Cheating: Nadia's Predicament

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

[Note: This story is cross posted from the Forum.]

Nadia smiled at the brawny door guard who let her in the back entrance to Miss Kitty's Place. She had 'worked' at the club several times before and the guard recognized her. A friend of a friend of a friend had gone to Miss Kitty's as a way to help her marriage and, although she had initially been repelled by the idea, it had gotten Nadia thinking. She and Steve had been having serious problems in their own marriage for some time, especially their love life, problems that had finally gotten so bad that Nadia was willing to consider radical ideas to try to put them back on track. After doing some research to find out more about how the thrice-removed friend had arranged things she had discussed the idea with Steve and he had reluctantly agreed to try.

What made the idea radical was that Miss Kitty's Place was a brothel.

The arrangement was that Nadia would pretend to be a sex worker at the club, but her only client would be Steve. The whole environment of the brothel, and the aura of cheating would satisfy any impulses to unfaithfulness that Steve might have, add spice to their sex life, and yet retain the fidelity of the relationship. Steve had initially baulked at the idea, arguing that it was like giving a green light to cheating, which would damage their already precarious relationship, but Nadia had eventually won him over. She had been nervous about the idea herself in the beginning, but ultimately became convinced that it would renew the excitement in their relationship, which they could build on to renew their mutual commitment. Indeed, in practice it seemed to be working. The first time they had come to Miss Kitty's Place their lovemaking had been the most passionate they had had since they first dated, and there did seem to be more zip to their marriage since. The initial excitement had lessened somewhat since the beginning, but Nadia still felt it was worth continuing the plan for a while.

The arrangement with Miss Kitty's was pretty straight-forward. Nadia signed the same contract that all of the regular working girls did. She paid a monthly sum to 'work' at the club, and then she was basically free to come as often as she wanted and work as long as she wanted, paying a further percentage of her earnings to the club. The contract was a lot like the way up-scale strip clubs contracted dancers; from payment for tricks and tips the working girls easily made enough to off-set the fees they owed to the club. Since Nadia only came roughly once a month, and her own husband was paying for the 'trick,' they ended up paying Miss Kitty's without making any money, but the whole idea was that they were doing it to save their marriage, and they had already paid hundreds of dollars to a variety of marriage counsellors.

The only other stipulation was that every time she came, Nadia was committed to working three hours, or one trick. Since this wasn't the first time Miss Kitty's had 'assisted' troubled couples, however, it was easy to arrange for the madam to waive off other potential johns on the grounds that a client had made a special request for Nadia that evening. Since Miss Kitty's was still getting paid for Nadia's required one trick, so the club didn't lose anything in the bargain.

Nadia made her way to the dressing room to change out of her street clothes. The first time they had come she had worn her sexiest lingerie; a blue satin gown with spaghetti straps, a lace bodice, and an open front that tied with a bow just below her breasts. A matching thong panty and four-inch heels completed the outfit. Although she had worn some pretty skimpy bikini's at the beach, no one but Steve had ever seen her in lingerie before. Lounging in the parlor of Miss Kitty's wasn't exactly a public place, but in some ways it was worse, since the men in the club made no pretense of looking at Nadia and all of the other girls there as anything other than literal sex objects. Nadia had been acutely self-conscious, but at the same time oddly aroused by the open stares of the johns making their **ions. It had been an enormous relief when Steve had arrived and picked her for his hour of 'entertainment.' Once in the private room they had ripped off each other's clothes and fucked like there was no tomorrow.

Since that first time Nadia had gotten more comfortable waiting in the parlor, displaying her undeniable charms to the club's clients. The second time a client had requested her before Steve had arrived and Miss Kitty had had to employ her excuses. This proof that men desired her gave Nadia a thrill - even though she knew men looked at her on the street on a daily basis. She began to enjoy the appreciative looks of the clients and understood for the first time why some women enjoyed working in strip clubs. Beginning with their third visit, Nadia began to arrive at the club earlier and earlier. She had also enjoyed trying out new and ever sexier outfits.

On Miss Kitty's nights they had agreed that Steve would work late and eat out alone, then come to the club at nine o'clock, where Nadia would be waiting. Tonight Nadia had arrived at the club already at six-thirty. After checking in and getting ready she would be in the parlor more than two hours before she expected to see Steve. Today she had also purchased a new outfit to wear while waiting. The white baby-doll was made of fabric so sheer that it was essentially decoration rather than clothing, since it didn't really conceal anything.

