To Save Mankind!

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3488 A.D.

Mankind had finally managed to get the most pressing issues under control. Earth's ecosystem wasn't collapsing after all and mother nature had gained some ground again. Free from the immediate need to ensure Earth's survival, human race shifted its focus to exploring the stars and conquer new worlds. Orbit City, the first human settlement on Mars, boomed and prospered in this phase of relative calm and quickly established itself as the primary ex-terrestrial hub of humanity.

But then came the Or'Gal, an aggressive alien species from outer space. Out of nowhere, these extraterrestrial warriors descended on Earth. And everything changed. The collapse of humanity seemed only a blink away.

The Or'Gal attacked one settlement after the other, destroyed whole continents and took millions, billions of lives. Within only a few years, mankind was close to extinction. And yet the human species proved to be more resilient than the Or'Gal could ever imagine.

Humanity turned to its best features - its curiosity, intelligence and courage - in a quest to get an upper hand against this overwhelming enemy. Each and every member of the human race worked desperately to find a way out of this very existential crisis. But so far the holy grail to turn the tide has not been discovered. And time was running out.

Soon, planet Earth was no more and Orbit City became the last remaining metropolis of humanity. Its residents knew what was at stake.

Chapter 1

Like every morning, Dr. Phil Bright inspected the containers housing the few paralyzed aliens that had been captured in a stroke of luck. He had studied their structure, their psyche, their attack behavior. But mainly he had studied the most intriguing aspect of this species, their sex drive. The scientific community had long rejected the very idea that these creatures, despite their apparently iron-based metabolisms, reproduced more or less organically. But Phil had assembled enough evidence to put at least that debate to rest.

The rare recordings of their stunningly brutal attacks showed undeniable proof of just how lethal their mating behavior actually was. The Or'Gal seemed determined to mate with anything crossing their ways. And many experts in Orb City's tightly knit scientific community meanwhile claimed that the actual act, if it happened extra-species, constituted nothing else than an act of aggression, performed with the intent to subdue or even the other species.

Phil examined the massive alien body once again searching for hints of vulnerability. Thankfully there was some evidence that these monsters actually had a weak spot. He restarted the single, most detailed recording of a combat operation that a human soldier survived. Sergeant Mira Won, barely 18 years of age had delivered a baby shortly before she got deployed. Had these unusual circumstances anything to do with her unexpected survival? He switched to slow motion.

The images were graphic and positively horrifying. Phil would never get used to it. For the umpteenth time he saw the platoon getting slaughtered during the first wave of the attack. Their weapons had no visible effect on the enemy, not a single shot nor grenade stopped even one of the aliens. Nothing seemed to have any impact. Those monsters had hit the soldiers like a freaking tsunami, wiping out the entire platoon without a single loss on their side.

Soldiers, irrespective of their sex got plucked one by one, picked up, either by their arms, hips or chest, just to be penetrated by this gigantic, alien penis that pierced through the soft, human flesh. The Or'Gal ripped through those feeble human bodies like they were made of paper, often crashing into the soldiers' lower abdomen several times, leaving them in tatters on the battlefield with terrible injuries and dying a miserable death. Only Sergeant Won was different. Something highly unusual ​​happened when she got attacked.

The aliens assaulted Won just like any other soldier that they slaughtered. The enemy grabbed her by her breasts and hoisted her up in the air. The Sergeant's battlesuit tore as soon as she left the ground, her massive breasts spilling from their confines. Then the monster pointed its gigantic sex organ between her spread legs, surged forward once, twice and… ran. For some reason Mira Won got spared. No other Or'Gal assaulted her again and miraculously she could escape unblemished.

To Phil's dismay the brave soldier died a few months later during a combat mission, and inexplicably nobody had studied the exact circumstances of her stunning feat prior to his work. He watched the sequence again and again. Why the hell did Won survive the attack? The whole thing didn't make any sense! But then, all of a sudden, intuition struck.

What if it was the milk that Won's body produced at the time of the attack? That would certainly not explain how she survived this nightmare fuck, but it could explain why the alien suddenly ran away. Milk. But what were the odds? On the other hand, if there was even the slimmest chance to explain this peculiar attack-gone-wrong, he had to follow up on it.

Phil immediately started some tests. He got hold of some packs of milk and poured some on one of the alien samples. No reaction. Was it just a stupid idea? No, he couldn't give up so easily. Perhaps only human milk had this effect? But how could he get hold of some? Time to talk with his superiors.

Typically Phil had to wait for days, weeks even to get an appointment with General Grand, but today was his lucky day. To his utter surprise he got scheduled for a meeting with her within only a few hours.

General Grand was widely known for her direct, often brash way of working and many of his fellow colleagues struggled to interact with her. Phil had his clashes with the General in the past, but he got along with her reasonably well. Wondering how Grand would react, he grabbed his pile of documents plus the video and headed out for his meeting.

"Good afternoon, Doctor. You wanted to talk? I hope you have some good news? I really could use a bit of good news!"

"Well, at least a glimmer of hope. I wanted to present you my latest theory and ask for advice on how to proceed."

"Well, then let's get started. I don't have all day! Get going!"

"Of course. Please have a look at this rather graphic video sequence. The recording shows a soldier, perhaps the only soldier who ever survived a direct attack of an Or'Gal. This soldier left the battlefield virtually unscathed. And I can't stop wondering why."


"Well, this particular soldier, Sergeant Mira Won, had given birth just a few days prior to this battle. Now, look closely, see what happens when that alien hoists her up by her breasts? See how that monster suddenly freezes and then lets off of her? It's practically fleeing from a feeble human who, to our knowledge, has no means of hurting it whatsoever."

"My goodness, you are right! You said she's given birth? So she most probably was lactating, right? Could it be that…"

The General might be brash and difficult, but she was sharp as a razor.

"My thoughts exactly. I already made ​​some tests with ordinary cow's milk, but unfortunately there was no reaction by the samples. And I honestly have no idea where I can get hold of human milk to test this theory."

"That's your biggest problem? To get hold of some lactating females? Consider it solved. I'll send an appropriate team over to your lab."

"Thank you, General. That's all"

"Dr. Bright?"

"Yes Ma'am?"

"Good job! Investigate further and find us the secret weapon that we so desperately need. I expect quick results. You know, the situation is dire. The future of humanity is at stake and so far we still have no clue how to fight this devastating invasion."

"Of course."

"I'm serious, Doctor. Make good use of the squad I'll send you. These fine women will understand the importance of your work, and they are ready to do anything in their power to prove your theories. Your contribution might be essential for the survival of our species."

"Got it."

"Have you actually wondered why Sergeant Won survived this inhuman penetration?"

"I have, but I don't have a good explanation yet."

"If she just delivered a few days earlier, maybe her vaginal tract was still, I don't know, flexible? So this horrid alien tool could somehow enter her without causing fatal damage?"

"But that wouldn't explain why she had practically no injuries, would it? Her womb would have been shredded either way."

"What I wanted to say, Doctor, is: Investigate. Look at every detail. Check the soldier's vital sign records. Examine her files at the time she got penetrated. Something in there might tell you the whole story. There needs to be an explanation to her survival."

"Those records require top clearance, General. I was so far not successful in getting my hands on them."

"Huh? Really? Expect them on your desk in a few hours. Sometimes the bureaucracy is ing me. We are at war, dammit!"

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"Now get to work! And don't disappoint me!"

"On my way, Ma'am!"


The files were on his desk a few hours later. Phil immediately scorned them for some clues, searching for the precise time of the attack on the soldier when suddenly someone knocked at the door.

"Squad Milky Melons reporting for duty!"

The young Sergeant could barely hold back a giggling fit.

"Milky Melons, huh?" Phil smirked at her, "You certainly have retained a sense of humor, soldier! I assume General Grand briefed you already?"

"As a matter of fact she has. General Grand has personally put together this fine squad and handpicked every member. May I introduce you to your new team? These are soldiers Cathy Carter, Leila Lee, Tracy Turner, Holly Hale, Alice Arden and myself, Sergeant Vicky Wright. Our collective milk force is standing by and ready for action."

The soldiers pushed their massive breasts out in sync, every single one of them grinning mischievously. Phil looked at the women more closely, inspecting their extraordinarily large busts that were barely contained by their tight camouflage uniform.

"The General seIected the members of this squad based on very specific properties. We all have recently given birth and have been drafted only days later. Needless to say we are all lactating so things may get a bit messy around here."

"I had no idea the military keeps these kind of information in its databases!" mused Phil.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe what sort of information they keep about us. As a matter of fact, we are all in our early twenties, have tits bigger than cup size E, which by the way is an entirely different problem for the military, especially for the procurement department. Our boobs are of course lactating and we have just been instructed to milk ourselves on a tight schedule to keep supply up. Our monthly cycle is accurately recorded in our files as is our sorry sex life. Our men are all service members as well, currently deployed for combat operations. And our newborns are being raised under the military's oversight. We are all true army girls, Doctor."

