A Very Sore Bottom for Sandra!

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

The garden gate squeaked as I walked up the path and I wondered how many other guys had heard that squeak in similar circumstances. I was carrying my brief case but unlike its usual contents such as files, work related paperwork and the like, today it was acting as camoflage for a leather tawse and various other implements for bringing a rosy flush to women's bottoms (I also had a full length school cane standing up in the poacher's pocket in the back lining of my Barbour jacket!). Anyway, this wasn't work. I had joined one of those web sites where the common interest was spanking. People who either wanted to spank fellow members or who other members to spank them! I was a member of the former category and the lady I was calling on was one of the latter!
I had been writing to Sandra for some weeks now, firstly through the site itself but that had proved restrictive and eventually we had agreed to meet outside; well, we had agreed to email each other by addresses away from the spanking site and having got as far as the odd telephone conversation we had finally agreed to meet for real. I was really excited at the prospect of finally meeting Sandra and carrying out those practices which we had been fantasising about for so long, into reality. We had always been very open about the effect spanking had on us and most of our telephone, email or instant messenger conversations had ended in both of us breathing very hard and having to reach for tissues.
I had told her that it was part of my fantasies that she should not wear jeans and that she should expect to be spanked in a shortish dark skirt, barely black or tan stockings and suspenders ........ but I might occasionally allow hold-ups....... and plain black or white knickers. I should also prefer a plain white or cream front buttoned top and an underwired lacy white bra. She should also be wearing black high heeled shoes. She had assured me that this would be no problem! I rang the bell and waited with my pulse racing.

The door was opened by a woman in jeans and trainers weraing a sloppy sweater. She smiled at my open mouth and reddening complexion and invited me inside.
"Did you find it easily?" she enquired casually, "would you like a cup of tea?"
I followed her into the kitchen and when we go there after agreeing that a cup of tea would be nice and that I had had no real trouble finding the house, asked her why she had so radically ignored my wishes and dressed in this sloppy way.
"Oh well" she giggled " I wanted you to have a reason for doing what you've come here to do!
I put my tea down and put my arms round her waist and fondled her bum. She pressed her fanny against my cock and grinned when she felt it stirring behind my fly zip! I took her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen and into her lounge where the curtains were already closed.
"You're a very naughty girl" I told her and sitting in the middle of the sofa pulled her bodily over my lap. I gave her a dozen or so hand spanks with increasing severity across the seat of her jeans during which she stuck her bottom out provocatively but although she wriggled a bit on my lap there was something missing. I stood up.
"You are going to dress properly for this Sandra" I told her, "and I am going to dress you for it!........... We are going upstairs and I am going to tell you exactly which clothes you will wear and what you will take off what's more your punshment is going to depend on what you take off and what you put on.............. now show me your wardrobe ........ but first where's your knicker drawer and also where's your stockings and tights drawer?"