What the baby-doll revealed was what almost any red-ed male would consider a knock-out body: full round size-D breasts, erect nipples poking at the loose veil of the top, a slim waist and shapely legs. Nadia's pubic hair was neatly trimmed on her lower belly and waxed clean from her pussy lips, with the inner folds of the later filling the gap between the outer mounds - all of which was clearly visible through the thin film of her panties. The fact that she and Steve needed help only proved that there was more to a relationship than physical attraction. It didn't help that the size-D breasts had been surgically enhanced. Nadia had already been a stunner with perfectly formed size-B breasts, but Steve liked big boobs, and had insisted on the surgery. Nadia was willing to do it for him, and she loved her new bust, but she couldn’t shake a lingering resentment that he hadn't liked her enough as she was.

Once in the waiting parlor Nadia immediately noticed the effect of the outfit: every customer who came in gave her long appreciative looks - even ones who already had their favorite regular girls. Most of the johns were visibly stimulated by her virtual nakedness, a response that she teased with by opening her legs to flash her barely concealed sex. By the end of the first hour five johns had requested her services, and Miss Kitty was clearly getting annoyed by having to make excuses. Nadia toned down her flirting after that; she didn't really want to piss off the madam. Even so, Miss Kitty had to make her excuses three more times in the next half-hour.

Not long after the last john went off to the private rooms with one of her 'colleagues,' Miss Kitty called Nadia into her office. Half a dozen possible explanations flew threw her head as Nadia nervously closed the door and sat down across from the madam, but she was still unprepared for what Miss Kitty told her.

"I've just gotten off the phone with your husband. He called to ask me to tell you he has to cancel tonight. Clearly he didn't expect that you would be here yet, since he asked me to tell you before you signed in. However, since you did, in fact, sign in at six-forty-five, you will have to stay until you finish your three hours, or one trick. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be sending you up with the next john who requests you. That's all."

The color had drained from Nadia's face as she listened to Miss Kitty talk. Now she could barely keep from shaking as she made her way back to the couches in the waiting parlor. Nadia had lost her virginity to Steve in high-school and had never been with any other man. What's more, she had never remotely had any thought of cheating on him, despite their marital problems. Looking at the clock she willed the second hand to move faster, praying that she could get through the next hour and a quarter without getting requested. Thinking about the how the night had gone so far she feared her chances of making it weren't good. Sitting with knees pressed together, as unobtrusively as possible in the corner she now cursed her shear baby-doll, earnestly wishing she had picked some dowdy flannel pjs instead.

Twenty long minutes crept by, with seven johns coming in and all going up with other girls, either regulars or one of the other beauties who were actively promoting their 'wares.' Then it happened, what Nadia had been dreading, the john talking to Miss Kitty was pointing unmistakably at her. With a knot in her stomach Nadia stood up and walked over when the madam gestured to her. She tried to make her smile look convincing. Miss Kitty's voice seemed to be coming from a distance as she introduced her to 'Jim' and gave her the key to room 3C. Nervous as she was, Nadia knew the drill from her times with Steve; she took the key and led Jim up the stairs to the third floor. Opening the door she ushered him into the dimly lit room, then closed and locked the door, leaving her alone with her first true client. Miss Kitty had provided her with the standard training, and Nadia tried to remember it now as she timidly helped Jim undress. With Steve they had ignored the guidelines and simply tumbled into the bed, but Nadia knew that this client would expect the normal routine.

The normal routine called first for both of them to get naked, with or without each other's help, at the discretion of the client. Jim seemed to want to do the work himself. After slipping out of his own clothes he reached to caress Nadia's soft breasts through the sheer fabric of the baby-doll, before lifting the flimsy garment over her head. Quickly then, he slid the matching panties down over her hips and off.

Next in the routine was the shower. Now that she was about to get intimate with a total stranger, Nadia felt a whole new appreciation for this part of the drill. Stepping into the wide shower stall she turned the control to full, causing warm water to spray from three sides as well as above. Jim soon joined her. Taking full handfuls of body wash from the dispenser he started thoroughly soaping Nadia's soft body. The warm water and the gentle feel of Jim's hands caressing her curves loosened the tension in her muscles, if only a little. At least it was enough for her to return the favor, soaping clean Jim's well-conditioned body. Timidly her hands soaped his manhood. He was still soft, but Nadia could already guess that he would be bigger than Steve when erect. The thought was a little scary, since she had married young and had never been with anyone other than her husband.

With the shower ritual complete, and both Nadia and her customer toweled dry, Nadia knew that the real business of the evening was about to start. Miss Kitty had told her that the girls were there to fulfill the customers' fantasies. Recalling what she had been taught - although she had never followed the
** with Steve - she asked Jim what he wanted her to do.

"Just lay down. I want to make love to you," he instructed.

