Sure bet

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I had been friends with Jeff ever since college we were at a keg party for the football team the night before the in state game the next day. He was hanging around the football players mostly the quarterback and star wide outs. He kept giving them shots and beers. I thought he was on the team. A little while later after they started doing upside down keg hits and chugging pitchers of boiler makers I asked him what he was doing. That's when he told me he had $5000 dollars bet on the other team at 2 to 1 odds. No one thought they had a chance to win he said our football team had won every game for the past 4 years. Well needless to say they got ed 48-3 the next day and Jeff made his $10 grand. Jeff wanted me to help him get his betting operation going. He was from Texas and I was from the same small town were we went to school. He told me I would get 40% of any profits I helped him make. So for the next few years we made a good living from the start of football season until the end of march madness we were rolling in the dough. I paid for my college education and had plenty of money left over to buy a nice car and get my own place. We took bets on everything from pro games to local college games. After college I expected Jeff to mave back home but he stayed and to this day we are still covering every bet we can.

We had to bring in my other friend Tim to help because with my job I was not always free to take bets and pay up money or to help collect. Me and TIm go back to 1st grade knowing each other. Mr. Franklin owned a few of the hardware stores in town he had some money and wanted everyone to know it. He married Sarah one of the daughters of the town mayor. I think she did it to piss off her Mom and Dad. She was about 35. Five years older that me, Tim, and Jeff. She had light brown hair was about 6 foot tall and had the best looking body I have ever seen other that my wife before our twins were born last year. Sarah was hot and she did not act like it. She was very down to earth and easy to talk to. She would come into the grocery store I helped run and always talk to me. Bob Franklin was a fool I thought he was so wrapped up in his hardware stores he would 70-80 hours a week. Sarah told me it got so lonesome all alone in that big house by herself that she wanted to work just to have something to do. I told her I could get her a job at the store doing something if she wanted. She was thrilled and jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug and a hard on that would have drove nails. But, my joy was short lived because good old Bob said hell no.

Jeff came by the house one night after dinner. Tina was giving the s a bath and I asked him if he was hungry and wanted something to eat we had plenty left. He made a sandwhich and said we need to talk. I told Tina I would be right back and she said that's fine. We walked out to the garage behind the house where I was working on my 68 mustang I had just got. I got Jeff and myself a beer from the fridge in the garage and we sat down to talk.

"Well, I guess we need to do something about it." Jeff said
"About what?" I replied.
"The $25,000 that dead beat Bob Franklin owes us" Jeff replied.
I about d on my beer. "What the hell are you talking about?"

So Jeff goes into the story about how for the past year Bob had been placing bets and just kept rolling it up. If he won he said take it off what I owe you. If he lost he wanted to double up on another game. The Super Bowl had just passed and Bob took the Jets and the points and when they got the crap kicked out of them and lost by 20 the grand total was $25,000. Jeff told him to pay up. Bob told him to go fuck his dog he was not paying a dime. Well, a busted windshield and 4 flat tires later Bob was begging for a little more time. Our yearly trip to Vegas was coming up and Jeff told Bob he had until the night before we left to give us our money or else. About that time Jeff's cell phone rang it was Tim. We had sent Tim to talk to Bob so he could understand things. Tim said an agreement had been reached and we needed to sit down and talk.

The next day we went to lunch Bob told us had $15,000 and that was all he had. Sarah had found out what he owed and threatend to leave him if he didnt pay up and she would take everything he had if not. When we met for lunch Bob brought a bag with the money in it and handed it to Jeff. Bob would not even look at us. Then the damndest thing I have ever seen happend. Up walks Sarah dressed to in a black form fitting dress, high heels, black stockings and she had make up on with her hair pulled up. Bob was shocked to see her. She asked was everything settled. Jeff said there was still about $10,000 owed but he would let it go and Bob would never get to bet with us again and we could get whatever we wanted at the store for the next year. The man was about in tears. Then she did something I will never forget. She said you guys are leaving for Vegas in the morning right? Sure we replied. Then count on having one more person with you. Bob didn't say anything he looked like he was going to get sick right there. So the next morning the 4 of us flew off to Vegas for 5 days.

We landed and asked Sarah was she sure she wanted to do this and she replied this is the first time she had been anywhere since she married that fat bastard and that she was leaving him when she got home anyway. We all laughed all the way to the hotel. When we checked in the was no extra rooms available for Sarah and she said no need she would stay with us. We go up to our room and put our bags down. Myself and Jeff was trying to figure out what to do first. When in walks Tim he said guys you need to see this. We walked out in to the living room and standing there naked was Sarah. We may as well get this over with so we can have fun guys she told us. Then she walks over and kisses each of us. Grabing our cocks at the same time. She was a goddess I knew she had to have a great body but she was perfect. She went from one to the other and told Tim to pull his shorts down. He did and she dropped to her knees and started sucking him off right in front of us. Jeff looked at me and said this week might be worth the $10 grand after all. He then moves over and takes out his cock. Sarah begins sucking him also as she jerks Tim off slowly. She stops long enough to tell me she has room for one more. I walk over take my shorts off and let her start jerking me off also. She goes from one to the other sucking and jerking off each of us. Tim told he wanted to fuck her but she said not yet thats for later and that she loved swallowing cum but never got to with Bob becuase he told her it was nasty and would never cum in her mouth. She leans back and tells us to jerk off she wanted to watch. Her hands work over both nipples and then she starts to rub her pussy. You could hear how wet she was as she fingered herself. She tells us to let her cum and then she wants us to cum in her mouth. It was not long before she had layed down on the floor and was cumming from her attack on her clit with her fingers. She moaned and called out for us to get down there and cum for her. Tim was on one side of her head Jeff was on the other so I got down and straddled her massive chest I wanted to fuck those big melons but she stopped me and told me later I could do all I wanted. Tim was the first to cum it hit her nose and the rest went in her mouth spurt after spurt. She tried to swallow all of it she could but when Jeff started cumming also and then I started shooting off on her face and in her mouth it was all she could handle but she used her fingers and somehow got about all of it in her mouth and she closed her mouth and swallowed and opened up to show us she had drank it all down. Jeff started getting hard again and she said we still have 4 more days and that he had her all that day and night to do what ever he wanted with her. Tim's day was next then it would be mine. Our last day would be a group day and she wanted us to watch her have sex with another woman. How can you say no to that?

The other days will follow if anyone wants to read them.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000