Peer Pressure: Melissa

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Author's Note: I first posted this story on A.S.S in the summer of 1994. Now, as then, it is not politically correct and is a work of fiction. No identification with actual persons or places is intended.

Peer Pressure: Melissa
by Virtual Scott

Chapter 1

Sullivan College was going to be a big change from high school, Melissa realized. She watched the cab drive off, half wanting to call it back and have the cabby return her to the airport. A moment later, the comely brunette was completely on her own. Well, her parents had said going to an out-of-state school would build self-confidence, but it wasn't as easy to believe now as it had been in the comfort of her home.

She'd been known as a tomboy back in Minnesota. Melissa's hood had been spent worshipping her three older brothers, following them whenever she could. They'd always called her a pest, but it was meant affectionately, and some of the best moments of her life had been spent in rough-and-tumble football games. "The Pest" had learned to throw a baseball as well as any of the boys, and wore the same old jeans and ratty sneakers they did.

Melissa had gotten hooked on computers early when John, her oldest brother, had gotten an Apple II one Christmas. She loved the disciplined creativity involved in programming and had gotten involved in the school's computer club when the other girls in her class lived to flirt with boys and shop at the mall. Later, the faceless machines provided a refuge when her changing body distanced the boys from the easy camaraderie of her younger days; she was no longer the androgynous playmate they felt comfortable with. Melissa still thought of herself as "the pest" and was convinced no boy would relate to her as a girl, even if she'd had the inclination or courage to try such an approach.

Self-consciously Melissa retrieved her glasses from her purse and put them on so she could read the campus map. The purse was an obnoxious reminder of her body's unwanted changes. Her favorite wallet no longer fit comfortably in her hip pocket, and slight farsightedness required her to lug a pair of glasses with her if she wanted to read.

Her friends back home said the thin metal frames looked good on her, but the introverted teen habitually discounted comments about the beauty she was convinced she didn't have. In fact, in the last years of high school her body had ripened into a knockout figure that was imprinted in the minds of many of her old male classmates. Only her attitude and loose, concealing clothing partially disguised this fact.

Brushing back a lock of the dark, frizzy hair that had escaped her ponytail, Melissa looked down the campus. She heaved a sigh of resignation, slung her carry bag over a shoulder, and hefted the oversized suitcase before starting a slow march towards the building she'd identified as Gridley Hall.

The three floors of the U-shaped residence hall wrapped around a central courtyard. When she came close enough to scan the room numbers on the doors ringing the court, Melissa was dismayed to find her room, 301, must be on the top floor. Gridley didn't look like a building that had elevators.

Melissa found the nearest stairway and started the difficult climb to the top floor. She had made it halfway when a tanned student in swimsuit and T-shirt graciously relieved her of the suitcase and carried it the remainder of the way up the stairs. She was too flustered by the parting look he gave her to remember his name. Thank God, she thought, the movers will carry up the steamer trunk when it arrives later in the week.

Tiredly, Melissa trudged to the very end of the hall. The door to room 301 was open, and sure enough, "Melissa T. Bednar" was neatly printed on a post-it note affixed below the room number. The room was occupied, Melissa realized as she lugged her suitcase through the door and unceremoniously dumped it on the floor. Another girl was hanging clothes in one of the closets, surrounded by opened boxes.

The stranger stopped her work and deftly maneuvered around the debris to meet Melissa. "Hello, my name is Janet Mueller."

Melissa immediately found herself wanting as she observed the other's tasteful clothing and unconscious grace. She put on her best face and replied, "I'm Melissa Bednar. Pleased to meet you, I guess we're roommates."

Janet laughed lightly and agreed, "It looks that way. Quick, take the sticker off the door before some other Melissa Bednar arrives!"

Melissa was reassured by the light humor and began to feel better about the thought of sharing a room with Janet. Perhaps a little of the other's grace would rub off on her; the thought reminded her of the glasses still adorning her face and she quickly removed them and laid them on the empty desk. The distraction caused her to miss the envious look as Janet made an informed guess about the body hidden beneath the oversize shirt and windblown hair.

Janet broke the silence with another question. "Is this all you have?"

Melissa was brave enough to try a small joke. "All? This stupid suitcase was almost too much. I think my right arm is stretched." Janet giggled as Melissa completed the explanation. "No, seriously, I have my mom's steamer trunk coming, but it was too big to take on the plane. It should be delivered tomorrow or the next day." Reassured, she felt secure enough to try a question of her own. "Surely you didn't bring all that on a plane?"

Janet followed the glance to the boxes and smiled. "No, 'private moving service.' My brother lives an hour from here -- he drove me up from home. I suppose I should finish unpacking them."

Melissa succeeded in stowing her clothes in the small closet and dresser provided before they succumbed to wrinkling -- not that she particularly cared, but Janet looked like the type who would notice. Deciding the small remainder of her belongings could wait, Melissa elected to investigate the rest of her new home. Janet gave up on arranging her CD collection and volunteered her services as tour guide, although she admitted she hadn't had much opportunity to explore. A glance sufficed to cover the room's furnishings: two single beds, two dressers, two desks with chairs, a recessed sink with a mirror and small cabinet along one wall beside the closets. The best feature was undoubtedly the window, which yielded a fine view of the campus.

Janet led Melissa to the door on the other side of the sink and the girls walked into the bathroom. A shower, curtain pulled back, filled half the bathroom -- Melissa wondered at its size relative to their quarters. On the other side, the toilet was somewhat screened by a partition. With a shrug, Janet opened the door facing them. "It's okay, the upperclassmen don't move in until this weekend."

They peered into a room that was as bare as theirs had been a few hours ago. The two turned to each other in shocked amazement as each realized the center of the room was filled by a single queen-sized bed instead of the two singles they had expected to see! Hurriedly the pair retreated while their minds grappled with the implications of the furnishings.

"Maybe it's just a mistake? Put there by accident?"

"That seems unlikely. But, Melissa, I heard some seniors can use these rooms as singles, if they do well enough in the room draw."

"Oh, why didn't I think of that? That makes much more sense..." Melissa's voice trailed off momentarily as her thoughts returned the horrible, but now discarded, alternatives.

By unspoken consent, the pair elected to head downstairs and see more of the campus. They exited the room and closed the door behind them, after each had tested her room key in the lock. Janet resumed her commentary as they headed for the stairs. "These are supposed to be the best rooms in the dorm. Good view, neighbors on only one side, and the rooms below are used for storage -- we shouldn't have any problems with noise from other students."

Melissa wryly agreed, "As long as you don't have anything too heavy to carry up the stairs!"

Janet concluded, "and hope our suitemate isn't some acid rock freak!" Melissa laughed uncertainly; the joke was too close to her worries to be very amusing.


Melissa and Janet met their new suitemate Saturday afternoon. Janet had been holding up her part of a largely one-sided conversation relating to the previous day's placement tests and the merits of their fellow classmates. Melissa flipped through the first chapters of her introductory programming text. Both looked up at the sound of an opening door in the next room and exchanged excited glances at the realization their neighbor had arrived.

Janet and the stranger opened the bathroom doors simultaneously, then paused to assess each other as Melissa moved to peer over her roommate's shoulder. She didn't know what to think. The vibrant woman facing her had a model's body and carriage, and even looked familiar, but the clothes... They seemed practically obscene. Did people really dress that way?

In contrast to their own shorts and blouses, the stranger was wearing a lightweight purple sweatshirt with the sleeves pushed up above her elbows, black leggings that looked painted on, and short boots. The sexpot pushed her reflective sunglasses up onto her windblown bronze mane as her face creased into a dazzling smile.

"Hi, I'm Jacqueline Barry. Call me Jacqui; everybody does. Really glad to meet you, you guys look like a major improvement over the losers we roomed with last year." She moved forward with hand outstretched; "You are?"

"Oh, right. I'm Janet Mueller, pleased to meet you, Jacqui." Janet shook the offered hand.

Melissa waved from behind Janet, "and I'm Melissa Bednar." In a wry voice, she added, "My friends call me Lissa." Cracking her own smile, she offered, "please come in and visit." Jacqui was only too pleased to accept and moved ahead as the freshmen gave way to her.

"Hey, nice," the beauty commented after a look around. "Can't chat much right now, I'm afraid, I've got more junk to bring up from storage, and I promised Anne I'd help bring up her stuff, too."

Janet rose to the bait and inquired, "Anne?"

Jacqui launched into her story. "Yeah, Anne Takasawa, she's my roommate. No way a lowly junior like me could pull a single in Gridley; Anne got a crappy number in the soph draw, but we doubled up and improved our position enough to get in."

The frosh's troubled expressions reflected the inevitable question.

"Oh, the bed. No, it's not what you think, we use it for partying. Look, two beds like you've got," she gestured at the furniture in question, "break up the room too much. Waste of space. The old queen works great, lots of people can sit on it, throw a cork board on top and you've got a great table for cards or whatever. Hell, this school doesn't give you any time to sleep anyway," she concluded.

It seemed reasonable enough, Melissa decided. Janet remained silent.

"Well, I gotta get back to work. Look, Anne and I will be here right after dinner. You can meet her, then we can go out, dancing or something, I can show you guys where the hot spots are around here. Sound like a plan?"

Janet relented; it would be good to escape one last time before classes really started. "Sounds like a plan," she agreed. Melissa, although slightly unsure about the thought of going bar hopping, nevertheless agreed to accompany her new friends. The three agreed to meet again at 7 PM, and Jacqui departed.


The older girls were a study in contrasts when they arrived. Anne, unsurprisingly, was a petite Oriental with straight, jet black hair. She spoke little beyond the initial introductions and obviously deferred to Jacqui. It was clear to Melissa who the leader of their group would be.

The quartet of young women departed Gridley hall at the appointed hour, and Jacqui led the group to her car. The frosh glanced enviously at the red Mustang convertible and complemented Jacqui on her fortune at owning such a great car when they were wondering when they'd have money to buy even a junker.

Soon they were headed down Fairport Drive with the wind blowing in their faces. Anne and Janet were squashed in the rear sets while Melissa, as tallest of the passengers, sat next to Jacqui. It was hard to tell what Jacqui was doing behind the reflective sunglasses, but Melissa got the impression she was being scrutinized. Uncomfortably, the brunette smoothed the skirt she now wore over her legs, and wished she'd foregone the pantyhose -- it was still brutally hot. Janet had chosen a dress for the occasion, elegant enough for a more formal affair. Anne had arrived wearing a denim skirt over a one-piece swimsuit, and Jacqui still wore her violet and black ensemble.

Over dinner, they learned more about each other. Janet was planning to become an attorney and ambivalent about a potential long-distance relationship with her boyfriend, Franklin. Melissa blushingly admitted she'd never had a boyfriend at home, but knew a lot about math and computers. In turn, the newcomers discovered Anne was an Engineering major. Jacqui was studying journalism, modeled part-time for a local department store chain, and planned to embark on a career as a photojournalist following her graduation.

Later, much cheered and relaxed, the foursome declared the evening a resounding success and vowed to repeat the experience. The young occupants of room 301 retired to their respective beds early Sunday morning to dream of the upcoming adventures of their freshman year of college.

Chapter 2

College life seemed to agree with them. Melissa was flattered to have been approached for a date several times during lunch, although she wasn't sure she was ready to accept more than just meeting for a meal at the cafeteria. Janet was loosening up a bit too. Fall break and, coincidentally, Melissa's birthday, were upon her almost before she realized it.

Sullivan College traditionally gave its students a four-day weekend during October to provide a break in the pressure of the fall semester. Janet had already made plans to return home to visit Franklin and her family before Melissa shyly admitted her 18th birthday fell on the Wednesday before the break. Miffed that Melissa hadn't mentioned the event earlier, Janet nonetheless charged her suitemates with properly celebrating their youngest member's passage into adulthood.

Jacqui solemnly promised to see Melissa had a good time.


The evening started in typical fashion, although this time the four were nearly a matched set -- Jacqui and Anne had outfitted themselves with sleek dresses in honor of the occasion. All four coeds drew admiring glances at during the evening, but there was no question the birthday girl and her bronze-haired companion were the chief heartbreakers.

They returned to the dorm early to bid a regretful good-bye to Janet, who was hitching a ride home with her brother. The party promptly resumed as Jacqui broke out her bottle of Scotch to celebrate Melissa's arrival at drinking age. While Anne made a joke of pretending to "card" Melissa, Jacqui served out the shots.

Several drinks, and an indeterminate amount of time later, the conversation had turned to Jacqui's modeling experiences.

"No, really, Lissa, I mean it!" Jacqui continued. "You're gorgeous! You've really never considered doing any posing?"

"Honestly, no." Glamour was probably, Melissa thought, one of the few things she had less experience with than drinking. Except maybe sex... Get your mind out of the gutter, Lissa! She tried to return her attention to the conversation. "I wouldn't know what to do. I don't know what looks good."

Jacqui laughed. "Actually you don't really need to do anything except show up, look good, and follow directions. Hey, I have a tape from my last assignment. Would you like to see it?"

The proposal was unanimously accepted. Jacqui located the tape and popped it into the VCR, and soon the three coeds were lying back on the bed, bolstered by another round of drinks.

Melissa gazed raptly at the unfolding scenes with amazement. Jacqui was modeling swim wear, but a number of the suits were incredibly skimpy and she sensed she should be shocked by some of the explicit stage directions used. However, her mind felt numbed and, reassured by the steady presence of her friends on either side of her, she took in the tape with a calm that would have surprised her parents. Some 30 minutes later, her only comment was, "Jeez, Jacqui, some of those suits are practically pornographic. Not to mention that director. I guess I don't need to bother going on a field trip down to the Pussycat theater now."

Anne piped up, "You want to see a X-rated movie? We have some tapes here. Do you think we should watch one? Would that be okay, Mistress Jacqueline?"

The strange form of address escaped Melissa, who giggled and replied, "Sure, why not? All part of a college education, right?"

Jacqui merely smiled as she gestured for Anne to comply with the request, and refilled their drinks. Soon the three coeds were sitting in a row at the head of the bed, Melissa in the center, and Jacqui started the film.

The movie was about a housewife taken captive by a gang of robbers and to have sex with each of them, any way they wanted it. Melissa soon found that her panties were soaking wet, and she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs to relieve the urge between her thighs. When the movie ended, the young virgin just sat there and stared at the blank television screen. Anne asked her how she liked the film, and Melissa could only nod her head.

Melissa felt Jacqui's hand on her knee. It wasn't long before the frosh's dress and slip were bunched up around her waist and Jacqui was gently rubbing Melissa's pussy through her panties. Melissa knew she should stop the model, but the feeling was so overpowering that she just sat back and enjoyed it.

Just as she was about to come, Jacqui stopped rubbing her and ordered, "Melissa, take off your panties." The confused teen hesitated for a moment and soon felt Anne's hands on her hips, pulling the offending panties down. Jacqui's fingers were quickly back on the brunette's cunt, and Melissa found herself squirming violently; she came with a pleasure that easily surpassed the self-induced climaxes to which she was accustomed.

Jacqui rolled off the bed onto her feet, then resumed control of the charged situation. "Anne, stop playing with yourself this minute. Lissa, stand over here in front of me and strip. Now." The aroused 18-year-old felt like she was in a trance, but did as she was instructed. Soon her dress, slip and bra lay on the floor next to her discarded panties. "Good. Now get back down on the bed, and spread your legs. Anne, eat her."

The Oriental's lips and tongue were soon working their way up her legs, and Melissa came when Anne brushed her pussy with her lips. Sweet juice ran from the trembling teenager's gash into Anne's mouth as she frantically licked Melissa's virginal slit. Melissa completely lost track of Jacqui.

Then Anne was gone and Jacqui had returned. Melissa started to regain her senses as Jacqui rolled her over onto her stomach. Soon Jacqui's lips were working their magic on the backs of her thighs, and Melissa could feel the warmth spreading through her body again.

Jacqui licked her bottom until it was wet with saliva and then spread Melissa's cheeks and shoved a finger into her ass. Soon the orgasms were tearing through the teen's body so fast that she just lay there trembling and screaming. Overcome at last, the drained beauty fell into a very deep sleep.


Melissa drifted into wakefulness and lay quietly as the previous night's experiences began to trickle into her consciousness. Her face felt scalded by the sudden blush that covered it as the last memories clicked into place, and she sat up abruptly. The teen realized she was lying naked in Jacqui's bed! Horror emerged full-force at the discovery of a chain encircling her neck and tying it to the wall, and Melissa screamed as she began a futile struggle to escape the trap.

Jacqui and a man Melissa didn't recognize burst through the bathroom door. "Shut up, bitch! Slaves don't scream," hissed Jacqui. "Steve, bind her hands and feet before she hurts herself."

She started a camcorder positioned on her desk, then the two stripped back the sheet. After a struggle, they secured Melissa's limbs with the thongs concealed at the corners of the bed. Melissa's frightened gaze darted from Steve's hand as he rubbed his crotch to Jacqui as she moved up to the side of the bed.

"That's right, screaming won't do you any good, slave," Jacqui crooned, before beginning to toy with Melissa's bush. "Definitely we should shave this one, Steve," she said. "It would look so much better. See? Like mine." The vicious model shucked her bathrobe, revealing her beautiful cunt, slick as a baby's ass.

She bent down to fondle and suck Melissa's nipples until they were swollen and hard. Steve had cupped his bulging crotch in one hand and was squeezing it rhythmically. Jacqui climbed up on the bend and, placing a knee on each side of Melissa's head, her cunt down on Melissa's face. "Eat me out. Suck my pussy, slave. Stick your tongue up inside my hole, and don't forget about my clit!"

Melissa screamed, "No! Janet, help! Anne!" Her hopes plummeted as she remembered Janet was gone and she caught sight of Anne at the side of the bed, furiously stroking her own shaved and dripping cunt.

"I'll teach you to refuse me, you bitch," Jacqui threatened. She moved off the bed and retrieved some shaving supplies from the cupboard below the sink.

Melissa could feel the creme being sprayed onto her bush and spread crotch. Sobbing, she pleaded with her captors, but no mercy was forthcoming.

"No way, slave. You are mine," Jacqui said as she cleaned the virgin's crotch with swift, controlled passes of the razor. Soon all three women had pubic areas as bare as the day they were born. Steve was growing uncomfortable with the pressure in his shorts, and pushed them to the floor.

His cock was large and very hard. After a glance from Jacqui, he went to Melissa and commanded, "Suck this, doll."

Melissa looked at it and pleaded, "No! No! Please don't!" Further complaints were silenced as Steve fed his cock into her mouth. Thoughts of biting were banished by Jacqui's hissed warning in her ear. It moved slowly back and forth, never quite triggering her gag reflex.

Even this submission wasn't enough. Encouraged by probing hands and verbal threats, Melissa began sucking his organ and running her tongue along its length until Steve shot his come down her throat. Coughing, with tears running down her face and mouth still plugged, she swallowed it. Then Jacqui mounted her and Melissa to eat her out. It was the most humiliating day in the young coed's life, and it barely had started.

"Slave Anne! You will continue working on this slave. You know what to do; don't screw up." Anne's naked, dripping folds quickly replaced Jacqui's atop Melissa's face. The taste was different, but again not unpleasant...

The thought was banished by the sensation of something large and hard pressing against her pussy. She tensed and screamed, but the sound was entirely muffled as Anne pressed more forcefully against her face. Then Jacqui's finger was stroking her clit and, shamefully, Melissa felt herself lubricating again.

The stimulation continued as Steve rammed himself into her and began thrusting vigorously. There was a burst of pain as he ruptured her hymen, and she felt uncomfortably stretched, but there was very little friction, and oh! that finger... Melissa wept tears of humiliation as she orgasmed under the relentless stimulation. The cock inside her began spasming again, and she could feel the jism squirting inside her before Steve withdrew and splattered her tummy with more of his warm scum.

Anne trembled with her own climax and climbed off. Melissa realized Jacqui was nowhere to be seen, and as her two remaining captors fumbled with her bonds, she hoped for a moment they might be releasing her. Instead she was repositioned, on her stomach this time, with her legs trailing towards the floor but still firmly fastened to something.

She jerked as the cheeks of her ass were parted and tried unsuccessfully to see what was happening. Fingers, too small to be Steve's, were stroking her and probing her holes. Something soft and velvety trailed down her crack and began teasing her sphincter. Anne was licking her ass! Melissa's initial disgust faded before the onslaught of sensation as Anne repeatedly penetrated her butt and withdrew again, wetting it well, and occasionally tickled her oozing slit.

Melissa was actually considering asking for her release in return for her cooperation when Anne moved away. The Oriental's gentle mouth was replaced by Steve's rigid prick. Even though it appeared to be coated with some sort of lubricant, the pain was incredible as the throbbing rod its way slowly into her asshole. Melissa struggled uselessly and soon Anne's bare mound was gagging her screams again. Again, there was a pause while fingers -- Steve's this time -- worked her body to unwilling excitement before her indoctrination continued.

Her trials did not end with that painful event. After coming in her bowels, Steve withdrew while Melissa reluctantly licked Anne to another orgasm. There was a short pause, then cycle resumed. Steve fucked her in the mouth and ass and cunt while Anne her to pleasure every inch of her demanding body including, eventually, her ass.

Nevertheless, they took care to maintain Melissa's level of excitement. Eventually the captive freshman was responding to the acts themselves without need of manual stimulation. She had no strength for argument when they began her to beg for their attentions.

Although her captors took occasional breaks for food and drink, Melissa was soon worn out by their continuous demands. Nonetheless, they kept it up for most of the day.


Melissa was so tired she could barely think. She was kneeling on the floor while Anne held her "leash." The brutalized 18-year-old could feel the come leaking from her ass and cunt, and dripping from her mouth. For what seemed like the millionth time, Steve walked up to her and glanced down expectantly. She couldn't believe his stamina, but she knew what to do. Melissa took his cock into her mouth and sucked it without a word being spoken, and wondered at the sensations that passed through her body as he jetted into her again.

The next act was scripted, too. "Please Mistress Anne, let me lick your cunt. Please let suck out your come. I love your taste, oh please let me eat you." With a shock, Melissa realized she meant it, and felt a tingling when Anne assented. She crawled to the petite girl, who had a cruel streak she hadn't imagined, and began licking and nibbling on the folds of her slit, before sucking on her clitoris.

When Anne was satisfied, Melissa pulled back and realized that Jacqui was in the room again. The slave and her mistress traded a meaningful look that left Melissa's legs trembling and her cunt dripping. Evidently it had the same effect on Jacqui, who instructed, "Pay close attention, slave." She hiked up her skirt, revealing her naked butt, and bent over the bed, saying "Fuck me up the ass, Steve-O!" He readily complied, and Melissa, watching Jacqui's thrusting, twisting buns, wondered if she looked the same way when Steve was sodomizing her.

Soon the couple climaxed noisily and Steve withdrew. Jacqui looked over her shoulder and ordered, "Suck me out, Anne. Make sure you get all of Steve's come and clean me up good. Lissa, pay close attention; you'll have to serve me this way too. And Anne, save a mouthful to share." The look on Anne's face said she had expected to continue playing mistress, but she knelt behind Jacqui. She pulled the model's buns apart to reveal the loosened hole, then leaned forward to begin sucking the come from it. Melissa watched in fascination until Anne turned and pulled her close. A sloppy kiss transferred some of Steve's seed, this time with a new pungent flavor, to the teen's mouth. She savored the taste before swallowing it.

When Melissa opened her eyes, the hate in Anne's stare frightened her. Why, she thought, when I'm obeying her commands? We used to be friends. A glance at Jacqui revealed only a look of mingled arousal, amusement, and affection. Could it be Anne's jealous? But why?

The young coed, no longer a virgin in any sense of the term, puzzled over the emotions of herself and her friends. She neglected to note that her leash had been lying on the floor, unclaimed, while Anne serviced Jacqui. Jacqui's plan had succeeded.

"Up on the bed next to Jacqui, slave," Steve ordered, having grown bored. "Beg for it up your butt."

Melissa complied, moving to the bed as she moaned, "I crave to have you fuck me up the ass. It feels so good having my shithole filled, please ream me." Her cunt moistened in anticipation as she felt the head of Steve's relentless cock painfully force its way into her tight anus.

Chapter 3

Many long hours later, Melissa wasn't sure she still knew herself. She was almost positive it was Friday, but it was so hard to remember... At least she had earned a break from the ceaseless violations that filled her thoughts.

Those thoughts snapped back to the present as Anne stepped aside and allowed the spray from the showerhead to wash the soap, sweat and scum from Melissa's breasts. The frosh squirmed under the pleasurable sensation, ignoring the swaying cable that was locked to both her neck and the curtain rod. Then she was flailing for balance and cutting off a squeal of alarm as Anne turned her against the wall and spread her cheeks to clean them as well.

Apparently she now passed muster. Anne turned off the water and handed her a towel. Melissa dried herself clumsily, hampered by her chain, and was still working at it when Anne left the bathroom. She was mostly dry several minutes later, but still alone.

"Anne? Jacqui? Is anything wrong?" Reflexively, she clasped the towel across her chest as the door opened.

"You don't need that," Jacqui commented as she pulled the covering away and dropped it before stepping in to reach the padlock. "And inside these rooms, you will address me as 'Mistress Jacqueline,' understood?"

Melissa dropped her eyes as she replied, "yes, Mistress Jacqueline."

Lock unfastened, Jacqui led Melissa back to the bedroom, then paused to unfasten the padlock and release the other end of the cable. The lock was refastened, leaving the collar still in place around the teen's throat. "We won't need the leash any longer, will we, Lissa?"

Melissa knew the answer, and felt herself blush as she answered, "no, Mistress Jacqueline." Her eyes followed the key as Jacqui threaded it onto a thin silver chain and fastened it about her own elegant neck.

The next lesson began. "You enjoyed your 'birthday party' yesterday, didn't you? The truth, now."

Melissa attempted to sort through her conflicting thoughts, but the overriding emotion was clear. "Yes, Mistress Jacqueline, oh yes. B-But, Steve, his cock hurt me. And I think Anne--" Jacqui cut her off.

"You leave all thinking about these matters to me. Don't worry about Anne, I am aware of her problem. And we'll accustom your body to these new activities; only time is needed."

"Now, on to business. Are you wet?" Melissa felt lost at the sudden turn in conversation and tried to understand the question. Understanding dawned as Jacqui impatiently stepped closer and ran her hand over Melissa's bared mons; a finger darting briefly through her folds caused her to jump. The finger moved to Jacqui's mouth, and the mistress answered her own question. "Yes, I see you are, a bit. But you can do better than this." Remembering the previous day, Melissa knew that was true, but presently the junior clarified the issue.

"I require that you always be ready. When I think of 'hot and moist,' I want you to come to mind before Florida. Dripping. Understand?" Melissa was dazed by the thought, and could only nod. The next command was easier to interpret. "Bend over the bed and get your ass in the air." Melissa moved to obey, and Jacqui continued her dissertation. "I'm going to spank you now, Melissa, not to punish you, and not because I'm angry with you, but because I want to. But be sure you will be punished this way as the occasion demands. Is that clear?"

Melissa a response, "yes, Mistress Jacqueline." Her body ached enough as it was, but there was no way for her to evade the spurious punishment.

Jacqui's hand rose and fell with an even rhythm. At first there was pain, then Melissa felt a warmth spreading through her buttocks into her loins. She could no longer repress her tears, and she heard Jacqui ask, "Do you want to be spanked?"

Melissa shook her head, but the blows continued. Jacqui thrust a hand between the brunette's legs and began to massage Melissa's pussy, at the same time continuing the rhythmic slapping on her cheeks. Melissa began to gasp for breath, unable to control her spastic reactions, as moisture covered Jacqui's probing fingers.

When the hands abruptly fell away, the now-aroused frosh could not restrain a plea. "Please, Mistress Jacqueline, please, make me come. I need it so bad."

Her hope was damped by Jacqui's reply. "No, this was merely to get you properly prepared. My next requirement is that you will come only when I allow it. You will touch yourself only when I allow it. Disobedience will be punished. Now roll over." Melissa did so, attempting to focus on the instructions through her haze of arousal.

"Let's be clear. When you are in class, work for yourself. I'll allow you sufficient time for homework. At all other times, your only purpose is to serve me, as I desire. You will remain ready for me; no more shorts or slacks. I've picked out some skirts and dresses, you can buy others. Whenever I desire, you will demonstrate your readiness as we've discussed, and make yourself available as I require."

Melissa imagined a succession of days such as the one before, and could not hold back a shuddering moan. Reflecting mingled fear and desire, it was all the answer Jacqui needed.

Melissa watched as her mistress retrieved some supplies from the trunk in the closet. She was unable to make sense of the items as Jacqui lined them up along the edge of the bed. There were a number of different sized flared rods, what looked like tangled shoelaces, and a tube of some type of lotion. Jacqui answered the inquiring look.

"Your ass is too tight. You know it, Steve knows it, and I know it. These will correct that problem." She demonstrated by picking up the largest rod, an immense instrument which to Melissa's eyes dwarfed Steve's cock. While Melissa stared, Jacqui squirted some lubricant on the rod, polished it briefly with a rag, then bent slightly and inserted it completely up her own ass with scarcely a pause. "See? You'll be doing this in a couple weeks."

The slave felt faint as she watched her mistress piston the huge dildo in and out, and tried to dismiss the thought of that instrument tearing into her own anus. Jacqui evidently noticed, because she stopped and further clarified. "Don't look at me that way. You don't start with this, dummy. You'll work your way up a day at a time. Now stand up, so I can fit the harness."

Melissa rose to her feet, automatically adjusting her stance to spread her legs slightly. The "shoelaces" were revealed to be thin strips of supple leather. Jacqui worked quickly and confidently, and soon the procedure was completed. Melissa looked down at the thin belt that encircled her slender waist. In front at each side, a strip ran from the belt down to her crotch, passing to each side of her completely exposed lips. She knew they joined with the single cord that ran up the crack of her ass before emerging to attach to the belt behind her. The harness was very snug, although not inconveniently so, and Melissa could feel the snap where the rod would attach pressing against her sensitized sphincter muscle.

Jacqui picked up and lubricated the smallest of the rods. Melissa guessed it was about the size of her pinkie and wondered why it was necessary when she had been so brutally sodomized the day before. But she bent over the bed when Jacqui commanded, and felt the other's hands move the snap to one side before probing the exposed hole. The slick dildo smoothly penetrated her with only minor discomfort and Melissa heard a "snap" as it was securely fastened to the harness.

She could feel it moving slightly inside her as Jacqui pulled her back to her feet, and the unusual sensation added to the tingling in Melissa's loins. Her mistress stroked her ass lightly and stepped back. "Good. You will come to me each morning to be fitted, or if you must use the bathroom. Don't remove the harness; if I find you have done so, you will be severely punished."

Melissa had not thought before now that she would be permanently outfitted this way. What of the complications? "Mistress Jacqueline, how am I to explain this?"

Jacqui laughed lightly before replying. "What, modesty now? Don't bother. Wear your usual clothing over it. Janet is the only person in a position to notice, and I'm sure you're clever enough to avoid drawing her attention. But if she should ask, you may refer her to me." There was a pause, and then Melissa learned more of Jacqui's plans for the day. "Now, you should go get yourself made up. We two will be going out, and your pretty hair's a mess after that shower. Come back when you're ready to dress and we'll pick out your clothes."

Melissa walked back through the bathroom, absently retrieving her towel on the way, and walked to stand in front of her mirror. The rod penetrating her ass and the sensation of her buttocks flexing against the leather strap distracted her, and she stared at her reflection in the mirror for several minutes. Mistress Jacqueline was right about the hair, she mused, I look like a drowned cat. Her gaze descended, past the collar encircling her neck, past her erect nipples, to the bizarre contrast of dark leather on pale, smooth flesh. Melissa's eyes locked on the -gorged lips of her swollen cunt. The teen had realized she was much sexier than the actress in the porno tape last night. Her hand, apparently of its own will, moved to touch the erect clitoris, but was thwarted as its owner returned from her thoughts and remembered Jacqui's stern injunction. With a conscious effort, Melissa lifted her eyes and picked up her hairbrush.


It was like playing with paper dolls again, Melissa thought, only she was being dressed instead of a cardboard figure. She'd never spent this much time dressing, even for her high school graduation. Of course, she admitted to herself, she would never have dressed like this before meeting Janet and Jacqui. Copying her mistress, Melissa finished rolling the patterned stockings up her legs and attached them to the satiny garter belt she wore around her waist over top of the leather harness.

Next came the bandeau bra. It seemed too delicate to provide much support, but that was a moot point because it appeared neither her own nor Jacqui's firm tits were actually in need of a bra. Melissa awkwardly fastened the front clasp and attempted to arrange the bra decorously, but Jacqui intervened. Brushing the younger girl's hands aside, she pushed Melissa's breasts up until the nipples were clearly visible through the filmy lace trim along the top. A moment devoted to rolling and pinching the nipples was sufficient to make them stiffen and thrust forward through the lace. "Much better. Still primed for action?" Jacqui asked rhetorically as she dropped a hand to inspect Melissa's crotch and found it dripping.

