Joan my wife a kennel bitch 2

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

If you read the first story of Joan My Wife Kennel Bitch you will know my wife who got hooked on Zoophilia sites decided she wanted to be a dog. We answered a request on the web for a woman to become a bitch. We met a man called Paul who explained what would be involved. He was setting up a website where a woman would share a kennel with dogs and become their bitch. She agreed and asked how long would, she do it for, he said twelve months and she would receive a share of the sub**ions. She agreed and completed twelve months, then we went on a holiday.

We arrived back after a fantastic holiday and started settling back into our way of life. We spent our first day home shopping and stocking up. The next day we decided to go to see Paul and collect Benji, on the way she said I wonder if Brutus is still there, I miss my time with them all and feeding pups. I was milking her twice each day and she was producing over a pint and a quarter which we used in our coffee. Paul was pleased to see us, told us the web site was still attracting subscribers, he said he had a great deal of requests for her to be seen again and hoped she might consider it. She said she would give some thought. She went out to the kennel to see Brutus and Benji and they both got excited at seeing her, she turned to us and asked can I go in with them for a while, we both said go ahead so she took off her skirt and top and Paul let her in. She got down on all fours and put her arms around Brutus and we could see he was getting a hard on, while Benji was licking her crotch. After a while cuddling Brutus got behind her and rammed into her and shagged her hard until he shot his load and pulled out then he kissed her and let Benji have her, which lasted nearly twenty minutes until he could pull out, then the other two dogs approached her, but Paul got her out before anything could happen. He asked me can I use her before you take her, I said go ahead so he took her and cleaned her then took her to a bedroom and shagged her, then they lay there for some time talking before he shagged her again.

She got dressed and Paul fetched Benji, and we travelled home, on the way she said I was not expecting that. When we got home Benji could not wait to have her again after which she went and lay with him, she said I missed this. On our first weekend home two of my mates, Jim and Dave called so we ordered a takeaway, after which we sat talking and drinking. She asked would they like coffees using her milk and they said please. She got up and went to the kitchen Jim’s eyes followed her and he said what a lovely arse. After they finished, she sat between them and unzipped their fly’s, when they were ready, they both shagged her, then asked to see her with Benji. Two weeks later Paul called and told us he had numerous requests to see her in the kennel again, we discussed it and she said she would love to go back if I agreed, I told her I had no objections, and she would be making money for our retirement. Paul said there would be some changes as subscribers wanted to see more of her flesh, so instead of her head shoulders and thighs being cover she would only have a flesh coloured, covering between her tits and lower back to stop her getting scratched and she would look naked, also she would have to have a short hair style. Like last time she would have two pups to feed for the duration, and she could decide after six months if she wanted to carry on.

The next week she went and had anew short hairstyle and on Sunday, I took her the kennels with Benji. Paul was waiting and told her to undress so she gave me her skirt and top to take home, he said I need to use you before I put you in with the dogs, so he took her upstairs to the bed and shagged her. When they came back, he put an elasticated flesh coloured corset like garment on her that zipped up the front, mittens on her hands and soft boots on her feet. Then she hugged and kissed me, then he took her to the kennel. I watched on the screen as he put her in and she did look naked, Brutus came and put his arms around her and kissed her, then they both went and lay on the mattress. I drove home and had my tea and then watched the web site, I saw her been fed then watched her being shagged by the two Doberman’s then Benji, after which she went for a drink of water and a pee. Then she went back and lay on her side with Brutus spooned into her. The site looked so different from the last time with her appearing naked. For the next two days one of the lads would milk her twice a day. Then Kirk arrived with two Dalmatian pups and milked her nipples and rubbed the milk around her tits, the pups soon latched on and accepted her as their mother. The way they were exercised had also changed, instead of walking upright they had to stay on all fours. Unlike before, the lad who walked them had permission to use one or both as they wished, usually she was shagged twice before being put back in the kennel.

