Total Accident but oh was it nice!

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

My sister (21 at the time) had just come back from the police station after some idiot ran into her car and took off, according to my sister he didn't even look at her.

She came in our house threw the garage door and saw me (19 and a half at the time) in the bathroom taking pictures for myspace. She turned to me and said hi and she quickly sat down in the living room and I knew this due to the fact that I could hear her telling my mom everything that happened at the police station and when the accident happened. 'He hit my car and the cops aren't doing anything about it', She exclaimed. But my mom gave the best answer that anyone would....'They're working on it babe give it some time'.

My sister had finally agreed. I chuckled and smiled then put down the camera due to the fact that I wanted to put on a different shirt. Before I go any further let me explain something. My camera is small and has a little turn dial on it to tell me if im recording a video or taking a pic which you have to squint to look at and both settings say "Recording" while taking a pic or recording a video. Anyway getting back to the story!

When I came out I realized that the door was locked and that the light was on so naturally I knew someone was in there. A couple minutes later I heard the toilet flush and I jumped up from my bed and went to the door. Still it was locked so I waited there for another minute. Suddenly the bath kicked on and was suddenly changed to a shower by simply pulling up a little metal stick on the bath head.

So frustrated I sat on the computer waiting for the shower to end but I got to go play halo in the mean time so that passed time like nothing. After three 15 minute ing spree's, I finally heard the shower stop. I turned off the game and walked to the door and waited about 2 minutes. When my sister opened the door a hot burst of steam fell out onto me. I laughed 'Could you have been any longer'! She told me to 'shut up' and told me to put the fan on when I went in. I did just that, the fan in the bathroom devoured the steam and it was perfect again. I picked up the camera and took a video or what was supposed to be a picture. I realized that after like 30 seconds it was still recording and I figured that I might as well just take some still frame shots from the video and upload them to myspace.

When going threw my camera memory card on my computer I realized that there was a video of the bathroom or at least that is what it looked like in the tab on the computer. I double clicked on it and up popped a video player, which I clicked play on. It showed around 1 minute of nothing besides the bathroom wall. I was about ready to erase it when I realized that my older sister had walked in on the video camera and unbuttoned her pants and slid off her thong quite quickly. Within seconds of sitting down I heard her start pissing and I saw the back of her head and her arms reached for a magazine. When she was finished in the bathroom after like 3 minutes of just sitting there reading she got up and pulled up her thong. She kept her pants off and slid the bottom off her feet.

She walked to the sink and washed her hands. She then walked over to the bathtub which when this happened I knew what I was going to see. My mind was telling me not to watch, but my penis was starting to rise just thinking about what I was going to see. I was hooked. She started the tub and pulled up the pin to start the shower. She removed her shirt and bra leaving her beautiful C cup tits hanging down as she turned around to get off her thong, she bent down and removed them down to her feet and kicked them off.

She walked over to the counter and put her leg up there which was awsome because her leg was right next to my camera and I could see her shaved pussy right in front of me. She had a perfect figure, but still all i could see was the top of her pussy lips. My now erect 6 1/2 inch penis stood in my shorts and I started to slid down the top of my shorts and lifted the flap of my boxers to show my penis standing there. I watched my sister get int he shower and slowly lather her body in soap and one thing that caught me off gaurd was that she used our soap bar to rub on her pussy which I thought would hurt, but no reaction.

My father was coming down the hall toward the computer and I quickly exited the screen, removed my memory card from the computer and, pulled up my shorts. He asked me to feed the dogs. I agreed with a quick ok. When he left back to his room I got the memory card and hid it in the back of my dresser where I put all my school stuff.

That night she decided to spend the night and............................................................................

To be continued!
Or not!

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000