Sue's Journey Into the Depths of Pleasure

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Susan and her family moved to the city and instantly fell in love with the friendly neighborhood. She was liked by anyone who met her and in particular the men found her overly attractive and sexy. Sue married young and virtually had no sexual experiences other than those with her hood sweetheart, Ben, who she married. They didn't have any ren and anyone who met Ben and Susan considered her a trophy wife, as she was extremely beautiful and sexy. She dressed in a very conservative manner, but always in rich and elegant clothes, which were trendy and very fashionable.

Every fall about the end of September, one of their neighbors hosted a block party barbeque, which was designed to welcome newcomers and also to rekindle friendships. The function was always well attended, as it was the one time a year that everyone could socialize with neighbors. The Clarks who lived only a couple doors down the block from Susan were the hosts. The family was well known for their gracious parties and Sue looked forward to meeting all of her neighbors, some of them for the first time.

Nadine Clark had just turned 21 and she was an only , which was most likely the reason for her being spoiled rotten. No one could argue the fact that Nadine was overly dominating. She loved being the one in control of everything and considered herself the leader in almost every endeavor. The fact Nadine was a little shorter than average and a little smaller might have been a determining factor of her having a inferior attitude. When her friends assumed Nadine was not capable of being powerful and in control, she always proved them wrong by being the strongest and most feared.

Her parents thought Nadine could do no wrong and they were happy to still have her living at home. They were extremely proud of their daughter and ignored any warning signs that she might be overly domineering. When Nadine set her sights on something, she didn't let anything get in her way of achieving a goal or winning a competition. Her smaller stature deceived most people and she was in complete control before anyone knew what happened. Most of her personal relationships were with people about her own age, but she secretly vowed to some day have an intimate relationship with an older woman.

Nadine would look back on the planned neighborhood gathering with great fondness even though at first she wanted nothing to do with the party. She thought her parents were silly for volunteering to be hosts for the annual social event and she refused to help in any way. What made her change her mind might have been a fluke, but Nadine would always consider it one of her luckiest changes of heart. After her mother pestered her for the whole month of July, Nadine finally agreed to help with the September party.

The two were having coffee together one morning before Nadine went to college or her mother went to work. "Mother, I'll help with the damn party... just get off my back," Nadine complained. "You shouldn't have volunteered to host the y thing. It's a lot of goddamn work and you know how much I hate work."

"You know your dad... how he thinks he's the best Barbequer in the world," her mother replied. "It will be nice having all of the neighbors around."

"I'll help with arrangements... with everything until the actual party," Nadine said. "But I'm not socializing with a bunch of old farts."

"It will do you good to be nice to the neighbors. Pay some of them back for being nice to the spoiled princess," her mother teased Nadine. "You just have to help with all of the arrangements and setup... not with the actual day of the party."

When her mother mentioned that the lady who moved in recently was going to also help, Nadine knew she had made a smart decision. She remembered the first time she saw Susan. The woman was visiting her mother and the two were having coffee together when Nadine found out that Susan had moved into the neighborhood. Nadine's first impression of the woman was that Susan was the most seductive woman in the world and she vowed at the time to become the woman's mistress.

Nadine had several very close girlfriends and she actually preferred them to the various males she called boyfriends. There was one young man, Kenny, she considered a soulmate, but all of the others were simply friends. Nadine's desire for sex was only surpassed by her desire for power and control. She loved nothing more than demonstrating her dominance over others. One thing Nadine realized early on was that it was much easier gaining control over a girl so most of her relationships were with girlfriends.

Maybe it was a sign of her growing up and maturing, but Nadine decided weeks earlier that she wanted to take her sexuality to another level. After her first meeting with Susan, she immediately set her sights on gaining control over the woman who was a few years older than her. Nadine observed how Susan dressed very conservatively and she rightly assumed the woman was a little self-conscious of her luscious womanly charms. Sue was similar to many gorgeous women in that she never realized just how attractive and sexy others viewed her.

Nadine often tried to visualize her beautiful neighbor. The woman was about 5'10", which Nadine found truly alluring. She loved nothing more than establishing control over a taller woman, as most people assumed she was too small to be the dominating person in any relationship. Susan had tits that most women would die for and men found them titillating when she walked, as the boobs swayed slightly with each step. Sue had a very slim waist and her hips flared in a truly lithe fashion, which most men found sexy and Nadine found truly seductive. Her butt was well rounded and more supple than Sue cared for, but she reasoned it was better than having a flat ass.

Her legs were long and shapely, but it was her chest that garnered the most attention. That was likely because Susan's boobs were not only big, but the nipples seemed to be enlarged and erect most of the time, which seemed to show through any top she wore. Whenever Susan caught men staring at her, she always gave them a dirty look and cursed their brazen ogling even though she felt a sense of pride because she was well endowed.

What made Nadine really pleased with her new neighbor was how cordial and willing to please Susan seemed even with complete strangers. Nadine readily agreed to meet with her mom and Susan to do the initial planning on the upcoming party. Her mother found Nadine's insistence on preparing drinks and snacks for the meeting a little strange, but easily shrugged off her daughter's cooperation. She thought Nadine was just being a good daughter for once and never considered there might be an ulterior motive for Nadine's assistance.

Susan came over early that August morning. "Please sit. I have coffee on and we can have a nice chat. Mother had to run an errand downtown. She'll be back in about an hour, but we can get started," Nadine said, as she leaned over and set the cups on the table. "I've wanted to meet you since the first day you moved into our wonderful neighborhood."

"You must be Nadine. Your mother has told me all about you and how you're doing so well in university," Susan said, as she stared at the bare boobs. The young woman's top hung down leaving her perky tits exposed and Sue could even see the nipples, which were extremely enlarged and erect. She found the brazen exhibition very intimidating and her temperature seemed to rise about ten degrees a second until she was totally flushed.

Nadine didn't always go without a bra, but she decided to go for broke this time. She had selected the loosest top in her wardrobe and even practiced bending over in front of mirror to make sure her voyeurism was blatant and revealing. The biggest smile covered her face when Nadine noticed Susan's eyes riveted on her exposed chest.

Sue was so focused on the voyeurism that she didn't hear the woman's next words. "Do you like ogling my tits? Your tongue is hanging out of our mouth," Nadine said.

Not normally dumbfounded or overcome by someone, Susan merely sat motionless and allowed the young woman to take over. There was no need for Nadine to remain bent over in front of Sue yet she wanted the woman to see her boobs. "I'm sorry... so sorry. I didn't mean to... to stare," Susan whispered.

Nadine grinned with the utmost confidence and straightened up. "Do you have a girlfriend? Are you having sex with anyone other than your husband," she asked.

Susan felt like she had been kicked in the stomach. "No, gawd no. I... I'm not that way," she replied. "No girlfriend... never."

