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copyright: Lesley Tara, 2012

You can find the pictures in one of my albums on my profile page, but you have to be registered and logged in to see them (I also have some other sexy pictures there, selected to accompany some of my other stories). However, the pictures are not essential, and the story works perfectly well on its own – and it also goes on beyond them. I must emphasise that the models in the pictures are NOT, repeat NOT, the people in the story, which is a fantasy and completely fictitious, with invented characters whose resemblance to any real persons is purely coincidental.

Yuriko was new to Hirstmere Hall, the expensive private girls-only boarding school in southern England, but that didn’t put the arrogant little bitch off her stride for one moment. Why should it? – her parents were very wealthy Japanese-American financiers who were temporarily based in Britain, and Yuriko was so smart that she had already been advanced a grade at her previous high school in California, where she had been the queen bee. So, although she was only just seventeen – and with her slim, under-developed body (like many Asian teens, her breasts were so small that there was hardly any need for her to wear a bra), she looked more like fifteen – she went straight into the Upper Sixth Form with the eighteen year olds.

She was soon thoroughly disliked by almost all of them: it wasn’t so much that she was a new girl, or that she was younger than her classmates, and certainly not that she was foreign, as the school had several overseas pupils who were all quite popular. No, it was her smart-alec attitude, for Yuriko loved to show off how clever she was – and if that meant making someone else look dumb, well, that was their look-out, wasn’t it? But for all her brains, knowledge and sharpness, in many ways Yuriko was a silly girl, naive and unaware of the impact she was having on the people around her – and the trouble that she was storing up for herself.

At nearly nineteen, Alexis was one of the oldest girls in the Upper Sixth. She was tall, slim and quite good-looking, with dark brunette hair that fell straight from a centre-parting to below her shoulders, although her sharp nose and angular cheekbones made her appear more sultry and sexy than conventionally pretty. She was also very fit and strong – not surprising in a girl who enjoyed everything to do with sports or athletics, and who for nearly 18 months had been the very successful captain of the school’s lacrosse and hockey teams. Most of the girls in her class knew or suspected, as did many of the teachers, that Alexis was a confirmed and active lesbian – but she was generally discrete about her tastes and kept her pussy-hunting within the Sixth Form and didn’t seduce any of the under-sixteens, so no one really minded (and many, including several teachers, actively approved). Alexis had been initiated into sapphic sex – which she took to without the slightest hesitation – when she had just turned fifteen by the teacher who coached the Hirstmere Hall hockey team, in a venerable tradition that stretched way back, for that teacher had been eased into lifelong lesbianism by a dyke coach when she had been a teenage schoolgirl, and so on, and so on.

Alexis enjoyed her regular sex-sessions with Coach Saunders, who was pretty hot for a 37 year-old and very experienced in the arts of girl-fucking (Alexis being far from the first pretty schoolgirl to learn the finer points of pussy-eating at her lush clean-shaven cunt). Alexis also willingly lapped and sucked the vaginas of the three other teachers who were part of Coach Saunders’s lesbian circle, and the young apprentice dyke eagerly spread her legs wide whenever they wanted to have her, whether it was with their fingers or with strap-on dildos, and whether it was just one of them alone or all four in a wild group orgy – for Alexis just loved lesbian lust any way and any time that she could get it. However, what she enjoyed most of all was fucking one of the other schoolgirls, because here she could be more dominant and assertive, and plunge deep into their sweet tight holes with the wickedly long and thick strap-on which Coach Saunders had given to her as an eighteenth birthday present (after, of course, a no-holds-barred demonstration from the expert in how it should be used!).

Alexis was quite adept with this now, and her athletic exercises meant that she had the agility, strength and stamina to ride a girl really long and hard – to give her a bone-shaking, mind-blowing, multiple-orgasm pussy-blasting. Her three closest friends in the class were lesbians as well: Alexis had seduced and initiated two of them herself, whilst the other girl had her cherry taken by one of the teachers (who were all women at this school) on the day after she turned sixteen. Her three friends were equally avid for lesbian sex – and, most of all, they wanted Alexis to fuck them any time that she was willing, which was just about every day of the week. In fact, two of the girls were natural sapphic submissives, and Alexis and the fourth girl – her best friend, Miranda – were more and more getting off on dominating them, taking them rougher and riding them harder, even recently adding a bit of bondage to spice the mix.

Maybe Yuriko was a little intimidated by Alexis, but of course she would never show it or even admit it to herself. Maybe it was just that Alexis had been the ‘leader of the pack’ in the school without dispute, until the sassy little Asian bitch arrived and challenged her for it. Whatever the real cause, it seemed that Yuriko especially delighted in showing up Alexis in front of the teachers and the rest of the class – answering the questions that Alexis couldn’t, and pointing out in a gratingly false ‘friendly’ way whenever Alexis made a mistake. There were too many opportunities for such showing off and showing up: Alexis wasn’t the cleverest girl in the year, and it didn’t help that between her focus on sports (with hours spent training on the sports field and in the gym) and her active lesbian sex life (with hours spent pleasuring her coach, the other teachers and her friends), she never had the time to prepare properly for class.

So Yuriko preened, Alexis seethed, and the rest of their class waited in tense and increasingly eager anticipation for the arrogant little Asian bitch to learn a lesson which they thought she richly deserved. Finally, after several weeks of mounting annoyance (during which, to their moaning delight, Alexis taken out her frustration through pulverising pussy-poundings of her two submissive girlfriends), the tall English brunette had had enough, and decided to act. Alexis turned over various plans in her mind, savouring the possibilities until she had one that seemed fully satisfactory. Then she discussed her ideas with her three lesbian lovers, and they quietly warned the other girls. Yuriko’s conduct had made sure that she had no friends amongst her peers, and so no one gave the show-off bitch an inkling of what was in store for her.

At this elite girls-only private boarding school, the Upper Sixth Form pupils had the privilege not only of staying up for an hour longer than the Lower Sixth (the seventeen year olds), but also of seeing themselves to bed and putting their own lights out by midnight. So, rather than a teacher having to remain on duty for this, they were overseen by the Head Girl (who, of course, was Alexis) and a small team of prefects (who, of course, included her lover Miranda and their eager submissive pussy-babes, Jenny and Cecilia).

It was a dark evening in late November, and, after the younger forms had been sent on their way to bed, the teacher on duty signed off and left the supervision of the Upper Sixth girls to Alexis. Actually, as the teacher on duty happened to be Ms. Greig, the sexy twenty-nine year old geography teacher who was one of Coach Saunders’s lesbian intimates, her method of ‘signing over’ to Alexis consisted of taking the Head Girl into a cubicle in the deserted staff cloakroom and getting Alexis quickly and expertly to eat out her pussy until she came. In return, the grinning teacher shoved Alexis’s red tartan mini-skirt (which she wore even shorter than its already-brief regulation length) up around her waist, twisted aside the gusset of her white cotton panties (also much skimpier than the regulation size), and rammed two fingers into the gasping Head Girl’s vagina. Kissing Alexis vigorously, the teacher groped the teenager’s smallish but firmly perky 28B breasts with one hand, and pistoned her cunt-hole with the other.

Normally, Alexis would have relished a quick lesbian fuck like this, but tonight she was saving her pussy-power for other things. With a quiet word, she told the teacher this and asked her to stop; rather disappointed, Ms. Greig complied, looking quizzically at her young protege. Alexis smiled, leaned forward to lick and nibble the busty blonde teacher’s earlobe, and whispered in explanation:

‘It’s Eureka time!’

The teacher laughed, enjoying the pun and understanding at once what was meant by it. She was one of those who knew that although Alexis wasn’t conventionally academically clever, she was well-read and shrewd, with a dry and sardonic sense of humour.

‘Mmmm,’ smiled the teacher, giving Alexis’s moist pussy a final gentle caress; ‘make it a real voyage of discovery for her, won’t you.’ Then she added, for she had seen perfectly well whilst teaching the class what had been going on, and like several other teachers was increasingly annoyed at Yuriko’s know-it-all style and the negative de-motivating impact it was having on the rest of the class: ‘and make it good and hard, honey, that little Jap bitch needs taking down – she needs to learn her place!’

‘Yeah, and I’m sure gonna show it to her, I’m gonna nail her ass real good’, drawled Alexis, who was getting hot and wet with anticipation – this little pussy-fumble with luscious Ms. Greig was getting her nicely in the mood and fired up for what she had planned for Yuriko.

‘Well,’ said the blonde curly-haired teacher, ‘if you do break her in, let us know – Coach and I would like to have some more Asian pussy at our disposal, they’re always so good once they’ve learned that their place is to take orders – in fact, just to take it, anyhow we want to give it to them! Yep, you teach her her place, and we’ll make sure she stays in it!’

Alexis smiled – this was getting better and better! She almost skipped out of the staff cloakroom, aided on her way by a fond but firm smack on her ass (possibly her best feature) from her teacher-lover.

All was set in train, just as she had planned. The Asian goody-goody was in the school’s Sixth Form Library, a study room restricted to the use of the two most senior classes, where she was swotting away doing extra preparation for the next day’s history class, all ready to show up everyone else with her greater knowledge. The flat-chested teen was so pleased with the thought that a smirk had unconsciously spread across her face. Concentrating on the encyclopaedia which she was reading at one of the wooden tables, she was not paying any attention to her surroundings. She did not notice Miranda and Cecilia entering and quietly giving the nod to the four other Upper Sixth Form girls who were scattered around the room. Three of them smiled, gathered up their books and papers, and wandered out; the fourth was Jenny, who moved across to sit next to Cecilia, her long-time best friend. Despite the importance of not alerting Yuriko to anything odd, the naughty pair could not resist the temptation to slip a hand between each other’s thighs and rub on the crotch of their girlfriend’s panties – for they did know what was coming down, and it was gonna be the Asian bitch – real hard.

At last, at just after five minutes past eleven, Alexis slipped quietly through the Sixth Form Library doorway, and winked at her pussy-gang. The trio left, Jenny and Cecilia rather blatantly arm-in-arm, but Yuriko barely even lifted her head from the tome that she was reading. The three girls who had left the room took up their designated position immediately outside the entrance to the library: they were ready to prevent any escape by Yuriko, although they hardly expected her to avoid Alexis’s clutches, now that she was in the trap; their role was more to make sure that no other girl who was ignorant of what was happening should blunder in, and to give warning in the very unlikely event of a teacher hearing Yuriko’s cries (for cries there certainly would be) and coming to her aid. This was because the accommodation for the teachers who lived on site was in another building, some distance away, and not even the loudest shrieks (and Yuriko’s shrieks would be loud) would carry that far. In fact, although the gang did not know this, Ms. Greig had not gone to bed. Savouring the anticipation of Yuriko’s downfall, she had alerted Coach Saunders to her young protege’s intentions, and the two dyke teachers had stationed themselves by the door into this block of the school, ready to deflect or delay any other teacher who might come along.

For a moment or two, Alexis wandered around the Sixth Form Library, glancing at a couple of books in the English literature section in the rear corner of the room. Then, sure that all was quiet and that her Asian tormentor was quite unknowingly at her mercy, she strolled over to the table where Yuriko was sitting, with a self-satisfied smile on her face as she pored over a large book. Alexis leaned forwards from the end of the table – the top buttons of her white school uniform shirt were still undone from the groping which Ms. Greig had earlier given her tits, and if Yuriko had bothered to look sideways she would have seen straight down Alexis’s alluring cleavage. Instead, in her aloof and snotty way, she completely ignored whoever it was who had had the temerity to intrude on her studies.

‘So, Yuriko, working hard again, are you?’ cooed Alexis, her lips pursed forwards and her smile and voice just as falsely friendly in tone as the Asian girl’s classroom ‘helpful points’.

Yuriko smirked, but then registered that it was Alexis who was addressing her. This slightly surprised the younger girl, for normally Alexis never said a word to her if she could possibly avoid it. However, in her arrogant confidence, it never crossed Yuriko’s mind to feel any apprehension.

‘Yes, of course!’ she replied rather snappily, and then she unwisely added in a patronising tone: ‘I’m sure, if you took the trouble, you might do better in class.’

This was the last straw – especially the condescending way in which Yuriko had placed an emphasis on the word ‘might’, implying that even with hard work Alexis was probably too stupid to do well.

Unnoticed by the preening Japanese-American teen, Alexis stiffened and her eyes flashed fire. All her remaining doubts had evaporated – this bitch definitely needed a hard lesson, and now was the time to deliver it – and she knew just what she wanted to do!

‘Oh!’ replied the Head Girl, with a bright sharp laugh, ‘I’ve been learning other things in the evenings – and I think it’s about time that you did too!’

With that, she moved with the lightning speed of her trained athlete’s reflexes. Alexis spun away from the table to stand directly behind Yuriko’s chair, and before the perplexed Asian teen even realised that the bigger girl was there, Alexis had yanked the chair – and its slim occupant – bodily backwards from the table by about four feet.

Yuriko was about to splutter an outraged protest along the lines of ‘What d’you think you’re doing?!’, but she never got the chance to say it. Alexis spun around again, pivoting with the speed and precision of a gymnast, and dropped down to straddle across Yuriko’s lap, trapping the Asian girl’s legs between her own well-muscled thighs, and pinning her in place with her heavier weight. Yuriko could only manage a squawk, as Alexis seized her upper left arm with one hand, and clamped a grip upon her throat with the other. Yuriko closed her eyes, grimacing partly due to shock and partly to a first twinge of fear – what the shit was going on here? She gave her first sound of uncertainty – a faint whimper – as Alexis shook her lightly by the throat, whilst mocking her helplessness:

‘Did you want to say something, bitch? Didya, huh? You got something to say, yeah?’; then Alexis’s tone turned angrier and darker: ‘You could start by saying sorry, you cunt, you fucking snotty little bitch, fucking smart-ass know-it-all fuckin show-off, yeah! Well, now you’re sure gonna show it all off, oh yeah, you’re gonna give it all up, bitch! Your ass is sure going to be a fucking smart ass once I’m done fucking it!’

Yuriko didn’t really follow this, partly because it was poured out in an angry spate, and partly because Alexis was shaking her ever more viciously as her own words stoked her anger. Yuriko yelped, managed a ‘You can’t do ...’ before Alexis slapped her across the face, causing the lithe Asian girl to give a shrill scream and then to fall silent, looking at the older girl in wide-eyed shock.

