Naked Day - Epilogue 5-6

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A few days later I had finished some work then switched over to my story file to proofread. Cindy came in telling me she had just gotten off the phone with Nikki.

"Nikki said she got a call from Larry David asking about me appearing on that show he has. The one you laugh at all the time, Curb something."

"...your enthusiasm. Yeah it's really funny. How? Why?"

"Well I don't really know him so I didn't think anything of it. So I hadn't bothered to tell you. But I was having lunch in LA last week, remember I was going down to Rodeo to pick up new bras and stuff?"

"How could I forget?"

"Yes, so I'm having lunch and Larry and his friend, the big guy, Jeff?"

"He's in the show too."

"They come over and Larry says, 'Hey aren't you? No don't tell me, you're that girl'. Then Jeff says, 'no That Girl is Marlo Thomas', Larry, 'not THAT girl, that girl.' and they do this Abbott and Costello thing for a minute. Then Larry snaps his fingers and throws out a name, but it wasn't mine, and they happily walked away."

"They're so funny."

"Nikki says Larry called her, he later remembered my name. He'd like to put that scene in a show. And give the wrong name so viewers will have to watch the credits when they all think he's got the wrong name. So just a short scene, hardly any speaking, pay is scale, but it will be just for fun."

"I think it's a great idea. That show is very popular. Who knows maybe someone would want to hire you?"

"Nikki mentioned that too. She said I'm now in perfect range for a sitcom Mom. You know, the ones who are too good looking (Nikki's words) for their funny but not as attractive comedian husband. She said with the way the networks do shows now it's not a year long commitment. Maybe 10 or 12 episodes."

"You getting the itch?"

"Yeah maybe. We have nothing tying us down. You keep busy with your computer stuff. I might like it. A reward for keeping this bod in decent shape all these years."

"I thought that was my reward?" Laughed. "Go for it if the opportunity comes." Cindy went off to call Nikki. I went back to work on the story of why Cindy's chip is more like 10 years. It was a little more than 10 years ago. Cindy got a call from her brother Johnny, he told her that she might get a call or visit from his son Kevin. Kevin was 17 at the time. But first some backstory.

Johnny and Sally Jane had been together ever since he got her pregnant on the set of Gilbert's softcore porn fairy tale videos. I'm not sure why he picked her over the also pregnant Rapunzel, but it proved a wise decision. Their on set coupling provided them with two wonderful twin girls, Melissa and Chrissy. Kevin came along three years later. From what I understand, Sally still had a bit of a midwestern conservative streak. She was initially uncomfortable when Johnny suggested they make sure the s understood the sexual feelings they started having and were sure not to judge their choices. After all they had met nude on the set of a porn movie. Sally agreed but preferred not to know. Johnny knew what was going to happen as they got older and shortly after the girls' 18th birthday he came home early to find his little sweethearts in a fumbling, but sexy 69. They were mortified. Johnny explained, while they sat there nude, that it was ok. Nothing wrong with them and told them, with limited details that he and his sister had experimented. Then a couple years later Kevin came to him with his own issues. Kevin had been blessed with nearly his father's length but also a good bit thicker. He complained that the few girls he'd been with were ok playing with his big cock but wouldn't have sex. "They think I'm going to ruin them forever. I'm never going to get laid." Some parents would tell him it'll be ok and let it go. Johnny talked to Sally, maybe she could explain that there are normal women out there who can handle bigger men. Sally told him no way she was talking to her son about his cock. So Johnny called Cindy. Cindy told me about the call and asked if Kevin came over if she could spend time alone with him, whatever that meant. I told her I was ok, and reminded her that he's just about the age Johnny was when we had that blow out Naked Day. "Yes, Tim, but I'm not 20 anymore, if he's anything like his father, jeez."

"Hey you agreed to it."

"I didn't agree to anything yet. I just want to leave options open." A couple days later Kevin called and asked if he could come over and ask Cindy a few questions. She said, ok and asked me to play a round of golf.

"Hmm, a long lesson?"

"Funny. Now shoo, I need to get ready." Cindy later told me how it went....

