Teen vacation gone bad

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Jess and Taren were best friends who have known each other for the last 14 years. Jess 19 years old and Taren 20 had grown up together since the beginning of their school days. Jess is a stunning 4’10” brunette with 36 b breast and weighs 105 pounds. Taren is a blonde with 32 b breast 100 pounds and standing 5 ft tall. She was a star cheerleader at her high school and is a complete knockout. The two being such close friends considered themselves sisters and were inseparable. Both girls had had a couple of boyfriends throughout their lives but never had one to lead into anything serious for fear of jeopardizing their friendship they had. Taren had one boyfriend she had gotten somewhat serious with to whom she lost her virginity to on their prom night and shortly after broke up with him and hadn’t had sex since. She had made a vow to Jess that they would keep their virginities until they were married and she never told Jess that it had happened. Jess had kept her vow and still remained a virgin but to their unknown knowledge that was all soon to be changed.

The girls had been talking about going on a girl’s trip together before they were to go off to college and begin their continuing education. They began to put their plan into action and had planned to go Palm Springs Florida for a week and were going to stay at Taren’s aunt’s condo. They left out on Sunday morning and were to drive 8 hours before getting to the condo. They had reached the condo at 730 that night and were near exhausted from the long ride and decided to stay in and unpack their luggage and get some rest and plan their eventful week ahead. Morning came and the girls were super excited about going out and exploring the strips and raiding the malls. They spent most of their Monday shopping and had bought several outfits for the remainder of the week. The two were anxious to go back to the condo and try them on and model for each other. Jess loved to show off her tan body and her tight curvy ass so she had bought a nice blue jean skirt that was very short and was barely enough to cover her ass checks. She had also gotten a white full button up blouse and some cowgirl boots to accommodate it. Taren being a little more conservative had chosen to buy a spring style dress which came just to her knees and was low cut in the front. They had both chosen to buy new swimsuits and chose the same one for both of them. It was a very skimpy swimsuit but fit their teen bodies perfect.

Tuesday morning had arrived and the duo had decided today would be a perfect day to put on their swimsuits and go the beach for some sun. They had been on the beach for about an hour when jess noticed a guy was checking them out. She pointed him out to Taren and they began to flaunt their bodies as the guy wasn’t bad looking and they figured it would be fun. He acted as if he wasn’t watching but he kept them in corner of his eye throughout their show. After about 10 minutes he began to show them some interest and got and walked over to them and began to make small talk. He introduced himself as Robert but said all his friends called him Rob. Throughout their conversation he told him about owning a local tiki bar and offered them a cabana for the evening. The girls hesitated but later agreed hoping to not be carded for the fact of them being underage. The girls decided to go back to the condo and get ready to go to the tiki bar. They decided to wear their new outfits and show their bodies off a little. Jess put a pair of red lace thongs and a matching bra as well as her boots to go along with her outfit. Taren decided to make things a little hot and choose not to wear a bra or panties. Jess chuckled and said that will really get the guys attention lol.

The girls headed out and reached the bar and were instantly greeted by Rob as if he had been waiting the entire time. He had gotten them both a long island ice tea and brought them to their cabana. Neither of the girls had really ever been much of a drinker but decided a few wouldn’t hurt. They decided to go out and dance for a few and had met a few guys and danced for about 20 minutes before returning to the cabana. Rob brought them another round of drinks and was making sure they were having a good time. They ended drinking another round after that one and began to both feel the alcohol and decided it would be best to back to the condo. As the duo was about to leave Rob came up and asked what their hurry was. Taren explained they were tired and were ready to head back but then Rob interrupted her saying you have to pay first before leaving. The girls were both stunned and instantly began saying they thought it was a freebie as he had invited them there. Rob said that he was sure there was something they could workout and everyone be happy in the end. The girls both got a knot in their stomach as they didn’t know what was going to happen. Jess began to ask what the total amount was and he told them $642 plus tax and she became upset saying they didn’t owe that. Sure you do said Rob, $150 per hour for the cabana and $7 per drink. You rented the cabana for 4 hours and the 2 of you had a total of 6 drinks he stated. Both girls began to plea stating that they assumed it was free and they didn’t have that kind of money and there was no way they could pay that. Rob then said he was sure they could all come to an agreement of some sort. Now we are all adults here said Rob and we know money isn’t everything. The girls stunned asked what he meant by that. Well said Rob it has been sometime since I have had the company of such beautiful ladies as he said that an evil look on his face appeared and was companied by a wicked grin and we could continue this in a place a little more private if you know what I mean. The girls playing dumb but knowing what he meant said they didn’t know what he wanted. He reached out and placed his hand on Taren’s ass and squeezed tight and she instantly slapped him in the face. Rob was angered at her actions and grabbed her by the wrist and said you will do what I want or I can call the police and have you both arrested. Both girls scared began to plea for him not to call the cops as they were willing to work out some sort of an agreement.
The girls had gone to the office with Rob to work out some sort of payment arrangement. He told them they were going to have to work off their tab and Jess said you mean by waiting tables right. Rob with his evil looking face said oh no I mean by pleasing me as he rubs his cock through his pants. As they realize what is soon to happen they try to convince him not to do this to them. They attempt to open the door to the office and run and he quickly slams the door and locks it. Rob tells the girls that they have a large tab to work off and that they will be there for quite some time.


This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000