
This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

I'd like to see your color wet,
adorned with inset eyes that still somehow balance float on your face.

You are a precipice
of cold talent and an openness
that makes me wonder where you get your hard side from.
The one that's just like me, a hunter,
wanting the soft ones.

You're the man of your relationship,
newspaper and guitar while your girl cooks.
I want to see the way you control your lady and boss her around.
It would still be cutesy compared to me,
someone who's seen of what you've only wondered,
what it is like to be cisgendered fauxconquerer,
looking down at your sword to wipe off the lubeed .

The girly jungle of raised legs
calls to both of us
but only one of us has a peg.
Do you want to borrow mine?
You're the kind of girl I'd let conquer me
because right now I don't care which roles we play.
You're a soft loving mystery with no
and a bike shorts thigh gap hiding a ginger snatch.
I want to bury my face in that
and smell you as you gasp
and get in touch the part of yourself
that's wants to be owned by a shaft.

Don't deny.
We all have it.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000