"Good to know. Well, you do seem like a perfect fit for my studies, please come in."

Chapter 2

The squad entered the lab and the curious soldiers inspected closely what they found. Phil lead them to a large rein glass container holding one of the paralysed alien samples. He approached the dark amazon and said, "Sergeant, could you ask one of your girls to subject this sample to some human milk?"

"Certainly, Doctor. She turned around and yelled, "Soldiers! You heard the Doc! Any volunteers?"

All hands shot up.

"Hale! Off with your top, drench this monster in your boob juice!"

The blue eyed brunette sporting a light tan got moving.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Without flinching the young woman popped open her uniform and let her large, tanned breasts spill out in the open. Phil quickly opened a lid and motioned her to squirt some milk on the alien. Holly leaned over the edge, pushing her massive breast into the gap. Her hands wrapped around her soft flesh, and with some quick moves she expressed a few droplets of milk, carefully aiming at the alien skin below.

All hell broke loose. Phil kicked the lid close again, trapping Holly's dangling breasts in the container. The soldier panicked as she watched the alien specimen violently jerking about, the restraints holding it down screeching under stress. The soldier tried desperately to yank her tit out of the trap, pulling frantically at her own flesh. More and more milk was spraying down on the sample, causing the alien to thrash furiously. Finally Holly's breast popped through and the lid shut close again.

"Ouchie, that was unexpected!" howled the shaking soldier as she caressed her hurting bosom.

"Sorry, I panicked a bit I guess," the Doctor apologized, "But what a success! I think we have just discovered our secret weapon!"

"Wow, look at this thing," gasped Vicky, "Its skin is practically melting away! The milk acts like acid on his body! Unbelievable! Let's fill barrels with our milk and ship them to the front so our troops can finally beat them!"

"Hold the horses, Wright. First we need to do some more tests. But you're right, we should start stocking up on some milk. Can you you prepare a couple of containers with your produce? We'll do some further testing in a few hours. I have some work to do until then."

"Certainly, Sir. We'll fill those tanks in a heartbeat. Soldiers? Milking time!"

The squad quickly assembled some buckets in the conference room. Only moments later the now topless soldiers had their massive tits dangling over all sorts of containers and efficiently expressed milk from their bodies. The sound of fluid hitting metal filled the room, and the air soon smelled of sweet milk.

Meanwhile Phil was studying Won's vital signs once again. He was convinced that some clue was hidden in all that data and he was not planning to give up until he found something.

The Doc looked at the records closely, analyzed each value meticulously. He could see how Won's pulse had exploded during the attack, how her adrenaline level went through the roof. But even before that, her values were striking. He fed his computer with some data, ran some tests in search for a pattern.

He was searching for hours, diving deep into Won's dataset, running countless simulations on the data. But what he found just didn't make any sense. Frustrated, he launched a full analysis, annoyed that it would take at least a day until he got any results. He wandered around the lab, looking for the girls as he bumped into Vicky who had just finished stowing some containers in the fridge.

"We're done here. Our girls have been thoroughly drained."

"Good, then get your squad some coffee. Half an hour break."

A short time later, everyone was gathering around an Or'Gal sample. Phil held a small glass full of freshly expressed mother's milk and emptied it on the writhing alien body. The soldiers, all still topless, stared into the cage waiting for the monster to freak out again. But to their utmost surprise nothing happened. The Or'Gal didn't even flinch.

"What the hell?" mused Phil, "No reaction at all?"

Vicky looked at the monster with frustration and groaned, "Fuck that! Take this, alien scum!"

She leaned over the glass enclosures and gave her tender breast a healthy squeeze, expressing a few droplets of fresh milk. The white fluid rained down on the shimmering monster and as soon the tiny drops hit its skin the Or'Gal began to rage.

"Huh?" Vicky, Leila and the others turned to Phil, "Could you explain what we just witnessed, Doctor?"

"Well," Phil mused, "Quite the odd behavior, don't you agree? The only sensible explanation I can offer is that the milk must apparently be fresh in order to have an effect."

"Fresh as in freshly expressed from our breasts…" whispered Leila the geeky Asian, clutching her bouncy twins.

"Yes, fresh from the body. We'll have to run a few more tests to be sure, but it looks like pumping milk for later use in combat won't work. You could spray these monsters with water and it would have the same effect."

"Damn, there goes our secret weapon!" growled Vick, "What now, Doctor?"

"I have to think. You and your squad are free to retire for the day. And eat something, your milk production is essential. We made quite some progress but this looks like a tough nut to crack. I'm open for suggestions so feel free to chip in if you have any ideas. See you in the morning."

"Certainly Sir. Squad Hurtful Hooters, head out for some physical exercise. And think about what we just saw. Any idea could help, so don't disappoint me!"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Phil returned to his desk to check out the simulation. He whistled in surprise as he perused the results.

Based on the elevated hormone levels and other markers, the computer had come to a clear conclusion. He read the brief result again. 'Data suggests subject is experiencing severe sexual arousal for a prolonged period. Heightened pulse, engorged clitoris, Copious amounts of vaginal fluid,...' It went on and on. Phil was once again amazed what kind of data the military was storing in those files.

The time period in question was indeed rather lengthy, starting with the moment Sergeant Won stepped into the battlefield and ending only after the recording had terminated. Mira had been horny like a bitch in heat when that Or'Gal attacked her.

Was this the solution to this riddle? Was being sexually aroused the key to survive an Or'Gal attack, at least for female soldiers? He had to consult with the General, now!

"General Grand?"

"Yes, Dr. Bright, what can I do for you? And please keep it short, we have quite a situation here."

"Absolutely. Access to Won's medical records indeed proved to be invaluable. Your insistence to peruse them netted us a completely new, and rather unexpected lead."

"Very good. What did you find?"

"It's quite puzzling, really. Sergeant Won experienced massive sexual arousal during the attack."

"What? This is no matter for jokes, Doctor!"

"I'm dead serious, General. The data clearly shows that the young woman was brimming with endorphins when she entered the battlefield. And the arousal sustained until after the attack. The girl was horny like a randy teenager."

"Sexual arousal? During combat with a lethal alien lifeform? What's wrong with this woman?"

"The data is bulletproof… and as Sergeant Won unfortunately is not with us anymore..."

"I don't question your analysis, Doctor. But this revelation is, how should I put it, a bit delicate."

"So, should I follow this lead?"

"Of course, Doctor! There's no doubt about it, we have to double check every lead we get and weaponize every single bit of knowledge we gain. We just need to be a bit more secretive about our little project. From now on the code name of this study is 'Project Milk and Honey, or PMH for short. Understood?"


"If anything leaks about PMH before we can demonstrate its effectiveness we are toast, Doctor. Can you imagine the ridicule we would get?"

"I can. It would be devastating."

"Nothing about our little pet project will be disclosed to any outside parties without my explicit approval, including any senior military personnel. Have I made myself clear, Doctor Bright?"

"Absolutely, General."

"Alright. Now, if you need and supplies, equipment, anything, for god's sake don't use standard procurement procedures. Instead, contact Professor Klone and he'll acquire whatever you might need. Klone is reliable and will keep things to himself. I know something that he would prefer to keep private..."

"I will, General."

"Thanks to Sergeant Wright, Klone has already been instructed to supply you with some prototype milk rifles. You should receive them shortly."

"Thank you."


Once back, Phil allowed himself some rest. He grabbed a bottle of his favorite wine that he kept for special occasions and poured himself a glass. He thought about what happened today, about the discoveries he had made. Those soldiers with their massive breasts should prove helpful for his further research. They surely won't like what lay ahead of them, but as long as there was the slightest chance any theory needed to be verified. He nipped at his glas.

The support of the General had been unwavering so far, and there was no sign that this would change anytime soon. In this phase, determination was all that counted. The soldiers were in for some challenges for sure. Time for a quick walk.

Chapter 3

"Squad Painful Pillows reporting for duty!"

"Ah, good morning Vicky. Nice to see you're still in a good mood. Get your squad into the meeting room, there's something I need to tell you."

"Good news?"

"Well, kind of, I guess."

The soldiers hustled inside the lab, grouped around a large table and looked at him expectantly.

"The simulations I did yesterday revealed a new, promising lead. As you might now, the military is lucky to have a recording of a direct Or'Gal attack a human survived. Sergeant Mira Won somehow managed the feat that we so desperately want to replicate. And finally we might know what made Won different, what enabled her to survive the attack. However, this theory is still unproven. I talked with the General and she assured me of her support. But she also insisted on absolute secrecy for Project Milk and Honey."

