Caroline Flack Wants to Get Out of Here, Part 1

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“Lewis, I have a rather special announcement to make tonight,” Caroline Flack said after she had him fully chained to her bed. Lewis Burton looked her rather quizzically unable to speak through the ball gag in his mouth. Caroline picked up her Marlboro Gold off the nightstand, shook one loose and lit it. “Lewis, I’ve decided to hang myself tonight.” She said matter of factly as she placed the ashtray on his chest and sat down on the bed beside him. Lewis’s eyes grew wide, what the fuck had she just said? “This isn’t a joke Lewis, or part of foreplay, or anything, an hour from now, I’ll be dead. Do you understand?” Lewis shook his head in acknowledgement, still not quite sure to make of the situation.

Caroline blew another stream of smoke to the ceiling, “I’m sorry I brought you here under false pretenses, but I figured it best for a couple of reasons. First, I really didn’t want to be hanging alone in my apartment rotting away until someone noticed the smell, that’s just way to foul. Secondly, and I hope I’m right, I thought you might like the opportunity to spend some quality time with a corpse.” Lewis’s expression changed to one of inquiry. “I know you’re into some kinky shit, hell the role playing we’ve gone through shows that, plus, well, I’ve been on your computer and I’ve seen some of the sites you like to visit. I’m sure you’d tell me it’s one thing to fantasize about necro and another to actually do it, but hey, isn’t that really because most guys never get the chance?” Lewis shrugged a bit. The 27-year-old was still in shock, but as he watched Caroline sitting there casually smoking away and being so nonchalant he figured he better just play along. She couldn’t really be serious, could she?

Caroline crushed out her cigarette and walked over to her dresser. Lewis watched in amazement watched as she produced a noose and getting up on a chair she placed one end over a hook he had not previously noticed in the ceiling a few feet from the bottom of the bed. “I just wanted to make sure you knew I was for real before I continued.” Caroline went to the dresser and removed a video camera on a tripod.

She pointed it at Lewis and then walked over and sat beside him facing the camera. “Hello, I am making this video for whomever it may concern. My name is Caroline Flack, today is 15th, February 2020 and I am about to commit suicide by hanging. I am making this video to make sure my friend Lewis here is exonerated for any wrongdoing in this matter. As you can see he is thoroughly cuffed to my bed and unable to move. You will also see that the time is now 8:00PM. I’ve rigged a release mechanism for the handcuffs Lewis is currently wearing so that he will be freed at midnight tonight. I wanted to make sure that I would be very much dead before he had the chance to get me down.

I’ve also requested that he wait until morning to contact the authorities as a courtesy. There’s no reason for the police to take time out of a busy night, or to unduly wake a coroner in the middle of the night for a cut and dry case of suicide. I won’t be around to testify for him later, so I wanted to get this out of the way now. Also, the reason he is here is because I didn’t want to die alone, and I also didn’t want my body hanging around the apartment for a week until someone noticed the smell and you all had to deal with that mess. I’m just trying to be as courteous as I can be to everyone, and I especially don’t want Lewis to face any charges, he is completely innocent in all of this. I lured him here with the promise of a night of steamy sex, and that’s how I got him tied up. He had no idea what else I had planned,” Caroline then turned off the camera and looked back at Lewis who was now definitely becoming concerned.

“OK Lewis, I have a few more things left to get ready, I hope you don’t mind if I have another cigarette while I do.” Caroline let the long cigarette dangle from her lips while she put her hair up in two pony tails, one on either side of her head. She decided to keep talking to Lewis, let him know everything she was doing. Maybe she wanted to enhance his experience; maybe she just needed to keep talking. “I know, not my usual style, but I need to keep it up like this and off to the sides so it doesn’t get tangled on the rope in back.”

She deashed and replaced the cigarette in her mouth as she returned to the dresser. She removed a shortish piece of rope with two loops at the end. “This is to bind my legs. I don’t want them waving around too much while I hang.” She then produced a light, but strong looking chain belt with handcuffs attached, “and these are to bind my hands so I can’t get to the rope.” Finally she removed an 8” long cigarette holder, “this is so I can have a cigarette after I’m bound, but before I hang. You know I’ve always told you I’d be smoking ‘till I died, right?” she said with a giggle.

