Mound of Ass

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

The familiar ring of the bell awakened me from my zombie like state. Finally math class was over, I could barley stand another minute of lecture about new formulas, dividing fractions, trigonometry, blah, blah, blah. But now came the next part of the regularly boring day, English.
I made my way up the crowded hallway and into Mrs.Holloway's class and took my normal seat, the one in the back corner. I sat down and watched as everyone else entered the room, I was really just waiting for "HER." I waited and waited and waited some more, the classroom was practically filled now and my hopes of seeing "HER" were gashed. Mrs.Holloway walked to the door and began closing it, "Just my rotten luck," I thought. Suddenly a lone voice rang out in the empty halls, "Wait Mrs!"
My glanced up quickly, just in time to see "HER," Meagan, run in through the door with her gracious tits jumping up and down.
"Sorry Mrs, I had to finish writing my biology exam," she said, clearly out of breath.
"I'll let it slide for now," Mrs Holloway began, "But try not to let it happen again."
Meagan was about 5'10" and a year older then me. Her hair was a naturally dirty blond color but she had it died brown. Her eyes were a deep hazel color, accentuated further by her golden brown shirt which plunged down into a deep U-shaped neckline, caressing her beautifully shaped breasts, about the size of water balloons. She took her seat at the front, her tight jeans clinging to her body, Mrs.Holloway began speaking.
"Today I am going to divide you into groups of 3, each group will have to write a summary on Romeo and Juliet which will have to be passed in before the end of class. Each group will be put into a separate class. Now if their are no questions, listen for your groups."
I listened intently as she read the names... and I was rewarded with my patience.
"Group 4: Martin, Eric and Meagan."
I scanned the room twice but could not find Martin anywhere. My luck had increased 10 fold.

Meagan and I entered one of the empty classrooms down the hall, followed by Mrs.Holloway
"Since Martin isn't here today, you two will have to continue without him," she said before turning and leaving the room.
"Well I guess we get started," Meagan said, tossing her bag on the the floor.
"I guess so," I answered, removing my own book bag. As I began lowering my bag to the floor I turned back to Meagan. Now was my chance.
"Do you have a pencil I can borrow, I kinda lost mine."
"Sure," she answered.
Meagan bent right over in front of me, digging her way through the book bag. Her tight jeans straining to keep a hold on her mound of ass. I prayed that this moment would last. Sadly she found the pencil with ease and stood back up.
"Here it is," she said handing it to me.
My mind instantly calculated step two. I pretended to grab it, so when she let go it barely bounced off my finger tips and fell to the floor.
"Oops! Clumsy me," she said bending over again.
This allowed me to see down the abyss of her shirt and glimpse or succulent breasts with those perky nipples, but once again this barely lasted a second or two. She handed me the pencil and turned back to the table. And once again she bent over to show the world mother natures masterpiece.
"So where should we start?"
I couldn't take it anymore, and that's when I spoke those dangerous words.
"I know exactly where to start."
I walked over to that ass and rubbed my rock hard cock over its surface while beginning to peel off those jeans.
"What the hell do you think your doing!?," she screamed.
I managed to pull her jeans just far enough to expose her smooth contours. I leaned all my wait on her to try and stop her from trying to break free, and with my free hand, covered her mouth, trying to muffle her screams. I pushed my cock deep into her tight ass as far as it go and began to work it in and out. I myself was on the verge of screaming, due to the tight pressure that surrounded my shaft. I started to work faster, Meagan's screams of pain and fear were now mixed with moans of enjoyment. I groaned once more and knew I would be at my climax within a few moments and could feel it building inside me. I groaned again.
"Eric Hess!"
I opened my eyes to find Mrs. Holloway staring at me sharply from the front of class along with all the other students, including Meagan.
"What in the world do you think your doing?"
Everyone in class began laughing as I stared down at my now cum soaked pants. I blushed feeling ashamed, realizing that all was a daydream. With the class now in an uproar I began to leave to call him. And as I left, there was Meagan, giggling silently to herself knowing that I couldn't take my eyes off that monster mound of ass.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000