The frosh was beginning to understand the nature of her as sensations she could not ignore or respond to raced from her erogenous zones to warm her entire body. She wanted badly to come, but Jacqui's mind seemed to remain focused on business. The next piece of business seemed to be a pair of high-cut bikini panties. Melissa could feel them gliding against her cunt, which no longer had its accustomed buffer of kinky hair, as she pulled them into place. Her aroused sex responded by pumping more moisture into the pastel fabric, which rapidly darkened around the crotch as it filled with fragrant juices.

Embarrassed, Melissa looked at Jacqui and found the reassurance she sought. "Lissa, there's no shame in being ready. You're very beautiful and you're making your mistress very happy." The offending garment was soon covered by a slip and modest navy blue skirt, which nevertheless clung to Melissa's frame in an extremely attractive manner. The blooming sex toy noticed Jacqui did not bother with panties as she climbed into her dress. It was a tight-fitting sheath that the self-assured junior left unzipped deep into her cleavage on top, and halfway to her crotch below.

Finally, Melissa pulled her own peasant top over her head and tucked the bottom into her skirt. She turned to check her hair in the mirror, and Jacqui again rearranged the clothing. This time the top was pulled down over Melissa's shoulders until the bumps of her stiff nipples showed just below the top of the garment. Melissa noticed the outlines of her body and bra were clearly detectable through the cream-color top, but she decided she didn't care.

Soon the pair was walking towards to nearly deserted parking lot. Melissa listened to the click of their new high heels on the pavement, and the jingle of the collar encircling her neck. She tried, unsuccessfully, the ignore the sensations of the damp satin caressing her cunt and the subtle stroking of the dildo in her ass.

Jacqui's face glowed as she unlocked the car and said, "See? No problems. Welcome to the real world, Lissa. And for tonight, you can call me Jacqueline. How are you doing?"

Melissa considered, then answered honestly. "I need to come, Jacqueline. I want it worse than anything." Jacqui threw back her head and laughed as the car departed with a roar and the screech of burning rubber.


Melissa had never felt so sensual. Jacqui had led her from one club to another, all of them filled with young men and women on the make. At first the modest freshman had shied away from the frequent admiring gazes she attracted. A few drinks and Jacqui's protective presence bolstered Melissa's confidence to the point where she began to flaunt her hot body. That heat had been increased earlier in the evening when Jacqui had pulled her into a corner and quickly run a hand up her skirt and performed a "status check."

Now the pair was gyrating on a crowded dance floor. Melissa's loins were pulsing in time to the beat of the music as she perfected a series of sinuous movements that further stimulated the sensitive nerve endings of her most private parts. Jacqui's eyes found and held her own. Melissa watched the other beauty toy with the key on its necklace, then Jacqui slid a hand inside her dress and began to knead her own breast. When Jacqui ran the pointed tip of her tongue over her parted lips while maintaining the suggestive stare and self-, Melissa climaxed in an orgasmic wave that left her knees weak. She wobbled forward and clasped her mistress to avoid falling.

A moment later, Melissa was sufficiently recovered to follow Jacqui off the floor. The vacated space was filled instantly by oblivious dancers. The two young women proceeded to the bathroom, where Jacqui quickly pulled the flushed brunette into a stall with her before latching the door.

"You like my tits, don't you, Lissa?" Jacqui whispered. "Here, taste them." She unzipped her dress to the navel and pulled one flap aside to reveal the rounded globe capped by a jutting nipple. Melissa leaned forward and licked the stiff tip as she pulled the bra down to completely expose Jacqui's orb. When Jacqui began running her hands through Melissa's curly hair and softly moaned, "suck it," the frosh pressed forward to envelop as much as possible of Jacqui's flesh in her warm mouth.

Soon, however, Jacqui pulled her away. "Ah, good. Now sit down there and eat me." Obediently, Melissa lowered the toilet seat and sat on it. She watched hungrily as Jacqui slid the lower zipper upwards until the slit reached to her crotch and moved forward. Soon the slave was serving her mistress as she had so many times the previous day. Jolts began shooting through Melissa's body as Jacqui pushed down the peasant top and began to painfully pinch and pull her suitemate's exposed nipples.

Melissa thought the interlude was over when Jacqui's climax sent a rush of feminine moisture into her sucking mouth. Jacqui's statement when she'd recovered her breath dispelled that notion. "You've been very pleasing and obedient tonight, Lissa. Because I'm in a good mood, I'll reward you. Spread your legs." Melissa did her best to comply, but her slip and skirt hampered her. "More than that, I have to be able to reach your cunt." Anxiously, the freshman hiked her skirt up her thighs and parted them until her knees nearly touched the walls of the stall.

Jacqui, meanwhile, had rearranged her own clothing before withdrawing a slim vibrator from her purse. Melissa, not recognizing the instrument for what it was, felt curiously disappointed at the size of the artificial cock. Still, her arousal increased as Jacqui continued, "You'll have to be quiet. Make a lot of noise, and somebody will want to know what's going on, and I'll have to stop. I'm sure you wouldn't want that." Jacqui knelt in front of her and reached between Melissa's quivering legs.

At the older coed's quirked eyebrow, Melissa suddenly realized her panties and slip were completely soaked, and the front panel of her skirt was very damp. "That's the nice thing about dark colors," Jacqui commented, "stains don't show. You've enjoyed tonight, haven't you?" Melissa's attempt at a nod degenerated into a shudder as she felt the cool plastic push around her underwear and into her grasping vagina.

Melissa was unable to stop the movement of her hips as she began to slide back and forth on the slim stick. She began to moan as she felt Jacqui fingering the shaft that penetrated her ass. She caught her breath as the vibrator withdrew and Jacqui reprimanded her, "Sssh! Now do you want me to continue, or not?"

Melissa focused her will on holding her voice to a whisper, as she replied, "Oh please, Mistress Jacqueline. I'll be good, I promise. Really quiet. Please let me come again."

The intrusion returned, moving in and out more quickly this time. Melissa clenched her lip between her teeth as her swollen clitoris was rolled between Jacqui's fingers, then the thrusting stopped. Suddenly, sensation blasted through her as Jacqui switched on the vibrator and pressed it to her clit. The low whirring of the electric toy was undetectable over the rustling of clothing as Melissa thrashed up and down before spasming. Her athletic thighs closed to hold Jacqui's hand firmly in place until the orgasm subsided.

The young coed, temporarily satiated, opened her eyes to meet Jacqui's approving look. She could taste the from where she'd bitten her lip, but she'd held back the scream that had wanted to force itself out of her. Melissa stood and smoothed her skirt back into place while Jacqui licked the vibrator clean. With a smile, she returned it to her purse. "Little slut, you taste delicious."

They exited the stall. Melissa held her head high as she ignored the shocked glances of the other patrons. Jacqueline is pleased with me, she makes me feel so good, the teen thought. I think I'm falling in love with her. Can that be possible? My parents would be horrified, they'd say it was perverted. But the look in her eyes when she looks at me, it makes me as wet as when I'm fucking. I think maybe she feels the same way about me.

Jacqui graciously opened the bathroom door for her, and Melissa took the courtesy as another sign of favor. Side by side, they headed for the front door. Gradually, the intense looks from other patrons and Jacqui's wide smile penetrated the beautiful brunette's introspection. Mentally tracking the stares, Melissa glanced down and was horrified to see she had forgotten to adjust her top! The lace trim lay where Jacqui had pushed it, three quarters of the way down her bust. It contrasted vividly with her bra, and the exposed inch-high band of midnight blue satin lace served only to draw the eye to the prominent nipples jutting proudly from her exposed tits.

Her face flushed in a beet-red blush that spread to Melissa's breasts. Even as she began to raise her hands to cover herself, Jacqui gripped her arm in an unbreakable hold and commented casually, "Leave it. Unless you want every guy in the place to see you like this, and not just the few who aren't drunk yet. Just act normal and keep walking."

Melissa fixed her eyes firmly upon the door, and struggled unobtrusively to speed their pace. The remaining fifty feet felt like fifty miles and she was sure, Jacqui's assertions notwithstanding, her tits were imprinted on the minds of every person in the club. Finally she reached the sanctuary of the door and the dark night outside, but still Jacqui refused to allow her to pull up the top.

Only when they reached the car did Jacqui turn her so they faced each other, before lifting the top the minimum amount necessary to cover Melissa's nipples. Jacqui looked into her eyes again before speaking in a voice throaty with emotion. "I love your innocence, Lissa. I love teaching you, and watching you master your lessons. You're all that I could ask for."

To Melissa's surprise, Jacqui pulled her into a deep, lingering kiss that turned the teen's legs to jelly. As their lithe bodies melted together, Jacqui's tongue pushed into Melissa's mouth to caress her own. Melissa wept tears of joy as they ran hands over each other's bodies and threaded fingers through their mingled hair, her own tight brunette curls contrasting with Jacqui's flowing, frosted bronze tresses. Melissa began to rub her pubic mound against Jacqui's hip and prayed the night would never end.

Chapter 4

The soothing sound of water running in the shower brought Melissa to gradual wakefulness, and she lay quietly in her bed for several minutes reviewing warm memories of the previous evening. Lazily, she rolled onto her side and gazed at Janet's empty bed. What would happen when her roommate returned? Janet considered all of them her friends, but acceptance of the unusual (to say the least!) relationship between herself and Jacqui would not come easily, if at all. Hopefully Jacqui would know what to do; she'd hinted as much yesterday.

When the shower cut off, Melissa decided she'd have to get up. She could use a shower herself, and Jacqui had told her to be ready for a morning run before it got too warm. The rest of the day was to be spent reviewing her wardrobe. The young brunette climbed from underneath the sheets and pulled her nightshirt over her head. Clad only in collar and harness, she padded to the bathroom door and opened it.

She'd been too quick; Anne was just exiting the shower after toweling off. Gesturing Melissa forward, the petite Oriental suddenly grabbed the collar and pulled her close before savagely mauling Melissa's breast and biting the nipple. Melissa blinked back tears, but her cry was muffled by the hand covering her mouth. Anne released her and stepped back, a feral grin daring Melissa to call Jacqui. A moment later, she turned and was gone.

Melissa rubbed her tit to soothe the pain, then realized Jacqui wouldn't like it. She stepped into the shower and relaxed under the spray while she tried to decide how to react. Was Anne acting on her own initiative? Did she, Melissa, have a right to complain? If she did, how would Jacqui respond? Finally she decided to play it by ear. After working around the unfamiliar leather harness straps and giving her bared mound a few strokes more with the washcloth than strictly were necessary, Melissa shut off the water. Soon she was dry, save for her damp hair wrapped in a towel. Gathering her resolve, she entered Jacqui's room.

Apparently Anne had already departed, and Jacqui seemed lost in thought as she blow-dried her hair. Melissa ventured a greeting: "Good morning, Mistress Jacqueline."

Jacqui turned and flashed a warm smile before turning off the dryer. "Good morning, Lissa. Is my nasty little girl ready for her new plug?" Melissa nodded nervously.

Jacqui sat on the end of the bed and pulled the new rod from the pocket of her robe. This one was about the size of her middle finger and slightly thicker. "Come lie across my lap, slave," came the order. Melissa climbed onto the bed and moved so she lay across Jacqui, one leg sprawling to the floor to keep her from rolling off. She felt a brief tug as the snap was unfastened, then Jacqui drew out the tiny plug and sniffed it before setting it aside.

Soon Melissa felt her sphincter spreading as she was penetrated again, more deeply than before, and a click confirmed her ass was now firmly filled. Without warning, Jacqui began to spank her, hard. Much as before, the blows inflamed her buttocks until she could no longer hold back her tears. Then Jacqui's other hand found her cunt. "Lissa, I'm disappointed in you. You aren't nearly wet enough." As the spanking continued, a hard frigging inflamed her clitoris and Melissa felt the tension building again in her body. When, inevitably, she came, Melissa's leg gave out and she rolled to the floor.

The naked coed lay panting on the carpeting while Jacqui stepped across her prone body and washed the previous day's artificial prick. "Okay slave, enough lying around for today. Go get dressed. Be back in 15 minutes for our run." Melissa rose to her feet and left quickly, aware she'd need most of that time to dry her own hair.


Melissa knew, when she returned, her sweatsuit didn't meet with Jacqui's approval. "I'm sorry, Mistress Jacqueline, this is all I have." Jacqui sighed and picked up a pair of scissors.

"Don't apologize. Just stand there and don't twitch -- I wouldn't want to have to find a replacement slave."

Melissa tried to minimize her shivers as Jacqui pulled off the sweat jacket and simply cut the pants from her legs. The oversized T-shirt was also sliced in half and removed.

A minute later, Melissa was clothed in only a sports bra, a pair of her new panties, ankle socks and her Nikes. Discarding the scissors, Jacqui pulled the scanty string bikini more firmly into place, then tossed a new T-shirt to Melissa. When she pulled it on, she realized it was small, nearly as tight across her breasts as the bra, and the cropped bottom flapped several inches above her navel. Across the front, in bold letters, was the word "SLUT."

Jacqui eyed the effect approvingly, then chided her again. "Lissa, Lissa. You need to learn to obey instructions if you're to please me. Wet. Wet! WET!" Melissa jumped at the final shout, and jumped again as Jacqui pressed her hand against the panties and rolled the clitoris between her fingers and the fabric. Melissa felt her loins heat again, and soon the damp spot Jacqui was waiting for appeared on the pale blue material. Jacqui rein the lesson with a few hard slaps to her pupil's ass.

When Jacqui handed the next item to her, Melissa knew she must be holding her new running shorts, but she couldn't decide how to don the wraparound garment. "Mistress?"

Jacqui sighed again. "Watch closely, slave." The statuesque junior doffed her robe and picked up a similar pair of shorts. Dangling them in front of her like an apron, she tied two of the strings behind her, then reached between her legs to draw the shorts around her like a breech clout. The remaining ties looped around over her hips and tied in front to secure the shorts.

Melissa carefully donned her own shorts. They felt very loose, and her confidence was not improved when Jacqui instructed, "Make sure you get the ties over your hips and tight if you don't want to flash the other joggers!" By the time she was finished, Jacqui had completed dressing and wore a cropped T-shirt identical to Melissa's, except this one read "BITCH." Melissa admired her mistress's body, realizing she herself was just as scantily clad, while Jacqui tied back her hair.

Finally, to Melissa's surprise, Jacqui unlocked and removed the chain from her throat. "Don't go getting ideas. I just don't want to have to carry you back here after you knock yourself unconscious with this lock flopping around. I'll have to find something better." Melissa glided her hand across the base of her neck, missing the weight that had grown so familiar over just the past day. The psychological difference added a spring to her step as she headed out into the morning sun.

Hopes of normalcy faded from Melissa's mind as she and Jacqui jogged easily down the campus. Each stride jostled the prick buried between her flexing buttocks, and the cool breeze wafting by her slim midriff would never have penetrated her old exercise gear. The frosh felt free and easy until her companion's route took them past the other dorms. This was much worse than the anonymity of the dance club. Melissa dropped her eyes, unable to meet the looks of her fellow students and classmates. She knew the heat radiating through her body was not due to her mild exertion.

Twenty minutes later they stopped for a breather beside the school's athletic field. Both were slightly winded, and both knew not all of the droplets beading the brunette's thighs were sweat. While the women braced themselves against the chain link fence and stretched, Jacqui openly sized up the football team practicing mid-field for the evening's game. Melissa was caught up in memories of hood games, but Jacqui's crude comments drew her attention to the athletes.

"Look at the buns on those guys. Wouldn't you love to sink your nails into a couple of them while one of those studs nailed you? God, I get wet just thinking about it." A juicy squishing sound drew Melissa's attention to her side, where she found Jacqui had slid a hand through the loose leg opening of her shorts and was masturbating her easily accessible cunt. Jacqui met the pleading gaze with a wink; "Rank hath its privileges. Maybe later, if you're good."

The two were surprised by the football that rolled up to crash against the fence in front of them. It was followed closely by a grinning receiver who hustled to retrieve the misthrown pass. Melissa felt her mouth widen to form an "O;" the handsome black hunk was built like a god.

Her eyes jumped back to his face at his unexpected greeting. "Yo, bitch! Good to see you around again, who's the slut?" Melissa felt her cheeks flame and belatedly realized he was referring to their shirts. His smile turned to a leer, and he continued, "Not interrupting anything, am I?"

Jacqui was still herself, in front of this man! Melissa nearly panicked; surely he'd tell someone, they'd be thrown in jail or expelled -- what would she tell her parents? As the conversation continued, some of the anxiety faded when it became evident the two were acquainted.

"Yo yourself, Darryl. The slut's my very good friend Melissa. Lissa, meet Darryl, world's greatest wide receiver. At least on this campus."

The shy freshman managed a quiet, "Hello Darryl," but could not bring herself to meet his eyes again.

"Any friend of Jacqui's is a friend of mine. Melissa, how about I run a few into your end zone sometime soon?" There was a pause while Melissa deciphered the meaning of this loaded phrase. She had barely begun to gasp a response when Jacqui cut her off.

"Sorry my man, gotta win a few more in the regular season before you get to the Super Bowl."

"Hey, I live for the sweet taste of victory."

"Yeah? Well it looks like your coach wants you back, but here's your taste for today."

Melissa watched silently as Jacqui pulled her dripping fingers from her shorts and thrust them through the fence. Darryl quickly sucked them into his mouth. "Ah, victory!" he exclaimed.

As the black stud ran to rejoin his waiting teammates, Jacqui got in the last word: "See you in the playoffs!"

Released from Darryl's penetrating gaze, Melissa found her voice again. "Jacqui! I mean, Mistress Jacqueline! Did he really mean?..."

Jacqui giggled, something the naive teen wasn't expecting. "Lissa, the man's cock is bigger than his ego. I'll never forget the playoff party Anne and I threw last year." Melissa, to her immense surprise, discovered she was envious of Anne. Her cunt creamed at the thought of a gigantic black prick stuffing it. As usual, the domineering junior read her thoughts perfectly and lifted Melissa's hopes with a quick comment. "Don't worry, I can tell Darryl really likes you. Usually he only promises the girls field goals."

Jacqui pushed their pace on the return trip, and finished with a fast sprint which Melissa won by a narrow margin. Following a shared laugh, Melissa turned for the dorm but pulled up when she realized Jacqui wasn't beside her. Instead, the bronze-haired siren had taken a few steps towards the cafeteria. "Come on, Lissa, let's get something to eat before breakfast closes."

Melissa thought of the other patrons, and of her skimpy sweat-soaked outfit, and her body, smelling of perspiration and sexual secretions. The last thing in the world she wanted was to walk into that building. Sensing the risks of outright refusal, she fastened on the first objection that came to mind. "I left my meal card back in the room."

Jacqui's eyes narrowed and the tone of her voice toughened. "You know they'll let you in if you give 'em your student number. Do I have to drag you in?"

That humiliation would be too much to bear. With a gulp, the chastened freshman joined the cocky junior and they joined the other students in the entrance line. Jacqui kept up a stream of inconsequential conversation that Melissa to keep talking. Melissa's terse replies faltered as she tried to close her ears to the barrage of wolf whistles which greeted the pair as they left the food line and entered the dining room.

Jacqui struck a dramatic pose, head up, breasts thrust out, weight shifted to one side, as she slowly scanned the room. Melissa nearly dropped her tray when Jacqui led her to a partially occupied table where a number of Melissa's classmates were sitting. Jacqui was already setting down her food and indicating a spot for Melissa when the junior asked, "May we join you?"

The hush ended when Pamela Atwood, who partnered with Melissa in their chemistry lab, greeted them. "Sure, Lissa. You're Lissa's suitemate, ah, Jacqui, right?" Melissa was too strung out to notice the reactions of the other diners at the table when Jacqui confirmed the guess and introduced herself. Melissa now picked up the conversation in an attempt to draw attention from their appearance.

The air of normalcy was fractured when Jacqui announced, "Oh, I love these pancakes, don't you?" All eyes were on her as she used her fingers to roll up one of the syrup-covered flapjacks and slowly push the dripping tube through her pursed lips. Several of the women at the table left when she began slowly licking the spilled syrup from her fingers. Melissa slumped at her seat under their disdaining looks, while the male contingent shifted in their seats.

Pam proved herself a friend and broke the tableau with a new question. "I didn't realize you were a jogger, Lissa."

Melissa perked up with gratitude and responded. "Well yes, sort of. I used to jog a lot at home, but it's a lot more fun with somebody, you know? Janet's into aerobics, but I couldn't stand that, cooped up in a room with no scenery. So I kinda vegged out, then Jacqui invited me to run with her."

The talk continued in this vein for several minutes. Finally the men, bored by the topic and having looked their fill at the women, departed to shoot a few rounds of pool in the campus center. Pam immediately changed the subject. "I just love your outfits. Where did you get them? I never knew you had clothes like that, Lissa, wow! Those guys are probably jacking off in the bathroom over the two of you right now. I can't believe you went jogging dressed like that, I'd die of embarrassment. But I'd love to wear something like that for Jeff. He's my boyfriend, he'd just cream his jeans if he saw me dressed like that."

Melissa forbore to admit how close to the mark those comments were. "Oh, Jacqui found them. She knows where all the good stores are." Melissa suddenly sat up as she felt Jacqui stroking her panty-covered cunt under the table.

While Melissa remained speechless and tried to act normally, Jacqui expanded on the reply. "Actually, I picked these up down at the mall. When the weather's hot like this, I like the really light stuff -- it breathes well and you can get so wet jogging, you know." Pamela nodded in agreement, missing the point, and missing the whitening of Melissa's fingers as they gripped her silverware.

"The shirts are custom, I mean the printing was done special. I just get so tired of 'have a nice day,' 'I love Sullivan College,' that kind of thing." And they're made of a special fabric, I forget the name, which lets you tan even under the material. Teasingly, Jacqui added, "and you have to admit, they match the look, right?" Her finger slowly pushed the fabric of Melissa's panty into her dripping slit while the aroused girl's clit pulsed as Jacqui's thumb continued to flick it.

Pam demurred with a laugh, "Maybe at first look. But Lissa's no slut, and I don't think you're a bitch. Just a little liberated." Melissa shuddered on the edge of an orgasm, but Jacqui's hand withdrew and left her unsatisfied and breathing heavily. Pam asked, "Are you okay, Lissa? You still look a little flushed."

The aroused brunette had to get out of the room. "No, I'm fine. Just winded, I forgot how quickly you get out of shape when you stop exercising. Hey, I need a shower in the worst way. See you in class on Monday, right?" Melissa rose as Pamela said good-bye, and walked quickly out of the room.

Chapter 5

The Salvation Army was going to make a ing. With Jacqui's assistance, Melissa had sorted through her clothing. Jeans, pants, and most of her shorts lay in the discard pile. Gone as well were her old cotton panties, pantyhose and demure swimsuit, and some of her bras. In their place, she had a new stock of bikinis like the pair clinging wetly to her cunt and a few lacy half bras. She had the garter belt and stockings for dressing up. A small selection of skirts and dresses now hung in the closet, and Jacqui had hinted they'd be joined by others "on special occasions." The scissors had been working overtime altering a number of "marginal" casual outfits, typically by lowering the neckline and cropping the arms and bottoms.

As Melissa sat back after bagging the last of the rejects, she realized the pressure in her ass had increased and was becoming uncomfortable. "Uh, Mistress Jacqueline? I need to use the bathroom."

Jacqui appeared to take this statement in stride and responded matter-of-factly. "Drop your panties, and come stand in front of me. That's right, now face away from me. Spread a bit more." Melissa complied, and shivered as she felt the junior's hands gliding over her buns. The harness was soon unfastened, and the straps slid down her legs as the dildo was slowly drawn from her ass.

"Go ahead, Lissa. Then into my room afterward." Melissa ran to the toilet and sighed with relief as her sphincter stretched again, this time in the normal fashion. She ducked her head as Jacqui walked through, taking a good look at the frosh in her embarrassing position. The water was running in the sink outside; apparently Jacqui was cleaning up again.

It was clear that was not the case when Melissa emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. A large water-filled bag hung from the eyebolt at the head of the bed. A tube exited the bag and led to the long nozzle in Jacqui's hand. "Come over here and lie down on your stomach, Lissa. We want to get your nasty ass squeaky clean." Oh God, Melissa thought. An enema. And Jacqui wasn't taking no for an answer.

Soon Melissa's ass was filled again. This time, however, warm soapy water began gushing into her bowels. Jacqui was lecturing again. "It's not enough to teach your ass how to be loose. You need to maintain that muscle control, to be able to grip and release when you choose." Melissa felt as if she'd lost control of her own body when the invading fingers coaxed more liquid from her cunt while the spurting nozzle was shifted in and out.

Suddenly the flow cut off and the enema nozzle was withdrawn. Melissa clamped down fiercely as she felt a trickle of water escape and heard Jacqui's reprimand. "That's what we don't want. Now get to your feet."

Melissa climbed gingerly to her feet and looked toward the bathroom, but it appeared her escape was not to be so easy. Janet had retrieved the slim vibrator from her purse and now turned it on before sliding it into Melissa's oozing slit.

"You may now walk slowly to the bathroom, keeping your hands at your sides. If you allow the vibrator to fall out, you must re-insert it. If you spill another drop from your ass, you'll be licking it off the floor."

It was horrible. Melissa started across the room with tiny mincing steps. The vibrator had her shuddering on the edge of orgasm; half-way to the door her control slipped, as did the vibrator. She gasped for breath and looked down at it lying on the floor.

Jacqui shifted with impatience. "Don't just stand there -- pick it up and get going again."

Carefully, ever so carefully, the frosh knelt to pick up the humming instrument. Her buttocks flexed and a bead of moisture appeared between them. She chewed on her lip and fought to clamp down on the pressure while standing up as quickly as she dared. The relief passed quickly as she pushed the vibrator back into herself, further than Jacqui had inserted it.

Melissa's entire body was trembling with effort, but finally she reached the toilet and was able to release the water. She sighed as it rushed out of her into the bowl and luxuriated in the feel of the battery-induced vibrations rippling through her slit.


The now-cleaned brunette was again on her knees across Jacqui's lap when the door opened and Anne walked in. Melissa looked up in dismay and her heart nearly stopped when Anne stepped aside and other students were clearly visible across the dorm courtyard. She would be equally exposed if any of them chanced to look through the open door. The rod thrust home in her ass and she gasped.

Jacqui saved her. "Anne, close that door now." With a lazy shrug that evidently did not please her mistress, Anne complied and Melissa was safe from discovery. That pleasure was slightly diminished when Jacqui reattached the collar and padlock.

"You allowed the vibrator to fall out, slave, and you pushed it back too deeply afterwards. I also saw a leak, although you did avoid wetting the floor. You will need to be punished, but I believe we'll attend to your disciplining a little later." Jacqui gave her a quick slap on the buns and pushed her to her feet.

"Lissa, go get dressed. You, slut," meaning Anne, "over here. I think it's past time to remind you why I don't approve of jeans. Although I must admit they look good on you when they're so tight."

When Melissa returned, dressed in one of her ad-hoc off-the-shoulder tops and a skirt, Anne was bent over the bed with her jeans and underwear pulled down to expose her buttocks. The enema tube was thrust between them. Melissa watched Jacqui collar Anne and attach a cable to the collar while the bag slowly emptied. "Lissa, come over here." Uncertain of what was being asked of her, she moved closer.

It seemed like Anne had taken much more water into her small frame than Melissa had held before Jacqui relented and removed the nozzle. The dominatrix then hoisted Anne to her feet and instructed Melissa, "Hold her hands and balance her for me." As she grabbed the smaller girl's wrists, Melissa saw the shame warring with concentration on Anne's face. Jacqui pulled up Anne's panties, then raised and closed her jeans as well, reaching around Anne's waist to fasten the buttons and close the zipper.

Melissa was beginning to wonder how Anne would use the toilet when Jacqui produced a traditional oval bike lock and looped it through the front belt loops of Anne's jeans before clicking it home. Anne wouldn't be able to get her jeans down! With a smile, Jacqui picked up the loose end of the cable and marched to the bathroom. "If you like your jeans so well, you can just live in them, slut." Once in the bathroom, she attached the cable to the curtain rod in the shower.

Her curiosity abated by disgust, Melissa started to turn away only to be stopped by Jacqui's command. "No, you watch, Lissa. Anne's being punished for violating the dress code. Think about it whenever you're deciding what to wear." Melissa had no choice but to watch as Jacqui leaned the Oriental against the shower wall and began to spank her. Anne cried for mercy and began squirming in an effort to evade the blows, but the spanking continued until she could no longer control herself. She grunted as a rush of dirty water soaked her crotch and ran down her legs, but managed to avoid a total loss of control.

Jacqui stepped back and Anne sank to the floor of the shower and cried. "Serves her right, don't you think?" asked Jacqui.

Melissa couldn't think of a suitable answer and replied with a question of her own as they returned to the bedroom. "Mistress Jacqueline, when will you let her out?"

The reply convinced Melissa never, ever to go near a pair of jeans. "Oh, she'll come out when she's ready to. I shoved the keys up her ass before I gave her the enema. Of course, with jeans that tight it might take her awhile to get them out, but that's life." Jacqui caught sight of Anne's spilled purse on the bed while Melissa floundered. She picked up the paper scrap on top. "Hey, you want pizza for dinner tonight? Here's a coupon."


Anne must have been starving; she re-entered the room, albeit dripping and wrapped in a towel, just as the pizza arrived. Melissa tried not consider if that was a result of flexibility or familiarity with Jacqui's discipline -- certainly she couldn't have escaped the fiendish confinement in the shower so quickly.

Her musings were quickly side-tracked by the aroma of tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni wafting from the door. The apparently shameless Anne relayed the booty from the delivery boy and paid him while Melissa angled for a good spot on the bed.

Jacqui had a distant look on her face, but when Anne joined them, saying "Hey, I'm hungry! Let's eat while the pizza's still hot!" the girls grabbed for the steaming slices without hesitation. It seemed Jacqui's ministrations generated healthy appetites.


Melissa awakened on Sunday morning with a sense of urgency. She smiled and relaxed after she realized her subconscious was still used to attending church, even after months at school. Probably she should look around and join a local congregation, but it was nice to have another morning to sleep in. Jacqui hadn't said anything about jogging, so Melissa decided to just lie and enjoy the quiet awhile longer.

Last night had been pretty crazy. They'd put on another porno tape and watched it while devouring the pizza. After that, Jacqui had pulled out quite a collection of dildos and vibrators and demonstrated most of them for her. Melissa felt a warm glow as she remembered the culmination of the evening, when Jacqui had embraced her, exchanging wet kisses and delicate touches while Anne sucked and fingered their dripping pussies. Jacqui had even allowed her to come, a privilege denied to the out-of-grace sophomore.

Languorously, Melissa pulled the hem of her sleep shirt to her waist. Her panties had dried during the night, something Jacqui would probably spank her for. If she got herself off, it would feel so good, and Jacqui would never know. The sexy brunette slid a finger underneath the pale pink lace and began to explore her slit. Melissa's left hand crept up beneath the shirt to pluck her right nipple, which quickly stiffened.

Her arousal increased and Melissa felt her hips lift from the mattress when she inserted two fingers into herself. When she heard Jacqui's voice, Melissa went limp and her hands flew to her side.

"Oh, Lissa. I'm very disappointed in you. You know I haven't given you permission to play with yourself like that." The frosh looked over to see Jacqui had been lying unnoticed on Janet's bed.

The older girl rolled to her feet and walked over to look down at the embarrassed teen, who was trying to unobtrusively pull down the bottom of her sleeping garment. "Obviously we'll need to go jogging every day, you just have too much energy. Besides, it'll keep you in shape. Let's go." Melissa was hauled to her feet and half dragged to the other room.

Anne was tied spread-eagle on the bed with clamps adorning her nipples and pubic lips. However, there was still room at the foot for Jacqui to sit down and pull Melissa over her lap. The freshman did not resist as a new dildo the size of a small cigar replaced the previous day's butt plug. Again, she was masturbated to the point of orgasm while Jacqui spanked her reddened buttocks, then rolled to the floor before obtaining relief. "Now go get dressed, I expect you can do it yourself this time. Five minutes, slave."

Melissa blinked back tears of pain and did as she was told. She chose the least objectionable of the sanctioned shirts, a pink crop top with "Sex Vixen" in purple, and donned the running shorts. When she sat on the bed to tie her shoes, the butt plug shifted inside her; it was noticeably longer than the others and was causing some minor discomfort. Melissa walked back next door and found Jacqui ready.

The dominatrix leaned over the bed and removed the clamps from Anne's squirming body. After a moment's consideration, she spoke. "Lissa, you've been a bad girl this morning, and I think Anne needs a reward for her service last night. Let's see if you remember your lessons. Eat her!"