Alexis’s warm weight pressed down on Yuriko’s thighs, and the Head Girl was certainly getting even more aroused from her position of conquest and fact that her own legs were spread wide open. She used the moment of Yuriko’s sudden silence to release the girl’s left arm (as Alexis’s grip on her throat was sufficient easily to keep her subdued), and to run her free hand across the Japanese-American girl’s chest, feeling the small bumps of the rise of her breasts, and the slightly harder little lumps where her nipples were. Then Alexis calmly unbuttoned Yuriko’s plain white half-sleeve shirt, tugging it out of the waistband of the girl’s tartan plaid uniform skirt and away to each side.

Yuriko felt her first taste of humiliation as Alexis gazed down scornfully at her almost flat chest. The Head Girl gave a contemptuous snort, and flicked her fingers – with sharply painful effect – on Yuriko’s nipples, which had almost no protection from the grey cotton fabric bra which covered them.

Alexis changed position, moving with such athletic swiftness and grace that Yuriko had no chance of gathering her scattered wits and attempting to escape, before Alexis had her pinioned again. The Head Girl was once more standing behind her victim, and she pulled Yuriko’s shirt down from her shoulders and over the back of the chair, using it partly to trap the girl’s arms behind her.

‘Wait! Please, hold on – stop it, stop it, I tell you! WAIT!!’ shrilled Yuriko, her voice ascending an octave at the end, for of course Alexis had ignored her instruction – she had not waited at all. Leaning forward, with her straight shoulder-length brown hair brushing across the Asian girl’s bare shoulder, Alexis reached down Yuriko’s front. Like a homing missile, the Head Girl’s hand plunged between Yuriko’s thighs and then jerked backwards, rumpling up the front of the smaller girl’s tartan uniform skirt, and smacking Alexis’s fingers right against the plain thin white cotton of Yuriko’s panties, right on the gusset that cradled her tight slit.

The Asian girl gave a shriek of surprised protest. which was ignored. She tried to twist away, which her much stronger assailant, benefiting also from her position of leverage, easily prevented. Yuriko tried to clamp her thighs together to protect her cunt, but it was already much too late for that – in fact, the effect of her action was to press Alexis’s fingers even more firmly into her pussy, making a real cameltoe groove in her panties for the length of her vagina.

Alexis laughed, and forcefully rubbed her index finger up and down this, as Yuriko’s eyes bugged out and she squirmed futilely on the chair, as if it had suddenly become the hot seat. The disoriented Asian teen was at last beginning to realise that there was a definite sexual aspect to the assault that was taking place – and that there was something shockingly thrilling about that, as an undercurrent below her automatic surface response of outraged dignity and fear. She gave a few little gasps, and then almost without thinking eased her thighs slightly apart, in the process unavoidably giving Alexis even more opportunity. The Head Girl snorted, and thought to herself with some triumph:

‘Fucking slut! She’s giving it away, her body is anyway, that’s for sure! Little fucking tramp bitch – I knew it, yeah, I knew it!

Alexis rubbed the middle two fingers of her hand up and down the neat white front of Yuriko’s panties, the material into her tight slit for at least a centimetre, and then probing for her clitoral hood. The Asian girl jumped as if stung when Alexis at last found her target, and then she gave a howl of anguish as her clitoris was sharply nipped between Alexis’s fingers.

‘STOP! AAAGHH – SHIT! STOP, I SAID!! hollered Yuriko, feeling violated and painfully bruised in her most intimate and personal of places.

‘Stupid bitch!’ grunted Alexis, her breath hot against Yuriko’s cheek and throat; ‘I’ll do what I want – and you’ll learn to take it, yeah, you will – and to be fucking grateful for it, too’.

To drive the lesson home, Alexis pushed her hand down inside her desperately squirming victim’s panties, ignoring the voluble protests, and then pinched hard on the outer labia on each side of Yuriko’s pussy, making the Asian girl fill her lungs and scream shrilly – loud enough to be heard, albeit faintly, by the girls on guard duty outside the library door. They laughed, for they knew that a cry of that volume could only mean that Yuriko was getting her medicine from Alexis, good and strong, and that the superior show-off little bitch wasn’t caring for the taste of it, not at all. They high-fived each other in glee, and Miranda murmured in praise of her lover, using her special pet name for her:

‘Yo, Lexie, go, babe – go for it, grind that snotty little bitch-cunt right into the ground! Yeah, that’s my babe!’

Inside the Sixth Form Library, Alexis took an iron grip on Yuriko’s long braided pigtails, and used them to haul the screeching schoolgirl back to the heavy hardwood table where she had been working. The shock of the assault had undermined the Asian teen’s will to resist, and she knew that she was powerless against the much stronger and more aggressive Head Girl. Yuriko’s hope was that her protests and pleas might be heard by someone passing near who would come to her rescue, but then she remembered that the last girls to leave the room had been Jenny, Cecilia and Miranda – Alexis’s cronies – and her heart sank, for at once she guessed that they were stationed outside the door, ready to forestall any interruption.

Yuriko gave a desperate wail, which suddenly turned into an even higher pitch. Taking instant advantage of her victim’s moment of distraction, Alexis had jerked Yuriko’s tartan mini-skirt above her hips, and then – using the Asian girl’s long braids like a tether rope – had roughly the slender teen against the corner of the table, so that its sharp point ground painfully right into the little Jap cow’s cunt. Yuriko’s pretty face scrunched up in agony, as her thin white cotton briefs-style panties gave her young pussy no protection at all. She squirmed and moaned, but Alexis had her pinned mercilessly in place. With a wide gleeful smile – for she knew exactly what effect it would have – the tough dominant Head Girl began to punish Yuriko’s out-thrust ass with hard slaps of her hand, whilst telling the arrogant Asian bitch exactly what she and the rest of the class thought of her. Alexis’s sporty fitness gave her plenty of strength, and her angry feelings imparted an extra viciousness to every blow. Tears streamed down Yuriko’s face, for no one had ever before dared to treat her in such a humiliating way. Her body shuddered with the impact of each spank, and then even more as the corner of the table dug cruelly into the soft flesh of her slit, her bruised labia painfully apart. Yuriko writhed on the sharp point, shocked and horrified as the wetness streaking her face was matched by dampness between her legs, as moisture trickled from her vagina down her inner thighs.

‘Dear God’, thought the bewildered Japanese-American girl, ‘what is happening to me? This can’t be getting me off, it can’t be! I’m not like that, I’m not, I’m NOT!!’

Sensing that her victim was close to passing out, Alexis changed tactics. Giving no warning, she suddenly pulled Yuriko back from the impaling corner of the table. The dazed teen tottered on her feet for a second, and would have collapsed but for Alexis’s firm grip on both of her upper arms. However, the Asian schoolgirl hardly had the chance to draw a breath, for as soon as she had been spun around 180 degrees so that her back was to the table, Alexis lifted her light frame almost bodily and dumped her across it. Yuriko was slammed down on the hard surface on her back – her head fortunately (or perhaps it was due to Alexis’s sportswoman’s judgement of velocity and distance) having its impact cushioned by the large book which she had been reading earlier, but which was now very far from her thoughts.

The pretty Asian schoolgirl was sprawled across the table like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Her breath and all of her powers of resistance had been knocked right out of her, and her arms flopped feebly to each side of her body, not even being raised any more in futile struggles against Alexis’s overwhelming dominance. Yuriko was utterly conquered territory, and a gleam came into Alexis’s eyes as she contemplated the vengeance she intended to wreak on the girl who had so arrogantly tried to take her place and make her a laughing stock.

Alexis’s first move was to tug Yuriko’s bra away from her tits – if either of those things deserved their name. The Asian girl’s breasts were so small that when she was laid on her back like this they almost disappeared from view, and her ‘bra’ was a barely even a training garment, being just a soft strip of lacy grey fabric. Yuriko’s tartan uniform skirt was then pulled right up above its waistband, baring all of her smooth pelvis. Finally, Alexis seized the damp-stained crotch of the quivering Japanese-American girl’s panties, and roughly ripped them down her legs. Yuriko jerked at this denuding of her cunt and let out a fearful wail, for she was filled with apprehension as to what this fearsome dyke intended to inflict upon her defenceless body.

After stripping away Yuriko’s panties, Alexis rubbed them over her own sweaty oozing pussy and then shoved the dirty garment into Yuriko’s mouth – at first, the Japanese girl twisted her head aside and tried to keep her mouth closed, but a sharp pinch of one of her little nipples soon ended that: as the slim teenager gave an involuntary squeal, Alexis jammed the panties in between her parted lips. Yuriko might have tried to spit them out again, but Alexis shifted her stance and clamped a hand across the Asian schoolgirl’s throat, pinning her down with an iron grip and a clear threat. Alexis leaned close to the startled teen’s face, and snarled viciously at her:

‘Stop your fuckin’ struggling, you nasty little bitch, or you’ll regret it even more, believe me!’

Yuriko knew that she was completely over-matched and over-powered, and the last vestiges of any will to resist her Amazon conqueror melted away. Fearful and tearful, she surrendered to Alexis’ rough dominance and lolled limply on the table-top, making no further attempt to remove the soiled panties. Yuriko whimpered and closed her eyes, but offered no physical resistance when Alexis her thighs apart, spreading the Japanese girl’s legs so that her cunt was utterly unprotected.

There was no subtlety about what Alexis did next – no foreplay, and no warning at all. This was assault – , in fact – and as brutal as Alexis’s long-burning anger and resentment could make it. The tall brunette licked the index finger of her right hand once, and then rammed it viciously into the frightened teen’s vaginal hole, spearing nearly four inches inside her. Yuriko gave an appalled and agonised lurch upwards, which Alex’s greater strength and the leverage of her position easily contained, whilst the violated girl’s agonised hoarse scream was muffled by the gagging panties. Yuriko was so shocked by this finger- that she slumped back again to lie dazed and supine, as Alexis, with a grim smile of satisfaction on her face, began to pump her finger in and out, roughly and unmercifully ravaging the small Asian girl’s tight little vaginal passage.

Yuriko was not quite a virgin – she had done it once, with a slightly older cousin during the previous summer vacation, but he had been quite fumbling and had barely managed to rupture her hymen before he came with a gasp, squirting an unpleasant load of spunk over the inside and outside of her vaginal lips. It had not been satisfying in any way and wasn’t something she had felt any particular wish to repeat, now that she could airily state that she was not a virgin. So Alexis’s intrusions entered her with a force and a depth hitherto unknown, and in truth this was the real taking of her virginity.

A moment later, Yuriko gave another agonised wail of distress, for Alexis had changed her angle of attack to a more horizontal one – and had inserted her second digit as well. The pair of fingers was wider and longer than anything that ever entered the flat-chested girl’s pussy before, and she simply did not know how to cope with these violent and pulverising intrusions. However, whilst Yuriko’s mind was in a dazed whirl, her body began purely automatically to respond to the physical stimulus.

Yuriko’s small breasts suddenly felt twitchy and tender, and her nipples hardened in a way they never had before. Worse still, as the appalled victim began to register, her pussy was oozing damp sticky fluids, her labia were engorged and opening, and her body was actually matching the rhythm of Alexis’s finger-fucking, with her pelvis humping upwards in an automatic attempt to make the penetrations even more forceful and deeper. Yuriko gave a deep moan of bewilderment – was she, could she be, actually in some sick way enjoying this? Was she, perhaps, a lesbian? Her thoughts skittered away from the latter doubt, unwilling to face the implications of her bodily reactions, but she could not ignoring the ignition of her sexual arousal, and her moans turned into desperate whimpering gasps of mounting desire.

Alexis gave a wild laugh – the gamble was paying off! She had suspected that Yuriko might be pussy-fodder, that her apparent disinterest in boys and disinclination for anything with sexual overtones was a self-induced shield to obscure – from herself, as much as anyone else – her actual lesbian orientation. Alexis did find the sassy little Asian bitch a turn-on, and in fact that was the cause of much of the trouble between them: Alexis knowingly, and Yuriko unconsciously, were strongly attracted to each other’s type. Alexis had always liked the tomboys, the bright slim girls with trim taut asses – and Yuriko’s was one of the neatest around. Now Yuriko was discovering that her taste was to be submissive to the sexual desires of a more powerful woman – someone more developed, with bigger tits than hers, but most of all someone more powerful, more forceful, someone to command her and use her sexually and take her without mercy ...

Yuriko’s thoughts spun inside her head almost hysterically, confusion and certainty chasing each other in ever-decreasing circles:

‘Oh, God! Oh, no, no, no!’ she mumbled into the soiled panties that were jammed into her mouth, simultaneously both repelled and intrigued by their strong smell and taste; ‘I’m not ... not a, a pussy-lover .... I can’t be, even if I don’t like boys – and their dicks and their squirty grey cum are just so disgusting – but, really, that don’t mean ... no! I’m not a lezzie ... no, no, I’m too pretty to be a dyke ... like Alexis ... oh, help, what’s she DOING to me, oh! ... AAAARGHHHH!!’

The yell was the product of Alexis having now brought her thumb into play, and she jabbed it against the younger girl’s clitoris with an abrasive circular motion each time her long fingers smacked home into the Asian teen’s vaginal passage. The effect was devastating and explosive – poor Yuriko, who had never had a proper orgasm before in her whole life, was swept away by the hot flushing sensations radiating from the target zone of Alexis’s attack. The cum-streaked panties tumbled from the whimpering girl’s mouth, disregarded by both the convulsing victim and her ruthless assailant, as Yuriko’s thoughts whirled dazedly, and the sexual response of her slim girly body mounted – until at last her sudden new self-knowledge became overpowering:

‘Oh, shit, what’s the lesbo bitch doing to me?!! It feels so ... EEEEKK!!! Ahhh, ooooohhhh, no-no-no!! OH! mmmmm? aahh ... yes? oh, please, oh! mmm! mmmmm!! Oh, fuck me! Dear God, what am I saying? Oh, shit, I am a lezzie, I am a girlie-slut, I just want her to fuck me harder, I just need it ... you bitch, Alexis, oh, you bitch! you’ve made me a lesbian, oh, well then – c’mon, just fuck me, just fuck me all you want, DO ME! FUCK ME!! I’M GONNA CUM!!!’