"Milk and Honey, huh? Now I'm curious."

"Yeah, what exactly did you find out, Doc?"

"I, uhm, but don't freak out, alright?"

"Doc? We're here to assist you. But we need to know at least some basics to be of any help, don't you agree?"

"Absolutely. So let me put this bluntly. Sergeant Won was sexually aroused when she got attacked."

"Wait, WHAT?"

"She was dripping, the girl was in heat."

"During combat?"

"Not easy to swallow, right? But the data is conclusive, and it just might be the detail that saved her life. Let me show you something."

The girls eagerly waited for Phil to start the video.

"What you see here is the recording I mentioned, the Battle of Harl, the alien attack that Sergeant Won miraculously survived."

The soldiers on the screen, male and female alike got slaughtered once again. The girls' faces went white in horror. Phil wondered if those women actually had been engaged in Or'gal combat at all. It certainly looked like they never experienced an actual attack. He looked in their eyes and said, "This is how a common Or'Gal attack plays out. The results are obviously devastating. Now, pay attention to the soldier on the left. See that Or'Gal there? It'll jump at her any moment."

"Ugh, look at his massive weapon!" groaned Leila, leaning forward to get a better view, "Is that its dick? It's fucking huge!"

"Yes it is. But not the girth nor length are the lethal properties of those things, it's their skin. This alien penis is covered in devilish thorns, their front side sharp as a knife, their pointy ends and blunt backsides shredding any tissue when they rip it out again. You can certainly imagine the damage, irrespective of whether there happens to be a hole where this thing hits or not. I can show you a detailed model of this deadly weapon later. Now, watch how Sergeant Won gets assaulted. You can clearly see how the beast's rigid sex organ pierces through her clothing and enters her to the hilt. One time, two times,... spotting any difference?"

"Fuck me," mused Vicky, "That thing shriveled up?!"

"No, not exactly. Let me show you again. See how that horrid, armsized weapon gets smaller with each jab? If you look closely you can actually see some smoke emanating from it. No wonder this Or'Gal bolted. His cock was melting! And we suspect it's because of Sergeant Won's apparent sexual arousal. That her vaginal fluids caused this effect. Plus the attacker got sprayed by a very unpleasant substance that scorched its body, namely Mira's milk. Can you make out her bouncing breasts underneath her shredded uniform? Do you see the fine mist around her engorged nipples? We know already how the Or'Gal organism reacts to that specific fluid, right?"

"This is madness!" gasped Alice, "How on Earth did Mira manage this feat? That horse-sized cock must have penetrated a well oiled and unbelievably flexible hole, otherwise she would have been injured, right?"

"Indeed. Only if the Or'Gal's penis hits exactly the right spot and only if that spot is accomodating enough to quickly make way upon impact there is any chance for survival."

Vicky cleared her throat and said, "Suppose your theory is correct and milk, paired with an aroused vagina helped Mira to survive, what does that mean for us?"

Phil blushed, "To put it bluntly, we have to show that this knowledge can be weaponized. Your squad will need to demonstrate that our soldiers can be effectively prepared for Or'Gal engagement."

Now it was Vicky's part to blush. She mumbled, "So we need to fuck them, right? We need to show it can be done."

Cathy, the dirty-blonde village girl mused, "So how will we do that?"

"First we'll have to verify our theory. We already have proven that fresh mother's milk has a devastating effect. Now we need to do the same for vaginal fluids."

"I still can't wrap my head around this, Doc. How could anyone get off during an Or'Gal attack?" mused Vicky, "Was she into aliens or something?"

"We'll never know what was going on in Sergeant Won' head but we have to follow this lead."

"Sure, sure, but ... I mean, do you expect us to be all sexed up during combat? How on Earth would we do that?"

"That's a problem for tomorrow. First we need to verify if arousal has actually an impact. So, could one of you climb up on that container and masturbate until some of your bodily fluids drop on that sample? Maybe we see a reaction again."

"Certainly, Sir. Soldier Arden, get to work."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

The small built, pale, red-headed soldier quickly removed pants and panties and climbed up the container. Her hand got busy, stroking her snow white, cleanly shaven sex. Her fingers soon danced around her clit and massaged her love button vigorously. She closed her eyes, huffed and puffed as she worked her reddening pussy. After a few minutes she stopped and whispered, "I… It's difficult when you all watch. I think it would work better alone."

"Not a chance, Arden. Too dangerous. And we need to see what's going on with that Or'Gal."

"Sergeant? I volunteer! I have no issues with being watched while performing!" laughed Tracy Turner, the bronze-skinned, blonde amazon.

"Alright, Turner it is. Arden, get your pale little ass down here. This will have consequences. Turner, show her how to do it!"

Alice, head flushed red, climbed down again and searched for her clothes.

"No panties for you, Arden. In fact, get your fat tits out as well. You'll be naked for the rest of the day. Time to get used to your audience!"

Alice complied without question, her heavy, naked, white breasts swaying slowly in front of her.

Turner, the blonde rural loudmouth, stripped herself naked and proudly showed off her bronzed skin. Giggling excitedly, she ran up the container and plopped down in an incredible split. without pause she let her hands roam around her attractive body, grinning amused.

"Pay attention, Doc. You'll now witness Tracy Turner's famous climaxing abilities!"

She jammed a finger deep inside her shaven snatch and got busy. Eyes wide open she worked her magic. Soon she had four fingers deep inside, her thumb pressing down hard on her clit. She was panting. Phil could hear her juices squelch from below, the sight was indeed incredible.

Soldier Turner grimaced as she stuffed her hand deeper and deeper into herself, her thumb inside along the other fingers. Tracy shrieked as her fist suddenly popped into her body. She gave herself a moment to accommodate and then began pounding into herself, her flexible body contorted into a perplexing shape. Her fist vanished into her unbelievable depths again and again, her hot juices gurgling audibly.

"Can you let some of your girl cum drip in that container?" asked Wright from below.

Tracy nodded, head flush from excitement. She managed to open the hatch while keeping the pounding up. Suddenly she yanked her closed fist free, screaming in lust. Tracy quickly grabbed her pussy lips and ripped her hole open, right above the stirring alien. Some of her copious vaginal fluid soon found the way and drooled down on the beast.

The Or'Gal immediately panicked and tore at its restrains, jerking underneath the aroused soldier as if it got burned alive.

"It worked!" beamed Phil, "It fucking worked! Thank you, Turner, thank you for your service!"

"I'm not done yet, Doc" the soldier panted as her hand got busy again, her big breasts jiggling excitedly, "I'm still short of a climax or two."

Turner's hand worked relentlessly, massaged her wet folds without pause. Moments later the soldier's groans and squirms got more and more pronounced and her pounding more aggressive. She suddenly jerked. Then came the scream. She bucked and trembled, holding her gaping, quivering cunt right over the opening of the container. More of her fluid spilled out and landed on the alien below. The Or'Gal went berserk.

Vicky couldn't look away from the panicking alien. The spots where Tracy's cum had hit it's body sizzled and grew, slowly eating up its flesh. That monster was doomed for sure.

"Now I'm done, Doc. And satisfied. Done and satisfied," Tracy grinned mischievously, "Any chance you need to examine me more closely after my little performance?"

Vicky grinned, "Good job, Turner."

"Good job indeed. And an encouraging result. Now we need to find out how to use this information. How can we get soldiers reliably aroused on the battlefield? And is being aroused actually enough to withstand such an assault?"

Vicky shook her head, "How on Earth would this be even possible? You really think our soldiers can get off while in mortal danger? While their fellow soldiers get slaughtered?"

"Nobody said it would be easy, Wright, but we have to make it happen. It's our only chance."

"But how, Doctor, how?"

"That's for you to solve. I'm a scientist with no combat experience. Plus I'm male. There's very little I can contribute to that specific question."

Chapter 4

The sound of a bell interrupted the brief silence. Phil went to the door wondering who dared to disturb his work. One of the General's agents was waiting at the entrance, a number of packages lying at his feet. After verifying his identity, the agent handed over the packages commenting that the General herself ordered him to deliver this shipment.

Phil opened the packages under the curious watch of Vicky's entire squad. The content they revealed looked peculiar. Suddenly Vicky started to giggle.

"That's the shipment from Professor Klone, right? He apparently made use of my ideas. Wonder if he came up with something that actually works! Are those new uniforms?"

"Right, the milk rifle. The General talked about it already. She probably commissioned new uniforms as well. Alright, so let's focus on efficient milk extraction first and worry about your nether regions later. Sergeant Wright, do you need me for this or can you work on your own?"

"Don't you want to see us in our new outfits?" teased Tracy as she ripped one of the sealed packages open.

"She's right, Doctor. Maybe not for the uniforms, but I would appreciate if you could help us with those milk cannons. You may not be in a position to advice us on efficient techniques but we certainly value your company."