Melissa moved reluctantly to the bed and looked at the bared mound before her. Anne's lips were inflamed where the clamps had been attached, but Melissa was surprised to see the Oriental's petite vulva was very wet. She extended her tongue to probe the crevice and tasted the tangy juices she remembered from her initiation. More energetically, Melissa began lapping up the secretions and sucking the exposed clitoris while cupping Anne's buns in her hands. The body beneath her thrashed and soon Anne's shuddering cries announced her climax.

Jacqui pulled Melissa back before releasing Anne's hands. "Okay, Anne, I hope you've learned something. Both of you now, on your best behavior. We don't know when Janet's coming back. Melissa, let's go." The two left on what would soon become their customary exercise circuit.


Melissa was breathing heavily again, this time as a result of simple physical exertion rather than arousal, by the time they returned to the dorm. She crossed through the bathroom to her own room, trying to push her hair out of her face again, only to stop short as she realized Janet was there. "Janet! You're back early."

Janet simply stared at her. So did the man sitting on the bed. "Hello, I'm Todd Mueller, Janet's brother. Janet's told me a lot about you." He had the most curious expression on his face, Melissa decided.

"Todd. I'm really glad to meet you. Um, sorry about the clothes, I wasn't planning on entertaining." Melissa glanced in Janet's direction, and saw she'd have some explaining to do later. It was much easier to face Todd's approving smile. When his gaze shifted, she knew Jacqui had joined them.

"Well hello there, stud. Janet never told us there were any at home like you. I'm Jacqui Barry, and you can drive me home anytime." Jacqui surreptitiously squeezed Melissa's right cheek as she pushed further into the room.

Apparently it was more than Todd was prepared for. They traded a few more inconsequential comments, but then it was time for good-byes and he was gone. Jacqui broke the ensuing silence.

"Welcome back. How was your trip?"

Janet flopped back on her bed. "Oh, not so great. I broke up with Franklin." Then she gave into her curiosity. "But forget about my trip. What happened here? Lissa, my God, you actually went out in public dressed like that? What have you been doing since I left?"

Melissa struggled to come up with an acceptable answer. "Well, we went jogging, and..." Jacqui cut in with a more polished rationalization.

"And shopping. Come on Janet, we've all been working on Lissa to try out some new outfits. Her birthday seemed like a good excuse to start. So we did the casual stuff, I've got a good eye for that. I think you'll have to take her out yourself and find her some nice outfits, we didn't have much luck there."

The junior's conviction appeared sufficient to placate Janet. "It's just you surprised me so much. You walked in and I thought maybe I'd stopped in a brothel by mistake." Neither of the joggers saw fit to correct this impression. "Well, it's good to be back. So what's new besides the jogging and the clothing?" The resulting answers bore only a passing resemblance to the truth.

Chapter 6

The following week passed quickly as the four women plunged back into their studies. Melissa fell into a familiar routine; each morning she would wake early and head into the bathroom while Janet continued to sleep. Her ass would be stretched by a new plug; although the length of the rods had stabilized at about six inches, the diameter was increasing steadily. The spanking and masturbation inevitably followed, after which Melissa and Jacqui would jog a five-mile course. They would then shower together, with the junior further exciting her. Melissa would be dressed by the time Janet finally roused herself.

Classes would occupy her time until mid-afternoon. At five, Janet customarily departed to attend an aerobics workout before dinner. Melissa used this time to release the harness and cleanse herself with an enema administered by Jacqui, followed by muscular control training. Evenings were spent studying or watching television. Melissa had always been shy, so it was not difficult to avoid changing into her sleeping shirt where Janet might be able to see the incriminating harness or her bared, swollen sex.

Indeed, Melissa increasingly found herself already wet as she bent over Jacqui's lap, and grew accustomed to the stinging of her buttocks after the spankings. She also discovered additional incentives for academic excellence when Jacqui brought her to multiple screaming orgasms one afternoon after Melissa aced a midterm examination.

Melissa overheard many whispers from other students as they shared gossip about Jacqui, Anne and herself that was a pale imitation of the reality she knew. Never having had many friends, Melissa didn't mind the isolation that increased until Pamela Atwood was the only person outside of her suitemates who regularly spent time with her.


Friday night at dinner the foursome planned their weekend. Melissa had finally agreed to her suitemates' demands that she "do something" with her hair and scheduled an appointment at a salon Jacqui recommended. They agreed the remainder of Saturday would be spent shopping for "real" clothes at the Galleria.


Melissa was awakened unexpectedly by Anne late that night. Her mind engaged slowly as she heard the junior's low whisper in her ear. "Sssh. Mistress Jacqueline wants you next door now. Go quietly, don't wake Janet. Do you understand?"

She nodded, then rose silently and padded through the bathroom, trying not to trip over anything. Melissa heard Anne close the bathroom door behind her. She moved carefully through the darkened room until her shins bumped the edge of the bed. "I'm here, Mistress Jacqueline." There was no answer, so Melissa repeated herself, more loudly.

Finally, Jacqui answered, groggily. "What are you doing here, Lissa?"

"Anne told me you sent her to fetch me." The lamp snapped on over the bed, and Melissa squinted to protect her eyes from the light. She could hear Jacqui, who had obviously been asleep, sitting up.

"I did no such thing. Anne..." They realized almost simultaneously that Anne was not in the room with them. Jacqui padded past her to the bathroom door, muttering under her breath, and almost wrenched her arm when the door did not open as expected.

"Shit, she's locked the door. What did she say to you, Lissa?"

Melissa was beginning to get a bad feeling about the situation as she replied, "Just that you wanted me right away, and to go quietly so I wouldn't wake Janet." She gasped at the thought and met Jacqui's concerned look with one of her own. At that moment, Janet's muffled scream sounded through the door.

Jacqui pulled again at the door in frustration. "Damn her! It looks like Anne's been making plans for Janet. I don't suppose you have your room key with you?"

Melissa remembered the look she'd seen in Anne's face, and felt fear for her friend's sake. "No. What do you mean, 'plans?'"

The reply was not at all reassuring. "That little bitch has been waiting all summer to move up the food chain. She's been real disappointed I've kept you mostly to myself. Now it looks like she couldn't wait for us to introduce Janet to our games." Jacqui started pacing. "Frankly, I'm worried for Janet. I don't think Anne has my patience or finesse." Melissa was appalled -- her own initiation had not been subtle and she hardly wanted to think about what could be worse.

They could hear more shouting and pounding coming from the next room. Melissa was now desperate with worry. "Isn't there anything you can do? Can't we call campus security?"

Jacqui laughed sourly. "Sorry, we didn't pick these rooms by accident; they're pretty isolated. Both doors are locked. Nobody'll show up if we don't call, and I don't think we could stand the scrutiny if security did show. Damn! That slant-eyed bitch has had it when I get my hands on her!"

Melissa had a sudden brainstorm. "The door! We can take it off the hinges!" Jacqui glanced at her with surprised approval as the freshman shouted, "A screwdriver! Where's a screwdriver?" Jacqui dug through her desk, noting the absence of a number of her toys. Finally she came up with a large flat-blade screwdriver.

The two could hear Janet crying, "You bitch! You bitch!" as they set to work on the door. Melissa went wild with frustration as she realized that up close she couldn't see well enough to get the blade in the slot below the top of the hinge pin. Her glasses sat beside her bed in the next room.

Jacqui attempted to calm her as she continued working alone. "Sssh, Lissa, calm down. It'll be okay, it shouldn't take too long to get in. Hey, grab the hammer out of the toolbox, would you?"

Soon the screwdriver, driven by the hammer, had pushed the two pins well up. Each coed began wrestling a pin the remainder of the way out. When Melissa finally pulled the last pin completely free, she jumped back, but was disappointed when the door remained in place. "Damn door," Jacqui cursed, and began levering at the edge of the door with the screwdriver, ignoring the marred wood and jam. In a minute there was sufficient clearance for fingers.

Both girls grabbed the door and pulled; it suddenly came free with a crackle of splinters as the deadbolt broke out of the door under the pressure. They dropped it, not watching to see it land against the bed, and Melissa leaped into the bathroom. She nearly brained herself when the knob of the opposite door spun without releasing the latch and she slammed into the door. It was ominously quiet on the other side of the partition. Melissa looked in vain for the hinges; they were hidden on the opposite side, and inaccessible. "Janet! Janet! Hang on, we're coming!"

"Come on Lissa, don't lose it now. We're on a roll, now just step aside." She pressed into the shower to make room for Jacqui, who advanced to the door and tried the knob herself. Anne had been borrowing her tricks, the junior thought as she studied the door. They never would have made it this far if Melissa hadn't thought of the hinges. Well, this wouldn't hold up long. The knob came off in her hand when she yanked hard; she tossed it to the floor behind her. A swift jab with the screwdriver poked out the handle on the other side.

Carefully, Jacqui reached into the hole and pulled back the latch manually. The door opened easily when she leaned against it, then continued swinging until it stood wide open. Side by side in their shared eagerness to enter, Jacqui and Melissa pushed through the doorway into room 301.

Melissa was outraged as she took in the sight of the struggling bodies lying atop her bed. Anne had Janet pinned beneath her and appeared to be thrusting herself against the writhing freshman. The brunette tripped over a bag sitting on the floor by the door and fell behind Jacqui, who strode forward and roughly pulled the Oriental up before throwing her to the other bed. As the bodies came apart, Melissa caught sight of the gigantic cock that came free of Anne's cunt but remained thrust into Janet's pubic patch.

Crying herself, she pulled the evil instrument free and dropped it to the floor. Over two thirds of its length had been planted in Janet's vagina, and tinted its shining length. Melissa gathered her shuddering roommate into her arms and began rocking her lightly, whispering, "Sssh, Janet, it's okay now." Janet leaned into the comforting embrace, then started to chew on Melissa's breast through the thin nightshirt while her arms came up to trap the surprised brunette. "Janet, no! What are you doing?"

Anne gleefully responded to the question from across the room. "She's a slut now, just like the rest of us. Doesn't it feel good to make love to your roommate, Lissa? I know Janet has a craving for you. Of course, right now she's got a craving for everyone! Did I do a good job, Mistress Jacqueline? Isn't she a good slave? Better than Lissa, don't you think?"

Melissa broke loose and backpedaled to the sink. Leaning against it, Janet's true condition finally became apparent. The heavy breasts with their wide areolae, sagging only slightly, she'd seen glimpses of before. But the huge nipples had never been poking out like this. Even as she watched, Janet began working herself with a hand. The dark fur between her legs was nearly lathered with the moisture running through it. And Melissa saw that her roommate's tears had distracted her from the curious vacancy of her face.

Overcome with fury, Jacqui snatched the dripping dildo from the floor and pushed Anne back onto her face. "You've overstepped your bounds this time, slut." Wielding the rubber appliance like a thick whip, she began brutally lashing the Oriental's ass, back, and thighs.

Janet slowly focused on the whip, and began staggering forward. Melissa's heart sank as she heard her roommate moan, "Fuck me. Oh, fuck me good. I've got such an itch." Jacqui heard, too, and stopped the beating.

"Lissa, I don't know what's going on -- yet -- but it looks to me like Janet's been . I'm taking this shit next door. You keep Janet here, calm her down, but mostly stay in control. I don't think she has any. Do whatever it takes, understand?"

Melissa nodded slowly. "Go on. I can handle it." She'd fantasized about being with Janet, once or twice, but not like this. Reluctantly, Melissa moved to intercept Janet as Jacqui dragged Anne from the room and closed the bathroom door behind her. Good, Melissa figured, Janet was probably too spaced to be able to open the door by herself. That thought was quickly forgotten as Janet, with a power that surprised her, forcefully pulled her down until a long pink nipple was poking Melissa in the face.

Not quite against her will, Melissa responded to the familiar stimulus and parted her lips to suck the breast into her warm mouth. Janet's jerks and urgent moans soon engendered a similar response from Melissa, who felt her panties dampening. Soon Janet spasmed and dropped back onto the bed as her legs lost their tension. Melissa wasted no time in stripping her underwear to the floor and pulling the sleep shirt over her head. She couldn't tell from Janet's look if her friend even noticed her nakedness, her bared cunt, or the leather straps which framed it.

When Janet resumed her chant, moaning "Fuck me, fuck me," and started struggling to her feet, Melissa realized she could be in for a long night. She pushed Janet back onto the bed, then knelt between her thighs and started licking while her hands returned to those unbelievable tits. The body beneath her bucked violently and Melissa thought she was going to drown in the come pouring from the inflamed pussy. Almost absently, she decided she much preferred eating a bald cunt.

That thought turned her attention to her own aching twat. Rising quickly, she turned and lowered herself over Janet's face. She'd never been eaten, and it didn't look like Janet would mind. Melissa spread her knees until her slit pressed onto Janet's mouth, then lowered her head and resumed her own feast. The flexible tongue that traced her lips before probing her vulva excited Melissa as no cock or dildo had. Her hips rotated and she ground herself onto Janet's face when soft lips encircled her clit and started sucking. Soon both women were lost in their orgasms.

This night Janet was insatiable. She and Melissa had climaxed repeatedly, and still the spaced-out freshman dripped and cried out for a fucking. At her wit's end, Melissa looked up and noticed the bag of sex toys that had spilled onto the floor when she'd tripped over it earlier. Among the other objects, she recognized the vibrator Jacqui had introduced her to a week ago. Melissa climbed off Janet and walked to the door to retrieve the prize.

After a moment's thought, she detoured to turn out the light burning by Janet's empty bed. Melissa climbed into her own bed, and grabbed Janet before she could escape. It took her a minute to activate the vibrator, a task complicated by the need to restrain her roommate's squirming body, but soon the small device was buzzing. Melissa positioned herself so both girls were on their sides, with Janet in front, then firmly pulled the sleek bodies together. One hand, trapped beneath Janet's body, held her tight and caressed a tight breast. The other trailed over their hips to work the vibrator into the blonde's hungry pussy.

Moonlight fell across the soft curves of the two women, one quiet and contained, the other still moving restlessly. Some time later, the vibrator fell free to lie humming on the sheets. Janet continued twitching for a longer time, restrained by Melissa's reflexive grip, but eventually subsided. Finally, both of the exhausted coeds fell into a deep sleep. The vibrator's buzzing dimmed as its batteries discharged, and at last the room was quiet.

Chapter 7

Melissa awakened when she felt Janet push her arm aside and pull away. Judging by the sun streaming in the window, it was well into mid-morning, but Melissa still felt tired. Drowsily, she rubbed her eyes and watched Janet cover herself with a flannel robe and stagger to the sink. Apparently the blonde wasn't feeling well, for she popped a couple aspirin before sitting on the end of her bed and cradling her head in both hands.

"I think I'm going to be sick. God, it was so disgusting. I'm so ashamed." Janet started to weep, prompting Melissa to rise and go to her to offer consolation. A shot stare stopped the brunette halfway there. "It's true, isn't it, what Anne said last night. Look at yourself, Lissa, you're as sick as they are! How could you? I thought you were my friend!" The crying intensified into heaving sobs of shame and betrayal.

Melissa realized her taut body was fully on display, including the damning evidence of her missing bush and the kinky harness. She managed a faint blush. Her nightshirt lay on the floor beside her where it had dropped the previous night, so she quickly pulled it on.

"Janet, no! I am your friend! Jacqui and I had nothing to do with last night! Look! We had to break through both bathroom doors to get in. Jacqui hauled Anne off, I had to stay with you. You were out of control, you needed me." Melissa sat beside her distraught roommate and gingerly hugged her. "Everything will be okay now."

Janet pulled away, but remained on the bed. "Don't touch me! Just leave me alone. Go away, go play your sex games with your pervert friends." After a pause, she continued, "Oh, God, I feel so unclean. I couldn't help myself, I wanted it. What's wrong with me?"

Swallowing a curse borne of frustration, Melissa laid her hands in her lap and continued to talk soothingly. "Okay, I won't touch you. I'll just sit here beside you. Janet, listen, it wasn't your fault. Anne you. Anybody would have done what you did, there's no need to be ashamed." She resisted the temptation to add that, at the end, she'd enjoyed the feel of Janet's body clasped against her own; that would not be a useful comment at this point.

Gradually Janet quieted, calmed by Melissa's supportive presence in spite of the words she'd spoken a few minutes earlier. Eventually she turned her head to look at Melissa. "I'm sorry, Lissa. Thanks for helping. I just feel so strange still. Was it like this for you, last weekend? I was stupid not to have seen it right when I returned. Why haven't you called the police?"

Melissa replied carefully. "Sort of. No drugs, just a few extra shots of Scotch. I had a really bad hangover the next morning." She could not avoid a deep blush as she considered how to answer the second question. "Jacqui's different. She makes me feel good; no, more than that, even when she hurts me. And sometimes..." Her voiced trailed off uncertainly before she concluded, "I like being with Jacqui, doing things with her." Melissa couldn't meet Janet's eyes.

Janet couldn't believe her ears. "She orders you around like a slave, makes you go out in public practically naked, beats you like she did Anne last night, and you like it? Lissa, I thought I knew you. How could you have changed so much?"

Melissa felt horribly embarrassed discussing this with Janet, but again fluid was beginning to leak from her slit. She tried again to explain. "No, it's not like that. I've never seen her so upset, I think she was worried about you too. Jacqui's never really hurt me, lots of times she's so gentle it's like I'm a baby. But she makes me do things, things I wouldn't have the courage to do myself, and it's so exciting, I could almost burst."

It was clear Janet was unconvinced, but she offered a truce anyway. "Look, just don't get me involved in any of your games. We're still roommates, we can try to still be friends." Her voice tightened with emotion and she continued, "But tell your friends to keep their distance. And if Anne ever sets a foot inside this room again, or I think you're being hurt, I'll call the police faster than you can say '9-1-1'. Got it?"

Both of them jumped at the knock on the bathroom door that sounded immediately following Janet's ultimatum. Melissa grinned when she heard Jacqui's voice proclaiming, "Jacqui's home repair. I hear you need some work done. May I come in?"

Janet drew her robe more tightly around herself, but nodded at Melissa's inquiring look. The brunette answered for them. "Come on in, Mistress Jacqueline." That earned her another sharp look from Janet.

Jacqui tripped the latch and entered. She was dressed for her morning run, and the sweat marks indicated she'd gone out already. As usual, she came directly to her point. "Good morning, sleepyheads. Doing okay, Janet? You look like shit."

Melissa winced, but Janet responded calmly. "I feel that way too, but it's getting a little better. I took some aspirin, and Lissa's been talking to me."

Melissa could tell Jacqui was wondering about the results of that conversation. That curiosity was somewhat satisfied by Janet's next statement. "Lissa's told me everything. I know it wasn't your fault. And I'll keep quiet for now, for her sake and my own. But if you or Anne try to push me around, I'll blow the whistle and you'll spend the rest of your life rotting in prison. Mistress Jacqueline."

This was as good as Jacqui had dared to hope for, Melissa realized from the relief that crossed the junior's expression. "'Jacqui' is fine. Thank you, Janet. I won't your trust," she replied. Her sardonic humor reasserted itself. "Now I think your room could stand a little housekeeping service. You two are such slobs, just look at the place."

All three began sorting the debris scattered on the floor. Soon Jacqui was reassembling the bathroom door hardware while Melissa collected the sex toys Anne had left behind the previous night. Janet couldn't bring herself to handle the dildos, and settled on a search for the phone cord. In surprisingly little time, the room had returned to its usual condition, although the scent of feminine excitement still filled the air.

Melissa had just added the discharged vibrator from her bed to the bag of dildos when Jacqui recalled her mind to their forgotten morning ritual. "Janet, if you don't mind, I need to see Lissa next door."

The answer surprised all of them. "You're going to do it to her, aren't you? Stay here. I want to see it."

Melissa couldn't think of a thing to say; Jacqui raised an eyebrow and departed with an "I'll be right back, then."

After a struggle, Melissa found her voice, although it was weak. "Janet, are you sure about this? You said you didn't want to have anything to do with her." Also, Melissa didn't think she wanted her roommate to be watching while she submitted to Jacqui's ministrations.

"You said you liked it, that she doesn't hurt you. I just want to be sure. It can't be worse than last night."

Before Melissa could attempt a rebuttal, Jacqui had returned. Taking on the air of a professor lecturing a class, Jacqui began a commentary for Janet, interspersed with a few commands. "Lissa, take off your shirt, we're all friends here." Melissa felt like her entire body was blushing as she bared herself for their inspection.

"Now that she isn't hiding it, you'll see Lissa has a fine body. Great tits and a hard ass, not that we won't tighten it up a bit more with the jogging. We've removed the hair around her cunt to make it easier to tell what her body's 'thinking.' -- a little stubble, about time for a cleanup job, though. See, the lips have spread open a bit, Lissa knows what to expect, although she isn't really excited yet. We've been working on that, too. Okay, Lissa, turn around."

Melissa faced away from Janet's unreadable expression, and Jacqui resumed. "Fine, now spread your cheeks. Good. You have to understand, Janet, she really likes taking things up the ass, but it was a bit painful for her. So we're working on limbering it up. The harness holds a cock like this one inside her butt, gets the old muscles used to stretching. She gets a new one each day, bigger than before. See, here's the one we'll use next; this snap here attaches to the strap, and the flare at the base here keeps it from going up inside her; that would be uncomfortable. Would you like to hold this?"

With her face still turned away, Melissa couldn't interpret Janet's soft, monotone "No." Being displayed like this for Janet was definitely stimulating her; the lithe brunette could feel her nipples hardening and knew her pussy lips were spreading wider. She turned around at Jacqui's call and found her mistress seated on the bed as usual, while Janet stood in the corner near the door.

"Lie down here Lissa, that's a good girl. Why don't you move over here, Janet? I'm sure you can't see a thing from where you are." Slowly, Janet slid along the wall until she stood near the sink, pulling her robe more tightly about her. "Okay, now we take out yesterday's plug." Melissa felt her hips rise involuntarily at the delicious sensation as the intruder was slowly drawn from her sucking rectum, but Jacqui's hand planted on the small of her back held her in place.

"Notice we're working on width now instead of length. I think Lissa could take a longer cock, but sometimes it can be uncomfortable if you're walking or sitting, and she wears these all day. Besides, her sphincter is what we're conditioning."

Janet interjected with a question that betrayed her curiosity. "How does she use the toilet with that thing in her?"

Melissa thought she'd die when she understood Jacqui's response. "Oh, she gets an enema. You know what that is, right? Usually on afternoons when you're in aerobics, but I'm sure we both would be happy to pick a different time if you'd like to watch."

Luckily, Janet didn't seem to be interested. "How gross, that's really disgusting. Thanks, but no thanks."

When Jacqui began inserting the new dildo, Melissa kept her head turned away from her roommate. How would Janet feel, seeing Melissa's body react as her own had last night, but without the benefit of drugs? Jacqui, naturally, didn't allow the reaction to go unnoticed. "Here goes the new plug." It slid slowly forward, occasionally stopping and retreating slightly before continuing. "Look, Janet, you can tell she likes it -- watch her pushing back when I pull it out a bit."

Melissa was breathing heavily by the time the dildo had completely filled her anus and been snapped in place. She tightened her buttocks in anticipation of the slaps that soon would be striking home. "Now a good spanking to finish things up. This won't be anything like what Anne got last night, I'll just be using my hand. Lissa really likes this."

The blows began falling, and only the lightest touch of Jacqui's fingers on her clitoris was needed before Melissa was pumping her ass up and down in time with the spanking. Losing control, she began moaning and felt the involuntary tears appear in her eyes.

Janet, who had moved so as to be able to watch Melissa's face, noted them and objected. "Jacqui, stop it! You're hurting Lissa, can't you hear her crying?"

Jacqui laughed and kept pounding away. "Of course, but she loves it. Tell her, Lissa. Tell Janet how much you like being spanked."

The heat rose in Melissa's face and loins as she looked up into the eyes of her concerned roommate. Her speech was broken by the grunts accompanying each blow. "Janet... It's okay... I feel... so... hot... I'm... going to... come!"

A final stroke accompanied by a thrust up her cunt send Melissa over the edge into a gigantic orgasm made all the more overpowering by its unexpectedness. She had expected Jacqui to stop short of release. As her eyes rolled up in her head, Melissa's last sight was of Janet whirling away from the charged scene.

After Melissa had recovered sufficiently to stand on her own, Jacqui prepared to depart. "Here she is, Janet, good as new. Lissa, don't worry about making up the run this morning. You both should get cleaned up, and we can make that shopping trip right after lunch."

Melissa answered "Yes" for them both, since it appeared Janet was thrown off by the rapid change in subject. In truth, both of the freshmen had forgotten the plans they'd made over dinner the previous evening.

Janet slowly turned to look at the sated brunette. Melissa's quivering nipples and the feminine discharge wetting her thighs provided ample evidence to support Jacqui's claims. "You're sure you're all right, Lissa?"

A long sigh prefaced the answer, "She makes me come so hard, it just takes awhile to catch my breath. I'm okay, are you? You didn't have to watch that, you know."

"I know. I just wanted to know for sure." Janet's mood had improved enough for her to joke a bit. "You know, you should be one of the subjects in my psychology lab. Great, what would my parents think if they knew I was rooming with a masochistic lesbian? Why don't you shower first? You're already undressed." Melissa nodded her agreement and moved into the bathroom, to find Jacqui waiting for her there.


Melissa's determined good spirits finally communicated themselves to her companions as the shopping expedition got underway. The three coeds munched on fries from the local drive-through and chattered about what they should be looking for while the red Mustang raced toward the Galleria. By the time they were cruising the parking lot, Melissa had also convinced Janet and Jacqui they should look for Halloween costumes as well. The holiday fell on the following Saturday and they would not have another good opportunity to prepare for it.

The first stop, however, was the salon. Melissa was soon seated and endured intense scrutiny from her companions and the stylist. The decisions were made for her; "More modern, yes?" "Shorter, easier to take care of." "Yes, something elegant, she has such a long neck, it's a shame to hide it." "Ah, perhaps like this? We have only to sharpen the effect then, perhaps a little more curl." It sounded like the change would be dramatic, whatever it was; Melissa could not remember the last time her hair hadn't reached well down her back -- when it wasn't tangled or flying about.

Strands of dark hair drifted to Melissa's lap and the floor around her. Soon she could feel air wafting against the back of her neck, which was now bared. Janet and Jacqui wore grins but refused to let Melissa get a view of herself in the mirrors. The discarded strands were brushed away while she received a thorough shampooing and a perm. Finally, her hair was carefully dried and the job was pronounced done. Laughing, the other two hustled Melissa out of the salon before she could catch more than a glimpse of herself. She resigned herself to ignorance, deciding it couldn't be too bad if both Janet and Jacqui liked it, and they addressed themselves to the hunt for clothes.

The resulting free-spirited conversation surely confused the hapless sales clerks. Considerations of suit styling and fabric combined haphazardly with bizarre suggestions for comically improbable party outfits. Janet had nearly regained her normal equilibrium, but could not miss the intense looks passing between Melissa and Jacqui as their progress took them into the dressing rooms.

Melissa enjoyed being the center of attention. She wasn't really sure what use she'd have for a business suit, but the shopping was fun and her two friends seemed to be getting along. Jacqui remained on her best behavior in front of Janet and kept her hands to herself. Still, the young brunette could not help becoming slightly aroused as she paraded, nearly naked, before them between costume changes. Her panties were damp by the time the trio had finished making their selections.

Their final stop was in the ladies' department at Nordstrom. After mutual consultation, Melissa tried on a very elegant gray pinstripe outfit. The double-breasted suit jacket had a sharply darted waist, caught in a single pleat behind, and padded shoulders that emphasized the long lapels crossing well below her bust line. Jacqui successfully convinced Janet they should go with the shorter skirt, which came barely halfway to Melissa's knees. A slit in back rose several inches to provide sufficient freedom of movement for her long legs.

Both Janet and Jacqui pronounced themselves extremely satisfied with the result, so Melissa knew the effect would be something special. Even so, she could not believe she was seeing herself when she turned to look, finally, in a mirror. Her 'fashion consultants' teased her gently when they caught sight of her awe-struck expression.

Melissa ignored them and stared at the knockout beauty looking back from the mirror. Gee, she thought, if only my high school friends could see me now... Her frizzy, chaotic tresses had been tamed into disciplined curls that ended high up her neck and framed her face beautifully. The suit was basically conservative but drew the eye to the swell of her breasts, her trim waist, the curve of her hips, and the lean lines of her graceful neck and muscular legs. This woman would not have looked out of place in "Vogue."

While Melissa stood nervously in the fitting area and hoped the clerk measuring the suit for alterations wouldn't smell her arousal, Janet and Jacqui disappeared. By the time the fitting was completed, they had returned with additional booty. Janet had located a marvelous dusky rose blouse that would perfectly complement the colors in the suit. Jacqui, bless her sick little mind, had found a pair of sexy patterned hose that had little red roses embroidered in back just above the heels. Janet frowned slightly when she read the package and noted the hose would require either garters or a garter belt, but held her silence.

Melissa held her breath at the final price on the register, but Jacqui handed the clerk her own card without hesitation. "My treat. Every girl should own at least one nice suit, you never know when you might need it. Happy birthday, Lissa."

She was flying high as a kite when they left the store, and Janet had to steer Melissa into the restaurant after Jacqui. There, they began a more serious discussion of their Halloween plans over a set of rich milkshakes.

A sudden exclamation from Jacqui snapped Melissa back from her idle fantasies. "That's it! We can be Orion slave girls!"

Janet, who had been offering suggestions more along the lines of astronauts, or perhaps costumes from "Cats," was nonplused. "Jacqui, can't you leave this domination thing alone for a bit?"

Since it appeared her roommate hadn't recognized the reference to the TV series, Melissa tried to clarify the suggestion, which she considered interesting but improbable. "No, Janet, they're dancing girls from Star Trek. They're all green, like the Jolly Green Giant." Janet relaxed, apparently deciding that anything wholesome enough to make it on television in the 60's couldn't be that bad. Melissa decided to air her own objections. "How in the world would you get the green color? You and Janet have the wrong color hair, anyway."

Jacqui remained undeterred. "No problem, we just get green body paint, like they did for the series. And it would be easy to dye our hair. Best part is, we'd really stand out and make an impression. That's what I like about the idea, it's different."

Clearly Janet didn't share this opinion. "Count me out. There's no way I'm going to paint myself green and dye my hair black for any party."

Melissa decided the idea was interesting. A science fiction theme was workable, anyway; maybe they could think of something else for Janet. "Well, maybe some other alien race. Probably not a Deltan, then you'd have to shave your head!" Several alternatives were tossed back and forth, but nothing really seemed to jell.

The excited junior continued lobbying for a matched trio. "Look, Janet, trust me on this. I know this theatrical supply place, I get makeup for some of my sessions there. I absolutely guarantee everything will wash out in the shower. Come on, let's go with this. You think of anything better, that's fine with me."

Reluctantly, Janet gave in. "Okay, Jacqui, I surrender. But I swear, if this doesn't work like you say, you'll look like a 'Deltan' the next day!"

Agreed, the three returned to the car. The bemused salesman at the theatrical studio sold them enough green paint to cover Jacqui's car, and the two blondes also purchased some dark hair dye to match Melissa's curls. Then they were off to a costume store to look for appropriate clothing. The place was packed with other last-minute Halloween shoppers, so they had time to flip through a catalog while they waited in line.

Melissa and Jacqui decided the barbarian costumes came closest to what they remembered from Star Trek. A look at the stock confirmed that the bikinis, covered with pieces of artificial fur, would do reasonably well. There was a noticeable silence from her companions when Jacqui reserved four of the outfits. "I know," she explained, "Anne's on my shit-list right now, too. But the reservation's a small price to pay in case I happen to be in a better mood next week." Conversation was subdued during the trip home.


The next week passed quickly for Melissa. She had a number of midterms, most of which she felt she did well on, but the pressure she'd been experiencing in the dorm dropped significantly. Anne had been remarkably subdued and had stayed well away from both frosh. More importantly, Melissa no longer worried about hiding her leisure activities from Janet.

They had not completely returned to the easy camaraderie of the first month of school. Her roommate studiously ignored the regular visits Melissa made to Jacqui's room, as well as the harness now on display during the time they spent in their rooms. The loss of their previous closeness grieved Melissa, but it was partially compensated for when Pamela began joining her for the morning run. And the teen could not bring herself to sacrifice her deepening submission to Jacqui.

That relationship had changed subtly. Jacqui still exerted nearly total control over her, but they most often called each other "Lissa" and "Jacqui" rather than the previous "slave" and "Mistress Jacqueline." Melissa also sensed a softening in the junior, although this did not extend to the training. The brunette was now taking dildos the size of small cucumbers up her rectum, and Jacqui had hinted the time for the harness was nearly past. Melissa wondered if her asshole would always feel as loose as it did during the brief intervals when it was empty, but she had not spilled a drop during her enemas for over a week.