This understanding rose to the surface of Yuriko’s conscious mind like a volcanic eruption of hot lesbian lava, burning away in its intense red fire all of her previous assumptions about herself and her sexuality. It took a little longer for the Asian girl fully to accept her sapphic orientation, for a part of her still tried to explain away her submissiveness as the natural response of the terrified victim of a vicious assault. Ironically, this very feeling of being powerless and dominated had a stimulating effect, as Yuriko’s body became more and more aroused by her situation. Within moments, with her eyes squeezed tightly closed, Yuriko’s body shuddered with a convulsive orgasm, a starburst of intense release which was like nothing she had ever known before – or had even suspected was in the realms of possibility. Yuriko was stunned and overwhelmed – so much so that, in combination with the pain inflicted by Alexis’s merciless assault and her fear of what else might be in store, she almost passed out, and only several firm slaps of her face from Alexis kept her conscious.

Alexis gave a grunt of satisfaction, but her agenda was still far from fulfilled. She stroked her fingers around the quivering Asian babe’s pussy, scooping up vaginal juices on her fingertips and then tasting them judiciously. Not bad, she thought to herself, the fucking little bitch doesn’t taste too bad at all.

To Yuriko’s further shock – for she had hoped now to be released – Alexis reinserted her finger, and resumed her pussy-pumping, although slower and less frenetically. The Head Girl added a new twist, quite literally, for she reached upwards with her thumb, probing under the Japanese girl’s clitoral hood, and found the swollen bud of Yuriko’s clit. Pressing down on this with the ball of her thumb, Alexis rotated it from side to side, in synchronisation with her renewed finger-fucking of the girl’s vagina. This treatment had a sure and swift effect – within less than a minute, Yuriko wailed in mingled terror and ecstasy, as her slim body spasmed in a second climax, even more powerful than the first.

Alexis released her hold on the girl’s throat, for any such threat was no longer needed. She took a moment to unzip Yuriko’s tartan mini-skirt and pull it down her legs and over her feet, and then she rolled the inert girl over onto her stomach. Two sharp jerks stripped away the Japanese schoolgirl’s coquettish white knee-high socks, and a quick snap undid the clasp in the backband of her thin grey bra. Before Yuriko could gather her thoughts or breath, Alexis used the Asian girl’s long braids to haul her to her feet, and she now propelled the completely nude teenager over to an old-fashioned armchair on the other side of the room. This had been prepared already by Alexis’s accomplices, for hidden underneath the large soft cushion which had been placed on its seat were three lengths of strong climbing rope – as Alexis had learnt in her own sessions with Coach Saunders and her circle, and had recently begun practicing herself with the willing Jenny and Cecilia, this was perfect for bondage.

Yuriko simply didn’t know what was happening to her, either in the immediate sense of what sexual degradation her captor intended to inflict upon her next, or in the more profound sense of why she was making no real resistance. That was really the most bewildering thing: why was she not fighting back like a hell-cat? why was she just submitting? and, even worse, why she was starting to get so turned on by this, well – lesbian was really the only term for it? Yet, she could not pretend that she not been thrilled to her innermost core – a core she had never suspected even to exist – as the engulfing explosions of her orgasms lingered vividly in every fibre of her slender young body.

So it was that, without a struggle, a strangely-subdued and silent Yuriko allowed Alexis to position her exactly where she had planned. The Asian girl was made to kneel on the cushion, sideways across the seat of the chair, with her hands braced on its left arm to hold her upright. Swiftly and expertly, Alexis wound one of the bondage ropes ten or twelve times around Yuriko’s wrists and between them, also looping it tightly over the strong wooden arm of the chair, so that the Japanese girl’s hands were tied together and fixed so firmly that it was impossible for the pretty teen to move them.

As Alexis picked up the other two lengths of rope and moved around to Yuriko’s butt, the Asian girl began a renewed whimpering and snivelling, making broken supplications that were half apologies and half pleadings for Alexis to stop – which, of course, having quite other plans in mind, the sexually-charged Head Girl had no intention of doing. It was the work of only a moment to use the shorter of the two remaining cords to bind Yuriko’s ankles together, where they projected outwards for about eighteen inches below the right-hand arm of the chair. Finally, Alexis took the longest length of rope and tied it tightly six times around each of Yuriko’s legs, mid-way down her thighs, and then wound it between them and fixed it firmly to the right arm of the chair.

The result of the bondage was to pinion Yuriko into complete immobility, with an added demonic touch – for instead of having her legs spread apart, the Asian teen’s thighs were almost touching. As Alexis had intended, this made the tomboyish girl’s butt stick out at a perfectly fuckable height, with her pussy-mound easily accessible from behind, whilst at the same time it compressed Yuriko’s cunt between her legs so that the effect of any intrusion into it would be magnified ten or twentyfold.

Alexis admired her prisoner – really, the shitty little cunt was a pretty thing once you stripped her of her arrogance, and of her clothes too, of course! The handsome dominant ran her hands over Yuriko’s tiny tits (noting with appreciation and amusement that the little nipples were as hard as granite), then down her spine from her neck to the cleft of her ass, and finally she squeezed the bound girl’s buttocks, causing her to shiver and shake.

‘Well, bitch, now it’s time to really teach you some lessons, really teach you your proper place – as pussy-fodder!’ declared Alexis with a hungry smile.

Yuriko gasped, for she had been vainly hoping (or at least, part of her had) that her ordeal was nearly over.

‘Oh, no, no! Alexis, no, please – I’m begging you, please – no more! I can’t, really I can’t!’ wailed the bound schoolgirl, even though she knew deep down that any pleas were futile.

Alexis laughed harshly, lent forwards and gave a sharp pinch to one of Yuriko’s nipples, which elicited a d yelp of pain and fear from the Japanese-American girl.

‘You stupid, stupid little cunt’, declared the Head Girl scornfully, and, to Yuriko’s horror, she added: ‘we’ve hardly started yet, you stupid fucking bitch – that was just a little warm-up, getting you in the mood, as it were!’, and Alexis laughed again, delighted by the expression of shocked dismay on her victim’s pretty face.

Then she walked round to stand in front of Yuriko, and slowly unbuttoned her white uniform shirt, peeling it away to reveal the fit and lithe body beneath, and the small pert 28B cup breasts that were encased in a plain and simply-styled black bra. Alexis held Yuriko’s gaze for a moment, well aware that the younger girl was drinking in the sight of her body, and then she continued with her almost lascivious strip-tease. Leaving the bra in place, Alexis unfastened her red tartan uniform skirt and cast it aside to reveal a matching pair of black thong panties. The older schoolgirl then hitched her thumbs into the waistband of her panties at each hip, and as she peeled the skimpy garment away from her cunt and down her thighs, she was rewarded by the shaky sigh which escaped Yuriko’s lips at her first sight of Alexis’s naked and smooth-shaven pussy.

The Head Girl kept on her bra, her dark brown knee-high stockings and her smart flat black school shoes, for she always felt more erotically aroused when she was partly dressed than when she was totally naked. Yuriko had fallen silent and was gazing at her saucer-eyed, and the vision of the young Asian girl in submissive mood suddenly turned on Alexis very much, for slender small-titted tomboy types were just what she liked best. With a merry laugh, Alexis grasped Yuriko’s chin and French-kissed the spluttering girl, her tongue into the bound teenager’s mouth and sweeping it around in a way that her captive found strangely pleasant. Yuriko hardly knew what response to make to this turn of events, for half of her was in hysterical denial and the other half was exulting in every sexual sensation – and the really terrifying thing was that the exultant part seemed to be winning!

In the moment that Yuriko was distracted by these thoughts, Alexis had knelt down and rummaged in a small canvas bag, which had been placed behind the chair when the other preparations were made. When Alexis stood up with the item in her hand, Yuriko’s eyes really did bug out, and she started a wailing plea of distress – for the dominant dyke was holding what was clearly a grey plastic dildo, alarmingly long and wide, together with its black base-plate and strap-on harness (in fact, it was the same girl-fucking device that had been Alexis’s birthday present from Coach Saunders).

‘No, nooooo, ooh! NO!! Don’t you do that ... no, I can’t take that, what are you thinking of?! Oh, dear God please help me, have mercy, Alexis please ... I’m sorry for anything that I did, really sorry, I promise I am, just don’t do that to me, oh! please not that!’ shrieked Yuriko in a long torrent, her eyes fixed on the dildo like a chicken getting its first sight of the snake.

Alexis waited for a moment to see if this caterwauling would subside, standing in front of Yuriko with one hand on her hip and the other holding the dildo and its harness. However, quite soon she lost patience, and a sharp smack across Yuriko’s tearful face restored silence.

‘You’ll take it, you fucking little twat!’ snapped the Head Girl; ‘you’ll take it any way I want to make you, and you can scream all you fucking like – no one’s going to hear you, you’re all mine tonight, so you’d better learn to like it, cunt!’

Yuriko swallowed and two tears ran silently down her cheeks, the result not only of fear about the forthcoming of her most intimate parts, but also of fear that she might ... unbelievably, but just possibly she might ... actually be getting off on it.

Alexis stood just inches from Yuriko’s face, holding the dildo and its harness in her right hand and rubbing the lips of her own labia with her left, as she savoured the slim Asian girl’s transparent conflict between fear and physical arousal. Then she closed the gap between them, grasping the back of Yuriko’s head and the helpless girl’s mouth against her tormentor’s pussy.

‘Wet me up, you fucking bitch, and wet me good!’ imperiously ordered the Head Girl, adding ominously: ‘it’ll go worse for you if you don’t, it’ll take me longer and harder to get off on fucking you, so you’d better eat out my cunt now, you dirty little slut!’

Even with this obvious incentive, Yuriko instinctively balked at first – but Alexis had the answer to this, and she simply pinched the girl’s nostrils closed until she had to open her mouth to breathe, whereupon Alexis rammed her pussy into the gap. This was too much for the dazed Asian teen to withstand, and, with a despairing sob, she accepted her fate – that she would have to endure whatever Alexis dealt out to her, and that she had better comply with her conqueror’s every command. Yuriko began frantically to lick around the older girl’s swollen and parted labia, and then dipped her tongue into the hot moist slit between. It was her first-ever sampling of female cunt and pussy-juice, and she found the textures and tastes to be exotic and strangely fascinating, unique and almost impossible to describe.

Alexis grunted in satisfaction as she felt the slim Japanese-American’s tongue probe her vagina and then quest around her clitoris, and she smiled triumphantly at the girl’s vigorous application to her task. As an experiment, she relaxed her hold on the back of Yuriko’s head, and sure enough the teen continued her sucking and licking, if anything even more avidly, rather than taking the opportunity to pull away. This evidence that Yuriko had a suppressed lesbian side (or maybe was entirely lesbian), and that Alexis was it into the open, gave the older girl a rich sensual thrill – and it was this, more than Yuriko’s novice oral fumblings, that brought the Head Girl with a fountaining rush to a small sharp climax. Alexis’s back arched and her hips spasmed, grinding her cunt against Yuriko’s nose and mouth, and the Asian girl’s face was suddenly spattered with cum-juice, which she automatically lapped up even without thinking about it.

‘Not bad, not bad for a first effort’, laughed Alexis, ‘and you’ll learn, you’ll get better, don’t worry!’

Yuriko might have asked tremulously what she meant by that ... would there be more such occasions? The thought sent strange shivers down her spine, simultaneously fearful and thrilling ... but the question went unasked, as Yuriko bit her lower lip in apprehension – for Alexis had stepped back a pace, and was buckling the dildo harness around her hips. Once the strap-on was firmly in place, Alexis thrust its smooth grey plastic rod almost into her prisoner’s face, exhibiting unequivocally its intimidating length and diameter. Yuriko moaned, for she was quite sure that her small tight slit could never take an object of such massive size – it would split her apart, it would rip her open, it would be agony!

Alexis disappeared from the shivering Asian girl’s sphere of vision, as she moved round to position herself behind the bound schoolgirl’s trim and sexy ass, straddling her legs. The Head Girl carefully positioned the tip of the dildo in line with the base of Yuriko’s pussy-slit, and then leaned forwards over her captive, her extra inches of height giving her an easy advantage. She rubbed her breasts – still encased in the small neat black bra – against Yuriko’s shoulder-blades, arousing herself whilst making her captive shiver at the sharp pressure of her hard nipples. Alexis ran her hands along Yuriko’s flanks, from under her arms down to her outer thighs and then back up again, to take a light but possessive hold at the Asian schoolgirl’s waist.

Alexis paused for a moment, savouring the anticipation of what would come next and relishing the soft broken whimpering that the once-haughty Yuriko had been reduced to. Then she breathed softly in the trapped girl’s ear ‘I’m having you, bitch ... you’re all mine, now’, before leaning her whole weight forwards and steadily the dildo to sink deeper and deeper into the squirming teen’s twat. So far as her tight bonds would allow, Yuriko’s whole body jumped and lurched in protest at the invasion, although it was not as painful as she had feared, in fact, in some ways ... yes, in some ways ... it was quite arousing.

Although she was not actually a virgin, Yuriko was in reality almost completely inexperienced, and she had never known anything like this before. The Asian teen gasped and shuddered as the dildo slid further into her tight little hole, stretching her labia apart and rasping against the sides of her vaginal tube. It seemed to trigger nerve-endings that she never even known existed, sending pulsating shocks and electric tingles through her pelvis – which began to hump in response as Alexis withdrew the plastic phallus and then thrust it back in, repeating this over and over again with steadily increasing speed and forcefulness. Yuriko felt shamed and humiliated by her own sexual response, for her vagina had undeniably become slushly wet and loosely open. Amazingly, her trim little pussy was managing to absorb the full length of the plastic dildo, and, although it was stretched in a way that inextricably mingled pain and pleasure, it seemed to be able to cope with its frightening diameter as well.

Yuriko’s pussy gaped wider and became slick with her secreting fluids, and the long hard plastic dildo began to make a wet sucking sound as it smacked in and out of her cunt. Hearing this, a wolfish grin spread across Alexis’s sharp features, and the athletic sports-girl stepped up the pace and the power of her thrusts. These still deeper penetrations evoked moaning cries from the lithe Asian teenager, but it was becoming hard to tell whether these were the sounds of distress or of impending climax. Yuriko’s breath began to come in ragged gasps and started to synchronise with the grunts which Alexis made every time she slammed her hips forward to impale Yuriko’s vagina with the strap-on.