She pretended to resist but I could see the flush on her face as I handed her my brief case and Barbour jacket to carry and dragged her upstairs by her wrist. She told me which was her bedroom and I dragged her into it and made her stand in front of a full length cheval mirror.
"take off that awful sweater" I ordered. She did so and dropped it on the floor. "Pick it up" I barked and as she bent over to do it, I crossed over and spanked her twice hard on her denim covered backside. She folded the sweater and placed it on the chair.
" Now the jeans"
"What about my trainers?"
"What do you think?"
The jeans joined the sweater on the chair and the trainers were parked tidily under it. She stood there in a plain bra and a pair of bright purple knickers with the words 'in case of tantrums spank here' in yellow across the back. When the knickers and bra had joined the neat pile of clothing on the chair, I sat on the bed and beckoned her over. When she stood in front of me I made her stop and looked at her and told her to do a twirl. She had sold herself short in our conversations. She had great breasts, large and firm with perky dark pink nipples, a slightly rounded stomach, (well she was in her late thirties, some ten years younger than me) curving down to a massively hairy cunt (and I now knew that she was a natural brunette!) but when she turned round I was treated the sight of her magnificent bottom. It was maybe just a little too rounded but it was a bum put on this earth to be beaten and I knew from experience that when she bent over it would be the absolute perfect shape to receive a fantastic bare (eventually) arse spanking!
I invited? her to get over my knee and told her that this was a spanking for those ridiculous garments she had just taken off. I started off with a few hand spanks on alternate cheeks, getting harder and harder gradually and eventually spread the target area from the small of her back to the backs of her thighs, until it resembled a ripe tomato. As the spanking progressesd she started to weave about on my lap but the only effect this had was to pump up my erection until I knew that she was perfectly well aware of the state of my arousal. I told her that as we had some time to wait until we got to that part of the proceedings that she deserved further punishment for making me so uncomfortable and reaching under her bed, pulled out a caerpet slipper I had noticed some five minutes previously. I gave her six hard swats, three on each cheek with this and was pleased to hear her yelp after each one. When she stood up I was pleased to see that her arse had taken on a nice dark red colour and was hot to the touch and throbbing nicely. I hate spanking women who don't show any effects. What's the point of thrashing a bottom which doesn't look thrashed when you've finished?
"Stand over there with your back to the mirror" I ordered so I could see her throbbing buttocks and jutting breasts with their rock hard nipples at the same time.
I opened her wardrobe doors and looked inside. I took out a 'A-line' skirt with a shortish hem and put it and it's hanger on the wardrobe door handle. I also selected a cream silky blouse which was borderline 'see through' and hung that up as well. I went over to the drawers in her dressing table and looked at her collection of nylons and undies. I think most guys get turned on looking through a woman's knicker drawer and I'm no exception. I looked back at Sandra and saw her grinning,
"Put you hands on your head" I ordered. She obeyed but I was well aware that she could tell that my excitement was mounting.
"Want me to model anything for you?" she asked cheekily, "to leave your hands free for other things!"
She had a large collection of knickers of different styles. She obviously dressed in dfferent ways to match her moods and I was pleased to see that she had lots of thongs. I think that the desire to wear a thong says a lot about a woman. I always look at womens' bottoms in supermarkets in the summer..... it's where you can best see them bending down in lightweight light coloured jeans and its always easy to spot the thong wearers even when the top doesn't ride over the waistline of the jeans! Sandra owned thongs in black, white, red and several in various shades of mauve and purple. Mostly they had satin backs and lacy fronts and gussets. She also liked to wear high leg knix and bikini briefs. The drawer also contained her suspender belts and bras which mainly were co-ordinates for the knickers. At the bottom of the drawer I found a pair of nylon 'see-through' knickers and another pair of crotchless nix but thought these might be fun at some other time!
I selected a pair of black satin high leg knickers with a lacy gusset and a black lacy suspender belt and matching bra (a 'Wonderbra'). I looked in the other drawer and rummaged around in a wonderful collection of sheer nylon..... tights, stockings, hold-ups in black, barely black, tan, red and blue. Also some flesh coloured and white but I opened a new packet of 10 denier 'barely black' stockings with lacy tops and put them together with the undies.
Sandra watched me feeling the texture of a thong in the drawer and chirped up again
"If you look in the laundry basket, you'll find some used knickers"
I told her to fetch the basket from the bathroom and hand them to me. She gave me two pairs; one pair of bikini briefs in deep purple and one pair of black satin full knickers which were what an ex girl friend of mine used to call 'granny pants'. She had worn this style when she was having a period and by inhaling her scent from the gusset I knew that Sandra had recently finished hers! But by looking at the briefs I was also excited to see that from the glistening stains that she had cum while wearing them! Holding these knickers to my face increased the throbbing between my legs and I was well aware that Sandra could see it. Almost reluctantly I put them back in the basket and pointed to the collection of lingerie I had already sorted out
"Come over here and put these on"
"A cream top with a black bra?"
" You don't think you're going out anywhere do you?"