Caroline stripped off her clothes quickly “I want to die naked, besides, it’ll be easier for you to get to take me that way. I’m sure after waiting an hour you’ll be desperately horny. Hmm seems you already are,” she said looking at Lewis’s engorged cock. “I wish I could take care of that, but I don’t want you all spent when it’s time for the main event. I mean you can fuck a living girl any time you want, but this is probably the only chance you’re gonna get to fuck a dead one!” With that she bent down and took his member in her mouth all the way down and back up, giving a final teasing lick before she looked back at him. She moved up to his cheek and gave him a quick peck. “That’ll have to do for now lover. You always were a great fuck. I hope I’m as good in death for you as I was in life. Well, time to get this show on the road.”

Lewis watched as she placed a fresh cigarette in the holder and carried that and a lighter over to the chair under the noose. Caroline picked up the leg binder ad placed one of the ends over her right foot and tightened it. She then stepped up on the chair and slipped the other end over her left leg; standing reached up took the noose off of its hook and slipped it over her head. “I kept the rope quite short to make sure I didn’t break my neck. I wanted to enjoy the hanging experience.” She pulled the noose tight until she could feel it begin to pinch off her airway. “Gotta make sure it’s nice and tight, I don’t want to be another failed attempt statistic!” Caroline let the rope dangle down her neck as she placed the cigarette holder and the lighter in her mouth. “Not going to be able to reach those in a moment” she mumbled as she took the rope, and standing on her toes replaced the other end over the hook. Remaining on her toes she reached behind her to the chain belt and hand cuffs and placed them around her waist fastening the lock in front of her navel. She then cuffed her left hand leaving her right free to retrieve the lighter from her mouth. She wasn’t even hanging yet, but could already begin to feel the rushing into her head. “Oh, one more thing Lewis, I lied, you’ll be released at 9PM, not midnight. I really wanted to give you as long a time with me as possible. That way, if you do decide to call at midnight, you’ll still have me to yourself for three hours. I really do hope you stay with me until morning though. Don’t call early hon, it’s only 20 past eight now, there’s no way I could be saved after hanging for 40 minutes, and even if by some miracle they could I’d be a vegetable by then, don’t risk me ending up that way, OK?” Lewis nodded in agreement. “OK then, I’m ready, let’s get this over with.”

With that she lit her cigarette and dropped the lighter to the floor. She then fastened the remaining cuff around her right wrist; all that was left was to kick the chair out from under her to seal her fate. “Lewis, I’m going to masturbate while I enjoy my last cigarette, enjoy the show lover” she said. Caroline allowed her heels to touch the chair and felt the rope pull against her neck. It bit in hard and her breathing became a bit more difficult.

She moved her fingers down to her clit and began rubbing. As she rubbed harder, she swayed back and forth, which each breath she took a cheek hollowing drag on her cigarette exhaling her pervious breath through her nose. She stared intently at herself in the mirror. God she looked so fucking hot up here. In the past few weeks she had performed this little ritual a few times to prepare for the main event, but this time, well, this time she was going to get to finish the job. After a few minutes her cigarette was almost gone and she was about to reach climax, her hands were drenched in her own juices.

“Goodbye Lewis” she panted as she took a final triple pump drag and kicked the chair out from beneath herself. The final terrible scream was locked inside her head. Terrible pain shot up her throat as the rope completely bite down tight.

Her head was cocked downward by the heavy knot. The front part of the noose was hidden by the woman’s chin but Lewis could see the rope come up at the right side of her throat. The poor woman’s struggles had tightened the noose to the point that her neck puffed out above and below the white braided rope. The woman’s brown hair was tangled in the knot that was now jutting up behind her head. Her lungs tried to exhale but couldn’t she had planned this, by filling her lungs with smoke and chain smoking as much as possible in the past few hours, she knew her oxygen would be lowered and death would come even quicker.

Her legs rocked wildly and Lewis could see her feet pump up and down as the woman tried to lift her body off the noose. Lewis watched the toes for a long time. There was something mesmerizing about the motion that the woman’s feet and toes made as she hanged.

