Cousin's Birthday Chapter 1 and 2

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These first few chapters might be a little slow because I want to build up the characters and plotline. All the characters in this story are purely made up. Any correlation with real life people, places, etc. is just a coincidence.

Chapter 1 Introduction

“Go pack your suitcase, Adam!” Mom screams from the living room. I was browsing the Internet looking at for funny jokes to tell my friends.

“Alright!” I yell back, “One second!”

I was going to my cousin’s house for two weeks for her birthday. She was turning sixteen years old. I hadn’t seen her for over two year since her family lives on the other side of the United States. That is why I was staying over so long. Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth the plane ride. Despite living on the other side of the country, we both knew each other very well. We chatted online, instant messaged each other, and played video games on our smart phones together, even though I had not seen her in real life for over two years.

What I remember about her is that her name is April and she had really, really long blond hair. I remember her commenting about it one of the times I chatted with her. She said her plan was going to grow it past her butt. Then, after it becomes too much work to shampoo, cut it below her shoulders. Last time I saw her she had almost no visible breasts; I don’t even think she was wearing a bra yet. Despite being a late bloomer, which I really couldn’t care less about, she was an amazing person. She was very well liked at school, and would have had as many friends as she wanted to if she had let them. That goes for boyfriends too. Boys probably go crazy over her unnecessarily tight jean short shorts she always wears that go tightly around her butt cheeks, making a deep ravine where they collide to make her butt crack. But all she wanted was one friend, her best friend Sophie. Sophie had been her best friend since April was ten years old, despite Sophie being a year and a grade younger than April.

So back to the problem at hand, I needed to pack my suitcase. I was staying over for two weeks, but I was planning on being able to wash my clothes. So I logged off my computer and went to go pack. I decided to pack three of everything. I was also going to bring with my laptop, my brand new Galaxy cell phone, and my iPod Touch.

I was leaving tonight for my flight. It was already seven in the evening and the flight leaves at ten, three hours from now. After I finished packing, I asked my mom for a ride to the airport, as a result of failing my driving test twice, and not wanting to take it a third time until I’ve got some more practice. My mom wasn’t coming with though; her and her sister had a huge argument when she got pregnant. They won’t tell me the whole story but it sounded like Zoe, her sister, had gotten in with a bad crowd and got knocked up by someone who was arrested for multiple drive-by shootings. Or at least that’s what they tell me, I don’t know if it is true or not. She still let me go to April’s birthday since she knows we are friends.

Chapter 2 Airports, Planes, and Erotic Dreams

My mom dropped me off at the airport and I boarded my non-stop flight across the country. I must have fallen asleep because when I awakened the plane had almost reached the destination. I had a problem though; sitting right in my lap was a huge seven-inch boner. I looked around nervously, gladly most of the people around me where sleeping. I spread my legs apart, leaned forward, and tried making my thighs cover the bump. Instead of pushing my cock down, my maneuvers pushed it up, sliding it up my thighs, making a noticeable tent in my pants. I suddenly remembered the dream I had, and it did not help the situation at all.

I was at my cousins and she was just getting out of the shower when I arrived. I walked through the door and called for her.

“One minute! Just let me get out of the shower.” April called back. I heard her moving around upstairs and the shower stop running. “My mom is gone. She had to get stuff for the party.”

I heard footsteps coming downstairs and bare feet tapping on the wood floors. The sound was coming nearer, and nearer, until… in front of me was the beautiful body of a naked sixteen-year-old blonde, though she looked like she was 14. The seductive teenager walked over to me, strutting her ass out. She went up to me and grabbed my shirt- she was soaking wet from the shower. I starred at her pussy that glistened in the daylight coming through the windows. Her wetness covered me as she touched my chest and starred deep into my eyes. She took off my shirt, throwing it behind her. With her breath on my face, her naked body came closer. My erection was firmly pressed against her shaved, nude teen cunt. Our eyes locked, and April, my cousin, slowly got down on her knees, never leaving my eyes. She licked my belly and gave it a kiss. She kept her head pressed against my stomach and slowly dragged it down until her face was touching the tent that was poking out of my pants. Without moving her face, she slid her hands around my waistband and pulled down my pants. My erection was clearly seemed through my underwear. I could feel her hot breath on my cock through the underwear. She sat there on her knees admiring my cock. After several minutes of feeling her hot air on my cock I had enough. I pushed down my underwear and flung out my large seven-inch monster, effectively hitting her in the nose. My cousin’s only reaction to this was backing up slightly and straitening her posture so that her mouth was aligned with my cock. She then opened her mouth and moved forward. Even before she closed her mouth I could feel her saliva dripping out onto my dick, misting it.

“Oh shit!” I mumbled to myself, back in reality. “Could I really have a ‘thing’ for my cousin? She was only half a year younger than me.” I reasoned with myself in my mind. I made a promise to myself not to remember any more of the dream. I was finally able to get my erection to subside, right in time for the plane to land.

Chapter 3 Old Friends (PREVIEW)

I was nervous now. I was feeling very guilty about the dream I had. After I got off the plane I called a cab to bring me to my cousin’s house.

Want chapter three? Leave a comment below about what you liked and what you want to happen next. Thanks for reading!

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