Naked Day - part 18 Bacchanalia, Act 2

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

After 15 minutes the music became more dramatic, the curtain parted. Nikki walked up to me.

"I just talked to Angel. Apparently Cindy told her she's 'not just laying there letting these old fucks dump cum in her anymore'. She's taking over the show. Expect a performance."

The platform was rolled about, but no longer was there a nervous sacrifice being presented for anyone's pleasure. We were now getting the Goddess of Love come down from the heavens.

Standing at the center of the raised platform was Cindy in full rock star pose. Legs apart for balance, but also showing off the tone of her muscles, the firmness of her young body. Hands on hips,

naked as the day she was born. Exposed to all eyes, but confident. In control.

"Honored guests, God Bacchus, servers, mortals, the sacrifice is over. I have joined the Gods. And now I descend from the heavens to walk among the mortals. The Goddess of Love sanctifies this Bacchanalia."

Peter hurried over to us. "What is she doing? This is all different."

"Peter, dear. Just watch. I have the feeling your Bacchanalia is going from famous, to legendary. That girl is going to make your party something never to be forgotten."

Cindy surveyed the crowd, seeming to make mental notes, then dramatically picked up a piece of silky cloth, similar in size to what we were wearing. She then leapt from the platform, landing in a crouch, as if she was looking for prey. Rising she walked the room using the wrap to spin around her following her moves, showing then hiding, then giving another glimpse of her refreshed body. There was just a peek of her sex, a breast, then no, she turns from you and the garment lays across her butt accentuating her movements. The guests were in awe. No one could guess what would happen next, this was all new. Cindy approached the 40 year old ad exec, circled him, appraised him. He had been first to take her in act one. Now she looked at him as if to see if he was worthy. Facing him Cindy pulled his body to hers, kissed him full on the mouth and with her left hand grasped his balls, felt their weight. It had the desired effect. Cindy slithered down his body, to her knees. Reaching his now hard cock, she took it between her lips and in one motion slipped the whole length into her mouth, into her throat. Purring, moaning, she massaged his cock head with her throat. Faster than he would have wanted he exploded. Standing Cindy kissed him again on the lips leaving just a drop of his cum, then she moved on.

"Nikki, this is incredible. This is performance. What will she do next?"

"Wait and see Peter. Look she's approaching Helen and George Bernsten." Turning to me Nikki explained that Helen, who was about 53, was one of the few women running an ad agency at the time. A very powerful woman in the business. Cindy approached the couple, they were both in good shape for later middle age, Cindy again circled them, then moved in close to George. She kissed him, but then rather than checking his equipment she reached with her right hand and cupped Helen's mound. Massaging the older woman's pussy, Cindy inserted a finger and smiled. Turning to her new target, she dropped to her knees and put her face between Helen's legs and plunged her tongue into the shocked woman's pussy, licking bottom to top. Cindy lifted one leg over her shoulder for better access and continued her licking and sucking. George, always the gentleman, actually got behind his wife to help hold her in place. Cindy found her clit and worked her tongue over it, kissing, licking, rubbing. Helen was now moaning in pleasure. Without stopping her attack, Cindy reached out her left hand and received an object from Angel.

"Is that what I think it is?", a shocked Nikki asked. "It is, that's my favorite vibrating dildo!"

With hardly a pause Cindy spread Helen's vagina wide open and pushed the dildo deep into her. With the vibrations and Cindy's clitoral attention, Helen melted into a wave of orgasm.

She collapsed into her husband's arms, but already Cindy had moved on.

"Nikki, tell me she didn't just leave Helen Bernsten with a dildo up her cunt."

"You saw it Peter. Fucking epic."

Cindy continued prowling the room looking carefully at each man, repeating the blowjob routine on three more. "I see what she's doing Tim. She's looking for guys holding tickets.

She's sucking them dry so they don't have anything left to fuck her. Brilliant. They get a memorable experience, and she lessens the load on her pussy." I just shook my head. Here I was 'happy'

that my wife was only blowing a bunch of guys. I had no count on how much semen was already inside her. And now apparently we were getting to the highlights.

