Naive or Tease? I didn't make her do it.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

It was 1981, I was 21 and still living in Dallas where I had grown up. Legal age in Texas back then was 18 which meant that some of the bars were loaded with stupid s looking to get drunk. The late 70’s / early 80’s was a time when pot, coke and casual sex were widely accepted by the under 30 crowd. The loose culture combined with a legal age of 18 meant that many a night would provide a highly opportunistic atmosphere for a virile young man like myself to explore hedonistic pleasures. Keep in mind, this was before AIDs came on the scene. The crackdown on drunk driving hadn’t begun yet either.

There were two places I will never forget, both having provided wild times, some memories etched in my mind, others I barely remembered when I woke up the next morning. One was Flanagan’s where every Thursday night was 25 cent drink night. The crowd tended to be young and mostly made up of people from my high school and a few surrounding high schools it the N. Dallas area. At 18 and 19 I hooked up with a handful of girls I knew from school there. Several times they drunkenly confessed having had a crush on me in school. In school I was to stupid and naïve to notice but with a few years of post-graduation experience under my belt I knew very well how to both notice, and take advantage of the opportunity.

Then there was the Beggar’s Club. A mixed crowd of revelers between 18 and 35 from all parts of town out to enjoy the $20 all you can drink Saturday nights. Just as often as not it wasn’t just wild, it was over the top!

One Saturday night I arrived at the Beggar’s Club relatively late. All my buddies were unavailable so I was the lone wolf. I headed directly to one of the back bars knowing the line would be shorter and got started on getting my $20 worth. I made quick work of my first drink as I made my initial loop through the crowd and was soon ready for my second. I shimmied up to the closest bar and ordered my second drink. Just as the bartender handed it to me up step two cute girls. One blonde, one brunette, both with shoulder length hair and neither a day over 19, if that. The blonde was attractive but the brunette had a girl next door prettiness that to me was far more beautiful than any “foxy” looking babe. She turned my way and smiled causing me to instinctively smile back. How could I not. I said, “Hi, you look happy tonight!” With an even bigger smile she said, “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” Before I could answer she leans in resting her cheek against mine and whispers in my ear “you wanna smoke a joint?” OK, even nice girl next door types got high back then so I was neither shocked or disappointed. “I’d love to, shall we smoke one of yours or one of mine?” I asked. She told me we can figure it out outside, grabbed my hand and off to the parking lot we went.

Once outside I walked her to my car, opened it and leaned in and grabbed a joint. “Even though you invited me I’ll be a gentleman and provide the entertainment.” I lit it and passed it to her. As we get a buzz on we talk, smile and flirt. I find out her name is Tammy, she just turned 19 a few weeks ago and lives in Little Rock. Her and her friend Becky came to Dallas for a fun late birthday celebration. As we finished the joint she tells me a guy Becky had been talking to asked if they wanted to go to a party. He seemed nice but they weren’t sure about going. “Want to come with us? I’d feel safe if you came along.” I told her I was honored by the compliment and would gladly be her escort ending with “I’d follow you anywhere.” That got me a huge smile, a big hug and a really nice, wet French kiss.

We headed inside and found Becky still talking with Paul, the guy that had extended the invite. They were pleased to hear I had agreed to be Tammy’s escort and we could all check out the party. I pulled Paul aside and in a friendly but somewhat intimidating way stepped into his space and said, “Dude, I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but, keep in mind that I’m not some naive girl from Arkansas when I ask you this….. this isn’t some bogus shit, right? There really is a party and it’s cool for all of us, especially the girls?” Without hesitating he looked me squarely in the eye and calmly told me “I can appreciate why you ask. It’s for real man. Some people I know are having a keg party. There will probably be more than 50 people and all are welcome. We can have fun and see where things go with the girls.” Instantly my gut told me this guy was ok. I put my hand on his shoulder, thanked him, turned to the girls and said, “Let’s go ladies!”

Tammy rode with me, Becky took her car, Paul took his and we followed him. As we pulled out Tammy snuggled up close to me leaning her head into my shoulder. She cuddled this way for most of the ride. After about 15 minutes we pulled into a neighborhood and after a few turns pulled onto a street that was full of cars. Yup, the party was real. As we passed by it was obvious which was the party house, the outside lights were on, the door was open and a few people were mingling out from. We all found a place to park and met up in front of the house.

Paul led us in, we quickly found the keg and got each of us a beer. There were plenty of people in the house but the atmosphere was pretty subdued. The music was low and people were hanging around mostly in small groups talking. There just wasn’t much of a vibe for a Keg Party. Tammy and I peeled off and found an empty loveseat in one of the rooms. We sipped our beers, chatted about nothing consequential, flirted and on Tammy’s initiative started making out a little. Just as we were finishing a deep kiss Becky walks up and tells us she thinks it’s time to leave. At first we thought something was wrong but she assured us it had been a long day, the party was lame, Paul was lame and she just wanted to get to bed. Tammy gave me a disappointed look but neither of us gave Becky a hard time about it.