"The first time I saw you... I knew you were different. Knew I wanted to make love to you and be your mistress," Nadine whispered.

The setting was profound and right out of a love story. Nadine stood in front of her and there was a light surrounding her body, which appeared to be a premonition. The smile on Nadine's pretty face was adorable and Susan couldn't take her eyes off the young woman. "No... but... but?" Sue spoke, but she didn't know if she was trying to convince Nadine or herself.

Nadine completely ignored the woman's indecision and took charge. "You look tense... your muscles are all knotted and tense," she said, as she swiftly rotated around the woman. "Let me massage your neck... that always helps me and I'm an expert at relaxing massages."

Abruptly a conversation ensued and the two chatted like they were longtime friends. "Yes, I've been stressed lately... since the move. Meeting new friends and trying to fit in is never easy."

"You'll love it here."

"Yes, I'm sure I will... everyone is so nice."

"I knew you were special the first moment I saw you."

"Thank you... but I'm not sure..."

"Can I see you later... after our meeting with my mother and when you are free."

"I guess... I'd like that."

"Are you free this evening?"

"Well... I think so."

"I'd love to see you!"

"Well... I guess."

"Have you ever had a mistress?"

"No, oh no, gawd no." Susan had no idea what to do, as she felt totally overwhelmed by Nadine. She had never acted so foolishly in her life and couldn't understand why she seemed to be under the control of such a young woman. Because Susan was physically bigger than Nadine, she didn't feel very threatened and felt she could handle any situation.

Nadine stood behind the shivering woman and used her expertise to put Sue at ease. "I'm taking Kinesiology and would like to specialize in massage therapy. Here... let me massage those neck muscles and you'll feel better," she said, as her sed fingers went to work. "I don't want mother seeing you stressed... acting like a little schoolgirl."

'Dear gawd, she's right. What's wrong with me? I'm acting so strange... not like myself,' Susan thought. 'Oh my, that feels so goooood. Her hands... her fingers are touching me. Oh gawd, what's wrong with me?'

Nadine purposely opened the neck of Sue's blouse, as much as possible, so that her fingers massaged all of the woman's bare shoulders. She glanced down the front of Sue's torso and imagined being able to feel the adorable boobs, which were heaving because of the woman's frantic breathing. 'You're so beautiful... sexy. I can't hardly wait,' Nadine thought, as she stared down at the rich rewards.

'Dear gawd, what's wrong with me? I should stop her... oh gawd, what would I do if she touches me,' Sue wondered? The relief was instantaneous, as Nadine massaged her neck and shoulders. Then the sound of a car entering the driveway interrupted their private session. One second she was completely relaxed and the next her heart raced a mile a minute. Nadine swiftly rotated around the seated woman and the two faced each other. Then the young woman leaned in and kissed the mature, married woman hard on the lips.

Their lips met and Sue tried to keep hers closed, but the pithy resistance lasted a brief moment. Nadine entwined her tongue with Sue's and she confirmed her superior control. She bent the older woman backwards in the chair and relished the intimate contact when the kiss heated up. Sue was smitten. There was something about the young woman that she couldn't resist and just the thought of being under Nadine's control was hypnotic. For the first time in her life, Susan felt totally submissive.

The front door opened and Nadine abruptly ended the kiss. "I'll be at your place tonight... at seven. I'm going to be your mistress... your lover," Nadine whispered. "You'll do everything I say... or else!"

Susan had never been obsessed with any kind of role-playing, but suddenly she felt fixated on letting the young woman be her mistress. It was too late to protest to the Nadine right now, but Sue vowed to set her straight when they met later. Sue rationalized she would meet with the girl and explain how mistaken it was for Nadine to think she was submissive and willing to submit to the young woman's dominating manner. Luckily by the time Nadine's mother came into the room, Sue had somehow regained control of herself and all of her rampant emotions.

Susan had a difficult time trying to think straight and make rational decisions, as 7 o'clock approached. She wondered what the hell came over her when she willingly set up another rendezvous with her young neighbor? Feeling more apprehensive with each passing hour, her heart pounded as if she were going on a date. The grandfather clock in the living room chimed and Sue's heart skipped a beat with the announcement of the dreaded hour. She realized it was time for Nadine to arrive and she had a hard time breathing, as she expected the doorbell to ring at any second.

Sue had pondered long and hard over her dilemma. Knowing she had reached a decision to put an immediate stop to Nadine's seduction and dominance gave her at least a little temporary relief. She was determined to tell the young woman that she had no interest in advancing a relationship with anyone, especially another woman. When the knock sounded at the front door, Sue almost collapsed, as her legs went wobbly and weak.

Susan couldn't believe how quickly her courage disappeared and she found it almost impossible to walk the few steps to the door. Her hand closed on the knob and Sue thought the door was locked because the knob wouldn't turn. Suddenly the door opened and she came face to face with destiny. Susan stared at the young woman who had a devilish grin on her face and there was a deafening silence that sapped any remaining courage.

It was funny how fleeting seconds in a person's life can last an eternity. Susan stared into the dark, paralyzing eyes and she was powerless to move even one step. There was an evil grin on the young woman's pretty face and Sue could tell Nadine was on a mission. She felt like a coward and found it almost impossible to speak. "I... I... you look good. Please, come in... I'll show you around," Susan mumbled and realized that she was under a spell.

Still staring into Nadine's eyes, Sue raised her left arm and grabbed the young woman's hand, which was offered to her. She was speechless as her feet started moving and soon she was standing in the middle of the living room. Almost in a trance, she started giving the young woman a tour of her home. Sue explained how she loved decorating in an antique fashion and then they moved into the kitchen. She pointed out some of the finer points of the room before she urged her friend towards the hallway leading to the bedrooms and the rest of the house.

Susan managed to find her voice during the tour and even grew more relaxed, as they moved from room to room. She wasn't sure if saving the master bedroom till last was the smartest decision, but that was how things worked out. The mood seemed to change once they were both standing beside the big bed and Sue was afraid to look at the young woman. She literally stood facing the bed and didn't move when Nadine quickly rotated behind her motionless body. Soft, caring hands reached up to her tense shoulders and started massaging all of the apprehension out of her torso.

Sue wondered how many times her mouth opened, as if she was going to protest or say something? No words, only low moans of passion seemed to come out of her chest, as her head sort of balanced on top of her stiff neck. Sue felt the neck of her blouse being stretched and rolled down her shoulders after nimble fingers managed to unbutton the top few buttons. Her bare shoulders felt flushed and warm and then wet lips rained kisses all over the burning flesh. It seemed her heartbeat increased with each peck and each kiss until the was racing through her entire body.

