The Jockey: 20, 21, 22, 23

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In spite of its description as "Fiction," this story is actually an embellishment of real experiences I had with a girl during my time on the radio. The first several chapters are absolutely true, save names and locales.

XX. "It looks great, Dean. How does it feel?" Ashley was absolutely giddy with excitement.

I ran a hand over my scalp. “It feels cold."

The girls started shamelessly fondling my head as I started to take in my surroundings. The large bedroom suite was impressive, yet tasteful. Classic maple flowed seamlessly into contemporary brushed nickel trim. A couple of framed classic movie posters adorned the walls: The African Queen and Casablanca. A computer sat on the desk situated next to the door to the private bath.

I started to notice some odd things about the room. A bright red lips telephone sat next to the computer on the desk, a backpack rested at the entry into the room, and an old teddy bear was nestled neatly at the intersection of the two pillows on the bed. The accessories did not fit the furnishings.

"Kim, is this your room?"

"Yeah. Why, what's wrong?" She'd seen the confusion on my face.

"Nothing," I began, "I just didn't expect your room to look like this."

Kim looked at Ashley. "What did you expect, butterflies and princesses?" They started laughing.

Realizing I was beginning to look like an ass, again, "No, it's just that this is a really nice bedroom. And very new. I mean, your bed is so big. I guess I just expected something smaller and more… Used." I hoped I was being clear, even though I knew I wasn't.

She stopped laughing. "Oh, I got it all for my birthday. My parents asked what I wanted, and I told them a new bedroom. We went downtown and I picked it out. Dad said I should get something that I could use even after I moved out, and this is it." Then she looked at me, "Why? Don't you like it?" Her look seemed to be daring me to say the wrong thing.

I answered truthfully, "I absolutely like it. Excellent choice. I was just surprised, that's all." She frowned at me as Ashley looked on, clearly amused at my discomfort.

Looking for an easy out, I asked no-one in particular, "Hey, where's my beer," then rushed my way past the girls and down the stairs, and out to the jacuzzi to recover my now warm beverage. I grabbed the girls' teas as well, and went back into the kitchen.

I found a broom and dustpan in the closet, and cleaned my hair from the floor. A few minutes later, it became apparent that the girls were not returning directly, and I decided to take our drinks upstairs. I went through the open door into Kim's room, and I heard a shower and talking coming from her bathroom. I made my way to the computer and powered it on, hoping to check my email.

As I waited for the computer to boot, I tried to listen to their conversation from my chair. I couldn't make out what they were saying. Whatever the subject matter was, they weren't too serious about it; the conversation was frequently punctuated by fervent laughter. I smiled at their happiness, running my hand over my naked head.

My head really did feel cool, and I was having difficulty adjusting to my skull's open exposure to the air. I had done a really good job shaving, and I couldn't find a single whisker protruding in rebellion. I'd surprised myself, and I smiled, impressed by my own accomplishment.

A few minutes later, the computer was ready, and I found the connection to the internet. The unpleasant electronic screeches and scratches finished as I heard the shower being shut off. The connection was made, and soon I was reading a message from a friend in D.C. She'd written to let me know that she'd finally sent me a copy of a rare CD that had been stolen from me some time before. I replied in thanks, telling her that I looked forward to our next phone conversation.

As I sent the reply, the girls emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in towels. They saw me sitting at the computer, and greeted me, Kim continuing to her dresser, and Ashley moving behind me. She put her arms over my shoulders, reaching her hands past my chest to my stomach, and kissing me softly on my neck as she purred quietly. I took her hands in my own and tilted my head to the side, accepting her affection.

She whispered into my ear, "What are you doing, Baby?" I was amazed that something so simple could quicken my pulse so easily.

"Just sending a message to a friend of mine," I said softly.

"A girl?" I tensed at the question, and Ashley felt it immediately. "Relax, Dean. I don't care if you have other women." She started nuzzling my neck again, whispering, "I have a boyfriend. Don't worry about it." Then, as an afterthought, "Is she hot?" She asked the question in a heavy, obviously erotic breath, and my manhood twitched.

