Getting into ‘That Stupid Club’

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Taylor Swift couldn't wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display her singing talents and hopefully get a contract. Dan would pick her up in two hours. Even though she had already shaved her legs and under her arms, she decided it wouldn't hurt to go over them again. While she had the razor out, she decided to shave her pubic mound smooth. She decided she really liked the way it looked and would keep it bald from now on. She takes a quick, hot shower and takes a little time to masturbate with the hand-held showerhead. Maybe it would ease some of her anxiousness. She dries off and sprays her favorite perfume on prime areas of her body. She looks through her closet to find the perfect dress. She takes out a sleek, powder blue satin dress. She grabs a pair of strappy high heel sandals that are also powder blue. She opens the "delicates" drawer of her dresser and takes out a new pair of Victoria Secret seamless pantyhose. She takes them out of the package and slides her long legs into them. She pays special attention to the crotch, making sure that her pussy would be well defined under the nylon. The feel of the smooth material touching her bare mound and pussy sends a shiver up her spine. Another little habit to get into, she thought. She looks in her long mirror and admires how she looks in the tan pantyhose. She blushes as she sees her nylon-clad camel toe. She slips into the dress. The satin feels like electric against her bare breasts and nylon-clad pussy. She adjusts the top of her pantyhose so it doesn’t show under the low cut back of her dress. The folds in the front conceal the top of the hose from showing through the sleek fabric. She slips her tiny feet into the sandals and stands at the mirror to admire her self. The long slit up her left leg stops near the junction of her leg and groin. She would definitely stop some hearts tonight. The satin rubbing her nipples caused them to become erect and show through the dress. She blushes again and decides she would let it go. Perhaps it would aid in getting that contract. She finishes her make-up and hair and the doorbell rings. She was surprised how quickly the two hours flew by.

"Well, look at you! You'd think you were doing something special tonight!" Dan smiles and hands her an invitation. "Are you ready to go then?" She grabs her handbag and keys, steps out and locks the door. They step out of her building to a luxurious stretched limo waiting for them on the street.

It took two more hours to get to the large mansion where the event was to take place. Taylor's eyes went wide when she saw the beautiful home. It was well out of city, on a hill overlooking it. They pull up to the front of the house and the door is opened for them. She steps out of the limo and looks at the gardens surrounding the place. People were all over the place talking and laughing. This was the largest party she had ever been to. Dan escorts her inside. It was even larger inside then it looked from out front. The place was full of beautiful women and men that screamed big money. Her heart started to beat even quicker now. A tall man with a long blond ponytail approaches them. Her dark brown eyes catch his steel grey eyes. She feels her heart skip a beat.

"Good evening! I am Harvey Weinstein, the host of this party. You must be Taylor Swift? Dan has told me a lot about you. He was right, you are very stunningly beautiful! I have no doubt that you will be great tonight. You will be preforming at midnight and we will be recording it on video. But for now, just relax, drink, mingle and enjoy yourself!" Taylor feels an energy flush through her body like she had never felt before. She thinks over what she will sing tonight and wonders if she will have a backup band or if she needs to give Mr. Weinstein the tape she brought with the background music for her songs.

Dan hands her a glass of wine and takes her around the place to introduce her to people. After a while they go for a walk in the gardens. Dan leads her to one right on the cliffs. The city lights twinkle in the valley below and the moon glimmers on the ocean beyond them. It is quite a lovely view. Dan starts to kiss her on the neck. She closes her eyes and feels her skin melt to the touch of his soft lips. She feels his hand caress the inside of her left knee and work slowly up her nylon-clad leg. It slips under her dress and a jolt shoots through her body as she feels his thumb and finger squeeze her clit through the nylon. His smooth fingers slowly rub gently over her clit and labia. She feels waves of pleasure radiate through her body. She had been fingered before, but never through seamless pantyhose. She definitely enjoyed it too. His tongue was now exploring the inside of her mouth as he steadied her with his free hand on her back. He stopped rubbing when he started to feel her muscles twitch with the oncoming orgasm. "I don't want to make you cum in your pretty dress! After all, you will be preforming in front of a large audience tonight. Speaking of which, it is almost time! We'd better get back."