Susan wasn't sure how long she could remain standing. She felt the bottom of her blouse being pulled out of her pants and without any hesitation the garment was stripped from her body. Sue desperately yearned to turn around and face the She-Devil, but knew it wasn't the smartest reaction to the young woman's seduction. Suddenly a dainty hand rolled the bra out of the way and cupped one of her tits. The nipple was precariously pinched between the strong fingertips and the precious bud was stretched and elongated to almost twice the normal size. Sue merely moaned and gasped for more air, as she stood absolutely still.

It was time to act and not react; yet her brain refused to work, as her body willingly cooperated. Susan didn't even know how the rest of her clothes were removed. There were no words spoken, merely motions and signals from the powerful young woman to indicate what she wanted. All of a sudden Sue was standing on wobbly legs and a brazen hand was between her velvety thighs. The sed fingers slithered through the vast wetness and instantly seized her spirit.

Susan had heard that it was possible to become overly aroused even if a woman was standing and in the right situation, an orgasm was possible. Suddenly soft lips nibbled at her ear and the hottest breath washed across the side of her face. "No, no, Sue! Please, not yet," Nadine whispered, as she squeezed hard. Then she yanked the tiny pearl out of the puffy hideaway and twirled the bud around vigorously between her fingers. "I knew the first time I saw you... knew you were a slut. You're cumming like a slut!"

The last thing in the world Susan wanted was an orgasm, but her stomach was already convulsing wildly and out of control. She couldn't stop her hips from thrusting madly at the young woman's fingers and she gasped out loud, as the womanly juices flowed freely out of her belly. "No, no, please Nadine, please stop," she pleaded. "I beg you."

Nadine used her teeth to get the woman's complete attention. "I love hearing you beg," she hissed.

"No... no, I'm not."

Nadine twirled the clit around and around as fast as she could. "You're cumming... like a slut."

"Please, gawd no... please stop."

"Keep begging... I love hearing my slut beg."

"No, no... no."

"Dear lord, my sexy, gorgeous slut is cumming... creaming all over my fingers," Nadine whispered. "Keep that pretty ass moving... squirming all over. Cum for Mistress... cum for Mistress!"

Susan couldn't remember being so out of control. She desperately wanted to prolong the wonderful sensations yet her body refused to listen. Her legs were pressed tightly together, but the crafty young woman still found enough space to royally molest the throbbing clitoris. Each time her clitty slipped between the sed fingertips, Susan secreted more womanly juices until lewd slurping sounds filled the room.

Her head rolled backwards and rested on the shorter woman's shoulder. Susan couldn't imagine a more shameless scene, as she experienced the most explosive orgasm of her life. She didn't think it was possible to climax while in a standing position, but the assumption was swiftly dispelled, as severe convulsions roared through her stomach. Much to Sue's horror, the sly young woman rotated her body and pushed her head forward so that she stared straight into a large mirror, which displayed the wicked lust. Sue was powerless. She stared at the blatant fingertips, as they rolled the slippery clitty around, and noticed her feet were apart enough to expose her crotch to the world.
Susan's chest heaved and her tits bounced up and down wildly. Nadine's left hand cupped the underside of one of her boobs and sort of offered the luscious tit to an imaginary onlooker. The young woman's fingers squeezed the prized nipple as hard as she could and felt the surging gush through the swollen gem. The everlasting orgasm consumed Susan's emotions and rational thinking, as she felt helpless and overly submissive, which was what Nadine wanted.

Sue was distraught and crushed after the mind-blowing climax. She didn't resist and wound up on the bed and in the comforting arms of the young woman who despite her diminutive stature was overpowering. Ten minutes, twenty minutes, or thirty minutes had transpired and already one memorable orgasm finished and another was on the horizon. Tender lips rained kisses all over her face, neck and arms and it was impossible to think straight. Sue lifted her head briefly, but then Nadine kissed her hard on the lips.

The heated embrace quickly turned feverish. Nadine rolled on top of her upper torso and used the French kiss to demonstrate her passion. The young woman was overly aroused and definitely the aggressor, as her hands roamed freely up and down the front of Sue's torso. Her kiss left Susan panting and too out of breath to realize she was merely a sex toy for the overpowering young woman who demanded one more surrender before satisfying her own sexual needs.

Nadine's tongue left a wet trail down the slender neck and all over the velvety shoulders. When she teased and d Sue's boobs with her sed tongue, Susan rolled her chest from one side to the other, but she couldn't gain freedom from Nadine's tormenting. Nadine coated one entire boob with saliva but refused to actually caress the enlarged nipple. Then she seized the nipple with her teeth and stretched the bud until she heard the desired response from her slave.

Her precious jewel throbbed madly and Susan wanted to stop the young woman. She put her hands on Nadine's shoulders and tried to push, but her struggle was halted in a split second. The razor sharp teeth closed hard and Sue uttered a scream of agony, which put an instant stop to her protest. Her one nipple was on fire and then the devious young woman nibbled the other, which resulted in a complete collapse of Sue's resistance.

Susan dropped her hands and desperately grabbed onto the soft blanket on top of her marital bed, as her fingers curled into the bedding. Nadine devoured one of her throbbing nipples and molested the other with her careless fingers. Her other hand caressed the front of Sue's shivering body and her fingers left lingering tracks all over the burning flesh. Nadine played with the woman's tummy and she chuckled when Sue's stomach heaved up and down, as she finger-fucked the bellybutton.

The seduction was progressing exactly as planned. Nadine teased and threatened and then her right hand slithered between the milky thighs. She rested her long middle finger over top of the pulsating clitoris and rubbed hard on the sensitive morsel, which caused Sue's hips to thrash across the bed. Releasing the tender nipple, Nadine stretched up and whispered. "Please wait this time... don't cream. I want to hold you."

"Dear gawd, please don't... don't touch me like that," Susan pleaded, as the experienced finger rolled her clitty in the slippery oil.

"Hold still... please hold still," Nadine whispered. She rolled on top of Sue and thrust her knee between Sue's thighs to hold them apart.

Susan tried to close her legs but the scheming young woman shoved her entire leg between them. "No, no, please don't touch me there," she begged.

Nadine put her fingers on each side of the twitching clit and squeezed. "Let me hold you... embrace you," she whispered and yanked the clit out of the soaked pussy-lips. "Let's hold each other."

Susan was helpless and she wrapped her arms around the controlling young woman. She tried with everything inside of her to hold still and not move a muscle, which was the biggest mistake. "No... don't, please don't. Oh gawd, when you touch me... geez, oh geez."

Nadine used two fingers and her thumb to spin the delicate clitty vigorously around and around. "Your body... you're so sexy and beautiful. I want to hold you... feel your body pressing into mine," she said. "Please wait... not yet."