I let Kevin in. He looked very nervous. "Hi Aunt Cindy. I have some questions. Um, personal questions and my Mom can't discuss it with me and my Dad said you're very understanding and I can ask you anything. Even, um, personal stuff." I gave him a hug and led him into the living room. We both sat on the sofa, I turned so I was looking right at him.

"Yes, Kevin, you can ask me anything. I'm hard to shock. I will answer as honestly and straightforward as possible. Even if it's embarrassing to me. So go ahead."

"Well, the reason my Mom wouldn't talk to me is, it's uh, about my penis. And girls." I looked at him straight faced.

"Go ahead." He seemed a little less embarrassed since I seem unconcerned.

"So, it seems my penis is very big. I've been with three girls and they like it and stuff, they jerk me off, so I've you know, cum with girls, but I'm, a, still a virgin. They won't let me put it in. They're afraid I'll stretch them."

"OK, first of all, it's no sin to be a virgin at your age. Everyone does it when they're ready. Since you seem to be ready but haven't, we go on to the second point. These girls, I'm assuming your age?" He nodded. "Well they don't know what they're talking about. You can't stretch them so that they stay that way. I know. Believe me."

His eyes god wide. "Really?" I guess he couldn't imagine Aunt Cindy out fucking guys. That would change.

"Sure, that's what adults do. Now if you are as big as your Dad, yes I've seen his, you can have sex with anyone but you need to be more careful, especially with inexperienced young women. When you get older you may find women who can handle what you have no problem. So work on reassuring them, easing worries. Don't wield it like a club that's going to split them in two. Encourage touching, licking, some girls won't be able to get much in their mouth, sorry maybe deepthroat is out, but you can both get a lot of pleasure. Now why don't we practice?"


"Sure. You're not afraid of Aunt Cindy seeing the equipment. Are you? Here, let me help you. Stand."

He stood. I got on the edge of the sofa and moved him in front of me. I opened his belt and jeans and slid them down. I could already see the stiffening cock in his underwear. "Ready?" A nod. I slipped down his underwear releasing a cock to be proud of. Already rising to greet me it was near as long as Johnny, but closer in thickness to you. It wasn't a club like David, or a soda can like Peter, but it was a nice big cock. And I can see how an inexperienced girl would be frightened. But I wasn't an inexperienced girl.

"So, have any girls held it like this?" I stroked it easily. He shook his head yes. "Did they suck on the head like this?"

I put it in my mouth, licking the underside of his head.

"One did, she said it hardly fit and d."

"Be sure you don't push it in. Like I said this isn't going in many throats. Let the girl play with it, test it, see what works for her. Like this." I took more of Kev's hard cock in my mouth. I licked up and down, I tickled the glans with my tongue, I caressed his balls."

"Aunt Cin, that feels so good, but I think I'm gonna cum."

"That's ok. Get a fast one out of the way." I moved my mouth up and down on the first 5 inches. No deepthoating, I didn't want to give him unrealistic expectations. He can find that girl or woman out there someday. I sucked and stroked his cock. I felt his balls contract and he hit me with a load like only a teen can shoot. I swallowed and swallowed until he was done. Then smiled up at him. "I have some experience in this area. Don't expect a teen to handle all that. Let her pull away if necessary.

"Wow, uh, thanks Aunt Cindy. I haven't had a, you know."

"It's ok. We're working together here. Aunt Cindy gave you a blowjob and swallowed your cum. We don't need to talk around it. And the lessons have just begun. Now stand up, let your cock hang there, you're rightfully proud of it, girls are going to hear about it and be curious. If they want to touch and feel, let them, it feels good for you too. Now undress me. Confidently. Don't fumble or pull at the buttons, don't yank at the clothes. Put the girl at ease. Don't make her feel she's under attack. Kevin looked down at Cindy. He hesitated. Was he really going to strip his Aunt? Honestly, yes he'd checked her out from time to time. Especially by the pool, but nothing like this. He did fumble a bit.