"Mortals, I need a challenge. You men who serve the gods have brought me many strong hard penises. But the Goddess of Love requires something more. Is there no one to challenge the Goddess?" Several guests, called for "Peter, Peter". He actually took a step forward. But Cindy cut him off.

"Now is not the time for the God Bacchus. I am looking for a mortal."

Then from the back of the room, the lead guitarist stepped up and said "we call our bass player horse cock." For the first time Cindy had a moment where she was unsure. I think she had already surveyed the room and had noted no oversize cocks. But her bluff had been called. "Bring him forward. Servers remove his pants." They did and we were rewarded with a nice cock alright. The best de*****ion is a combination of her brother Johnny's length and my girth. It wasn't extremely wide like Peter's but not skinny. One difference, even when hard, it curved downward. The bass player was brought to the middle of the floor, his impressive erection glistening from Angel and Phoebe, preparing him by licking up and down his length. Cindy knelt and took his cock in her hands. "A penis worthy of a Love Goddess." Then she took the cock into her mouth. First testing the fit and the curve. Closing her eye and inhaling she paused dramatically then began feeding the cock inch by inch, steady, never stopping. Deeper, deeper. You could see where the cock was stretching her throat. Then like a sword swallower, with about an inch remaining, she put her arms straight out to the side and pushed her face right against his body. None of his cock was showing. The musician, howled to the moon and held Cindy's head in place. She removed his hands and pulled back for a breath. Sucking hard on his engorged meat she coaxed several jets of cum into her throat. The small crowd erupted in applause. But Cindy was up, prowling, twirling, gliding through the audience. She found Greg standing back out of the way. Sensuously she approached, removed her silky covering held both ends and threw the middle over Greg's head. With it now behind his neck she pulled him to her. Quietly, she said to him, "Come with me. I'll make your first time your best time. Ever."

"I'm not a virg..."

"I know you are. Earlier you were entertained by a mortal. Now you will fuck a Goddess. Follow my lead, I'll take care of you."

"uuh, ok?"

Then she leaned in close, apparently for a kiss, but she whispered, "But first, accept my apology for the plane. I truly am sorry." Greg could only nod.

"Honored guests, God Bacchus. It is time for the Goddess to breed with a mortal. I've chosen the youngest of you. May his seed be the quickest and the strongest."

Cindy raised her hand and a chair was brought to the middle. The guests made a circle as she directed Greg to sit. Cindy then circled and circled, running her hands over the young man's face, his neck, his chest. Returning to face Greg, she put one leg up on the chair giving Greg a good look at the treasure he was about to receive. The 18 year old's cock now glistened with precum as its decent length pointed to the stars. Cindy took hold of his cock and lowered herself to it. She rubbed it all along her pussy. Leaning her head on Greg's shoulder, she whispered, "Relax, control yourself, touch my body as you wish, I'll do the work." And then she lowered herself onto him. Greg let out a loud gasp. Not only was he getting laid, he was fucking a goddess. Girls of this quality wouldn't look at him on campus. The went for jocks or upper classmen. Breaking from his thoughts, Greg listened to Cindy's words and began caressing her body. Of course spending extra time on the tits bouncing before his eyes. And bounce they did, with every up and down movement by Cindy on his cock. She might have been the goddess but he'd died and gone to heaven. Sensing that this was becoming routine for the audience, Cindy announced, "The Goddess of Love, finds this mortal to be worthy. But a Goddess needs more. This is Bacchanalia. Come with me mortal."

Cindy got up from Greg, who looked disappointed for a moment. She took him by the hand to a table. The crowd quickly moved with them to see what was next. Cindy bent over the table and demanded, "Mortal young man. Take the Goddess as yours. Finish me properly." From the back someone shouted, "If he won't I will."

But Greg, no longer a virgin, stepped up behind Cindy and quickly found the spot. In one push his glistening cock was balls deep. Cindy gasped and grabbed the table for support. Those in front of her got a spectacular view of her swaying tits, her hair falling around her face, her mouth open and now groaning, moaning, yelling. Either Greg was doing a great job or this was one hell of a performance. The rode her for a couple minutes then shouted himself, tensed and filled the first and best pussy of his life. Cindy collapsed forward onto the table taking a moment to gather herself. Then standing and facing Greg, she kissed him and said, "You were very very good. I've only come better with my husband." It was a generous apology.