"And I for one can get much easier aroused when you are present," smirked Tracy, "Not everyone around here is bi like our commander! Being horny might not be required for this step, but we should start practicing, right Doc?"

And so Phil stayed and helped them get into their new clothing. Each soldier got a packet to unwrap except Alice who was refused her new suit and had to stay naked as punishment for her earlier failure.

The sight was nothing short of spectacular. The suits were made of some shiny, black, high tech material, accented by bright pink stripes along the seams. The neck was tight like a r, and the whole suit was such a close fit that it emphasized every curve of the body. But the highlight was the breast section, or lack thereof. The soldiers' large bosoms were spilling out in the open, completely unprotected. A tight, pink seam was hugging their bases with force, pushing the soft, womanly tissue into an almost ball-like shape. Phil examined the weird clothing with interest and found that the breast-hugging seams were lined with strong rubber bands which explained the peculiar form of the constricted pillows.

Another oddity waited between the legs of the soldiers. Just like the top section, the crotch was equally amiss. The same sort of seam wrapped along the groin and lower abdomen, forming a bright pink triangle, prominently presenting their naked, unprotected womanhood in a decidedly erotic way. To Phil's delight, all soldiers were cleanly shaven and quite a pleasure to look at. The girls pranced through the lab, showing off their new uniforms, joking and fooling around. Everybody seemed to be in a great mood and Phil watched in awe how this dedicated squad coped with the dire situation.

Vicky grabbed one if the other packets, one of the milker prototypes, and inspected its contents. The Milk Extractor Rifle Mark 1, codename 'Mauling Milker' looked rather intimidating. It consisted of a pretty hefty rifle section, a set of tubes that connected the gun to a little box, and another set of tubes leading to two odd-looking cups of sorts. The strange contraptions essentially consisted of a set of thick but tight rubber rings wrapped around a rather long, thin plastic container. Vicky turned the weird object in her hand, wondering how to use it.

Phil approached her, curious about the new weapon, and examined the odd milker closely. He quickly located the power switch and turned it on. The device started to hum and shake. Suddenly the tight rings expanded, the clear plastic cylinder to open up and expand to a diameter that would have allowed a watermelon to fit in.

"I think you're supposed to put those over your boobs, Sergeant Wright."

Vicky examined the odd device again, wondering what it would do with the squad's milk-laden breasts.

"Soldier Arden! I need you to try this device on your udders!"

The naked, pale ginger quickly walked over to Vicky. She stared at the contraption with wide open eyes and gulped, "Aye-aye, Ma'am!" fearing the worst and afraid of failing her squad again.

Alice presented her heavy breasts so the Commander could fit the milker. The clear containers went over her large tits with ease, the ring at the opening snugly fitting around the base of her breast. Vicky pushed a button on the small box to initiate calibration. Suddenly the strong rubber rings contracted, Alice's pale tits and making them look like large, exotic sausages wrapped in clear plastic and quickly gaining color. Milk was instantly shooting out of her d pillows and filled the tubes leading to the gun.

Tracy watched with interest, her curious fingers touching Alice's expanding boobs. She unplugged one of the tubes, held her hand into the quickly increasing trickle of milk and smirked, 'Pretty effective extraction method, huh? How does it feel? Are your cans getting crushed? Wonder how many shots this thing gets out of your udders."

Tracy yelped as Vicky slapped her ass, scolding her for fooling around. The Sergeant quickly grabbed the leaking tube and reconnected it. Turning to Alice she commanded, "Now take the gun and aim at the sample. Let's see if the weapon works!"

Alice tried to ignore the pain but the rings squeezed her fat tits which such force that tears were freely streaming down her face. She bit her lip to hold back her whimpers and readied the weapon squarely at the alien sample.

When she pulled the trigger there was no holding back. The rubber rings suddenly went wild, expanding and collapsing in split seconds. Her tits were jumping around like they had a life of their own. Alice almost lost her gun because of the sudden chest action but somehow managed to keep it steady. Milk was shooting out of the nozzle and splashed against the jerking sample, its skin turning into billowing smoke.

"Works as advertised I would say, " joked Tracy as she patted Alice's disfigured tits.

"Not bad at all, Alice. Good job. This prototype indeed seems to work reasonably well. Let's check the other ones. How many did the Professor send us?"

"Five. There are five different models."

"Great. Soldiers, grab one of them and put them on. We have to find out which design works best. Once fitted, head over to the shooting range for a little competition."

"Aye, Ma'am!"

The scantily clad girls got to work, each of them grabbing one of the packets sand ripping it open. Phil couldn't turn his eyes away from all the jiggling flesh and watched the squad with interest.

"Mine's called 'Righteous Rods' exclaimed Holly as she tried to get the awkward construction around her breasts. Her extractor was built from another assortment of rings that were connected by a bunch of golden rods at their sides. The whole construction looked like a large tube with missing sides.

"I've got Spinning Wringer. Wow, this looks painful!" groaned Cathy. Her device was built from a rigid wire frame that hugged her tits with some sort of clamp at the top that would hold her nipple in place and spin around when fired."

"Uh, Looney Looper? What's that supposed to mean?" quizzed Leila as she unpacked her prototype which seemed to consist of a bunch of strong metal wires and a motorized holder of sorts.

Tracy suddenly broke out in laughter and giggled "Painful Pyramids for me! That's pretty blunt but I guess I deserve it for teasing Alice. Looks kind of weird though."

And weird they were. The pyramids had an opening at the top and were mounted on a bra-like frame, one pyramid covering one breast. Once the trigger was pulled, the pyramid's base would rapidly constrict, the breast into an awkward shape to express the milk.

Phil had to commend Professor Klone for the ingenuity. Those prototypes where all so different in their approach that it was hard to predict which one was the most efficient. He looked forward to see them in action.

Vicky inspected her squad carefully and made sure the different devices were properly fitted. She prodded and probed the large breasts of her fellow soldiers and adjusted the contraptions until she was satisfied.

"Would you mind joining us as the firing range, Doc?"

Phil nodded, "I wouldn't want to miss this test. Ladies? Let's see which of those nightmarish contraptions works best!"

"Aye, Sir!"

Chapter 5

Phil watched the girls in their sexy uniforms march off, careful to not lose their test devices, and wondered where this project would lead him. Once at the range, the soldiers got busy and, under the careful watch of their Sergeant, tested the devices thoroughly.

It quickly became evident that some of the designs had their drawbacks. Holly's Rods would pump those tight rings back and forth in lightning speed, making her hurting tits a blur but the breasts just couldn't cope with the assault and the milking efficiency was way less than the other designs.

Tracy's Pyramids exhibited a rather hilarious design flaw. After a few rounds of firing her sorry tits were under such a pressure that the top of her boobs popped through the tiny openings and expanded into two awkward, purple balls. The cursing soldier was in such a pain that she broke down right at the range.

Cathy's Spinning Wringer wasn't very efficient either. The clamps holding her nipples in place unfortunately also trapped the milk inside, so all the spinning and wringing lead to nowhere except a pair of swollen, twisted titties that longed for release.

The most effective by far was Leila's Looney Looper. The thin metal wires binding her bloated udders expressed the milk with incredible speed and efficiency. The only downside was the chafing and the extreme stress on Leila's breasts. Once she delivered shots with her gun, the metal loops started to cinch her pillows with lightning speed, constricting the wide bases of her tits to a tiny circumference. And in case she needed more firing power, the device would automatically install additional loops around her natural milk tanks to exert even more pressure. They were ahead in all the relevant parameters, even in portability and practicality, except for the unfortunate bruising due to the high velocity of the steel wire.

"So Looney Looper it is," concluded Vicky, "Thanks all, now remove the prototypes and get out of your fancy uniforms. I'll ask Klone to integrate the loops in those seams. That should reduce the chafing a bit and make the weapon easier to handle. You'll all join Alice in serving nude until we get the revised uniforms. Our next nut to crack is how we can get ourselves aroused while facing the enemy, so take the chance and experiment a bit. Doctor? Can I have a word with you?"

Phil and Vicky went into his office while her squad members stripped and packed up. It was Tracy who moved first. The bronze blonde innocently put a finger in her mouth and silently snug behind Leila. Without warning she jammed her fingers into her fellow soldier's unsuspecting pussy, it in as deep as she could. Leila's surprised squeak drew the attention of the others.

"My my, you're not prepared at all, little Leila. That Or'Gal would have ripped you apart! Time to juice up!" quipped Tracy and went down on her knees, driving her slick tongue into the quivering snatch of the surprised nerd.

The others watched amused and soon plenty of fingers found a pussy to penetrate and the entire squad engaged in close one-on-one action.

Meanwhile Phil and Vicky had more important things to discuss.