Rather, it was her pussy that leaked almost constantly. The stimulation in her ass and the feel of her bare mons were with Melissa constantly. There were unpredictable times when her path would cross with Jacqui's, often resulting in a quick feel if it would not be observed. More intense sessions excited her in the mornings and afternoons, when Jacqui would work her more diligently. There was also the delicious feeling that coursed through her when she would catch Janet looking at her, before the other would turn away. And she thrilled to the looks of other students admiring her body, and the thought of their reactions if her true condition should be discovered.

All combined in her mind, her most erogenous zone, so that Melissa found herself looking forward to these times. The thought of these situations was becoming sufficient to engender aroused expectation. Melissa couldn't wait for Jacqui to teach her more, make her do more.

Chapter 8

Saturday began on a good note for Melissa. As usual, a few minutes after waking she was creaming while she stretched face down over Jacqui's lap. The fat artificial cock filling her was slowly drawn out, but the ritual did not conclude in the expected manner. Instead of inserting a new dildo, Jacqui unfastened the straps of the harness and drew them down the brunette's sleek legs.

When Melissa turned to look questioningly at her, Jacqui replied, "That's it, Lissa. You pass this course." Smiling, she held up still-glistening phallus. Melissa was shocked to see it was the giant dildo that had so frightened her several weeks before; it had slid into her so easily yesterday she hadn't realized its true size. "You don't need the harness any longer, and from now on we'll save the enemas for special occasions only. I don't know that I'll keep spanking you each morning, either. But this morning's not over yet."

With that, Jacqui rolled her back to face down, and began the spanking. But this time, instead of the light fingering that had grown sporadic of late, Melissa felt the artificial cock pressing back into her anus. Jacqui began pumping the phallus in and out, in time with the blows on Melissa's buttocks, and soon the freshman shuddered into a screaming climax.

She was surprised again a moment later when Jacqui did not immediately dismiss her to get dressed. "Now, Lissa, I have a special graduation present for you." Jacqui handed her the butt plug. "I want you to bring me off the same way I just did you." To Melissa's great amazement, Jacqui opened her robe and dropped it to the floor. She caught sight of a slick, -gorged cunt much like her own before Jacqui turned, then dropped to her knees and bent over the bed. "Do me, Lissa. Fuck me up the ass with your hard dick. Spank me hard, I've been a bad little girl."

Melissa felt a shock of excitement and dropped to one knee behind Jacqui. Gingerly, she pressed the dildo between Jacqui's cheeks and watched the tip sink out of sight. As she leaned into it, Jacqui's anus expanded to engulf the rod that slowly pushed into it. "Harder, fuck me harder!" Melissa pushed and abruptly the giant rod disappeared up the base. She pulled back until the phallus was completely exposed again; Jacqui had such a grip that this was more difficult than the insertion had been.

More confidently, Melissa began working the dildo in and out of Jacqui's gyrating butt. The kinky junior wanted more. "Slap me! Oh, spank me, Lissa!" Halfheartedly, Melissa complied and stared at the red hand print she left on one tight buttock. "Yes, more! Beat me, I've been so nasty!" It was difficult to work around the dildo, but Melissa began striking more often and harder as she continued to piston the cock.

Her excitement was growing by leaps and bounds as Melissa became mesmerized by the twitching body before her. Was this what Jacqui had seen each morning for the past weeks? Melissa could feel her loins heating as she remembered the feel of Jacqui's hand on her. She imagined that the flexing ass under her hand was her own, that some anonymous third person was administering the punishment. When she saw Jacqui begin to masturbate herself, Melissa felt herself near the edge again.

Finally Jacqui's fingers blurred and her body began to shake violently as she came. The sight was too much for Melissa, who rammed the dildo home one last time before starting to frig herself. She was so keyed up that only the briefest touch was necessary before her orgasm overtook her and she fell forward to embrace Jacqui.

Jacqui rolled beneath her and they shared a long, wet kiss. Melissa could feel the other girl's nipples rubbing against her own as Jacqui pulled the dildo free and set it aside. "Thank you, Lissa. You're the best student a girl could ask for. I hope you'll appreciate now the enjoyment I get from disciplining you." She glanced at the clock and continued, "We'd better get dressed. Pam should be along any time now."

Melissa floated back to her room. She felt incredibly light, buoyed by her emotions and the strange feeling of emptiness in her ass. She pirouetted and answered Janet's curious look with an exuberant "I made it! My butt's graduated! It feels so good!" Her spirits damped only slightly when Janet abruptly pulled the covers over her head.

That morning's circuit was covered in record time. Jacqui met Pam's breathless query with a knowing smile as the energized brunette easily outdistanced them both.


Melissa was surprised to hear Todd Mueller's voice on the line when she answered the phone. She listened curiously to Janet's half of the conversation, and deduced that Todd was going to make a return visit that evening. That could be fun; Todd was kind of cute and perhaps his presence would help bring Janet out of her funk. When Janet broke up laughing while trying to describe the alleged purple gorilla outfit to Melissa, the perky brunette decided the omens were good for that night.

The time-consuming preparations for the evening started mid-afternoon. Jacqui and Janet suffered through the messy and smelly process of dying their hair. Melissa, to her pleasant surprise, was entrusted with Jacqui's keys and the task of picking up their costumes. When she returned, she was surprised to see the difference in appearance caused by the hair coloring.

After an early snack that would serve in place of dinner, the four gathered to start work on the most interesting part of their costuming. Jacqui prefaced the demonstration with a brief explanation. "I've used this stuff before, in a different color of course. It's great for covering tan lines, faking tans, or even changing hue if you wanted to look like, say, an Indian. It washes off with soap and water. So don't get put off by the fact that it's green today."

She then stripped and opened a bottle. With no sign of self-consciousness, Jacqui began rubbing the color onto her breasts and stomach with a rag. "You put it on like a cross between staining wood and waxing a car, okay? Not too much at once, rub firmly in small circles till you get it blended nicely, like this. Make sure you get it rubbed in good, or it can flake off after it dries." The junior's belly was now a vibrant forest green. "I'll show you how to touch up around your eyes and such in a bit. This is non-toxic, so don't worry about that, but it tastes really bad." Tactfully, Jacqui took the open bottle and Anne next door, leaving the freshmen alone.

Melissa had completely disrobed and started on herself before she noticed Janet, still dressed, was watching her nervously. "Janet, what's wrong?"

Janet looked everywhere but at her as she replied, "Do we have to do it, you know, all over?" Oh, so that was the problem.

"Well, maybe not, but it's hard to tell how much the bikinis are going to cover. We don't want to get any of this stuff slopped on them with the amount of deposit we had to put down."

At the reminder of the costumes they'd be wearing, Janet's uncertainty increased. "Maybe I'll just stay here," she began.

That thought was nipped firmly in the bud. "Nonsense. We've both been looking forward to this all week, you can't back out now. Come on, nobody else'll see." Reluctantly, Janet slipped off her nightgown and began to dab at herself.

Melissa her eyes away from her roommate's body and tried to concentrate on the job at hand. She was not surprised when, as she rubbed the green into her breasts, she felt them tighten and the nipples hardened. A glance at Janet suggested that, at the present rate, she'd end up looking like the mottled victim of some bizarre disease. With a sigh, she decided to offer some assistance.

"Here, Janet, I don't think you're rubbing it in enough. Let me work on your arm." It seemed the safest place to start. Melissa grabbed hold of the hand holding the rag, and started working the color into it. Janet tensed, then gradually relaxed. Melissa finished the forearm, then removed the rag from Janet's grip and started on the hand, trying to get all of the crevices filled. "Darn it! Janet, you'll have to do your hand; I can't see well enough without my glasses to tell if I got everything."

Janet started working on the offending fingers while Melissa moved back up the arm and continued on to her roommate's back. She could feel the muscles gradually relaxing under the impromptu massage, and the two varicolored women worked quietly for several minutes. Melissa had just started to work on the firmly rounded curves of Janet's tight ass when Janet pulled away. "Lissa! You don't have to rub that everywhere!"

Melissa chose to disagree. "But you look funny this way! Your butt looks like mine after Jacqui spanks me, only in the wrong colors."

This was an unfortunate but accurate assessment, as Janet realized after a look in the mirror. "Okay, but I can do it myself. You'd better get working on yourself, Lissa."

Actually, Janet did look pretty good. She'd carefully redone her stomach and gotten most of her front while Melissa did the back; only Janet's face, upper neck, and legs remained uncolored. Melissa was secretly disappointed to see her roommate's exotic nipples remained nearly invisible, even when Janet finished rubbing the green into her buttocks and into the edges of her dark pubic hair.

Soon it was time for Melissa to turn away so her back could be painted by Janet. It felt very good, good enough that her hips began to rotate involuntarily as the stroking and rubbing moved lower. Unfortunately, it was enough to make Janet back off, and Melissa had to finish the job herself. They worked on touching up their necks and faces then, until continuing glances in the mirror convinced them the effect really would work.

The knock on the door sent them both scurrying for the fur-covered swimsuits. Janet broke into giggles when she opened the door to reveal a large gorilla which began jumping up and down, crying "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" at the sight of them.

"Todd, you ass, stop that and come in here. You remember Lissa?"

Melissa shivered as she felt the warmth of his look from behind the mask.

"Sure. Hi, Melissa, you look great in green -- you cut your hair, didn't you? It looks fantastic." As he entered, Todd continued, "I was just making like the other screaming crazies outside. Do they always do that around here?"

Now that he mentioned it, the noise was audible. Melissa realized what the cause must be. "Oh, that must mean the football team won today's game. We're in the playoffs a third straight year." The phrase tickled a thought in the back of Melissa's mind, but she couldn't capture it. "Some division, eh? No real team would know it'd made it to post-season in October..."

Todd had removed the mask and was fanning himself to keep from overheating when Jacqui and Anne made their appearance. The four girls looked surprisingly alike, their white faces surrounded by dark hair and green bodies immodestly clad in scraps of fake fur. It made the white of their smiles even more vibrant.

"Hey Todd, long time no see. This is my roommate Anne Takasawa. Anne, Todd Mueller."

He was too busy looking at the new arrivals to see the chill in his sister's demeanor.

"Todd, you won't mind if we finish putting on our faces," Jacqui quipped, "we need to be colorful enough to keep up with you." She displayed a small washcloth. "This is like washing your face, except you don't reuse the washcloth." The junior splashed some paint into the cloth, then closed her eyes and rubbed it thoroughly over her face while she held her hair back with the other hand. It took several passes, to get the stain evenly up to the roots of her hair and around her eyes and ears.

"Now I'll just wait a few minutes to make sure it's dry around my eyes before I open them," Jacqui mumbled. "But you guys can get started yourselves -- just keep your lips sealed unless you want green teeth. So Todd, what brings you slumming around here?" Jacqui's self-assurance and poise as she carried on the conversation with her eyes closed would have been sufficient for Todd to guess at her modeling experience even if Janet hadn't mentioned it earlier.

The conversation continued easily, with everyone in good spirits, as the staining procedure wrapped up. Jacqui completed the coloring process by touching up lips, nostrils, and ears with a Q-tip. Todd, who recognized an Orion when he saw one, was convinced these four extraterrestrials looked even better than the originals. As a final touch, Jacqui produced some dark green eyeliner, mascara and nail polish. The junior then donned her only piece of jewelry, a fine silver chain with her room key strung on it.

Jacqui was done when she let her hair down and ran her fingers through it to give it the proper tousled look. The others followed suit and the effect was complete.

When she saw Todd looking at them with his tongue nearly hanging out of his mouth, Melissa blushed and couldn't keep herself from tweaking her bikini back up over the curve of her hip. Her blush was hidden by the green stain as effectively as his raging hard-on was concealed by the gorilla suit.

Anne dashed next door to retrieve her and Jacqui's student ID cards. Jacqui was just getting antsy when Anne returned with the cards. Taking hers, the junior smiled at Todd while she slid the laminated card down the front of her bikini bottoms. Todd nearly fell off his chair. Anne followed her roommate's lead, and after a long moment, so did Melissa. Janet held her breath and counted to ten, then handed her own card and room key to her brother to carry with his wallet.

Todd rose and donned the gorilla head. By unspoken agreement, they all filed out the door and toward the stairs. The Halloween that would live in school lore as The Night Of The Space Women had begun.

Chapter 9

The four green vixens and their large purple guardian were a huge success. At party after party they were met with screams and cheers as word of their coming ran before them. It was impossible not to have a good time, buoyed by the energetic compliments and noisy adulation; even Janet was soon laughing and smiling continuously.


They were talking over drinks during a break in the music when Janet announced, "Hey, this has been a really great night, but it's past midnight and I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to call it quits. But don't you all leave on my account."

Melissa was on the verge of volunteering to head back too when a quick nudge from Jacqui silenced her. No such restraint existed for Todd, whose reluctant familial duty outweighed his desire to keep Melissa and Jacqui company. Besides, he had her ID and key. "I'll take you back, Janet. I've got a drive ahead of me anyway, I shouldn't leave it until too late. Bye, ladies, it's been great!"

Everybody was surprised when Anne chimed in, "I think I'll head back too. I feel kinda wasted, and Janet can let me in through her room." She did appear to be slightly unsteady on her feet.


Melissa noticed Jacqui had disappeared a few minutes after the others, but she was basking in the center of a very appreciative circle of admirers. Unconsciously, she tugged up the sagging bikini again, but noted the dipping gazes of the audience. I think I enjoy this, she thought, but it would be nice if one of these guys was interested in more than just my body; I didn't have this problem before.

She didn't have much opportunity for self-pity, for Jacqui soon returned and pulled her aside. "Come on, Lissa, we have another special party to attend."

Curious, the teen made her good-byes and followed her suitemate out the back of the dorm. "'Special?' Where are we going now? Too bad you didn't say anything earlier, maybe Janet and Todd and Anne would've changed their minds about going home."

Jacqui's answer made her tingle. "No, it's special just for us, Lissa. I was wondering how I was going to get us alone, I'm glad Janet got tired." Melissa was about to prod for more details, when Jacqui turned to watch a black limo glide up to the curb below them. "Ah, it looks like our ride has arrived. Shall we?"

It looked like this party was indeed going to be 'special.' Melissa gaped, then skipped down the steps to catch up with Jacqui. "My God! This is a limo! It's really for us? This is great, better than my prom date! How did he know when to arrive?" The chauffeur opened the door for them and graciously assisted them with the step in, acting as if he saw half-naked green college girls all the time.

The magic was in no way diminished when Jacqui revealed the secret; "I called from the dorm a few minutes ago."

They pulled smoothly away from the curve, and Jacqui pulled her into a lingering French kiss. "You were a virgin when you came here, weren't you?" the junior whispered.

Melissa managed a faint "Yes." The embrace grew tighter, and she could feel Jacqui's hand inside her top, cupping and stroking a breast.

"Remember Darryl? At the stadium? He and a few friends are having a celebration party and they've invited us. I know we're going to have a good time and you'll make me very proud of you."

This was almost too much for Melissa, but she remembered her earlier desire to experiment more. And Jacqui was depending on her. With a sigh, she relaxed into the passionate embrace. "Where are we going?"

Jacqui turned coy. "Just relax. It's a surprise. Now, are you wet?" Melissa resisted the temptation to observe that she'd been dripping all evening, and silently raised a knee to allow access to her pussy.

"Mmm, I guess so. Well, I suppose one come won't take the edge off." They kissed again and Melissa moaned into Jacqui's mouth as a probing finger delicately teased her to orgasm.

When Melissa recovered sufficiently to peer out through the tinted glass, she could see they were nearly downtown. Jacqui had located a bottle of champagne in the small refrigerator and poured a glass for each of them. Before Melissa could lift her glass, she felt Jacqui press a pill into her hand; the freshman, remembering Janet's experiences, looked at it cautiously. "What's this for?"

"Morning-after pill," was the succinct reply. "They work good now too, and then we don't have to worry about remembering tomorrow. But we'll get you started with a birth control prescription, it's still safer." Jacqui tossed back another of the pills and followed it with a champagne chaser.

Melissa followed suit and drained her glass, realizing the kind of party they would be attending. A stray thought chilled her. "Uh, Jacqui, when Steve, ah, fucked me..."

Jacqui saved her from having to complete the question. "Don't worry," she laughed while refilling their glasses. Melissa didn't appreciate the humor of the situation. "He had a vasectomy three years ago by court order." Oh. Well, Jacqui certainly had interesting friends.

"We're here." At that statement, Melissa looked and realized they had pulled up to the front door of the downtown Hilton. She quickly tugged her clothing back into place, finishing just as the doorman opened the door and leaned in to help them out. He had a warm smile for Melissa, who couldn't believe they were going to stroll right into the Hilton wearing only bikinis.

The two exotic girls walked into a lobby filled with other costumed guests, and Melissa calmed as she realized they didn't really stand out as much as she had feared. Apparently a number of other parties were still in progress here. Most of the partygoers seemed to be departing, so they had an elevator to themselves on the ride up to the fifteenth floor.

Jacqui gave her a final pep talk. "Remember, we're here to have fun. I wouldn't have brought you if I didn't think you were ready for this, Lissa. Enjoy yourself, because it'll be 'back to school' for you next week!" The trembling frosh remembered the occasional glimpses of the handsome wide receiver and felt herself creaming into her swimsuit.

Melissa followed Jacqui down the hall to a door that stood ajar, propped open by a shoe. Loud music and cheerful conversation spilled out into the corridor. Jacqui shoved the door open and beckoned Melissa into the room, then followed behind and kicked the shoe clear. The teen stopped dead in her tracks as she realized the entire varsity football team was partying in the large suite.

The talk died away as the men realized their guests had arrived. Under the force of two dozen silent, penetrating looks, Melissa felt herself retreating toward the entrance, but she backed into Jacqui after only a step. Jacqui embraced her from behind and greeted the crowd.

"Happy Halloween, and congratulations on making the playoffs again. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jacqui Barry. This is my very good friend, Lissa Bednar." Jacqui unfastened the brunette's top and pushed it to the floor, displaying Melissa's swollen tits to the very attentive crowd. As she stripped the embarrassed girl's bottom down her legs, Jacqui added, in her most seductive voice, "Trick or treat."

Melissa felt she was about to burst, from embarrassment or arousal, she wasn't sure. Her feet felt like they were fixed to the floor until she saw Darryl push through the crowd and come to her. Firmly, he pulled her from Jacqui's grasp and toward one of the beds as the men closed in around the two women.

The attendees began discarding their clothes and Jacqui removed her own costume. Melissa noticed none of this as Darryl kissed her and massaged her breasts. "Yo Melissa, you sure got one fine body." Another of the players knelt between her spread legs and began to eat her. She squirmed excitedly under the probing tongues investigating her mouth and pussy.

Darryl moved back momentarily to strip off his shirt and pants. Melissa looked around the room; Jacqui was already moaning under the assault of Doug Williams, the burly offensive tackle who was thrusting into her slick cunt. The erotic view was blocked as another lineman walked up to Melissa, his semi-erect penis dangling in front of him. His organ brushed her cheek, and automatically she turned her head and sucked him into her mouth.

Most of the evening passed in a blur. Only a few moments remained vivid in Melissa's mind. The first was when Darryl rode her to a violent climax. His gleaming ebony phallus was unbelievably long. When it finally filled her, the tip dilating her cervix before his wiry pubic hair ground into her mons, Melissa wrapped her legs around Darryl's waist and pumped furiously. After he had jetted deep into her, his laughing teammates had to physically pull her legs away from him before Darryl could step aside for the next participant.

Another time she and Jacqui lay side by side, Frenching and playing with each other's tits, while they were sodomized repeatedly by eager men. Melissa felt no pain at all, only waves of orgasmic pleasure, as one cock after another d her well-trained rectum and filled it with warm come. Others, impatiently waiting their turn, jerked off and sprayed their sticky loads over the writhing coeds.

And finally, Darryl had "run one into her end zone." Jacqui had pulled Melissa from a tangle of bodies and led her to where Kevin Anderson, the team's quarterback, lay on his back with his fat prick jutting in the air. Melissa knew Kevin was engaged to Susan Mustacato, Captain of the women's varsity volleyball team; she'd seen Susan showing the ring to friends and boasting of her "catch." But now it was Melissa, not Susan, who was squatting onto Kevin's cock, taking it deep inside herself and leaning forward to share a wet kiss.

Melissa felt hands spreading her buns, and then Darryl's thin manhood was sliding into her lubricated butt. It penetrated slowly, fitting easily but moving deeper than the other cocks, deeper even than the largest of Jacqui's dildos. When the men began their slow, synchronized pumping, Melissa couldn't hold back a long shuddering moan, and threw back her head as her back arched involuntarily. The gap between the pursed lips, still a deep green, was quickly plugged by another cock.

She rocked back and forth, lost in ecstasy as she serviced the three hung studs. Then Melissa felt the delicate touch that could only be Jacqui's, caressing and plucking her nipples, and whispering in her ear. "Lissa, my sweet beauty. All these men are hard for you. They're coming for you. For months, maybe years, when they fuck their girlfriends and wives, it'll be you they see in their minds. And I'll teach you more, more than you could imagine. Lissa, my obedient slut, I love you."

The penis in Melissa's mouth jerked and erupted, spilling another creamy load down her throat. The hairy prick and balls pulled away and were replaced with a smooth, sleek body smelling of the feminine musk she knew so well. Jacqui settled herself over Kevin's face until his nose was pressed into the sweaty furrow of her buttocks and he began to rim her.

Still excited nearly beyond control by the two cocks pistoning in and out of her loins, Melissa could manage only a brief, "Oh yes, Jacqui! I'd do anything for you!" The young coed affirmed her devotion by pushing herself into Jacqui and cleaning the swollen cunt of the thick spew which coated it and continued to leak from the parted pubic lips.

Kevin and Darryl spent themselves in her, nearly simultaneously, sending Melissa into a series of shuddering climaxes as she felt their seed squirting up her vagina and anus. But even when they slowly withdrew, she kept Jacqui clasped to her face, and it was in that position that she fell asleep.

She stirred restlessly when Jacqui rose to bid the men farewell as they trickled from the room by ones and twos. The drained brunette quieted as Jacqui rejoined her and pulled her into a close embrace that lulled both women into a deep, dreamless sleep.


The sweet scent of semen filled Melissa's nose when she awakened. Grudgingly leaving the warmth generated by Jacqui's nearby body, the freshman rose and made her way toward the bathroom. The room was chilly and the cool air quickly hardened her nipples. Her body was covered with dried come that itched. Melissa could feel more jism, still fluid, escaping from her cunt to run down her legs as she strode across the room. And she felt almost as if she'd received another of Jacqui's enemas when she released the thick cream filling her bowels.

Jacqui was awake and lay in bed watching her when Melissa returned. Silently, Melissa slid back into the warm spot she'd recently vacated and pressed up against the other girl. They looked at each other, and simultaneously said, "You smell like come." Both laughed at their timing, as well as the truth of the statement.

"Do you like fucking men, Lissa?" Jacqui inquired.

The young brunette lay back, thinking of Darryl's ebony shaft piercing her pale skin, and answered affirmatively. In retrospect, even Steve didn't seem so bad. "Oh yes. You were right about Darryl, and Kevin, and... Oh, they feel so much different than a vibrator or dildo. And the rush when they shoot off inside you, I'm getting hot just talking about it."

"I'm glad. But you were such a nasty slut last night, taking Darryl up your ass like that, and fucking Kevin when you know he's engaged. I think you need a spanking right now. Roll over on your tummy."

Melissa willingly turned onto her stomach and arched her buns into the air. Jacqui didn't bother changing position; she merely reached out and began slapping the exposed buttocks until Melissa was moaning into her pillow. "There, there. Don't make a scene. I think it's time for a long, hot shower, don't you? I'm tired of this shade of green and I'm tired of this brand of perfume." Melissa giggled then jumped out of bed to follow Jacqui into the shower.

An hour later they looked and smelled like normal humans, albeit still dressed in revealing swimwear. Jacqui completed a video checkout on the television and soon they were on their way down the elevator and across the lobby to the entrance. Melissa noted nervously they were attracting a great deal more attention than they had the previous evening, and hitched up her bikini again.

They rode back to Sullivan College in a cab, where Jacqui paid the driver with $20 bills peeled off a wad of cash Melissa knew she hadn't had the night before. "Gee, where'd you find the money, Jacqui?"

The junior flashed a grin and started towards the stairway. "It's a small token of appreciation from the boys. It helps to cover clothing, other expenses, you know."

Melissa didn't know, but nodded agreement anyway. The concept was a little frightening. She'd had sex with the entire varsity football squad, and they'd paid Jacqui. God, that made her a prostitute. But Melissa hadn't done it for the money; at first, it had been to please Jacqui, then later, for herself. Well then, she'd consider it a hobby. But maybe they could spend the money on more clothes; shopping with Jacqui and Janet was a lot more fun than when Melissa had gone shopping at home.

Jacqui let them in through her room and Melissa went next door to change into some more appropriate clothes. Or at least, she decided after hitching up the bikini for the last time, something that fits better than this abominable 'one-size-fits-all' excuse for a swimsuit. Melissa was surprised to find Todd still there and Janet sleeping. Todd mumbled something about having to leave and Janet not feeling well, and departed quickly.

Something about the conversation, and his expression, seemed out of kilter but Melissa couldn't identify it. With a shrug, she donned a cropped sweatshirt and tied on her running shorts -- no jogging today, but they were comfortable. Melissa glanced again at her sleeping roommate, then regretfully decided the time could be spent catching up on her assigned reading.

Chapter 10

Janet struggled through classes that Monday and didn't feel up to attending aerobics that afternoon. Melissa was also concerned by her roommate's uncharacteristic depression, but Janet wouldn't talk about it and Melissa chalked the mood up to a bad time of the month. She'd thought Janet's period wasn't due yet, but the spotted panties convinced her otherwise.

Melissa was neither unduly excited or concerned when Jacqui called her next door for their usual pre-dinner session. But, as Jacqui had promised, they were ready to move on to new subjects. "Lock the bathroom door, Lissa; we don't want to be disturbed today. Now strip." The young brunette complied, feeling the familiar excitement harden her nipples and cause her pubic lips to flower open.

"Very good," Jacqui continued, "I see you're ready. Come, sit beside me." This was unusual. Melissa did as she was told and wondered what Jacqui would do today. The lesson plan came quickly. "You've been learning to control your body, Lissa. You're still not perfect, but you've done very well learning to stay wet, like this, and to use your ass. This weekend you got to experience fucking a bunch of different guys. You told me you liked it, right?"

Melissa couldn't disagree. "Yes, Jacqui. I liked it very much." Jacqui acknowledged this statement with a brief nod before continuing. "Well, you'll be getting much more practice. See, it's important for your partner to enjoy a fuck, too. You don't want to think of just yourself."

Jacqui began to stroke her gently, not coming near her tits or the area between her thighs, but the feeling was delicious anyway. "Each time you fuck, I want you to concentrate on making your partner come as soon as possible. You can learn to use your muscles, know the right thing to say, there are all kinds of tricks -- that's what practicing is for. It'll take time, don't worry, but always ask yourself, 'How can I bring this person to orgasm right now?' Is that clear?"

"Yes, I think so." It didn't sound very clear to Melissa, but she grasped the objective and remembered the feel of come squirting inside her. Doing that again would be nice. She returned her attention to Jacqui.

"Now you know you're not to come yourself unless I allow it. That rule remains. If you're excited, your partner will be excited. For that reason, I also don't want you just lying there. We've been working on keeping you ready for sex, now we'll start on the next step. I don't want you just ready, I want you ready to orgasm. From now on, when I ask you to, you'll come as quickly as possible. Just let yourself go over the edge, masturbate, I don't care as long as you orgasm. And I'll be able to tell if you're faking. Got it?"

This sounded slightly more difficult, but it would have seemed impossible a few months ago. "Yes, Jacqui, I'll try."

"That's a good girl. So remember two things: make your partner come as quickly as you can, and come when, and only when, I order you to. I won't hesitate to punish you if you don't make the grade, and I'll reward you for doing well." The instructions were punctuated by a sharp knock on the door. "Ah, good, right on time. Lissa, please welcome our guest."

She was shocked. "Like this?" Melissa asked, gesturing at her naked body.

Jacqui shrugged. "Why not? He's going to be doing a lot more than just looking at you in a few minutes. Go on." She pulled Melissa to her feet, and a quick slap on the ass propelled the frosh to the door.

Melissa cracked the door and peered around it. Darryl was standing expectantly outside. "Oh! Darryl, please come in." She opened the door and allowed him to enter while shielding herself from outside view.

The varsity receiver sauntered into the room and raked her with his gaze. "Oooh, babe! Melissa, you look even better to these eyes in flesh than you did in green. This homeboy's just gotta have a piece of your fine white ass."

Jacqui laughed at the statement and Melissa's delightful answering blush. "Okay, stud, you know the score. You go ahead and jump her bones. You come first, you pay $50. If Lissa climaxes before you do, you win $50. No holds barred, it's a draw if you both survive for 30 minutes. And have pity on the poor girl, she's just learning."

The brunette could only gape at the announcement. Darryl started stripping off his clothes and the sight of his long black prick made Melissa juicy. It was going to be difficult to please Jacqui; it would be difficult just to not lose herself in Darryl's strong arms. The match was on when he dropped to his knees and pulled Melissa onto his face, then began lapping her gash.

Her hips were already starting to rotate when Jacqui pulled them apart. "Shame on you, Darryl, you know off the bed's out of bounds. Control yourself, man." Melissa got a quick pep talk, too. "Remember, Lissa: strong offense, come when I want you to." The pair, one light, one dark, climbed onto the bed, and Darryl grabbed her again and resumed the oral assault.

Jacqui slapped her tits roughly to draw Melissa's attention. "Slut! Snap out of it, Lissa! Blow him, start working on him!" Remembering her orders, the girl twisted into the 69 position and took the end of his cock into her mouth. He was too long for her to swallow entirely, but she caressed the head with her tongue while jacking the lower part of the ebony shaft in her hand.

Darryl was feeling it, Melissa could feel his breath coming faster, but he started sucking on her clit and she could feel herself nearing the edge. She remembered her experiences of the weekend and slid a long finger into his anus, circling it and pumping it in and out. Dimly she could hear Jacqui shouting, "Yes! Tickle his prostate, good girl, Lissa!" Whatever a prostate was, it had Darryl's sphincter contracting around her finger, and then he pulled away.

"Yo, Jacqui," he panted, "I thought you said Melissa was just learning this stuff. Ain't no freshman gonna beat me, girl. Prepare to have your brains fucked out." Melissa was looking forward to the feel of his cock inside her, and spread her thighs wide as he moved into position. Darryl pushed just the first few inches into her lips, then slowly worked himself in and out, teasing her.

Melissa wanted, needed, to feel all of him. Ruthlessly she reached up with arms and legs and pulled him into her. Darryl followed her lead and began pumping hard, held in place by the pale white heels digging into the gleaming ebony of his ass. When he bent and began chewing on her right nipple while squeezing the breast, Melissa could feel herself going over the brink. The tension of trying to hold back from her climax intensified it when finally she lost control, and both Jacqui and Darryl recognized the cause of the screams.

"Damn!" Jacqui interjected. "Okay, Darryl, you win -- finish it." The sweating senior pumped a few more times into Melissa's now quiescent body and withdrew to shoot his creamy load over her tits and stomach. He jacked the last drops out onto her swollen cunt.

Darryl looked triumphantly at Jacqui. "Easy, like I told you. You so hot, wanna go double or nothing? Of course, I have an advantage, I take even longer the second time."

Melissa knew the challenge was accepted when Jacqui removed her own shorts and top. "I pity you, Darryl. Lissa, make sure you pay attention." The junior climbed onto the bed and pushed Darryl onto his back. In one smooth squat, she took him completely inside her. The coed began rocking slowly back and forth on the phallus that was impaling her, and Darryl reached up to begin fondling her tits.

"It's all in the muscles," Jacqui told Melissa. "Here, give me your hand." Taking the astonished freshman's wrist, she placed Melissa's hand flat against the taut flesh of her lower abdomen. Melissa could feel Jacqui's muscles tightening and relaxing, rhythmically massaging the intruding flesh trapped inside.

Jacqui started teasing Darryl. "What isn't in the muscles is in the mind. Yeah, stud, you know you love this. Sliding that long, black cock of yours into beautiful white chicks like us. Like Melissa here. She's from Minnesota, probably seen maybe five Negroes in her life before moving here, and she's creaming her shorts two minutes after seeing you for the first time. You've had daddy's little girl, porked her up the butt, now she's a complete slut, lying here with your come dripping from her body."

The pace picked up slightly. "Now I'm riding you, my tits are swelling for you, feel how hard my nipples are. Soon I'll be coming, your big cock will be spewing its hot load inside me, I get so hot just thinking about it. Melissa is waiting for your come to spill out of me so she can lick our bodies clean, oh you want it too, I know it."

It was too much for Darryl, whose face twisted into a grimace before he unloaded into Jacqui. Melissa could feel the cock pulsing inside her suitemate's body. Jacqui lifted herself off the phallus and lowered herself onto the brunette's face, hissing, "Eat me, Lissa. Suck up those juices." It didn't take much of Melissa's licking to bring Jacqui to her own orgasm.