Cindy walked away, Greg's cum running down her leg. Angel approached her and asked if she needed a break, while cleaning her nephew's cum from her leg and up to her leaking pussy.

Deep breath, then, "No, I have one more performance."

Over where Nikki and I watched Peter was beside himself. "This, this is incredible. What a show. People will talk of it for years."

What does she have planned next?"

"We don't know. Each moment is a surprise to us." Then Nikki turned to me. "How has you cock not fallen off with that girl fucking you every night?"

"Well sometimes we make love, nice and slow. But she is one of a kind."

We turned to look as Cindy climbed on the table in the middle of her audience. She already had their attention. She turned to be sure she faced everyone and let them all see her. "I came to you as a mortal sacrifice. I gave to you my most private parts, sliding her hands over her mound, slightly separating her lips to give one more look at her still wet pussy. I gave you my assets, as she held one breast in each hand, pinching her nipples. I gave you my oral ss, opening her mouth, licking her lips, then smiling. But there was one forbidden area. She turned, letting all see and waiting as they realized what she meant. Cindy now bent forward to give a better view of her tight little ass. I came to you as a mortal. Not a virgin, with that she gave a little shrug. Laughs from her admirers. Now I am a Goddess. I'm still no virgin. And she looked right at Greg who was proudly standing with the others. But even a Goddess has her secrets. There is one place where I am virgin. Where no man, or God has gone."

Nikki looked at me with raised eyebrow. I looked back and smiled. "Let it go. Didn't Peter say, anything for the performance?"

"But this wouldn't be the Bacchanalia with out excess of all kinds. The Goddess will give her virgin ass to one man tonight."

Placing a hand on each ass cheek, she again gave everyone a look at the prize. "Before our guests and the God Bacchus, one man will have the honor of taking a Goddess. But who will it be? How to decide? The Goddess knows. The Goddess chooses to help mortals while honoring Bacchus. The man who donates the largest amount, to a charity chosen by Bacchus. The man who hands the largest check to our host will have the freedom to deflower the Goddess. Now I will recline on my throne as I choose to watch the next interlude."

"Tim, Nikki do you know what this means.?

"That Nikki and I are about to fuck in front of thirty people?"

"No no. There must be seven, eight multi-millionaires in this room. To be the first to fuck such a body in the ass? These bastards will pay tens of thousands, maybe more if I get them bidding.

Now here's what we'll do. I'll announce your performance then move to the wine table. Take your time and I'll get them bidding against each other. This is genius. I looked at Nikki's mostly nude body.

"Take your time he says. Maybe I should have gotten a quick blowjob along the way. I feel ready to bust already."

"I could ask Angel to suck you off quick, but then could you get it up again in time?"

"Can't risk it. I'll take one for the team."

"I have an idea. Come inside with me while Peter starts his speech."

I followed Nikki to their bedroom. Somewhere in here we have some cock rings we got as gag gifts. They're too tight for Peter, but should work for you."

"Cock ring?"

"Yes it goes around the base of your cock and keeps you hard, but not cumming. Then we release it when ready."

"OK then."

Nikki showed me how it worked then we walked out to watch from behind the gauzy curtain. It was interesting to me that Cindy wanted to watch me perform with my sister. Fair is fair, I'd just watched her fuck about 6 guys, blow some number more than that, give an orgasm to a 53 year old ad company owner. And she was selling her ass to this highest bidder. Peter was working the room. Men were asking if Cindy's ass really was virgin. Also looking for hints at what the winning bid might be. Helen Bernsten approached Peter.

"Peter, you've out done yourself. Where did you find that girl? Don't tell George, but I haven't had an orgasm like that in decades. Did you hire her? What did she cost?"

"No Helen. She's only been out here a few days. She's not a pro. She's Nikki's sister in law. Actually a nice young lady. She won't be doing this again. Except for her lucky husband."

"Really? She's a natural performer. Is it true what I hear, Felipe praised her head to toe."

