Shade renamon and Takato

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Alex Davis December 19 at 2:29pm
ok Takato was walking through the wood taking a short cut home from school. He had been walking maybe fifteen minuts when he came apon a wounded animal. AT least he thought it was an animal. It had golden like fir and it's face resembed that of a cats or maybe a dogs he couldn't tell. What struck him most however was that it seemed to have arms and legs like a human.
"Hello." He said causley aprouching the animal.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 2:29pm Report
I look over my shoulder my yellow eyes seeming to glow oh hello there I say in a smooth female voice as I stand up
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Alex Davis December 19 at 2:35pm
I jump back in saprise You can talk I say as I stare at you sudenly aware of how humanly female you are

Shade Renamon December 19 at 2:36pm Report
and your a scared little human but that shouldn't mean a thing in the end should it I say as my tail sways back and forth
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Alex Davis December 19 at 2:38pm
Scaared? Me? Never. I stammer obviously lieing What are you?" I ask trying to keep my eyes on your face instead of wondering.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 2:40pm Report
I giggle at how scared you are well I'm Shade and I'm a DarkRenamon making me evil in many ways
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Alex Davis December 19 at 2:42pm
Really. * say trying to sound unimpressed.I don't see how you could b evil after all your...I stop befor finishing my sentance. Um ar you hurt? * Iask quickly trying t change the subject befor you can ask what I was going to say

Shade Renamon December 19 at 2:44pm Report
looks at you funnyme hurt why would you be thinking.....oh you mean the that's not mine it's someone elsesI take a few steps closer to you
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Alex Davis December 19 at 2:46pm
Oh. * say not moving I'm eather to scared or to inchanted by your looks to think about moving.
Where do yyou come fromI ask as my knees start to shake

Shade Renamon December 19 at 2:48pm Report
oh me well I'm from a whole other world I continue to take steps towards you injoy the look of fear on your face and hoping you wouldn't run like the last guy for I would like I did him but I'm not going to let you know that but I'm sure you could of guessed that
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Alex Davis December 19 at 2:50pm
Um yea. * I say as my hand twiches. I'm barely resisting the erge to touch you.But where exactly?I ask as I give up my fight of restraint and let my eyes exploor your body.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 2:57pm Report
oh just a place called the digitalworld
I giggle to myself when I see your eyes exploring my bodyhey my eyes are up here big boyI point to my face now standing inches from you
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:01pm
My eyes shoot back to yoursI'm sorry.I mumble blushing slightly.Where's the digitalworld?ask shuddering as I feel your breath on my skin.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:05pm Report
good boy and to answer the where it is part I kinda can't I smile at you
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:09pm
Oh. I say Why are you here then? Iask sudenly imagining what it would be like to touch your bady expesally your very feminin ver human parts

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:13pm Report
oh I'm just here for fun really I like to things and it's easyer to do it here then back home
I watch you knowing what you most be thinking by the look on your faceif you want to touch my fur you can
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:16pm
ith out really thinking about it I let my hand run over your shoulder and arms then up your * I say your words not really sinking in for a while then. What do you mean you like to things? I Ask my hands stopping but not leaving yyour body. Are you going to me? I ask as an after thought

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:19pm Report
I only the ones that run like the guy before I look at you with an evil face I can't have people going around talking about seeing me now can I? I move your hand up a bit for it was alittle to close to were I didn't want it at the moment
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:20pm
Ohk. I say So as long as I don't run ou won't me? I ask hopefull while at the same time the disapointment is in my voice about not being able to put y habds where I want them How do you know I won't tell people when you deside to let me leave? I ask

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:24pm Report
well yes as long as you don't run your fine I giggle at the disapointed look on your face and well if you do that just mean you and that person and anyone else around where you mite be has to die and then I'm feed for a long time so think about that
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:26pm
I stare into your eyes fear clearly visable. I won't tell. I say as if i'm a . Can I um... I stop not quit knowing if I should ask. Can I kiss you? * Ifinally ask my blush growing deeper. I don't understand whats happining to me I can't control my self anymore