Weinstein greets them at the back door. Dan heads back to the main hall while Weinstein takes Taylor by the hand and leads her to another area. "We have to prepare you for your performance, dear. This way. Quickly!" They get to the other end of the main hall and enter. He takes her behind the large curtain where they meet two large men. Before she can even say a word, they grab hold of her and bind her arms behind her back. She struggles and attempts to scream, but a large hand quickly covers her mouth. They carry her to center stage in the dark.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the event you all have been waiting for!" The curtain rises and the lights come on. The party guests clap and cheer as Weinstein walks out onto stage next to Taylor and her escorts. "Time Square has the dropping of the ball to celebrate New Year’s. We have something very similar here!" He motions to a large, covered object in the center of the stage. Two beautiful girls dressed in cocktail dresses pull the covers off to reveal a guillotine. Taylor's struggles become more animate as she sees the large device. Her two escorts carry her over to put her in. She refuses to bend over and place her head into the stock. One of the men slugs her lightly in the stomach, and forces her to bend forward. One of the girls locks Taylor's head in place. Four large screens lower behind her as four camera men take their positions. One stands in front of her and focusses on her face. Another is positioned behind, focusing on her legs and ass. Since the stock is a little lower then waisted level for her, her nylon-clad ass presses against her satin dress and is bubbled out behind her, causing the camera man to have to adjust something other than his camera. The other two stand on either side of her, getting a nice profile shot.

Two large clocks on either side of the stage count down the minutes and seconds to midnight. Taylor cries and struggles. With her large escorts now off stage, her arms are free. At first, she tries to work the stock loose so she can pull her head out, but it is too tight and is locked in place. Since she can't get free, she decides to finish what Dan had started in the garden. The camera on her left side gets a good view of the damsel in distress fingering her smooth pussy through her tan seamless pantyhose. The camera man behind her notices it too and pulls her dress off her ass. Now two of the monitors display her fingers working her nylon-clad clit and labia. At 10 seconds, the guests start to count down with the clocks.



Taylor finds it difficult to please herself as feelings of terror fill her.



Tears start to flow a little more freely now.



She starts to push her fingers inside her pussy through the nylon.



The nylon rubbing the inside of her pussy causes her whole body to shudder. She feels the orgasm building.



The frame rattles as the blade starts to drop. Just a few more seconds and she can climax.


Taylor's head falls to the floor as her body stands erect, finger still inside her nylon-clad pussy. Urine flushes down her nylon-clad legs as her body topples over to the floor and starts to convulse. Her erect nipples press against the powder blue satin. Weinstein picks up her head by a fist full of her long, wavy dark brown hair as the two larger men pick up her body. They proceed to throw Taylor's still convulsing body into the crowd where it is passed around and groped. Weinstein looks into her fluttering eyes and smiles.

"I told you you'd be great! With the finished video Dan and I will make millions." He then tosses her head into the crowd, where a mass orgy is starting. Taylor's dress was torn off and now her body floats around on the crowd wearing only her seamless pantyhose and high heel sandals. y hand prints are all over her body, particularly on her nylon-clad pubic mound and ass and her firm breasts.

Late the next night, Weinstein's men take her body, her clothes now badly torn, to one of the city's parks and seat it on a bench with her head on her lap.


Coming up in the near future:

Taylor tries to get her first break via the reality TV of the afterlife; judged by the likes of Jimi, Brian, Janis, Jim, Kurt and Amy.

Not happy with being told she has 'no talent' by them... after trading insults about swimming pool, on vomit, rehabilitation centers and firearms. Then she had a fight with Amy as well as vandalising Janis' Mercedes which then leads Taylor to be ejected from the premises.

Anton Yelchin gets ejected from the premise after engaging in a brawl with River Phoenix over their affections of Goo Hara.

Jade Goody (see another story) gets banned after showing her Indophobic and Islamophobic side in the club and subsequently fighting with Jiah Khan, littering her with anti-India rants.

Jimmy Saville goes to the club to scout for young groupies...only to receive a lifetime ban after too many complaints.

Savile's lifetime ban is lifted when he acquaints with the newly arrived Jeffrey Epstein, who then buys the club out and offers free entries to girls under 18.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000