"That's what I hear. Look at her. Don't you believe it. I think she could be something out here. On screen."

"Yes, I could see her, in clothes, sexy but sweet, selling products. The ideal girl next door who won't offend the housewives, but will have their husbands getting hardons. Is she interested in the business?

"Maybe. Call me next week once they get a chance to come down from all this. Nikki and I would represent her."

"Just make sure I'm first in line. If I didn't think she'd him I'd give you the highest bid. The old boy wouldn't know what to do. Actually this is brilliant. Let me write you a check for $50k to the charity. What an idea."

"The idea was Cindy's. Actually this whole second act was."

"Really? Quite the girl."

On his way to the platform to announce the interlude Peter stopped by Cindy to congratulate and thank her. "Cindy, this has been magnificent. Inspired. Are you ready for the last act. Is your ass really virgin?"

"Peter, a Goddess never tells her secrets. I learned from an expert that the show is the thing. Now let me rest and you go do your work. I think maybe we can help a charity for ren? One more thing, Peter. My ass is worth at least half a million. Make these rich fucks cough up. It will be worth it for the winner. He can ride me like never before."

"I think we can do that. A couple of the rich ones may be too old, but I think our friend Richard may break the bank. He's the one over there you've entertained first. He's forty, in good shape, nice cock. At least you can enjoy."

"Hmm, that would make him the only one to have me three ways. Make sure he pays a premium." Then she laughed.

Peter stepped up on the podium. "Friends, guests while you ponder your desires for this amazing creature, let us continue the entertainment. In the spirit of Bacchanalia we continue to bring you exciting and often taboo entertainments. And what is more taboo than ? Close family joining in sexual coupling. Father/daughter? Mother/Son? Ah maybe too depraved even for me. But what about Brother and Sister? Two young consenting adults joining together for the first time just for you. Let me present, my own partner Nikki, and her 22 year old brother Tim!" A chorus of ooohs and aaahs went up from the crowd as Tim and Nikki walked arm in arm to a chair that was placed in the middle. As they approached Nikki addressed the audience.

"When I was at home my brother may have looked with lust at this developing body." Nikki held up her generous breasts and turned her wide tight ass to the crowd. "The poor boy could look, but not touch. But now for the first time, for you only, I offer my body, my most intimate parts to my brother. Enjoy Tim." I sat on the chair, my cock squeezed at the base by the ring. Nikki straddled me. Bracing herself on my shoulders she lowered herself onto my cock. I was fucking my big sister. And she felt amazing. She lowered herself easily taking my full cock. She began a rhythmic up and down motion. I distracted myself by devouring her breasts that she pressed against my face. The regular pace allowed me to control my need.

Peter attracted a small crowd by the wine table. By now the bidding was down to four men who alternated throwing bids at Peter and watching the ual performance. The remaining men were two executives from the advertising world, including Richard, a producer of Hollywood films and a producer of adult softcore movies. They were at $325k.

"Now don't be cheap. I know you men can light cigars with this money. Remember it's a dual purpose. You get to fuck the virgin ass of a fine young woman. No whore, she's the girl next door from NJ. An innocent finding her sexual freedom."

"Really Peter, is her ass virgin?"

"Yes Gilbert. Tight as your wallet seems to be. Open yours wide and she promises you a ride to remember."

Meanwhile Nikki continued her work on my cock. "Nikki, if Mom could only see us now."

"She'd keel over. Now, fuck me back. We need to move this along."

I started thrusting, grabbing Nikki by the waist lifting and dropping her. "Now how do I release this thing?"

Nikki reached between us and unclasped the ring. started flowing in all directions. With a scream I released inside my sister flooding her with cum. She lowered herself against me, hugging me and resting just a brief moment. A round of applause went up from our audience. They were well satisfied by our performance. It may not have been Cindy, but it was unique and memorable. Their host's mate had just fucked her brother, for them. Nikki scooped up some of my cum running from her and put her fingers in her mouth. That got another round of applause. Now all attendees, Nikki and I turned as Peter walked out from the wine table.