"OK slow down sweetie. Here lean down to me." Cindy kissed his gently on the mouth. Then opened up for more. This Kevin had done some of. He was making out with his Aunt. "OK, kiss me nice, gentle, now work slowly on the buttons." Cindy caressed his back, felt his bare ass, made reassuring sounds into his mouth. Kevin worked through the buttons. Cindy stepped back letting the blouse drop behind her. "OK now the bra. If you get resistance from the girl you're going too fast. If your cock is already out you may or may not get resistance. If it's no, settle for kissing her neck, shoulders any exposed part of her breasts. She may just change her mind. Go ahead, encourage me." They sat on the sofa Kevin began following the path described by Cindy. She moaned to encourage him, used her hand to slow him as needed. When he got to her breasts, he was ready to dive in. "Easy big boy. Don't maul her. If you want that bra off let her feel like her tits will be treated with respect. A more experienced girl will tell you what she wants, for now you may need to learn to read unspoken signals. If you get it just right she may just reach back and release them herself." Cindy unclasped her bra and let it fall away. Kevin was eye to eye with two delicious looking mature but still youthful breasts begging for attention. Kevin cupped his Aunt's breasts, feeling their weight, inspecting her nipples, touching them with his thumbs. He leaned forward and sucked at her nipple, rubbing his tongue on it. "Nipples are nice, and sensitive, but the whole breast needs attention." Kevin moved on enjoying the soft fullness under his touch. Cindy moaned, it wasn't for effect. When she felt he'd had his good fill of tittie fun she brought his face up to hers. "OK sweetheart, play time is over. You're rounding second base here. It's going to get serious. Cindy stood and removed her shorts, leaving herself in only a pair of pink panties. Kevin was staring. "Eyes up here. You'll get a close enough look soon. Keep paying me attention. Have you gotten this far yet?"

"No. Had my hand in one girls pants but she stopped me. She's the one afraid of my peni...cock. If I was smaller she might have let me keep going."

"Ok, then remove my underwear, then I'll sit and you can get a better look at mine than most girls will probably allow." Kevin slid down Cindy's underwear, almost said Wow out load, traced her triangle with his finger and kissed her on her mound. "Nice, that was nice. You didn't attack. Appreciate what you discover. There will be any number of different looks, from hairy to bald in all colors, not necessarily matching her hair on her head. Now let me sit on the sofa. You get on the floor. OK, now investigate, I'll tell you what you're seeing." Kevin explored. Cindy patiently explained everything. Sex ed in school is one thing, a live participating instructor is another. She got a few chills when he touched her just right.

"Treat a girl's pussy right, give her pleasure, take time to make her really feel something and you'll be very popular. OK, now down by the bottom, still between the inner lips, the opening. Wet your middle finger, now slowly insert it. OK, keep going all the way. You're in my vagina, my pussy, my cunt if you must. Feel around, now I'll clench my muscles. I can feel one finger. No offense but I've had even larger than you in there. I've also made love with Uncle Tim almost every day for over 25 years now. Does it feel stretched out?"

"No, it's tight."

"Maybe not as tight as your teen friends, but you won't deform them. But do be careful going all the way in. Some girls won't be able take the full length. You need to work that out with each partner. Now next thing, get closer, use your tongue." Kevin went in with gusto. His tongue was everywhere. What he lacked in technique and know how he made up for with eagerness and determination. He was eating pussy. His Aunt had her legs spread wide open, head back enjoying his tongue exploring.

"Now, now Kev, ooh ok, nice, now concentrate on the clit up top, that's it, lick. Wiggle your tongue, suck on it. Yes, oh, yes so good." Cindy gripped the sofa, her body tensed, she let out a sharp, "OH" Then quieter, panting. Catching her breath. She brought Kevin's face to hers kissed him hard. "Woo. Nice Kevin. You gave your Aunt a nice orgasm. Do THAT for a girl and you become more than a groping teen." Kevin was beaming. He felt good about himself. His cock was also back at attention. Catching my breath I said, "OK, one last lesson. But we need to take this one into the bedroom. A man gives me an orgasm like that he's getting laid."

I held Kevin's cock in my hand and led him to the bedroom. Kevin couldn't believe he was really going to lose his virginity. To a real woman who wanted it, not a girl he begged for it.

