The Neighbors Chapter Nine Trouble at work Chapter ten Sue Moves In with me

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Continued from chapter Eight
Wholly fuckers it's after eight daddy I gotta get going please hurry please get dressed I don't want to be late aah fuck .
I'm going to be late for school shit we get dressed lock the house and head out hope in the care I drive her to school .
I walk inside the office with her Sorry shes late care broke down that’s OK she only missed home room go to class April .

Chapter Nine
Trouble at work

Chapter Ten
Moves in
with me

Your Tony yes mam we heard a lot about you oh how your taking care of them after her dad passing I try my best .
I know she lives on the out side edge of town and we for give her for being late thanks I appreciate that very much .
May I ask a question yes sir how is she really doing in school scene her dad passed she’s been alright so far .
We know it is tough when you loose a family member yes I lost both mine when I was 21 yes we heard it was tragic .

Well I got to go to wok now have a good day everyone you also nice talking with you same here ladies.
Good morning Guys morning they don't sound to happy today Tony Can I see you in the office Yes sir right away sir .
please sit down we need to talk alright whats going on well it seems that we don't do as many cars as we used to do .
I am afraid I have bad news were going to be closing the shop it is all up for sale I'm going to be auctioning it all off .

I am so sorry this is terrible news whats really going on Joe I have known you scene I was eighteen alright I'll tell you .
I am financially in the hole I am ten thousand in debt and I cant afford to pay you guys any more I have to close the doors .
I was thinking is there anything at all I can do to help you at all well remember that old 57 Chevy yes I do sir it's for sale .

That's My baby shes gotta go I'm asking ten G's I will buy it and for any reason you want it back you can buy it thanks .
I have to say no I am going to Florida I have my other two cars and my family’s there I need to go home getting old you know .
I am seventy nine Tony I have had enough of this alright Joe I will go to the bank Ill have cash in a while thanks Tony .
Tony one more thing treat her with care like I always did yes Joe I will do that , I knew business was slow now this .

I go to the bank I have saved scene I was a My dad and mom always taught me the value of saving money .
I have about 1 mil or so in there and I still get the checks every month from dad's oil stocks now in my name .
I return to the shop Joe can I speak with you in the office please yes sure tony be right there whats this all about .
Please sit down Joe here is the 10 G’s for the car what would it take to buy it a one lift plus all the tools .

Do you still have that garage behind you house yes the one you seen it's three car one I remember now .
How much square footage was it eleven hundred and fifty two Joe it has the bathroom shower plus a bed room above .

It 's fifty eight feet deep and forty two feet wide alright I'll write the price down on this paper for you here you go .
I read the paper twelve thousand Tony you can negotiate with me you know how about six well alright.
I hand Joe cash six G's wonderful thanks Tony I now can pay the guys what I owe them I will be right back .
Guys yes Joe here is two thousand each this is a weeks pay plus extra I hope it will help Yes Thanks Joe .

Your welcome I'm sorry I had to close the doors we understand we'll miss you Joe Ill miss all you guys too.
Sadly they head out for home one is sues father whom was a master mechanic on cars we use to restore .
I'll be right back alright Joe well what now Joe I'm officially done you can call your movers pack it up.
Tone one more important thing take what ever you want just leave the building clean thanks Joe holds back the tears .

It will be alright Joe we'll arrange it all your vintage 57 Thunderbird car by freight to your home in Florida .
I was worried how I get her down there worry no more my fiend we known each other scene I was eighteen .
I go home it is five O'clock April and Mary’s home I find a note on the front door Please join us for dinner .
Love April and Mary PSS I love my “ Stud Daddy” “ Love April” Many Hug’s & kiss’s .

Mom he's home shall I go get him no we'll wait see here he comes now across the yard now honey .
Why does he look so dad sad ? Don't ask let him bring it up alright mom but it makes me sad too .
I knock on the door hello daddy come on in please it looks like it's raining out yes it is darn.
Hello ladies may we take your over coat sure smells great What's for dinner this evening ?

One of your four favorites chicken Marsala with shrimp , asparagus for dessert Whipped cream .
With cherries on us he he I have cheese cake with raspberry and strawberry ooh delicious .
We heard about the shop closing Sue called crying that her dad lost his job they have to move to the city .
They will be Selling the house then getting an affordable two bedroom apartment that stinks it sure does .