Sue tried to keep up with the spinning fingers, as her hips rotated in tune with the molestation. "Oh geez, oh geez," she moaned. "Stop... or... or!"

No woman alive could withstand what Nadine was doing, as she refused to pause or loosen her grip on the tender clitoris. She stared at the gorgeous face, which was twisted and etched with agony, and imagined the prized reward of having the sexiest woman as her slave. Nadine loved nothing more than dominating someone like Susan who people considered powerful and influential. What made the domination even sweeter was how willingly Susan acted and how easily the older woman succumbed to her control.

Nadine pushed her perky tits into Sue's chest and decided the time had come. She molested the clitty and pinched as hard as she could. She licked tears from the side of Sue's face. "Do you want to cum... cum for Mistress?"

"Oh gawd, yes... gawd yes," Susan replied, as her hips went out of control.

Nadine thought about giving Sue a good finger-fucking, but wisely decided that the expert clitoris stimulation was enough, as the womanly cream flowed freely. The woman's hips were about a half a second behind the clever clit molestation. Every time Sue retreated and pulled her hips backwards, Nadine yanked and jerked on the delicate bud until the hips thrust wildly at her hand. "Cum my love... cum for Mistress!"

After two intoxicating orgasms, Susan didn't think anything else could leave a lasting impression. She collapsed in the young woman's arms, as the last tremor raked her body, and listened. "It's time. You can show Mistress what a loyal slave you are," Nadine whispered. "Make love to me... show me your love."

"I... I don't know what to do," Sue whispered. "I've never done it... done anything with a woman."

"I've waited... wanted you since the first time I saw you."

Susan was enthralled by the young woman's confession, but she didn't have time to think, as Nadine rolled onto her back. Suddenly she was staring at the perkiest tits. The mounds were shaped like cones and stood unmoving above the young woman's heaving chest. The areoles and nipples were profound. Susan studied the womanly features and marveled at how puffy the ends appeared and how the nipples were enormous in size because they were swollen.

Sue never dreamed she would touch another woman let alone make love to her. Her eyes got bigger and bigger, as the controlling young woman her head downward. Sue was going to kiss the titty, but all of a sudden one of the hardened nipples was inside her mouth. She used her tongue to roll the enlarged bud around and listened intently to the loud moans and groans of animal desire coming from Nadine. When she opened her mouth wide, her teeth reached the outer edges of the overly puffy areoles and resulted in louder cries of joy from the young woman.

Out of the blue Susan got the urge to tease and torment her young lover. She used her teeth in a biting fashion on the entire areola and then she nibbled on the erect nipples until they were overly inflamed. Sue couldn't believe how arousing it was to suck and nibble on the young woman's tits and she found the experience extremely titillating. Suddenly she was in-charge and relished having control over the irresistible Nadine who seemed more like a little girl than the overpowering woman of earlier.

Her head moved from one perky tit to the other trying to keep both nipples fully stimulated. Susan didn't have to decide when to advance the seduction, as Nadine's hands guided her head downward. Nadine had waited all evening, but now she was desperate. She freed her captive nipple from the sharp teeth and pushed Sue's head down the front of her torso. When the head reached her tummy, Nadine the hot mouth on top of her quivering bellybutton.

Not knowing what else to do, Sue lashed out with her tongue and caused severe convulsion to erupt inside the young woman's stomach. She licked the tiny hole many times and then jabbed her tongue into the indent until the young woman squirmed around on the bed. Things happened fast and furious. When her face moved across the bare tummy and hit the baby-like pelvis, Susan was utterly amazed by the shaven pussy. She couldn't move and stared in awe at the clearly defined labia and at the clean-shaven crotch.

Susan often thought about doing something bold and brazen like shaving herself, but she never got the courage to actually do it. Suddenly her lips grazed the bald skin and goosebumps formed all over her face and down her arms. Sue had experimented in college with kissing and fondling, but never actually had sex with another woman. She noticed the delicate labia-petals sort of open up and then her tongue licked a path through the immense wetness.

Each tongue stroke started at the bottom of the pink slit and lashed upward until raking across the throbbing clitoris. Sue used her fingers to separate the pussy-lips and hold them wide-open so the clit was fully exposed. She sucked her first clitty and found the temptation to nibble on the bud too irresistible. When she held the clit between her teeth and sucked hard on the mass inside her burning mouth, the resultant scream from the young woman was music to her ears.

Susan didn't have to think, as she merely responded to the alluring sexual urges. She didn't know if it was one minute or ten minutes but eventually Nadine's' hips thrust wildly all around on the bed. Sue let go of the puffy labia and thrust one finger into the unprotected opening, as she initialed a royal finger-fucking. It turned into a game, as Nadine tried to escape the cunnilingus and fingering, but Susan refused to let up or give the young woman any reprieve.

The ecstatic orgasm erupted inside Nadine and she welcomed the rare chance to climax while she was not the one in control. Her fingers entwined in Susan's long hair and held the head buried in her wanton crotch. Sue performed an admirable cunnilingus and her tongue never stopped bashing the clitty around and around. When Nadine's hips slowed and fell back onto the bed, Sue was a little sad that the fantastic orgasm was ending.

Both women were utterly exhausted and Nadine knew it was time to end the glorious evening before Susan's husband came home. Although Ben wasn't expected for at least a couple of hours, Nadine didn't want to get caught in bed with the man's wife. "I should go... before your husband comes home," she said, as she got out of bed. She started dressing and kept staring at Sue who remained on the bed. The blankets were strewn all over and Nadine savored the woman's naked beauty, which she admired and worshiped.

The last thing in the world Susan imagined was sleeping with another woman. She watched Nadine get dressed and realized for the first time in her life that she was under the control of someone. Although she loved her husband, this was different. Sue felt submissive and willing to do whatever Nadine demanded or asked of her. "Yes... Ben will be home soon," she whispered.

"I have something special planned... something for you," Nadine said.

Susan stared at the young woman and nodded her head. She listened intently when Nadine told her about next weekend. The young woman asked Sue to make arrangement to spend all day Saturday with her. She was to tell her husband that the two women would spend the entire day making final plans and preparations for the September neighborhood party. A tremendous shiver went up and down her backbone, as Sue envisioned spending time with the young woman and being totally under her control.

The setting was perfect. Her parents were away for the weekend and Nadine had the house all to herself. She had the big master bedroom staged and setup for the most anticipated sexual encounter of her life. Arranging for Susan to join her was easy, as she simply ordered her slave to come over at 8 o'clock. Nadine said nothing about what was going to happen and relished having the woman worry and fret because the unknown was so demoralizing. She knew Susan well and realized the woman was too infatuated with their relationship to jeopardize losing her newfound mistress.