"I thought about the arousal issue, Doc. And I think I have an idea how to tackle it," said Vicky as she removed her own uniform.

"I'm all ears, Sergeant," replied Phil, his eyes glued to the soldier's massive, jiggling breasts.

"We have to enable the soldiers to recall a stimulating experience even when facing the enemy. I read up on the research regarding lasting memories and how the process functions. It seems that, for strong, emotional experiences, it's enough to hear a short sound or see a image for a fraction of a second to get a bodily response. So if we can get a powerful memory established in each soldier that makes them leak their juices, we could feed such a trigger into their comms system whenever they face danger and, voila, they're prepared for battle."

"Hmm, that's an interesting thought," mused Phil staring at the naked pussy inches away from him, "So how can we prove this works?"

"We seIect one of my soldiers, ideally the one that gets aroused the easiest. We'll ask her to describe her most intimate fantasy, the one thing that always gets her going. Then we enact this fantasy for her and record everything in full detail. Afterwards we let her face stressful combat situations and feed her the trigger while measuring how her body reacts. If she gets wet while she's pummeled, we have a winner."

"Sounds like you have thought about this already in detail," mused Phil, watching the jiggling funbags dancing in front of him, "Anything you need for this experiment?"

Vicky harumped, "Well, Doc, uhm… How should I put it…. you know that those girls are all as straight as they come, right? Every single one prefers men over women except myself. I'm more … flexible… in that regard. Now what do you think would their favorite go-to-fantasy be? Right, some bloke fucking them senseless. So we need a bloke. I thought about getting their husbands to join but …"

"Yeah, that won't work given the security level of PMH. No outsiders."

"Right, so with that option gone, the only remaining male that is readily available is…"

Suddenly Phil understood. His head turned red as a tomato and he stammered, "You… mean… You can't be serious, Sergeant! I mean, look at the girls and then look at me! I'm a middle-aged doctor, not some hot guy at the gym glistening from exercise. Do you really think…"

"You're underestimating yourself, Doc. If you haven't recognized, the girls like you. They tease you whenever they get a chance for fuck's sake. So are you prepared to play your part?"

Still flushed Phil nodded, now looking straight into the dark amazon's eyes, "Absolutely, Vicky. I'll do whatever is needed."

"Thank you, Doc. I have expected no less. Then let's seIect our guinea pig."

As soon as they stepped out of Phil's office, Vicky had a enterprising hand between her legs, and the hand's urging fingers quickly found a way into her unprotected, squishy hole.

"What the… hey!"

"Just doing what I was told," giggled Tracy as she pushed her fingers further into the warm opening, "You're definitely not prepared for attack, Sergeant. We urgently have to do something about this!"

And without waiting for a response she kissed her superior right on her gaping mouth, sticking her wiggly tongue down Vicky's throat.

"Soldier Turner, for god's sake! Stop with this madness or I'll order you to perform some challenging evening exercise in my room tonight!"

"Would be my pleasure," smirked Tracy, slowly withdrawing her glistening fingers from Vicky's puffy lips.

"Now get the girls! Assembly in 3 at Operations! Understood, soldier?"

"Yes ma'am. On my way!" grinned Tracy.

"Oh god, this girl is just unbelievable! She got me all hot and horny in a matter of seconds!" Vicky complained to Phil, her hand covering her naked groin.

"Something that might come in handy later, don't you think? Any guess on who's the quickest to orgasm?"

"My bet would be on Tracy. That girl is a walking climax!"

"Hmm, she surely gives that impression. Any plan how to test them?"

"Oh yes. I just need to get some equipment from storage. Meet the girls, I'll be there in a second."

When Phil entered the room, the entire squad was waiting already, eager to learn what they were supposed to do.

"A test who comes first? That sounds fun!" giggled Tracy, her fingers exploring her wet folds.

"If it helps the mission I'm all for it," mused Cathy, "but I really don't get how this helps us against the Or'Gal."

"You're not supposed to think, soldier! Trust your superiors to make the right decisions for you!" quipped Leila adding, "I'm sure there is good reason. And as Tracy said, it sounds fun either way. So bring it on!"

Alice nervously asked, "So Doc, how are going to…"

"He'll fuck us with one of his pervert machines, right Doc?" teased Leila, "You do have some fuck robots around, don't you, Doc?"

"Fuck robots? I don't even… "

"Are we supposed to pleasure ourselves or will you take care of that?" whispered Holly, her hands kneading her large breasts.

"Girls, I don't have a clue either! Your Sergeant came up with the idea and I'm sure she has all planned out already. So just relax and wait for… Oh, there she is."

"Squad Leaking Mammaries ready for combat!" squeaked Tracy as she saluted her commander in her naked glory.

"Stop it, soldier. Ladies? Listen carefully, I have a mission for all of you."

"You want us to frig ourselves senseless, right?" smirked Tracy, grinning mischievously, "I can do that!"

"No, I mean… yes… dammit Turner! Can't you be serious for a minute? This is important!"

"Sure, Searge. I'm just trying to...lighten the mood a bit," she grinned, "Maybe the Doc can help us? I would certainly be faster if he gives me a hand!"


"OK, OK. I'll shut up."

"Thank you. Now. Where was I, right… So you all know by now that sexual arousal was what saved Soldier Won during her first encounter, right?"

The girls nodded.

"Good. So as we are not like Won and don't get aroused by lethal alien monsters, the obvious next step for us is to figure out how to get our juices going in face of danger. And to do that efficiently, the Doc and I decided to try out a few things. But we need a volunteer. And that's where you come into play. We want to know who of you is the quickest one to lube up, who's the most easiest to arouse. And to find out who that is, we have devised a little challenge."

The girls looked at each other, not sure what to think of what they heard.

"Everyone, get one of those AR headsets and earpieces. There's a sticky little pad in the bag of the headset. Take it out and glue it on you left breast about 2 inches from your nipple. Then choose one of of the dildos from that box over there and return. To make it fair, you'll all perform simultaneously. Put on the headset and the earpieces and wait for the signal. Once you hear the 'go' try to come as quickly as possible. You can use whatever strategy you like, fuck yourself with the dildo, use your hand, whatever. Try to imagine a situation that makes you horny, maybe an experience you had in the past, a lover that really knew what he or she was doing. Whatever works is fine. Once one of you climaxed we'll stop and wait until everyone is cooled down again. You'll go to the shower let the Doc spray you with cold water until your pulse is back to normal. Then we repeat. We do this until we have a clear winner. Understood?"

The soldiers nodded.

"Good. So what are you waiting for? Get to work!"

Chapter 6

Phil watched fascinated as the squad performed their task. The young, naked women donned the headset and, on his signal, started to masturbate while Vicky carefully watched the little monitors that tracked their state. The headset and earpieces would overlay their reality with a playback of intense battle scenes. Depending on the situation the glasses would either black out the actual reality around them or blend those combat scenes into what they were actually seeing. It was scarily lifelike. Deafening sounds of explosions, screams and cries surely would distract anyone and so would the y images of the battlefield blended into whatever they saw at the time. It was like the battle would happen right around them, for real.

But the girls didn't flinch and got to work. Soon the little device showing Cathy's status started to beep and lo and behold, the rural cowgirl already writhed in ecstasy.

"Stop! Cathy's our winner of the first round! Who would have thought! Remove the equipment and get into the shower everyone!"

The squad got cooled down again. Phil made sure to direct the jets of cold water on each girl's hot privates and enjoyed the squeaking show as they slowly came to their senses again. Vicky did not allow them to slack and pressed on. Soon, their fingers were buried in their folds again as the girls tried to reach a climax.

"Stop! Cathy again. Damn, girl! You're good! Shower!"

Back they went and a few minutes later the naked, dripping girls were again squirming as they chased for an orgasm.

"Stop! Cathy, what the fuck? How often can you come? Did your villager friends train you so well? Or is it all those cows that kept you hot and horny through your life? Shower, now!"

Vicky made them repeat the exercise 10 times, and, to the dismay of Tracy, 10 times the dirty-blonde always was first.

"And I thought Tracy would leave all of you in the dust. Deep waters and all, I guess. Good job, Cathy! You're a hot little something!"

"Impressive!" groaned Tracy, "My little pussy is all red and puffy but I just can't keep up with that little bitch!"

Leila and the others were still puffing from the last round, but Cathy was beaming like a at christmas.

"So I won?"

"Yep, you won. By far. You'll be our guinea pig. You'll help us refine our strategy. Are you ready?"

"To save the world? Of course I am! What do I have to do?"

"Go with the Doc, tell him your secret. Tell him your hottest, most erotic fantasy. Tell him how you get aroused so quickly. He'll take it from there. And the others, back to training! Tracy? Show them how to exercise their little holes, prepare them for the attack!"