Alexis was thoroughly getting off on her hard riding of the attractive Asian’s pussy, and was sufficiently expert that as she felt her own climax build, she paced her strokes in and out of the younger girl to match. The coup de grace was delivered when Alexis paused for a long second, holding them both on the cusp, and then rammed viciously hard into Yuriko, deeper than ever before, whilst simultaneously she reached under the tomboyish teen’s flat chest to pull and squeeze her tiny breasts.

‘Aaaaahhh! Aaaarrgghh! Oh, no, I’m coming, I’M COMING!’ shrieked Yuriko, as the orgasm swept her away; ‘fuck me, Alexis! Oh, fuck me, HARDER! Fuck me, FUCK ME! – I’m coming, oooohhh, I’m coming NOW!’

Yuriko’s whole body vibrated as she climaxed, and the sensation was a complete revelation to the Asian girl – neither the stupid incident with her inexpert cousin or her own tentative masturbatory fumblings had ever hinted that sex could be like this, could utterly blow you away like this! She would have slumped down if the rope restraints had permitted it; as it was, she was sweat-sheened and trembling like a yearling filly that has just won a major race.

Alexis withdrew the cum-coated dildo from the dazed teen’s cunt, but Yuriko was rapidly disd of any ideas that her lessons in lesbian sex might be over. The Japanese-American girl’s pussy might not be virgin, but Alexis was sure that her ass was, and she intended to be the first to break it in. She adjusted her angle of attack, bracing her hands against Yuriko’s back, and probed the dildo into her prisoner’s anal bud. This had immediate and satisfyingly galvanic effects, as Yuriko thrashed in her bonds and shrieked imprecations and tearful begging not to be done there, oh God, no, not in that way, oh, no, please not there, she was not like that at all!

Ignoring completely the younger girl’s pleas for mercy (of which there was, of course, no chance at all!), Alexis thrust upwards, dilating Yuriko’s sphincter and reaming her tightly restricted butt-hole. It was harder to work the dildo into the horrified girl’s anus than it had been to penetrate her vagina, but Alexis was not to be deterred, and she braced one foot on the chair for better balance and more powerful leverage. Then she grasped Yuriko’s pair of long braided pigtails and hauled the girl’s head up and back, which presented her butt-hole at an even better angle for impalement, so that Alexis’s forceful intrusion sank home even further. Yuriko shrieked as her asshole lost its virginity to Alexis’s brutal invasion – in the process, shattering forever the Asian bitch’s sense of invulnerable superiority. In final humiliation, Alexis reached over Yuriko’s head and took a painful grip of her nose, inserting two fingers into her nostrils; this held the smaller girl tightly in place for her anal and also cut off almost all of her shrieks and yells.

Alexis demolished Yuriko’s anal cherry with a series of short, vicious, jabbing penetrations, exulting in the agonised screams that were wrenched from her victim’s throat. Tears poured down the Asian girl’s face, partly from the physical pain of the anal , and partly from the sheer humiliation of being used so heedlessly as another girl’s sex object, as if she was worthy of no consideration at all – which, of course, was exactly how Alexis regarded her! This feeling of being of no value was utterly alien to the spoilt and prideful Japanese-American bitch, and she was unable to cope with it. After all that she had already endured from Alexis during this seemingly endless evening, it was an overload – to the physical senses in the first instance, but then more profoundly to the psychological. At the moment that Alexis burst her anal bud with the heavy plastic rod, something also broke in Yuriko’s psyche – never again would she be so arrogant, never again would she be so superior, never again would she try to outshine or embarrass another girl.

It was more than Yuriko’s spirit that Alexis broke, for she also sent shockwaves through the subconscious dam that the Asian teenager had been quite unaware of – the thick wall of denial behind which she had contained every thought and impulse of a lesbian or submissive nature. Indeed, it was actually over-compensation for these (and especially the latter) which had made her into such an insufferably overbearing and arrogant little bitch. Now there was nothing to hold back her true nature, as her body and her conscious mind both betrayed her with their aroused responses to the and assault that Alexis was inflicting upon her.

Yuriko slumped forwards to the limited extent that her strict bondage allowed, and sobbed brokenly as tears coursed wet streaks down her cheeks. However, she no longer begged for release from her sexual molestation, but waited in a mental daze for whatever her captor intended – the first unmistakeable sign of her collapse into passive submission.

Alexis sensed that this was the moment of vulnerability, and she leaned over Yuriko’s back, menace and threat evident in every taut muscle of her lean and poised body. She jerked sharply on Yuriko’s long braids, pulling the younger girl’s head upwards and stifling her snivelling. With her lips almost next to Yuriko’s right ear, the Head Girl hissed:

‘So, bitch – have you learned your lesson now, hmm? The lesson is, your cunt and tits and ass all belong to me, for whatever I want and whenever I want them, yeah? Goddit, you flat-chested Jap fuck-hole?’

Yuriko could only dumbly nod her agreement, and with it, her unconditional surrender. Yet she also felt an undercurrent of strange furtive excitement, actually almost an eagerness to find out what would come next, in her new role as authoritative Alexis’s humble sex-slave.

‘Good, that’s good,’ Alexis acknowledged, and then to Yuriko’s resurgent fear and horror, she added, with a harsh and gleeful laugh: ‘because now it’s time for lesson number two. So, bitch, d’you know what that’s gonna be? Do ya, you stupid slit-eyed twat?’

Yuriko’s eyes filled with tears again, and she had to admit to having no idea.

‘It’s simple enough, quite simple enough’, explained Alexis, as a huge grin spread across her handsome features, ‘it’s a lezzie gang-bang, because every girl in our class who wants to fuck you over will get her chance tonight!’

The image which this conjured up was almost too much for Yuriko, and she nearly fainted from the fear of what it might entail. However, she was also sustained by the other part of her – the new, hitherto unsuspected part of her – which was making her stomach churn with excitement at the prospect of being sexually d by more girls and to do whatever lesbian acts they commanded.

Yuriko whimpered and shuddered when Alexis slowly withdrew the projecting plastic pillar from her ass-hole, after which the older girl undid the buckles of the strap-on and set it down near the armchair, on the wooden floor. In a strangely-detached dazed mixture of fright and anticipation, the lightweight Asian teen allowed Alexis to untie her, without giving the slightest resistance or making any attempt to escape. The broken submissive then meekly followed the Head Girl’s instructions to put back on her white knee-high stockings and school-uniform red tartan mini-skirt – and nothing else. Nor did Yuriko balk when Alexis turned her around and pushed her down to sit on the chair, before once more fixing her victim firmly in place with repeated loops of cord.

The Asian babe’s legs were fixed wide apart as her knees and ankles were lashed tightly to the wooden arms of the chair, whilst her wrists were tied near to the top of its back, on either side and little above the level of her head. Alexis then pulled the Japanese-American teen’s red tartan skirt up around her waist, so that her cunt was bared to view and utterly unprotected. In this position, the helpless schoolgirl was completely vulnerable to any sexual perversion that might be inflicted upon her. To underline this, Alexis reached down and removed from the bag a new item – a bright red ball-gag, which she pushed into Yuriko’s mouth, stifling any squeals of protest that the slim seventeen-year-old might make. This final touch was for psychological effect rather than any actual need for silence, for it was intended to break Yuriko’s willpower and render her still more submissive for what was to follow. It had the desired effect, and Yuriko whimpered and gazed up pleadingly at her conqueror, who responded by reaching down and pinching each of the pinioned girl’s tits, making her jerk in her bondage from the resulting sharp stabs of pain.

‘You look quite fuckable like that’, Alexis grudgingly admitted; ‘yeah, you’re gonna make a pretty cute little fuck-bitch for all of us, and you’d better get used to it real fast, you slutty little Chinkie tight-twat!’

Muzzled by the ball-gag, Yuriko silently snivelled – partly in fear of the fate still to befall her completely defenceless breasts and pussy, and partly in humiliation at Alexis’s contemptuously abusive words. The final hurtful insult was that the dominant Head Girl had not even got Yuriko’s ethnicity right: she was an American, of parents whose families had come from Japan – she was certainly not Chinese!

Alexis was on top of the world, and enjoying every second of her crushing demolition of her impudent upstart of a rival. Slowly rubbing her own pussy as she savoured the anticipation of the lesbian of Yuriko that was still to come, she strolled across to the Sixth Form Library door. Quietly opening it, the Head Girl beckoned Miranda and Jenny into the room, and gave Cecilia an affirmatory nod. The latter smiled broadly, and trotted away down the corridor on her pre-assigned errand, whilst the other two girls followed Alexis back into the room, shutting the door carefully behind them. They approached the figure bound to the chair, and Miranda and Jenny admired the nearly-nude and piteously whimpering Asian chick. They had never seen her in a sexual context such as this before, and – as the experienced Alexis knew very well – Yuriko looked even sexier with the remnants of her school uniform still on than she would have done if she had been stripped completely naked.

Miranda took the next turn in the gang-bang that a trembling Yuriko now knew that she was in for, quickly donning the strap-on and then shoving it into the bound girl’s vagina like a battering ram, with no prelude at all. Miranda was nearly as rough as Alexis had been, but the sobs and shrieks that the resulting intense combination of pain and stimulation elicited from Yuriko were cut off by the ball-gag, so that only a droning whine remained. Whilst her friend was excavating Yuriko’s vagina, Jenny sharply tugged Yuriko’s small tits, making her squirm – but also further exciting her, and rapidly making her come for the fourth time. Miranda grunted in satisfaction as she forcefully shafted Yuriko, slamming the plastic rod so vigorously in and out of the Asian teenager’s cunt that her head – the only part of her body free to move – jerked and bounced from side to side, further increasing the d schoolgirl’s disorientation.

With a long gasp, Miranda orgasmed, freezing in place as she did so, with the dildo completely buried in Yuriko’s bruised pussy. Then, bracing herself with one hand against the back of the armchair, Miranda unbuckled the harness and stepped backwards out of the strap-on, leaving the impaling dildo fixed where it was. Yuriko was shocked beyond belief, and utterly humiliated – these bitches were using her as if she was nothing, just a sex-object, a receptacle for their lusts! With a laugh of appreciation, Jenny stepped into the vacated space, and leaned forwards until her crotch nestled against the inside of the strap-on’s faceplate. Miranda then quickly tightened the harness around her friend’s waist and hips, and Yuriko’s pleading eyes bulged as the pretty eighteen-year-old claimed her turn to the bitchy know-it-all, who was now learning all too vividly how little about the sexual world she actually did know.

Jenny’s technique was different from the two dominant sporty dykes who had preceded her, but her more subtle strokes and twirls had an equally explosive effect upon the nerve-endings in Yuriko’s vaginal tube and the sensitive nub of her clitoris. The trapped teen began giving staccato nasal snorts around the impediment of the ball-gag, and her heart-rate and breathing rapidly increased as she approached yet another climax. Jenny added another stimulant, and – without slowing her casually long and slow strokes with the dildo – she bent forwards and sucked Yuriko’s pointedly-erect right nipple into her mouth, licking it and then nipping it slightly between her teeth. That touch of sharpness was the final trigger, and sweat poured down Yuriko’s face and neck as, in her moment of ecstasy her back arched as far as the tight lashings of her bondage permitted.

Just as Jenny withdrew the strap-on from Yuriko’s ravaged pussy-hole, the door into the library opened. Cecilia had returned, accompanied by six more girls from the Upper Sixth Form – two of them still in school uniform, and the others wearing dressing gowns over various states of undress. When she saw how many there were, and the lustful anticipatory expressions on their faces, Yuriko set up a wailing and pleading noise. Of course, this was quite ineffective, for it was exactly the crushed and distressed sound that they all wanted to elicit from the superior little show-off, and it only encouraged them to her even more roughly and contemptuously.

For the next thirty minutes, Yuriko was mercilessly initiated into her future role as a lesbian sex-toy, as the new arrivals took turns in all three of the Japanese-American girl’s holes. However, the beginning was gentle enough, as the first in line was a slight and pretty natural blonde named Clara, who apart from Yuriko was the youngest-looking girl in their class. Ever since her first seduction by an exotic and elegant Malaysian air hostess during a long-haul flight to Singapore when she was only fourteen, Clara had adored having sex with Asian women, and she had been frustrated by Yuriko’s incomprehension of, and indifference to, the overtures that she had made. Now, however, the naive Asian teen would have no choice but to fulfil her desires!

Standing in front of the roped girl, Clara slinkily shed her knee-length navy blue dressing gown to reveal a vision of pale-skinned girlish flesh, for beneath it she was completely naked apart from a pair of milky-white traditional stockings and the pink suspender belt to which they were clipped. Rather like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an onrushing car, Yuriko stared at the beautiful blonde’s body and the parted puffy lips of her clean-shaven Venus mound. After a short pause to savour Yuriko’s stunned mixture of admiration and apprehension, Clara stepped forwards, lithely swung one leg over each side of the armchair, and lowered her moist gash to within a few inches of the bound teenager’s face. After a quick glance towards Alexis to ensure that she had permission, which was given with an amused nod, Clara unstrapped Yuriko’s gag and removed the red plastic ball from between her lips.

‘Oh! Clara! I don’t know – I’m not a – oh, help!! Wait, no – please! I don’t – eeeeeekk, mmm-rrr-mumpff! nuughff-ummmppff!!’

Yuriko only had the chance to get out a few words before the ball-gag was replaced by the wet slap of a warm cunt against her face, as Clara’s gaping labia covered the prisoner’s mouth and reduced her words to muffled incoherence. In the course of trying to complete whatever it was she had been attempting to say, Yuriko’s tongue slid into Clara’s vaginal slit, causing the blonde to give a delicious shiver, and to moan:

‘Eat me! Eat my pussy, you sexy cow! C’mon, I’ve been wanting you for so long – make me cum, make me cum on your face – eat me, and then drink me!’