Somewhat relieved that she wouldn't have to do any weird role-playing, or kinky bondage/S&M stuff, Nadia crawled onto the king-size bed, laid down on her back and waited. Jim crawled onto the bed after her. Kneeling over her she felt his hanging penis brush her leg as he bent down and kissed her neck. Soon her attention was focused on his lips, which had moved down to kiss her chest between her breasts, then from side to side kissing the full mounds themselves. His tongue swirled around her stiffening nipples and caressed her breasts' sensitive underside. Placing his lips over her right breast he gently sucked her nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. Backing off he exhaled, letting his warm breath bathe her nipple. Again his mouth held her breast, but this time when he let go he blew a stream of air that brought a slight chill as it hit her wet knob. After a couple of minutes of this treatment, alternating warm and cool, Nadia's nipple was rock hard and protruding like it never had been before. At that point Jim shifted his attentions to her left breast. By the time he finished, Nadia's breathing had gotten deeper and she was feeling the distinct stirrings of arousal in her belly.

Leaving her nipples poking like raspberries in the air, Jim next worked his way down her abdomen, pausing at her belly button, and then nuzzling the hollow next to her bush where her left leg met her groin. Nadia let her legs fall open, but instead of moving on to her thirsting pussy, Jim proceeded to kiss and lick his way down the outside of her leg. Reaching her ankle his mouth sucked in turn on each of her brightly painted toes, before his tongue tickled the bottom of her foot. Working then from her instep he moved slowly, tantalizingly, up the inside of her leg. By the time he had reached her crotch Nadia was moaning in anticipation - but again he bypassed her nether lips. Turning to her right leg he repeated his treatment he had given her left. Once again approaching her now dripping pussy Nadia made it easy for him, spreading her legs wide. Again Jim paused; Nadia was on the verge of screaming in frustration, but her scream instead came out as a moan of pleasure when his mouth suddenly locked on her swollen clit. Now Jim's attention was focused completely on Nadia's pussy, teeth nipping her labia, tongue probing her vagina, lips tongue and teeth sucking, stroking and teasing her clit. It was not long before Nadia's moans changed to cries of ecstasy as orgasm swept through her body.

When the waves crashing through her body subsided, Nadia felt Jim moving again, now working his lips and tongue back up over her belly to her breasts again and then the hollows behind her collar bones. It was too much; disregarding her prior scruples, Nadia took Jim's head in her hands and bent to fasten her own lips to his. The kiss she gave him was as sensual and intense as any she had ever given Steve - even when they were first dating. Breaking the connection she breathed into his ear "Oh God! I want you in me!"

Again Jim made her wait, but this time she was glad he did. In her excitement Nadia had forgotten about condoms, but Jim hadn't, and he took the time now to unwrap one from the bedside table. A moment later he had it on and was positioned between Nadia's spread knees. In another moment Nadia finally felt his stiff penis sliding into her dripping snatch. Moaning in pleasure she locked her ankles behind his back, pulling him to her with each of his long deep thrusts.

Before long she was hanging on for dear life. Jim's control was amazing; he varied his pace from fast to slow and back to fast again; he changed angles, sometimes angled down to rub against her clit, sometimes angle up, hitting her square in her g-spot; and he kept going far longer than Nadia had imagined it was possible. He had already brought her to a second orgasm; now he was squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples, bringing her close to a third. When his hand reached down to tease her clit she went over the edge. Nadia had always thought that multiple orgasms were an urban myth, something out of the 'letters' columns of men's magazines. Thanks to Jim she now knew they were very real - although at the moment she wasn't thinking about it. In fact, she was barely thinking at all, her mind overwhelmed by the physical and chemical reactions taking over her body. After what seemed like eternity, Nadia's thrashing faded, leaving her spent body splayed on the bed under Jim's muscular body.

Through it all Jim kept pumping. Now his seemingly infinite endurance was reaching its limit. His thrusts became quicker, ramming into Nadia's sensitive pussy, sending further stimulus through her over-loaded system. She felt the surge of heat hit his skin at the same time his grunts signaled his own orgasm. Spent, he collapsed on top of her and she wrapped his sweaty body in her arms and legs, not letting go of him where their bodies joined either. Her lips closed on his again; this time her kiss was soft and tender. After a long while Jim slipped his softening penis out of her, and began cleaning up. Wordlessly Nadia joined him, wiping the fluids from around her dripping pussy before slipping her panties back on.

She had done her "one trick" and didn't need to go back to the lounge, nor did she want to after such an experience. Nevertheless, Jim had changed her world. Nadia now realized that even the sex that had been the highlight of her relationship with Steve wasn't all that special. What would happen with their marriage she didn't know, but she knew that she would be back at Miss Kitty's, even when Steve wouldn't be available.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000