Juvenile Ch1- A Rare Occurence

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

It was a traditional British Autumn day in Guildford. The rain bucketed it down on the small city. It was 8:25 in the morning and the school day was just starting. The students begrudgingly made their way inside, not giving a toss. Jordan , a popular but disrespectful boy in year 11 (10th grade for those Americans out there) sauntered in from outside and muttered, "morning miss"
"Good morning Jordan" She replied, in an obviously annoyed way. After all this was the most disruptive student in her maths class. He had an athletic body with a tanned dark white skin, which complemented his blonde gelled hair.
"Sup Joules" he said, throwing his bag underneath the desk and getting his things out.
"Quiet class, I need to do the register" the teacher sighed. As she began calling out names everyone started chatting as usual and it took twice as long.
"Now today everyone, we will be doing some very easy things that we need to get over quickly from the sillibus. As you can see here," She pointed at the interactive whiteboard,"we have a few shapes that you need to work out the area of, now can you please do that quietly from your textbooks while i get on with some marking." The class fell silent for about a minute before erupting into a chaotic load of chattering. Of course there were the quiet s at the front but no one really cared about them. Joules chucked a paper ball at Deepinderjeet, who looked at him angrily and said, "Is it because i'm brown?!"
Everyone started laughing including her,who never really took anything seriously, she just liked to get other people into trouble. Jordan was vaguely focusing on his work, which was at the time simply 'working out the area of a square'. But of course he couldn't be bothered to do it himself and screamed, "MISS!"
"What is it Jordan?"
"How do you do question one?"
"Seriously Jordan?"
"But it's well 'ard" he said with his semi chav(look it up in urban dictionary) accent.
"What you do," the teacher said looking up,"is you times those two numbers, which are three and four, and then you have the area of a square."
"BUT I DON'T GET HOW YOU DID THAT!" he hollered, while everyone around him, minus the slutty girls who found him hot, wanted to themselves.
"Jordan if you keep this attitude up, you will be placed in detention at lunchtime"
"You're such a bitch!" he half spoke, half shouted hoping and not hoping at the same time that the teacher would hear it.
"That's it Jordan, i'm calling the Senior Leadership Team to escort you out of here into isolation." She said in a frank voice.
"Fuck that!" Jordan screamed, and tried to walk out of the room. The teacher got in the way and held the door shut behind her.
"I will not let you bend the rules of this class just to suit you!" Jordan pushed past her with his relatively muscular body with enough force to knock her off balance. She came crashing into the table next to the door with a scream. When she landed on the floor she didn't seem to be moving and she had her eyes shut. Jordan was just about to walk out of the class when he realised that something wasn't right. He turned around to see the students in the front row gawping at the motionless body of their teacher. "Miss, are you OK?" Jordan tentatively spoke, fearing the worst. "Miss?" he said, now with a tremor in his voice and a shaky voice. One of the students had ran outside of the classroom to get help from one of the other maths teachers. Meanwhile Jordan, the once 'coolest of them all', sat on the floor in the corner and wept into his hands not wanting anyone to see.

Mr Smith burst into the class and demanded to know what was going on after he had seen the body of the motionless teacher. Before he got a reply however, he noticed the well known troublesome boy in the corner not being his usual self. "Jordan? What happened? I want to know everything."
"I didn't mean to... i swear." He said, in between sobs.
"Jordan calm down and tell me what you did." Mr Smith said, losing his patience.
"I knocked miss over getting out of the class and now she's d....d" He said, not wanting to say the dreaded word.
"Someone run to the office and let them know what's happening, and someone call an ambulance!"
The entire class were panicking now and Jordan looked like he was having a panic attack.


"Jordan Cave, you have been declared guilty of manslaughter and assault by the Jury, and I hereby sentence you to fifteen years in a medium security Juvenile Detention Centre. The court may depart now."