As we got outside Tammy told Becky she was going to ride with me and we would follow her. About 10 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of their motel. I walked them up to their room and as Becky went in Tammy pulled me aside, pushed me against the wall and laid a deep, wet kiss on me. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her as she continued to kiss me deeply. Releasing me she steps back telling me “I still want to hang out.” I asked “Here? With Becky going to bed?” She told me no, that wouldn’t be cool but we can find someplace nearby. I was more than good with the idea because based on the way she attacked me at the door it looked like I was going to get laid.

I followed her into the room and she told Becky we were going to go hang out for a while. Becky pulled her aside and I could hear her ask Tammy “You sure you’ll be ok?” Tammy nodded telling her she’d be fine, grabbed my arm and led me out the door.

As I pulled out of the parking lot I asked her if she wanted to pick up something to drink. “Nope, I’m buzzed enough” she said with a laugh. She scooted close and cuddled into me, sensually rubbing my chest as I drove. A few miles away I pulled into a quiet residential area. We were in an older part of town and the street was lined with large, mature trees. Unless you were very close to a street lamp it was quite dark. There were a good number of cars parked along the street. At this late hour they likely belonged to people that were in for the night. I found a dark space between 2 cars, parked and ed the lights. Although not secluded it was a perfect make out spot.

In an instant Tammy leaned into me, told me how glad she was to meet me tonight and laid into me with a deep, sensual kiss. I caressed her wonderfully soft lips with my own and soon we were engaged in a hot, heavy make out session. We enjoyed exploring each other’s mouths for quite some time. I was loving it, preferring to savor the moment rather than lustfully rush past it. I eventually lowered my lips kissing, licking and gently sucking on her neck. In no time she was breathing heavier, pushing her chest into mine and moaning into my ear. When I moved my lips back to hers she pulled me in kissing me even deeper than she had before. Eventually I moved my hand to her breast and started to gently massage it over her dress. She quickly pushed my hand away telling me “I’m not that kind of girl.”

Even though my mind was totally racked with confusion I somehow managed to respond with “Oh, wow, sorry, I must have misread something.” The events of the evening leading up to this point were whirling through my mind. Almost instantly inviting me to get high. Although being from out of town and hence no chance of anything beyond tonight she wanted me to escort her to a party. The snuggling, cuddling and constant affection. The hot and heavy making out. Based on my past experiences, to me, this meant I was going to get laid. That was the case with every girl that had acted this way with me before. I did a sanity check…. Did I misread something? Nope, this girl had sent nothing but signals indicating she wanted to get laid.

She leaned in to continue kissing me but I backed away. She asked if everything was ok. I laughed, which seemed to surprise her, and told her “I don’t think we should continue making out like that. The last thing I want to do is get hot and excited again.” With a sad look she tells me “I really like you. I was hoping that we would have more than just a one-night stand.” “Tammy, you live over 300 miles away, what did you think would come of this?” Still sad she tells me “I don’t know but I was hoping something would.” I leaned closer to her and said, “All you did tonight was send me signals that you wanted exactly what I thought you wanted. You are either extremely naive and immature, or, you are a total prick tease.”

Insulted, disappointed and upset she adamantly tells me “I liked you and thought we were having fun. I hoped we might see each other again. For that you call me immature, naive or a fucking tease? You’re a total asshole!” Up until now, although disappointed, I had been nice. Honest and blunt perhaps, but nice. Now, I was a bit pissed off. “Fuck you little girl! You were all over me from the start acting horny and hot to trot all night, kissing and rubbing on me while I drove and making out like a bitch in heat. Excuse me for being blunt and telling you how it came across. Sorry, but whether you want to accept it or not, like I said, you’re either immature and naive, or, a Fucking Prick Tease!”

Almost losing it, but fortunately not quite yelling which would stir the neighborhood, she spits out “You fucking asshole! Take me home!” I couldn’t help but laugh and tell her “ya know, I don’t have to take your shit, you can fucking walk.” Shocked but not really taking me seriously she tells me “you can’t make me walk, take me back.” “Oh? Yes I can make you walk, get the fuck out of my car!” A look of panic came over her face. Realizing she was in a strange town and had no idea where she was with the possibility of walking alone in the middle of the night, in heels no less. She changed her tone and pleaded “Please nooooo, please don’t make me walk.”

Suddenly, an evil, dark thought entered my mind. I’d never before had such thoughts, and was a bit surprised with myself, but found myself enjoying having this naïve little bitch at my mercy. “Oh, now it’s Please? You want the asshole to please take you home?” In full panic mode and a tremble in her voice she pleads “Please! Don’t make me walk. I’ll give you money.” I laugh and tell her “I don’t want your money, get out!” Barely holding back tears she whimpers “Please don’t make me walk!”