This was Yuriko’s second oral encounter with another girl’s pussy, but it was her first proper exploration of a vagina’s lush giving moist warmness, and her first opportunity fully to savour the exotic sweet-and-sour mixture of juices that flow from a lubricated slit. The Asian teen found it strangely exciting, even enticing, and her inhibitions and reluctance fell away. Yuriko began to lap at Clara’s pussy, squirming her tongue inwards and swirling it around – she did not really know what technique was right, so she just tried everything and anything that she could think of. This naivety, together with her obvious new-found willingness to eat cunt, quickly sent the already highly-aroused blonde into the sexual stratosphere. Reaching down, she cupped Yuriko’s small budding breasts and softly caressed them, and the contrast of this soft feminine gentleness with Alexis’s violent assault was the final element in Yuriko’s conversion to – or, more accurately, her admission and acceptance of – a fully lesbian sexual orientation. The Japanese girl felt a thrill of triumph when Clara released her breasts and clutched at the wooden top of the armchair for support, pressing her pelvis against Yuriko’s face as she quivered in unmistakeable orgasm and cried out sharply in the joy of her moment of release. Clambering off the bound girl, Clara gave her a satisfied smile and then bent forwards and softly kissed her face, nibbling along Yuriko’s pouty lips and sending a shiver down the prisoner’s spine.

‘Thank you, Yuriko – that was nice, in fact pretty good for novice pussy-eating. I’m going to give you lots of opportunities over the next few weeks to practice and get even better’, said Clara, adding with a wink: ‘I think you’d like that, wouldn’t you?’

Blushing with pleasure more than shame or embarrassment, Yuriko shyly nodded her agreement as the girls standing around her laughed and clapped their hands.

‘You see!’ observed Alexis in triumph, ‘I told you she’d be a pussy-girl, I told you she’s a natural lezzer – I can tell, I don’t exactly know how, but I know when a girl needs to be taken and lezzie-fucked, even when she doesn’t even know it herself – like this stupid little show-off bitch! But she’s learning her place now, oh yeah! And it’s under our cunts, that’s her place from now on, with her tongue out and her legs spread wide! She’ll shut her fucking mouth in the classroom, and she’ll fuck us with her mouth in the showers and the bedrooms, that’s how it is from now on! Ain’t it, Yuriko-cunt, yeah? Ain’t that how it’s gonna be, bitch?’

Round-eyed and breathless, Yuriko gazed up at her conquering rapist, but offered no physical resistance or any longer even a verbal protest – in fact, her silence spoke volumes about the sudden change that had been wrought in her psyche, and gave the clearest evidence yet of how far she had journeyed down the road of sapphic submission. Grinning gleefully at her victim’s unconditional surrender, Alexis gripped Yuriko’s jaw in one hand and brought her own fully-shaven prominent pudenda up to the intimidated Asian girl’s mouth, and instructed her in a sharp commanding tone:

‘So – show me your submission, you slut – show me! Worship my cunt and lick my slit, and show that you’re my pussy-girl, show me you’re my lezzie pussy-eating slut!’

Yuriko had no further will to resist – and, she found in wonderment, no desire to do so either. With barely any hesitation, she leaned forwards the few inches that the strict bondage allowed her, and placed a series of soft submissive kisses down Alexis’s vaginal lips, from top to bottom and then back again. Then the Asian babe extended her tongue, delicately slid it between the Head Girl’s labia, and licked slowly around her hot pink gash. Alexis’s nostrils flared and her tits became rigidly hard, but after a moment she pulled back, as she had no intention of allowing Yuriko the privilege of making her come on this first occasion. However, she reassured her conquest by patting her gently on the cheek, and murmuring an approving ‘Good girl, you’re coming on well, you can finish me off another time ... ha ha, lots of other times!’

Alexis then stood aside to enjoy watching the gang-bang that would finally confirm Yuriko’s new place in the order of things – as the bottom lesbian slut, available and submissive to anyone who chose to have her. The dominant Head Girl airily waved the others on, and chuckled as she said:

‘Well, this cunt’s all yours now, my sweethearts, I declare her officially open for use – so, go on, fuck her brains out! Yeah, she’s so sure she’s got so many, little Miss Smart-Ass, so let’s see how much she can take! Ride ’er, cowgirls – ride her good and ride her hard!’

Yuriko gulped with fear, and yet also with a strange undercurrent of electric excitement, as the two black girls in the group stepped forward to double-team her. Mandy and Viola were both the daughters of Jamaican parents, and their common ethnic background and shared secret of being lesbians had drawn them together into being an inseparable couple – very best friends to those who did not know the truth, and red hot lesbian lovers to those who did, and who were often rewarded by a threesome or foursome with the insatiable Afro-Caribbean pair. Both of the statuesque dusky babes were endowed with a thrusting ass, wide hips and enticingly large swaying breasts, and now Mandy shoved first one of her huge brown tits and then the other into Yuriko’s gasping mouth. After a moment, she resumed an upright position and pushed her meaty crotch onto Yuriko’s face, accompanied by a terse instruction to ‘eat me out, bitch, and make it good!’

At the same time, Viola knelt between her lover’s parted legs and focused her attention on the Asian girl’s pussy. Making a V-shape with the first two fingers of her left hand, the black girl spread Yuriko’s tender labia fully apart to reveal the dark pink and glistening flesh between them, and then Viola used the two longest fingers of her right hand to trace her fingernails tantalisingly up and down the exposed inner walls of Yuriko’s vagina. The effect of this stimulus upon the bound girl was pulsatingly erotic, and it sent waves of arousal coursing through her body. As if this was not enough, Viola then changed her technique: placing the first and second fingers of her right hand together to make a rigid point, she sank this into Yuriko’s vagina, sliding home almost to her knuckles. Then the busty Afro-Caribbean began to twist her hand, rotating it through 90 degrees on one side and then back to 90 degrees to the other, whilst on each pass her thumb rasped across Yuriko’s tender and sensitive clitoris. The slim Asian girl began to quiver, although she could hardly believe that her body was capable of more orgasms. Nevertheless, soon she was gasping in the throes of a rapidly-mounting climax.

Feeling like she was a crazed surfer riding a tidal wave that was about to crash over into pounding spray, Yuriko ceased her energetic licking of Mandy’s pussy, and cried out:

‘Oh! Yes, make me come! ... ooohh! do me, please, YES! make me COME! ... make me – OWWW!!’

Her words were cut off by a shriek, as an impatient Mandy slapped the Asian schoolgirl across the face, and snapped at her:

‘Shit, bitch! Stop your mouthing off, and mouth ME off! Get that fucking tongue back in my pussy, you stupid bitch – RIGHT NOW!’

With that, Mandy grabbed the back of Yuriko’s head and ground her crotch against the face of the gasping girl. Yuriko’s cries were now muffled, but the impact upon her of Viola’s increasingly forceful penetrations was if anything magnified by her partner’s rough assertiveness. The consequence was that when a few seconds later Yuriko was overtaken by her most explosive climax so far, her shudders were transmitted directly into Mandy’s cunt, as the Japanese babe’s tongue jerked spasmodically up and down deep inside the black chick’s vagina. This in turn triggered Mandy’s orgasm, during which she took half a pace backwards, seizing and kneading her own pendulous breasts and squirting a flow of cum-juice from her pussy over Yuriko’s face and down onto her upper chest.

Mandy’s orgasm earned the captive no respite, for at once the black schoolgirl exchanged places with her lover, and Yuriko was presented with Viola’s darker-skinned cunt for oral servicing. Meanwhile, Mandy knelt between Yuriko’s bound thighs and began flicking her long fingernails sharply into the trapped girl’s gaping slit. The impacts inflicted a sharp stinging pain that was also curiously – even disturbingly – arousing in its effects, and Yuriko would have given vent to a series of rising high-pitched squeals in response, if her mouth and nose had not been almost suffocatedly jammed into Viola’s pussy. As it was, the combination of the jolting stings in her own vagina and the rich musky smell and dark chocolate texture of Viola’s gaping meaty cunt sent Yuriko into overdrive, until the Japanese teen’s almost frantic oral efforts hit Viola’s G-spot and took her to the crest of climax.

The two black girls grinned to each other and high-fived in satisfaction as they stepped aside to leave the field clear for others, whilst an almost exhausted Yuriko floundered and panted for breath. She had been relatively fortunate so far, in that Clara, Mandy and Viola were of calm and equable temperament, so that Yuriko’s poisonous classroom conduct had only irritated rather than really infuriated them. This was not true of the next girl in line, for Tanya had suffered nearly as much as Alexis from Yuriko’s put-downs. A tall girl with light-brown hair whose mother was from the Czech Republic, she had grown up speaking both Czech and English in the family home. The consequence was that, although fluently bilingual, she had a noticeable trace of central Europe in her English accent. Little Miss Know-it-all Yuriko had foolishly and with great condescension several times corrected Tanya’s pronunciation and her grammar in front of the other girls in the class, saying with an insincere smirk that it was ‘just to be helpful’. Now, oh yes, now Yuriko regretted her stupidity very much indeed, and the bound Asian schoolgirl gulped and swallowed as she saw the hard glitter in the Slavic girl’s dark brown eyes and the vindictive expression on her face.

Looking down at the spread legs and open cunt of the defenceless Asian minx, Tanya licked her lips in anticipation and thought that the famous saying was quite wrong in this instance: revenge was not a dish best served cold at all – it was best when hot, sexually red hot in lust-fuelled anger! She held out a hand towards Alexis, who understood at once what was wanted. The dyke Head Girl picked up her strap-on, and buckled it in place on the lithe brunette. Then, with a fond soft slap on Tanya’s ass, she breathed in the Czech girl’s ear: ‘do her, babe, hard as you like – rip her a new hole!’

‘She’s gonna need this – gonna need something to chew on!’ declared Tanya ominously, as she fixed the ball-gag back into Yuriko’s aching mouth and tightened it firmly in place.

Yuriko whimpered as a humourless, feral smile spread across the face of the tall Slavic brunette who was standing between her open legs and gazing with hunger at her crotch. Even before Tanya touched her, Yuriko began to pant for breath, almost in panic – and then, when Yuriko realised the other girl’s intention, she howled into the muzzling gag. For she had not known, as the other girls in the room did, that Tanya was something of an ass-bandit – that she loved most of all dildo-fucking another girl’s butt-hole. In fact, she had recently nearly got into serious trouble with the school authorities by inducing some eagerly lesbian sixteen year-olds to take it that way, and it was only the circumstance that the bum-fucked chicks had enjoyed it so much and kept coming back for more, and Tanya’s acceptance of an anal gang- herself from a group of the teachers as a punishment, that had saved her from expulsion.

Now the Czech brunette crouched down and pushed the knob of the dildo into the opening of Yuriko’s still tiny ass-hole. Tanya paused for a long moment, savouring the resistance of the tight opening and relishing the sexual terror that she saw on Yuriko’s face, before using her greater height and weight and her position of leverage to force the plastic rod relentlessly into the quaking school-girl’s rectum. With her eyes bulging in pain, Yuriko thrashed and struggled to the very limited amount that the bondage would permit her, but she had been lashed into place by an expert and could barely move. Strange yelping noises were audible around and through the ball-gag in Yuriko’s mouth, and saliva drooled from its edges, as Tanya began a steady rhythm of withdrawals which were then each immediately followed by a mercilessly deep ploughing back into the Japanese-American teen’s anal passage.

In fact, the pain was not nearly as acute as when Alexis had d away her anal virginity, and Yuriko was amazed at the ease with which her ass-hole had dilated and the way in which Tanya’s thrusts, while hard and initially painful, were being accommodated much more easily. Then, to Yuriko’s incredulity, her traitor body began to respond to the sexual stimulus, as she began reflexively thrusting back against Tanya’s pile-driving inward strokes. Sensing this, Tanya began slapping the Asian babe’s exposed breasts, but this only aroused the schoolgirl even more, and suddenly her pelvis bucked and rocked in the throes of another climax. Seeing and feeling this, Tanya felt such a surge of vindicated triumph that – to her own surprise – she orgasmed as well.

The remaining two girls of the group of six were Edwina, the aristocratic daughter of the Marquis of Donoughclere (which gave her the courtesy title of Lady Edwina, although neither her fellow pupils or teachers actually used that), and Fiona. The latter was a classic round-figured, snub-nosed and freckled Irish redhead, whilst Edwina had a short mop of almost black and riotously curly hair. Edwina’s greatest passion was actually riding horses and she was an accomplished show-jumper with cups and medals to prove it, but she was nearly as happy when she was riding a girl instead.

After ordering Yuriko to ‘warm me up, bitch!’ by giving half a dozen licks to her pussy, Edwina strapped on the plastic cock and thrust it into the bound girl’s gaping vagina, which was by now very tender and hyper-sensitive. Eddie, as she was known to all her friends, wasted no time on foreplay and was typically brisk and business-like in her approach, hauling on Yuriko’s two long braided pig-tails as if they were reins. She rode Yuriko as if she was a recalcitrant horse, applying a combination of driving mastery – with her hips swivelling rapidly to nail the dildo home. As an improvised substitute for spurs, Eddie reached between Yuriko’s boyishly-thin thighs to find the softer flesh of her inner thighs, and pinched it sharply, making Yuriko howl in anguish.

Despite the orgasmic marathon she was being subjected to, on this occasion it was not Yuriko who came first, but her assailant. Eddie always tended to be quick to come, and this was no exception, as she grunted in satisfaction and release after giving Yuriko’s hole no more than a couple of dozen rapid penetrations. Having achieved her own peak, Eddie had no interest in whether Yuriko was pleasured as well – in fact, she took some enjoyable pay-back from the fact that her withdrawal of the strap-on had left the snotty Asian upstart a little way short of coming – and that now, bound tightly as she was, the mewling and panting girl was unable to touch herself or do anything to resolve the unsatisfied throbbing desire that was burning in her pussy.

The semi-circle of lesbians around Yuriko laughed maliciously at her discomfort and obvious need, refusing to satisfy it and instead letting her subside into a state of frustrated semi-arousal. Once Yuriko’s breathing had returned to a normal pace, the redheaded Fiona stepped forward to enjoy her turn. Removing the deep brown kimono-style wrap which she had been wearing (and which had so tastefully complemented her hair), her first move was to stand immediately in front of the bound girl’s armchair, but with her back towards her. Yuriko was puzzled as to what this meant – but only for a second, for Fiona then bent forwards from the waist, almost as if she was practising a ‘touch your toes’ limbering-up exercise, and the effect was to thrust her ass in front of Yuriko’s face and then to press it backwards upon her. Yuriko’s mouth and nose disappeared into the cleavage between Fiona’s shapely buttocks, and even before she was ordered to do so, she began kissing and licking all around the redhead’s ass-hole and the broad base of her slit.

