Three gods of olympus boy of unimaginable power

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

David was about to climax while
watching a nice tight
young teen get pounded by a giant
monster cock in the
throat. The girl was a small dirty blonde
girl with blue eyes an
B cup tits. She was tan without any
tanlines an had a
slim figure but a big tight ass. Her,pussy
was shaved an
her nipples were dark pink. Basically the
perfect girl in
his mind. "she looks so much like trisha
moon" he
thought which finally sent him over the
edge. In his
moment of pleasure he didnt hear his sis
walk up the
stair an walk to his foor. When his sister
knocked on the
door he knew he had about half a
second because his sis
never waited on a reply to open his door
after knocking.
In one swift practiced move he pulled
his basketball
shorts, shut his laptop, pulled a book
from the shelf an
looked at the door with a smile. By the
time his sis
opened the door he was perfectly safe.
She would never
know. Or so he thought... "I need you to
take me to
gymnastics. Moms off to work thiry
minutes ago an
your here so i told cheyanne i didnt need
a ride." His sister
said. "why the,fuck would you do that?"
He asked. "cuz
you're free and besides i know how
much you like
looking at my friends asses in leotards."
Thats not the
piont" he said" im supposed to go to the
skating rink
with bryce tonite!""well hirty minutes late
isnt gonna
you." And with those words an a smile
she left. While
David is getting ready maybe i should
tell you a little bit
about hislife. Davis is 6 foot tall an
seventeen years old.
He has an 8 inch cock an has black hair
an brown eyes.
He is pretty muscular an is a rgreat
linebacker for his
school team but despite all of this he
cant get a girl at
all. So he is to jack of to girls who
look like
cheerleaders at his school he'll never
have the chance
with. Speaking of i should tell you about
trisha moon.
Well trisha is the head cheer leader of
the varsity cheer
squad. You already know what she
looks likes cuz of
my ealier description of the pornstar.
She is your typical
movie head cheerleader. Snobby. Thinks
she is better
than everyone else. Tease. Except this
was in reality.
His sister who so lovingly him to
take her to
gymastics practice is quite a lovely site
also. Ofcourse
david never saw her that way. He saw
her as a innocent
young girl(she is 14 by the way) who has
never even
heard about sex an is just focused on
school an the
future. An he does his job well of
keeping the younger
boys away from his little sister. What he
didnt know
was that his sister was a bit of a slut.
She fucked her
male teachers. Thats why she has such
good grades an
she hae fucked the entire basketball
team for her grade
an the one above. She also had black
hair but she had
nice auburn eyes. She was 5'5" an c cup
breasts. His friend bryce was the star
runningback of
the school an only slept alone when he
wanted to. He
had tried to get David some nice tail but
David didn't
believe in it. He thought that when he
got some it would
be cuz he earned it not because his
friend did. So when he
got dressed. he took his sister to
gymnastics class and
waited for her to go inside safely. Then
he went an meet
up with his friend bryce outside the
skating rink. After
exchanging greetings they went inside.
An there was
trisha moon. With ofcourse her crowd of
friends since
she never went out in public without
them. "jesus christ
man i hate her." Said bryce. "yea. I know.
But you have
to admit she has a fine body."
"BRYCE!!!"yelled an
extremely high pitched voice. "whats up
trisha?" Asked
Bryce. "oh nothing much. Who's your
friend?" "my name
is David. Youve met me five times." He
himself. ".oh. Well i remember you. Your
the guy who
asked my friend shana on a date. What
did she say?"
"no." David muttered. " well i cant
imagine why." She said sarcastically. I
mean look at you." " ok trish put away
your teeth. No need to
bite." Bryce interrupted." Oh but i never
bite.... I only
nibble." She whispered in bryces ear all
seductive like.
"are these punks bothering you trish?"
Said Austin. The
dickwad king of the school. He is the
only one in town
who doesnt like bryce. He hates Bryce
because he stole the
runningback position away from him.
him to
become a reciever if he wanted to stay
first string. "no
baby. They were just leaving. Weren't
you boys?" Said
trish. "yes your majesty." Replied bryce.