By the time the girls had rolled apart, Darryl had finished dressing. He calmly peeled two $50 bills off a wad of cash in his pocket and tossed them to the bed. "You win, Jacqui. Again. I should know better. You're gonna be good, Melissa, this boy can pick 'em." On that note, he let himself out of the room.

The two young women looked at each other, then rolled off the bed. Melissa was wiping the sticky semen from her body and licking her fingers when Jacqui spoke up. "You tried, Lissa, but you came before Darryl did. Stand by the bed, spread your legs, and bend over." Melissa was trembling as she followed her mentor's instructions.

The ritual spanking commenced, harder than Melissa remembered. But still the finger was there to work her, mingling pleasure with the painful blows to her buttocks. She was shuddering and gasping before Jacqui relented. Jacqui left her then and started dressing for dinner. Since nothing further seemed to be planned, Melissa began cleaning herself with a washcloth. She had put on her clothes and was preparing to go next door when Jacqui said, "Come."

Melissa wasn't sure she'd heard correctly. "What?"

With a quick stride, Jacqui crossed the room to her. "I said, come. I want you to orgasm for me." Melissa felt Jacqui push her up against the door, then her stinging ass was slapped again, hard, although the skirt muffled the blow. Jacqui grabbed her hand and thrust it up under the skirt. Melissa was still wired after the earlier punishment and needed no further encouragement to begin masturbating herself. Jacqui's hand was working her too, and it was only a moment before the freshman thrashed and spilled her juices over the probing fingers.

Jacqui released Melissa, then licked her own fingers. Melissa sucked her fingers into her mouth, enjoying the taste of herself, then said, "I'm sorry, Jacqui. I'll do better next time, I promise."

The look on Jacqui's face made Melissa wet all over again. "Yes, I know you will."


Melissa expected more of the same the following day, but an unexpected distraction presented itself. Or, more properly, "herself." She'd hurried into her room just before 5:00, wanting not to be late for Jacqui's lesson.

It was all she could do to keep from staring at Janet. Her roommate, most uncharacteristically, was dressed to in an entrancing lacy camisole and tap shorts. The front of the cami was laced so loosely at the top that the edges of Janet's areolae peeked through the gap. Her nipples, semi-hardened and shriveled like large raisins, pressed visibly against the thin fabric.

Unnerved, the brunette expressed her pleasure when Janet announced she was feeling better. She lingered only long enough to dump her books on the foot of the bed and kick off her shoes before going next door.

Melissa had gotten in the habit of sneaking looks at Janet whenever she could get away with it, but today had been an eye-opener. She'd wanted to bury her face between Janet's rounded globes, to snake a finger inside the sexy bottoms, but instead maintained a disinterested facade to avoid making her roommate feel threatened.

She didn't know what was on Janet's mind; Janet had never dressed like this before, but then she'd been acting weird since Sunday. Melissa was on fire by the time she could escape to Jacqui's room.


Melissa squirmed in her seat during dinner. She'd been unable to get thoughts of Janet out of her mind and had orgasmed quickly under the stranger in Jacqui's room. The freshman's reddened ass reflected Jacqui's displeasure at the blatant loss of self-control. Moreover, Melissa was starting to think that maybe Janet was making overtures to her.

The unfamiliar signals from her roommate and fear of misinterpreting them made Melissa increasingly edgy as the evening progressed. She was also getting wound up by the aching of her burning buns and the titillating thought of making Janet... Although Jacqui wouldn't like it if Melissa came "unsupervised."

Finally Melissa decided to escape the situation by abandoning her reading and going to sleep early. "I'm feeling pretty tired today, Janet. I think I'm going to turn in early." She stripped and pulled the nightshirt over her head, then jumped onto her bed. "Don't worry about the lights, just turn them out when you go to bed."

She lay on the bed, drifting on the edge of sleep, lulled by the now-familiar sounds of Janet moving about the room. After some unknowable period of time, Melissa heard the toilet flush, then Janet closed the bathroom door and turned out the lights. Melissa relaxed and was ready to let her consciousness fade when she felt someone sit beside her on the bed.

Surprised, she rolled over and opened her eyes; the diffused light filtering through the window revealed Janet's naked body leaning over her. Melissa felt her pulse suddenly speed as she asked, "Janet, what is it?"

Janet whispered her reply into the brunette's ear. "I'm tired of being alone. I want to feel it again. Make love to me, Lissa."

Melissa could feel, acutely, Janet's soft breath on her cheek. Surely it wouldn't interfere that much with her lessons to sleep with Janet tonight. Besides, she wanted to re-experience that special feeling she'd had in Janet's arms before. "We'll have to be quiet, we can't wake Jacqui."

She heard Janet say, "Don't worry. I locked the bathroom door," and then a pair of soft lips was pressing against hers and the two coeds melted into each other.

Soon Melissa could feel Janet's breasts pressing against her own while their hands ran excitedly over each other's body. Gradually Janet slid lower until her exploring hands were running up Melissa's legs, pushing the nightshirt upwards and spreading the lean thighs. Melissa sat up long enough to pull her garment free of her body, then fell back again as Janet reached her glistening sex.

First Janet pressed her nose into the slit, blowing gently on it and watching the engorged clit stiffen. Then she inhaled the fragrant scent of Melissa's arousal. Delicately, she began to slide her tongue along the outer lips, tasting the moisture spilling from them. Melissa couldn't hold back a series of quiet sighs and moans, and her hips began to buck as she quickly came to full readiness.

Melissa decided she should treat this as another training session; holding back seemed to make her orgasms more intense anyway. She pulled Janet out of her crotch and kissed her again, tasting her own juices on the other girl's mouth. Eager to reciprocate, Melissa rolled Janet back onto the bed and moved to begin licking and sucking the nipples that so attracted her. Each nipple protruded more fully, drawing the wide areola taut around it, as it was teased by the sucking brunette's agile tongue.

When Melissa noticed that Janet was finger-fucking herself, she left the tits behind and turned to bring their bodies into a 69 position. The dark fur beneath her probing fingers was already wet, so Melissa parted the hairs and began lapping at the creaming gash hidden underneath. She felt Janet's hands grab her buns and pull her own exposed slit down for renewed attention.

The room was quiet except for the squishy sound of cunts being eaten. Eventually, their bodies began to flop about on the bed, like beached fish, as Melissa succumbed to her own climax and muffled her screams between Janet's thighs. The young brunette intensified her own efforts, slipping a finger into Janet's vagina while sucking on her clitoris, but release eluded the quivering blonde.

"I know what I need," Janet decided. She broke free and walked to the medicine cabinet while Melissa wondered what was going on. Surely Janet didn't own a vibrator? At first, that was exactly what the slim object looked like, but then Janet pressed it to her arm and sighed as she held it there.

Horrified, Melissa realized Janet was taking some drug. "Janet! What are you doing?" she hissed from the bed.

As she pulled the now-empty syringe from her arm, Janet replied, "Just a little something to make me feel better. It makes my orgasms so much more exciting. You should try some."

Melissa was sickened by the thought. "How can you do that to yourself? What if you get addicted?"

Janet shrugged off the concern. "Oh, it's okay. I can control it now."

Melissa didn't have a chance to reply, for Janet had returned quickly to the bed and pressed her sex into Melissa's face. Janet's breathing quickened as the drug moved into her system and her nipples became almost painfully hard. The blonde mauled her own tits and writhed on the other girl's tongue; she orgasmed quickly.

Drowned in sensation, Janet pulled Melissa firmly against her and cried for her to continue licking. The young brunette struggled briefly, but her excitement and Jacqui's training won out and she obediently darted her tongue further into Janet. Soon Janet was spasming again, but the burning in her loins had not subsided.

A few minutes later they had returned to a 69. This time Janet began working her fingers into Melissa's ass, which easily expanded to accept them. Melissa returned the favor, and Janet shook violently as the long finger pressed into her tight sphincter. When Melissa noticed the on her finger, she assumed her fingernail had scratched Janet's rectum; apologetically she withdrew it and tried to comfort Janet. But her roommate was uncaring of the minor pain and cried for more.

Hours later, Melissa was exhausted. She could only lie tiredly on the bed and watch with concern as Janet frantically brought herself off again and again. Janet might think she was in control, but it was obvious nothing could be further from the truth. This was painfully similar to the night Anne had d Janet, and Melissa suspected the same drug was involved.

How Janet had sunk to the point of taking it willingly, Melissa was unsure, but she'd be sure to ask Jacqui about it in the morning. In the meantime, nothing would be served by waking her now. She'd just have to wait for Janet to come down from her rush. Hopefully there was no more of that filth in the room; Melissa thought of checking the medicine cabinet immediately, but decided to wait until she could do it without attracting Janet's attention. Melissa spent a sleepless night wondering how she could resolve the ugly situation.

Chapter 11

The next morning Melissa disengaged herself from Janet's twitching body and performed her usual morning ritual. She picked up the pieces of her jogging outfit and took them next door to present them, and herself, for Jacqui's inspection. There, a quick spanking left her gasping and wet, although she felt distinctly uncomfortable under Anne's inscrutable gaze.

Next Melissa donned her jogging bra. She'd complained of the growing chill in the mornings, so next came a thin white body stocking to provide a little warmth. It covered her completely except for the deep scoops front and back, and it was crotchless. Following Jacqui's lead, Melissa tied on the nylon shorts, leaving her slit covered but easily accessible. Another of the ubiquitous crop tops provided some additional coverage and the word of the day -- this time it was "nympho." It took only a moment to lace her shoes, and they were off.

Melissa recounted the previous night's experiences to Jacqui as they jogged down the campus to meet Pam. The effect was not what the freshman had expected; they had just reached Case Hall when Jacqui pulled her into the laundry room and closed the door. Soon Melissa was bent over a washer with her shorts on the floor while Jacqui slapped her buttocks and reprimanded her for engaging in unsupervised sexual activity. Upon further questioning, she was also to admit she had climaxed before Janet. Jacqui beat her again until the brunette was sobbing, but did not allow her to achieve satisfaction.

They exited to the courtyard just before Pamela appeared, then resumed their exercise as if nothing unusual had happened. Their pace slowed somewhat as Melissa tried to ease the chafing of the body stocking on her raw buns. She was silent, afraid to bring up the subject again, until Jacqui started asking more questions about the encounter. Melissa confided her fears then, passing over the sexual aspects for Pam's benefit, and the friends struggled to find a solution to the problem.

By the time they returned to their rooms the three had agreed Janet could not be allowed to use any more of the drug, whatever it was. Melissa would stick with her as much as possible, with assistance from Pam, who also shared classes with Janet. Between the two of them, they could cover most of Janet's day without breaking their customary schedules. Jacqui would shadow Anne, to ensure she did not manage to supply Janet with any additional quantities of the drug.


The effort was wearing on all parties involved. Melissa watched helplessly as Janet's condition deteriorated again, more rapidly than before. Jacqui resumed intensive disciplining of Anne, and noted some of the same symptoms in the Oriental as Melissa had described.

When, on Saturday morning, a sweating and dizzy Janet could barely drag herself out of bed, Melissa could hardly restrain her anxiety. She nearly shouted in relief when Janet finally admitted it would be a good idea to visit the campus medical center.


Melissa tried to distract herself with a magazine for what seemed like an eternity. When she looked at the clock on the wall behind the receptionist, she realized it had been over an hour since Janet had gone in for her examination. Concerned, she stepped up to the counter and inquired about her roommate's condition. It was a confused five minutes before they found a nurse who remembered seeing somebody like Janet leaving -- some time ago.

The trail was long cold by the time Melissa dashed out the back door of the medical center. Lacking any obvious alternatives, she headed back to the dorm, although she could think of no good reason why Janet would have ducked her this way. The sinking feeling in Melissa's stomach increased when she arrived to find Pam knocking on her door.

"Pam! Have you seen Janet today?"

The cute blonde whirled at the voice coming from an unexpected direction. "Oh, Lissa, there you are. No, I haven't seen anybody this morning. I just came over to touch bases since you and Jacqui didn't show for the run this morning. Is everything all right?"

Melissa shook her head glumly as she opened the door and they entered the room. "No. I took Janet down to the medical center this morning, she was looking really bad, but she ducked out the back and left me sitting there. I was hoping maybe she'd come back here, but it doesn't look like it." A quick look around the room showed no obvious changes since she'd left. "I wonder if Jacqui or Anne are in?"

The bathroom doors were both slightly ajar, so Melissa gave the far one only a perfunctory knock before pushing it open. Jacqui was in, but not the way the brunette had expected. The slim model was face down on the bed, naked, with her wrists and ankles secured by the straps at the corners. A familiar collar was locked around her neck and attached to the wall above the bed. Her ass was filled by what looked to Melissa to be the largest of the butt plugs.

She rushed forward as Pam, even less prepared for the bizarre sight, gasped and turned away. "Jacqui, what happened?" Melissa cried, discovering the junior had been gagged with a sock stuffed into her mouth and tied in place with a pair of hose.

Jacqui could only grunt until the gag was removed, then answered. "It was Anne, damnit. I turned my back on her, that bitch, and she conked me over the head with something. Next thing I remember, I'm lying here like this."

Melissa untied Jacqui's legs and right arm, then went to the desk to get the keys while Jacqui untied the remaining wrist. The chained beauty withdrew the plastic prong from her stuffed rectum and rolled over, saying, "Lissa, I don't think she put the keys back in the usual..." Her voice cut off suddenly. Melissa, confirming that, looked back to see what had captured her suitemate's attention.

Both of them saw Pam, still standing in the doorway, taking in Jacqui's bare cunt, the huge dildo still in the junior's hand, and Melissa's matter-of-fact manner. "You-you've done this before, haven't you?" the perky blonde stuttered. "The chains and things, and Lissa, you knew where to look for the keys... What they say about you is true, isn't it? You two really are perverts, dressing like sluts isn't just an act for you, is it?" She turned and fled the room before either of the accused could utter a word.

Melissa started to follow Pam, to try and explain, but the slamming door and the recollection of Jacqui's condition stopped her. "Well," said Jacqui in an effort to cheer up the freshman, "she's right, after all."

Trying to shake off this latest disaster, Melissa responded, "You're right, too. The keys aren't here. What do we do now?"

"That's the least of our problems," Jacqui asserted. "The other set of keys is in an old peanut can under the sink. Come on, don't break up on me now, Lissa; surely Pam's suspected things before this. What's bothering you?"

The freshman recounted her story again as she located the spare keys and unlocked the chain around Jacqui's neck. She was nearly in tears by the time she concluded, "and now Anne's gone, too! I just know something horrible is going to happen to Janet. Where could she be?"

Jacqui drew Melissa into her arms and hugged her, letting the younger girl cry out her anxiety and fear. When Melissa quieted, Jacqui asked, "Don't worry, Janet's a big girl, she can take care of herself. She's been out before, she'll come back or we'll find her. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes. Thanks, Jacqui." Melissa essayed a weak smile and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Good," Jacqui added, returning to business, "because I got really hot lying there getting reamed and not being able to move." The embrace relaxed, and changed to a firm downward pressure on Melissa's shoulders that her to the floor. "Eat me," the junior ordered, and Melissa was pulled into the wet gash before her eyes.

She wasn't in the mood for this, but obediently Melissa began licking the sweet syrup from between Jacqui's legs, then began probing the folds of the bald cunt with her tongue. Despite herself, the familiar musky scent and taste, and Jacqui's twitching and moaning, began to excite Melissa and she increased her efforts. When Jacqui pushed her away, they were both breathing heavily.

"Pull up your skirt," Jacqui demanded, pulling Melissa back to her feet. She ran a hand over Melissa's crotch, finding it wet as expected, but she was displeased to see the light stubble covering it. Shaving just didn't produce the results she wanted; something would have to be done about it. Returning to the task at hand, Jacqui pinned the girl by pressing three fingers up her cunt, then recovered the butt plug and twisted it into Melissa's ass, which readily opened to receive it.

Pleased, Jacqui removed her hands. "You may continue licking me. Make sure you get both holes clean, and work that cock back and forth while you do. And don't you dare come before I do." Melissa dropped back to her knees, feeling her bowels fight to expel the foreign intruder. Jacqui lay back on the bed and parted her legs, and soon Melissa was working back and forth from one opening to the other while pistoning the dildo into herself.

Melissa was in danger of loosing her balance and had slowed the strokes of her hand in order to keep control of herself. When finally Jacqui spasmed and released a flood of fragrant juice from her slit, Melissa fell back and resumed a violent reaming with the plug while working her clit with the other hand. Jacqui barely had time to lean forward and smile at the erotic sight before the brunette reached her own release, her throbbing sphincter clasping and releasing the hard rod piercing it.

Before Melissa could recover sufficiently to remember her concern for Janet, Jacqui had already planned the next diversion. "Time to get decent, Lissa. Get those hands out of your crotch and flip that skirt back down, we're going on a trip."

As she complied, then moved to the sink to wash the plastic dork, Melissa wondered where they were going. "Are we going to look for Janet? Where do you think she is?" Her hopes were dashed.

"No, I think we'll give Janet a chance to return by herself. We're going to go do something about your cunt."

Whatever that means, Melissa thought, I'm sure it will be an interesting experience.


Melissa sank onto her bed, limp with relief that the ordeal was over; her nerves still vibrated with the residual pain that enveloped her sleek body. Jacqui had taken her back to the beauty salon, but this time it had been for more than a simple haircut. They had arranged for a private room, and the freshman learned she was to have her pubic hair removed.

She had been very embarrassed when Sara, the stylist, had asked Melissa to remove her skirt and blouse before sitting down. Melissa had nearly broken and run, but Jacqui's firm look had been enough to ensure compliance. The young coed remembered how she'd felt sitting there facing their clinical detachment, her legs spread wide and held in stirrups, and her body covered by a burning crimson blush.

Rather than a razor or depilatory cream, Sara had used electrolysis to remove the offending hair. The process was slow and painful, but at Jacqui's direction the beautician had removed all the hair surrounding Melissa's pubic lips and bared her mons and the crack of her ass. When she'd learned the process was permanent, Melissa couldn't decide if she was sad she would never have a bush again. At least she'd never need to submit to this painful and humiliating procedure a second time.

The session had not ended there, however. Melissa had then submitted to a waxing that removed the remaining hair from all of her body below the neck. That too had hurt, but she had pretended to herself it was only Jacqui spanking her and the pain had seemed less. At the end, Melissa knew her swollen breasts and drooling slit had advertised her emotional state to the two onlookers.

Sara had started to finger the young coed, but Jacqui had put an end to that before Melissa could achieve release. Instead, she'd had to wait, still nude, while Jacqui received her own wax treatment. Afterwards, the two clients had rubbed each other down with baby oil while Sara knelt on the floor between them and sucked their dripping cunts. In exchange for this service, Sara had hiked up her own skirt and Jacqui had ordered Melissa to eat out the comely stylist.

Melissa was quietly accepting when Jacqui announced they would be returning every other week for wax treatments in the future. The freshman had, as Jacqui'd doubtless intended, completely forgotten about Janet until the drive home.

Now they were back, it was nearly dinnertime, and there was still no sign of either Janet or Anne. Melissa pushed her discomfort aside and went to confront Jacqui. "She's still not back. I know Janet wouldn't have gone like this without saying something, Jacqui. I'm going to call the police." The trembling brunette steeled herself to stand up to her domineering mistress.

Surprisingly, Jacqui acquiesced. "Very well, if you must. But I recommend you consider carefully how much you tell them. Otherwise we might find ourselves expelled, and Janet still missing." Melissa wasted no time in returning to her room and dialing campus security.

It took some time to convince security, and then the police, that Janet had not just gone off on a lark. Finally Melissa and Jacqui had driven down to the police station to tell their story again. It was late in the evening and Melissa was about to scream with frustration before a missing person report grudgingly was filed. The freshman felt drained by the time they returned to the still-empty dorm rooms.


The following morning, neither of the missing girls had returned. The comforting routine of the morning run soothed Melissa's nerves, as did Pam's unexpected presence. Apparently her friend was willing to forget yesterday's scene, although all three coeds were unusually quiet as they circled the campus.

Melissa had been putting it off, but knew she had an even more difficult call to make. She flipped through Janet's address book, then called Todd Mueller. His voice sounded groggy when he answered, but he seemed to come alert quickly enough when Melissa stumbled through her story. It was difficult for her to recount the events, and Melissa censored most of her encounter with Janet, but the brunette sensed that Todd didn't seem to be as surprised as she had expected.

He fired a series of questions at her. What drug had Janet been taking? How frequently? Where was Anne? What had they told the police? Melissa couldn't answer most of the questions, and wondered why Todd had asked the last one. He managed to avoid giving her any new information, thanked her for the call, and agreed they would call if either of them learned anything new.

She had only a short time to brood over the mysterious situation before Jacqui called Melissa next door to service another horny young stud. Soon the willowy brunette was pushing her morbid thoughts to the back of her mind. She spread her thighs wider and luxuriated in the sensation of the penis that was pounding into her creaming cunt.


Melissa's concern for her missing roommate never faded. She fielded periodic calls from Todd as well as Janet's parents, always having no new information to share and learning nothing that would aid in solving the mysterious disappearance of the two coeds. But as the end of November approached, Melissa began to resign herself to the possibility that she would never know Janet's fate.

Following a Thanksgiving with Jacqui's family that nearly made up for being away from home, Melissa began sleeping in the queen bed with the junior rather than remain alone in her own room. Her schedule crowded with preparations for finals, nights spent tied in delicious bondage, and a continuing stream of hard young men pushed worries about Janet from Melissa's mind.

One afternoon she finally maintained her self-control, feeling a penis jerk and spray its load inside her before reaching her own trembling climax at Jacqui's command. It meant as much to Melissa as the "A" she received on her programming project. She failed again the next several days, but Melissa began to feel she would be able to meet her mistress's expectations.

Finally the semester ended. It was a sad day when, bowing to the inevitable, Jacqui and Melissa packed up the belongings of their vanished suitemates. Todd stopped by to pick up Janet's things, but was withdrawn and didn't stay long; the boxes of Anne's belongings would be mailed to her family.

The final surprise of the semester came the day before Melissa's departure for home. They learned that the school was requesting that Jacqui and Melissa share a room. Melissa had been thinking about asking to move anyway, so she quickly nodded and Jacqui informed Josh, the dorm R.A., that Melissa would move in with her.

The next question was more intriguing; Josh asked if they would mind forming a coed suite. Normally this was only done by mutual consent of all potential suitemates and the administration during room draw. In this case the school needed housing for a couple of transfer students and this was the easiest option. Melissa stifled a smirk, wondering why Josh was being so formal when he had fucked her twice in the last six weeks and surely knew what went on in their room. Jacqui finally agreed after ensuring they would be able to switch suitemates if any problems developed.

As a result, Melissa spent the night before her flight transferring her books and remaining clothes over to Jacqui's room. It was late when she finished, and the freshman knew they'd have to get up early the next morning to go to the airport. It was even later when the two women drifted to sleep, clasping their sex-sated bodies together.

Melissa felt like she was sleepwalking when she kissed Jacqui good-bye and squirmed out of the car at the airport. They wished each other Merry Christmas, and Jacqui commanded Melissa to behave and remember her instructions. Despite her fatigue, there was a bounce in the brunette's step as she headed into the terminal -- she was going home.

Chapter 12

Northwest flight 1561, nonstop to Minneapolis, was scheduled to depart on time. Melissa checked her suitcase, picked up her seat assignment and boarding pass, and strolled down the concourse. It was hard to believe it was winter here; some people passing by were wearing shorts even now.

Melissa knew she'd be remembering what the season was like soon enough. She'd checked the weather forecast and the high was supposed to be in the 20's with more snow expected that night at home. She carried her heavy coat, untouched in the steamer trunk until last night, over one arm, and had gloves and a scarf tucked in her purse.


The freshman had pleaded with Jacqui to dress "normally" for her family. Following successful service of the last few boys, a lot of begging, and finally some inspired cunnilingus, the junior had agreed. Melissa wasn't quite sure if her family would recognize her, or what they would think.

It wasn't traditional winter fashion, but Melissa liked the effect. The skirt and blouse were a creamy ivory color, cut slightly more conservatively than usual. The skirt was tight, but not clinging, and came almost to her knees. It fastened up the back with a row of nearly twenty buttons; she'd left the bottom four undone for comfort. The blouse was thin, but had full-length sleeves and a scooped front, slightly reminiscent of an oversized turtleneck, which revealed only a hint of cleavage.

The major changes were hidden underneath. Melissa was wearing a slip for the first time in months. She'd had to buy one for the occasion; Jacqui had gotten rid of the ones brought from home. It was cut low in front and lower in back, and was fairly short; Melissa would be able to wear it with some of her other outfits. Her bra was provocative, mostly lace, cut just above the nipples and fastened in front, but it was hidden by the slip.

Melissa was almost regretting the panties. The sheer, extremely high-cut French bikinis were not what her mother would be expecting. The elastic waistband was pulled high up over the line of her hips on either side and dipped to join the tiny vees of white fabric in front and behind. It had barely covered her cheeks when she'd dressed this morning, and Melissa could feel it creeping into the cleft of her ass as she walked. And after having gone bare for a month, Melissa had forgotten the sensations produced by the subtle movements of the satin on her bare mound. It felt good, but the day would be long and she wasn't sure when she'd be able to relieve herself.

After her continuing jogging and the last visit to the salon a few days ago, Melissa's sleek legs really needed no help to look sexy. But she wanted something to help protect them from the cold. Jacqui had absolutely refused to let her get pantyhose, saying they looked tacky. Melissa didn't want to use the garter belt -- there was no telling what her mother would do if she found that in Melissa's possession. They compromised on thigh-high hose held in place by the wide band of lacy elastic at the top. The color was just slightly darker than Melissa's skin.

To Jacqui's disgust, Melissa originally had planned to wear her comfortable (and durable) sneakers for the long trip. When she had nearly finished dressing that morning, Jacqui had dragged her in front of the mirror and asked if running shoes were really the right way to complete the outfit. Melissa hadn't been able to refuse the matching ivory pumps when Jacqui handed them to her. The Nikes were relegated to the suitcase, but on top where she could fish them out if it looked like there was too much slush and mud in Minnesota.

The final touch was the jewelry. Janet had taken her to have her ears pierced several months ago and helped Melissa, who had never considered the matter before, pick out some basic earrings. They were one of the few concrete reminders of her missing friend. Now the brunette wore a pair of pearl studs, which matched her outfit and complemented her dark hair and eyes.

The studs were Anne's, appropriated by Jacqui, who called them "spoils of war." She'd refused to accept them at first, but Jacqui had reminded her that Anne wasn't using them now and they could always be returned if she reappeared. Melissa remembered the night Anne had ambushed Janet, and decided it was a fair proposition. And she loved the way they looked on her; she hadn't been able to afford anything so expensive herself.

Self-consciously, Melissa's hand rose to touch her necklace. It was Jacqui's Christmas present to her, a miniature version of the collar she'd worn. The finely crafted links were each smaller than her fingernail and surprisingly light, resulting in a chain which dd gracefully around her neck without being overwhelmingly heavy. A petite jeweled lock hung in front; Jacqui had produced a tiny key and demonstrated that it was fully functional. Unlike the original, the necklace had a standard clasp at the back so it could be removed when not in use. Melissa had promised herself that only Jacqui would ever remove the chain.


What airport passersby saw that morning, then, was not a teenage college freshman on her way home for the holidays. An elegantly coifed, refined businesswoman with classic looks and stylish clothes strode down the concourse. Melissa knew she looked good, Jacqui had seen to that, but she was still unaware of the poise and assurance that a semester of college classes and her special lessons had developed.

Melissa found a seat in the crowded departure area and sat back to wait. It looked like the flight would be very full. Even the big Boeing 757 she could see at the gate would be hard-pressed to hold the number of people who seemed to be waiting for it. Melissa donned her glasses, unconsciously contributing to her "corporate image," and checked her boarding pass again. She still had a center seat. With a sigh, Melissa leaned back and tried not to think about a long flight smashed between two other passengers. Maybe she could at least see out the window.

A long line of passengers queued up when the boarding announcement was made. Melissa looked in disgust at the people carrying huge bags onto the plane, as if trying to deal with everybody's winter coats wasn't going to cram the overhead bins full enough already. She stayed seated when her own row was called, preferring to wait as long as possible before squeezing into the "flying sardine can," as her brothers referred to the passenger jets. At least Melissa wasn't as tall as they were.

Eventually the line at the gate shortened to a few passengers. Melissa put her glasses on again, knowing it would make it easier to read the seat row numbers, picked up her coat and purse, and moved to the end of the line. Slowly she proceeded down the tunnel to the plane, and began working her way down the center aisle.

When she reached row 19, stopped and checked her pass again. Yes, 19E was supposed to be her seat. But it was already occupied by one of a party of really disgusting looking young men, presumably also college students. Since they were already running their eyes over her body, it wasn't hard to attract his attention. "Excuse me, but I think you're sitting in my seat. 19E?" Of course, Melissa couldn't think of a worse fate than having to sit between his two companions, but she was determined to get home today.

Luckily, or not, depending on how she looked at it, there was no simple solution. "Hey, babe, no way! This seat's mine all the way to Minneapolis." He dragged a mangled boarding pass from the pocket of his jeans and showed it to her. "Of course, maybe we could, like, share it." His friends sniggered to each other as he patted his lap, but Melissa wasted no time considering the offer.

A cabin attendant noticed her standing in the aisle and came to assist. "May I help you?"

Melissa turned to her gratefully and explained. "Yes, thank you. I and this ah, gentleman here seem to have the same seat assignment."

The stewardess examined both boarding passes and sighed. "I'm sorry, it looks like a computer screwup." Melissa silently fumed at the euphemism that really meant 'programmer screwup' or 'operator screwup' -- the computer wasn't to blame in either case.

"Just take any empty seat, miss," was the stewardess's first attempt at resolution. Melissa had barely started to scan the cabin when the head attendant, who had overheard, spoke up. "No good, Val, we're full in coach."

The jerk in her seat made a show of tightening his seat belt. "Finders keepers, losers weepers, right dudes?"

She couldn't believe this was happening to her. Melissa was still simmering from the computer comment, and this last jibe was too much. "I have to get to Minneapolis!"

The two attendants huddled and reviewed their options. The image Melissa presented weighed in her favor, as did her civility in the face of the man's disrespect. After a last look at Melissa, the chief stewardess made her decision. "Thanks, Val, I'll take care of this. Ms. Bednar, could you please follow me?"

Melissa's hopes plummeted at the thought of being bumped from the flight, but she saw no alternatives. Her gratitude was all the greater when the attendant paused at the next partition, out of listening range from row 19, and quietly explained. "I apologize for the mistake. We'll seat you in first class, if that is acceptable to you?"

Acceptable? This was fantastic, she'd never flown first class to anywhere. The attendant's slow smile showed she'd read Melissa's response on her face, but the coed hastened offer thanks anyway, after a quick glance at the woman's name tag. "Very acceptable, thank you so much, Sandra!" Melissa scanned the small first-class cabin, which was about three-quarters full. "Where should I sit?"

Sandra made her own quick check of the cabin before replying. "We've boarded everyone but the standby passengers. Take any seat you like. May I stow your coat for you?" Melissa gratefully handed her coat to the gracious stewardess and scooted into the window seat close at hand in the last row. Melissa sank into the rich leather seat, so much more spacious and comfortable than what she'd been resigned to in coach. She relaxed as Sandra hung the coat in a garment closet and went forward to speak with the gate agent.

Soon enough, a trickle of additional passengers entered the cabin and moved to fill the remaining empty seats. Melissa turned from the scene outside the window as a middle-aged businessman dropped a briefcase on the seat next to her. He removed his jacket and folded it carefully before placing it in the overhead compartment. With an ease that bespoke frequent practice, he whisked the briefcase under the seat ahead and dropped into place beside Melissa, then fastened his seat belt.

Sighing in relief, the man loosened his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. The two passengers silently sized each other up. She guessed he might be in his late thirties, was losing some of his sandy hair, but was still trim; not unattractive, Melissa decided, and a good suit. Married, too, to judge by the ring on his finger.

He, in turn, saw a beautiful woman, young enough to be a college student, but certainly not dressed like any college student he'd seen. The poise hinted at a higher age, maybe mid or late twenties. And apparently single.

He decided to break the ice. "Boy, I never thought I was going to make it on board. You think I'd learn, but here I am again, traveling on short notice during the holiday season. One of these days I'm going to be stranded for a week in some place like Fargo." Melissa liked his smile. "But it looks like we're both going to escape today. Hi, I'm Jack."

Well, the plane wasn't going anywhere yet, conversation would pass the time. "Pleased to meet you Jack, I'm Melissa." First names only, that was a nice touch. "I know what you mean, I almost didn't make it here myself. But I try not to make a habit of it."

Jack sighed dramatically. "Ah, you are your own woman. Alas, I march on company orders, while the fate of civilization hangs on my shoulders." This was said so comically Melissa couldn't help laughing.