His family looked at him from their position in the court, which of course was far away from him as he was now officially a criminal. They all had tears in their eyes as they realised that they had effectively just lost their teenage son. Jordan carried on crying onto the wooden seat in front of him. "This will destroy my future," he thought.
Jordan and his family's last moment of eye contact was him being frog marched out of the court in shame with everyone staring at him as he was shoved into a police van.
"It's gonna be a long journey mate, if you need the toilet just go in your trousers or on the walls of the van," The big white doors slammed shut behind him and plunged him into darkness. He wailed with rage and sadness looking back on his entire life, realising it would never be the same again.


Liam loved skating, cycling and pretty much anything that you could do tricks on. His favourite place to be was hanging out at the local skate park with his friends. He had black gelled hair, glistening blue eyes and had a skinny, healthy, body. It was an unusually sunny day for the middle of Autumn. It wasn't overly hot but it was sunny nonetheless. The big green park which contained the skate park had a lovely view of the sun setting at dawn. Liam was popular, but was one of the 'cool s' that respected people and nobody disliked him. He watched one of his mates do a 360 degree spin. He laughed and then stunned everyone with a phenomenal series of s moves that no one else could do.
"Nice one Liam!" his friend shouted
They carried on messing about until around 7 PM as they were all expected to come home by eight o'clock. His group were just about to set off when a mysterious hooded figure approached them seemingly out of no where. Both of his hands were concealed in his hoody pocket on the front.
"Um, hi!" Liam said, cautiously. The figure kept walking, slightly quicker now, towards Liam. His group of friends exchanged nervous glances at each other and were deciding whether to run just to be safe or to retain their respect and face this person off. The creepy man stopped just short of Liam.
"What do you want?" Liam asked, trying to be firm. The man whipped a sharp object that could only be recognised as a knife out of his pocket and told Liam to hold it. Liam was bewildered. He eventually decided to hold the knife, after all, what harm could it do?
"Um, okay... sure" He said with the knife firmly gripped in his hands. The man then put his right hand over Liam's and his hand into stabbing himself. Liam looked horrified.
"Liam what the fuck was that? Why did you stab him?" His friends asked, since they had been quickly walking away as the situation unfolded and were not close enough to see what had really happened.
"I...I...he..." Liam stuttered. The wounded figure looked him in the eyes and said, "Now it's your turn for your life to be ruined." Liam had no idea what he meant, and he was too shocked to care as the man dropped to the floor pushing the knife into his stomach even further pushing the mans final breath out before he died. Liam was shocked into silence. Maybe if he had remembered what the man had said, he would have never ended up in court as a er sentenced for 15 years under 'suspicious circumstances' a month later.

Ben was a national swimmer, he swam regularly against competitors from around the world. He went to the same school as his friends Liam and Jordan. He had Blonde hair, blue eyes and a healthy looking body with a six-pack. He was having a shower with his friend Alex, in the group changing area, just about to play in one of the big tournaments.Ben kicked him in the balls and he keeled over with blurry vision.
"What was that for?" he asked once he had recovered.
"For staring at my dick you gay retard."
"I'm not gay for fuck sake. Anyway there's nothing to see there anyway. Alex shoved Ben away into the wall, and Ben retaliated by pushing him back even harder. Alex hit one of the metal shower heads, which were too short for everyone who used them, directly on his head and there was a splatter of . Alex let out an ear piercing scream and collapsed to the floor.
"Alex? Are you OK?"Ben asked, but Alex looked at him as if he were drunk before face planting the floor.
"Somebody help!" Ben shouted. He quickly got changed into his swimming shorts and ran out of the changing rooms. He found an assistant not far away and told them that his friend had been knocked out on to the floor. They quickly called the onsite paramedics to the changing room showers. Meanwhile Ben looked at his friend hoping that it wasn't anything serious. The paramedics said the only chance of getting Alex to survive would to be to operate on him then and there, but shortly after that the head doctor said with a shake of his head," he's not gonna make make it, I'm sorry Ben. Would you mind telling me how this happened?"