I had to think about it. "Well, yeah, but it's not like that. She's in D.C., married and has a ." I wasn't trying to make excuses, I just didn't want there to be any misunderstanding. "Where's your boyfriend?"

In another, sex-laden heavy breath, "Not here." She turned my head to her and kissed me firmly before joining Kim at the dresser to brush her hair.

I turned my chair around to watch them. Kim looked to be almost done brushing. God, she was breathtaking, even wrapped in a towel, her bright blond hair reaching the small of her back. I'd come to think she was about four inches taller than myself, making her just taller than six feet. While she wasn't quite graceful, she certainly didn't lack elegance. She carried her long frame with precision, but her movements somehow stayed fluid, and she never seemed cumbersome. I smiled now, watching her in silent awe.

She caught me watching her, capturing my eyes, and smiled knowingly, as if to say, "I know what you're thinking." She set her brush on the dresser, then walked back to her bath, unwrapping the towel from her on the way, and watching me watch her the whole way.

"Let's watch a movie," Ashley suggested into the mirror as she finished brushing her hair.

Kim returned without her towel and moved back to the dresser. "I'm game." She opened a drawer and withdrew red lingerie of some kind. She asked Ashley, "What are we going to watch," as she donned a satin and lace nightgown.

Ashley had finished with her hair, and was following Kim with her eyes as she dressed. "Let me put something on, and we'll have a look." She then walked to the nightstand on the far side of the bed dropped the towel on the four-poster, and searched briefly through a drawer to recover what looked to be a large, pink t-shirt. She slipped the shirt on as Kim moved to the door and disappeared down the hall.

Ashley grabbed her towel, came around the bed, and walked to me. I could see now that the t-shirt was a nightshirt, and the long garment hugged her frame rather nicely, reaching only down to her upper thighs. Watching the girls primp and dress had stiffened me significantly, and I could see Ashley observing my fledgling erection as she approached.

She straddled me on the chair, her hands around the back of my neck, and said, "Are you going to watch a movie with us?" The feel of her strong legs on top of my own sent even more flow to my growing manhood, and her teasing maneuvers were clouding my brain.

"Well, of course," I said. "What else would I be doing?" Other than pounding you into next week?

She smiled cheerfully and said, "Good, let's go." She hopped from me and took her towel to the bathroom before joining me on the way out.

Downstairs, Kim was just closing the kitchen door to the pool and moved to a thermostat as Ashley led me by my hand to the den and set me down in the middle of the sofa. "Wait right here," she instructed before heading into the kitchen with Kim, and the air conditioning kick on.

I heard glasses clink and popcorn popping before Kim emerged to bring me another beer. I said, "You know you don't have to get me drunk, right?" She smiled and winked at me before returning to the kitchen, and I wondered if life could get any better than this. Well, if they were eighteen…

Soon, the lights were turned off and Ashley returned with a bowl of popcorn and what appeared to be two glasses of wine. She handed me the bowl, and sat against me, a glass in each hand. She was followed shortly thereafter by Kim with a large flannel blanket, a wine bottle, and a DVD. She dropped the blanket next to me, so I began to spread it out over Ashley and me while she deposited the shiny disc into the tray on the machine.

Once we were all situated under the blanket and the giant television was on, I asked no-one in particular, "So, what are we watching?"

Kim answered, "The Big Lebowski. Have you seen it?"

I shook my head as Ashley chimed in, "The dude abides." Kim agreed before joining us under the blanket on my other side, and accepting her glass of wine from Ashley.

The movie began, and it wasn't long before we'd polished off the popcorn, leaving the bowl off to the side on the floor. The girls took their time with the wine, whereas I made short work of my beer. My hands were free, and I wrapped an arm around each of them as we laughed at Nihilists and disembodied toes.