After a time, the woman started to draw her legs up as if she were trying to step up on a safe perch. Of course, her feet would quickly come back down since no purchase was available. This kicking ultimately brought Lewis’s gaze upward. Lewis was excited by the undulation of the large, firm breasts. The woman’s chest heaved as she had tried valiantly to draw air into her d lungs. That was causing a most pleasant ripple of the woman’s breasts.

“She has lovely tits,” Lewis said without embarrassment.

Lewis followed the rope up to the beam. Suddenly, as her mind embraced the finality of her decision, her body exploded in the most intense orgasm of her life. The rope was quivering slightly. Lewis was surprised that the rope was not reacting with more violence to the struggles of its pretty victim. Of course, it was the rope that was in full control and not the female caught in its cruel clutch. She kept drilling her clit with her fingers as wave upon wave of pleasure and pain wracked her body. She could feel her cum pouring out down her legs. Her whole body thrashed back and forth, legs straining against their restraints as her lungs screamed for air. She held control of her hands as long as she could as she felt the pooling in her skull, drowning out her brain.

The burning in her lungs quickly began a sword fight of pain with her d neck. The hanging woman’s mind could hardly process the screaming messages of her rapidly dying nerves. Every fiber of her body seemed to ache with the desire for fresh air.

At 90 seconds she lost control of her hands as her throws of orgasm gave way to involuntary spasms. She turned her attention from her cunt to the other changes going on in her body. From the neck down her body was not her own anymore, she had no control of any of her muscles as they contracted violently and shook her on the rope trying anything to usurp their masters will and gasp for life. From the rope up there was nothing but pressure.

Pressure was everywhere. She could feel her cheeks turning red to purple, and Lewis could tell she was fighting to get her tongue back inside her lips but the bloated appendage slid further out with the final tightening of the noose. Pink tinged drool began to run down the woman’s tongue as it hung out over her lover lip. The strangulation had caused her tongue to slowly swell until it filled her mouth and throat as it became engorged with . She knew this should hurt, it should hurt badly, but Mother Nature was merciful, for as her head swelled, and her oxygen ran out so do did her sense of pain. All she felt was pressure, and soon even that began to fade.

Caroline’s hopeful thought of rescue was too late. Even had her lover come at that instant the poor girl would still have been ed by her swollen tongue. The rope finally snapped her hyoid bone and her tongue began to protrude from her gaping mouth.

Lewis looked at the woman’s face. Caroline had thought the world a dark place with her eyes began to bulge from her head but gradually a deeper shade of night fell upon the hanging creature. Even when the woman tried to blink her eyelids hardly moved over the bulging orbs. She noticed her field of vision began to shrink although she could already see very little through the purple haze the pooling oxygen depleted was placing before her eyes.

She caught a final glimpse of herself in the mirror, she was almost gone; a final weak sense of orgasm came to her followed by an extreme peace. She felt as if she was floating as her vision finally faded to black. “That was incredible,” she thought to herself “What a shame so many people waste their deaths instead of embracing it…” her thoughts trailed off as her mind shut down. Her body still was trembling ever so slightly as her muscles made their final attempt at life, but Caroline had already left, her brain was already dead. A few minutes later the rest of her gave in as well and all her muscles finally relaxed.

She slipped into blessed unconsciousness as her bladder burst. Lewis’s gaze moved slowly down to the woman’s pussy. Her upper thighs were still lifting a little as the woman tried desperately to relieve the terrible bite of the rope. Her feet twitched their last macabre tattoo against his chest, and as a final indignity, Lewis watched as her bladder relaxed, allowing the yellow piss began to spray out from her brown pubic hair down her trembling legs and shit ran freely down her dying body. The rope was buried under the chin that now almost touched the still breasts. Caroline’s hair dangled down around her contorted face.

Caroline was right, Lewis had fantasized more than once about a moment like this. No, he never would have acted on it, never encouraged it even. It was all fantasy, and that had been enough for him. But here, well, Caroline had laid this out for him, he had no choice in the matter and she gave him a good eleven hours to be alone with her corpse. “No Caroline, you have nothing to worry about, I won’t be calling this in until morning” he thought as the alarm went off and his chains were free.


Continues to Part 2

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