"Ok Kev, on the bed. Lie on your side. I'll get next to you." Before getting started we talked about some do's and don'ts, putting his partner at ease, protection and such. "Now let me get you nice and wet then I'll shut up and let's have fun." I scooted down on the bed and liberally licked and wet Kevin's hard cock. "You don't seem shy, your cock is nice and hard. With your size, girl on top is probably best first time. Don't go banging away on a young lady. You do that IF and when someone asks for it. Now lie back and let Aunt Cindy see how this goes. Playing with the tits is welcome, just don't forget the rest of me." I straddled Kevin, took a moment to lean forward and kiss him, touch his chest, run my hand over his stomach, then I reached under and aimed his cock at my pussy. I had to scoot forward to line up, then pressed the head against my waiting opening. He was big. Settling back I let my weight force the first couple inches into me. Adjusted myself and let two more inches enter. I let out a satisfied "aaah".

"I can't believe I'm finally..."

"Ssh, wait it gets better."

I pushed back more. He was filling me. Stretching so nicely. Hitting me everywhere inside. I sat up and let the remaining cock sink in. Kevin looked on in awe. Amazed that his tiny Aunt how had his full cock in her. He looked at me, my eyes half closed, mouth open, sounds of satisfaction, deep breaths causing my tits to rise and fall, looked at my stomach, the triangle pointing to my pussy that had accepted his full hard cock. I leaned forward resting my hands in his chest, "Now let's have fun." I began first rocking forward and back sliding up and down his cock. My pussy trying to hold him as he slipped out, then thrust back in. Then I started riding him, my hips rolling forward, back causing his cock to touch everywhere inside. Holding tight to him, my head rolled and shook, hair flying, tits shaking. Squeezing him with my vagina, grip, release, grip, move, slide, down, almost off then down again. His balls tightened.

"Aunt Cindy, I'm, I'm gonna cum."

"MMM good. Inside, give it to me in my pussy. Fill your Auntie with your hot cum." He pulsed, again, shot after shot of his semen flooding me. When he finished after a few hard spurts, I rested on his chest. Kissed his chest, looked up at my nephew, smiling in satisfaction. I topped it off be telling him. "That was good. Very good. Great job Kev."

When we had recovered a bit I reminded our nephew that he couldn't be out bragging about nailing a cougar. "It could cause trouble."

"What about my sisters? I'm not sure they'd believe me."

"Hmm, I don't think they'll be a problem. And your Dad knows. No secrets in family."

"Uncle Tim won't be mad?"

"He knows what I'm up to. We have no secrets. I'll make it up to him. But that's lesson 200, and we're not going there."

Kevin laughed, then lay propped on his hand looking at me. He trailed his fingers over my body, in wonder that he'd finally had sex and it was so good and his Aunt Cindy said he was good. I stretched out on my stomach, letting him stroke my back, gaze at my ass.

I knew what he was doing. "Go ahead, you can squeeze my ass." He caressed, and grabbed a handful, watched it move and shake. I saw that playing with my body had created another stirring between his legs. MMM, the stamina of the young. Sorry, but I do kind of miss that. "Just so there's no mistake Kevin, this is a one time thing. Uncle Tim agreed to let me help you, but I'm his and he's mine. I've really enjoyed myself. You're going to make someone, maybe more than one along the way, very happy. Just remember what we talked about. And now since you need to leave soon, as a reward for being so gentle and satisfying and since I now have the measure of you, you may take me one more time. As the saying goes, Fuck me good."

Kevin needed little coaxing. Wow, a second shot. How did he want her? Doggie style could be fun, but no, her wanted to look in his Aunt's face and watch her tits jiggle. Kevin rolled me onto my back. He dipped his finger into my pussy and found it very wet. I was. I needed some more Kevin. He moved up closer and lifter my legs bending them back. Positioning his cock he pushed into me. Oh he felt good, instantly filling me, stretching me to allow his cock, pushing forward to fill me. Then with the energy of youth he started pounding into me relentlessly. Like a piston driving an engine, each thrust causing me to shake, my tits to roll up and back. Oh but it felt good. How my pussy begged for more and more.