As this anal stimulus was proceeding, Fiona reached through between her own thighs and thrust first one finger, and then two, into Yuriko’s vagina, twirling them around to widen the opening even more. Yuriko gave a slight yelp as she felt a third finger join the other two, and now the thrusts became both deeper and harder. Then the bound girl began to panic as Fiona inserted a fourth finger as well, alternating between using them in line vertically to splice Yuriko’s gash, and compressing them into a kind of pillar. Unbelievably for the inexperienced victim, there was still more to come, as Fiona used the opening made by her four fingers to squirm and push her whole hand into the helplessly bound girl’s vaginal passage.

Yuriko shrieked into the ball gag. She could not believe that this was happening – she had heard of it, of course, but had never thought that such a barbaric indignity could ever remotely be inflicted upon her. She was being fisted! A girl was actually her whole wrist and – eeeekkk!!! – part of her forearm into Yuriko’s once-innocent body. The Asian girl was deeply shocked, and at first was quite sure that it was impossible for her to take it – it would simply split her open. However, whilst that would have been true earlier in the evening, in the last couple of hours her pussy had been ploughed so many times that it had been stretched and widened, and she had come so many times that it was soaked with her lubricating fluids. Fiona had been wanting to fist-fuck the little Asian tight-twat for weeks, but knew that to avoid inflicting a serious injury, she would have to let others take their rides first. Now, she relished giving Yuriko her first fisting, as the wide-eyed Japanese-American teen jerked convulsively under the wrenching and shocking impacts of the fist that seemed to be half-way to her womb.

Yuriko’s universe shrank to consist only of Fiona’s ass, which she sucked and licked in frenetic fright, and the amazing sensations emanating from the fisting of her pussy – which she could not see, as Fiona blocked her view. The trapped girl suddenly spasmed in her tightly-lashed bondage, as she orgasmed so fully and profoundly that for a moment she fainted.

However, Yuriko was only out of circulation for a few moments. As consciousness returned, she began to think that her ordeal might be over – which, appallingly, she realised was a source of regret almost as much as of relief about. At first, it seemed that she might be right, as Alexis and Miranda swiftly and expertly untied the ropes binding her arms and legs. In fact, Yuriko had misjudged the situation: surprisingly for such a classroom swot, she had made a mistake in basic arithmetic. The six girls who had arrived at Cecilia’s summons had all slaked their lusts, but Cecilia herself had not yet had a turn. This was deliberate, as it was a key part of Alexis’s careful planning that her friend would go last.

Taking a firm grip on Yuriko’s arms, Alexis and Miranda lifted her out of the chair and held her upright – support which was very necessary, as the combination of the euphoria induced by repeated climaxes, physical exhaustion and the pain of returning circulation all made Yuriko totter and struggle to keep her balance, as the room seemed to sway and circle around her. Meanwhile, Cecilia had removed her white school shirt and the regulation-colour, if rather naughtily skimpy, white bra that encased her shapely breasts – a pyramidal pointy pair of 28C’s. Naked above the waist, Cecilia lay down on the library floor on her back, spread her legs apart, and then flicked her short red tartan uniform skirt up to her waist – revealing, to Yuriko’s gasp, that she was wearing no panties, and fully exposing her pussy. Cecilia had long straight brown hair, which for some reason she had unusually put up into a coil on her head, and her vagina was framed by a closely-trimmed triangular patch of dark-brown pubic hair.

Yuriko scarcely understood what was happening, as Alexis and Miranda almost bodily lifted her across and then laid her down on top of Cecilia, but the other way round, so that her head nestled into the V made by the join of the other’s girl’s thighs, whilst her own crotch descended upon Cecilia’s waiting face. Now Yuriko understood – this was the 69 position, of which she had of course heard, but only in theory, but now she could appreciate its possibilities of mutual sapphic satisfaction. Without needing instruction, she gripped Cecilia’s inner thighs in her hands, and began to kiss and lick the lower girl’s cunt, teasing the tip of her tongue in between her labial lips.

Cecilia gave a contented sigh – she just loved 69s, and loved having her pussy eaten. However, there was another reason for this arrangement beyond mere pleasure (mere! thought Cecilia with a gasp and quaver, for the little bitch Yuriko was really quite a quick learner, and after the crash-course induction in cunt-sucking that she had just been subjected to, she was definitely getting the hang of it – and seemed to growing more eager for girl-on-girl sex!). Indeed, Yuriko was beginning to enjoy herself and really get into her stride, embracing enthusiastically her newly-revealed sexual identity, and so she was oblivious to what was going on around her. She did not notice Miranda reaching downwards and d Yuriko’s uniform skirt over Cecilia’s head like a tent, hiding the brunette’s face from view but without for a second interrupting her slurping invasions of the Asian girl’s crevice. Nor did Yuriko notice that Miranda and all the other girl’s stepped backwards out of view, whilst Alexis removed the final object from the bag which had been cached beneath the chair. This was a small compact video camera, and it made no sound as Alexis filmed the action taking place on the floor – a film which would unequivocally show a willing and eager Yuriko engaged in lesbian cunnilingus, with no sign of any coercion, whilst the identity of her sexual partner was completely hidden.

Unaware of how completely she was compromising herself, Yuriko serviced the attractive and sensual Cecilia’s pussy, and was rewarded by a powerhouse ride of her own, so that the two tartan-skirted schoolgirls climaxed almost at the same moment, with squeals of erogenous pleasure. Yuriko was then permitted to roll over and lie on her back, exhausted but replete, next to Cecilia. However, it was only when Alexis clicked the ‘stop’ button on the video-camera that Yuriko looked in her direction, and at once the appalled Asian babe realised what had just happened. Alexis informed her victim that if she made any complaint about what had happened that evening – or, in future, failed to satisfy every demand that they made upon her – the pictures would disprove any claims that she had been coerced or an unwilling participant. Then, rather cruelly, Alexis turned the screw even further: to Yuriko’s utter horror, she threatened to upload the clip to the internet for everyone to see, including her very strict and conservative parents.

‘Noooo!!! Oh, no, please, please, Alexis – don’t do that, please!!’ she howled beseechingly, ‘I’ll do anything, I won’t make any trouble, I promise you, honestly I won’t – I’ll do whatever you want, yes, and the others too, anything at all, just don’t show that, please, oh no!!’

In fact, Alexis had no such intention – the film was far more useful as insurance, and as a weapon with which to ensure Yuriko’s complete subjugation into lesbian submissiveness. However, the Head Girl made a show of being reluctantly persuaded, and Yuriko was almost tearful in her thanks when Alexis conceded that it would remain hidden (and ‘where you’d never find it, so don’t even try’), provided that Yuriko continued to provide ‘satisfaction on demand’.

The bewildered Asian babe really had no choice but to agree to these terms, but in fact she found that she did not mind – that she was almost looking forward to her next sexual bout. Then the roller-coaster ride of the previous sixty minutes caught up with her, and the Japanese-American schoolgirl lay sprawled on her back on the floor, so exhausted that she did not even care that her legs were splayed wide apart and her pussy – still gaping open wider than she would previously have dreamed was possible – was exhibited for all eyes to see.

As the other girls put back on their school uniforms or their dressing gowns, there came a soft knock on the Sixth Form Library door. Alexis walked across and opened it, and gave a wide smile to whoever was outside – from where she was lying, Yuriko could not see who it was. Then Alexis and all of the other girls trooped out, giggling and laughing as they stepped around or over Yuriko’s prone form, with their mission so clearly well and truly accomplished by the Asian babe’s posture of utterly-fucked abandonment.

Coach Saunders and Ms. Greig ambled into the room; the latter exchanging a quick kiss with Alexis, whilst the former slapped her schoolgirl apprentice on the ass as they passed, both to speed her on her way and in appreciation for what she had accomplished – and the delightful gift she was leaving for her lesbian mentors.

‘Off to bed with you now, Alexis!’ laughed the sports coach, ‘on your own or with Miranda, I don’t mind, as long as you keep the noise down – we’ll take over from here!’

Yuriko didn’t have the energy or the will-power to move, and remained where she was, lying naked and spread-eagled on her back, as the two teachers came to stand over her. The youthful Asian babe was completely stunned, for she realised that far from the teachers coming to her aid and punishing her attackers, they approved of what had happened – and seemed to have sexual intentions of their own! Like many students who seek the teachers’ approval, Yuriko was instinctively deferential to authority figures – indeed, beneath the veneer of arrogance, it was a sign of the submissiveness that, together with many other Asian girls, was almost ingrained in her being. Alexis had suspected this, and her assault had shattered Yuriko’s outward barrier of confident superiority – and so, as the Japanese-American teenager’s real nature came to the surface, she had begun to react sexually to her assailants.

It was this which had shocked Yuriko to her core – that even from the first terrifying orgasms that Alexis had induced from her, she had begun to enjoy it despite (or ... because? no, no! surely not! she thought desperately) of her terror. Afterwards, during the gang-bang, her response had become more obvious, undeniable to herself and the girls who were using and her body as their sex-toy. This was one reason why they had continued for so long, as she gasped in orgasms through her tears or lapped her tongue around their vaginas with hardly having to be told. At the end, released from the ropes (oh! the ropes – so frightening at first, under Alexis’s iron will, but then to be so vulnerable, so helplessly available to everyone, it had been ... yes, it had been incredible, with sensations like nothing that she had ever dreamed of before), she had fallen with almost comic eagerness across Cecelia’s alluring body and had eagerly munched on her muff. As Yuriko knew well, the true shame – and danger – of the film which Alexis had taken was that it was not misleading at all: the eager pussy-devouring lesbian they showed her to be was ... was really her, dear Lord, it was really her!

These thoughts flashed through Yuriko’s dizzy head in the few seconds during which Alexis and her friends departed and the two teachers approached her. Yuriko swallowed, looking up at them and wondering what fate would next befall her tired and tender young body. Ms. Greig was wearing daytime clothes, but of a less formal kind than she would wear for the classroom: a knee-length jersey wrap dress in a dark burgundy red which criss-crossed over her prominent breasts with a deep V-cleavage and was tied off around her waist with a matching belt. The geography teacher was wearing smart black shoes with two-inch heels, and it looked like black stockings as well. With her rounded ass, slender waist and full bust, bright blue eyes and short but thick tumble of blonde curls, she was a very attractive sight – in fact, Yuriko had had something of a crush on her for some time, although she had always rationalised it as intellectual admiration for Ms. Greig’s sharp intellect and lucid lessons, and had never dreamt of any sexual dimension. Now, however, her imagination could think of nothing else, and she felt her bruised vaginal lips pucker outwards and apart, and a hot wet fluid seep from the base of her slit.

The two experienced adult lesbians recognised the signs at once, as Yuriko’s body responded to her subconscious lusts. The prone Asian teen squirmed slightly, her thighs moved wider apart to show her cunt more openly, and her little tits stiffened even harder.

‘Well, Yuriko’, Ms. Greig said quietly, ‘we’re here to give you a little exam – to see what you’ve learned tonight. Don’t worry,’ the teacher added with a smile, ‘it isn’t a theory test – it’s entirely a practical!’

With that, the blonde woman tugged loose the belt at her waist, and the wrap dress fell open to reveal that she was almost naked beneath it – no bra encased her swaying globular D-cup breasts, and no panties concealed the jutting prow of her Venus mound and the gaping pink gash in her closely-shaven cunt. Her only garment was a black garter belt above her hips, which was holding up the sheer fine-mesh traditional stockings which encased her well-toned and lightly tanned legs.

It was almost too much for Yuriko, after all the astonishing sexual stimuli that she had already been subjected to. The sight of her most-admired teacher – as she now let herself admit, her amazingly sexy fucking-hot lesbo bitch of a teacher – so wantonly undressed and sexually available, almost made the bemused Asian teen faint from the combination of shock and the incredible wave of arousal and excitement that surged through her small slim frame. The Japanese girl gave a broken cry, and involuntarily arched her back, thrusting her cunt up in the air towards Ms. Greig like some sacrificial offering – and so, in truth, it was, but one now proffered willingly, oh! so willingly and so eagerly!

‘Oh, oooh Miss! Aaaahhh, Miss, pleeeease!’ Yuriko gasped and babbled: ‘Ooooh, Ms. Greig, oh God! yes, take me! Please, please Miss ... anything, anything you want, yes ... aaaaahh!’

There was to be one more shock for the young apprentice lesbian, and Yuriko’s eyes almost bugged out as her attention was taken by the other and older teacher. Coach Saunders was wearing a long cotton purple dressing-gown, and with a wolfish grin at the girl sprawled at her feet, the sports teacher pulled her robe open and in one fluid movement shrugged it from her shoulders to pool on the ground at her feet. Yuriko gave a gasp – partly of shock, but still more from a sudden convulsive flush of hot desire. It seemed that Coach Saunders had taken time to prepare, for beneath the robe she was a magnificent picture of lesbian sexual maturity.

As befitted an accomplished sportswoman and the coach of the school’s senior teams, Ms. Saunders was a tall woman, fit and well-muscled, her body taut and trim from regular workouts and jogging, but still feminine in the swell of her hips and the high proud thrust of her medium-sized breasts. These were on full view, naked but supported by the only garment the coach was wearing: a corset bustier in brothel-style purple silk panels and black lace, which hugged tight around her torso but left all of her sex bare and accessible. Its cupless top rested just below her breasts, whilst its lower edge shaped across the top of her pelvis and hips. Her cunt was completely exposed, and framed by the three straps on either side of the bustier which were clipped to the top of a pair of stockings – only now did Yuriko notice that Coach Saunders was also wearing sheer black leather boots that came to just below her knees. From the top of her neatly-styled short black hair to the sheen of her boots, Coach Saunders was the epitome of a sexually dominant woman, in full command of her sexuality and beholden to no one – she was, indeed, magnificent.

The resplendent sports teacher shifted her posture, standing with her legs further apart and her hands placed confidently on her hips. Looking up from her position on the floor, Yuriko found the perspective almost mind-blowing in its eroticism, and a dissolving wave of sensuality rippled through her – akin to an orgasm, less explosive but almost more profound. Coach Saunders ran a hand gently across her own pussy, teasing her outer labia further outwards and apart, and exchanged a smile with the blonde geography teacher who was her regular night-time companion and lover.

‘Well, Jacqueline, I think this little bitch is ready for testing and grading, don’t you?’