I visited twice a week and take them for a walk around the field without the knee pads and chat to them, she told me Paul and Kirk started using her a couple of times a week. I usually shagged her before putting her back in the kennel, Paul told me he was going to put a small screen in to break the monotony and she might stay longer, he said it would not have sound, so would not distract the dogs, it would show only movies with subtitles on a small screen. After eight weeks the pups had been weaned, so Kirk replaced them with two Labradors. Three months on and Paul got a phone call from a subscriber, asking if it would be possible to hire her and Brutus for an event. Paul asked if he could call to the kennels to discuss what he had in mind. The bloke called Bob said no problem, so they arranged to meet on the weekend. Paul phoned me and said he would like me in on the meeting. We met Bob who was about sixty, he told us he belonged to a mature swinger’s group usually about twenty couples who met once each month, and at their meetings they often watched our website and got the idea of having them attend to service them, they said they would be willing to pay fifty pounds per couple for six hours. We agreed and asked how they wanted them, and he said just as they are now straight out of the kennel and the next meeting was in two weeks.

Two weeks later Bob phoned and asked if they could pick them up at five on Saturday, Paul said no problem. Paul told Cassie and Brutus what was going to happen and on Saturday two blokes arrived with a van. The pups were feeding when they arrived so Paul told them they would have to wait so he gave them a drink and watched the screen until the pups were finished. Paul then took them out to the kennel and called Cassie and Brutus and put their leads on and handed them over to the men who led them over to the van, they opened the back doors and lifted Brutus up and put him in then Cassie Paul notice they had a good feel of Cassie as they put her in. The journey was about forty minutes. They arrived at a big country house and they got them out and led on all, fours to a large room where there was a group of men and women who looked in their fifties or sixties most of them were undressed and drinking. Bob said friends this is Brutus and Cassie who are here for your use as you wish, if they smell like dogs that as you have seen on the webs site is what they are, and there is a large litter tray and water bowls in the hall for their use. Brutus and Cassie lay on the floor and were checked out by several of the group, one woman took Brutus’s cock in her hand’s and said I have always fancied a black man, while some of the men got Cassie on all fours and felt her arse and fingered her cunt and arsehole.

Bob then their leads off and said they are all yours, one of the women got up and took cassie by her collar and led her over to the couch, she sat down and opened her legs, and pushed Cassie’s face into her crotch, it was a first time for Cassie with a woman, but she knew what was expected. As she was eating the woman, she felt hands on her arse then a cock ploughed into to pushing her hard into the crotch, soon the woman climaxed and pushed her away as the man shot his load into her and pulled out only to be replace by another. Bob announced that they would draw lots for a shag by Brutus, because he would be limited as to how many he could shag, so he would be limited to four, but his mouth and arsehole was available to anyone. Cassie was shagged by ten in two hours, then there was a break for snacks. Bob put their leads back on and took them out to the hall and left them there for an hour until they were ready for them again, they both used the litter tray, Cassie had cum running down her thighs, and tried rubbing her arse on the floor to get rid of some. When they were ready Bob came and tool them back in and they were fed some leftovers like dogs, then they started using them again. Brutus shagged four women during the night and satisfied six others with his tongue. Cassie was shagged four more times in her cunt and six in her arse and could feel her bowels full of cum.

At twelve the men who fetched them led them out to the van and lifted them in, there was no attempt to wipe them clean and Cassie lay in a pool of cum. Back at the kennels Paul was waiting and put them back in and the dogs and pups were waiting, they went and lay down and Benji cleaned Cassie before she went to sleep. Bob phoned the next day and said what a great night and there was a request for them to be hired again. Six months later after weaning her third pair of pups Paul decided she should have a break, so I fetched them home and we spent a month relaxing and dining out before taking them back. Paul told us we had one hundred and eighty pounds in her bank account and building all the time. He asked was she ready for another six months, she said yes will Brutus be with me, Paul said yes, he was doing another six months. Four months later Paul told me he was contacted by a Romanian subscriber who was fascinated by her endurance as a fulltime bitch. He said he was a club owner and put on shows of women with dogs in cages, this was not illegal in Romania. The women worked as prostitutes and worked with dogs for extra money. He said the fact that Cassie was used to rear pups was interesting because he had in mind to have some Artic Wolves as pets and guard dogs. He tried once but found them hard to handle, and when he saw Cassie, he thought that if they were reared by a human, they would adapt easier, also he wanted to make a DVD about a dog bitch. Paul said I will have to discuss it with her husband and get back to you.