"Yes, Kev, like that. Good and hard. Give me what you've got. Keep going." And he did. On and on. Having cum twice he had stamina, energy, determination. Leaning forward, he was rubbing on my sensitive spots, hitting all of them inside. I closed my eyes and let my body be taken away, rocking with each thrust, penetrated deep, feeling his balls slapping on my ass. I let myself go, rode a series of orgasms, pure bliss.

"Oh thank you Kev, yes, Fuck me, Fuck me hard." Then with a grunt, tensing, one last thrust, he filled the deepest reaches of my body with another load of his cum. Grunting, straining to be sure he gave me every last drop. Then relaxing.

"That was soooo good Kevin. So good. I came more than once. Thank you."

I held him for a short while. Feeling his softened cock finally slip from me. Kissed him and thanked him again.

"OK, time to clean up. You need to get going."

"Aunt Cindy, that was more than I ever expected. Thanks so much for the talk and the advice and for you know."

"Oh Kev, that part was my pleasure too."

And that's why Cindy only has a 10 year chip. One diversion to help out a nephew in need.


The next week

We were just finishing lunch when Mel and Chrissy popped in looking to get some pool time. Unfortunately as they were setting up a storm rolled in and we got some rare, but much needed rain. The girls scrambled to get inside in time. We had no great plans for the day so I made some drinks and we sat around in the living room. It seemed a good day for storytelling. Mel started by asking, "So are there any hot stories you haven't told us? I mean, nothing can beat the one about you two, Aunt Sandy and our Dad spending a whole day and night having sex."

"We were young once too. Anyway, don't you owe us YOUR foursome story? And no skimping on details." I knew both girls would keep the other sibling honest. But first I had a question, "Mel, that dragon tattoo, that's a lot of work, it must have hurt."

Mel turned her leg so we could follow it and opened her cover up, I could now see her very small bikini bottom (sorry distracted), to show the full image. "Oh sure, it hurt like a motherfucker, worst ever, or light foreplay if you're Chrissy."

"Bitch." We all laughed.

They started the story. Doing their twin thing talking as one person.

"Chrissy brought it up first."

"Yeah, this was maybe five years ago. I was dating this guy Derek. He's the one that got me into the bondage S&M thing. We tried stuff and it REALLY turned me on. He was a pretty good guy, but in bed, damn he was wild. One time he tied me up good, I couldn't move, the fucker took a Viagra. Fucked me everywhere for three hours. I was so fucking sore. But I came countless times. He'd fuck me, leave me there, come back ass fuck me, leave me. I had to pee once, just did it on the bed. Like no mercy. I got even. Tied him up next time and whipped his ass. So remember, at that time Mel and I looked exactly alike. Same mid length hair, no tats or piercings. We even shaved our pussies because her pubes are a little darker. Derek was always telling me how his bucket list included doing twins. He kept asking me to invite Mel. So I had an idea. I suggested we get a house for the weekend in Tahoe, I'd see if Mel wants to come. He was so psyched."

"Chrissy asks me if I wanted to go. She had a devious idea but needed me to help. First, would I fuck Derek? I thought about it. He was pretty hot, in good shape. Chrissy said he had a nice cock. So yeah maybe I'd be down for it. Then she asked if I still went with Phil. Phil and I weren't dating but we'd get together. He was really bisexual. We'd be fucking and a dude would show up, a friend of his and join in. Phil doing me and the other guy in Phil's ass. The only thing that didn't work was I wouldn't let his random friends fuck me so he could fuck them."

"We all got there and Derek seemed disappointed that I brought a guy, but Chrissy told him things would work out. We did all the chit chat stuff, had dinner, some drinks then settled into the main area. Chrissy came up with some dumb game she made up but basically told everyone to just get naked. Phil and I went right along, Derek hesitated but maybe seeing he matched up well with Phil's long narrow cock and seeing his dream of twins standing identically naked, he followed along."

"I made shit up for a game and got everyone comfortable with some tit grabbing and cock tugging, then Derek took his first shot at trying to bang Mel. Mel says you can fuck me, if Phil can fuck you. Phil was all for it, but Derek now has his biggest dream right in front of him, if he lets a guy have his ass. Oh I was enjoying his dilemma. He tried talking his way around it but..."