And so Cathy followed Phil into one of the rooms while Tracy started her attack on the still engorged pussies of her fellow team mates.

"So what's your fantasy, Cathy?" inquired Phil as he lead the winner into a secluded area of the lab.

"Chocolate," grinned Cathy, "I just love chocolate!"

"Chocolate?" asked Phil, not understanding a thing.

"Yep, chocolate. I imagine I'm covered in sweet, sweet chocolate and a hunk of a man is slowly nibbling away on me. He breaks little pieces from my body, touches me everywhere! He pulls it from my tits, bites into my stiff, chocolate-covered nipples and sucks so hard that my tits are about to explode. And when he comes to my pussy he slowly eats the chocolate out of my stuffed hole and finally…"

"Stuffed hole?"

"Sure, I'm full of sweet, hard chocolate down there, too!"

"That sounds messy!"

"It is, Doc, it is."

"Alright, chocolate it is then. Now why don't you head over to that mattress and get yourself ready. I'll go get some stuff. Just relax and wait for me, OK?"

Chocolate! Phil shook his head. How the hell was this supposed to work? At least he could get everything he needed with a simple trip to the grocery shop around the corner.

Vicky bumped into him as he returned from the shop.

"So how are things going? Did she tell you her fantasy?"

"Oh yes she did. She dreams of being covered in chocolate!"

"Really? What an odd fantasy! Do you need help?"

"I think so. I really have no idea how to do this. But first let's get the girl sleepy so she can experience the scene more vividly. You can help me with the chocolate though. Can you get this stuff liquid for me?"

Vicky nodded and took over the bags. Phil grabbed a few medical supplies and went into the room where Cathy was waiting.


"Hi Cathy. Let's get started, shall we?"

"Sure. What do I have to do?"

"Nothing, really. I'll now give you a shot. Just a mild anaesthetic that will make you sleepy. You'll experience a dream-like state in which your brain is more receptive to certain stimuli than normal. This helps in our task, in engraving this fantasy into your subconsciousness. So don't be scared, just lean back and enjoy."

Cathy nodded, "Alright then."

The naked girl did as she was told and presented her arm. Phil jabbed the needle into her and pushed the plunger. Moments later Cathy was fast asleep with her eyes wide open.

"She's ready Sergeant. Can you help me with the chocolate?"

Both Phil and Vicky started to spread the warm, sticky mass on Cathy's muscular, slender body. They covered every piece of her, made sure the sweet, milky-brown stuff stuck and dried on her. Soon, Cathy's big breasts were encased by a hard, chocolate shell, and so was the rest of her body. Only the area between her legs was still bare.

"How do we prepare her down there?" asked Phil, looking at the little, naked slit waiting for him.

"What did she tell you? Was her fantasy specific about her pussy?"

"Indeed it was. She would be stuffed and her dream lover would slowly remove chunks of chocolate from her hole until he could fuck her."

"Then let's do that. I'll spread her little slit and you stuff as much chocolate inside as possible."

Vicky pushed her fingers in the tight pussy and pried it open.

"Not good enough I think. We need to open her up further. Don't you have a speculum or something?"

"A speculum? Maybe in the medical cabinet. But it would show. It would be unnatural as the instrument would form the chocolate, not her body. She surely wants that sweet plug to look like the insides of her pussy, no? Plus the hardening mass might get stuck between the blades."

"Uhm, good point. Then what do we do?"

"Let's just try to fill her up slowly using our fingers. Pour in a little, let it dry, push it deeper, fill her more, and so on."

"Alright, then let's do that!"

Phil pushed his fingers between the warm folds while Vicky poured in the thick fluid. Slowly they filled the little hole while Phil pulled her open as wide as he could. After the chocolate got somewhat solid, they tried to push the block deeper and poured in a bit more. Phil soon got the hang of it, pulled harder at her lips and pushed the stuff with more force inside the wet cavern. The two continued until Cathy's little hole was a gaping pit stuffed full of sweet chocolate, her lower tummy now slightly curved from the solid mass inside the slender body.

"I think that's enough!" grunted Phil as he tried to pull her folds open once again, "There's no room left in there."

"Good. So she's ready?"

"I think so. Let's wait until she wakes up."

"Have fun!" Vicky chirped as she turned around to leave.

"Wait! I need you to help me with the recording! We need to capture as much as possible so we can play back the experience to her."

"Right. Fine, so I'll watch you fuck her."

"Ugh. Don't say it like that. I feel bad about it already."

"Don't. It's an important task. And she likes you, so don't panic. Hold on, she starts to move."

"Yeah, she's ready. Just about to wake up. Time to begin."

Vicky started the cameras while Phil approached the sleeping, chocolate covered beauty.

And just like in her dream, he carefully nibbled at the sweet, brown shell, broke off small pieces of the hardened chocolate as he tried to get through to her warm skin. Cathy was squirming silently, still half asleep as the doctor devoured her. Soon, the tips of her white, young tits lay bare and just begged to be sucked. Phil toyed with her nipples, made them stiff and engorged before his lips engulfed the little nubs. He sucked hard on them, sucked like his life depended on whatever those delicious tips contained. Cathy was squirming beneath him, her face flush and excited. Phil dove deeper, worked on the chocolate encasing her tummy, slowly moving further south until his teeth scd over her squirming groin. He pulled of chunks from the her soft pussy lips, tried to get hold of the huge mass inside of her cunt. His fingers probed and prodded, slowly loosening the sticky block from her insides.

Cathy groaned with lust. Her body squirmed and shuddered. Phil could feel how she got wet, how her juices melted away the chocolate and helped to make the solid plug slippery. Soon, he could move the chocolate around a bit, could slowly fuck her with the massive object. Then the girl convulsed suddenly and the hard, thick block of chocolate shot out of her, landing on the floor. Her pussy was empty, accessible, and flush with juice. Phil removed his clothes, his rigid tool ready to penetrate the squishy hole.

The sensations were phenomenal. Slick with a mixture of juice and liquid chocolate, Cathy's sex was the best thing Phil had experienced in a long time. The presence of all those big busted soldiers hadn't left him unaffected and he was as horny as he could be. Finally there was release, finally he could get his rocks off, fucking this beautiful young woman while fulfilling her lifelong dream. Could life get any better?

Phil plunged into her, fucked her with long, slow strokes. Cathy groaned louder and louder, her pink cheeks glistening from sweat. Her hands held her two, massive twins tight and pushed them against Phil's moving body, her hard nipples mashed against his skin, sc along his ribs as he pushed into her again and again.

Vicky watched with interest as the Doc drilled into the excited young soldier. What happened here made her horny as hell and there was no release in sight. Being bi just made it all worse! She would love to be in Cathy's place, love to be fucked by that middle-aged man that took so much care to provide pleasure. But she wouldn't object to Cathy fucking her either, with her sweet little mouth, her clumsy, sweaty fingers and her full, fat tits. She closed her eyes and tried to focus. Her role was simple, record everything so they can get Cathy horny whenever they needed. She tried her best but it was so hard to keep focus when those two fucked right in front of her!

That man surely had stamina! How long was this going to take? Vicky looked through the camera, adjusted the position a bit. The wetness between the two bodies caused quite some spectacular sounds as they slapped together and Cathy's jumping, jiggling tits just added to the audible scenery. She watched them go on for what felt like an eternity until finally the sweet young soldier started to stir and moan even louder. Her moans transformed quickly into passionate screams and soon after, an earth shattering climax hit the writhing girl. Phil didn't hold out much longer and emptied his balls into Cathy's wetness while the squirming young woman was in the midst of her orgasm.

Vicky zoomed in, finished the recording with some spectacular shots of the drooling cum that was leaking from the reddened, flushed pussy. Finally she stopped the camera and did what she agreed to do. She got one of the syringes from the Doc's bag and, before Cathy could even untangle herself, injected the anaesthetic into her arm. Only moments later the girl was knocked out cold again.

Vicky slowly clapped as Phil got to his feet again

"Great job! I feel like a freaking porn producer after this."

Phil could still barely breathe as he tried to get into his clothes again, his dick still semi erect and rubbed red from the action.

"Now let's hope this little exercise got deeply embedded in Cathy's subconsciousness. We'll have a few interesting experiments to perform. Come on, Doc. Help me to prepare the material."

Chapter 7

Both worked on the recordings for a while and Phil could barely believe what he had done with this sweet young soldier. Once both Vicky and Phil were satisfied, they went back to the others to prepare for the next phase. Vicky ordered everyone into the main hall to update them on the progress while Cathy was still asleep.

"Girls, please! Can you just all shut up for a moment? Thanks. Now, first things first: Our Doc performed exceptionally well, ladies. He did everything and more to make Cathy's dream come true. With this material we should be able to trigger the memories we just created in Cathy."