We discussed it and asked Joan (Cassie) what she thought about it and she said if the money, was right and she would not come to any harm, she would do it. Paul contacted Mihai and asked how much he was willing to pay. Mihai said eight hundred a week for twelve months plus a percentage of the sub
*ions, also we would have free sub****ions to his web site so we could watch her at any time. We agreed and three months later Mihai phone and said she would be picked up next week and transported as livestock by private Jet, she would be taken from the kennels and crated like an animal. All this would be recorded as part of the DVD. On the day three men arrived in a van and Paul got her out, we said our goodbyes and handed her over. They said leave her as she is with the knee pads, then one of the men who said he was Mihai’s vet examined her and cleaned her out then told her to have a piss, when she finished, he inserted a catheter into her bladder and attached a bag to her thigh. Paul said she should be milked and went in the house and fetched the pump, he told the vet she would have to be milked twice each day, if she had no pups on her. One of the other men recorded every moment from her being taken out of the kennel. When they were ready, they got a packing crate out of the van that had air holes in the sides. They lifted her up and put her in on her side and put a tube into her mouth, that was attached to a water container on the side of the crate. Then they put the top on and screwed it down and loaded it in the van for the journey which would take about six hours.

The next day I checked the web and saw her in a cage with two Dobermans in what looked like an inside arcade with two other cages, one with a Huskey and an Alsatian and the other with two Rottweilers. She was lay on her side asleep with a dog behind her with his head on her thigh. I watched the site daily as she was fed with the dogs who shagged at least twice a day, they usually took advantage when she was eating or drinking. During the day there was constant visits from men and women taking photos, at night it was lights out at eleven. They were fed and watered twice a day and taken for a walk around a field where they could have a shit, there was a large tray of sand in the cage for them to piss in. Cassies knee pads were removed for a couple of hours each day and she was walked around the yard. Two days after her arrival the vet fetched two wolf cub and milked her to get a flow then put the cubs on her. After three months I decided I would have a few days off and go and see her. I phoned Mihai and asked would it be OK to visit, no problem and he would provide accommodation, so I booked a flight. She was surprised to see me, and Mihai said she was with her second pair of cubs, but I could take her out as I wished. I took her out three times each day, and asked if wanted to carry on, or come home, she said no think of the money. She said she well looked after, and the vet checked her every morning. Mihai and the vet used her when they felt like it.

Mihai’s son who was sixteen had now fallen for her and spent a couple of hours each day with her, usually shagging her at least twice, he usually used her arsehole or her mouth, and asked his dad if he could keep her when she finished with the cubs. His dad said no he had agreed to return her. She reared six pairs of cubs during her stay. Then she was crated and flown back to Paul, where as part of the DVD she was put back in the kennel where Brutus took her in his arms and Benji cuddled up to her. We left her with Brutus for the night and watched as they shagged. The next day I got a coat and went to collect her and Benji, she said goodbye to Colm [Brutus] and Paul got her out of the kennel and took her knee pads off and removed the waist band then took her to the bathroom where he washed her then took her to the bedroom and shagged her in the arse. I took her home and it felt great to have her back. On Sunday she put a skirt and top on and we went for a meal, I asked if she had finished being a kennel bitch and she said for now, let us enjoy the money. As she preferred to be nude as much as possible, we decided to book a month, long holiday at a nudist beach in Croatia.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000