"I was toying with him now, sitting with my legs spread casually palming my pussy, Chrissy over there asking how much he really wanted Mel. He was cracking. Then Phil says he'll help him get ready and moves over to Derek. Starts sucking his cock. Derek is stunned, but doesn't complain. Phil's going to town aggressively stroking and sucking. Now Derek HAS to have Mel. So he says ok, but he wants both of us together."

"No problem, I slide over by Mel and we both open up for him. Me first I tell him, then finish in Mel. But she doesn't like it rough like I do. Derek dives right in, fucking me hard, almost like he wanted me to pay for this. After some good hard thrusting he pulls out and shifts over to my sister. He looked at her pussy like it was a gift, fuck it's the same goddamn pussy I have, he says, 'fuck I'm going to enjoy this.', maybe he forgot the deal. Derek sinks his cock into Mel and begins pumping his cock. Then Phil gets behind Derek with a fully lubed cock and presses it against Derek's ass. Phil says, 'oh I love a virgin ass, so fucking tight.'

"Derek is giving it to me good. Not rough but good solid fucking. He did have a nice cock. Not too large, it felt nice rocking in and out. Then Phil penetrated him. The look on his face was priceless. Now as Phil thrusts into Derek, Derek pushes into me."

"I was pissed I didn't bring a strap on to do Phil, this scene was awesome. Phil was now balls deep in Derek who was buried in Mel. I guess the stimulation in his ass was too much and Derek lets out some kind of grunt and cums in Mel. Phil gives him his full length and deposits his load up inside Derek. Both guys pull out and I say, 'Over here', and well that's when I did ass to mouth. I took both cocks, one right from Derek's ass and the other coated with his and Mel's juices and sucked them both clean. Derek was complaining that his ass was sore, so not to be out kinked I got behind him and licked his asshole, collecting more of Phil's cum."

"I felt good. Derek had fucked me and filled me. Phil was licking his cum from my pussy. I asked Derek if it was worth it. He said, 'yeah I guess so, you and your sister, exactly alike, but different."

"After a recovery period I asked Derek if he wanted to try Phil's ass. He said as long as this stayed between us, yeah he'd like to pay him back. I knew what he meant and asked Phil if he was ok with something more physical. Phil said sure, he'd love to have Derek's cock. I lubed Derek up and for extra inspiration got in a 69 with Mel on the sofa. Positioning themselves to watch us, Derek got behind Phil and attacked his ass hard. Phil says, 'is that all you got?' Now it was on. Derek really let him have it 3-4 times, then grabbed his hips and drove his cock into his ass. He rode Phil hard. Mel and I stopped what we were doing to watch them. I saw Phil with a full hardon and got down on the floor under them. I took Phil in my mouth and let Derek's thrusts push Phil into my throat. Derek was pulling back and going deep with each thrust. Phil came first, with three spurts down my throat. I saved some in my mouth to share with Mel. We went back to making out while Derek got close to finishing. He started getting into it, 'take this motherfucker, take my big cock in your ass.' Like he needed to be in control. Then with a last hard thrust he came in Phil, holding his ass tight to him while emptying his load. Needless to say we were exhausted."

"The rest of the weekend was more fun and sex. Sometime the next day Derek said he's like to try sucking Phil's cock, just to see what it was like. Then later Derek and Chrissy put on an S&M performance that even shocked Phil a bit. It was quite the weekend."

I looked at Cindy, then back at the girls. "Yes, yeah you've got us there. Never did anything like that."

"But you guys did like orgy stuff, other partners?"

Cindy, "Oh yes, we did. I'm sure you've heard some of it."

"Don't get mad at her but Aunt Sandy told us about the bacchanalia thing. That story is epic. A million to fuck your ass?"

"Not quite that much but yes, he paid a lot for the privilege."

"You're so fucking cool."

"I don't know about that, but let us tell you about some fun we had right outside. You've seen that show I was on?"

"You were so cute as a teen."

"I was 24-25 during the later years."

