Back breaker (akatsuki pein story oneshot whatever)

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Walking into my room, I looked over my past week and how hectic my life has been. Laying half legged and have body over my bed I sighed. Could my life get anymore worst then it already is? I mean both parents dead, a over worked older brother, crappy heavy jobs, straight A student with AP classes, kickboxing, karate, dancing, vocal cored class, and on top of that my Bf wants me to really have sex with him. I rolled to myside and pulled my stitched up Teddy bear close to my chest. It's either I do this or I run away an change my name and never come back. I rolled my eyes at the thought of that. Everyone in this world knew who I was. I sighed getting up taking off my clothes leaving me only wearing my black and purple lace panties and bra. I turned to my phone which played "A place where yu belong" by Bullet for my Valentine. Just as I picked it up the lights went off. "hello?" "scar sorry ima be home late so yu can order out on something Kay" Davon spoke in a hurry "yea ohk" I stated and hung up before he could say anything else. I threw on a sports bra over my regular one and threw one some black sweat pants. I walked out my room into the living room and winced as my pinky toe hit the loveseat by the table that I was trying to avoid. I mumbled a few curse words as I rubbed the sore and flicked on the dead lights. "ugh! Can this day get any worst?!" I yelled at nothing in particular. I sighed walking out the door to the power cables and flipped them back on walking back into the house I got the house phone and ordered a large extra cheese and mushroom pizza and a liter of strawbrry soda. After that was done I laid myself over the couch and watched T.V till the pizza came. I called my best friend Renee over, but she was busy so I ate in the quiet and peacefulness of my home. I glared at the table when the power went out again. "Goddamiit!!!" I cursed hoppin up and once again kickin the loveseat with my poor toes. I cursed even more as I feel the the floor. "Can this get any worst?" I asked once I got outside to fix the power cables. Once I got back inside the surrounding of my house changed. I stepped cautionly back into the living room just as I reached for my soda a hand appeared from the shadows grabbing my by my ponytail. I tried to just back, who every it was had a firm grip on my head. They quickly brought me to my knees with a dark chuckle and a twisted yank. I sucked in a breath as I looked up at my captoreeyes which were pure gray with black rings around them. I tried to reach up and punch him, but he quickly brought me down by punching me dead in my gut. I sucked in a sharp breath as my eye site blurred. A panted trying to get more oxygen back to my lungs sittin on my heels as I waited for him to do whatever he wanted to do. He seem to understand that I have given up and lossend grip on my head. "now was that so hard?" his deep voice rumbled over me. I shivered slightly as he pulled the rubber band from my head making my hair flow down my shoulders to my elbows. "such pretty hair, but it's far to long" he stated and pulled a blade out goin near my head. My instints kicked in and I leg swiped him or tried to atleast. His body is much more firmer and stronger so when I sidekicked him it felt like my leg shattered when it landed. He chuckled again, and yanking my head straight into his fist. I could've sworn I saw stars. I twisted an struggled against his hold until I felt the blade against my neck. I stopped  moving no I stoped breathing at that moment. "no please my all means go back to fighting me so I can split your head from yur body." he spoke sliding the cold metal over my throat making me give a slight gurgled moan. "ooh does the little kitten like it when her life is in danger?" he taunted as the blade moved from my neck to my cleavage. I shivered moaned again just alittle louder. I can't beileve I like this!! What the he'll is wrong with me!?!? I thought bitterly. He chuckled and did a quick motions with his hand as he cut my hair. It was so quick and swift that I didn't notice till long strands of is fell before my eyes. Instincts kicked in again and I moved my hands to my now shoulder length hair. "y-you bastard!! Do you know how long I took me to grow my hair that long!?!?" I yelled only to be quieted by a quick sharp slap. SMACK!! I feel to the floor in shock not understanding why this is happening to me. He kneeled to the side of my crumbled body and spoke in the deadly voices I've ever heard. "you are mine understand no matter what happens you'll be and stay mines. If you tell anyone your loved ones will die. Do you understand?" He asked pulled my chin making me look into his eyes. I nodded as the tears flowed more freely. "get cleaned up your training will start when I texted you." he stated throwing my phone near my head. I grabbed it and looked up at him as he walked out my door. "good bye my darling kitten" he spoke as she disappeared into the night. I quickly took a shower washing my now short hair I began to cry. Not because the soap in my eyes no b/c of the bullshit that is yet waiting me. And yes this day had got a WHOLE lot worst.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000