Before she realized it, they were in the air, her precious window vantage all but ignored. Melissa had learned that Jack was a VP of Sales for a large company and frequently crisscrossed the western states that made up his territory. Melissa had let on that she was "in computers" but didn't mention she was only a college freshman. She'd decided that she enjoyed being treated as a real adult and didn't want to break the illusion she apparently presented.

Jack started describing some computerization efforts his company was making and soliciting suggestions. Melissa was knowledgeable about PCs even before starting college, and competently held up her end of the conversation through the first cabin service. Her Scotch was served to her without hesitation, increasing Melissa's confidence, and the taste reminded her of the birthday party not so long ago.

Here she was, just 18 years old, intelligently discussing business strategy with a vice president who obviously admired her body. What a change from the unsure tomboy who'd left home for the unknown Southwest a mere four months ago! Her family would be so proud of her.


When the cabin announcement for lunch and the movie came on, Melissa decided she'd better use the bathroom while she had the chance. Jack graciously moved into the aisle to let her out, then watched her walk forward, admiring the firm buttocks flexing under the row of ivory buttons. He resumed his seat and contemplated the possibilities. A cold shower wasn't available, so Jack settled for twisting the overhead vents to full open.

In the lavatory, Melissa was noticing the buttons, too. They looked good, but were a great deal more inconvenient than a zipper. She hadn't noticed this morning, when Jacqui had helped fasten them, but they were awkward to unfasten. Finally Melissa removed the skirt completely, hiked up the short slip, and dropped her panties before relieving herself.

After wiping herself, Melissa slid the panties back up her legs. Out of force of habit, she slid two fingers into herself and rubbed them back and forth until her juices began to flow. When Melissa stopped, she could feel her clit throbbing with desire. Almost she started to pull the underwear into place, but then remembered Jacqui wasn't with her, and wouldn't be for a month.

The brunette sank back onto the toilet seat with a little sigh, and began stroking herself more urgently. Her thoughts wandered, then she imagined Jack fucking her on the bed in the dorm while Jacqui looked on. It was enough to send her into orgasm; her moan was drowned in the noise of the aircraft.

She dressed afterwards, carefully. It was even harder to fasten the buttons properly. Melissa gave up on fastening them in front and turning the skirt, it pulled her blouse all funny. Finally she succeeded in fastening the top ten buttons. That was barely enough to come down over the curve of her ass. A look in the tiny mirror assured Melissa she was decent and her slip didn't show as long as she didn't stride out too strongly. She checked her appearance from ahead in the mirror and left.

The short subject "news" was already playing and lunch was being served when Melissa stepped into the aisle. Luckily the first class cabin was small enough that the stewardess didn't need to bring the food cart down the aisle. Melissa walked quickly, but with short steps, down to her row.

Jack started to get up, but she eyed the generous spacing between the seats and motioned him to stay put. "Don't bother, I'll just slide across."

He slid back into his seat and watched as Melissa did just that. She was not even a foot in front of Jack's face, and he couldn't help noticing the extra buttons undone at the bottom. Nor could he resist the view as her sideways step over his briefcase parted the opening before him. The gap revealed the bottom of the thin slip pulled tight over the eggs of her buttocks and a hint of the lacy tops of her stockings. And unless the lighting had thrown him, Jack thought that her face was a little flushed.

Melissa settled to enjoy her meal, accompanied by a second Scotch which Jack insisted she accept. A few minutes later, the movie started. Melissa politely lowered her window shades, even though she had no interest in the film, which she'd seen already in its unedited form. It certainly wasn't worth watching on a screen smaller than the TV at home, after the airline censors had gotten finished butchering it.

The relative darkness of the cabin was comforting and reminded Melissa she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. When Sandra came by to collect the lunch service, Melissa asked for a blanket and pillow. Soon she lay back to nap, warmed by the blanket and impressed again with the amount of space available to the first class passengers. Jack turned on his reading light and began working on some notes; the low hum of the plane and scratching of his pencil on the paper lulled Melissa to sleep.


A faintly pleasurable sensation brought Melissa slowly out of her slumber. Jack's hand was gently rubbing her knee. She opened her eyes and found his light had been turned off; the shape of his hand moving under her blanket was just visible in the dim illumination. When the orbiting hand began to drift up her leg under her skirt, Melissa's pussy began to leak into her panties but she pinned Jack's hand with her own.

He twisted his wrist to catch her, then slowly withdrew both hands from under the blanket. Melissa watched without saying a word as Jack pressed her palm against his crotch, hidden beneath the still lowered tray table. She felt him bulge beneath his slacks and squeezed slightly, tracing the outline of his organ with her fingertips. Now caught up by her excitement, the aroused brunette did not resist as his hand returned to her thigh and slipped under the skirt.

Melissa closed her eyes and slid down in the seat, parting her legs to allow the intruder easier access. Her breathing had deepened and her lips parted in an unvocalized sigh; the sight of her like this fueled Jack's own arousal. While his left hand continued its journey past the tops of the girl's stockings, his right hand pulled hers to his zipper. Slowly she pulled it down, then reached into the fly of his undershorts to wrap her hand about his throbbing member. Melissa reached further, to caress the heavy sack nesting between his legs, before retreating and pulling the swollen penis into the cool cabin air.

Delicately Jack began to stroke the surface of the moist panties hidden beneath the ivory skirt and was excited to feel only bare flesh, no hair, beneath the lacy fabric. His cock jerked and several drops of precome glistened at its tip. They were quickly detected by Melissa, who was slowly jerking him; she ran a finger over the bulbous head to collect the syrup, then transferred it to her mouth.

The exquisite hand job soon resumed, the strokes coming more quickly as Jack pushed Melissa's panties aside and inserted his fingers into her soaking cleft. She knew she was nearing her climax when her hips started to ride up off the seat, but Melissa wanted Jack to come first. And it wouldn't do to get semen on his nice suit.

Melissa took Jack by surprise when she suddenly pushed his tray table up into seat ahead and locked it. She pulled his hand from between her legs and rolled over to take him deep into her mouth. Jack looked frantically across the aisle, but the couple there were still engrossed in the movie. Their headphones apparently masked the liquid sounds of his saliva-covered prick moving in and out of Melissa's warm mouth.

Quickly Jack lost interest in his surroundings as Melissa continued to suck and lick his shaft while massaging his balls through his slacks. Soon he was spurting jets of thick semen down her throat and trying not to cry out. Melissa had just finished licking him clean when the other passengers began opening their shades and they realized the movie had ended.

Melissa sat back in her seat as Jack hurriedly stuffed his cock back into his pants and zipped his fly. She was still filled with a burning craving that would be difficult to satisfy now. "Jack, I need you in me. I want it so bad."

Already the plane was making its descent, but the passengers heading up front gave Jack an idea. "The bathrooms. Watch which one I go in. Wait a minute, then follow me in, I'll leave it unlocked." Suiting action to words, he rose and headed forward.

Soon after, Melissa followed him up the aisle, wondering if any of the passengers would notice a second person entering the lavatory. In any event, she made it inside and was in Jack's arms even before she could lock the door.

Their tongues lashed against each other, but Melissa wanted more, wanted Jack's delicious cock thrusting inside her. "Fuck me hard, Jack." He began fumbling with her skirt, but Melissa solved the problem by leaning against the wall over the toilet with her legs spread as far as the small compartment would allow. Again the skirt parted to provide ready access to her waiting cunt.

Jack wasted no time in withdrawing his hardening cock, pushing the bottom of her slip up just a bit, and thrusting past the panties into Melissa's dripping slit. Melissa reveled in the sensation as the prick moved in and out of her. She suddenly thought of the aftermath, the semen draining back out of her and down her legs, and no chance to clean up. Fortunately a simple solution presented itself. "I want it up the ass," she cried, "Ream me up my butt!"

He backed up and tugged Melissa's panties down. She had to pull her legs together before they could drop to her ankles and she could get one foot free. Quickly she was back in position, even as the speaker announced that all passengers should return to their seats and fasten their belts for landing.

Her ass opened easily for Jack, and the hot, slick hole molded itself to him as he pumped rapidly in and out with long, hard strokes. Melissa shuddered violently and cried with the force of her orgasm. The sight of the gorgeous girl he hadn't known until a few hours ago climaxing while he violated her ass was enough to bring Jack off again, and he ejaculated into her milking bowels.

Jack quickly fastened his slacks and exited the cubicle, mindful of the earlier cabin announcement. Melissa was still leaning against the wall and panting, a few drops of come leaking from her twitching sphincter, basking in the glow of another successful conquest, when Sandra unexpectedly opened the lavatory door. The stewardess's face flushed red then white as she took in the scene.

Melissa turned and could only come up with, "Oh, hi, Sandra."

Grimly, the outraged attendant stepped in and slapped Melissa across the face. "You slut!" She turned Melissa around and showered more blows on her. "Disgusting whore! How dare you perform such perversions on my plane?"

To the freshman, it was just like Jacqui's beatings, and the blows produced the same pleasurable heat in her body. She closed her eyes and started moaning, which brought a righteous smile to Sandra's face. When Melissa began gasping, "Oh yes, please, more! I've been a bad girl!" horrified realization transformed the attendant's face and she backed away from Melissa as if the brunette were a leper. "Get back to your seat now, or I'll inform the Captain!" The lavatory door slammed closed and Melissa was left alone again.

Fright returned Melissa to her senses, and she decided it would not be wise to risk discovering if Sandra was bluffing. Regretfully, the quivering coed pulled her panties back into place, trusting them to contain any fluid that might escape her tight sphincter. The slip was tugged down and smoothed with quick brushes of her hands. Remembering how easily Jack had penetrated her, Melissa decided she needed to fasten a few more of the buttons on her skirt, although it took precious time.

A look in the mirror revealed a red mark across one cheek where Sandra had slapped her. Hopefully it would not be too noticeable if she was careful not to look at anybody. And with luck, it would fade to obscurity before she made it into the airport terminal. Melissa quickly returned to her seat, slid across in front of Jack again, and buckled up just as the plane crossed the airport boundary.

"Thank you for keeping me company," she said to Jack as the plane taxied to the terminal gate.

"It was my pleasure, Melissa, I assure you," he replied with a knowing smile. "Do you have any plans here? Will somebody be meeting you?"

It was hard to disappoint him, but this had been only a casual dalliance. And she really did have plans. "Yes, my family will be meeting me. Maybe on another trip?" Both knew they would never see each other again.

They rose with the others and Jack retrieved his jacket from the overhead compartment. Standing with the others, the two wished each other Merry Christmas, then moved to disembark. Another advantage to flying first class, Melissa decided, you don't have to wait to get off. Pun intended, she thought with a giggle.

She collected her coat as she passed the closet, then queued out the door. Sandra very pointedly did not thank her for flying Northwest, but Melissa didn't care. Jack was just another faceless passenger now as Melissa took the last steps out into the terminal lobby and looked for her reception committee.

Melissa scanned the crowd and quickly located her brother, John, and his wife, Amy. It was an easy task for the brunette since he was tall enough to stand out and still looked just as she remembered. She pushed her way across the packed waiting area and had almost reached him before Melissa saw the double-take and welcoming smile.

Two of his long strides closed the remaining gap. Before Melissa could say anything, John asked her, "Excuse me, have you seen my sister? She's a little brat about your size, went away to school to become a computer nerd. She's supposed to be on this flight, but I don't see her anywhere."

Melissa shrieked, "John!" and punched him in the shoulder, then he pulled her into a bear hug that lifted her feet from the floor. After a long moment he set her down again and held her at arm's length.

"I can't believe the way you look. Dad will probably have a stroke when you walk into the house. And you cut your hair! Has the world ended?"

"Oh be quiet!" Amy interjected. "Ignore him, Lissa, you know men get this way around a beautiful woman. And welcome home." Melissa hugged her sister-in-law, then the trio linked arms, John in the middle, and headed for the baggage claim. In about an hour, the coed would truly be home.

Chapter 13

When the car stopped in the driveway, Melissa dashed for the warmth of the house, leaving John to bring her suitcase. The coat wasn't enough after the months spent in the sunny Southwest. Although it was still early in the evening, the short winter day had already passed into darkness, but the welcoming porch light illuminated her path.

I'm glad I beat the storm, Melissa thought, these shoes would be in snow or on ice. She carefully mounted the front steps and was just about to open the front door when her parents, alerted by the noise of the car, beat her to it.

Melissa threw herself into her mother's open arms and the two Bednar women held each other close, shedding tears of joy at their reunion. Her father waited patiently to usher John and Amy in the door before closing it, then Melissa was hugging him as well. "It's good to be home again," Melissa sighed blissfully, "but I think my has forgotten about winter!"

They all laughed, then her mother urged her to come and get a bite to eat in the kitchen. Her father, Henry, playing the gracious host, offered to take her outerwear. Melissa unwound the wool scarf from her neck and unbuttoned the heavy coat, finally revealing her new, short curls and then her costume. John and Amy wore wide grins of anticipation as Henry exclaimed, "Why Lissa, your hair is so short!..." Melissa couldn't remember the last time he'd been at a loss for words.

Ellen Bednar, halfway to the kitchen, turned back when she heard her husband's comment. Melissa watched her mother's eyes widen in surprise, then glared at John, who had started laughing. She looked back again at her mother, who was walking slowly back toward her. "What do you think, Mom? Do you like it?"

A pleased smile gradually appeared on Ellen's face. "My Lord, Lissa, you must finally be growing up! I can't believe it, I don't think I'd recognize you if we passed on the street. I can't remember the last time I saw you wearing something besides jeans. Here, model for me."

Happily, Melissa pirouetted and walked a circle around the room, showing off the graceful lines of the skirt and blouse. "Don't say good-bye to the jeans yet, Mom. I nearly froze my legs off in this skirt!"

John took the coat from Henry, who seemed to have forgotten it, and commented, "Kind of a shock to realize you only have three sons and not four, eh, Dad?"

Amy joined in the gentle teasing, "Don't worry, you got used to a daughter-in-law, a daughter's almost exactly the same thing."

Henry shook himself back to reality and answered, "Perhaps, but it's still a shock. I raise Lissa for 17 years, then let her out of my sight for one semester and this happens!"

Soon they were all gathered around the kitchen table, sipping coffee or hot chocolate, while Melissa entertained them with stories of her first semester away from home. The tale, while true, left unspoken her more exotic extracurricular activities, and glossed over the reasons Janet had "dropped out." That left plenty to talk about, and Melissa was still going strong, assisted by a favorable jet lag, when the rest of the family began yawning.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's getting late, isn't it?" the teen asked. "I'd better get to bed too, I don't want to sleep in too late. I have some final Christmas shopping to do."

The remark evidently triggered a memory inside her father's head. "That reminds me, Wendy called earlier today. She wants you to give her a call, she mentioned doing some shopping too."

Melissa decided she'd call first thing the next morning; it would be great to see Wendy again and have a chance to catch up on the real gossip. "Fine, I'll give her a ring tomorrow. I assume you haven't given away my room?"

The question was rhetorical, but her mother answered anyway. "It's still just the way you left it. I'm sure you can get John to carry your suitcase upstairs. There's a towel and washcloth for you in the bathroom."

A few minutes later, Melissa was alone in her room. It was comfortingly familiar, but somehow it looked different after a few months away. She couldn't help smiling at the strange contrast between the determinedly feminine comforter her mother had picked out and the posters on the wall: "Tron" surrounded by famous baseball players. Neither was a perfect match for the clothes she'd finished hanging in the closet.

Sighing, she kicked off her pumps and started working on the buttons on her blouse and skirt. Once free of them, Melissa pulled her slip over her head and felt the goose bumps start to rise on her bare skin. She unhooked the bra and tossed it in drawer with her other lingerie, then slid her still-damp panties down her long legs.

Melissa stooped to pick them up, then held them to her face and inhaled. Her own scent came strongly to the teen, along with a subtle trace of another. Carefully, Melissa licked them clean of the few drops of semen that had escaped her ass, then decided they'd pass muster. She couldn't hide them from her mother forever, and Melissa couldn't visualize her sniffing underwear for telltale clues. Best to proceed as if nothing was amiss.

The panties went into the hamper, then Melissa pulled on her favorite Twins sweatshirt. It was much too heavy for school, but perfect for a night like this. Now a little warmer, she sat on the bed and rolled the stockings down her legs. They too were tossed in the hamper.

The alarm clock was set for 9, a precaution Melissa thought she might need on account of the time change. Then she turned out the light and wriggled under the blankets until she was comfortable. The old bed was better by a long shot than the one at school, and even Jacqui's bed wasn't really the same. Of course, it came with Jacqui -- no, Melissa told herself, best not to think about that. Think about vacation instead. She fell asleep planning her day with Wendy.


Gentle music dragged Melissa from her dreams the next morning. Her clit was throbbing and she realized she'd trapped her hand between her moist thighs. Well, it wasn't much of a surprise, considering that her body was used to going jogging each morning about this time. Melissa huddled in the warmth of the bed, lazily stroking herself, and looked out the window; she could see the snow falling outside. It looked like morning jogs would be off for this trip.

It was pleasant, lying awake listening to the tinny speaker in the old clock-radio, and not having to get up. Melissa listened until the weather forecast came on and learned the light snow was expected to continue most of the day with the temperature struggling into the mid-20's. She nearly rolled over at that and went back to sleep, but that wasn't the game plan she had laid out for the day.

Regretfully, Melissa dragged herself out from under the covers, then realized she'd forgotten to pack her fuzzy robe. No doubt it was still hanging on the bathroom door back at school. Well, the sweatshirt should be long enough, at least for family. Quietly, she opened the door and crept down the hall to the bathroom.

She'd almost made it when she heard a low wolf whistle. "Wow, nice cheeks, Sis! That how you dress at school?"

Melissa's face flamed and she hauled down on the bottom of the sweatshirt with both hands as she whirled to face Alan. The youngest of her brothers, only two years older than Melissa, sauntered down the hallway towards her.

"Alan! When did you get in?" Melissa considered, for a second, hugging him, but modesty won out and her hands remained in place.

The two siblings assessed each other as Alan responded, "We drove up from school last night, got in just around breakfast. If the girls in Chicago were as cute as you, I might not have been in such a hurry, but as it is, I'm kinda wasted. So if you'll excuse me, I'll crash for a few hours. But you have to promise we can catch up later."

Melissa giggled; Alan's eyes did look pretty shot up close and his face was covered with stubble. "Go on, get your beauty sleep, it looks like you need it. I'll be around for almost a month, there'll be plenty of time to talk." Placated, he continued down the hall to his own room and entered. The thump of his still-clothed body hitting the bed was distinctly audible -- it was nice to know some things hadn't changed.

Still smiling, the young brunette walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Melissa tugged off the sweatshirt and hung it on the back of the door, then stood in front of the mirror and ran her hands over her sleek body as she considered her morning toilette. Her skin was still soft and smooth. The last waxing hadn't been that long ago, and additional electrolysis treatments had ensured her armpits, the only other real problem area, would remain as bare as her pubic mound.

Melissa's fingers found and absently traced the barely discernible mark on her upper arm that was the only visible sign of her contraceptive implant. When Jacqui had first mentioned a birth control prescription, Melissa had thought of the Pill. Instead, she'd somehow wangled a spot in the clinical trials of the new product that was already wildly popular in Europe. No side effects, no medication to remember, and she was protected for at least two years. Melissa still wasn't sure her selection was completely aboveboard, but she had to admit she fit the patient profile of "sexually active women under age 30 not using other forms of birth control."

Very active, Melissa corrected herself with a smile, thinking again of the flight out. She frowned as her roaming fingers detected traces of stickiness around her anus. Well, an enema and a shower would take care of that. Her travel bag was still on the floor where she'd left it last night; Melissa opened it and extracted an enema bulb from the bottom. It wouldn't be nearly as satisfying as one of Jacqui's enemas, but the full bag and hose took up too much space, and assistants were in short supply.

She filled the sink with warm water and added a few drops of bath oil. The pleasant fragrance reached Melissa's nose as she squeezed the bulb, then dipped the tip into the sink and drew in the water. Turning it upright, she pressed out the remaining air, then repeated the filling process to bring the bulb to full capacity.

Melissa spread her legs and leaned forward over the sink. She teased herself, running the tip of the nozzle up and down her crack and then circling her puckered anus. Then the tip was positioned in place, and she relaxed the tight muscle and pressed the rubber into herself with a sigh. A gentle squeeze flushed the warm water into her rectum.

It wasn't enough. The kinky teen withdrew and refilled the bulb two more times before she began to feel the pleasurable pressure in her bowels she craved. Reveling in the ability of her tight ass to hold back the water, Melissa drained the sink and washed the bulb before returning it to its hiding place. Standing again in front of the mirror, she toyed absently with her necklace, then her hands gravitated to her firm breasts.

Inevitably the fondling gave way to masturbation. Melissa was beginning to think about sitting on the toilet, just in case, when the decision was made for her by a knock on the bathroom door. Horrified at the thought of discovery, she threw herself on the toilet seat and asked, in as normal a voice as she could manage, "Who is it?"

"It's Amy," came the answer through the door. "May I come in for a moment? I think I left my rings on the counter by the sink." It was a reasonable request, one Melissa wouldn't have hesitated to grant half a year ago.

Quickly she grabbed an old Sports Illustrated out of the basket next to the toilet and opened it across her lap to conceal her naked sex. Taking a deep breath and clamping down hard on her tiring sphincter, Melissa called, "Come in."

Amy slid in the door and closed it behind her. "Thanks, Lissa. Oh, sure enough, here they are!" The offending engagement and wedding bands were returned to Amy's finger, but instead of leaving immediately, she started brushing her hair and chatting to Melissa. The teen was painfully aware of her stiff nipples and the growing pressure in her bowels. But as on her outings with Jacqui and the flight out, the need to conceal her excitement only fueled Melissa's arousal.

Giving up on her pretense of reading the magazine, Melissa wondered how her sister-in-law would react if she discovered what was going on. Amy had seemed a little wild when John started dating her a few years ago, but that was the viewpoint of a very young and naive high school freshman. The straining brunette could feel herself reaching a peak, and knew she'd have an answer to her question if she wasn't careful.

Oblivious to Melissa's state, Amy finally put down the brush, but instead of leaving she turned to face Melissa and perched on the edge of the counter. "You know, Lissa, I was as surprised as John last night. I knew you'd finally blossom, anybody with eyes could see that, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

Melissa could feel Amy actually looking at her for the first time that morning. "I hope I'm not embarrassing you, but you looked so good in that outfit. And I'd to have tits like yours." Amy's eyes narrowed slightly. "How did you avoid getting any tan lines?"

Melissa couldn't hold back any longer and reached an explosive climax. She shuddered and involuntarily crumpled the magazine in her hands as the fire swept through her. The ring of her anus relaxed and allowed the water in her bowels to surge into the toilet. Quickly she looked up at Amy, who had jumped to her feet and was looking at Melissa in concern.

"My God! Lissa, are you all right?" Well, no option now, the teen thought. She managed a weak smile before responding, "Yes, I'm fine. Really. I was just, ah, well, you walked in, um... I was giving myself an enema."

It didn't make sense to Amy. "An enema? But it looked so painful, why would you do that to yourself?"

The blush covered Melissa's face and spread down to her breasts as she explained the misunderstanding. "No, it isn't painful at all, just a little pressure. In fact, ah, I like it. It can be very pleasurable." The next part was the hardest to get out. "It's just that, um, I was feeling really good and you came in, so I tried to hold it in, much longer than usual... Well, anyway, it wasn't pain. I had an orgasm."

Amy's face was red now, too, as she understood what had happened. "God, I feel so embarrassed. Why didn't you just ask me to leave? It didn't occur to me you'd mind talking."

Melissa considered carefully, "I was being polite. And I like talking with you, you're my only sister... although I admit I don't remember much of what you said." The shared laugh lightened the atmosphere in the room considerably.

Melissa knew she should leave the explanation at that, but she was still glowing and the words ran off her tongue before she could recall them. "Besides, it was exciting. Coming in front of somebody who wasn't expecting it. I almost couldn't help myself." The silence stretched, and Melissa wondered if she hadn't just made a huge mistake.

"Well," Amy finally pronounced, "I thought I had a wild college life. We'll have to chat again about what they're teaching you at that school of yours, Lissa. Some time when the boys aren't around. But you'll have to excuse me now, I'm sure John's wondering what's taking me so long to prepare for our shopping trip. See you at dinner!"

With that she was gone, leaving Melissa to slump against the back of the toilet in relief. A few minutes later she was relaxing even further in the steamy shower, soaping the last lingering secretions from her body. A final rubdown with some bath oil left Melissa's skin feeling sleek and sensual, then she buffed herself dry with the fuzzy terry cloth towel. A quick dash down the hall returned the teen to the relative sanctuary of her own room.

After checking the time, Melissa lifted the phone and dialed Wendy's number from memory. The gruff voice that answered was reassuringly familiar. "Hi, Mr. Hudson. Is Wendy home?" Evidently he hadn't forgotten her voice, either.

"Lissa! Happy Holidays! I swear this phone doesn't ring half as much as it used to since you went off to school; it's good to hear your voice again. My daughter's one step ahead of you though, she just left for your place not five minutes ago."

That meant Wendy would arrive shortly. The trip wasn't much over ten minutes, even on a day like today. "Thanks, Mr. Hudson, I better finish getting ready, then. Happy Holidays to you, too!" Melissa hung up and started looking over her clothes. Definitely something casual, and warm, was called for.

Melissa grabbed a pair of panties and pulled them on. They weren't casual or warm, but hopefully nobody else would know. Her bras were even worse. After a moment of thought, she put them out of mind and found a plain white T-shirt and pulled it on. It was one of her old ones, really a size too small now, but it served its purpose; the Minnesota Twins sweatshirt went back on over top of it.

A pair of heavy corduroy pants, still hanging in the closet from last winter, and her grungy "winter boots" over woolen socks rounded out Melissa's outfit. She was just pulling on the boots when Wendy pounded on the bedroom door and bounced into the room.

"Lissa, how are you? It seems like it's been forever! You did cut your hair, your mom was telling me about it, you look so good!" Finally she ran out of breath and the two reunited friends hugged each other fiercely. Melissa found herself fighting the temptation to grind her mound against her friend's thigh and stepped back to a safer distance.

Wendy was looking pretty good herself, Melissa decided; not exactly a beauty, but pretty and extremely extroverted. Bemused, Melissa listened as Wendy outlined her plans for their activities over the coming weeks -- it felt like nothing had changed while she was away. Nothing except herself.


Melissa's nineteenth Christmas was all she had hoped for. The entire family gathered in front of the tree during the morning, as they always did, to open their presents. The fragrance of the pine needles and the changing patterns of colored shadows projected on the ceiling by the flashing lights on the tree brought back warm hood memories of past years and wonderful toys. The gifts were perhaps not as flashy this year, but deeply appreciated nevertheless.

The rest of the day passed companionably as they overdosed on college football. After a few hours, the men were left to watch on their own. Ellen started work on dinner, Amy decided she needed a bath, and Melissa went up to her room to take a phone call from Wendy. The two friends chatted about their gifts, and Wendy mentioned that she'd gotten invitations to a great New Year's Eve party. The conversation was cut short when Wendy had to leave with her family to drive to her grandparent's house for dinner.

Melissa hung up and lay back on the bed. She thought about heading downstairs again, but decided not to. Football had never been her favorite sport, and she'd been too busy to pay much attention to the standings this season. More bluntly, she was itching for her afternoon fuck. An unexpected wave of longing made Melissa realize that she missed Jacqui, much more than she'd expected.

Chapter 14

As Wendy described it, the lingerie party New Year's Eve was "like a Tupperware party but with underwear instead of Tupperware." It was being hosted by Michelle Grant, whom Melissa remembered as one of the more popular girls at school. Lissa the tomboy hadn't had much to do with that clique back in high school, but apparently Wendy and Michelle were on closer terms now.

Michelle's parents would be away at a firm party in Chicago, so Michelle's guests would have the run of the house. Wendy had indicated about twenty girls and a few lucky guys would be in attendance, together with a sales representative from the company. There would be a large selection of lingerie "and some other stuff" that the girls would model. As a social event, it sounded to Melissa like a bust, but Wendy was excited about it and there might be something nice Melissa could buy for Jacqui.

Melissa opted for a dark leotard and slacks, with the Italian sweater she'd just gotten from her parents over top. It had a nice design, even if it was a bit bulky on her, but she could push up the sleeves or take it off if the heat got to be too much. Her concessions to dressiness were the pearl studs in her ears and, of course, the locket.

Armed with her checkbook, coat, scarf and gloves, she was ready to depart when Wendy arrived just before 8. Her brothers had departed for another party, so Melissa made her good-byes to her parents and reminded them not to wait up for her.

She hopped into the passenger side of Wendy's '72 "land ark" and buckled in as they slewed off down the snow-covered road. Wendy looked good in the red jumper and Christmas print blouse she was wearing, although Melissa couldn't understand how her friend kept from freezing, even if the heater was running full blast.


Quite a few cars were already parked in the Grant's driveway when they arrived, so Wendy found a space on the street and the two walked up the sidewalk to the front door. A few moments after they rang the doorbell, Michelle opened the door and welcomed them in.

"Wendy, come in, welcome! And Lissa, isn't it, I almost didn't recognize you! Just throw your coats anywhere, the closet's already full, then come in, everybody's in the living room." Michelle was wearing a cocktail dress and heels. Melissa complemented her on the look, but thought that the desired effect wasn't quite there. It was something Janet and Jacqui had taught her to look for.

Several pounds lighter, they walked into the living room to join the party. Melissa casually surveyed the gathering and decided it was nearly a social "Who's Who" of her high school year. Many of the best-looking girls from school were present, with a few new, but equally beautiful, faces. The men were a definite minority, but she saw Doug Matthews, Michelle's steady, and a few others in attendance.

Most of the women had dressed up for the occasion, and Melissa was glad she'd decided on the sweater. It was still a little on the casual side, but it complemented her looks. And those, she knew, had improved a great deal from the last year, courtesy of a er hairstyle and some subtle makeup. Better class than glitz, Melissa thought.

Concentrating how Jacqui would carry herself, she got some eggnog and started making the rounds. Except for Wendy, Melissa didn't really know any of the other guests; she hadn't moved in this social circle. A flash of familiar hair the color of burnished flame caught Melissa's attention. The tresses, still as gorgeous as ever, belonged to Nikki Smoldt, the only member of Michelle's crowd Melissa credited with any real intelligence. They'd gotten to know each other slightly as two of the only six members of the last semester's organic chemistry course. Of course, Melissa wasn't sure if Nikki would deign to talk with her in present company.

If a number of the guests were surprised at her metamorphosis from the gangly outcast of last year, they for the most part still underestimated the actual change. They quietly envied the face and hair, but still saw only pants and a formless sweater in place of jeans and a sweatshirt. Only a few noticed the underlying grace and recently developed confidence that made her the most attractive woman in the room.

One of those perceptive individuals was Doug Matthews, who earned an elbow in the ribs and a glare from Michelle when she noticed his attention had drifted from herself. Another was the visiting sales representative, who'd had the advantage of seeing Melissa's new look before. Melissa nearly dropped her eggnog when she realized who had intercepted her. "Amy! What are you doing here?"

Laughing, Amy tapped the breast of her suit jacket, which was adorned with a name tag: "Amy L. Johannsen, Marketing Associate, Sweet Dreams Ltd." Catching her breath, she added, "I'm the official purveyor of merchandise for this assembly. What's your excuse?"

"Well," Melissa began, "it's a homework assignment. You know, for those classes we were talking about. Does John know where you are?"

Amy rolled her eyes theatrically. "Of course. He lost interest in these jobs when he discovered I don't actually do any modeling myself. You see," she leered, "he gets private preview showings at home." Both of them giggled furiously.

Michelle wandered over, attracted by the laughter. "You two know each other?" she asked curiously.

The two replied in unison, "Know each other? She's my sister-in-law!" "I use my maiden name at work," Amy added by way of explanation.

Michelle decided it was time to regain control of the party before Melissa's disruptive influence spread. "It looks like everybody's here. Why don't we start the show?"

Amy was suddenly all business. "Okay. I'll go make sure everything's laid out in the bedroom, you can send back the first volunteers and get things rolling." With a nod, Michelle turned and began calling for attention. Amy started toward the hall, but Melissa grabbed her arm for a moment.

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, Amy." After getting a quick smile in reply, Melissa started looking for Wendy.

The crowd came slowly to order. Wendy had saved her a small spot at the end of one of the crowded couches, but Melissa elected to sprawl on the floor and leaned against the arm of the couch. It certainly gave her more room to stretch, and with the pants she had no need to worry about modesty. Her friend leaned over and whispered to Melissa, "I don't know what it is, but you look really great tonight. I saw the way Doug was watching you earlier. Can you believe it?"