Ben sat on the dreaded wooden seat of convicted criminals with his hands covering his face and collecting his tears waiting for the judge and jury to come to their decision.
"The Jury have come to a decision and so have I. We have decided you are guilty of the manslaughter of Alex Hill. Considering that this was spurred on by nothing but violence, I will have to press harder penalties than I would normally do for a manslaughter charge. Therefore I convict you to fifteen years in medium security juvenile detention centre.

None of the convicts knew exactly were they were headed, all they knew was that it was far away. They formed a convoy of white prison vans outside the court, ready to be taken away. They were waiting there for a very long time before the doors on Liam's and Ben's van were opened again. They were approached by a burly police officer who announced sternly," To save resources and fuel costs, we have decided to put you all into the first van with Jordan. I'm not sure if you have been told yet but it is a very long journey up to Camp Labour so if you need the toilet just go in your boxers, or down the walls of the van."
"That's disgusting!" Jordan exclaimed. "Anyway, what if we need a shit?"
"Be inventive", the driver said with a wink, before slamming the door shut with a loud slam. The van started moving after a little while, the boys had enough room to stand up or sit down but it was very cramped.
"So... what are you in for?" Liam asked solemnly.
"Manslaughter, knocking over a teacher." Jordan replied.
"Manslaughter, fighting someone" Ben said, "What about you Liam?"
"." he said. As the other two looked at him slightly worried he reassured them," but it was a set up, he framed me"
"Yeah, yeah sure" Jordan said, depressingly. " One thing's for sure, we're all fucked."