Nadine stood so close that Susan felt the young woman's hot breath wash over her flushed face. Her cheeks got hotter and hotter by the second and she found it almost impossible to catch her breath, as the young woman glared into her eyes. "You're my slave... you'll do what I say, or else," Nadine whispered. "We're going to take off your clothes... then have my boyfriend come in and have sex with you."

"Huuugh... noooo... no, not with a man. I can't," Sue said in a voice that was almost inaudible. "I can't cheat on my husband... with another man."

They stood along one wall of the big bedroom and Nadine moved closer to her frightened prey. "Stand still and obey. Do you want to make me mad?"

"No, no... but?"

"Then stand still... very still." Nadine's fingers went to work undoing the expensive designer blouse. "Oh yes, we're going to strip your clothes and get you naked... naked so Kenny can make you a real woman," she teased.

"Oh no, not with a man, please no," Susan pleaded. She raised her arms and grabbed the young woman's hands. It was the last mistake Sue would make with Nadine, as the young villain displayed the reason she was a feared dominator. She grabbed her by the wrist and swiftly twisted her arm down and around to her back, yanking her hand upwards until it was at her shoulder blade. Sue virtually had to stand on her tiptoes to alleviate the pain in her arm and she trembled like crazy, as the young woman displayed her superior strength.

Susan was too afraid to resist and merely tried to remain standing even though her legs vibrated out of control. She glanced down at the nimble fingers, which slowly unbuttoned the blouse and rolled the garment off her shoulders. Nadine let go of her arm for a brief moment and swiftly stripped the blouse before pinning the arm behind Sue's back again. A fancy bra pushed up her abundant breasts and Sue was positive her flesh was on fire. Then her heart must have missed a few beats because she suddenly felt light-headed and slightly dizzy.

Nadine glanced at the spillover, which was enough to give anyone a heart attack. She grabbed the clasp and then flung the bra across the room, as Sue held her breath. "Dear Lord, Kenny's going to blow his load when he sees these beauties," Nadine said. "Have you had sex with many men?"

Sue felt sorry for blurting out a response, which indicated she was immature and very inexperienced. "No! Gawd no, never! Only with my husband."

Nadine was in her face again and her eyes stared intently, straight into hers. "Good, then we'll watch you become a real slut."

"No, I can't."

"Oh, you will. Kenny is going to fuck your brains out."

"Please, no. Nadine, you can't."

"Have you ever been fucked by a big cock... a real big cock?"

"No... gaaaawd, no... not sex."

"Kenny is hung like a horse. I can hardly wait to watch you become his slut."

"Oh, no... no."

"Do you ever dream of getting screwed by a real man... a man like Kenny with a big cock?" Nadine was at her best when in control and she continued. "Do you dream of getting fucked by a stranger?"

Susan wasn't going to answer, but then Nadine grabbed a handful of hair. The young woman jerked her head back and forth, indicating she answer immediately, or she would yank all the hair out of her head. "No... YES! Gawd, yes."

"Do you dream of sex?"

"Sometimes, yes... oh please, don't make me. I've never been unfaithful... cheated with another man."

"Are you going to be Kenny's slut?"

She didn't blink or look away and returned the burning stare. "Nnnnn... no. Yes... yes."

Nadine jerked on the woman's hair. "Say it... say how you want to be Kenny's slut."

"Please... please, no. Don't make me."

"Say it or I'll make sure every pervert in the city... in the state knows that Susan is a slut. I'll plaster your naked ass all over the net so everyone can see. I'll tell your husband... your family how we made love."

"No, you can't... no."

"Say it!"

"I'm... I'm a slut... Kenny's slut."

"You want Kenny's big cock!"

"I want Kenny's cock... big cock."

"You're going to fuck Kenny... cream all over his cock.

"I... I'm going to let Kenny fuck me," Sue whispered and then her head banged into the wall, as Nadine yanked on her hair. "Cream all over his big cock... oh gawd, have sex with Kenny."

"Again, say it again!" Nadine wrapped her fingers tighter in the locks of hair and jerked Sue's head back and forth, demanding the desired reply.

"Cream all over Kenny's big cock," Susan whispered, as she realized any further struggle was futile.

The bedroom door opened and closed within the span of a millisecond. Susan stood motionless, as if waiting for something monumental to happen, and she was too afraid to look towards the door. They were standing against a wall and Nadine swiftly escorted her across the dimly lit room to the big bed. Nadine backed up to the bed and then sat on the edge while the frightened woman to stand in front of her.

The hair on the back of Susan's neck stood up and she felt someone approaching from behind. Hot searing breath washed across the side of her face and then rough hands grabbed her around the waist. "That's one sexy ass... I hope the front is just as sexy. Nadine has bragged that you have the nicest tits." Sue knew it was Kenny and when his hands shifted around to her tummy, her heart stopped. The young man quickly unfastened her pants and left the front gapping wide open.

Susan tried to remain calm and on her feet. She was captive between an overly dominating lady and an aggressive young man. Nadine's face was inches in front of her and the woman's hands boldly rolled the loosened pants over her flared hips. "Kenny's horny as hell," she whispered. "Let's get these clothes off so Kenny can see your gorgeous ass and sweet pussy."

Nadine let go of the pants and grabbed Sue by the arms, holding them outstretched in front of the panicked woman. She leaned backwards, which pulled Sue forward and the woman to practically lie on top of her stomach, as her feet remained firmly planted on the floor. Kenny took full advantage of her vulnerable position and he finished removing her pants in a flash, tossing them across the room. "Sweet fuck, what an ass... what a fucking nice ass," he moaned.

Susan lifted her head and pleaded with her dear friend. "Oh gawd, Nadine, no. Ask him to stop... please stop," she begged.

Her legs were completely straight and too rigid to move, as she felt the last remaining garment swiftly ripped off her body. Nadine let go of her arms, but by then Sue was already pinned on top of the young woman. Suddenly there were sadistic fingers in her crotch and the young woman boldly cupped her pelvis. The juices ran freely and Nadine had one thing in mind, as her fingers slipped into the vast wetness. "Sweet Jesus... I've never felt a wetter cunt. I think you're the horniest housewife who can hardly wait for Kenny's cock," she whispered.

Sue's body jerked wildly when the cunning young woman pinched the most sensitive clitoris between her fingers. "Please Nadine, please don't... don't do that."

Nadine nodded her head and gave the go ahead to her boyfriend. Susan's heart stopped when the young man brushed up against her backside and it was obvious he wasn't wearing clothes. Kenny's raging hardon pushed directly into the crack of her ass and he wiggled his hips until the entire shaft was inside the ass-crack. "Can you feel it... feel Kenny pushing his cock against your ass," Nadine asked?
Susan heard the disgusting comments, but something else was overly bothersome. Nadine surrounded her precious clitty with her thumb and forefinger and squeezed. Then the young woman yanked the bud out of the protective lips and swirled it around and around. Sue tried hard to hold her legs together yet nothing prevented Nadine from ravaging her defenseless clit. The young woman's laugh sent shivers up and down her spine, as Sue realized she was at the mercy of the two friends.