When she was dressed, I handed her a pair of black high heeled shoes from the bottom of the wardobe and took a good look at her. I opened my brief case and took out my two tailed tawse and retrieved the cane from its hiding place in the back of the wax jacket. Her face became serious when these implements made their appearence.
"We've been playing so far Sandra" I told her, "but now you're going to get the thrashing you derserve........ you will go to the centre of the room and bend over and touch your toes.............. I'm going to give you twenty swats with this tawse over your knickers and then we shall pull them down to your knees, you will spread your legs and I shall give you two dozen strokes of the cane"
She gasped but gasped even more when I concluded
"But first I shall take off my belt and give you a dozen over your nix"
I unbucked my belt, a leather one with a brass buckle and having doubled it over whitled it down in a cracking swipe across the full width of both cheeks . Six she got in rapid succession after which her buttockes were twitching and I saw her hands start to creep around to rub her arse.
"If you dare to rub your bottom without permission I shall start again Lady"
Her hands flew back to her ankles!
Another six and I could hear her sniffling. I asked her quietly if she wanted to stop.
"Don't you dare" she said between sniffs with tears running down her cheeks. " you promised me a good bare bottom thrashing and that's what I want!"
"OK!" I said, reaching down for the tawse and stroking her knickered backside with it. Her buttocks twitched as I ran the smooth pliant leather tails over them. I took careful aim and cracked it down with reasonable force.
"Oh God!" she gasped and then
"Ker---ist!" and then a formless yelp as the first three landed in almost the same place across the centre of her bum .
I continued with the full twenty as promised after which she was sobbing out loud but when I rubbed her botty through her nix she thrust it into my palms almost greedily and furthermore, when I carried out the promised actions and hooked my fingers into the waistband and pulled her panties to her knees and looked at her bruised, scorched and swollen bottom and told her to spread her legs I couldn't help but notice how her cunt gaped wide open and see the stickily glistening drops on her fanny hair and deeply soaked frothy pink blancmange look of her cunt and clit. This was a woman sexually aroused to a point of past caring and the caning she was about to get was going to cream her to orgasm without any help from my cock . But nevertheless, I was determined that, that was where my cock was going when this was over!
I picked up my cane and grabbed her wrist.
"Come with me........ we'll finish this downstairs" I said and led her there.
I made her stand in front of the sofa and bend over with her hands on the seat and having switched her skirt over her back and pulled her knickers off completely, started on the last part of her thrashing. Twenty four strokes I had promised and twenty four strokes she got. They ranged from the top of her backside down to the backs of her thighs just above the knees. They were aimed carefully and were all hard. None of the junior school about this. This was a full ied upper sixth form thrashing and of Victorian standards when school thrashings were real thrashings. The strokes raised welts and well before it had gone through the half way stage Sandra was shouting out at each stroke, but she still stuck her arse out firmly to receive each one. Her juices were streaming down her thighs and at one point I saw her fingers frantically rubbing her cunt but I told her I would cane her hands afterwards if she didn't stop. The final six
W H A C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just the sound of two sets of heavy breathing and then I tore my trousers and pants down and ignoring the howls of protest at the first action where my body crashed into her aching, smarting, throbbing, scorched, swollen bottom cheeks as I thrust my bursting cock into her wide open slippery cunt and thrust and thrust and thrust until


My balls released their jet of hot creamy spunk in huge spasms deep into her vagina bouncing off the ridged walls and G spot, down to the cervix at the end as her cunt muscles contracted round my shaft and her own orgasm ripped though her from her clitoris to the top of her head and down to her toes and back!!!!!!!!!!
We collapsed on the sofa together as my cock started to go limp and slipped out of her, trailing a sticky line of cum down her thighs. I fondled her arse and thighs and slipped my hands into the cups of her bra and tweaked her nipples. She moved languidly and put her arms round me and pulled me down to her and whispered softly in my ear....

"Would you like another cup of tea?"

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000