They proceeded for about two hours in complete silence, mourning over what had happened, before Jordan raised the inevitable question, "So where do you think this place is?"
"Why does it matter, we''ll still be locked behind bars for the next fifteen years of our lives." Liam said, depressingly.
Ben gave a more knowledgeable approach, "Well we live in England, so the furthest we can drive for is about nine hours up to Scotland."
"It's just, ummm I'm starting to need a piss." Jordan said embarrassingly.
"Like right now?" Liam asked.
"Well I've held it in for quite a while actually, but now I'm bursting."
"Well were are you gonna do it then?" Ben asked.
"Well i could do it in my trousers, but it would just fill them up and dribble down the sides." He replied," but if I did it on the wall, it would be a lot more comfortable."
"Yeah but it would stink."
Suddenly they felt the van pull over. It was in a quiet country lane. The driver pulled back the hatch, and said, "Sorry, i forgot these, you might want to use them instead of doing your business anywhere else." He flinged a bag of teenage nappies(diapers) through the hatch and said, "enjoy!" before locking the hatch again and proceeding with the journey.
"Well?" Ben said.
"No way am I using these." Jordan replied, before groaning as he held the surge of piss in.
"Well you'd better make your mind up quickly" said Liam, "Trousers, wall or nappy."
"Actually I think nappies would be the best idea, it's embarrassing but it will keep the smell in and it won't go everywhere." Jordan admitted.
"Well go on then" Ben said.
"No, I have an idea." Jordan said, "We are all going to need the toilet at some point, and to save being stared at as i get changed maybe we should all get changed into nappies right now."
The others looked down but realised he was right. "OK then, fine, it makes sense." Ben said.
Jordan opened the big bag of nappies with a bit of a struggle, as you were supposed to use scissors. He got three of them out.
"Does anyone know how to put these on?" he asked.
"No, but I think it would be easier to put them on each other." Liam said awkwardly.
"Each other?" Ben asked.
"Well it's just that my mum always said that they always fitted best when someone else did it and since we have had no experience whatsoever, maybe we should, ya know..."
"I guess he's right,"Jordan said, "Lets start by taking our clothes off." The boys quickly stripped their clothes off up to their boxers. They then tried to look anywhere but at each others eyes to avoid awkwardness as they pulled their boxers down. Their dicks simultaneously flopped out, before Ben suggested,"Maybe we should take a look at each others dicks so we don't have to be really awkward about it."
"OK" The others agreed. Liam's was the smallest, followed by Ben's, with Jordan having the biggest. Liam guessed it would be a full seven inches when it was erect.
"Jordan that's massive!" Liam said uncontrollably.
"Hehe, i know right?"Jordan replied. "Liam yours is tiny!"
"Well I think we should put the nappies on now." Liam said. "Who's gonna put them on who?"
No one replied.
"OK", Liam said, "Lets go in a clockwise direction". This meant Jordan putting one on Ben, Ben putting one on Liam, and Liam putting one on Jordan. They each slowly picked up a nappy before Jordan said, "Hurry up, I need a piss!"
"OK,OK. My mum showed me how to do this when i was younger so I'll go first on you Jordan. Here goes." He opened up the big padded nappy and said,"OK Jordan, get on your butt and lift your legs apart into the air." Jordan obliged making his enormous dick reveal itself.
"There we go, OK now for the nappy." Liam said anxiously as he looked into Jordan's eyes. He lifted the nappy holes up around each of Jordan's ankles, then up his legs to the top of his thighs. Then he said,"OK, now go on to your knees." Jordan did as he was told shakily, as he felt he was just about to piss himself. Liam pulled the nappy tightly up over Jordan's bulging dick, brushing his hand past it as Jordan had a mini orgasm. He then proceeded to pull it up before he did up the straps tightly around Jordan's waist.
"There we go." Liam said, "you can use it now."
Jordan turned slightly red as he gave up trying to hold the surge in. Slowly to start with, the other boys saw a mark on the front of the nappy as Jordan let out a huge groan of relief. Jordan rapidly filled his nappy up however and the entire front was filled with piss as he felt himself swimming in his own juices. The nappy then absorbed the piss gradually making the nappy wetter and wetter. He wobbled around the bulk of his nappy back to the wooden bench and said,"This is so uncomfortable." then Liam said, "Well you're gonna have to use that same nappy for everything till we arrive but lets hope you won't need it again."
The other boys got their nappies put on in a slightly clumsier way than Liam had done, partly since Liam had had more experience, but also because Ben had a semi.
"OMG Ben you have a semi." Jordan pointed out. "What the fuck?"
"Well it's because I haven't had a wank in weeks thinking about the court proceedings, and this has been the first time I have been able to relax."
The other boys could clearly see Ben's now raging cock through his nappy and tried to ignore it.
Five minutes later he still had it and Liam said, "Ben can you at least try and make that thing go away?"
"I'm trying. Any tips?"
"Just try and relax, think about something else." Jordan said.
It remained there for another ten minutes before Ben said, "There's only one way for it to go away, and you're not gonna like it."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Liam asked.
"Wait a minute, no way!" Jordan said," No ones gonna be wanking alright, just hold in your boy juice till we get there."
"But it's so uncomfortable." Ben said, with a sigh of frustration," The nappy is so tight."
"Well can you at least stop talking about it cos now your getting me horny." Liam said, as his penis stiffened.
"Jordan I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to have a wank." Ben said guiltily.
"Fine, go on then, but be quick."
Ben undid his nappy again and wriggled it down to his knees. He stretched his legs as far apart as the nappy would allow him to. Ben's semi quickly turned into a full on boner and with a quick glance at the others he started to rub his dick. His foreskin moved up and down as he rigorously used the fist method. Not long after that he started groaning.
"ahhh" he moaned.
He started wriggling.
"Why are you moving so much?" Liam said.
"Well I'm using the start and stop method, obviously." Ben replied. "So that was a mini orgasm."
"Oh, fair enough." Liam said.
"OK that's it I can't take it any more." Ben said, "Here goes..."
"Woah, woah wait a minute, have you even thought about where you're going to jizz?" Jordan asked.
"I think I'll do it against the wall, it won't smell that much."
"Go on then."
Ben let out an only just audible moan as his thick ropy cum shot out three times and stuck to the wall, and then began to dribble down it. This was accompanied by slightly quieter stifled moans as he orgasmed a couple more times. He then sighed and took a few deep breaths before sitting back down in the van with a now very awkward silence.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000