The squad cheered. Tracy looked at Phil and smirked, "Would you later have some time for me, stud?"

"Tracy! Shut it! It'll be your turn soon enough, give the Doc some rest. Everyone! Once Cathy's back let's check just how quickly she can get wet. She will wear her gear the entire time and her task will be to be prepared for attack whenever that might be. Your task will be to 'assault' her, check if she's horny enough to survive a surprise attack. You can use whatever you want, just fuck her hard whenever she's not expecting it, understood?"

The soldiers nodded, everyone grinning like a cheshire cat.

"That'll be fun," laughed Tracy as they went back to their rooms, "Cathy won't have a single calm moment! Do you already know what you'll use on her?"

"I was thinking pens and bottles," smirked Leila, "And you?"

"Whatever I find, but mostly this," She presented her closed fist, "Let's see how wet our little slut can get, shall we? Better prepare her well for her meeting with the Or'Gal!"

Giggling and joking the soldiers went back to their business, back to pondering about what sexual fantasy got themselves going fastest. Sergeant Wright made it quite clear what she expected once the experiments with Cathy showed good results.

Cathy indeed did not have a single calm moment after she woke up. The dream-like experience still lingered in her head and her body felt like after a marathon. When she woke up she appeared to be freshly bathed and had to wonder who seIected the strange, sweet perfumes that apparently had gotten used on her. Cathy slowly got back on her feet, a large mirror greeted her and displayed her flawless body in all its glory. Her breasts seemed a bit puffier than usual and her nipples a tad longer and painfully hard. And between her legs everything hurt. What the hell had happened?

"Morning sleepyhead. Everything alright?"

"Uhm… I'm a bit disoriented, Sergeant. I seem to remember a pretty steamy night that got pretty close to an all-time favorite fantasy of mine. Oh well, just a wet dream of sorts I guess."

Vicky smirked, "I would love to have a wet dream tonight, Cathy. And you do look delicious! Remember that you won our little competition? The one about who can get aroused quickest?"

Cathy blushed, "Uh… ohhhh right!"

"You know what that means, right?"

"No… what?"

Vicky handed her the AR headset and some earpieces, "You'll be tested. We'll check how well you perform while battle scenes are played around you. And the expectation is of course that your sweet little box is lubed up and juicy at all times! An Or'Gal could attack at anytime, so we need to be prepared, right? Now please put these on and don't take them off until I tell you to. Oh, and here's your uniform. We finally got them back with milk guns integrated into their seams. So dress up for battle!"

Vicky marvelled at the squeaky clean soldier and watched amused as she slipped into the kinky uniform. Cathy did seem to have a bit of trouble to get her fat breasts through the openings as they now contained most parts of the weapon. The result was that the seam had gotten much wider and significantly tighter which meant that the breasts had to be pulled through with force. The seams would wrap tightly around the bases extending about two inches towards the tip of the breast and would form the soft tissue into odd looking, ball-topped stalks even when not in use.

After watching her struggle for a bit Vicky finally decided to help and both women managed to pull the tender flesh bags in place. Vicky nodded approvingly as she examined her soldier.

"Looks great on you. Now here's the gun and this is the battle dildo attachment I ordered. Let me briefly explain how this works. It's fastened below your groin with this strap so it won't get lost. The idea is to wear it at all times so that you are prepared in case of an attack. In order to keep you entertained and not lose effectiveness, the device will vibrate in random intervals and expand or contract from time to time. Ideally you'll fuck yourself with it whenever you feel you're drying up."

Cathy inspected the toy with interest. It was a bit too big for her liking, almost as thick as a small coke bottle and half as long as her forearm. It's surface was soft though and pleasant to touch. The khaki-colored camouflage pattern definitely felt odd for a sex toy. She pushed its tip between her glistening folds and was pleasantly surprised about how the dildo felt.

"Great! you're all geared up and ready to go! Now back to your teammates! Show them that you're ready to fight!"

The dildo didn't stay long in her body. As soon as she met Tracy it got yanked out of her and instead, the soldiers fist penetrated her hole. And it did not just penetrate her either, Tracy fucked her like a damn jackhammer and only let her go once she was sure Cathy had climaxed. She gave her only seconds to recover before she assaulted her foaming hole again.

Vicky watched with interest and commented on Cathy's preparedness but did not join in just yet. But it was not only Tracy who took her job seriously. Soon Holly, Alice and Leila got going and fucked their teammate with whatever was at hand. The poor girl got stuffed full of office supplies and food, weapons and tools until she couldn't take it anymore. Leila fucked her so hard with the twenty or so pens she had used that most of them were broken after the session. Most of the sausage supplies got wasted as did the few cucumbers they had in the fridge. Cathy soon lost track of the times she had climaxed and was about to collapse after a few hours. But then she remembered that she sported a milk gun. And it was time for payback.

Whenever one of the girls snuck up on her she drenched them in milk. It got messy quickly, especially when the others decided to get into their uniforms as well and fight back. The whole place reeked of milk and sex. Vicky couldn't get enough of it.

But at some point it had to end. After two days Vicky decided it was enough and time to move to the next phase. So she interviewed each of the girls and asked them about Cathy's performance, about whether the soldier was sufficiently lubed up and ready at all times. Her teammates had nothing but praise for the village girl, commended her preparedness and quick reaction time. Vicky was satisfied and decided to move on.

"Great! Congrats Cathy! Good job! Next up is an actual Or'Gal"

Cathy looked at her with panic in her eyes, "What? I'm not… I can't… It'll me!"

"I was joking, Cathy. A bad joke at that. It's a simulator, not a real one. Professor Klone has creates a true monstrosity for us and I think it's time you get a taste."

"A simulator? So no danger?"

"It's sex organ is pretty realistic and about the size of an actual Or'Gal dick. But it's made if rubber so you'll be fine. It's a simple tool to train you, alright? Don't panic!"

Cathy sighed, "Why am I the one to get horny so easily? It would be so much easier if Tracy would be the guinea pig!"

"Would have, could have, don't sweat it Cathy. You're doing great. Now just follow the Doc and meet your new challenge."

The group entered a seperate room, empty except for a metal dome in the middle. Out of the metal dome a black appendage towered upwards, its size roughly that of a baseball bat, its tip resembling a baseball covered in sharp thorns. More of the thorns covered its entire shaft, each one pointing downwards, looking like they would tear any flesh apart once embedded.

"I call him Impatient Bob," explained Phil, "And I'm sure you'll understand in a moment why."

Cathy's fingers explored the dangerous looking object. The surface was softer than she thought and while he thorns looked terribly painful they only applied slight pressure before giving in. It would hurt but it won't cause injuries.

Cathy sighed, "Holy shit, this thing is huge! How should my pussy ever cope with this monster?"

"Don't worry, you've shown already that you're the most suited for this. Just act natural and stay aroused. Now stand over this alien dick and let me buckle you up."

Cathy moved over and positioned her naked pussy right above the intimidating head. Vicky started to work on Cathy's shoes while she explained the next experiment.

"Bob will randomly smash into your groin. As it's not a real Or'Gal we won't be able to observe the effectiveness of your juices on the attacker. But sensors will pick up how wet you are so we can judge if you get better or worse. You can use the dildo in between its attacks. I would propose that you simply keep that pleasure stick deep inside and only push it out as soon as you sense an attack."

Vicky grabbed the dangling dildo and lightly prodded Cathy's nether lips. The girl squirmed and hushed, "OK, ok, understood. Jam it in!"

Vicky did as she was told and continued, "To make the whole exercise more realistic, the others will try to distract you while you're at it. They will play the roles of additional enemies and assault you when you don't pay attention. Your glasses will overlay their silhouette with images of Or'Gals and the sounds will match so the overall experience should be pretty realistic except that you can't move freely. Oh, and use your milk gun to fend of those pesky aliens. Your tits need some exercise as well and some training for your reflexes won't be bad either. Girls? Get ready! Cathy? Now show 'em!"

Vicky nodded towards Phil who quickly pushed some buttons. The device roared to life while Cathy pushed down her visor and put on the earpieces.

"Let's do this!" screamed Vicky and slapped the dildo embedded in Cathy's groin. Cathy reacted with lightning speed and the shot of milk landed squarely on the sergeant's face.

The others quickly joined the action, hands grabbed Cathy's purple, constricted melons and enterprising fingers pulled at the stuck dildo. Suddenly the huge alien cock trembled. Cathy sensed the danger and ejected the dildo with her muscles. And then the gigantic cock ripped into her wet hole.

The girls couldn't believe their eyes, couldn't understand how Cathy managed to swallow so much of the rubber monster. The thick thorns had to hurt so much! Cathy yelled surprised but didn't budge. The simulated Or'Gal retreated and fucked her again. With one brutal lunge the object tore her open. When it retreated, its surface was shimmering from Cathy's juices.