I was listening to John Goodman explain what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass when I felt Kim's hand on my thigh. Her touch was cool under the warmth of the blanket as my sleeping member stirred. She didn't move her hand, as I expected her to, and after several minutes, I'd forgotten about it.

A while later, Ashley's hand went to rest on my other leg, and bumped against Kim. They looked at each other and started laughing as I just smiled at the television. Their hands joined, and remained entwined on my lap for the remainder of the movie, until eventually Sam Elliot told the three of us he'd catch us later on down the trail.

Kim stood up and made for the kitchen as Ashley turned to me and said, "Come with me," then stood up with her hand outstretched to me. I took it, and she led us upstairs to Kim's room. She took me to the queen-sized, four-poster bed and told me to lie down, which I did as she turned on the lamp on the nightstand. She kissed me in the dim, soft light, and said, "Stay right here. I'm going to check my messages." I was puzzled, and a bit disappointed, but I obeyed, watching her covered form glide to the desk and sit.

I watched her for a few minutes, my desire for her growing stronger as I remembered her sliding onto me the night before, how tight she was, and how wet she'd become on my tongue. She was paying me no mind as my erection manifested itself fully. The more I looked at her, the more I wanted her, and waiting was growing more difficult by the minute.

XXI. A noise at the door caught my attention, and I turned my head to see Kim poised in the doorframe, studying me, sipping a fresh glass of wine as she took me in. She was breathtaking by lamplight in her long nightgown, smiling seductively, hunger in her eyes. She moved toward me, and was vampish in her slow approach, setting her wine on the dresser as she crossed it to reach me, then slipping the nightgown from her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor as she continued.

My heartbeat thundered in my ears as she climbed onto the bed on all fours, straddled my body and brought her face to mine. She then rested her nude form atop my own, her head on my chest, the length of her torso pressing softly down on me, her legs resting along the outside of my own. My now rigid manhood was pinned to my stomach, trying to flex under her pressure. She simply cooed, apparently enjoying the extensive contact our bodies now shared.

After a few moments, she brought her face back up to mine and kissed me purposefully, and I began to explore once again her naked back as our tongues danced. I then watched as she retreated from my mouth to slide down my tensed body, planting kisses as she found her way to my spear. She pointed it skyward with her hand, studying it keenly from several angles, before looking up at me, flipping her long blond hair to the side, and extending her tongue to it as if to taste it.

I watched in fascination as Kim bathed me with her tongue, running it in short and long strokes up and around the entirety of my manhood. Her hair fell back into place, obstructing my view, but that only intensified the sensations of her work on me. Then she pointed the thing back to me and planted a firm kiss flat on the underside before releasing me and slithering back up my chest. I reached down to her, carrying her face and hair as she approached.

We kissed again, more urgently this time, as I felt her shift over me. She shifted upward, past my head, and my mouth began moving over her chest and the tops of her breasts as my hands journeyed down her waist to her firm buttocks. She was breathing audibly now, her excitement increasing with the attention she was allowing me to give her. She backed down and lifted herself upright on me, her hot, dewy sex coming to rest on the underside of my shaft. She rocked forward and back in short motions, riding the track my manhood provided to her labia, her lips separated over me.

She looked over at Ashley, and my gaze followed her own. Ashley had repositioned herself on the chair to watch us, now straddling it, her chin resting on one of her forearms on the back of the chair. Her other arm was extended between herself and the chair, and the hollow in the chair's back showed Ashley running circles over her button with her middle finger, rapt by the show she was seeing.

Kim stopped moving, and I looked at her to find her eyes fixed again on my own. She leaned forward over me, kissing me as one of her hands reached between us to find my manhood. She broke the kiss and positioned me to enter her as she pushed back. Her slippery tunnel engulfed me little by little, her hand returning to my chest once I was secure in her. She closed her eyes and continued onto me as she softly hummed, and I was soon fully encased in her warmth.

