Tony and Chelsea with Jared

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Tony and Chelsea Northrup had been a sexual relationship since she was at high school and married for ten years. Being the adventurous couple that they were, sexual activity had not been something they left out of their still young marriage. They had experimented with blindfolds and toys. One weekend Tony tied Chelsea up and made her his sex slave. He brought her breakfast, lunch, and dinner, accompanied with a side of semen for her tasting pleasure. She enjoyed that very much being a woman who liked to experiment.

Outside of their private life they were a pretty normal couple. Both very successful; Chelsea, in her thirties is a freelance photographer who is the main source of her husband’s social media followers and Tony, in his forties, being a hot shot freelance professional photographer specializing in unusual natural science work. They had many friends and would go out to dinners with couples and business associates. Madelyn, their daughter spends most of her life living with Tony’s mother, meant a lot of free time to enjoy their marriage with weekend getaways and spur of the moment excursions, everything seemed pretty perfect in their relationship.

It was a cool spring evening in May when everything began. It was Chelsea's 17 year high school reunion and she was very excited about the event. She finally could show off her new husband to everyone from her past and catch up with all her old friends. They were both dressed to the tilt with Tony in a sports jacket, no tie and Chelsea in a sleek black dress. Chelsea had always kept herself in good condition and Tony was always drawing female attention anywhere they went, but Chelsea didn't mind.

"Hurry up darling, we're gonna be late!" shouted Chelsea from downstairs. Tony gave himself one more look in the mirror and headed downstairs. Grabbing the keys and kissing his wife on the way out the door they headed for the car in their appointed spot at their apartment complex. (their new home was under construction).

Arriving at the event, they entered with the usual greetings and smiles that accompany such gatherings. Chelsea, having been Captain of the cheerleading squad and Student Council President, was sort of Mrs. Popular. Tony followed her lead as she broke off into conversations with various people, friends she hadn't seen for years were telling her about their lives and her and Tony were talking about how they met and how it was love at first sight.

This went on for a good while. Later in the party Tony and Chelsea found themselves alone. "How about another drink," Tony said to Chelsea. Chelsea already having had three and having a good night replied "Why not, just hurry back."

Tony left for the bar and Chelsea stood waiting on the opposite side of the makeshift dance floor. The line was long at the bar being a little later in the evening so Tony took his place in line. As he waited to be served he gazed across the room, it was a good turnout for a 17 year reunion and he was impressed at the group that had gathered. He looked back at his wife and noticed someone talking to her. The man was in a ‘I shoot raw’ t-shirt and jeans and about 6"2. Chelsea had a big smile on her face as he watched the conversation. When the man finally turned so that Tony could see his face a smile ear to ear broke out. He knew him. Tony being served by the bartender went back to join his wife and his friend.

"Jared!" exclaimed Tony. "What are u doing here? I had no idea you knew my wife, let alone went to school with her." Jared Polin was also a photographer. Tony and he had casual conversations from time to time, but never really got personal.

"Hello Tony. Yeah, I graduated with queen here."

Chelsea blushed at Jared's compliment. "So were you two were acquaintances, or did she pass u in the hall without giving u a look?" Tony asked jokingly. "Actually Tony, Chelsea and I dated in high school and into are first year in college, I played baseball and got a scholarship and Chelsea came along." Tony's face changed to a more inquisitive look. "Really, Funny, I thought I knew about all her boyfriends from her past, but she never mentioned you?"

Chelsea's smile had become uneasy as she shifted in her dress. "We were both young and thought we knew what relationships were supposed to be about."

"Right," replied Jared with a half-hearted smile seeming a little less enthusiastic than before.

"Hmm, Well guess we all learn as we get older," Tony said laughing trying to lighten the obvious tension that had filled the air. Jared replied in almost a whisper "Guess so," as he gave a quick glance at Chelsea who was now totally flustered and looking at the floor. Tony then changed the subject with Jared and they started talking about work. Chelsea became withdrawn as the conversation continued. Chelsea, watching them bounce off each other like best friends was getting very uncomfortable now and began motioning for Tony to end the conversation. She was ready to go home. Tony and Chelsea said their good-byes to Jared and headed for the exit.