With a chuckle, Ms. Greig moved first, shifting position to stand astride the Asian teen, who gazed up wordlessly between the woman’s long shapely legs, her eyes drawn like magnetism to the hot slit where they met. Gracefully, Ms. Greig squatted down onto her haunches and then her knees, placing them on either side of Yuriko’s shoulders. The teacher’s naked cunt was now only a few inches above the schoolgirl’s open mouth, as Yuriko still gazed at it in rapt fascination.

After just a few seconds pause to be sure that the girl was making no protest or sign of reluctance, Ms. Greig dropped her pussy down to rest squarely on Yuriko’s lips, with a terse instruction to the Asian girl to demonstrate what she had learned – and to make it good. At once, Yuriko began to lap and lick, and within seconds her tongue was delving deep into the teacher’s well-lubricated and well-stretched vagina.

‘Good, yeah! ... that’s good, Yuriko, yeah – I think you’ve got it ... yeah, like that, go on ... harder, c’mon, get deeper, you slutty little bitch! ... mmm ... yep, ah! ... yes, go on, more now ... aah! ... mmm, ooooh! YES, MORE!! YES, FUCKIT BITCH, YES! AAAAHHHH, MAKE ME CUM, MAKE ME CUM, YOU LITTLE SLUT!! OOOOOHHHH!!!! FUCKIT, I’M CUMMING, SHIT, YEAH!! AAAEEEEOOOOOHH!!!’

By the end of this, Ms. Greig was pulling on her own tits whilst her hips bucked up and down on Yuriko’s face, building her orgasm to the moment of climactic release – when a flood of pussy-fluid squirted onto the nearly-delirious teen’s face. Almost automatically, Yuriko lapped it up, and found that she was thrilled by the taste and flavour of the adult teacher’s cum-juice.

Coach Saunders had not been idle during this: from the small shoulder bag which Ms. Greig had been carrying, the sports teacher had quickly removed, and buckled into place around her hips, the harness of a wicked-looking strap-on dildo. It was made of purple plastic and smooth-sided, but long and wide. As soon as the geography teacher climaxed, the sports coach tapped her on the shoulder and the blonde woman rolled off Yuriko’s face, to sit on the floor nearby whilst she continued to squeeze her large and now sweat-streaked breasts, and to rub furiously on her clitoris.

Yuriko gulped as she looked up at Coach Saunders’ towering figure, but the Asian girl did not need to be told what to do – instead, she stretched her legs wide apart, and slipped her hands under her ass in order to push her crotch upwards in mute offering and surrender. The dark-haired sports teacher nodded approval, and then wasted no time in kneeling between the schoolgirl’s thighs and thrusting into her already-slippery hole with one firm plunge of the strap-on.

Yuriko began to move in time to the thumping impact of Coach Saunders’ penetrations of her pussy – in truth, she probably had no option, but her response was one of participation and not of resistance. The Japanese-American girl began to moan and babble in her parents’ native tongue, a liquid sound which entranced the sports coach although (or perhaps because) she could not understand a word of it. That is, the teacher spoke no Japanese, but of course some things communicate in any language, and given the pretty teenager’s state of gang-banged mega-arousal, it was not hard to tell that she was begging to be fucked, to be taken and ridden into the ground.

It was not long until Yuriko came again – she had lost count of her orgasms that evening (she marvelled at this, having only had her first proper climax less than two hours before). The Asian teen groaned from the effects of the twisting surging thrusts of the dildo which the sports coach was delivering, driving harder and deeper into her than even Alexis, her first conqueror, had done. This was the final battering ram that collapsed the previously-innocent teen’s last defences, and Yuriko gave herself up to utter submission. She flung her arms wide on the floor and opened her hips as far as her small body would allow, surrendering completely to the dominant dyke bitch who was slamming into her pussy with her almost savage penetrative thrusts.

Coach Saunders knew the signs well – she had initiated and given the first full-on dildo shafting to nearly thirty ripe young teens during her fourteen years on the teaching staff, and she was a past master at fucking their brains out in such a way that all they would ever want again was not just lesbian sex, but submission to the fiercest lusts of the strongest lesbian dominatrix that they could find, crawling on their knees and stomachs to kiss the Amazon valkyrie’s feet and beseeching her to them in every hole with her cruellest strap-on dick. Any missionary would have been envious of her conversion rate, for she had a 100 per cent record of success, due to her combination of shrewd selection, artful grooming, careful choice of opportunity – and then, taking the girl with an overwhelming sexual experience, a no-holds-barred pounding pulverising pussy-splitting dildo-reaming fuckathon. Tonight, the first stages had not been necessary, thanks to Alexis – but Coach Saunders made sure that little Yuriko still got the full treatment in the end.

At last, the Asian schoolgirl’s whole body vibrated with an earth-shattering orgasm, and she screamed shrilly at the top of her voice, her small hands snaking around Coach Saunders’s hips to seize her butt as she delivered the final thrust, holding the dildo as deep inside Yuriko’s vaginal passage as possible, whilst the schoolgirl writhed and squirmed and bucked against her, as a lava flow of orgasms ripped through her. It was an impressive sapphic sight, even for such experienced dykes as the two schoolteachers, and they savoured it in appreciation. Yes, they thought, there’s no going back for this bitch now – she’ll be a pussy-loving submissive lesbian for the rest of her life!

Still, there remained one final step – no longer of examination, for Yuriko had clearly passed any conceivable test of sapphic surrender, but rather of confirmation, indeed of graduation into her new school of life – one in which she would walk humbly, giving herself to mistress after mistress, and finding pleasure in their of her body.

Coach Saunders raised her hips and arched her back, in the process easing the dildo out of Yuriko’s pussy – which was now so stretched and wide, that the plastic phallus actually flopped around in it. Even so, the delicate abrasion of the Asian schoolgirl’s vaginal walls as the rod was slid out of her was enough to send a small surge of rippling secondary orgasms vibrating through her exhausted frame. The two teachers were not without sympathy, and for a moment they let the girl rest on her back, sprawled and floundering, gasping for air like a stranded fish.

Coach Saunders unbuckled the strap-on, wiped it with a small hand towel, and then put it down on the floor next to her colleague’s bag. Meanwhile, Ms. Greig knelt down next to Yuriko’s prone form, and cupped the girl’s chin in her hands, compelling the teen to focus upon her. With a slightly stern expression, Ms. Greig spoke:

‘Well, Yuriko ... you’ve certainly had an education here tonight ... so, the big question is: have you learnt your lesson yet?’

Yuriko was not quite sure what was meant by this, but without doubt she had experienced something that night of profound importance, so that nothing would ever be same for her again. She looked up at the teacher – and her newly-minted lesbianism could not fail to draw her eyes to Ms. Greig’s pendulously swaying pear-shaped breasts, which were dangling just inches above her face. For a miracle, Yuriko had learned a little wisdom, and instead of speaking to answer she raised herself up on her elbows, guided the teacher’s right nipple into her mouth, sucked on it, lapped her tongue around the aureole in a tight rasping circle, and then reverently kissed the rock-hard tit. Only then did she meet Ms. Greig’s gaze squarely, and demurely nodded her head.

‘Yes, Miss, I think that I have ... no, I’m sure I have’, said Yuriko quietly.

‘Good girl’, replied the teacher with a smile, ‘I thought you had. Well, there is one more thing: it’s not a test, consider it instead as your final initiation into the secret order of Sapphos – for you must never speak of any of this to anyone outside our circle, especially not your parents. Are you ready for that, do you know that this is what you want?’

Yuriko swallowed, understanding that there was no turning back after this point, and that she was leaving her old self and attitudes far behind ... but those orgasms, those unbelievably sexual and satisfying orgasms, they drew her magnetically onwards, for she could not bear the idea of not being able to repeat that, over and over, and she would willingly humble herself to any woman or girl who could make her feel that way again. Slightly trembling, but more in anticipation than in fear, Yuriko nodded her assent – and almost at once, felt a sense of security and release.

Ms. Greig looked across at Coach Saunders, who had watched this exchange like a hawk, and they exchanged a satisfied look and a nod. The older sports teacher then told Yuriko that they would train her to be the perfect lesbian submissive, and would pass her around their circle of experienced dykes, so that she could practice the arts of pleasuring mature women.

‘You belong to us now’, Ms. Greig informed the prone schoolgirl, but then she added: ‘although, of course, you will always belong first and foremost to Alexis, for she was the one to break you in – and whenever she requires it, you will spread your pussy and service her every desire!’

Only a few hours before, such a statement would have revolted Yuriko, the old Yuriko who had felt so superior to all the other girls in the school, and who had specially disliked and despised Alexis. Where had that feeling gone? the Asian teen wondered to herself, although she knew the answer – it had been punctured the very moment that Alexis had punctured her vagina with a finger, and the last shreds had been blown away with the dildo-shafting of her pussy and her asshole. Now, Yuriko felt far below her conqueror – inexperienced, raw and naive, she could only imploringly hope that Alexis would take pity and deign to ravage her again ... and again ... and again.

‘Now, it’s time for your final initiation’, said Ms. Greig, and she removed a curious object from her bag. At first Yuriko thought that it was another strap-on, albeit one with a huge and ribbed black plastic dildo. However, this projected from a quite small and square front plate, which was fixed at each corner by a large round brass stud. Even stranger, the strap-on seemed to have only one short but quite wide belt, and no leg-straps at all. Then, as Ms. Greig turned the phallic device in her hand, Yuriko suddenly realised how it worked – it was a face-cock, for wearing over the head, not around the hips!

Ms. Greig beckoned Yuriko to rise to a kneeling position, and then with practiced agility she fastened the face-dildo into place, tightening the wide strap behind the teenager’s head. Yuriko found a surprise: the dildo’s black cylinder hid a wide fat inner tube which projected through to the inside of the faceplate, ending in a balloon-like valve of tough rubber which fitted inside its wearer’s mouth. Blowing into this and then compressing the air with her teeth would make the knob of the dildo expand and contract, with a pulsing vibration not unlike that of a real male penis – but without that object’s many disadvantages, including a tendency to go limp before the woman got to her orgasm. Before strapping it onto Yuriko, the two teachers had rubbed the inner bladder up and down their vaginas to smear it with their pussy juices; Yuriko was both shocked and thrilled at the resulting taste of the rubber valve as it was pushed into her mouth, coated with the unmistakeable sharp tang of the two adult teacher’s cunt fluids. The younger teacher then sat in the armchair in which Yuriko had previously been bound, spread her thighs apart, and pointed to her pussy:

‘Show me your submission, Yuriko – crawl here, and use the dildo to make me cum – no hands, nothing else, just use that!’

Yuriko got down on her hands and knees, and abjectly crawled the eight feet to the chair, her tight little butt waggling behind her in a way that both teachers enjoyed. When she arrived between Ms. Greig’s legs, the Asian babe inserted the end of the face-cock into the woman’s vagina, and it slid inward for half its length before encountering any resistance. Yuriko paused and gazed up at her admired teacher, the expression on her face an appealing mixture of sexual exhaustion and complete lesbian submission. Delighted and turned on by this, the geography teacher gave an approving nod, and then leaned back in the chair to enjoy the sensations as the schoolgirl obediently and vigorously bobbed her head backwards and forwards, pushing the plastic cock deep into the mature lesbian’s capacious cunt.

Suddenly, Yuriko gave a muffled yelp – muffled, because her mouth was filled with the rubber bladder, into which she had been energetically alternating between blowing and squeezing. The cause was a surprising – but by no means unwelcome – sensation. With her eyes focused upon Ms. Greig’s cunt in front of her, she had not seen that Coach Saunders had buckled on the conventional strap-on and had approached Yuriko’s invitingly up-thrust ass. Gripping the teen at the hips, the older teacher reamed the dildo in and out of Yuriko’s pussy, which was no longer a tight little slit but a gaping, gushing opening.

Yuriko’s eyes widened, and the amazing sensation of being simultaneously both fucked and fucking nearly blew her mind – it was an overload to every one of her senses. Coach Saunders fast and firm penetrations drove Yuriko on to even more frantic insertions of the face-dildo into the younger teacher, who was soon squeezing and mashing her breasts together as she neared her climax. Even a highly-experienced dyke gets a thrill from the first full-on fucking of a teenager, and it did not take long until Ms. Greig gasped and shuddered in her second and even more satisfying orgasm of the evening.

The final act in the drama was obvious, and Yuriko was not surprised when Coach Saunders’s firm hands on her shoulders sent the message to withdraw the face-phallus from Ms. Greig, and to use it on the older woman. Seating herself on the study chair by the table, upon which Yuriko had been sitting when all this had started, seemingly now so long ago that it was in another world, the sports teacher braced her hands on her knees and then spread them far apart. Obedient and meek, Yuriko crawled away from Ms. Greig (who remained slumped in the armchair whilst gently rubbing her own clitoris) and around the end of the table to reach her next point of cunt-duty.

Here she repeated the exercise, finding to her surprise that Coach Saunders actually had a tighter pussy than the younger teacher – until the schoolgirl realised, in a wave of admiration, that this was not the cause of the resistance that she was feeling, especially as she pulled the dildo out backwards. Amazingly, the athletic sportswoman had such iron control of her muscles in her vaginal walls that at will she could both release them and clamp them together with almost vice-like pressure.

As Yuriko repeated her submissive head-bobbing routine, blowing as hard into the dildo’s inner tube as her exhausted body could manage, she felt a warm presence next to her. Seeing her tiredness, Ms. Greig had left the chair and now knelt at her right side, partly supporting the lightweight Asian schoolgirl, but also reaching under her exposed chest to stroke her tiny breasts and tweak on her hyper-sensitive nipples.

‘Aaaaaahhhh!!!’ screamed Yuriko into the face-dildo, as she came again from these attentions and the whole sensual eroticism of her position, for the first time climaxing without either herself or anyone else touching her between the legs – something she would previously have haughtily dismissed as quite impossible. But, then, she had learned so many impossible things this evening, as her whole world and her future life had been completely turned upside down.

‘Ohh-God-fuck-ahh-coming, coming, fuckit-coming!’ grunted Coach Saunders, as her orgasm burst just microseconds later, and she seized the back of Yuriko’s head and held the ribbed plastic face-dildo deep inside herself, her mature body vibrating against it.

When she released Yuriko, the Asian teen slumped sideways, almost blacking out from this final sensory overload. Smiling with satisfaction, the two teachers helped her to sit up and catch her breath, with Ms. Greig supporting her shoulders and caressing her hair, whilst Coach Saunders gave the girl a water bottle to drink from – she had known the teen would be dehydrated after the gang-bang, and like any good sports coach was always prepared. After five minutes, the teachers urged the staggering Yuriko back into her clothes – well, not the panties or bra, which Ms. Greig slipped into her shoulder-bag, but at least to put on her shirt, her tartan uniform skirt, her socks and her shoes.