Melissa turned and whispered back, "I can't, but I think Michelle can. I don't think she'd be very happy about my crashing her party and taking her boyfriend." Wendy started to protest that they were not party crashers, but Michelle started her announcement and everybody turned to listen.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you're enjoying yourselves tonight." Cheers from the girls and wolf whistles from the guys confirmed the crowd was in a good mood. The bounty of the liquor cabinet hadn't hurt much, either.

"We've got a very special show planned for you, put on by our very own glamour models." She dropped a curtsy and gestured to the audience and the girls peering around the corner of the hall entrance as the applause returned more loudly. "Thank you. First I'd like to introduce Ms. Amy Johannsen, of Sweet Dreams Limited, who will explain what you'll be seeing tonight. Amy?"

Amy moved confidently into the center of the room as if she'd done this hundreds of times. Which, Melissa reflected, she probably had. "Thanks, Michelle. Hello, all. Now I hope you all know what we're planning and that we don't have any faint hearts in the audience." She grinned as one of the men quipped, "Be still, my beating heart!" and was shushed by his neighbors.

Amy continued, "Sweet Dreams is a distributor of intimate apparel and marital aids. We don't sell through stores, although some of our suppliers also market to retailers. We sell by sponsoring parties like this one, where you can try out and examine our products in what hopefully is a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Your hostess Michelle and some of her friends have graciously volunteered to model a number of outfits. Some are practical, some aren't; some are fairly modest; some aren't." This got a few whistles and yells from the audience.

"Although we're focusing primarily on the ladies, I have brought along a few outfits for the men to try -- I understand Michelle is still looking for a volunteer."

A few of his friends began elbowing Doug and chanting, "Doug! Doug! Doug!" After a more or less graceful surrender, everybody cheered.

When the room quieted again, Amy resumed her introduction. "We also have a few other items which we'll be passing around for your inspection during breaks in the action. I don't know what exactly we'll be seeing tonight, but please remember it takes real courage to stand up here wearing some of these outfits, even in front of friends. I hope you'll be a considerate and supportive audience."

Amy checked with Michelle, who nodded to indicate she was ready, before announcing, "It looks like we're ready to roll, so I'm going to fade into the scenery and turn things back over to Michelle. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask myself or Michelle. Thank you and have a great evening. Michelle, ladies?"

Acknowledging the cheers, Amy began moved aside and began clapping herself as Michelle returned to center stage. "Okay, okay, already," she smiled, waiting for the boys to settle down. "We're going to start with the nightgowns to get our courage up. Nikki?"

Nikki was extremely nervous, although the full-length gown revealed nothing and it was clear to Melissa she was wearing a bra and panties underneath. The members of the audience were quiet, unsure exactly how to react, as she walked slowly out to the center of the room. Nikki turned about a few times, and moved more quickly back to the relative safety of the bedroom.

Just as she reached the hall, one of the girls shouted, "Way to go, Nikki!" and the model flashed a grateful smile over her shoulder before scampering out of sight. The remark cut the tension and everyone laughed nervously, but the worst was over. More confidently, the volunteers began cycling through the room, wearing progressively racier gowns, as those watching whispered to each other or occasionally cheered an especially good presentation.

When they reached the first break, Melissa still hadn't seen anything that really impressed her, clothes or models. So far, everyone had followed Nikki's lead and kept their underwear on. And, unsurprisingly, nobody had measured up to the tapes of Jacqui she'd seen. It would be interesting to see if that trend continued for the camis and baby dolls that apparently were next.

In the meantime, Melissa laughed with everybody else as Michelle, Nikki and helpers dragged a protesting Doug off to try the men's swimsuits and G-strings. That at least would be worth watching. She was distracted by a buzzing behind her and a sudden touch on the back of her neck. Wendy and some of the others giggled as Melissa reached back and found herself holding a live vibrator, one of the hand-arounds Amy had mentioned.

What the heck, Melissa thought, and shocked those behind her into silence or louder giggles by running the vibrator down the front of her sweater and along the inner side of her leg. Almost no sensation made it through the thick fabric, but it was enough to kindle a faint tingling in her pussy.

Affecting a high, squeaky voice, she asked, "But what do you do with it? Mix drinks?" The others roared with laughter, and those further down the way asked what the joke was and laughed in turn as it was relayed to them.

Melissa realized she was actually being accepted as part of the group, something she hadn't expected and actually liked. To cover her confusion, she rolled to her feet and walked over to Amy on the pretense of returning the vibrator. "Here, I think you dropped this."

Amy accepted the instrument before asking, "Well, what do you think?"

The teen raised one eyebrow, a technique she'd perfected after years of practice and Star Trek reruns. "The vibrator or the show? Well, except for the vibrator, I haven't seen anything I couldn't find in a Sears catalog."

Amy smiled but shook her head. "You didn't look on the right page! Seriously, don't fret, Lissa. I've seen a few of these shows before, give everyone a chance. They're loosening up, they'll do okay. Oh, my."

Melissa frowned at the non sequitur, then realized the comment was being echoed, in varying degrees, by the other occupants of the room. She turned to see Doug, clad only in a brief Speedo bikini, being pushed into the center of the room. He was blushing furiously under the attention and his male friends were ribbing him unmercifully.

He reminded Melissa of herself during those first weeks under Jacqui's tutelage, she realized. Her juices began dampening her leotard even before she visualized his cock free of its confinement, hardening as she spread herself for him...

Other, older memories of an awkward tomboy came just as readily. Melissa had never enjoyed being the target of these snobs' attentions. Joe Hamed was being especially obnoxious, pointing out the wide bands between the nylon and the faint tan lines on Doug's body. It didn't seem fair.

Almost before she realized it, Melissa had walked over to the rest of them and cracked, "Jeez, Joe, haven't you ever seen a guy in a swimsuit before?" Suddenly she was the center of attention.

Joe stared at her for a minute as if he couldn't believe she'd intervened. "Yeah, I have," he quipped, "but never looking like that!"

Glancing at Doug, Melissa decided he didn't look bad at all, except for being nervous. "I don't know, I think I'd take him..." She spared him a reassuring smile before turning back to Joe. "But that's beside the point. You've got a big mouth for somebody who doesn't have the guts to try one himself," she concluded.

Immediately, Joe came back with, "I don't see you've shown us anything, either."

Well, fine, that was easy enough. Melissa turned to Michelle and asked, "there are other swimsuits back there?" She nodded then opened her mouth, but Melissa didn't give her a chance to say anything more.

"Okay, we'll both do some modeling. I'll pick out a suit for you to wear, and you can pick out a swimsuit for me. Agreed?" Out of the corner of her eye, Melissa saw Amy perk up at this. Nikki started to add something but Michelle silenced her with a look.

After a hurried consultation with the other men, Joe agreed. "But one more thing -- no underwear. Just the suit, no underwear. Just like Doug, eh?" Melissa accepted without a second thought.

At least the confrontation had diverted attention from Doug. Forgetting his near nudity, he told Melissa, "Thanks, but you didn't have to do anything, he was just ding me."

She gave him her best smile, which was enough to make him return it in spite of himself, and demurred, "No problem, it's my pleasure. I'm just giving you a chance to him back."

Michelle forcibly dragged him aside, breaking up the conversation. "I think we'll continue with the swimsuits now, then. Nikki, why don't you take Melissa back to pick out Joe's suit, then he can dress and find one for her. It'll be like a real beach party, only with snow instead of sand! Doug, get me some more eggnog, would you?"

Melissa followed Nikki back to the bedroom. "Gee, Lissa, you don't know what you're in for," she whispered under her breath. "Some of this stuff is really skimpy. And you gotta have a figure for it, you know?" The other girl eyed the figure concealed under the sweater. "I mean, you're tall and not fat, but..."

"Don't worry," Melissa reassured her, "I'll figure out a way to handle it. Let's work on finding something that will make Joe really sweat." Nikki eyed her dubiously, but assented quietly and led the way to the small box containing the men's clothing. Melissa noted in passing the large collection of silk, satin, Spandex, and what looked like leather strewn across the king-sized bed. It looked like there were a bunch of shoes, too. Some of this stuff would definitely deserve a second look later.

There wasn't much to choose from, so Melissa settled quickly on a slim white suit much like Doug's except that the back narrowed to nearly a thong. As one, the two women looked at each other and smiled. They sauntered back out to the living room, which quieted at their arrival, and Melissa handed the garment to Joe. "See you in a few minutes, stud." He disappeared into the hall.

Almost immediately, Wendy was at her side. "Lissa, I don't believe you did that! Michelle is really pissed, but I can tell she's looking forward to something. Aren't you worried?"

A tremor of concern was beginning to leak through her carefully maintained facade. "I don't know, Wendy. Why don't we find out if I should be?"

They strolled over to where Amy stood. "Well, should I be worried?" Melissa asked.

Her sister-in-law glanced demurely down at Melissa's crotch before answering, "It depends. Do you shave?"

Wendy missed the significance of the question and queried, "Her legs?"

Melissa, having watched Jacqui's swimsuit video, understood instantly and allowed herself a tiny smile. "Don't worry."

An answering grin crossed Amy's face and she quipped, "Then I don't believe you'll have a problem. I think this could be one show John will be sorry to miss."

The others had already taken their seats, so Melissa wandered over and dropped to the floor again. Repeatedly one or another of the girls would ask, "Are you nervous?" until finally Melissa could contain herself no longer.

"Come on, you guys, lay off! Ask me a few more times and I'm sure I'll be a nervous wreck!"

There was a sudden hush as Paula Prentice, Joe's girlfriend, stifled a laugh and pointed at the doorway. Reluctantly Joe walked into the room. If anything, his farmer's tan was more obvious than Doug's. There wasn't much of a bulge, but pubic hair spilled out around the edges of the suit. He kept his eyes on the floor as the girls hooted for him to turn around, revealing most of his white cheeks.

At last Joe darted for his seat, where he folded a jacket across his lap before finally looking up. "Okay, Miss Model Bednar, your turn. I picked out a special outfit for you."

Paula added, "The suit's hanging on the doorknob."

As Melissa rose to her feet once again and started for the doorway, she heard muted laughter from Joe's friends as he whispered something to them, and tittering from some of the women. She was immensely reassured by the brief "thumbs up" sign she got from Amy. Sure enough, something white and yellow but mostly air was hanging from the bedroom door.

With a sigh, she collected it and walked into the master bathroom. Melissa felt a rough edge beneath her finger and examined the suit more closely. It was a skimpy thong bikini, hardly more than a glorified rope to start with, but the lining had been cut out! She quickly discovered the missing scraps lying in the bathroom wastebasket. Without the backing, the thin white and yellow-striped material was virtually transparent!

Melissa returned to the bedroom and surveyed the contents of the bed. There were other bikinis there, but nothing in white and yellow. If she wore another suit, Joe and Paula would cry foul. If she complained about the removed lining, they probably would claim she'd done it herself to get out of wearing it. She didn't seem to have a choice.

Interestingly, the thought was enough to make her cunt itch and her nipples tighten. Well, Melissa decided, I might as well go all the way. Jacqui would expect it. She rummaged through the shoes until she found a pair of 3-inch heels in white that were her size. One of the boxes of "toys" had several tubes of body gel. Melissa grabbed one of those before heading back to the bathroom. She could pay back Amy later.

The brunette removed her clothes except for the leotard. These she folded carefully and tucked away in the back of the linen cupboard. Jacqui's locket, of course, stayed. Melissa then checked her hair in the mirror and teased it back into perfect form. The leotard was shucked to the floor and she admired herself in the mirror. The brunette badly wanted to finger herself, but the inevitable consequence of doing so would be readily visible to her audience.

Thinking back to what she remembered of Doug and Joe, Melissa checked her body for tan lines. They were very faint, primarily where her sport bra covered her, but the oil should obscure them. It's funny how Jacqui's lessons come in handy at the strangest times, Melissa thought, as she began to methodically oil her entire body just as she had at Halloween. It was awkward reaching the middle of her back, but with the assistance of the mirror the freshman was eventually satisfied that the job was complete. Now her entire body, normally smooth to begin with, was slick and glistening from the top of her forehead to the tips of toes.

The bottom of the thong was not unlike her training harness, except that it dipped very low in front. Melissa wriggled until the thong was settled between her buns in back and arced tight above her hips on each side. She adjusted the wedge of striped fabric in front so that it covered her lips; she was convinced that if she'd had any pubic hair at all, it would have been exposed.

The top was somewhat easier. The "bra" consisted of thin fabric strips barely two inches across, although they were gathered at the bottom into a smaller distance to provide a rudimentary "cup." Melissa settled for sliding them along the lower string until her nipples were centered under each strip.

She sat gingerly on the edge of the toilet seat and fastened the shoes on her feet. She cursed herself for not doing so earlier, for the straps were new and stiff and her fingers were slick with oil. At last they were in place, and after a few short steps she decided they'd do. Her hair looked okay, the thong was still in place, and there were no marks on her buns from where she'd sat. Melissa was just completing her final check when she heard Nikki's voice in the bedroom.

"Melissa, are you ready yet? Michelle says you've had more than enough time."

Melissa fixed an image of Jacqui in her mind, muttered, "You are a model," under her breath, and stepped into the bedroom.

Nikki was just walking towards the bathroom, saying, "Hello? Lissa?..." when she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of the effectively naked brunette beauty.

"How do I look?" Melissa asked, a tremor in her voice now that the point of no return was nearly upon her. She turned slowly for Nikki, who stared at the firm jutting ass, then the rose-capped breasts and dark line that could only be Melissa's slit ineffectively concealed beneath the sheer striped suit. The posing beauty could feel her nipples stiffening to full hardness and the lips of her pussy flowering open against the suit's fabric.

"Lissa, you might as well be naked! Gee, you never looked that good at school!" Unwillingly, Nikki quietly added, "Nobody looked that good at school."

Melissa was pleased; she had no second thoughts now. "Well, shall we give them a show? Why don't you announce me?" Nikki stood still a moment longer, then turned and fled. Melissa followed slowly after her.

She could hear the conversation die in the living room, amidst loud whispers of "She's coming!" Hopefully not actually "coming," Melissa decided, she didn't think she was ready for that, despite what she'd said to Amy before Christmas. She had a last chance to adjust her stride to the height of her heels, and then Melissa was swaying gracefully into the center of the living room.

The other's faces were a blur of white punctured by open mouths. There was absolute dead silence as she strutted around in a small circle, flexing the way she remembered Jacqui had done it, then coming to a stop facing Joe. Slowly, sensuously, she ran her hands down her body, then struck a pose; one leg bent with a hand resting above the knee, the opposing hip thrust out with the hand resting lightly on it. Melissa parted her lips and whispered a single word to them: "Well?"

The silence lasted a moment longer before being broken by the sound of Amy clapping. She was joined by Wendy and Doug, then Nikki, and soon the entire group was applauding wildly, cheering and whistling. Exultant, Melissa's face creased into a wide smile and she spun on one toe, laughing, before she was surrounded by admirers. Their lewd comments and light touches to feel the oil on her arms made her even wetter; luckily the oil seemed to be disguising the presence of her juices.

Only a few holdouts remained on the outskirts of the gathering, generally unnoticed. Doug and Joe retreated to change back into pants that would cover their prominent erections. Neither Michelle nor Paula was pleased with this effect on their boyfriends. Joe departed immediately afterwards, unable to remain after his bluff had been called with such devastating effect.

Michelle apparently couldn't stand being upstaged by this second-hand guest who was stealing the spotlight she'd planned to monopolize. Breaking into the crowd, she herded people back to their seats or into the bedroom for the other swimsuits. Grateful for the breathing room, Melissa walked over to talk to Amy.

"I don't recall that suit was quite so revealing when I tried it," Amy remarked. "You'd be right at home on John's Sports Illustrated calendar."

Melissa shrugged before replying, "Well, it wasn't exactly modest to begin with. And that asshole Joe cut out the linings. I figured the best thing I could do was go for it full speed ahead. I think I like it, although I don't think I could wear this in public; how much is it? Oh, and I owe you for a tube of gel, too."

"It's yours." Amy smiled at Melissa's surprised look. "No, really, call it a belated Christmas present." Melissa tried to protest, but was cut off. "Look, you said yourself it's been damaged, and believe me, you've got this group really revved up now. Everybody's excited after seeing you, I'll sell much more than I would have otherwise. In fact, if I'm any judge, I'll need to leave in a bit so you all aren't too inhibited by my stodgy presence."

"You're not nearly old enough to be stodgy! Thanks, Amy, really!" Melissa hugged her sister-in-law, then pulled back quickly as she remembered she was still glistening with gel. "Oh no! Your jacket, I'm so sorry!"

Amy laughed, "Hey, I sell this stuff. Doesn't stain, trust me. Now get on back, the fun's starting."

Indeed, the people over by the couch were laughing and making strange noises. Melissa returned to Wendy and received a piece of what she was informed was an edible panty. Only a modest amount of imagination was required to detect the strawberry flavor. Eschewing the floor this time, Melissa perched on the arm of the couch. "So, Wendy, are you going to buy a suit like this?"

Her friend snorted, "Not likely. I still prefer a modicum of decency in my clothing. You aren't thinking of getting it, are you?"

Melissa nodded yes and modified the facts slightly. "Yup. I already worked it out with Amy." Wendy and her neighbors within hearing gaped. "You mean you'd go out in public wearing a suit like that?"

Melissa had to admit, "Well, no, I don't think so. I'd be too scared."

Wendy doggedly followed the thought. "Well, what's the point in having it, then? Lissa, you don't have a boyfriend you haven't told me about, do you?"

There was no way she was going to bring up Jacqui in these circumstances, Melissa thought, but there was nothing to disguise her blush. "Not really..."

The other girls snickered and Wendy elbowed her in the ribs, muttering, "Yeah, right, sure, whatever you say. We'll talk about this later."

The models started making their appearances, and everybody's attention was drawn back to the center of the room. As Amy had predicted, they looked much hotter now. There appeared to have been a run on the body gel, and all of them were in heels. Some of the girls were showing curly pubes around the edges of their high-cut suits, but Melissa decided a few people besides herself at least trimmed regularly.

Michelle looked ravishing in her suit, a fluorescent one-piece that was basically a French bikini joined at the sides by mock knots. She flirted shamelessly with Doug, to the audience's vocal delight. Melissa was also attracted by Nikki's suit, an orthodox maillot design with a twist. Like most of the other suits, it was cut very high on the hips; unlike the others, it had a relatively modest front scoop. This was compensated for by a zipper that ran all the way down the front.

Nikki had walked on with it almost completely zipped, but egged on by the others, began playing with it while accompanied by a tuneless and disjointed rendition of "The Stripper" hummed by the onlookers. At one point, the suit was unzipped nearly to her navel, but Nikki endured the booing and pulled it back up high enough to keep the suit from falling away from her breasts.

By the time the last girl had shown her costume, everyone was again in high spirits. Somebody shouted, "Kodak Moment! Photo Op!" and soon a steady chant of "Picture! Picture! Picture!" echoed through the room. A camera was quickly produced, and the seven models gathered in the center of the room. Melissa thought she might be able to sit it out, but Wendy and the others on the couch insisted she be present, too.

Finally, they were arranged for the photo. Michelle was in the center of the group, with Nikki and Melissa on either side and the others around them. It took Doug two tries to get the picture; he was laughing too hard to hold the camera steady for the first shot after some comic cracked, "Say, 'Sleaze!'"

That got Doug thinking. "Okay, that's one for your parents. Now, how about a racy one to keep me warm at night? Please, Michelle, I'll love you forever." Almost on cue, the gallery echoed, "Aaaaw, Plllleeeeeeeaaasse."

The suggestion engendered a great deal of debate. Melissa decided she was excited by the idea; it would be amusing to get a copy of the photo for Jacqui. Michelle, refusing to be outdone, agreed as well. Eventually they were joined by Nikki and Paula; the others opted out. Doug took a few steps forward to take advantage of the smaller target area, and everyone quieted.

Nikki unzipped her suit almost all the way, then pulled the edges together with her hands just below her breasts. The top of the suit folded away to either side, revealing a generous amount of cleavage without actually showing anything. Likewise, her navel was visible but not any pubic hair.

Next to her, Michelle had slid one hand into her bottom and another under the covering of her left tit. Melissa judged the hand had not gone far enough for Michelle to actually masturbate, but the image certainly was erotic.

Melissa went one better by turning away from the audience, discarding her top entirely, then covering her breasts with her hands. This actually provided better coverage than the top had, but she couldn't resist opening her hands just a bit so she could covertly squeeze her nipples between the base of her index and middle fingers.

Paula surprised them all with the most daring display of the four. She was wearing a sheer white one-piece suit that was interesting principally for having effectively no back at all. From the front this was not apparent, so she initially presented a relatively modest appearance. The look dramatically changed when she hooked her thumb and fingers in the tops of the hip openings and pulled upward until the crotch of the suit disappeared into her slit. The stunned audience could clearly see her outer lips and, higher up, pubic hair.

As if this wasn't enough, the four aimed smoldering looks directly at the camera. The live studio audience deluged them with wolf whistles and hoots of approval while Doug finally got off a couple of pictures. The girls then made themselves presentable while most of the others decided it was a good time to get another drink and cool off.

They were still milling about afterwards when Amy approached Michelle and announced that she needed to leave. The two agreed to settle up following the holiday, and Amy bade the attendees good-night and reminded them Michelle had business cards and price lists. A few of the other guests, evidently unnerved by the photo shoot, also chose to depart.

Melissa thought she'd be able to return to simple spectating, but everyone else had other ideas. By unanimous acclamation, the four "swimsuit babes" were drafted to model the teddies and baby dolls. Michelle's devious expression and whispers to Paula went unnoticed by Melissa, who was watching Amy leave.

Another hour passed as the four posed in increasingly provocative lingerie, unshielded by other undergarments. The heels were soon abandoned as being unsteady and prone to snag while dressing; the barefoot girls strutted on their toes while making their circles of the living room. The dwindling audience was kept amused by a succession of dildos and vibrators, and inflated several condoms that subsequently were batted around the room.

Eventually the only guests remaining were the other alumni of last year's cheerleading squad, Doug, and Wendy. Melissa definitely was the surprise of the evening by all accounts, although she didn't realize it. She was preoccupied with sorting through the lovely clothing to find something to wear next without betraying the extent of her arousal, although she suspected the others shared it to some extent.

Unpleasant reality intruded as a phone call for Wendy. Her younger sister was stranded at another party and in need of a sober driver equipped with a car; Wendy's parents, stuck hosting their own alcoholic event at home, had forwarded the call to her. Wendy, cursing with annoyance, had no choice but to leave. "Come on, Lissa, you'd better change. I have to go chauffeur the brat."

Melissa realized with a start that she was having more fun than expected and didn't really want to leave. Her glum turn toward the bedroom was cut off by Michelle, who offered, "Oh, please stay, Lissa. One of us can give you a ride home." Melissa paused indecisively, but was swayed by several offers of support and finally, Wendy's "Go ahead, stay. No sense in both of us missing out. I'll call you tomorrow." Decision made, she hugged Wendy good-bye and thanked her profusely, then jumped away as the icy wind darting in the doorway cut through her thin satin teddy bear nightie.

Chapter 15

When it resumed, the party had moved into the bedroom. The bathroom was used as a changing area, primarily to allow dramatic entrances, while the survivors examined the trove of clothing and selected the next outfit to be shown. Things began to go out of control after they had moved to the bra and panty sets.

Among close friends, except for Melissa who had proved game so far, modesty was largely discarded. After a few sets of relatively discreet ensembles, Doug teasingly offered Michelle an underwire half-bra. While she was changing, the other girls located a blindfold and amidst a great deal of laughter overpowered Doug and tied it across his face.

Michelle emerged from the bathroom with her tits prominently displayed. When she saw Doug's condition, she flashed a grin and returned the tease. "Oh, Doug, it's too bad you can't see my tits. They're so firm and round, and you can't see me pinching them, oh it feels so good..."

Actually, she wasn't doing anything to them, but Doug couldn't resist and pulled off the blindfold. "Maybe you need some help with those?" he offered, smirking.

The target of his affections shrieked and jumped back with a laugh. "Oh, help! Protect me!" Over his half-hearted protests, Doug was dragged backwards to the head of the bed and Michelle and Paula donated pantyhose to tie his arms to the headboard. Melissa wondered if he was excited by the mild bondage, then got her chance to find out.

"I say we make him pay for his obvious lechery," Michelle declared. "If he gets to watch us, I think it's only fair that we get equal time." She walked up beside him and leaned over so her breasts hung before Doug's face. Then she began to unzip his pants.

"Hey, Michelle, come on! Stop it, already, this isn't funny!" Unfazed, she stripped his slacks and the Speedo off, revealing a penis that shriveled under the embarrassment of being exposed to ten sexy women. Melissa herself to ignore the nearly instinctive desire to take him in her mouth.

"On with the show!" ordered their hostess. "I bet we can help Doug with his problem. Here, Nikki, why don't you try this?" The outfit in question was a simple white mesh bra and bikini that proved conclusively Nikki sunned with a very small bikini. Her remaining pubic hair, trimmed into a narrow patch above her cunt, was the same stunning shade of auburn as the tresses on her head.

It didn't seem possible to top Paula, who tried on a set that featured a bra with button-up front panels and crotchless panties. She demonstrated by opening the front of the bra to reveal her hard nipples and then squatting to reveal dark pubic hair between the edges of the panties. The sight of her and Nikki, and an occasional stroke of Michelle's hand, was enough to make Doug hard again.

Melissa had just about concluded the affair was over when one of the girls asked, "What about these?" All attention was drawn to the pile of leather pieces she had collected. "I think these are all part of the same outfit."

Michelle looked at Melissa; "Your turn. Don't keep poor Doug waiting." She collected the pieces and headed into the bathroom.

As she laid out the pieces, Melissa decided the outfit was much more complicated than a simple bikini, but covered roughly the same area. The leather was smooth and soft in her hands, a pleasant reminder of the feel of her old training harness. And wetness wouldn't show nearly so easily as with the thin underwear she wore now.

The basic structure was determined by a number of leather strips carefully joined by smooth steel rings. Luckily it was assembled, so Melissa was able to start at the bottom, which had a familiar configuration, and deduce where each strap was supposed to go. It took longer to discover how in the world she was supposed to get into it, but eventually she realized one of the rings opened to allow its attachments to be released.

Soon it was reassembled on her body. The fit was suspiciously good, considering there were absolutely no length adjustments in any of the straps and Melissa was fairly tall for a woman at about 5'9". A belt consisting of strips joining at rings just forward of each hip and one in back encircled her waist. Strips ran from the hip rings down either side of her pussy to join underneath with the strip running down the crack of her ass from the ring in back.

The openable central ring was located at her breastbone. A strip ran from each hip diagonally across her stomach, through the ring, up over her shoulder and around the neck. From there they plunged diagonally through another ring between her shoulder blades, then around under her arms and breasts to terminate at the central ring.

A number of small eyes were embedded at points along the strips. These corresponded with hooks on the soft pieces of leather remaining. Triangular pieces, anchored at each corner, covered her nipples and a little of her tits. A longer rectangular piece, squeezed in the center like an hourglass, was held between her legs like a breech clout.

Finally Melissa donned the matching wrist and ankle bands. Each fastened with two sturdy buckles and featured both snap hooks and rings. When she looked in the mirror, the only thing missing was the feel of the butt plug plumbing her ass; she rubbed herself violently through the leather, then left before she could lose control.

While she'd been changing, the other girls had put the blindfold back on Doug; this time he couldn't get it off. He was also fitted with headphones connected to a Walkman beside him on the bed -- the volume was up loud enough that even Melissa could hear the music. Doug was squirming on the bed, but Melissa assumed it was because Michelle was still giving him a hand job. A number of the other girls had stripped to their bras and panties, and Michelle and Paula had removed their bras entirely.

Everyone paused to look up at Melissa as she entered. "What do you think?" she asked, as she posed for them.

Michelle stood and walked around the bed. "Ummm, delicious. Turn around, why don't you, let's see the back." Melissa complied, then so suddenly that she was taken completely by surprise, Michelle pulled her arms back, clipped the two wrist bands together, then attached them to the ring at the back of her waist.

Melissa could feel herself creaming as she pulled helplessly at her bindings and Michelle swung her back around to face the others. They wore feral expressions on their faces that boded ill for Melissa. Of them all, only Nikki seemed uncomfortable and wasn't looking at her. And Doug, of course, who was totally unaware of the developing scene.

Michelle shook her again and hissed, "So, Miss High and Mighty. You've been flaunting yourself all evening, don't think we haven't noticed. Let's see what you really have." One hand on her bound wrists pinned Melissa while the other methodically detached the hooks on the breast cups until they fell away to reveal her stiff nipples. Then Michelle turned to the loincloth, detaching first the back and then the front, pulling it from between Melissa's quivering legs and dropping it to the floor.

There was a pregnant pause as Melissa watched the others stare at her cunt. She knew her lips were gorged with and spread wide, leaking moisture that was now free to trickle down her thighs.

"Wow, Michelle," exclaimed Paula, "she's really turned on, just look at her!"

Michelle did, running a finger up the inside of Melissa's leg and along side her exposed vulva. Naturally there was not even a trace of stubble, just smooth skin slicked with oil and musky secretions.

The cheerleaders jumped to a slightly incorrect, if natural, conclusion based on their own experiences. Michelle decided to exploit the perceived weakness. "So, you like looking at Doug's prick, do you? Fine, you can watch a little more. Lisa, hold the little tramp where she can get a good view." The other girl stepped forward to take charge of Melissa, leaving Michelle free to strip off her panties and walk to the bed.

Michelle squatted over Doug's prone figure and slowly, teasingly, lowered herself onto his rampant cock. He jerked as he felt the velvet folds of her sex instead of the hand he'd become accustomed to. "Michelle, what are you doing? I hope you got rid of your friends. God you feel so good, you're so hot tonight. Untie my hands, baby, I want to feel you."

Melissa and the others watched in envious fascination as she quickly brought herself off, then continued to bounce up and down on her aroused boyfriend. "Oh, Doug," Michelle sighed, loosing herself in the sensation of the moment, "I love your fat prick. Fuck me hard, I want you to come on me. Drench me with your jism."

Sensing Doug's orgasm was approaching, Michelle lay back on top of him and slid up until his cock pulled out of her wet sheath. Then she tugged the crimson shaft between her legs, almost as if she were a man masturbating. The huge load of come which had been building in Doug's balls all evening shot out to cover her wet mound and stomach. "Oh baby," he gasped, "that felt so good. But get me a rubber, I want to come in you."

Melissa had nearly been able to reach a climax herself by tugging her hands so the strap between her legs slid back and forth across her anus. Lisa, thinking she was trying to escape, had made her stop. By now all of the girls were completely naked or showing damp spots on their panties. Several were masturbating themselves or friends with fingers, as well as the many dildos lying about. It seemed all of the participants, except perhaps Doug, were accustomed to the scene; Melissa wondered how often it had been repeated.

Michelle appeared determined to do even more to simultaneously put Melissa in her place and reaffirm her own position as the social center of her group of popular friends. She pulled free of Doug's grasp and rolled off the bed to walk back to Melissa. "You like watching Doug come in me, bitch? Taste it. Lick me clean." She laughed cruelly as Lisa and Paula pushed the captive brunette to her knees, then pushed her face into Michelle's come-covered cunt.

The salty taste of the warm semen excited Melissa as her agile tongue began transferring the sticky mess from Michelle's body to her own mouth. She cleaned the other girl thoroughly, then began tonguing the moist cunt in front of her, stiffening her tongue and running up and down the creaming slit. She alternated deep probes into Michelle's vagina with light nips at her swollen clitoris. Melissa was breathing heavily when Michelle reached another strong orgasm.

As Michelle fell back on the end of the bed, Paula pushed her way in front of Melissa. "Do me too, you slut." Soon her body was shaking under Melissa's expert ministrations. After that, nothing would do but for the slave to service all of the girls. Melissa felt her tongue getting tired as she sucked one tangy pussy after another while the interested spectators made crude and degrading remarks about her.

It felt like an eternity later when Melissa could finally rock back on her knees and catch her breath. She was afire with her own need and her own sweet nectar was leaking steadily to the floor. "Well, Nikki," Michelle drawled, "it's your turn." Melissa realized that she couldn't remember licking the neatly trimmed auburn-haired muff, the only one she'd truly looked forward to.

Nikki shifted uncomfortably on her chair; she was still wearing her mesh bra and panty set, although the panties were undeniably soaked. "Come on you guys, let Lissa go. She doesn't deserve this, she hasn't done anything to you." Melissa was surprised, and touched, by this unexpected sympathy. She was tempted to speak up, to tell Nikki it wouldn't be a problem, but decided it was better to remain silent.

Michelle narrowed her eyes as she spoke. "That's your opinion. Get over here, you're the only one she hasn't sucked, you don't know what you're missing." She continued to absently stroke Doug's cock and looked down at Melissa again. "Besides, Lissa likes it, don't you, Lissa? Just look at her creaming all over the floor."

The redhead looked unconvinced. "I just don't want to, okay?"