Kenny and Nadine worked together. With Nadine sprawled on the bed, it was easy for the young woman to use her knees to spread Susan's legs. Kenny slipped his foot between Susan's feet and knocked them apart about one foot. There was urgency inside of Susan that was very unfamiliar and she had a difficult time controlling her breathing and heart rate, as Kenny dipped his hips. The young man shrewdly shoved his hardon into the back of her legs and the rod sliced between her velvety upper thighs.

The smoldering cock felt unbelievably hot and also extremely big when it settled directly against her pussy slit. Susan thought she had been stabbed, as the devious young woman slyly pushed her boyfriends cock-shaft into the overheated crevice. Nadine pinned Sue's upper torso half on top of hers and half on the bed. Susan tried to talk or at least utter some protest, but nothing came out, as the head of the invader hit her delicate opening. Sue realized that any movement would spell the end of her struggle and she tried hard to remain motionless.

Everyone imagined Susan's precarious position. Her long legs were rigid and straight with her hips as high in the air as possible. Sue's defenseless crotch was at an angle and aimed directly back at her tormentor. Just as she attempted a recovery by pushing up with her arms so that her chest was above the bed, something disastrous happened. Her naked body was covered with sweat and sort of hung in the air, as an animal desire or lust took over.

Kenny felt the intense heat surround the tip of his pecker, but he wasn't satisfied. Sue's entire body stiffened and she was powerless when the manly hips drove forward. She couldn't phantom anything going in so fast or so deep. Kenny slammed his hips at her backside and his pelvis slapped against her bare ass. Her eyes bulged and her mouth hung open in great despair. Susan struggled to breathe and she realized there was something very different about Kenny. Although she hadn't actually seen his penis, Sue knew the young man was measurably bigger than her husband.

The young man pulled back and withdrew his thick cock. His fingers dug into her slim waist and then he administered a mighty thrust, embedding his cock to the hilt. Again Sue couldn't breathe and her mouth hung wide open. Kenny squeezed her waist and tried to hold his cock fully embedded. "Oh babe, I have to do it... I can't wait," he moaned. "She's too hot... too tight and my balls are aching."

"I want her to act like a slut. You promised!"

"Don't worry. I took that pill and can do it again and again... till your little slut cums all over my prick."

"Good... I want our dear Susie to get royally fucked."

"Oh babe, she will. She'll get fucked... you'll watch her cream all over my dick. First I have to relieve the pressure and blow my fucking load into her tight girlie-cunt."

"Yes, fuck yes! Fuck her and make her your slut," Nadine ordered.

"Christ, my balls... my balls are hurtin!"

There was no need to hold onto Susan anymore and Nadine simply enjoyed her boyfriend's savage intercourse. Kenny started pounding his hips at Sue and pumping his cock in an out like a madman. Nadine knew the exact moment he blasted his manly load into her slave, as Kenny grunted out loud and his body started vibrating like crazy. Nadine could only imagine what Sue felt. Her body rocked back and forth and each time Kenny thrust forward, he emptied more of his searing cum into her womanly being.

The intercourse didn't last very long, but it was very dramatic. Kenny displayed the look of a conqueror when he climaxed, and Susan exhibited the signs of a distraught teenager, as her body was manhandled by the enraged young man. Nadine knew exactly how to satisfy her hunger for power and control. Once her boyfriend finished climaxing, she instructed him to get on the bed and lie on his back. She ordered him to do nothing, as she had everything planned for the shrewd humiliation.

Susan stared at the stellar cock for the first time. Her visualization of what Kenny's penis looked like couldn't prepare her for the real picture of his oversized cock. The young man's prick stood at an angle above his hairy pelvis and his balls hung down almost to his asshole. Sue couldn't blink or look away because she still felt the impressive cock inside her intimate being. What she found profound was how he retained a raging hardon even after the prior sex affair.

Susan's focus was on the intimidating man when her concentration was broken. "Get on top of Kenny. Sit on top of him," Nadine ordered.

"But... but?" Sue stared at the bobbing penis and she was too afraid to move.

Suddenly Nadine grabbed her arm and cleverly moved it until her hand rested on the throbbing meat. Susan never intended opening her hand but somehow her fist closed around the massive shaft. "You're going to hold Kenny's cock and then put his rod in your belly," Nadine said.

Sue felt an intense throbbing radiate up her arm, as the rushed through Kenny's hardon with each heartbeat. "Oh... not again, please Nadine, not again," she pleaded.

"I want to watch you fuck yourself... sit on Kenny's cock and fuck yourself."

"No, gawd no, I can't."

"Oh you will... or else. Do you want to make me mad?"

The threat seemed real and Susan realized that the young woman was in complete control. "Oh gawd... oh gawd."

Whether she wanted to or not, her body was pulled onto the bed and shifted around until she was sitting on top of Kenny's lower legs. She quickly let go of the penis and tried to sit up straight, as she curled her legs under her body. They were on the big bed and the young woman swiftly took charge. Nadine grabbed Sue under the arms and pushed the woman forward so that her crotch was perilously close to the throbbing hardon. "I didn't say you could let go of Kenny's cock. Now you'll be punished."

Susan was on her knees over top of the man's crotch and she had a knee on each side of Kenny's hips. She couldn't raise her hips any higher and knew they weren't high enough. When the head of Kenny's cock brushed across her tender crotch, she almost fainted. Sue tried harder to stretch higher, but her thighs were only so long. Kenny had his right fist around his cock and he swiped the head through the vast wetness, pausing deliberately at the precise moment.

Kenny felt his penis enter the small opening and he held his hips stationary for an eternity. He knew it was possible to drive his cock into Susan yet he wanted his girlfriend's slave to suffer so he remained still. "C'mon baby... sit on it. Sit on my cock, baby," he whispered.

"Oh gawd, no, stop," Sue begged, trying to raise her hips higher.

Nadine was in her glory. She kissed the side of Sue's face and her cheeks, as the woman's face got hotter and hotter. Then she slapped the sides of Sue's tits and put the luscious boobs into severe motion, causing them to sway like waves on a rough sea. Nadine put her lips next to a burning ear. "Grab your gorgeous tits... grab your nipples and swing them around for Kenny," she demanded.

Susan didn't know what else to do. Her shaking fingers grabbed the ends of her tits. Sue squeezed the nipples to ensure a secure grip and then she rotated her hands in a big circular motion. Afraid to make the young woman mad, Sue went overboard. She pinched the swollen buds so hard that they hurt and all she managed was some pathetic whimpering, which was music to Nadine's ears. "Ooohhh, oh gawd... uuuggghhh, ugh, gaaawd."