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:28pm Report
I look at you surpised not think that a human would ever ask something like that from meumm well ummm why would you ask me something like thatI ask stuttering
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:32pm
I don't know."
I say honestlyI just want to.I mumble on thinking that it it would be better if you had ed me at least I wouldn't be so imbarissed

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:36pm Report
I pull you close to me and look down at youwell I guess you can if you want toI smile at you
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:37pm
I place my lips against yours allowing my arms to tighten aroundyou as I close my eyes and slip my toung into your mouth wondering how fare you'll let me go befor pulling away

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:41pm Report
I open my eyes wide and blush as you start kissing me but then I get into it and start kissing you back pushing my tongue into your mouth and over powering yours and I hold the back of your head with one paw and have another on your waist
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:43pm
I let out a moan as I massage your toung with mind though it's hard with your greater bower. My hands find their way down to yuo butt and I stroke your tail gentl.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:46pm Report
I wag my tail as you pet it and I bring my paw up under your shirt and start rubbing your chest
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:47pm
I giggle as you rub my chest.I'm ticklishI whisper then reume kissing you as i push my body as close as I can get to you.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:48pm Report
I bring my paw around to your back and start to rub it like I did your chest as my tongue plays with your
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:50pm
I finally pull my mouth away needing to breath. WoW I say wanting more my hands still on your tail rubbing it whil my other hand squeezes you ass gently

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:53pm Report
yeah wow that was great to bad you need air to live I lick your lips lovingly I didn't know humans could be like this I've never done that before
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:55pm
I laugh and smile Well I'm glad I could be the first. I say. What do you usually do with people who don't run? I ask

Shade Renamon December 19 at 3:57pm Report
well your the first one not to run so nothing I guess my tail is still wagging
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Alex Davis December 19 at 3:59pm
Oh. * isay then with out thinking I bring my hand up and pinch your furry nipple playfully then start kissing you again still pinching your ass and nipple.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 4:01pm Report
I grab your hand and pull you away from mehey that hurts =_= and I don't like things that hurt
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Alex Davis December 19 at 4:04pm
I'm sorry. * I say huridly.
I really am some girls here like it. I say the fear in my voice again.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 4:07pm Report
well I'm fine with you playing with my breast but just rubbing them and stuff nothing that mite hurt ever just alittle okay
I pull you close and the bulge in your pants hits my pussy lips and I moan alittlemmmm what's that?
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Alex Davis December 19 at 4:09pm
I say not sure how to explainThats my member.I say8 I"m horny for ou. I continue wondering if you understand any of what I just said. as I gently massage your breast

Shade Renamon December 19 at 4:28pm Report
oh you mean your cock okay I know what that is just didn't know a human could get hard for a digimon
I smile at you and wink
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Alex Davis December 19 at 4:30pm
I blushI didn't know there were didgimon.I say as he kiss your kneck gently.Um I don't remember gettig your name.I whisper into your ear.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 4:35pm Report
I lick you lipsI said it was Shade
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Alex Davis December 19 at 4:37pm
I shudder from the feel of your toung
Thats butifull. I say as I lick your ear. Um are you a um...Virgine? I ask wondering if thats the right word for a Digimon.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 4:39pm Report
um maybe what's that mean?
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Alex Davis December 19 at 4:41pm
Have you ever...mated with anyone? Ask for lack of a better word.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 4:46pm Report
oh no no no I'm not mated with anyone most men are boring where I'm from I smile at you do you want to be my life mate is that what your asking I say with a bit of teasing lust in my voice
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Alex Davis December 19 at 4:49pm
Um I guess thats what I'm saying. I say as I blush and feel myself get harder with antisapation of what might happan If thats what you want I mean. I say