She sat upright, my length shifting inside her, fueling my desire. Her hips seemed to surround me as her breasts were suspended weightlessly before me. Her hands rested now on my belly, and she pushed herself down onto me as I arched my back, extending myself into her before relaxing again onto the bed. I reached a hand to her breast as she started moving.

She moved up and down, releasing me only minutely before sliding back down on me, mashing into me in small circles at the base of her strokes. One of my hands rested on her thigh as the other caressed her breasts, my fingertips softly brushing her nipples, and sometimes squeezing them gently.

She changed her motion, now sliding back and forth on me, and I looked at Ashley again. Her nightshirt had ridden up to her waist, and she bit her bottom lip lightly as her hand skimmed left and right in short, feverish strokes across her sex.

Kim started working faster and I looked back at her. She was looking into me, as if she was searching for something. Sweat had begun to materialize on her brow, and she was all the sexier for it. She began soft grunts with each stroke.

Her passion was building quickly, but not quickly enough for me. I pulled her forward to me and she followed when I moved to put her on her back. Now over her, and still nestled inside her, I kissed her feverishly and made short quick thrusts into her as I explored her mouth. Her hands were on my bottom, pulling me into her with each abbreviated jerk.

I stopped moving as I raised my head to look at her. She looked through me, begging me to continue. I rested over her for a few seconds, admiring the lustful creature beneath me. Kim seemed so irresistible, I wondered how I could have waited so long to have her.

Keeping my eyes on her, I began long, smooth strokes into her. I would retreat almost to the end, nearly slipping from her, then push slowly back into her as deeply as I could reach. She closed her eyes, and I increased the frequency of my invasions. Her wetness became immeasurable as I slid through her effortlessly, wet, splashy noises filling the room. She started moaning and twisting her nipples, and I felt my own pressure beginning.

I pulled from her completely. She cried softly, and her eyes, opened wide in desperation, seemed to be losing focus intermittently as her hair was beginning to mat, and she was fantastic. I smiled at her and slid down her body to come to rest at her sex. She was absolutely soused, her slicks spilling down between her legs. I lifted her knees up and tried to recover as much of her juices on my tongue as I could before centering on her clit. I kissed it softly before taking it into my mouth, flicking it gently with my tongue a few times. I moved down her seam to its bottom before extending my tongue between her lips, coming to rest at her entrance.

I pushed into her with my tongue as my nose nuzzled her button. I reached into her as deeply as I could, twisting and writhing as I went. I was rewarded with louder moans and fresh rivers of sex from deep within her.

I withdrew my mouth completely, again eliciting noises of desperation. I brought my hand to her, resting it flat against her sex. She jerked, and I smiled. I put gentle pressure on her before sliding the hand down along her, then thrusting two fingers into her. Her whole body seized briefly as her back arched before relaxing again, accepting my intrusion.

I reached around inside her, searching diligently for nothing but a response, and I found plenty. I pushed against her insides, twisting my fingers, straightening and curling and swimming through her as I sucked gently on her clit. She was moaning constantly now, her hands coming to rest on my bald head in affirmation of my endeavors.

I slowed gradually, eventually coming to a stop, my fingers resting motionless inside her. In a few moments, Kim began shifting uncomfortably, tapping me arrhythmically on the head, and crying softly in dissatisfaction. I removed my fingers from her and she shuddered as I moved over her again. I looked at her, and her eyes were pleading with me, begging me to finish her.

I hovered over her, touching the tip of my spear to her flooded sex. Kim pushed against me, as if by sheer will she could pull me inside. I teased her like this for several moments before asking her, "Are you ready?" She just nodded at me feverishly with her glossy eyes wide open, an addict offered a fix. "Are you going to come for me?" She repeated her frenetic affirmation.

I pushed into her with one quick stroke, and she moaned heavily, her hands again on my bum pulling me into her as a moan surfaced from deep within her. I reached into her far, pushing on her hard. I stayed there as I flexed myself inside her, and she jerked lightly. She wrapped her legs around me, and I knew she wouldn't let me go again. I kissed her softly, and began.