Cindy had lead role on a sitcom, "Growin' Up", that ran several years and still pays her for reruns. She was a teen, Mindy Mathers, in a 'typical' NJ home of wisecracking s, overwhelmed Dad and Mom who held it together. The first couple years were more about the parents but then Cindy became America's sweetheart and episodes started focusing on her first kiss and high school stuff. Cindy was supposed to be 17, Trent Griffin played her younger brother Danny, but he was even older than Cindy. I think the same age as me. Kelly Johnson was the youngest sibling, Missy, she was really 19 at the time of this story. Jerry Lawson was the Dad and Angie Peters, the Mom. They were in their late 30's, maybe 40.

"They actually got married in real life after the second season."

So it was season 4, Cindy had broken out, got a nice raise too. The show had just had its 100th episode which meant reruns and continued income into the future. We'd just bought this house and decided to have a celebration for the cast. All the show's teens were really adults so we decided to have it out by the pool and let nature take its course.

"What about the guy who was your boyfriend on the show, Steve?"

"Oh, no. I never liked him. He was always trying to cop a feel. He thought just because we kissed on screen I wanted to fuck him in my trailer. When the director would call "cut" when he was holding me he'd let his hand slide up to my boob, or pat my ass when I walked away. So no, he wasn't invited to my house."

We had a good time, laughs, telling stories about things on set. Jerry and Angie had been in the business for years, so they were used to these parties. I stood next to Jerry. "It's getting late, who loses their bathing suit first?"

"Honest Tim, no offense, but I hope it's Cindy." I laughed.

"It just might be. I think she'd like to see what's in Trent's shorts. Will you and Angie stay if things get wild?"

"Sure, if you don't mind. I think Angie might like a little on the side herself tonight. We're still getting used to being married."

I was wrong. It was Missy, uh Kelly, who got things rolling. "Let's get this party going." And with that the young 19 year old stripped down. They did their best on the show to make her look younger but she was developing into a woman. Perky little breasts and butt that was going to attract the guys. She had bright red hair and a full red bush below. She walked up to Trent and grabbed his crotch.

"MMM how about some TV , big brother." She then pulled down Trent's shorts releasing a very full adult cock. Trent pulled her close and gave her a most unbrotherly kiss. Cindy looked at me.

"Seems it's party time. Mind if I try some fake ?"

"Go for it. I'll be entertaining your 'Mom'"

Cindy walked up to Jerry, releasing her suit as she went. "Daddy, your little girl has been bad, I need to be punished." She pushed Jerry down into a chair and laid across his lap. "Spank me Daddy." Jerry took a moment to admire the tight body stretched across him. They young lady who played his daughter on TV was now offering her body. Gathering himself, he smacked Cindy on the ass. Not hard, this was play. "Yes you have been bad. Smack. Maybe next time you'll listen. Smack. Daddy has something else you can do so you remember."

"What Daddy, anything."

"OK pull my shorts down." Cindy got down before him and removed his shorts. To her credit she didn't react. Jerry was hard, but he had a fairly small penis.

"OOh Daddy, what would you like me to do?"

"Would you," Now Jerry hesitated. Can he really ask Cindy? Tell her what she needed? He looked over and saw that Angie and I were beginning to explore each other. Deep breath. "Would you. Suck me. To the end. Angie won't let me." Now Cindy understood. Beyond the Daddy/daughter game Jerry hadn't had a good blowjob in awhile.

"Anything for you Daddy." Cindy took her co-star into her mouth.

Over by the pool Kelly was thoroughly enjoying Trent rocking his hard cock in and out of her pussy. His tanned body against her fair skin made a hot contrast. "Oh fuck Kel, fuck you're so tight. Been wanting this. Getting closer, where should I?"

"I'm safe, cum, give me your cum." Trent continued plowing Kelly's red bush, then, "Oh fuck yes," and came in his co-star. Kelly was glowing. She was going to have some fun as an adult. Angie and I were nude now. Angie was treating my cock like I was super hung. It was making me hornier. Cindy was licking and sucking all over Jerry's cock. Treating him like it was the best cock she'd had in ages.