Shade Renamon December 19 at 4:52pm Report
well i like you that's for sure and being with a human could be fun but I'll let you know this I look at you with an angry look if you so much as think about mating with another I will rip her little head off and leave it on your door step just want to let you know that before you say yes to this
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Alex Davis December 19 at 4:54pm
Smiling sheepishly I say. Thats not somthing you have to worry about. * I look into your eyes and smile. Then lick your lips the way you had liked mine.Your the most butifull creature I have ever seen.I say

Shade Renamon December 19 at 5:01pm Report
(I have to go will be back later to mate ;3 bye)
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Alex Davis December 19 at 5:02pm

Shade Renamon December 19 at 6:37pm Report
(is back)
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Alex Davis December 19 at 6:38pm

Shade Renamon December 19 at 6:42pm Report
that's good to hear
I lick your ear then slowly rub my pussy lips against your bulge and kiss you open mouth
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Alex Davis December 19 at 6:45pm
I gasp as you rub against me and bring my hand saround to take m pants off.I don't understand whats happining.I whisper

Shade Renamon December 19 at 6:48pm Report
what do you need to be exsplaned human?
I giggle in a lustful way still rubbing
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Alex Davis December 19 at 6:52pm
How you make me feel this way.
I reply as my pants fall to the forest floor by cock coming out of the slit in my boxers.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 6:55pm Report
hell it I know big boy you just most think I'm really hot I guess
I take your cock in my paw and jerk it alttle
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Alex Davis December 19 at 6:58pm
I jump at first then moan and lean against you.I guess.I respond as I wait to see what you do.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:04pm Report
I grab your boxers and rip them off of you then stop my jerking and pull you as close as you can get to me, the underside of your cock preasted against my furry pussy lips making your cock alittle wet from my slits wetness that had startedare you sure you want me human there's no going back once it starts
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:06pm
I beg

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:09pm Report
alright then babe take me
I say lustfuly then fall to my back still holding you close to me and I spread my legs and look into your eyes with lust for you
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:10pm
I smile and gently start to push in.It might hurt.I warn

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:15pm Report
ohhh hehe silly human I'm not like one of your females trust me you can't hurt me
I moan alittle as you start to push my lips spreading apart
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:16pm
Smiling ai push all the way in then pull out and ush in again.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:17pm Report
oh that sounds great babe I kiss you deeply
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:28pm
i smile and started going a little harder and faster while I kiss you

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:30pm Report
I moan into our kiss as I start trusting my hips with yours
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:32pm
I'm pushing as deep as I can now and going as hard and fast as posible. I have no controle of myself and I still want more. I gently move my head away from your lips and put my mouth around your fury breast and suck and lick gently

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:35pm Report
I moan loud in pleasure as I hold your head in place and thrust faster to keep up with youoh fuck I love you human your cock is so good!
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:42pm
Oh shade
I moan as I acidently bite your nippl and pushe hard one last time and cum into you.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:45pm Report
oh fuck yesssss!
I moan loud in pleasure as I rap my legs behind your back as your hot human seed shoots inside me and I release my own orgasm
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:48pm
* Ipant loudly as I slump against you.
Theres so much more we coud do. I say out load though I don'T MEAN TO

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:50pm Report
I look at you slitely out oh breathwhat do you mean my loving human mate?
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:52pm
what? Oh um theres other stuff some humans do together when they mate.
I whisper.8 but we'd have to be in a comfortable room to injoy it.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:54pm Report
okay then where to dear?
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Alex Davis December 19 at 7:55pm
I look at you in shock You mean you want to do it? I ask Ok um my house." I say standing up and pulling you with me.

Shade Renamon December 19 at 7:59pm Report
okay then
I turn to black smoke consume you and fly us to your house stoping at your front door let you out then turn back to solid form
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Alex Davis December 19 at 8:00pm
I stutter as I star at you in saprise.How?I ask

Shade Renamon December 19 at 8:03pm Report
I'm not called shade for nothing silly
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Alex Davis December 19 at 8:04pm
I smile and open my door a little seeing no one I rush you up to my roomSo here we are. * say turning to look at you

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000