I started slowly, pushing into her with gentle strokes. Kim received me with low noises of contentment, moving with me in anticipation of her resolution. My compulsion must have been evident. Just as she needed release, I needed to release her. Her hips rose to meet me as I repeatedly invaded her, faster with every attack until my motions became involuntary, my strokes automatic as I plunged into her relentlessly.

In the distance, I heard Ashley's trembling voice softly announcing her orgasm. Somehow, the knowledge of her release triggered a new level of determination, and my motions in Kim increased in speed and intensity.

As if Ashley's climax had been her cue, Kim said simply, "Yes," and her muscled began to tighten on me. I spoke the word back to her, and was finally rewarded as she was slowly engulfed by her flood. Her legs pulled me hard into her, her fingernails digging into my shoulders as her hands closed around me. She latched onto me completely, pulling me close to her and ending my assault. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out as her head began nodding crazily, beating itself against the pillow again and again.

I could feel her juices escaping around me now. I was pushing myself as deeply into her as I could, filling her for the duration of her crescendo, and her tunnel was gripping me tighter than I would've imagined. I held on, though, fighting off my own desire to join in her rapture until her head collapsed into the pillow, and the rest of her limbs released me slowly. I stayed inside her as I began softly kissing her face and neck.

After a few moments, I pushed myself up as Ashley crawled up onto the bed next to us. She kissed me, and I flexed inside Kim, causing her to spasm lightly. She then bent down to kiss Kim. I extracted myself from Kim, and she jerked and sighed into Ashley's mouth as I collapsed on my back on the side opposite Ashley, closing my eyes for a short rest.

Ashley asked, "How are you doing, Baby?" I was pretty sure she was talking to Kim, so I didn't respond.

Soon, I heard Kim answer sluggishly, "I'm really great." I chuckled to myself at her drunken demeanor. There was movement on the bed, and I gasped lightly when I felt Ashley's mouth upon my still hard member. She wrapped her lips around the underside of my shaft and slid upward to take me into her mouth.

She circled my tip with her tongue before drawing me in completely, stripping Kim's juices from me. She sucked hungrily, and I wasn't confident I could endure her talents for long, especially after having just weathered Kim's storm. Mercifully, she withdrew and began tenderly lapping up the remainder of Kim's fluids.

Kim rolled over and kissed me as Ashley cleaned me. She started delicately, seemingly sharing her recovery from the euphoria I'd freed inside her. Soon, though, our passion was reignited as we longingly dove into each others mouths.

She moved Ashley from my manhood, whispering into my ear, "I want you to come in me." My heart leapt as she straddled me again, hurriedly this time, and sank me into her sex as quickly as she could manage. We both shuddered this time before she started her brutal assault. I looked at her in time to watch her begin bouncing on me frantically, and Ashley's face floated into mine to kiss me passionately. Kim alternated between bouncing and riding and grinding as she watched Ashley kiss me.

Ashley rose up and told Kim, "Stop for a second," before facing her and reaching a leg over my head to bring her sex down on my mouth. No sooner had she come to rest than Kim began grinding on me again, and I worked my tongue frenziedly through her folds.

Ashley's demand for my attention help distract me from the sexy crazy mess that was Kim springing upon my manhood. Kim soon relented, and I could hear muffled moaning over me. I was plunging my tongue with ferocity, focusing on Ashley's pleasure to distract me from my own, but when Kim slowed on me, I started picturing the passion the two girls were sharing over me, and I began to lose the fight.

I called into Ashley's sex as I erupted into Kim's. I thrust myself upward, planting my seed as deeply as I could manage as Kim pushed down on me hard, her walls squeezing me again. I was insane, suffocating as I pulled Ashley hard onto my face, blindly stabbing my tongue at her. Kim spasmed on me as I came, and I could feel her body shaking softly upon me in an aftershock.

I was dizzy and on the verge of tears before I released Ashley from my mouth, twisting my head away for air. She carefully removed herself from my head as I gasped for breath. She looked at me with mild concern, her hand gently massaging my chest, but as soon as I'd recovered my wits, I reached for Kim and pulled her to me, kissing her furiously.