Back home in the comfort of their bed a conversation broke out about Jared: "So, One old boyfriend was a secret, you never told me about a guy named Jared," Tony said with a sly smirk on his face. Chelsea replied, "Well a woman is allowed to have a secret or two right," Chelsea said with a sexy grin as she took off her jewelry to get ready for bed. "Besides, I had no idea you guys knew each other and that was so long ago I had forgotten about it."

"Oh yeah, I see him around the courtrooms a lot honey.. He is a photographer also," explained Tony. "And as far as your secrets, that depends," said Tony with a dirty look on his face now watching his naked wife.

"On what?" She replied, almost purring as she entered the bed.

"On whether those secrets involve sexual fantasies," he said as their lips and tongues locked together.

After the kiss Chelsea rose up in a seated position, her breast bare and beautiful, looking kind of sheepish she stammered, "Well, there is something?"

"Really?" Tony replied as his heart was beating out of his chest. "A Sexual Fantasy?" he asked. "Tell me now and it's yours. You know how I am when it comes to sex."

"I know," Chelsea replied in a more serious tone. "One reason why I love you is because of your sexual imagination, but this one...." Chelsea paused suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Tony sat up in bed next to her feeling her emotions change and seeing the look on her face becoming uneasy. "Honey, I'm your husband you can tell me anything. What is it?" Chelsea sat silent for a minute, searching for the words to explain to her husband what she was thinking.

"Well," she finally stumbled, "We've done a few things with blindfolds and toys but..." she paused again.

"Just tell me!" exclaimed Tony.

"It's embarrassing!" she replied. "And I don't know how you'd feel about it."

"Honey," Tony said comforting her, "you can tell me, what's your fantasy?"

"Well," she continued, "I've always wanted to be manhandled in bed."

Tony looked confused, "You mean rough sex, honey we've done that a bunch of times. I've held you down or backed you against a wall, we've done it."

"No, No!" said Chelsea almost shouting. "I mean really rough," she replied. "And it would have to be a surprise, I mean just you taking over my whole body, scratching, clawing, ripping me... and I wouldn't know when or if it was you."

Tony sat there dumbfounded as his wife described her fantasy he wanted her to perform. She wouldn't know when or how. She described a situation of secrecy and being tied up and gagged when it happened, she wouldn't even mind a few bruises. She talked about oxygen deprivation and code words.

Finally Tony stopped her explanation, "You mean a Fantasy."

"Yes," replied Chelsea. "I want my husband to me. Crazy isn't it?"

Tony's mind was swimming. The thought of his own wife had never even occurred to him, but as Chelsea was going through the explanation of the event, he noticed her nipples hardening and his cock was getting hard also. "I don't know Chelsea, I really wouldn't know how to pull that off?" he said.

Chelsea, now begging after getting that off her chest said, "I know, it would be difficult, that's why it's a fantasy." Chelsea turned over in the bed to her side; Tony turning her way reached over and pulled her back towards him. He asked, "Now wait a minute, is this something you really want?"

Putting her head down between her breasts, Chelsea gave him a slow nod yes. As her head came back up they kissed again their eyes met in one last embrace. "Then I'm gonna try and make it happen, because I love you," Chelsea smiled as they kissed one more time. After making love they both drifted off into a deep sleep dreaming about the evening and there bedroom conversation.

Two weeks passed, Chelsea had gotten real busy at work because of a new account the firm had acquired and Tony was helping the DA on a big case. Their life pretty much stayed the same, dinners, parties, but the sex life had kind of dropped off a little because they were so tired. Also, Chelsea had started to get what Tony had referred to as mother fever. She had mentioned wanting to start a family after their third year of marriage and their third wedding anniversary was getting closer.

She had started keeping track of her biological clock and had mentioned to Tony that she knew exactly when her ovulation time was and could map it down to the hours. Tony was impressed at her efforts towards such precision. Four more weeks had passed since the night they had the conversation about the fantasy.

Over the past few weeks Chelsea had noticed a slight change in Tony. Nothing major, but he was becoming more and more detached. He wanted sex a little less also. Chelsea just figured it was a man's way of responding when a wife tells him he wants a and starts mapping her menstrual cycles.

