Animal Behaviour Part Two

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August 24/2017 00:46 Hrs Bush Country, Kruger National Park

The hyenas are creeping closer. The sound of the motor even closer. From the bush more glowing eyes can be seen. Fervently praying to the gods above that the sound of the motor was the guys looking for me, more prayers that they find me before the hyenas jaws. A rustling from the bushes on my right, more glowing eyes, these were wider apart, then a throaty roar splits the air
My chances of getting out of this alive just plunged!


August 24/2017 00:05 Hrs Bush Country, Kruger National Park

Still no word from Candi. I thump the radio table in frustration. "Dammit Pieter, I was a flipping idiot letting her go off alone." Then the sound of vehicle engines alert my eyes towards the lodge's entrance gate.

"Goddamn they’re finally back!" Three Range Rovers drive up and park, before they can disembark I rush out “Guys! Hate to do this but Candi tore out of here to retrieve that drone she was using to track that rhino family!”

“So who went with her Pieter?” one asks. The expression on my face must have told the story. “No way! She didn’t go alone did the dom blonde!” knowing Pieter was soft on Candi , “Meer skoonheid as brein!” He jumps back in the Rover and restarts the engine. “What way did she go?”

“That I can’t tell you!” Yelling back, commandeering one of the Rovers. “All I know she went off towards the Mozambique border.” Backing up, I grab the two way radio. “We go to the river then branch out from there.” Exiting the gate, I swung the Rover hard right onto the South East track, throwing up a cloud of dust as I stepped fully on the accelerator.


Aug 23/2017 20:45 Hrs Bush Country, Kruger National Park

A flash of light from a cell phone greets my adjusted eyes, blinding me once more.

“Fuck, wait till I send this pic back to Hans in Chipise!” Oscar comments.

The leader, in front of me presses the blade a little harder sliding it up under my jutting nipple. “Where and how many fucking ranger brethren are coming after us?”

“P-p-p-pleas-e-e-e, no one else is coming-g-g-g!” Shaking as the blade indents the flesh of my nipple, a grimace on my face.

“Why don’t I believe you?” Their leader turning to the gap toothed Oscar “Go to her vehicle and get the radio.

“What good is it to us?”

“Moron, we can listen in on the rangers radio chat, tell if they are getting close." Hullette’s free hand slaps Oscar upside his head. “Now go and do what you been told." Then calling out to MacLean, “And you go with him!”

When both are out of sight, Hullette takes the blade away and pocket's it. “MacLean is right about one thing," his left hand returns to grip my nipple between thumb and first finger, rubbing it, “these were made to be sucked” His right hand slides under the waistline of MY safari shorts. “Wonder if down here is equally as impressive?”

Before he can find out Oscar and MacLean return with the two-way squawking, “... river and we go from there!” Hullette snakes his hand out of MY pants and lets go of MY nipple.

“So lying were you?” He raised his hand to shoulder height then swung it sideways hard across my left cheek. My head explodes in a blur of pain and snaps to the right. Tears well in my eyes as my head returns to the upright position.

“So we have a little over an hour before we can expect some of her fucking fellow rangers.”


“Oscar untie her left side and spin her around,” turning his head to MacLean “you go get that crop from the jeep.” Hullette glaring at Candi “And you don’t get any ideas.” pressing the tip of his boot into her midsection

Oscar smiles like a junkie that last hit just started working, His left hand caressing the flesh of Candi’s thigh, travelling down her leg to the rope around her ankle “ohh so smooth. Like silk!” Removing the rope from the pickup’s axle, wrapping it around his right hand, Candi to lift her leg as he unties her right wrist from the pickup.

Hullette removes his boot, Oscar forces the still tied Candi to turn over before tying her tight to the tailgate once more. Her mid section resting against the cold steel of the tailgate sending shivers through her flesh. When she’s secured Hullette steps back in taking his knife out once more,stabbing the sleeve of Candi’s jacket tearing from wrist to shoulder then down the other side from shoulder to wrist. With the jacket in pieces Hullette pulls it off Candi then reaches for her track pants, pulling then down to her spread ankle. Sliding the blade into the crotch of the briefs style panties she was wearing cutting them apart, leaving then dangling like a d between her legs

Hullette steps back as MacLean returns with the riding crop in his hands. “Look not even a thong but granny panties!” Candi’s face blushing at their discovery then grimaces in pain as the crop is whipped across the fabric covered left ass cheek., raising a reddening welt

“How many fucking rangers are coming?

“I don’t know, I swear!” another hard belt with the riding crop


Aug 24/2017 20:56 Hrs Olifants River bank

The three Range Rovers comes to a stop at the bank of the Olifant River. Pieter gets out, directing one Rover to follow the south trail along the river, another to take the north track while he and the three with him goes over the bridge and track towards the Giriyondo Gate.

Climbing back in about to set off when the two way signal tracking signal comes to life

“About time you dom blonde,” Staring at the GPS screen “great she’s about an hour from us

“Then what are we waiting for let’s go find her fine ass and bring her back!” Pieter grins as he spins the Rover’s wheels. Taking the radio up
“Candi if you can hear this we’re on our way!


Aug 24/2017 20: 56 hrs Kruger Bush country

Oscar takes his Bushmaster knife out and cuts the waistband of the granny panties, exposing the reddening flesh of Candi’s ass. “Fuck!,” biting his fist “do we have to tan her hide, can’t we just fuck the information out of her?”

MacLean is about to chime in when the two way radio bust out “Candi if you can hear this we’re on our way”

“Fuck, Company soon Hullette!”

Hullette, crop in hand “Who was that blondie?” no reply earns Candi another strike from the crop across her upper thighs

Stifling a gasp of pain “Pieter”

Hullette grabs a handful of her hair “Listen to me and listen good I’m gonna let you call back,” Pulling her head back to meet his “You better convince him that you’re alright and that he should turn around and go back!” The riding crop coming to rest across her throat “Understand blondie?”

“MacLean hold the two way to her face!” Speaking to Oscar Put your knife to her tit, gut her if she reveals anything about us!” One more pull on her hair “Make it believable!” tapping her throat with the crop

“Pieter do you copy?” waiting for a response before continuing “If you can hear me, I’m about a kilometer from the Mopani Rest Camp with a flat tire!”

Static then, “Candi! I copy will be there in a flash!” A smile coming to the three guys faces.

“Very good blondie,” winking to Oscar and MacLean “you’ve earned us more time with you!” Taking the crop away, dropping his hand to her ass cupping her left cheek “Say Oscar why don’t you see if her lips can please you!” His finger moving into the crack of her ass, making her flinch at the intrusion.

Oscar jumps up into the bed of the truck, hand dropping to the front of his pants, unzipping the crotch and taking out his cock. “Alright blondie what’s your name?”


“Little Candy,” a smile on his face as he draws closer to her “why don’t you open wide and prove how sweet you are?”

She resists his attempts to enter her mouth until something fleshy is pressed hard against her tightest sphincter, slowly penetrating it making her cry out in pain. Oscar grabs the side of Candi’s head and shoves his cock into her parted jaws “Oh yeah Candy, suck it good babe!”

Hullette turns to MacLean, “Go to a spot you can see the trail and keep watch out for the rangers!”

“But! I want a chance to…

Hullette stops him fast “You’ll get it after she done sucking Oscar dry until then go watch. Hullette’s hand moving back and forth between Candi’s asscheeks, his middle finger going deeper with every movement forwards!

to be continued

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000