It was almost a relief for Yuriko when Ms. Greig said: ‘you’re coming with us tonight, my girl – your new routine starts here’, for the teen didn’t think she could face her own bed alone. The two women walked her back to the staff wing, supporting her between them, and sometimes almost carrying the stumbling and uncoordinated girl. Once inside, they ascended quietly to Ms. Greig’s top floor corner room – chosen by her for its relative solitude. Yuriko had never been here before, and her eyes widened as she saw that Ms. Greig had furnished it with a large king-size double bed, which had the coolest and smoothest high-quality black silk sheets.

Ms. Greig quickly removed her wrap dress, garter belt and stockings, and once naked she slipped under the covers first, holding out her hands in invitation for the Asian girl to join her. Yuriko needed no more encouragement and tottered towards the bed, so exhausted that she could hardly stay awake even to climb into it – in fact, Coach Saunders helped her into the middle, before she too removed her clothes and climbed in on Yuriko’s other side. For a while, as Yuriko fell asleep, she luxuriated in the soft warmth of naked female flesh around her, feeling the points of Coach Saunders’s nipples against her back and soft firmness of Ms. Greig’s more ample bust pillowing on the girl’s own almost flat chest. The two women gently and soothingly caressed her, and Yuriko fell into the deepest, most relaxing and most refreshing sleep that she had ever known.

In the morning, when she first awoke, the events of the previous night seemed as distant as some wild and impossible dream ... but then Yuriko registered where she was, as the first movement of her hand brushed across Ms. Greig’s naked cunt. The geography teacher was already awake, lying beside the girl and enjoying watching her dawning realisation. She took Yuriko’s hand in her own firm grasp, and before the girl could think of protesting, the teacher arched her legs and thrust Yuriko’s hand in between them.

‘Finger-fuck me’, ordered the teacher, and then added: ‘and you can suck my tits, too!’

Yuriko astonished herself by instantly obeying, and it was the sensation of her lips closing on one of Ms. Greig’s jutting nipples which convinced her that everything which she recollected really had happened. The geography teacher had just stifled the moan elicited by her orgasm when the bedroom door opened – but before Yuriko could react, Coach Saunders entered the room. She had risen at dawn, done her usual workout exercises and her three-mile run, and had returned feeling in the mood for some pussy-attention. Yuriko slipped her fingers out of Ms. Greig’s vagina, having pleasured her to order, and licked them contemplatively whilst Coach Saunders stripped off her running outfit and sat down in the nearby chair. Spreading her thighs and pointing imperiously at her cunt, the older teacher commanded the teen to ‘eat me, now!’ Once again, Yuriko complied without a second’s hesitation, and used both her tongue and her fingers to bring the older woman to a climax.

‘Good, good girl – yes, very good’, murmured Coach Saunders appreciatively afterwards. Ms. Greig glanced at the bedroom clock, and told Yuriko that she would have to leave in a minute, as they wanted her out of the building before the other teachers started to emerge from their private rooms.

As she dressed, Yuriko looked shyly at the teachers, in a newly-demure manner that was quite unlike her previous aloof arrogance.

‘Miss ... did I do well, please?’ she asked.

‘Hmm? Oh, yes – quite well, especially for the first time. Yes, I think we would grade you as an “A”, dear’, answered Ms. Greig.

For a moment, there was one last glimpse of the old Yuriko, as the Asian girl preened with satisfaction at this compliment – but she was soon taken down a peg, in what was perhaps her final lesson. Coach Saunders had seen the girl’s prideful reaction, and gave a harsh barking laugh.

‘Oh, no, Yuriko – you’ve got it quite wrong! This grading system is completely different from your schoolwork one: in this, an “A” is the lowest grade, and a “D” is the highest.’

The schoolgirl looked comically crestfallen at this information, but also quite confused, and so, back laughter, the sports teacher enlightened her:

‘An “A” stands for “ass” – just a piece of ass, and that’s what you are now, and that’s all you are! But if you train up well, and give your betters pussy-pleasure wherever and whenever they demand it, then you might get up to a “C” grade eventually.’

Yuriko was still puzzled, and now Ms. Greig interjected an explanation:

‘Grade “C” means “cunt”, it means you’re a practiced lesbian lover, and know how to give satisfaction. Most girls, and indeed women, are “C” grade – like Jenny and Cecilia for example, they just adore being fucked and eating any cunt they are told to – but they’ll always be the ones told, not the ones giving the orders!’

‘So ...’ Yuriko asked hesitantly, ‘so.. what and who is a “D” then, if that’s the top grade?’

Coach Saunders smiled with proprietorial pride, and gave the answer:

‘At the moment, there are only two amongst all of the students – “D” grade is “dyke”, and that’s Alexis of course, first and foremost, but I think Miranda is that strong and powerful as well, at least she is now.’

The sports teacher looked squarely at Yuriko, and said firmly:

‘What you have you learned from all of this, girl? Say it clearly, don’t hedge or quibble!’

Yuriko swallowed and looked at the floor. It wasn’t that she had any hesitation or doubt about the rightness and truth of the answer, it was just that the new meek Yuriko was strangely shy about saying it. Then she looked up, finding comfort in Ms. Greig’s warmly appreciative gaze upon her naked body, and in her admired teacher’s evident further desire for her. Still, Yuriko’s answer was a whisper:

‘I’m a lesbian ... that I know now, for sure, I just want sex with girls, with women ... and ... I guess I want to be had, to be taken ... I want to be told what to do by someone, and I want to be fucked over and over like you all took me last night – that was amazing!’

‘Well’, Ms. Greig laughed, with Alexis’s joke of the previous evening coming back into her mind: ‘eureka! you have made a great discovery indeed!’

Coach Saunders delivered the final instructions to the blushing sapphic novice. Yuriko was informed that as an “A” grade girl, she was to make herself available unquestioningly to any “B”, “C”, and of course “D” grade lesbian who wanted her, whenever, wherever and however they did so. In the course of this, she learned that “B” grade was for “babe” – a designation for the prettiest and most feminine of the submissive girls, those who were more experienced than she was, but still in need of further grooming and instruction before they could be regarded as fully-fledged “C” grade “cunts”.

‘How will I know them?’ asked Yuriko with some puzzlement, ‘and how will they know me?’

‘Oh! – that’s easy’, replied Ms. Grieg with a smile. ‘You’ll know them because they will either make an obvious pass at you – groping your tits, or – as you don’t have much to hang on to there – putting a hand up your skirt and into your panties. Believe me, you won’t mistake their meaning or intentions!’

‘And’, added Coach Saunders, ‘they will know you because there is a strict rule for “A” graders: you must keep your pussy closely shaven, and put some nice perfume on it twice a day, and except for a couple of days at your time-of-the-month, from now on you are not permitted to wear any panties at all, not under a skirt and not when wearing trousers or shorts either! The other lezzie girls will soon spot you as a new novice “A” grader, and then, believe me, you’ll get no shortage of action and attention!’

‘Oh!’ said Yuriko in surprise, but seeing at once how this simple system worked. She remembered that when her class was in the locker room, changing for gym or field sports, she had noticed that there were several girls who did not seem to bother with panties. She had never thought of a reason why, and had just dismissed them as sluttish and lazy – but now, well, it appeared they were a quite different sort of slut from what she previously assumed. Then:

‘Oooohhh!’ gasped Yuriko suddenly, as her memory made a connection. One of the girls who seemed to be pantyless every time they changed for sports was none other than the only other Asian girl in the Upper Sixth Form. Mei Lin was of Chinese (well, South Korean) parentage, and she was perhaps the most beautiful and elegant girl in the whole school. Tall, slim and slender, with an alabaster smoothness to her perfect skin, her face had high clear cheekbones and deep dark almond-shaped eyes; the exotic ensemble was completed by the cascade of shining fine jet-black hair that swept straight down her back. She was a quiet and shy girl with a classic and ethereal beauty, and Yuriko suddenly realised that she had been attracted to her for quite some time.

Hesitantly, she posed a question which had suddenly become very important: ‘Ms, Greig, can we “A” grade girls, you know, can we play around with each other? – I mean, if no one in a higher grade wants us to go with them, that is!’

The geography teacher nodded her head in confirmation: ‘Yes, of course – we like you novice girls to get as much pussy-training as you can! The only rule is, you can’t demand that a girl who is in the same grade must do what you say, you can only ask her, or show her that you are up for it and hope that she reciprocates. ... Mmm, has someone struck your fancy then?’ laughed Ms. Grieg, and she gave Yoshiko a playful pinch on her ass. ‘I know!’ she continued, ‘it’s Mei Lin, isn’t it?’

Yuriko blushed and quietly nodded, thinking all the time of the lovely Korean babe, of her long slim legs and incredibly sexy ass, and she felt herself getting wetter and hotter in her pussy. She recalled how Mei Lin would often get changed quite near her, and that her eyes had always been drawn to the other Asian girl’s smooth shiny jutting Venus mound – but, ironically, she had been afraid that Mei Lin would think her one of those dirty lezzies if she saw her looking, and any time Mei Lin’s head turned Yuriko’s way she had hastily jerked her gaze away to something, anything, else. Whether it was this guilty feeling, or racial fellow-feeling, or recognition of Mei Lin’s extraordinary serene beauty, she was the one girl to whom the old superior Yuriko had never given put-downs or shown up in class. Now, Yuriko was greatly relieved at this, for she thought that Mei Lin possibly might like her (or at least not actually dislike her), and ... might like her in another way too, as another “A” grade piece of lesbian ass.

As Yuriko walked across the grass lawn from the teachers’ accommodation block to her first class of the day, her thoughts were in a whirl – most of the time pre-occupied with memories of Mei Lin tantalisingly undressing next to her in the locker room, and fantasies that the other Asian girl would reach out and seize Yuriko’s cunt, claiming it for her own. In her lessons that day, all of her classmates marvelled at the new, transformed Yuriko – she was meek, diffident, self-effacing – in fact, the model of a quiet deferential Japanese girl. That was, apart from the fact that on Coach Saunders’s orders she wore no panties, and that when Alexis ordered her during the lunch-break to follow her into a cubicle in the girls’ toilets, Yuriko went willingly, even eagerly, falling to her knees before her young mistress even before she was told to, kissing Alexis’ feet and then worshipping at the commanding Head Girl’s capacious dripping cunt.

That evening, feeling quite nervous, Yuriko hesitated outside the door of Mei Lin’s room (at this expensive school all of the girls had individual bedrooms), before she summoned up her courage and knocked on the door. A soft voice bid her enter, and Yuriko quietly slipped inside, carefully closing the door again behind her. It seemed that Mei Lin had been in the process of brushing her beautiful long black hair, for she was standing in front of her wardrobe mirror with a comb in one hand. She turned with a slight expression of surprise when she saw who it was, for she and Yuriko were not particularly close and the Japanese girl had never before visited her room. Mei Lin hadn’t been involved in the gang-banging of Yuriko on the previous night (that had been strictly for “C” and “D” graders only), and so she didn’t know of the uppity bitch’s downfall or her newly-discovered lesbianism.

Mei Lin raised an interrogative eyebrow and was about to ask what Yuriko wanted – but then the tall Korean girl’s eyes widened in shock as this became apparent. Without saying a word, Yuriko lifted up the front of her red tartan school-uniform mini-skirt and exposed her bare and shaven pussy. Mei Lin gave a little gasp, and put the comb down on her desk, almost as if to steady herself. She looked at Yuriko expressionlessly for several heartbeats, and the latter began to fear that she had made a mistake. Then Mei Lin’s mouth curved slightly in a smile, and she matched Yuriko’s gesture, slowly lifting up the front of her own uniform skirt and revealing the naked pelvis and smooth-shaven cunt that was beneath.

Yuriko felt almost dizzy as a wave of relief and excitement swept through her. Her supposition had been right after all: it was no accident that Mei Lin didn’t wear panties on gym lesson days – she didn’t wear them on other days either, because she was, like Yuriko, a lesbian “A” grader. Mei Lin closed the distance between them, as both girls continued to hold the hems of their skirts above their waists, exposing their pussies. Mei Lin spoke faultless grammatical English, but always with a lilting sing-song accent that made her seem more exotic and exciting:

‘So, I think I like you better like this, Yuriko’.

As Mei Lin spoke, she reached forwards and with an economy of effort that spoke of experience, she speared her index finger into Yuriko’s vagina, right up to the knuckle. Finding that there was no protest from the younger Asian girl, and that her pussy-lips were parted and slick with wet arousal, Mei Lin swirled her finger around for a moment inside Yuriko’s slit, and then stroked a fingertip along it, from bottom to top and ending with a flicking rub of her thumb very near to Yuriko’s tender clitoris.

Yuriko was delighted at Mei Lin’s response: the gorgeous Korean girl had accepted her sexual overture, and was more than responding to the invitation! Yuriko gave a soft sigh, and her body quivered at the sensations induced by Mei Lin’s deftly expert caress. The latter saw this, and her smile widened, revealing her perfect white teeth. The slim and elegant Korean made Yuriko gasp with arousal as her finger slid back down the younger girl’s pussy, probing and parting her labia, and she spoke in a soft husky whisper:

‘You come with me.’

Then Mei Lin laughed, shook her back her rippling mane of shiny black hair, and repeated her words, but now with an unmistakeable emphasis upon the second word that was redolent with the promise of passion:

‘You cum with me!’

And then, taking her new girlfriend by the hand, Mei Lin led the younger Asian teen across to her bed for the first of many, many nights of lust and lesbian love-making.

And what of Yuriko after this? Well, she was always a quick learner and hard working at her studies, and before long both she and Mei Lin were given their “B” grade, and then their “C”. But, despite her increasing expertise and her willingness to anything that a lover wanted, in that grade she would always stay – for her true nature was indeed to be a submissive cunt.

If you have made it to the end, congratulations! It is something of a marathon – but then, so was Yuriko’s sexual education! I did not expect the story to become as long as this, but it just kept on growing as I was writing it. I hope that you have enjoyed it – if so, do check out my other stories ... you might like them too ... (to find them, follow the author link at the top of this story)

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