Has sue decided what she wants to do yes shes coming over to eat with us that’s good she needs you April .
What will you do I don't know she did tell you if anything yes she told me what you said I told her to pack .
Her parents will be stopping by we hear a horn toot her they are now please folks come right in thanks .
Hi tony too bad about the shop yes well I just got hired my brother in law mechanic needed there I start Friday .

Sue and April go to her room sue was telling us she could live with you tony will that be a bother no not at all .
It was my mistake I should have told you at work all we can afford is a two bedroom the wife and daughter.
We love sue a lot but with three and the baby Were sad but happy were going to be grand parents yes I know .
Sue will have her own room and when the baby comes well cross that road when we get there Your a blessing .

I am just trying to help sue wanted to graduate with April besides they grew up to gather you can't just separate them .
Yes I know what you mean if you want I can have sues stuff moved over into my storage area yes that be good .
Will you both stay for dinner no thanks were got to pack thanks any way the say their good buys and leave .

Chapter Ten

Moves in

It has been a week scene I saw sues parents when they were over at April's party now their were all set and ready to move .
Sue was a bit sad to see her sister at fifteen and her parents to move to the big city but this is where her dad's new job was .
I told them if their was anything I could do just ask all the said is please take good care of sue and there future grand baby .
They said there good buys that the left the moving truck had already moved sues stuff up into the apartment above the garage .
There is an extra storage space there in case I do not feel like going back to the house during the winter months .

I was all settled in Joey’s car was on its way to Florida after helping sues parents move into their apartment .
Sues Parents dropped her off with some stuff and I show her the room she can have for her very own .
Sue this is your room now my room is up stairs if you want to redecorate we can alright geez Thank you tony .
I do get lonely April and Mary comes to visit sometimes this was my dad's house inherited it it's sixty thousand square ft. .

You know sue one does get a bit lonely at times well use the indoor pool when ever you want it is out back its heated with slide .
I will tell you what honey I mean sue please tony call me what ever I really do appreciate all you do for my family honestly .
Invite all the girls over this eve it's Friday have a pool party hell if Mary’s working late swim in the nude I don’t mind yeah right .
They will get you hard Ill go up stairs and take care of it alright sounds great thanks well you got to go meet April for school .

Good Morning ladies good morning Tony good morning sue This is so nice what your doing for sue and her family thanks .
I just wanted to tell them I care as much as I do you two ladies she wanted to graduate with April it's the least I could do .
Well are you going to be humping her too besides my daughter and me Mary I am shocked at you well remember what I told you .
I was thinking maybe you could take the girls over to get some new cloths wait I got to go to wok tony I'll be gotta go sorry .

She hops into her car goes to work leaving me to bring the girls into school once again Tony what time can we party today .
How about after five you will have the pool house all to your self I would have cleaned it by then alright thanks a lot.
Sue are you alright no morning sickness dam lets get you into the school nurse alright I'll wait in the office just in case.
Hello Sir nice to see you again is April alight yes its her girlfriend sue O yes shes pregnant but we keep out of that .

She being looked after now by our nurse where is she staying now with me she has her own apartment April looks out for her .
I do as well she wanted to graduate here at this school I know shes on the cheer squad light activity but it keeps her busy .
Sir the nurse calls can you please com in her a minute alright sue needs to go home now she needs her rest alright .

Her and I walk outside while Aprils in school have you talked about the party yet with her yes all set she will let them know .
We need to get you to rest young lady please I was just sick for that little bit ill be alright besides I want to go shopping please .
Alright but if you feel sick for any reason let me know I will promise she kisses me on the cheek thank you so much baby .
Where to now Victoria's Secret please Hugh what you heard me I need my sleep ware oh alright you going to model for me .

Yes I might oh I almost forgot to tell you if you are a good boy I will let you have a little sexy time before our party .
she goes in pics out a few things models them we pay for them and head out for home it's ten am they will not get out until two .
Her cell beeps text from April all set for tonight told the girls eight coming we'll have a blast I got Victoria’s secret today no way?
Yeah he treated lucky you wait until I get there I'll make sure all of us drain him dry or some of us see you soon alright .

My cell rings it's Mary can you bring me to the airport now please yes right away I have to fly out for the weekend .
I have to attended a corporate meeting where are you I' m home ill be right there sue you be alright for a bit the house .
Yes why of course I will whats going on Mary I had forgotten all about this weekend a surprise retirement party .
Please look after my daughter make sure she gets into no trouble when she's around you she seems alright yes of course .

