family (Re-Write)

If you would have told me this morning I would be…

Making Waves With The Motion Of The Ocean

Today is my 5 year wedding anniversary. I thought…

Christmas With The Family Chapter 2

It was early afternoon when my aunt, uncle and co…

Christmas With The Family Chapter 3 and Final

I woke up several hours later. The daylight now b…

Christmas With The Family

If you would have told me this morning I would be…

Amy, Part 2

Amy, Part 2 September When September came, the …

Two’s Perfect, Three is Incredible

I sat forward on the edge of the pool, my feet da…