When we got
out of ear shot i told bryce thanks for
interrupting. He
said dont mention it an we left. When
david got home
he crashed in his bed. Worried about the
next day. Not
know that the next day would change his
life. Not
knowing the next day would grant him
powers. Not knowing after the next day
he'd never have
to worry about anything ever
John woke up to start the day and get
another day
over with. As he got out of bed an was
getting dressed
he put on his usual basketball shorts
and tshirt. He
went down to the kitchen an ate his
breakfast just as he
finished he saw his sister come down
the stairs. She
was dashing as usual an as usual her
brother didn't
notice. What he did notice was the chevy
car out
outside with a bot two years older than
his little sis
telling his sister to:
"hurry your fine,ass up baby!"
"that simply will not do" he thought
Just as his sister got into the care with
the boy he
slapped her ass angave her a very wet
kiss on the lips.
Just as soon as her brother saw that he
came barreling
out of tue house where he had been
hiding behind a
curtain watching. Wgen he reached the
boy he yanked
the door open grab the boy out slammed
him against
the hood of the car and stared at the boy
right in the
David might have calmed down. He
might have let the
boy go with nothing but a warning. But
something in the
boys eyes made him snap. Something
made him want
to fight. Not just the little punk but at
everything. He
wanted to fight trisha and her friends
and show her he
wasn't a nobody. He wanted to fight
austin for being
jealous of bryce for what he earned. And
the strangest
part was that he felt this power deep
inhis body. Like a
feeling that said he could fight. He could
win! And so he
backed up an told the boy to put up his
As the chaged him he heard a voice
in his head.
Telling him what do do. When to do it.
And how to do it.
A voice that sounded powerful an wise.
After he won
and he was over the boys d he stood
and he heard the
voice tell him to say something.
"Tell him you are now his enemy."said
the voice. "and
enemies are shown no mercy. The only
reason i stop
now is because it disgusts me to see
you near ky sister.
Begone. Now!"
He did as the voice said an the boy got
in the car an
drove away. Leaving his sister on the
sidewalk . Agter
the boy turned the corner he looked at
his sister and
promptly fainted
***As david
slowly became conscious he heard a
But it wasn't his sisters voice. In fact it
was two voices.
No three! He recognized one of them he
Wasn't that the voice in my head... No
thats impossible
his brain said.
"i assure you it is completely possible."
At the sound of the voice his senses
completely clear. He was on something
hard... When he
looked he saw he was laying on a
wooden table
surrounded by three men and .. Was he
on salad he
thought to himself.
"i think he is retarded brother. He doesnt
seem to be
able to speak. You've chosen a wrong
champion." Said
a man with a scowl on his face and
strikingly grey.
"those look like thunder clouds in his
eyes." He thought.
"that is because he is the god of the sky
my boy. And I
am the god of the sea. This is the god of
the underworld
our names are zeus poseidon and
hades. Surely you
have learned about us. We are the greek
gods. Well
three of them. The most powerful three.
Do you
understand boy?"
And ofcourse all david could think to say
After poseidon tappeded him on the
head a few times
he tudned and spoke.
"maybe he is a little stupid brother. But i
swear he
couldve talked in complete sentences
The isult to his intelligence finally
brought his brain
back together.
"i assure you i am not retarded uhhh
poseidon." He
said. "so do u mind filling me in a little
bit big guy?"
"ofcourse.all in do time. All you need to
know nkw
though is that we for a reason we shall
tell you later
have combined all of our powers. And
given them to
you. So now basically. You have the
powers of a god.
Which pretty much means anything u
can imagine. You
can do. Except you cannot create
matter. I undrrstand
your civilization is more of a 'see it to
believe it' kinda
thing so we're gonna let you return to
yours body and
try it out for yourself.goodbye."
"wait! Tell me mo-"
And with that he jerked back to life on
the street in front
of his house. His siters was trying to pull
him to the
sidewalk and yelling at him at the same
time to:
"WAKE UP!!!"