I head back to my house I unlock the door I hear moans of pleasure coming from sues room I am suspicious of this .
I specifiably told her no ones aloud in here when I am not at home I go to her room rather than knock I try the door .
It's unlocked I opened it quietly there’s sue naked on the bed head tilted back shes using her hair brush like a dildo .
I know what she wants I get undressed I start to get very hard so I masturbate a bit more to get ready to enter in her .

She opened her eyes and seen me I see your ready babe please come do me I've been waiting for your return .
Spreading wide she raised her legs I took my cock in hand and placed it at her entrance I slipped right in .
I began pumping slow and deep It didn't take her long before she came again but this time it wasn't the hair brush it was me.
She screamed 'm going to cum! Oh God. I’m cumming Oh Tony aah ooh baby gawd I'm cumming " I'm cumming." .

I have to rest a bit please I stopped and laid next to her kissing her passionately we have to finish up by one thirty .
honey yes sue can I call you daddy too well April calls me that I know but I live here with you know alright you may .
Please daddy let me ride you this tile alright mount me taking her hand on my shaft she sat her self down on it .
Yes I feel it now "Oh. Oh, God. It's in. Fuck" Ooh Gawd it feels so good in me yes baby yes “ Aah Yes” !!

I need it daddy ooh yes fuck me ooh yes your cock feels good to you fuck me baby I gonna cum soon daddy .
Oh fuck baby girl I’m gonna cum aah yes Cum Daddy Cum Inside me, please I'm cumming too daddy aah .
Yes ooh Gawd Daddy's cumming inside you aah yes daddy "I feel it too aah Daddy. Oh fuck, it's so hot.
I'm cumming too .“Ooh yeah, Daddy….you love it when you fill me up with your hot love juice aah yes’s .

She stopped I sucked on her breasts I then gently rolled her off me lifted her up and carried her into the shower .
It was one thirty in the afternoon she will be coming home soon yes hon she will I don't think she knows moms gone .
She will stay here for the weekend not a problem goodie we both can have you please oh alright you can share me .
We get out of the shower she changes into her bikini and heads out to set up the pool area for their party this evening .

Sue honey I called out do you need anything at the store no not really alright I will be back soon have to go buy snacks .
I arrive back home about an hour and a half later I see about three cars in my yard I totally forgot about the time .
It is three thirty some of the girls were all ready in their swim suits and wow they looked hot first time this year I seen them .
We had a party about two years ago that’s when John was alive we had the party for April sixteenth over here amazing .

The girls were all here I guess they came in three cars I looked for Jan I guess she was not feeling well I asked sue.
I'm back with all your party stuff girls oh goodie thank you Mr C. Please call me Tony everyone does OK tony .
Sue , April can I speak with you a minute I want you girls to be on your best this weekend your moms out of town .
I just wanted to save try to be have and what ages are the girl swell there all about eighteen just one is seventeen now .

Let me say this NO nudity for her But daddy please it's a party for her throwing shes eighteen today oh alright .
Thank daddy your so kind we love you I love you both also they go back to what they were doing in the pool house.
Shes a Virgin too daddy you know what that means daddy gets first shot doing her Oh great another sex pot .
What I mean is she will be horny all weekend well then do her daddy give it to her good please don't tell her we said so .

Alright my sweetie ladies it is our secret go back and have fun enjoy I'll be in my den reading of you need anything .
My den over looks the pool house I have a clear view right in side glass doors there is no fence needed on my property .
Were I am centrally located is a corner lot woods all around it's peaceful there's of course Mary and Aprils next door.
Its about seventy eight today warm spring day no camping this weekend I become curious I grab my binoculars .

I see all the girls begin to get naked from their bikinis wow small breasts big ones too there's some nice shave clean pussies .
I can't believe my eyes six girls are holding the birthday girl down wile the other two spank her bottom wow .
Shes a blond Blue eyes nice figure, 36C breasts shaved clean dam there turning her over spreading her legs dam .
I bet their checking see if shes still a virgin or not one girl that was holding her down begin to lick her pussy .

I see after a few minutes shes shaking wildly Shit a knock on the door dam I put my binoculars down I pretend to sleep .
The door opens quietly see I told you he fell asleep I do not know these I think I have met them about two yeas ago.
April I hear one say come help me get his pants off no your on your own if he wakes up she laughs Yeah thanks a lot .
I heard the door close, dam it ! Now shes talking to her self I can't believe they just left me alone with him .