“I’ll tell you what, since you say I’m such a fucking asshole I’m going to act like one. You have two choices, get the fuck out of the car and walk, or, suck my cock and I’ll take you back. Your choice.” Hearing that takes her from panic to full freak out mode. She starts to tremble telling me “I’m not that kind of girl. Please don’t make me do that, please take me home.” I take hold of her hand and explain “I’m not making you, you have a choice.” I pull her hand to my crotch holding it so she can feel my now rock hard bulging cock. “Either suck my cock or get out, I won’t stop you, your choice.” She starts to cry, “Nooooo Please! Don’t make me do that!” I push my seat back, unzip my pants, pull my cock from my pants and repeat, “I’m not making you, I won’t stop you from getting out of the car. Your choice, either get out or start sucking.” Frozen, she just gives me a Deer in the headlights sort of look and shakes her head no. I tell her “OK, get out” and reach across her for the door handle. As I’m about to open it she cries out “please, nooooo” and pushes my hand off the handle.

I take her hand and place it on my cock. “I will open that door and push you out in 5 seconds.” Tears streaming down her cheeks she whimpers “I’ve never done this before.” I respond with “5, 4, 3, 2….” She leans in and takes the head of my cock into her mouth and begins to lick it. I know what I’m doing is wrong, but regardless, it has me extremely turned on making my cock harder than I’ve ever experienced before. After licking the head for a minute or two she starts taking me deeper into her mouth. I’m in heaven as her soft lips and warm, wet mouth engulf about half of my 7” cock.

She starts to move her mouth up and down my shaft in a nice slow rhythm and I can’t help but think this girl is a natural. Putting my hand on the back of her head I guide her mouth to accept more and more of my cock on each downward stroke. When she gets about 5” into her mouth I feel the tip of my cock hit the entrance to her throat causing her to gag a little and back off. She settles back into a rhythm taking as much of my cock as she can just short of the point of gagging. Matching her rhythm I start to move my hips fucking her face. Getting even more turned on I quicken my pace fucking her mouth faster and harder. With both hands on the back of her head I simultaneously push down and thrust up my cock fully into her mouth causing her to gag. After holding her head in place for a moment I release. She comes up gasping for air, crying with tears flowing down her cheeks.

I tell her “You’re doing sooooo good!” and push my cock back into her mouth. Moving my hand to her ass I start to rub her. When I move my hand under her dress she starts to sob harder but doesn’t miss a beat. I reach into her panties placing my palm over her bush and slide my finger up and down her slit. She lets out a whine and holding about half of my cock in her mouth, begins to sob heavily as my finger explores the entrance to her pussy. Her pussy is dry as a bone, clearly, she is not enjoying any of this. I move my finger to her clit and begin to rub in a gentle, circular motion. Placing my other hand on her head I prompt her to resume her rhythm. As she does I again start to meet match her rhythm and fuck her face.

Despite her crying the motion of my fingers eventually causes her body to react and I feel a slight wetness. Rubbing my finger up and down her slit from her clit to the entrance of her honey hole gets her wetter and wetter. With my cock ramming in and out of her mouth I slide my finger into her pussy causing her ass to jump and her body to shudder as she sobs. I push my finger fully into her and start to fuck her tight pussy with it while I continue fucking her face. I’m lost deep in an intense sexual frenzy like I’ve never experienced before. Sensing my building intensity she lifts her head, looks up at me and pleadingly says, “please don’t cum in my mouth.” Although silent, my response is clear as I push her head back onto my cock.

Understanding her fate, she continues to both sob heavily, and, match the rhythm of my cock fucking her face. I can’t resist pushing her down hard and thrusting my cock fully into her throat several strokes in a row causing her to gag and cry resulting in my intensity building back to a state of frenzy. I back off from her throat but continue fucking her face fast and hard. Soon I feel my seed building deep within my balls. I’d never felt such a sexual intensity before. With my cock harder and more sensitive than ever before I hold her head down on my cock and explode in the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. My huge load of cum pours into her mouth. As it does she lets out a muffled scream and I feel her shudder from her heavy sobs, but, she doesn’t resist and takes every drop my cock pours into her mouth swallowing it all as spurt after spurt is released from my loin.

Finally, the explosions subside and after holding her on my cock, savoring the incredible orgasm I just experienced, I remove my hand from her head. Lifting her head from my cock, still crying, tears streaming down her mascara and make up stained face, and drool and cum on her lips she asks, “Why did you make me do this?” I lean in, look her in the eyes and tell her “It was your choice! Your choice to be a naive little tease. Your choice not to get out and walk.” She gets a pathetic broken look in her eyes and breaks down and balls. I can’t help but smile and tell her “I thoroughly enjoyed your choice though” causing her to angrily respond “Fucking asshole! Take me home!”

Placing my hand firmly under her jaw, with a stern evil look in my eye, I tell her “Keep that up and we can start all over! And if we do your choice will be to get out and walk, or, get fucked in your tight little pussy!”

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000