Finally, I was spent, and I fell to pieces on the bed. My eyes now closed, I sensed the girls kissing, Kim still impaled upon me, but not for much longer. I felt her slip from me and move to Ashley, and I became vaguely aware of Ashley being pleasured by Kim as I passed out.

XXII. I had to pee.

The room was dimly lit by the lamp on the nightstand, and I was alone. I weakly got myself up onto the floor and made my way to the bathroom. I was covered in dried sex and still tasted Ashley on my mouth, and I laughed softly at my condition. I wondered where the girls were, and I considered putting on a pair of shorts before remembering I had no idea where my clothes were, and I laughed again.

I left to find them, grabbing the almost full glass of wine Kim had abandoned on the dresser on my way past. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard them talking softly. I found the girls in the kitchen, clothed again. Ashley was sitting at the bar, and Kim stood across from her, each with a half-empty glass of milk and the plate of cookies planted neatly between them.

"Save some for me," I said as I was nearly upon them.

"Dean!" Ashley got down from her stool as I arrived and hugged me hard as Kim came around the bar to do the same. They embraced me warmly, and I returned the sentiment. It felt nice, and it concerned me. It concerned me that I or we should be feeling something. This wasn't supposed to be warm and fuzzy; this was supposed to be cool and fun.

"Hey Babies," I said as I squeezed them tightly. The greeting sounded simultaneously awkward and absolutely right to me, so I just let it go. I kissed Ashley's forehead and Kim's cheek before releasing them, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ashley volunteered, "Post-coital munchies."

I contemplated what she'd said for only a moment before bursting into laughter. I knew exactly what she was talking about, but I'd never heard anyone word it like that before. She just smiled at me as Kim started giggling.

I was overcome. "You are fucking wonderful."

As soon as heard myself say it, I dreaded and regretted it. I tried to hide my fear even as my laughter ceased and the sincerity fled my smile. What the fuck was I doing here? I'd spent all day frolicking and fucking two sixteen-year-old girls while someone's parents were out of town, and now I was laughing and carrying on and feeling… I disgusted myself, and I just wanted it to be over.

Ashley was staring at me, her face awash with panic. "What's the matter?" My mask had failed, and I backed away.

"Oh, Ashley." I was dead serious now, and Kim looked terrified. "You are so wonderful. You both are. And this is all wrong. I have no business being here. You are too young for this and I am old enough to know better." It all came pouring out. "I should have stopped this when we went for pizza. Nothing good can come of this."

I was talking to them both, now, but looking at the floor. "I like you, both of you, a lot. I mean it. But this has to stop." I meant it, every word. The sex in and of itself was bad enough, but if I should start feeling for either one of them, or worse, both of them, I would be doomed.

The room was silent for an eternity. I finally looked up at Kim first to find her looking at me in utter disappointment, tears welling in her eyes, and I wanted to die. I looked to Ashley.

Ashley looked at me as if I'd just called her mother a whore. "Dean, you dumb fuck." I turned my head back to the floor as she continued. "You stupid asshole. You have no idea what the fuck is going on here, do you?" She wasn't raising her voice, but she was angrier than I though her capable.

"Dean, what the fuck do you take us for? Do you think we're a couple of s? Or you're taking advantage of us? Is that it?" She was really pissed, and I just stared at her, speechless. "You think I'm a virgin or some shit? Dean, do I fuck like a virgin? Does Kim fuck like a virgin? You know we have sex. Or maybe you think you're too old for me. Well, you're not the first twenty-something I've fucked, either. You are the first person we've shared, but that's no big deal."

She paused in contemplation before continuing in a calmer tone. "Dean, I really like you. You're smart and respectful and mature. Kim really likes you, too. You're wonderful too, Dean. You're wonderful, too."