"ok. Ok. Im awake. And so is china i
think you just woke
them up to."
"oh david i was so worried something
had happened to
you. And you were to big to carry an i
was just so...."
And with that she started crying. So he
did what any
good brother would do and held her until
she stopped.
Then he gave ger a ride to school where
he then went to
class. After school he decided to try out
his powers and
see if they were really real or if he was
crazy.feeling kinda silly he look for
something to do. He
wfinally settled for floating the pencil up.
He tried
command ing it to come up then he tried
using hand
motions and then he tried asming it
nicely. When
nothing worked he sat down. Slightly
dissapointed. He
knew it was probably just a dream but
he still kinda
hoped he'd actually had powers. I mean
how cool would
that be!
"try picturing it happening and
concentrating on the
picture . It'll work i promise." A voice in
his head said..
He thought he was seriously going crazy
but he
thought... What the hell. And so he did.
And the pencil
"Wow thanks!" He told the voice in his
"your welcome. Remember your a god
now. You can do

"Hey bryce. Yea its me. You wanna go
again tonight? Cool see there."
David has just made arrangements to go
with bryce to
go to a bonfire where everyone was
gonna be at. When
they arrived he made a bee line for trish
on his wag
there he pictured Trishas emotions
toward people. He
made her really horny and he made her
like him and
think he was the handsomest teen in
town. When he got
there he called her name and she turned
to him with a
big smile on her face.
"hey david how are you?"
Good Trisha. Im good. Hey i was
thinking. Maybe we
should get outta here. Why dont you say
we go to my
Your place huh? Yea sure jus y let me
get my purse..."
When she bent over the skirt she was
wear slid up until
she could see her cotton panties. They
were soaked!
Well she got her purse and as they got in
the car she
leaned down across tge seats an pulled
out his cock.
"ohhh. Its nice" she said before stuffing
it in her mouth.
It felt amazing in her mouth her lips were
soft and pouty
her tongue never stopped sljding across
his shaft and
he was hard in no time and man could
she deep throat.
They atlast made it to his house. He
walked her in his
room an when they got there heturned
around an she
pounced on him land on too of him on
the bed. They
kissed there tongues dancing and
playing a game of
dominance. His hands came up to
caress her ass as he
squeezed she moaned into his mouth he
pushed her off
and took off his clothes as she did the
same. And she
stood before him in her naked beauty.
Her pussy lips
bald as a babys but her nice tits gravity
defying. And he
couldnt take it anymore he threw her on
the bed and
mauled her tits.sucking and caressing
her moans
nonstop. Finally he stopped and she let
out a little
whimper of loss. As he lined himself up
she spoke.
"what is it baby?"
"I-I-Im a virgin...."
"what? I thought you'd fucked everyone!"
"thats was just a lie. I actually was to
nervous to lose
it... Until now..."
"ok baby. I'll be gentle."
So he lined himself up again and this
time he went in he
pushed til he felt a barrier then he pulled
back a bit a
shoved forward. She cried out in
pleasure and pain.
Then after about ten seconds she
nodded for me to
continue. So i went gentke littke by little i
eased my way
in finally i had my pelvic bone against
"I love you " she whispered
"i love you to" david whispered back.
And then he
started to speed up. More and
moreharder and harder
until she was screaming in ectasy and
his balls were
slappingher ass almost hard enough to
hurt. Finally he
pulled het tits to his mouth and sucked
on her nipples
and she went over the edge as she did
he increased her
pleasure a hundred fold with his god
powers. And she
eventually collapsed. Spent from the
orgasm. And
watching her limp body and peaceful
place sent him
over the edge to. And he to collapsed
and feel asleep.
The old sea god who had been hiding in
the shadows
thought sadly to himself.
"Enjoy it while you can boy. Before its to
late. Before you
you have to fight for your life using these
powers. You
may be dead by the end of the week. So
sleep well and
enjoy it. My son."

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000