It was time! Nadine grabbed a handful of hair and jerked the woman's head backwards, so that Sue stared straight up at the ceiling. "It's time slut... time you acted like a slut," she whispered.

Susan felt the girl's hands on the top of her shoulders. The fingertips dug into her flesh and then Nadine pushed downward with the mightiest shove. Sue's mouth flew open and all the air was out of her chest, as the ramrod embedded in her fiery belly. Susan was positive Kenny's entire cock was inside her soul, which caused her temporary insanity. Each time her stomach muscles contracted and went into convulsions, she tried to stop the onrushing orgasm.

Susan's struggles actually prolonged the impending climax and without thinking her body started bouncing up and down. The glorious sight of her molesting her own tits added to Nadine and Kenny's enjoyment, as Sue yanked on the overused nipples. Nadine assisted in the self-defiling and she aided Sue with each bounce and rebound, which ensured Kenny's illustrious cock pumped in and out at a hurried rate.

Nadine ingeniously pressed downward on Susan's shoulders and wouldn't allow the woman any upward motion. Suddenly Sue's hips rocked back and forth and she knew she couldn't take much more. Each time her hips rolled over top of the lengthy penis, Susan felt the head caress her cervix and every nerve inside her inner being. The only person who seemed in a hurry was Susan, as her body continued rocking and thrashing in a truly random fashion.

Nobody had to tell Nadine or Kenny that Susan was experiencing a gigantic orgasm, as her body language screamed out the whole story. The time had arrived and Nadine relished the power. She slapped Sue's hands off the robust tits and pinned the woman's arms behind her back. This Sue's chest outward and Kenny instantly latched onto the obviously shipwrecked boobs. He cupped both tits and tried to squeeze an enlarged nipple between his fingers, as he powered his hips high in the air.

Strangely her hips wouldn't stop moving or rolling back and forth. The orgasm robbed the last thread of decency and Susan welcomed the climax of her life. Her womanly juices coated the big cock and suddenly the added lubrication spelled the final surrender. Nadine put her sharp teeth around her ear and hissed. "Slut... slut... slut!"

"Gaaawd... gaaawd...yes, gawd yes."

"Move that sexy ass, baby. Keep my cock buried in your guts."

"Slut... you're cumming all over Kenny's cock like a slut."

"Noooo... noooo!"

"Baby, what a set of tits. Fuck... your tits are the best."

"Slut... holy fuck, my slut loves cock... big cock."

Just when she thought the end was near, Susan felt the young man's crotch gyrate wildly under her thrashing hips. "Gaaawd, no... gawd no."

"She's a bitch... a big slut fucking me like a whore."

"I've never seen a slut cum so hard. She can't get enough cock."

Their dirty talk didn't matter. Sue's orgasm flourished and seemed to last forever. The out of control emotional roller coaster roared around the last bend and slowly came to a stop with her body dripping with sweat. She was both saddened when the climax ended yet happy that she was almost free. Her body collapsed on top of the spent young man and nobody moved for the longest time. Sadly Nadine understood the evening had to end at some point because Susan had a husband waiting at home, but she wanted it to be on her terms.

As her heartbeat slowed and returned to normal, Susan never resisted when her body was shifted and jostled around. She wound up on her side and in the arms of her mistress. "I know you have to go soon, but we still have time," Nadine whispered. "Time for more."

Sue realized the young woman was talking about another sexual session, but she tried not to get demoralized. "I do have to go... my husband expects me home," she replied.

"You said midnight and we still have an hour. One hour to prove you're a slut... my willing slut," Nadine said.

"But... but it's late," Sue whispered.

"Kenny wants to watch you... watch us," Nadine replied. "He wants to watch lesbians. I've told him how I love having sex with another woman."

"I've done everything... all you've asked of me. Please, let me go," Sue begged.

"You know how I love it when you beg. I get hot... hotter when you beg," Nadine said, as she moved forward. "Kenny is going to watch you eat me and then he's going to fuck his little doggie-slut."

"What... what, no," Sue whispered.

"Oh yeah, I can't take any more. Watching you act like a slut has made me hot. First I'm going to lick your horny pussy," Nadine said. "Then you're going to eat my hot cunt and make me cum all over your slut-tongue."

"Gawd, no," Sue replied.

"Oh yeah, then you're going to make Kenny nice and hard... suck his big cock," Nadine whispered.

"Dear gawd, no," Sue moaned.

"Oh yeah, suck his cock and then you're going to get on your hands and knees... Kenny's goin' to bang you from behind," Nadine informed the shocked woman. "You're going to be his little doggie-slut, as he sends you home with a belly full of cum."

A kiss started before Sue could move away or escape the embrace. Nadine showed a rare urgency, which Susan found intimidating, and it didn't take the young woman long to show who was in-charge. She rolled Sue onto her back and used the intimate kiss to take her breath away. The kiss grew heated and the scene was similar to one on a dark lovers' lane where a woman got groped and fondled freely, as she tried to stop an unwanted assault.

Kenny watched his girlfriend in awe. When Nadine asked him if he wanted to witness a real lesbian encounter, he readily agreed. Kenny trusted Nadine and loved the fact she was freely open with her sexual orientation. He believed her when she said having sex with a woman was truly fantastic and that she used each sexual encounter to reaffirm her power and authority. Nadine told Kenny that she preferred men, but also enjoyed sex with women because of her ability to dominate most women.

Susan was amazed by her willingness to accept the newfound sexuality. She glanced down at the young woman's head, which was on her chest and directly over her left boob. Sue's shoulders rolled back and forth, as the scorching mouth devoured her delicate nipple, and she wondered what had come over her. Her hips squirmed on the bed and she tried to keep her legs together, but it was a futile attempt to save dignity. Suddenly Nadine's head swooped downward and the young woman's tongue left a wet trail of seduction across her burning flesh.

Susan's eyes opened wide and she plainly noticed Nadine's tongue each time it lashed out to rake the length of her pussy-slit. The caresses were shear magic and every time the young woman licked her clitoris, Sue felt daunting tremors shot through her loins. Then Nadine put the tiny clit between her teeth and Sue held her breath, in anticipation of something she knew was irresistible. She stared at her crotch and watched Nadine nibble on her elastic bud.

There was a hand on each of her thighs and the young woman spread them as wide as possible. Suddenly her clitty disappeared and Sue felt Nadine swirling the clit around vigorously inside her volcanic mouth. She prayed for strength and everything was going good until she felt something touch her ass. Susan flinched when Nadine's finger grazed her precious asshole and then a million stars filled her head. The finger goosed her and went to the hilt in one swift thrust.