Everything she'd said made sense, and I wanted to agree, but nothing changed the fact that our relationship made me a criminal. I didn't want to speak, but I had to say it. "It's illegal."

"Bullshit." She hadn't hesitated a second. "That's bullshit, Dean." She started fuming again, but somehow maintained her composure. She thought for a few seconds before speaking again. "Have you ever smoked pot, Dean? I have, have you?" Of course I had. "If you haven't, Kim's got some in her drawer upstairs. It's the same thing, Dean. It's a bullshit law that everyone breaks because there's nothing wrong with smoking a bowl. It's illegal, and you can go to jail for it, but everyone does it anyway."

She really had my head spinning. She was making sense, but I was too afraid to give in. I wanted so badly to give in.

She continued, "Dean, there's nothing wrong with us having sex. Kim and I are women. We want things that women want. We do things that women do." She paused for several more moments. "Fuck, Dean, in fucking Michigan, we wouldn't even be having this conversation, because the age of consent there is fucking sixteen." She stopped to let that sink in.

She was right. About everything. They were women undoubtedly. And it was absolutely a bullshit law. But there was still the matter of the feelings.

It took every last bit of strength to begin speaking. "Ashley, I… Both of you…" Words failed me. "You are both fantastic. I'm… I'm worried about feelings…" I didn't know how to finish.

To this, Ashley smiled. "Oh, Dean. Dean, Sweetie, what's wrong with feelings? I mean, really? What's the worst that could happen? We could fall in love and have to wait two years to tell anyone. I'm not saying that's what I want to do, I'm just saying…" I could see her thinking. "Kim and I have been best friends for… Three years now? And we've been having sex for like, three months. I love her, and she loves me, but we're not in love. But we're more than friends. It's hard to explain." Then she looked at me, adding, "I didn't think I'd have to explain to someone like you. I just assumed you'd get it."

I looked at Kim. Her eyes had dried, and she was looking at me pleadingly. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss them both.

Ashley spoke again. "Dean, look at me." I did, and found her smiling confidently at me. "You know I'm right, I can see it in your eyes. Don't blow it. You know I'm right."

I stood there for a lifetime, Ashley looking through me. She had me. I did know she was right. She had it all figured out. So why wasn't I moving for her?

She figured that one out, too. "Come here, Dean."

I did, straight away. I went to them and kissed them both repeatedly, and they accepted me, squeezing me hard enough to remind me of their strength, and peppering me with kisses.

I whispered between them, "You are both so fucking wonderful, you have no idea."

Kim finally spoke, "Well, I do. We are so fucking wonderful." I laughed as she continued. "Now shut up and have a fucking cookie, and don't ever fucking do that again, you motherfucker."

XXIII. The cookies were even better with milk. I was sitting next to Ashley and had pirated her glass for the cookie or two that I had intended to eat, which had become four or five. She gave me playful shit about absconding with her milk. When I told her I didn't know that word, I thought she was going to blow a fuse.

"How can you not know 'abscond," she asked incredulously. I just gestured the universal "nobody's perfect" motion, and let her take great glee in teaching me a new word.

I was still apprehensive, but for different reasons. Rarely did I meet someone I genuinely liked more than just in passing. I genuinely liked both of them - Ashley a little more than Kim - and I was worried about getting carried away. I didn't let it get to me, though.

The girls were talking about weaknesses on their volleyball team. I didn't hear a word. I just watched them in awe as I munched on really good chocolate chip cookies. The dynamics of their relationship fascinated me. Save the one incident early in the evening, they were content to share me, and there didn't seem to be any jealousy.

Suddenly, I remembered something. "Ashley, tell me about your boyfriend."

The girls looked at each other, clearly unprepared for this discussion. They seemed to be silently voting on who got to tell me what.

Finally, Ashley spoke up. "Chris."

Kim interrupted, "What a dipshit."

Ashley shot Kim a look of irritation as she continued, "He's an artist, sort of." She seemed unclear as to how to proceed. "We got together a few months ago. I liked him because I thought he was deep." Kim chuckled before Ashley cut her off. "Yeah, I know." Then back at me, "He's not deep. More like moody. We're done, I just haven't told him yet."