"I have had many generous pledges to charity. Now I ask each of you to present your final best offer. Come now, when was the last time you could write off the cost to have your cock crushed between the cheeks of such a fine young ass?"

Two of the finalists had dropped out. Nikki stood with me both of us still with the juices of our sibling coating us.

"Richard is a bit arrogant, but I would prefer that he win."

"Why Nikki."

"The other man, Gilbert isn't a bad person. But he makes his money producing adult films."


"More like softcore. They show everything but the penetration. Somehow that makes a difference for late night cable TV. But he is quite rich. I think Richard may win. He's loaded too and Gilbert probably has already had his share of young ass. Not as much incentive?"

Peter read the two offers and nodded towards Cindy who watched with interest. "We have two excellent bids. Unfortunately Gilbert, Richard is more inspired. I have here an offer of 730 thousand dollars. ALL going to charity. Ah Richard, be a sport, make it an even 750?" Cindy smiled.

"You drive a hard bargain Peter, ok, And now I will do some hard driving." Richard bowed to the crowd and approached Cindy's platform. "It seems I am to be first again my Goddess."

"How would you have me mortal?"

"Must I choose only one position?"

"No of course not. Treat me well and you may have me in any position for as long as you can last."

Richard sucked in a breath scanning the beauty before him. "Ok, let's prepare." The servers appeared. Phoebe sucked Richards cock then lubed the length. Angel squirted lube on Cindy and used her fingers to spread it and insert it into her anus. To be sure she was good and ready Angel quickly worked up to 3 fingers. Playing to the crowd and rewarding Richard for his unthinkable donation, Cindy tried to sound concerned, "So tight, how will I possibly fit his big cock?"

Richard asked Cindy to set ground rules. Slapping her ass, ok. Pulling her hair, not too hard, ok. Grabbing, by the neck, definite no. Obscene language. Go for it, get filthy. Richard was ready. He loved being the center of attention. "OK friends. I was honored to fuck this beauty first this evening. Now I will break in this virgin ass. By the end you'll wonder, Goddess or whore. Which is it, my bitch. Are you a Goddess or will you fuck me like a whore?"

Nikki shot a look at me to see if I was going to object. "Just words sis. He can say what he likes. Cindy will be busy getting her mind into it so she can maintain control."

Richard, stepped closer and pulled Cindy back to the edge of her table. He admired her form, then Slap! on her right cheek. Slap again in the same spot. Cindy gasped. This was rougher than her play with Tim. Slap! a third time. Tim made a movement, but Cindy glanced at him and made a small hand motion. She was ok. Not that bad really. Then Richard's hard cock invaded her ass. She let out a loud moan. Good thing Angel had her well lubed. Richard wasn't going slow like Tim. He was going to ride her hard. For 750K, who could blame him? Richard had Cindy by the hips and vigorously pumped his cock balls deep. Every so often he'd give her ass a hard slap. He was really enjoying himself. Letting go with one hand he reached forward and grabbed her hair, pulling her up and back. The crowd could now see her face, a mixture of pleasure and pain, her tits before her proudly displayed.

"Tell me whore. Tell me what you want."

"I'm no, uh, whore. I am the Goddess of Love." Smack! "Ow, oh." "What I need is for you mortal to FUCK MY ASS like you mean it."

Richard smiled, she was into it. He was riding her ass hard and enjoying every minute. Having cum twice already he knew he could wear out this little bitch. She might really be a nice girl, but right now she was a $750K premium piece of ass.

"OK whore or Goddess, let's really get to business. I want to see those tits shaking and see you begging for more. Turn over"

Cindy turned over not exactly sure how this would work. At home they'd only done doggie style. Richard grabbed a large pillow, pulled Cindy's ass to the very edge of the table. He lifted her and a server put the pillow underneath. Pleased with the positioning he addressed the crowd.

"Goddess? See how her ass gapes, begging for more of my cock. Go ahead beg for it whore."

"Give me more. More cock mortal. Feed your Goddess."

"I'll give you my cock but I'll have you calling yourself whore before we're done."