Susan teetered on the brink and she thought an orgasm was inevitable, but she was wrong. Her eyes were glassy and it was hard to focus on what was happening. Through the haze, Sue noticed Nadine moving, as the young woman stopped molesting her. Her breathing was extremely ragged and Sue watched in horror when Kenny handed his girlfriend a tray, which was full of assorted items.

"Let's make our little girl more desirable," Nadine whispered, as she lifted a razor off of the tray. "I'm going to shave all of that dirty hair and send my slave home looking sexier than ever."

Susan came to her senses, but it was too late. She sat up just as Kenny pinned her arms behind her back. "Sit still and watch. Your mistress is going to shave your slut-pussy," Kenny said. "Nadine likes her bitches pretty and bald... then she eats them out and makes them cum like sluts."

Although Susan pondered the possibility of shaving, she never imagined it happening because the thought was too preposterous. Suddenly her legs were splayed and the young woman sat between them so it was impossible to protect herself. The razor was sharp and Nadine was a professional. In a matter of minutes, Sue was completely shaven and her pelvis and crotch was a brilliant rosy color.

When Nadine tossed the razor aside after finishing the illustrious task, she dove at the hairless delights. She put her fingers on the labia and spread them wide, as she devoured the exposed clitoris. Nadine wanted the session to be the fastest and crudest of all time. She held the clit firmly with her teeth and tried to swallow the entire mass that was inside her mouth. The assault turned into a two fisted attack when she rammed one finger into the fiery pussy and one into the tightly puckered asshole.

Susan screamed and her ass came off the bed, as her whole body went rigid. She never experienced a royal cunnilingus and a dual fingerfucking at the same time. The orgasm was explosive and a river of cum flowed from her inner reservoir to fill the hungry mouth, as the powerful Nadine ravaged her pussy and ass. What made the climax even more demoralizing was Kenny holding her arms and yelling into her ear. "Cum slut... keep cumming like a slut, as Nadine fucks your horny cunt," he said. "Then our dear slut is going to get fucked... doggie fucked."

The earth-rattling orgasm consumed her emotions and she was totally spent when the final spasms rocked her body. Susan realized what her mistress demanded and it took all of her resolve to reciprocate. Both Kenny and Nadine rolled and shifted her body until she was on her knees and crouched between the young woman's spread legs. Susan stared at Nadine's shaved crotch, but she didn't have time to wonder if her freshly shaved pussy looked the same, as her face was shoved into the inferno.

Although the thought of performing cunnilingus right in front of Kenny was frightening, Susan complied with the daunting request. Nadine's body was alive and responded immediately to every caress and embrace. When Sue lashed her tongue through the soaked slit, the young woman's hips bounced up and down trying to prolong each lick. A flood of womanly juices leaked from the honey-hole and Sue eagerly tried to suck them all up with an uncommon thirst.

Nadine was more than ready for an orgasm, as the prior sexual encounters robbed her enduring stamina. She welcomed Sue's hot mouth and wished the woman would remain between her legs forever. Susan sort of dropped to her tummy, as she paid homage to her mistress, but Kenny grabbed her around the waist. He yanked Sue into the perfect doggie position and nudged her knees apart. The position enabled Sue to retain a good balance on her knees but left her extremely exposed. Then the young man crouched behind her bare buttocks and Sue shivered, knowing she was in the most vulnerable position.

Kenny tightened his fingers on each side of her slender waist and his firm grip caused Susan great despair, as she felt helpless. The young man poked her in the crotch. Kenny threatened to hit the target, as he stabbed her narrow crevice over and over until her heart beat out of control. When the flared head pierced her wet opening, Susan lifted her head and twisted her upper body so she could look back at Kenny. "No... no, I have to go. It's midnight... I'll be late," she pleaded.

A thousand things went through her mind, as she stared at the naked young man whose muscles were plainly visible on his arms and chest. Her mouth hung open and she was going to say more, but then Kenny rammed his hips at her. His cock sliced through her well-oiled opening and embedded inside her deepest reaches. Susan wondered if another orgasm was possible, as a few unsettling tremors erupted in her inner being.
Balanced on her hands and knees, Susan was unable to resist. A very satisfied and contented young woman grabbed her head and wanted to demonstrate who was actually in-charge. Nadine twisted Sue's head around so that the woman faced her and she glared into the teary eyes. "I know you have to go, but slut... you have to fuck Kenny one more time," she said. "Show Mistress that you are a real slave."

"Tell him to stop... no more," Sue begged.

Kenny squeezed her around the waist and rocked her back and forth, driving his cock to the hilt each time he pulled her backwards. "Oh fuck, this bitch is hot. Babe, she's the best slut."

Nadine was in her face and the young woman was more determined than ever. "One more time... slut! You're going to fuck Kenny and cum all over his cock... aren't you?" Nadine glared into Sue's eyes and the serious look on her face indicated she wasn't ding. "I love the way you cum... cum like a schoolgirl-slut every time you get fucked. One more time... then you can go home!"

It was past midnight when her body stopped trembling. Susan remained faithfully perched on her hands and knees and in the perfect doggie position, as Kenny finished emptying his balls. Each time he thrust and planted his cock to the hilt, he tightened his loins to jettison more cum into her heat chamber. Sue couldn't understand how every moral fiber inside her soul seemed to vanish at the mere thought of being Nadine's sex-slave. She never imagined having immoral sex and acting like a lust-filled slut during an entire evening.

Susan tried to recall how many times she experienced mind-boggling orgasms and the possible number made her tremble with both despair and with great admiration. She shivered and felt the young woman snuggle close to her sweat-covered torso. "Your husband will be worried... we have to send you home," Nadine said.

"Yes... gawd yes," Susan replied. Then she remembered what happened earlier when Nadine drastically changed her appearance. The thought of going home to her husband and him seeing her freshly shaved crotch made her afraid.

"Don't worry, my love. I'll contact you in the day or two... give you instructions on how to remain my faithful slave," Nadine whispered.

Nobody said anything, as Susan got dressed. It was almost like a loving departure of sisters when Nadine escorted the older woman to the door. Susan dearly wanted to tell the young woman that their relationship was over, but she didn't have enough nerve. They reached the front door and Sue turned to look at her young neighbor. Their eyes met and suddenly her stomach lurched wildly, as Sue realized there would be no going back. She didn't pull back or resist when Nadine leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

Strangely the kiss became heated and intense even though both women knew there was no time. Susan suddenly realized that there was a difference between true love and that of being under someone's control. She was in love with her husband yet she was totally willing to sacrifice faithfulness for being loyal to Nadine. There was something powerful and irresistible about the young woman and Susan realized she would do anything to make Nadine happy.

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