Jerry's eyes were closed enjoying her attention, except when he was staring at the naked vision pleasuring him. "Cindy. Cindy I'm going to cum. Will you?" Cindy looked up at him, cock in mouth, "Mmm Hmm" and shook her head slightly up and down. She took his cock all the way into her mouth held his balls and hummed on his cock. Jerry released his load into Cindy's mouth not believing his luck. She took every drop and sucked for more. Finishing she licked her lips and smiled at him. "Good stuff Daddy."

I was laying down on a lounger, Angie bouncing on my cock enjoying how it filled her. I was getting worked up and looking for more. I saw Kelly talking to Cindy and called her over. "Kelly, how about sitting that red bush on me?"

"Kel, go for it, he's a good pussy licker."

"OK, recommendation taken."

Kelly practically bounced over and sat her pussy on my face. Even with some of Trent's cum still there she was tasty. Fresh, young, energetic. Now I was fully engaged. Angie was using my cock to satisfy her needs and I was enjoying Kelly. Would I ever be able to watch Cindy's show the same way again?

Jerry was recovering from Cindy's blowjob, but she was looking for more. "Trent, get your cock over here." She bent over the table presenting herself to her TV brother. "Now, fuck me. NOW Trent." Trent was up to the task, stepping in behind Cindy and lining up his cock, he rubbed the head on her pussy and found it wet and ready to go. Needing no more encouragement he pushed inside.

'Missy' and 'Mindy' in one night? Steve was going to be so jealous. Reaching up to take Cindy's tits in hand, hers were much fuller than Kelly's, he held on tight while ramming his cock into his friend and co-star. Good thing this was his second time. He wanted to give it to Cindy as long as he could. Kelly was tight, but this was something special.

Angie, finally found what she needed and rode me through her much needed orgasm. I paused in my licking of Kelly to tense and fill Angie's pussy with cum. Satisfied she climbed off me and joined her husband. They watched the younger actors perform. I lifted Kelly to turn her around. She got the idea and leaned forward to suck my cock while I went beck to devouring her pussy. Her pink bud called to me and I lay my tongue flat on it and slid it back and forth. I pushed two fingers into her and fucked her that way while I continued my attentions on her clit. Kelly sucked my excess cum and Angie's juices from my cock. She jerked my cock and sucked the head willing me to a second erection.

Trent now held Cindy by the hips and rocked in and out of her. Cindy told him to wait, then turned over on the table, she put her legs up on his shoulders giving him access to push deeper and a view of her tits swaying and bouncing on her chest. "Yes fuck me big boy, give your sister your cum. Fill me. Fuck me. Fuck me." He did, not slowing down he held her around her legs and pressed into her soaking pussy over and over. Cindy came. Calling out for us to hear, "Oh fuck yes, oh yeah, yes, more, like that, more, keep fucking me."

Kelly had my cock hard, and was going to town on it. Sucking down all that would fit, coming up for air and going back for more. With her hand she stroked any that wasn't in her mouth. Working me hard. She was grinding her pussy into my face, her juices sweet on my tongue. Sucking on her clit, she began a wave of orgasm, she wasn't loud, just "ooooooooooh, ooooooooh, mmmmmmm" repeated as the next wave hit. Then my fingers found the spot inside and she sat up sharply, her body going rigid, then relaxed, "aaaah, oooh fuck that was nice." I continued lightly licking her pussy, lapping up and remaining juices.

Trent had finally reached his limit. He tensed, his balls tightened, he pulled Cindy to him and looked at her, she said yes, he hit her with a load equal to his earlier one. She could feel his spurts, hitting her inside. It felt like a lot of cum. Drenching her. Filling her. She squeezed his cock, he tensed and fired another round. Then he was spent. Cindy sat up on the table gushes of cum running from her. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. "Oh fuck, Trent, that was really good." Be sure to tell Steve he missed a good party.

Having come down from her high, Kelly was determined to finish me off. She stroked me hard, licked all around the head, sucked on it. Finally I told her I was ready. She opened her mouth, aimed my cock and let me shoot three spurts into her. Then she licked off the remaining cum dribbling from me. She turned and lay on me, telling me, "Cindy was right, you can really eat pussy Tim. She's so lucky."

We all cleaned up and moved to the hot tub to relax. I think Kelly and Trent had another round later, but we were satisfied. It was quite the celebration.

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