My Granddaddy Emerald Green

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

I am on this site because of my granddaddy, Emerald Green. Oh, oh, a lot of you reading this are already thinking that my grandfather and I got it on but you are wrong. Granddaddy was special to me but not in that way. He had a way of making me feel special. During the all too limited time I spent with him, he had a way of making me feel like the most important person in the world. He made me feel like his favorite grand but I am sure each of his ten grands would say the same thing. He gave each of us a nickname. Each of us is proud of the nickname given us by our granddaddy. My name was the Timid One…more on that later.

When he died last year, all ten of his grandren were called together at a family resort for a weekend. Granddaddy had provided for everything, paying for our transportation, lodging, and food. At a banquet celebrating his life we were treated to a slide show of pictures of him as a baby in 1932 up until the death of grandmamma in 2006 when he posed with us after her funeral. A number of the pictures were of him receiving special honors throughout his life from 1st place in a spelling bee in fourth grade to being recognized a few years ago by a national organization for his work on prevention of . We grands were unaware of the many things that our granddaddy had accomplished in his life because when he spent time with us, everything was about us.

When the banquet was over there was some grumbling by some of my cousins that they had expected to received something as an inheritance from our granddaddy, however; each of us did receive a package from granddaddy when we arrived home again. Just like always granddaddy made me feel special by sending me his old beat-up laptop computer and six thumb drives. It took me several days to get up the nerve to open up his desktop.

On the desktop were a number of folders. Some of the labels were, Family, Wife, Friends, Best Friend, Then, Now, Forever, ren, R, XnXX, and Timid One. As I looked over these titles I realized that granddaddy had left me a personal message in the folder titled Timid One since that was his nickname for me. Instead of clicking on that folder I double clicked on Family and was immediately confronted with a request for a password. Not having the password I hit canceled and double clicked on Friends with the same result. Attempting to open two more folders brought the same result. At last I double clicked on Timid One.

In the folder were four folders, one titled Start, a second titled Yours, a third titled Mine, and fourth titled End. Being the way I am, I opened the folder titled End. In it was a document titled End. I opened that and read: “Hello dear Timid One, since you always want to know where you are going before you will make a move; I have placed this message here so you will. First of all, you are going nowhere unless you figure out my passwords. Yes Timid One, that is right that is plural. Each folder has its own password. I have confidence in you. I know you will be able to come up with the passwords if you break old habits. Good hunting.” I perused his words. The only thing that could be a clue was, “…break old habits.”
I closed the document and the folder, and thought about the clue. Again I looked at the titles of the folders in the folder titled Timid One. Since he had said, “…break old habits,” I opened the Start folder. There were nine folders titled 1 through 9. Keeping in mind his words, “…break old habits,” I opened folder 1. In this folder was a document titled Family.

I opened it and this is what I read: “Hello Timid One. I hope this is where you started. Family is always where one should start. The 4 Gig thumb drive holds your family history with some secrets that I have recorded but never shared with anyone. But…didn’t you know there was a But…you will have to come up with the password to open any of the files. The clue for this is a birth day. We Americans use Month Day, Year. That won’t work for a password because of the comma. Have fun.”
It only took me a few moments to remember my granddaddy always wrote birthdays in the European way, that is Day Month Year…no comma. Granddaddy’s birthday was 14 August 1931 so the password was either 14August1931 or 14Aug1931. To shorten this story I will skip the details of my family and go directly to two of the secrets that applied to my granddaddy.

The first had to do with his birth. His mother, my great grandmother, often told stories about how crazy she was. Her story about granddaddy’s birth was one of them. She was 41 in 1931 and the mother of four ren ages 22, 18, 13, and 8. She had never had any trouble with a pregnancy or giving birth to a but during her fifth pregnancy she had a water retention problem. She went into labor about three weeks early on August 4th. The baby was breach and the doctor was unable to turn it. The labor went on day after day. The doctor wanted to perform a caesarian but she would not permit it saying she would prefer to die. Then on the evening of the tenth day of labor the baby was born.
Great grandmother noted that the baby was a boy with a weak cry. He looked small and more dead than alive. The nurse rushed off with him and exhausted great grandmother fell asleep. In the morning she was awakened when the nurse placed a baby in bed with her. It was a healthy ten pounds. To her it looked like a month old, not a new born. She said, “Why have you brought me this baby? Where is my baby?” It took some time and effort on the part of the nurse and the doctor to convince her that this healthy baby was in fact her baby. When she would tell this story she would always conclude with, “See how crazy I can get. How could I have doubted that Emerald was my son?”

Although this story was meant to show how crazy his mother was granddaddy was always bothered by the story so a few years ago when he heard of a DNA test that could either prove or disprove a story like this he convinced his only living sibling, a sister to let him test her DNA against his. Great grandmother may have been crazy but she was not as crazy as she thought because the test showed that granddaddy and his sister were not related. A further note on granddaddy’s DNA report was that with 99% certainty his parents were brother and sister.

It is easy to piece together what happened back in 1930 a teenaged girl was knocked up by her brother. She protected her brother by refusing to tell who the father was. The doctor said he would find a home for the baby and then when great grandmother’s baby died he made the switch. He and the nurse were the only ones who knew.

Great grandmother Green may have been crazy but she raised a wonderful son. However, he wrote several stories in the first person about being sexually d by his crazy mother. I also know that from the age of 11 to 15 he lived alone with his mother. Maybe his stories were fantasy and maybe they were fact.

For reasons yet to be explained to me granddaddy legally changed his name as soon as he turned 18. He lived his entire life with that chosen name and passed it on to his ren but he never hid the fact that he was born Emerald Green. All of his erotic stories were written as Emerald Green. His teaching career and his ren stories were under his chosen name. I don’t know what that tells us but maybe as I open more of his prolific files I will get the answer.

I have had no trouble coming up with the passwords as long I continue to think like granddaddy did and not like the impatient Timid One that granddaddy knew.

A few years ago when I got tired of being d by my husband Tim, I changed my nickname from Timid One to Tim I Done. On that day I suddenly refused to get down on my knees and beg for his cock. When he demanded I get down on my knees and beg I kicked him in the nuts. When he doubled over in pain and swore I would pay dearly for my attack on him, I kicked him in the mouth. He threatened to me and I dialed 911. We were both arrested but because he continued to threaten my life, even in court before the judge, my actions were declared self-defense and he was enjoined to stay away from me. I feared he would bother me for a while but submissive women are easy enough to find and he has a whole harem of three that take turns on his cock. He has since told me that the best thing that ever happened to him was when I broke up with him.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000