They told me do what I want he won't mind at all Just don’t wake him Oh Gawd I remember him now he was looking at me .
I met Tony two years ago when I was sixteen I am eighteen now I'm so horny my pussy dripping I What now dam it ?! .
I want to have him in side me I had only one guy at sixteen he didn't even fuck me he came in his pants before he got it in me .
Fuck it I want him inside she started undressing me I opened one eye I told her baby take it easy she frightened and got up .

She started to walk out naked Hey please stop there now she stopped in her tracks she was frightened of me I walked over .
Please sweetie it's alright nothing to be scared of your name is Lucy yes that’s it mines Tony please come sit down here.
We sit and talk a bit on my couch in my den why are you shaking my dear I'm afraid of you they told me you get upset .
When you get woken up well this is our secret alright I was not sleeping I was watching them spank you hows your bottom ?.

It's Very some and your eighteen to day correct yes I am well ”Happy Birthday Lucy “ here's $500.00, Whats this for? .
To get you something nice for your birthday I don't know what you need so cash is always best as a present to give .
What do you want well I wanted to make love to you OK shall we go into my bedroom when was your last period yesterday .
You have a choice scene it's your first time I am using a condom we don't want you to get pregnant no do we honey no .

Lay down and spread your legs I will lick you I see your a bit wet already but not quite wet enough for me to enter you .
Gently I brought the tip of my tongue in against her slit, sending shock waves through her, while her hips rocked hard in pleasure .
I looked up at her I asked "You like?" she nodded and whimpered I kept licking her poking my tongue in her virgin pussy.
I kept licking her slit. I moved my tongue down one side and up the other driving her wild she began to tremble and shake .

I'm going to cum aah she moaned out loudly I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum!" she cried out in she was at the edge .
She began screaming "I'm going to cum , “I'm Cumming ooh yes " that's it oh yeah baby that’s the spot it lick me right there .
I Placed a condom on then I began pushing her legs up then pushed them back she trembled as she reached out to hold her legs .
She knew now there was no turning back there it was now or never to enter into her virgin pussy are you sure about this?

Yes Please take me make love to me I want you to take my virginity "Fuck Me, Tony Please” ! I'm ready fuck me!".
I slowly put tip of my cock inside her pussy in slow and easy , I stopping for a moment as she looked down.
She seen the is it dripped from out of her vaginal entrance she knew now that her virginity was gone forever .
She moaned in absolute pleasure,as I pushed further inside her, seeing her breasts they looked inventing ooh .

I tenderly sucked on them licking her pink nipples I continued slowly gently fucking her this being her very first time .
She now had a real man inside her hot dripping pussy not just some from her school and she loved every minute .
Suddenly the bedroom door opened there stood all seven girls watching us make love aah I'm gonna cum again baby .
I'm going to cum soon I'm going to pull out now I'm gonna cum “I'm gonna squirt all of my hot sperm on your tits .

Tony I'm gonna cum too aah h yes’s Oh I'm going to cum again oh my God I'm I'm cumming Oh God I feel it here it comes .
That's it cum for me baby your doing good cum for me ah baby that's so good Oh god, gonna cum ah yes baby .
I pulled out then shot my hot load of cum all over he breasts and case some landing in her mouth ooh no aah.
I hear a voices call our fuck me next no me no me ladies you will all have a turn give me a chance I never seen so many .

Their the stood in my bed room all naked in pig tails the cheerleader squad they were all Eighteen year old’s .
They had that cock hungry look in their eyes all six of them Sue and April knew they could have me any time they wanted .
The next one straddled my cock took it in her hand and sat eight down om me I held her hips as she rode me hard .
Yes that’s it rock your hips back and forth Julie one of the girls called out I could hear the girls cheer fuck him yes .

I'm going to cum Ah baby Don't Stop Oh God AAH!!! ... I'm cumming ,again. "Oh fuck ooh yes’s ooh aah .
I too was ready to fill her up she is screaming to me "cum in me! cum in me ooh Fuck yeah, Daddy! Oh gawd yeah! .
Yeah Daddy cum fill my pussy up Please fill my pussy with your hot cum, Daddy that's it aah yes ooh feels good aah .
Then She collapsed on top of me the other girls seen I was wasted they would try again later with me this evening .

To Be continued
Chapter Eleven
More sexy time with the girls

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000