Two months pass now since the conversation about the fantasy and Tony had become very hard to talk to in the evenings after work. He was very irritable, and blamed it on problems at the office and with the trial he and the staff were working on. Chelsea, trying to be a good wife, sought to comfort her husband with a little whiskey and some back rubs, but Tony remained withdrawn.

Ten weeks since the fantasy conversation pass, Chelsea decided that she wanted to confront Tony about the state of their relationship. "Tony," Chelsea says, "We need to talk." The dreaded words any husband wants to hear.

Tony and Chelsea enter the dining area of their apartment and sat down at their table. "What's wrong said Chelsea, is ever since that night after our reunion you've become increasingly distant. Are you mad at me, because of what we talked about that night? I know I've been pushing to start a family, does that bother you? Talk to me? What's going on with you?"

Tony responds apologetically, "No baby, I'm not angry with you, and I want to start a family with you. I had always dreamed about that since I first married you, it's just that I've been under a lot of pressure lately on this case with it being so public, and as far as that conversation after our reunion, I've still got ideas."

Chelsea smiled as she became more comfortable, "So you want to give me a baby."

"Yes," he replied, "but let's do this right. When's your next ovulation time?"

"In about three weeks," she said.

"Okay, no sex till then. Got it?"

"Well we haven't been doing it much anyway, but okay, deal," she replied.

"On that night three weeks from now... I help you make a baby!"

"Great!" she exclaimed heart fluttering. They kissed and went to bed, holding each other in their arms.

Three weeks later the time had arrived. Chelsea was finishing up at the office some work she needed to get done. It was about 4:30pm. Just as she was about to head out, her boss Allyson rushed into her office, "We've got problems! There's a rush project that has to be finished by morning and it's on your team Chelsea."

Chelsea's heart sank. She had ordered champagne for the evening and a special boutique of flowers for her dining room table, now she had to work late. Her plans were ruined. My husband is gonna be furious she thought. Dialing her cell she was wondering how to explain this away. "Hi honey," she said as he picked up.

"Hello darling, Ready for tonight?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to work late, my boss just dropped a rush project on my desk and my team and I are going to have to work late tonight."

"We could reschedule for tomorrow?"

"Absolutely not, we'll just have to make it a midnight dinner."

Smiling on the other end, Chelsea replied, "Okay, I'll try to get this wrapped up and be home as soon as I can."

"Can't wait, love you dear," Tony said.

"You too, see you tonight," as she hung up the phone.

It was around 11:30pm when Chelsea pulled into her apartment parking spot. She was very tired as she got out of the car and headed up the stairs to her apartment door. Rubbing the back of her neck on the stairs she noticed some things out of the ordinary. There complex was usually well lit, but tonight it was pitch black.

Normally when she pulls into her spot, she is flanked by coupes and mini-vans, but tonight the lot was almost desolate. Not thinking much of it, she proceeded up to her door the blinds were open and apartment was pitch black, which she thought was strange. Tony should have been home hours ago. As she slid the key into the door, it happened, and nothing could prepare her for what was next:

Before she could get the door open, she felt two hands on her shoulders pushing her inside and against the wall. As she struggled, to get away, a large gag was quickly dropped over her head and around her mouth. It was tightly fastened behind her head to shut out any screams she could make. The assailant then turned her around. In her terror she tried to scream, but couldn't make a sound because of the gag. He was wearing all black and a black ski mask.

He slapped her twice and twisted her around again, binding her hands behind her back. Trying to struggle to no avail, he slapped her again letting her go almost unconscious. He then carried her to the bedroom. Inside on the bed there were two leg restraints waiting for her legs. She watched, weakly, in horror as the man in the black ski mask, spread her legs and fastened both of them into the restraints. A gag in her mouth, arms tied behind her back and legs spread her assailant began to kiss her. Tears streaming down her face she tried to turn away, but he persisted. He then decided to rip off her shirt.

Gagged and tied, she watched as the black figure licked her nipples and kissed her chest. She was helpless, mascara running, and wincing with every slip of his tongue against her nipples. Suddenly the figure sat up. Reaching with his left hand on the floor of the left side of the bed, he pulled up a knife. Chelsea was terrified now, what was he planning. Rubbing the metal on the inside of her thighs, the dark figure proceeded to cut Chelsea's panties off under her dress. He flicked them away using the Knife once he had them off.