Kim got excited. "Oo, can I tell him? Please?"

Ashley just looked at her. "Kim doesn't like him."

"Aw, what gave me away?" Kim was trying not to laugh.

"Well, every time I mention him you say, 'What a dipshit." She started shaking her head.

"Well, he is a dipshit. Seriously, Dean, he's a fucking moron." Kim was getting pretty intense, now. "He wears a fucking derby and suspenders, like he's a fucking extra in Clockwork Orange or some shit." I knew she was serious about this because she was tossing expletives like candy in a parade.

I'd heard enough about the dipshit. "What about you, Kim? Do you have a dude?"

Her smile began fading quickly. Ashley answered for her. "Kim doesn't have particularly good luck with guys."

I found this impossible. "No fucking way. How could you not have your pick of dudes?" Kim was a viking goddess, and I did not believe that she couldn't find a good man… Or boy. I was still wrestling with semantics.

Kim spoke begrudgingly, "Well, Dean, I'm so tall that the only guys who are ever interested in me are big jocks, and they're all dicks."

I had to think back to when I was in school to put two and two together, but it made sense, and I felt sorry for her. "Kim, men are idiots and assholes. How tall are you?"

"Six one," she answered.

"Okay, you're four inches taller than me." Then I looked her in the eye to be clear about my intention as I said, "If I saw you on the street, I'd come on to you in a heartbeat." I meant it.

Her smile returned. She paused before speaking, "That's why I like you, Dean. That, and you make me wet."

I smiled back at her. "I'm always happy to oblige." Ashley laughed.

We talked for a little longer about things meaningful and inconsequential before I started yawning. I turned to Ashley, "So I'm sleeping with you?"

She was looking at Kim when she answered, "Yep."

"Well, I'm about to pass out again." I really was. I asked, "Where are we sleeping?"

Both girls turned to me with looks of disbelief before Kim spoke. "You know, Dean, for such a smart guy, you can be a real dumbass sometimes."

It took me a few seconds to make the connections before I figured it out. "Oh, we're all sleeping… Together… We're all in the same…" Then, with a thumbs-up, "Got it." I didn't know how I could've missed that one. Perhaps I was just too tired. Or, more likely, I had just been a dumbass like Kim suggested.

They continued staring at me in astonishment until I spoke again. "Can we go there now?"

Ashley laughed as Kim shook her head, saying, "Let's go," and we made our way upstairs.

Ashley asked, "When do you work tomorrow?"

As tired as I was, I didn't have to think before answering, "Seven to midnight. I need to be there by six forty-five, so if you can get me home by five or so, that should be good."

A few moments passed before Kim spoke, "Fuck it, we'll just take you to work and pick you up after, and you can stay with us again tomorrow night."

I didn't think about it too much before deciding it was a good plan. "Okay, then just get me there by six forty-five." I had pulled the covers back on the bed before I somehow remembered my medication. I was about to speak when I turned around to find Ashley standing behind me with a pill and a glass of water. My chest filled with appreciation for her as I took her face between my hands and kissed her softly.

"You are amazing," I whispered in her ear. She grinned giddily as I took her offerings and thanked her.

Kim had disrobed again and was moving to the other side of the bed as I asked, "Okay, who's sleeping where? I mean, what's the arrangement?" The girls apparently hadn't thought of this part, as they looked at each other for the answer.

Ashley finally spoke to both of us. "I guess Dean will sleep in the middle? Does that sound right?" Kim nodded unsurely before Ashley continued at me. "Like I said, we've never done this before, so…"

"Don't worry about it," I assured her as I heard birds chirping in the dark outside. I soon found myself centered in the bed on my side. Ashley had cuddled up in front of me as she had the night before, and Kim was behind, holding me as I was holding Ashley. I smiled in the dark, utterly content.

"Goodnight, girls."

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