Richard slammed his cock into her waiting asshole. It was wide open and waiting. He resumed his pistoning movements. Slamming into her over and over. Reaching forward he fondled her tits, squeezing her small nipples, stretching them. And her tits did shake and roll despite their firmness. In and out he went, imploring her, "beg beg for my cock. Beg for my semen. Call yourself whore. I demand it."

"Oooh yes, please fuck my ass, fill me, cum in me, take me."

I could see that despite where we were and the situation, Cindy was going to cum from this. Her body couldn't deny the sensations. "Yes yes give it to me. Give it to your whore. I'M A FUCKING WHOOOOORE." She bucked, arched her back, screamed vile words, demanded satisfaction. It was too much for Richard, he held himself hard against Cindy and gave her what she needed.

What semen was left in him by this time now filled Cindy. Leaning on her he whispered. "Best ever girl, my best ever." And pulled away leaving Cindy with her gaping ass dripping cum,

exposed for all to see. She put her legs down, closed, leaned back and rested. As the servers, including Nikki, rolled the platform back behind the curtains the audience erupted in applause.

"Bravo Peter. Truly your greatest entertainment. Bravo."

Peter bowed but raised his hand. "Thank you, thank you. I cannot claim all credit. This unique performance starting with act 2 was almost entirely the design of our Goddess of Love. It was her idea. To have her body given up for charity. A truly special gift."

"Really Peter? Richard's money is all going to charity?"

"Yes, Cindy would like to benefit a charity for sick ren. Commendable."

Helen, "Peter please increase my pledge to $100 thousand. Come on you cheap bastards. Add to the total. You can't say this show wasn't worth a few of your filthy dollars."

"Thank you Helen, so kind. Yes, I promise, every dollar will go to good."

Several guests walked up and promised Peter some amount.

"Very good my friends. And now let me reintroduce our star of the night, the Goddess of Love, Cynthia!"

Cindy walked out, now wearing a lightweight cover-up. She was the only one clothed at the moment.

"Thank you. I hope you have been entertained. Thank you for you kind donations. I believe I will need to rest a good long time after all these virile men, and woman", as she looked at Helen with a smile. "But there is one remaining feat. No mortal could complete, but now I am a Goddess. I can do anything. God Bacchus, please step up to my platform."

Peter, not exactly sure what was happening, complied. "Bacchus, let me be sure of the rules. Cock in mouth, lips to pubes, no other restrictions?"

Oh fuck she was going to try again. Why now? She had succeeded. I looked at Nikki, who moved to the platform. Cindy ordered, "Server Nikki, prepare Bacchus and bring him to the end of the table." Seeing Cindy's determination, Nikki went along. Brought Peter to the table and began sucking and licking his cock. Peter hadn't had any release tonight and his great fat cock was soon hard and dangerous looking. The audience realized what was happening. The petite woman had handled the musician's long cock, but this was Peter the undefeated. Wagers were made among the rich guests. Large ones. When Peter was in position Cindy laid down on the table facing his fully erect member.

"Do you really want to try this again?," he asked the young lady who had brought him even more prestige as an entertainer.

Cindy looked up at Peter and smiled. "Ready?" Then she turned over on her back and let her head hang over the table. "So feed me. And DON'T stop." Cindy took a breath and closed her eyes waiting. Peter looked at me. Realizing what Cindy had already figured out I waved my hand to go ahead. He stepped forward and placed the head in her mouth. I saw Cindy actually relax her body as the crowd moved in for a closer look. Peter pressed on, three, four inches.

Hushed voices, "Wow." "Already impressive." "But no way it all goes."

Peter pressed on, another inch. Then a little more to the point he had reached last night. He paused. Cindy reached up and slapped him. Peter moved a little more, then realizing he was really defeated stepped forward and buried his thick cock in Cindy's throat. The audience erupted. Peter stepped back extracting his full length and stood beaten. Cindy hopped off the table and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Peter. But I had to. I knew I could."

Peter announced the end of his reign. Promised new entertainments in the future, then announced that the Bacchanalia was over. Cindy gave a short bow and left for the inside rooms where Nikki would help to bathe her and soothe any sore body parts.

She had won. She had done it on her terms. Now she was ready to go home with her one love. Tim.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000