Chelsea begging and pleading could do nothing as he undid his pants and slipped his unprotected prick inside her. He began to pump away on Chelsea, flashing the knife in her face for a reminder of power, intermittently placing the cold metal on Chelsea's nipples making them erect. Chelsea, still sobbing and trying to keep her composure from the throbbing prick inside of her. It suddenly flashed in her head... THE FANTASY.

The ordeal she had talked about 3 months earlier with her husband after her 17 year reunion. It was actually happening. Slowly, she began to change her expressions. Her sobbing became panting beneath the gag. Instead of tensing and trying to pull away from the cock, she slowly started to lift her pelvis to help the cock inside her.

The dark figure over her with the knife, now seen as a prop, was her husband. A brief smile started to overtake her tears and she started to roll her head back in ecstasy as the hard cock buried inside her deeper and deeper.

As the dark figure continued to fuck Chelsea's fertile womb, she thought to herself, what a way to bring a baby into the world. He or She can never know about this. Then, a new twist, suddenly, from the closet a figure appeared. It was another man! But who? This wasn't part of what I described she thought?

Suddenly the man spoke, "Do you like it Baby?" The dark figure continued to ram his cock inside her. That voice... so familiar. As a demon angel wearing all white stepped into the only light coming from the room by the window, she froze in astonishment as Tony revealed himself as a spectator watching the Dark figure fuck his wife.

Chelsea's expression changed instantly. If my husband isn't the one fucking me, she thought, who is? As the Dark figure continued to pound Chelsea, Tony began to pace the sex filled room. As the moaning of his wife continued, now defenseless from the pleasure being dished out by the dark figure's cock, Tony reached to the top of the dark figure's ski mask and pulled it off. AMAZEMENT! ANGUISH! FEAR! HATRED! ORGASMIC PLEASURE! could all be seen at one time on Chelsea's face as the dark figure's identity was revealed. IT WAS JARED!

As Tony paced the room, he began to explain to his wife, while she was being fucked, about the past three months. He explained how after that night at the reunion, he and Jared got together for lunch, he explained how Jared had confided in him that Chelsea had been cheating for about 4 months.

He explained how Jared had told him everything about their hotel rooms and secret rendezvous. He also explained the fact to her that Jared did not love her, but just saw her as another piece of ass, which is just as I see u now.

Tony's voice began to get stern and angry as he lashed out at Chelsea. Chelsea still bound began to cry again, Jared still fucking her. Well darling, he explained, as I said I am going to help you make a baby, no question about it. Tony proceeded to the bedroom door and opened it. To Chelsea's horror, in walked between forty to fifty Mexican men from the construction crew that was building their home. All of them had their dick in their hand. All Chelsea could do was sob as she knew this was going to be a long night.

Suddenly she felt him tense inside her. Jared's face changed and he started to peel his head back. He's going to cum she thought as she looked down at his pulsating cock. With one more quick thrust he came with a giant moan. Chelsea expected to experience the warmth of his cum inside her, but felt nothing. He had pulled out and spread his semen all over her tits. As he gathered himself, he took a look at Tony and said, "I'm not gonna be the one responsible for getting this bitch pregnant. I'm gonna let these guys handle that!"

One by one the illegal Mexicans took turns inside Chelsea, each of them spreading their sperm deep into her ovulating womb. They had all been drinking that night and wreaked of tequila. Tony and Jared watched as the helpless Chelsea, sobbing and crying, gagged, legs and hands bound, accepted each man's cum inside her womb. Finally, the last man entered her now raw pussy at about 4:30am.

This last one was the biggest one. As he entered her started to drip from her cum-filled hole. When he finished he gave the now almost unconscious Chelsea one last slap. Tony and Jared watched as the last Mexican spilled his seed into her.

After the construction crew was gone, Tony leaned beside Chelsea and simply said," Think twice next time you cheat on someone who loves you."

Tony and Jared ungagged and untied Chelsea. They left the room as Chelsea, exhaustedly curled to the corner of the bed. "Let's go," said Jared. "She has a baby to think about."


This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000