Cathy groaned, her hands exploring her gaping pussy for damage. But the monster didn't stop and neither did her teammates. Cathy had no choice but focus on her defenses. She had to trust her body, her unconsciousness and the periodically played snippets of her dream sequence to keep her pussy wet and pliable.

It worked better than Vicky would have ever imagined. Cathy was truly a natural, her reaction, her aim with the milk cannon, everything was simply top notch! And her pussy was as squishy as it could get! Any Or'Gal dick would melt away in moments! Even the capacity of her natural milk tanks seemed plenty enough for any combat situation!

Vicky made her repeat the training several times a day and, just to be safe, kept up the schedule for an entire week. Finally she declared Cathy to be ready to move on

"Carter? You performed exceptionally well during the last few days and I'm proud to tell you that both me and Doctor Bright decided that you are ready for the final phase. I have consulted with General Grand and can tell you she's highly appreciative of your services. The General has ordered to engage in actual combat to finally confirm that the project actually works."

Cathy's proud grin vacated her face in a blink of an eye.

Chapter 8

"What…. what does that mean, Sergeant? Will I…"

"Yes, you will finally engage in actual combat. And you'll be in real danger if you are not careful. But don't worry, you have everything you need to succeed. You're a soldier after all, right?"

"Yes Ma'am," she whispered, her hands caressing her bloated boobs, "It's just that… I haven't been in combat for ages…."

"You'll be fine. The General found just the right location to show off your ss. An Or'Gal has been wounded by pure luck as one of our fighter crafts crashed into it when going down. It's still marauding through the area and our forces are trying to keep it contained but are struggling stop it from entering the nearby settlement."

"And I have to stop it?" inquired Cathy, getting more nervous by the minute.

"Yes. You will it. Because of its wounds it's slower than usual and an ideal test subject for us. A transporter will pick us up in a few minutes. I surely don't have to tell you that this is the ultimate test. The General will be there in person and we'll capture everything for later analysis. If possible, don't it immediately with milk. Get it to fuck you at least once. We need to know if your vaginal tract is as an effective weapon as we believe it is."

"My… vaginal tract?"

"Your sexy, dripping pussy, soldier."

"You never called it like that before…"

"I was trying to be formal. You know, soon we'll talk with all kinds of serious old folks and it just doesn't feel right to talk about gaping pussies and leaking tits with them. I'll need more… technical… terms I guess. Anyway, pack up quickly, we're heading out."

"What about us?" asked Tracy, toying with her tight uniform.

"You'll join us. You'll watch carefully how Cathy's doing because that's what you will have to do soon enough yourself. We're going to cheer her on."

The entire Squad including the Doc soon boarded the waiting transporter. The three male soldiers operating it couldn't get their eyes off all the jiggling flesh around them. A few stern warnings by Vicky to stay professional got everybody in line, everyone except Tracy who immediately started teasing the poor guys.

Despite the advances of resident nutjob Turner, they managed to take off and after a short but intense flight landed close to the active combat area. Cathy and the others got a quick briefing and after Phil double-checked Cathy's gear she got sent off into battle.

All eyes were on her as she entered the combat zone. Piles of steaming junk were everywhere and so were the bodies of unlucky soldiers. Cathy's pulse raced as she searched for the marauding alien.

An entire crew from Documentation Services observed every single action of Cathy and recorded the tiniest blip of data. They had drones hovering above her, recording the slightest movement of the panicking woman and sensors on her body to monitor everything. Cathy heard the telltale noises coming from the right. It had to be only feet away. She readied her gun.

The dream sequences played in quick succession, her army-issued love toy was buried deep in her dripping sex. Despite the lethal danger her body was aroused as it could be. She was in a constant state of almost-climax which would drive any untrained female insane. But for her it only heightened her alertness.

Gun ready, she sneaked around the corner, prepared to eject the dildo any moment. There it was, stomping through the devastated remains of the previous battle. It was now or never.

Suddenly the Or'Gal turned around. It had sensed her, seen her! It's steel-like muscles contracted. In a blink of an eye it jumped and landed right in front of the nervous soldier. Cathy was impressed. Despite its wounds this monster was still incredibly agile and quite capable of ing her.

Well trained as she was, Cathy aimed with her gun and fired the first shot The steel rings around her full breasts tighten quickly and a healthy dose of milk hit the Or'Gal's head. The alien screeched in pain and lunged towards Cathy. Without thinking, Cathy's pussy clenched and ejected the fat dildo in a heartbeat. She was ready for combat.

The Or'Gal's intimidating sex organ pierced right through Cathy's pussy lips and penetrated her sex. She screamed, more in surprise than in pain as the hard, unyielding weapon entered her well lubricated hole in one quick jab. In contrast to Cathy's reaction, the Or'Gal didn't really register what was happening. It tried to pull its cock back again for a second attack but the previously lethal object was no more. A sorry stump of oozing, black alien matter was all that was left of the frightening weapon. Cathy looked at the melting thing and laughed. She laughed so hard she nearly passed out. But then she remembered were she was, what she needed to do, and she quickly covered the now panicking monster in her milk.

"That's how I like my enemies," she yelled, "A sorry little mess and no dick to speak of. Prepare to die!"

Cathy kept pumping her gun while she watched the Or'Gal slowly melt away in front of her until nothing but a black puddle was left of it. She adjusted her headset and gloated, "Mission complete! Request to return!" barely able to hold back.

"Permission granted! Fantastic job, soldier. Return to base!"

Without doubt the mission had been a resounding success. General Grand immediately ordered Vicky to train up the other squad members, including Vicky herself, and to use Cathy as the reference they need to match. Cathy was promoted on the spot to the rank of a Specialist to serve as first 'Head of Training and Examination' at the soon to be established Milk Force. She was undoubtedly enjoying the idea of training her fellow teammates and was looking forward to give back much of the attention she had received.

But the General didn't stop there. The attending staff had a whole host of improvement ideas and Grant ordered to implement all of them, including the suggestion to use better suited tracking equipment like a wearable that would track arousal and display the state in an easy to understand color code. Once implemented, the soldier would always be aware of her immediate combat readiness.

In parallel she ordered a documentation video of the successful strike, a short movie that would show just how well the new weapons worked and how Cathy had absolutely dominated that marauding Or'gal with her female 'charms'. In view of the expected scepticism and public backlash, Grand also ordered the creation of a more light-hearted, 'fun' promo video that would show just how great of a work place the military was for willing young women that wanted to defend their planet.

Cathy took particular pleasure in training Tracy. She subjected the randy bronze slut to extremely thorough attack simulations in the hope to pay her back. Tracy had to dance on the simulator like no one else before and had to exercise with the milk guns for hours each day. But to Cathy's dismay this freak enjoyed the rough treatment tremendously and kept teasing everyone involved. Any male participating in the training was severely at risk of constant harassment as the needy woman tried to get her lustful body under control.

Leila, Alice and Vicky received their fair share of training as well, and together they made sure that each and every squad member was capable of taking massive objects into their well-lubed holes at all times.

Phil faced a different kind of challenge. As he had proven himself very capable of creating the crucial memory sequences, he was tasked with repeating the exercise for all team members. And boy was he surprised about the dirty little fantasies those lovely young women dreamt up. Especially the pale, calm redhead Alice surprised - and scared - him quite a bit. But to know that he would be the star of these women's dreams, the one that will keep them always wet and ready as soon as they think of him, was all he ever needed to be truly happy.

A few months later, in a brief moment of reflection, Vicky looked back at what they had achieved, what the Doc had managed to pull off with the help of her squad. This tiny group of people had turned the tide, had shown that it was possible to fight back at an enemy that was deemed unbeatable. Now they all were war heroes and were training scores of young woman so they could be deployed in battle. The Or'Gal already retreated, their numbers greatly reduced. Humanity was on the way to victory and each and every man and woman was grateful for what Vicky and her team had achieved.

Almost since the day the video of Cathy's successful strike had been broadcasted, girls in the streets proudly paraded in skimpy outfits, showing off their own charms in a demonstration of human pride. And it didn't take long for the fashion industry to catch up. By now most people were proudly exposing themselves and hiding one's naughty bits was already considered unpatriotic, not only for females but for males as well. It was obvious to Vicky that the long term effect of the team's work would be tremendous, that the existing traditions and power structures in the military and elsewhere would soon crumble as droves of young, motivated women joined the ranks. And as expected, many men were still struggling with being relegated to the back seat and had to learn their new roles. Vicky chuckled as she thought of her own husband, how proud he was for her but at the same time couldn't get his head around the idea that it would be him now taking the role of the caring husband waiting for his badass er wife to return from battle. Things had changed for sure.

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