Michelle maintained an outward calm, but her voice betrayed her infuriation with this unexpected mutiny in her ranks. "Maybe you'd like to fuck her instead? How about you pork her with this vibrator here?" The instrument in question, one of Amy's samples, was a good eight inches long and well proportioned.

Nikki started to shake her head in negation, but Michelle held up a hand. "If you don't, maybe I'll just have to whip Melissa's ass with Doug's belt here to take her mind off her pussy. C'mon, it's not like she's one of us, or anything. What'll it be?"

Melissa was so hot she would have welcomed anything, any sensation, but Nikki gave in. "Okay, Okay, I'll do it. Here, hand it to me."

Michelle tossed the vibrator to Nikki, who fielded it deftly. Melissa found herself being pushed down further onto her knees, then bent forward until her head was resting on the floor and her behind was exposed for all to see. She arched her back slightly to improve access to her cunt, and heard a click and buzzing as Nikki activated the vibrator.

The stimulation as the wand slid into her superheated vagina was too much for Melissa's weakened control. Nikki had barely gotten it all the way into her for the first time when Melissa shook in the grip of her own violent climax. She hadn't intended to, but Melissa sighed, "Oh, Nikki," as the waves of ecstasy swept through her body.

Nikki's hand leapt away from the vibrator as if it were a live coal, while the other girls burst into gales of laughter and shrieked, "Oh, Nikki," at each other over and over.

It was the last straw for Nikki. She unceremoniously withdrew the vibrator and dropped it to the floor, then pulled Melissa to her feet. "That's it, enough! I don't have to take this anymore. Lissa doesn't have to take this anymore. You're the bitch, Michelle, not her!" The redhead dragged Melissa toward the door, grabbing her own clothes as they passed by them.

She moved so quickly that the others were taken completely by surprise and couldn't recover before the two had escaped to the living room. Michelle screamed after them, "Nikki, you come back here! Don't you walk out on me like this!"

Coolly, Nikki halted the gathering pursuit with a final warning: "Let us go and I won't tell Doug about this."

Their exit was undisturbed after that. They paused at the front door and Nikki freed Melissa's hands, then they stomped into their boots and pulled coats, gloves and scarves over their effectively naked bodies. "Come on," Nikki offered, "I'll drive you home. My car has a strong heater." With a last thought for her clothes still stashed in the bathroom, Melissa dashed after Nikki down the steps and out to the car, feeling the cold bite into her bare legs.


Melissa was almost warm again by the time they reached her parent's house. She and Nikki had been silent during the drive, unsure what to say and unwilling to fight the noisy heater to be heard. The noise level dropped enough for conversation when Nikki pulled into the driveway and shifted into park.

"Nikki, I--", "Lissa, I--" they began simultaneously, then paused. Melissa gestured for Nikki to start again. "Lissa, I'm really sorry about tonight. I'm sorry about leaving your stuff, and putting you through that, sorry about everything. Michelle was totally out of control, there's no excuse for what she did."

"That's not your fault," Melissa replied. "I should be thanking you for getting me out. Maybe if I hadn't gotten so carried away with that bikini..."

It was the redhead's turn to demur. "You couldn't help that, Melissa. Joe deserved what he got. It just happens that you were the best-looking woman there tonight." She smiled as she added, "I'm really jealous. Here I was, thinking I looked so hot, and you come out in that suit... Oh well, reality strikes again."

"You do too look hot!" Melissa protested. "You were a damn sight better than Michelle or Paula, that's for sure!" The brunette could feel some of that heat returning. She slid over a bit on the seat and continued, "It wasn't them I was thinking of at the end. Can I thank you for the ride? I know we both want it, I can smell it, and you didn't get your turn." Melissa started to place a hand on Nikki's leg, but it was deflected before it reached its target.

"Melissa, no." Nikki pulled away to restore the distance between them. "Look, what I felt tonight... What I mean... Oh, I'm confused, I don't know anything tonight. Just don't push me right now, okay?" She fixed her gaze over the steering wheel and refused to look back at Melissa.

A bit hurt at the rebuff, Melissa tried to make amends. "I'm sorry, really. Thanks again, Nikki, for everything. Good-night. And Happy New Year." She exited the warmth of the car and walked quickly up the front steps, thankful that it was late enough for her parents to be asleep. The spare key was still hidden under the front mat, luckily, and Melissa was letting herself in before the lights of Nikki's car had vanished from the driveway.

A few minutes later, Melissa had stashed the harness under her bed and was tucked comfortably under her blankets. Absently, a hand drifted between her legs and she worked herself, releasing the evening's tension. Her mind was awhirl with thoughts: looking forward to recounting the evening to Jacqui; wondering if she'd see Nikki again, and what would happen; and wondering how she would collect her belongings from Michelle's house. Many hours -- and many orgasms -- later, she finally fell asleep.

Chapter 16

Melissa was awakened by the ringing of her phone; it was Wendy, calling to find out what she had missed at the party last night. Melissa faithfully recounted the events up through the end of the modeling, but neglected to mention her own subjugation and the sex in which the evening had culminated.

When Wendy asked her what her plans for the day were, she uncomfortably explained she'd left a few things behind at Michelle's and needed to make a trip over to pick them up. Wendy immediately volunteered to take her over, saying she wanted to pick up an order form and thank Michelle for the invitation; Melissa couldn't think of a graceful way to refuse the offer.

Besides, Melissa thought with a sigh, perhaps it would be better to go with reinforcements. The brunette sat up and donned her glasses, thankful she hadn't taken them last night, and flipped through the phone book until she located Michelle's number. The idea of setting it aside and going down to breakfast was powerfully tempting, but this wouldn't get any easier if she put it off.

Michelle answered on the first ring, "Hello?"

Melissa worked hard to maintain a level, detached tone of voice. "This is Melissa."

"Oh, Lissa, how nice. Somehow I thought you might call. I hope you aren't still angry about last night."

"Let's just forget about last night, okay? Look, I just want to come over and pick up my stuff today."

"Yes, such a beautiful sweater, and your wallet, too. And I seem to recall you left with part of that leather outfit, without paying for it; you should bring that back with you."

Melissa gritted her teeth in exasperation. "I'll buy the damn outfit! Just have the other pieces collected, okay?"

The voice on the other end of the line firmed. "Fine. But you'll still bring it; no, wear it under your clothes, if you want your things back."

This didn't sound like an argument Melissa could win easily. "Okay, have it your way, Michelle. But I'm bringing Wendy with me, so no funny business."

"Oh, of course not, we wouldn't want to upset Wendy, would we?" Michelle agreed, and hung up. Melissa couldn't tell if she should be concerned or not.


A few hours later Wendy and Melissa pulled up in front of Michelle's house. Melissa was reassured to see the driveway was empty; with luck that meant they outnumbered Michelle two-to-one. This impression was rein when Michelle welcomed them into the quiet house. Melissa hadn't intended to stay for more than the minimum required time, but Wendy shucked off her coat and boots and the two others urged Melissa to do the same.

They padded barefoot to the dining room table, Melissa's eyes fixed resentfully on her Christmas sweater that Michelle was wearing, while Wendy described the horrors she'd experienced last night after having to leave the party. A number of order forms were laid out on the table, including one weighted with what looked like Melissa's checkbook. A glance confirmed that it was, and her name was on the form underneath.

Melissa checked the line items, which read "striped thong bikini, damaged, n/c" and "8 pc. leather. playsuit, $200." At least the swimsuit had been credited properly, although she wished the leather wasn't so expensive. No wonder these people did the modeling first. Wordlessly, she sat down and wrote a check to "Sweet Dreams, Ltd." as the form instructed, then handed it to Michelle.

Wendy, who'd been reading over her shoulder, exclaimed at the final price. "$200! I don't remember seeing any 8-piece outfit. Is that one of the things I missed?"

Michelle asked her, "Didn't Lissa tell you about the rest of the party? We had so much fun! Well, come on, the stuff's in the bedroom."

She started in that direction, quickly followed by Wendy, who explained, "Lissa told me most of what happened, but she didn't describe the outfits very closely."

Melissa rose slowly and trailed after them, but detoured to stuff the checkbook in her coat pocket. In the bedroom, everything had been arranged into neat piles and Michelle was outlining to Wendy who was buying what. Seeing Melissa had rejoined them, Michelle continued, "and here's Lissa's." Flourishing a bag, she lifted the familiar striped bikini from atop one pile and slid it into the lavender plastic. Next came the leather breast cups and loincloth.

"That only looks like three pieces to me, what do the others look like?" Wendy remarked. As Michelle added a pair of sheer string bikini panties to the bag, and then a pair of dark slacks, Melissa's uncomprehending friend added, "Where are the other five? Those panties weren't on the list; wait a minute, those look like the pants you wore last night, Lissa!..." She looked to the quiet brunette for an answer.

It came from Michelle, with a typically unpleasant spin. "Lissa liked the outfit so much she wore it home last night, didn't you? And you didn't even show your best friend; really, I'm surprised. Well, I suppose I should return your sweater, too." So saying, Michelle pulled it over her head, leaving herself naked above her designer jeans, and folded the sweater before adding it to the bag.

Melissa watched warily while Wendy burst out, "Gee, Michelle! Your tits!"

Michelle looked down at herself and cupped her breasts for a moment, reading the expression on Wendy's face. "Yup, they're mine," Michelle quipped. "Come on, loosen up, we're all friends here. Don't you want to see the rest of Lissa's outfit? I'll bet you she's still got it on."

"You do?" Wendy asked her. Melissa was definitely ready to leave, but she hadn't seen her wallet among her belongings; until then, she'd have to play along. "Oh, can I see it?" Wendy pleaded. Unwittingly echoing Michelle's untruth, she added, "we're all friends here." With great reluctance, Melissa pulled off her sweatshirt to reveal her own bare breasts, framed by the leather straps, as well as the snug cuffs on her wrists.

"Oh wow," Wendy breathed, "that's so kinky! You wore that home from the party? What's the rest of it look like? I want to see it all, Lissa."

Michelle added, "Yes, she does look rather naughty in it. How about it, Lissa, won't you give us an encore showing?"

Not if I can help it, Melissa thought. "I'd really prefer not to, sorry. Michelle, have you seen my wallet anywhere?" The other girl offered an innocent expression Melissa didn't believe for a moment. "You know, my wallet? From last night? I didn't see it in my pants when you put them in the bag."

When Wendy looked in her direction too, Michelle paused a moment longer. The unreadable expression on her face transformed itself into a small -- and to Melissa's eyes, false -- smile. "Oh yes, I remember now. I put it in the box with the small items so it wouldn't get lost."

She dug through the box on the floor behind the bed, ostentatiously tossing several of the vibrators and dildos onto the mattress. "Ah, here it is!" Michelle passed the wallet to Melissa, who began checking to verify its contents were intact, and returned her attention to Wendy, who was eyeing the artificial cocks. "That's right, Wendy, you left before we showed most of these. They're quite relaxing." She picked one seemingly at random, switched it on, and began rubbing the buzzing instrument along her tits.

Wendy's eyes nearly bugged out at the sight. "Here, you should try it," suggested Michelle, and handed the vibrator to her. Wendy nearly dropped it, then began cautiously rubbing it against her chest. "I don't really feel anything," she complained a minute later.

"Probably your clothing is getting in the way," Michelle decided, "you should take it off like Lissa and I have."

At that, Melissa looked up from counting her credit cards and protested, "Ah, Wendy, you don't have to do this." But it appeared her friend had already made a decision. "No, it's all right. You guys have seen me in the locker room before anyway." Quickly, before she could lose courage, Wendy struggled out of her top and bra to reveal a pair of perky tits capped by small raspberry nipples.

She began rubbing the vibrator lightly against herself. "That's better, but press more firmly," Michelle instructed. "Here, let me help." While Melissa watched incredulously, Michelle placed a hand over Wendy's and began guiding it over her body, then captured Wendy's other hand and used it to rub one of her own breasts.

The erotic sight made Melissa drip, but the thought of her best friend being seduced by this scheming, manipulative bitch made her squirm with jealous anger. "I think we should go now, Wendy," she announced with more heat than she'd intended.

But Michelle held Wendy's hands in place, obviously enjoying the tell-tale flush which was spreading underneath them, and urged, "Stay awhile longer. We've just started."

All of them were startled by Amy's voice in the living room calling, "Hello! Is anyone home? The door was open. Michelle, are you here?" They froze, the vibrator dropping to the floor, then began scrambling for their clothes. Wendy picked up her bra, but Michelle tore it from her grip and tossed it behind the bed. Melissa and Wendy pulled on their tops, and Michelle donned a silk chemise from one of the piles on the bed.

They had just arranged themselves when Amy appeared in the doorway. "Michelle, here you are! Hi, Lissa, Wendy! I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I just dropped by to see if you needed anything and find out how things went last night."

Melissa picked up her bag, thankful for the perfect opportunity to make an escape. "No, great timing, Amy. Wendy brought me by to pick up some stuff I wanted. We were just leaving, you would have missed us in a few minutes." She shot a meaningful look at Wendy, who was looking in the direction of her hidden bra and missed it.

Michelle didn't. She picked up the manila envelope containing the completed forms and checks and handed it to Amy, explaining, "Here's what I've gotten so far. Everyone else has promised to get back to me no later than Thursday, so you could stop by that evening. It was a great party last night, really. Actually, Wendy had to leave early too, I was just starting to bring her up to date. You know, Amy, if you could give Melissa a lift, we wouldn't have to hold her up and I could show Wendy the rest of the stuff she missed."

As Michelle doubtless anticipated, Amy replied with a pleased "Sure, no problem!" before Melissa could open her mouth to protest

Michelle turned to Wendy and asked, "So, how about it, Wendy? Do you want to finish what we started?"

Wendy looked indecisively in Melissa's direction.

It was Amy who broke the stalemate by hooking Melissa's arm and quipping, "Come on, Lissa, don't cost me any sales! Besides, I want to see what you got."

Melissa's parting glance was so woeful that Wendy felt obligated to reassure her, "Don't worry about it. I'll call you later." They exchanged good-byes and the two Bednars headed out the door.


After several minutes of uncomfortable silence, Melissa noticed that Amy was not taking the direct route back to the house. When asked, Amy replied, "I thought I'd take you by our place first, if you can spare the time. I still want to see what you finally picked out, and it looks like you could use some cheering up. Want to talk about it?"

"I'm just worried about Wendy," Melissa finally answered. "I shouldn't have left her there alone with Michelle."

Amy chided, "She's allowed to have other friends, Lissa. Besides, a little masturbation won't hurt her." After a brief laugh, Amy added, "I could hear the vibrator buzzing away under the bed, you really should have turned it off if you wanted to keep it a secret."

Melissa couldn't think of a good way to express her fears, so conversation lapsed again until they reached Amy and John's house. Once inside, Melissa accepted a diet Coke and collapsed into an armchair while Amy sorted through the paperwork from the party and chatted about the thrills of being a traveling salesman. Her monologue stopped when she reached Melissa's sales slip. "Oh, Lissa, you got the leather suit! I'm so excited, you have to show it to me! Did you show it yourself last night, or did someone else? I tried it myself, but I wasn't quite tall enough. I thought maybe you would have the right build."

When she saw Melissa wasn't responding, Amy offered, "Come on, it doesn't show as much as the bikini did. Besides," she added with a sly grin, "I'll show you something in return. I promise you'll like it. Come on!" Melissa was nearly pulled out of the chair as Amy grabbed her in one hand and the shopping bag in the other before heading for the relative privacy of the master bedroom.

"Okay, where is that sucker?" Amy asked rhetorically as she began sifting through the bag.

Melissa shyly admitted, "I'm wearing most of it." Her sister-in-law, having just discovered the remaining pieces, looked up to comment, "Really? Well, please, let's see it then."

For the second time that day, Melissa pulled off her sweatshirt to reveal the top of the harness. It wasn't as hard with Amy as it had been earlier, although the coed blushed slightly as Amy walked around her, tweaking the straps to check their fit. "Wow, cuffs and all. It certainly fits you well, Lissa. Could you show me the rest, please, or is that asking too much?"

After a moment of consideration, Melissa mumbled, "okay," and sat down on the bed to pull off her boots. She faced away from the other woman as she pushed the pants down her legs, then Melissa bashfully turned around, gaze on the carpet.

Between the bathroom incident a few weeks ago and the way she was dressed now, Melissa was afraid Amy would think she was a pervert. Which, the brunette slowly realized, she was... Slowly Melissa raised her eyes to meet Amy's, afraid to see repugnance there, but instead she found only admiration.

"Oh, Lissa," her sister-in-law breathed, "you look so beautiful. Your pussy looks so smooth, no wonder you wore that bikini so well, I should have known you were completely shaved." The young brunette felt a wave of relief pass over her and remembered to start breathing again.

"God, I'm getting horny just looking at you," Amy exclaimed. "Now it's my turn to show you something. John got me this for an anniversary present, can you believe it?" She dragged a small rounded object, shaped vaguely like a saddle, out from underneath the bed.

"What is it?" Melissa asked curiously. It reminded her of nothing so much as a beer keg, cut in half lengthwise and fallen on its side, covered in vinyl.

"It's called a 'Sybian,'" Amy responded as she pulled a box down from the closet. "It's a vibrator, like you've never seen before."

Melissa could easily believe that. The bulky object bore no resemblance to the slim penis-shaped devices she was familiar with. She watched intently as Amy fitted a six-inch dildo insert into the top of the saddle. Next, Amy placed a small terry towel with a hole in the center over the Sybian so the dildo projected through it. A condom was pulled over the insert and Amy rubbed a generous amount of lubricant over it. Finally she plugged the power cord into a wall outlet and placed the remote control, attached by another cable, on the bed. "All set. Well, Lissa, ready to give it a try? Did you mean what you told me about coming in front of people?"

The familiar wetness was answer enough for Melissa. Amy, now sitting on the edge of the bed, motioned to her and Melissa squatted over the device, lowering herself down slowly onto the dildo. Aided by the copious artificial and natural lubricants, it slid inside her until the coed was sitting easily astride the saddle.

Amy warned, "You may want to brace yourself on the bed," then began the demonstration by turning the juice on, very slowly. At first, Melissa felt hardly anything. Big deal, she thought, like the first time I had sex. What's all the fuss about? Then Amy turned up the power, and the sensations hit her.

Melissa was on a roller coaster, going up slowly, coming down at dizzying speed. She passed the point of no return. Orgasms were bursting forth, crashing against each other. She lost track of time, space, the fact that Amy was watching her. There was just that unstoppable human-thing inside her relentlessly pushing her further and further.

The teen bucked and moaned, moving up and down, a slave to lust. When Amy finally turned the machine off, Melissa was drenched in sweat and deliriously satisfied. It was all she could do, legs trembling with weakness, to roll onto her back on the floor. "Why did you turn it off so soon?" Melissa breathed.

Laughing delightedly, Amy replied, "What do you mean, soon? It's been twenty minutes and I swear you've been coming continuously for nineteen of them. God, I couldn't stand watching you any longer! I think I need a ride myself."

Leaning forward, she stripped the slimy condom from the dildo and replaced it with a new one, which was soon lubricated. While Melissa lay on the floor in contentment watching, Amy reached up under her dress and pulled down her drenched pantyhose and underwear, then wriggled onto the dildo until it was firmly in place.

Urgently, Amy requested, "Please, Lissa, work the controls for me." Melissa rolled up into a sitting position and examined the remote, which consisted of two dials with indicator lights. The lights, labeled "vibration" and "rotation," illuminated when she turned the dials slightly and a low hum came from the unit beneath Amy.

Melissa began gradually increasing the intensity of both the vibration and the rotation. Amy's face began to contort -- first with mild pleasure, then growing sensual excitement, and eventually with complete abandon. Her litany of moans and screams, her nails digging into the bedspread, gave ample evidence that she was in the throes of extreme orgasmic excitation. At one point Melissa thought her sister-in-law was going to faint. "Oh, God, oh no, oh yes, don't stop, harder, faster, oh wonderful," Amy intoned again and again.

Melissa was intensely aroused by the sight of Amy writhing and begging for more, and toyed with the settings, enjoying the feeling of power it gave her. Eventually it became obvious that Amy could go on coming forever and Melissa turned the machine off. Amy continued to shudder from head to toe for several moments before rising shakily to her feet. "Oooh, you're a cruel woman, Lissa, teasing me like that. But it certainly takes the edge off a bad day, doesn't it?"


A bad day, Melissa later decided, that was the beginning of a bad week. Wendy was surprisingly difficult to track down, and it wasn't until the following weekend that Melissa finally reached her on the phone -- at Lisa's house. Melissa thought her friend sounded strangely breathless as Wendy made some incomprehensible explanation about school projects and Melissa needing time with her family.

A few days later, Melissa was visiting John and Amy. When Amy happened to mention in passing that she'd seen Wendy at Michelle's Thursday night and Wendy had purchased some lingerie and a vibrator, Melissa suspected the worst. She'd been abandoned by her best friend, who was now associating with a different group, and worse, lying about it. Melissa was heartbroken, although she did her best to conceal it. Now she could only long for a return to school, and Jacqui.

Chapter 17

The day of Melissa's departure finally arrived. The freshman battled with mixed emotions on the ride into the airport. She was sorry to be leaving her family again, glad to be able to forget the previous day's strained farewell to Wendy, and eager to return to Sullivan College. She'd gotten Amy to take her to a salon for an overdue waxing and perm; Melissa had been almost as nervous as the girl at the studio, who evidently didn't get many such requests.

Now the young brunette squirmed in the back seat of her parent's car, her moist cunt sticking to the tiny panties pressed against it by the tight jeans she wore. Melissa hoped Jacqui would punish her for wearing them; just the thought was enough to make her continue to cream. The half bra under her Christmas sweater left her stiff nipples free to rub against the inner nub of the woolen garment, contributing to her constant arousal. Soon, only a few hours more, and she would be free to satisfy her kinky cravings.


The flight had been dull, with no opportunity to repeat the adventures of her homeward trip. Melissa was glad to escape the plane and strode quickly down the boarding ramp to the concourse and looked about, hoping to spot Jacqui. So intently was she looking for the easily recognizable junior that Melissa didn't notice Pamela Atwood until the blonde was right under her nose and shouted, "Lissa! Welcome back!"

Melissa smiled back and hugged her friend. If Jacqui couldn't be here, Pam was the next best person. The two chatted happily while they waited for Melissa's suitcase to arrive on the baggage carousel, and then Pam proudly led the way to the blue Chevette she now owned. "All my family chipped in to help me buy it," the perky frosh explained. But she was evasive when Melissa asked if Jacqui was back from vacation yet.

The reason for Pamela's reticence became clear when Melissa opened the door to her room. It seemed empty -- nearly all of Jacqui's things were missing! Melissa collapsed into the nearby desk chair in disbelief and looked at Pam numbly; this couldn't be happening to her.

"I hate to be the one to tell you, Lissa, but Jacqui won't be back this semester," Pam said quietly as she entered and closed the door. "Her father and one of his friends d her during vacation. I've heard she's in some kind of psychological counseling or something."

Melissa merely stared blankly at the wall while tears started to run down her cheeks.

Pam offered, "I'm really sorry, I know you two were very close. I... I don't think I could do... well, you know... But I don't want you to think you're alone." She paused, evidently trying to assess Melissa's condition. "And Jacqui said you should try calling her after dinner." It was amazing what the right words could do.


Melissa was able to reach Jacqui on the phone that night. She learned the junior's situation was more serious than Pam had indicated. Jacqui's father and his friend were already behind bars again but there was some question about whether Jacqui had been a willing accomplice and if she would be tried. And she'd been pulled out of school for a program of psychological counseling. "Although," Jacqui joked, "it's more fulfilling talking to you about it. Now tell me about your vacation, Lissa."

The brunette complied, glad to fully share her experiences with someone else. Both women were masturbating by the time Melissa finished her tale, and the frosh eagerly fingered herself to orgasm when Jacqui ordered her to. She promised to follow Jacqui's standing instructions and they agreed to meet when it was possible for them to do so.

Still revisiting the twists of the last few hours in her mind, Melissa turned out the lights and climbed into bed. The bed she'd hoped to be sharing with Jacqui was now hers alone. She was almost asleep before she realized she hadn't met her new suitemates. Well, they could wait for tomorrow.


Melissa met the first of her suitemates the next morning. Predictably, it was in the bathroom. She'd arisen at the usual time for her shower and barged into the bathroom while still half asleep, only to surprise the equally naked young man who was using the toilet. Her sense of modesty subdued by the familiar surroundings and the early hour, Melissa made no effort to cover herself as she slowly came to the realization this must be one of her new neighbors.

He, in contrast, went through an amazing series of contortions. Finally overcome by his simultaneous attempts to gawk at Melissa, not look at her, cover himself, and maintain his aim on the toilet bowl, he managed a d "Please!" that brought her to her senses.

Now embarrassed, she backed out into her room and closed the door. Then it was time to find her bathrobe. "Great first impression," Melissa muttered to herself. "I'm sure that went over real well." She plopped on the bed and waited for some indication it was safe to proceed.

A soft knock sounded on the door a minute later. "Come in," she called, and checked the robe again. It was a little late to worry about offending the guy's sensibilities, but there was no sense making matters worse. The door swung open and he stepped in, now also decently hidden beneath a robe of his own.

"Uh, hi. Sorry about our little, ah, incident," he began uncertainly. "I really thought I'd locked the door."

"No, it's my fault. The lock doesn't work and I never thought to worry about using the bathroom before." Melissa refrained from mentioning whythe lock was broken. She and Jacqui had repaired it only enough to pass visual inspection after last semester's demolition effort.

She took a better look at him in the pause that followed. No athlete, but not unpleasant to look at, she decided. He was taller than herself, lanky, not carrying any extra weight. His tousled hair, an unremarkable brown, was rebelling against what must have been a hasty attempt to arrange it. Melissa's eyes slid sideways to the mirror over the sink beside him and confirmed her own curls were in even worse shape.

Why did she have to meet him looking like this? Frustrated, Melissa knew Jacqui or Janet wouldn't have had a problem smoothing things over. It was so stupid! Before, she wouldn't have worried what anyone thought of her looks. Now, this man had just seen her naked and she was worrying about her hair?

His voice broke into her thoughts. "Ah, look, I've gotta run for class. Maybe we can talk again later?" He was making a nervous retreat even as she nodded her agreement.

"Dummy," Melissa berated herself, "you didn't even ask him his name." Sighing, she dove into her morning routine; she needed a run before facing her own classes.


It turned out her suitemate's name was Richard Nelson. Melissa learned it courtesy of the role call in her new CS course. She was intrigued to see him there, as it implied Rich was also a computer science major, and had enough placement credits to skip the prerequisite courses.

Melissa worked up the courage to go next door and talk to Rich that evening. It was easy enough to pretend he was just another stud Jacqui wanted her to fuck. She went so far as to consider actually doing just that, but finally decided it would be unwise. After all, she didn't know how he'd react, and they would be stuck together for the rest of the semester.

She settled for another stilted conversation that served to establish bathroom protocols and convey brief biographies. When Melissa asked, Rich confirmed he had a roommate -- "technically" was the word he used. Rich said the gvine reported Ray Guck, the sophomore in question, planned to live in his girlfriend's room elsewhere on campus. Melissa could guess from Rich's behavior that the gvine had plenty to report on herself, as well.

Following that meeting, they rarely talked to each other outside of her CS class. Actually, they rarely saw each other outside of class.


Melissa's sense of isolation strengthened following a phone call from Jacqui at the end of January. Jacqui had escaped prosecution, but her parents had elected to transfer her to a private school that specialized in assisting students who had been d. The regular calls, and accompanying masturbation to Jacqui's orders, were ended.

As well, Melissa abandoned her periodic calls to Todd. Nobody had any news of either Janet or Anne, and she found the calls, and their associated memories, too depressing.

Nearly the only routines Melissa continued from her first semester were the morning jogs with Pam, still dressed to , and the regular visits to Sara for waxing, styling, and oral sex. Minus Jacqui's largess, regular shopping binges were out of the question, although Melissa picked up some jeans and casual slacks.

Without Jacqui's intercession, Melissa didn't know how to arrange the daily fuck sessions, and they had lapsed. She let Darryl fuck her once in the locker room, but fear of discovery and its consequences outweighed the excitement; she had no trouble winning the standing $50 bet. Recalling Jacqui's final advice, she turned down an invitation to a varsity basketball squad party.

She was similarly uncertain of "entertaining" in the dorm room. Rich was in his room so much of the time, what if he should hear something? Moreover, her underlying shyness prevented her from seeking out partners, and her reputation dissuaded prospective suitors.

Melissa found the extra time on her hands a burden. She busied herself with classwork, including tutoring, and started working as a consultant at the computer center to occupy her hours. At least the work generated a few dollars for her checking account. But overall, the new semester had not been a happy one for the brunette.

Her weekends remained empty; frequently her entertainment consisted of eavesdropping on the activities next door. Rich and a small circle of friends typically gathered in his room on Saturday nights for obscure role-playing games.

They were polite enough to her on campus, but she'd heard some of them good-naturedly ribbing him. Sharing a private suite with the "Slut of Sullivan," as they put it. Rich's continued protestations that such thoughts never entered his mind had little impact.

Sometimes Melissa would drift to sleep, listening to the low conversation and bursts of laughter from next door, and wonder if they would be as forward in her presence as when they believed themselves alone.

Chapter 18

By mid-February Melissa was sure she was going to go crazy. Matters came to a head the Saturday after Valentine's Day. She was sitting at the desk, attempting to work on a history paper that wasn't even due for a week yet, but her attention kept drifting to the game in progress next door.

They might call it "Dungeons and Dragons" but Melissa was sure "Booty and Babes" would have been a better name. Apparently the evening's adventure was set in a brothel somewhere and the characters were running amok as usual. She twitched restlessly in her chair, thinking she'd give those guys something to explore if she'd been in that situation...

There was no way she was going to remain cooped up in the room all night, Melissa abruptly decided. Just because she'd turned down the invitation for that evening's basketball team get-together didn't mean she couldn't crash it. A good fuck, or hopefully more than one, was just what she needed. Besides, Darryl would be there.

She got excited just thinking about it. First she'd need to get cleaned up. For the first time that year, the enema equipment was retrieved from under the sink. Melissa stripped, then stroked herself impatiently while she waited for the bag to fill. The horny coed moaned with pleasure as she inserted the lubricated nozzle into herself and allowed the warm liquid to begin filling her.

Several pints later, Melissa felt comfortably full. She paced the room, adding extra sway to her hips to increase the arousing pressure on her sphincter, and pondered her wardrobe. When she noticed she was unconsciously plucking her nipples, Melissa's mind flashed back to her first outing with Jacqui; she knew she'd wear the peasant top again. And there was a black leather mini she'd found in her dresser that Jacqui must have purchased.

Collecting her robe and a disposable douche, the brunette headed for the bathroom. She started the shower, hoping it would cover the noise of her activities, then moved to the toilet. Melissa teased herself with the applicator, rubbing it along her slick lips, probing gently and retreating, until her breath came in quick gasps. A nipple was teased again, more urgently this time. She visualized an imaginary cock that its way into and released its seed in time with the spray of the douche.

The sensation pushed Melissa over the edge and she fought back the exclamation that accompanied her release. At the same time the cleansing liquids gushed from both her holes into the toilet bowl. Fear that the gamers on the other side of the door might hear her only strengthened the experience. The warmth of the shower that followed totally relaxed her.

Melissa, remembering the Halloween party, dressed strictly for convenience. She laughed to herself, realizing it had taken less time than one of her old tomboy outfits would have. The top was worn off her shoulders, low, and without benefit of a bra. It looked great with the short miniskirt, which was just long enough to be decent. That was just as well, because Melissa didn't want to sacrifice a pair of panties to the occasion. Her legs, tanned and sleek, didn't need hose. A pair of plain pumps had just enough heel for show, but were reasonably comfortable and could be kicked off easily.

She thought about earrings, and settled on the studs; no sense wearing something that might get tangled up tonight. Besides, she didn't want to look like a total slut. Melissa's only other ornamentation was her locket, beautifully framed upon the wide expanse of skin above her cleavage. The coed gathered keys, ID and some cash into a small pocketbook, and she was off.

Why, Melissa wondered, had she waited so long to do this?


The party was in full swing by the time Melissa reached "Hell Suite." Beckman Hall was one of the newer dorms, and featured several sets of rooms connected by semi-private hallways that opened onto lounges. The inebriated crowd overflowed out into the open areas adjoining the fabled nerve center of campus party life. Powered speakers nearly as tall as she was blasted music down the hallway.

Melissa worked her way through the other students, looking for a friendly face. Finally she located Kevin Anderson, although she had to survive a deadly glare from Susan Mustacato to approach within speaking range.

"Kevin, hi! Have you seen Darryl tonight?"

"Lissa, you're looking good tonight. Glad you could make it." Kevin paused momentarily as Susan's knuckles whitened on his arm. "I think I saw Darryl back in Wayne's room. Look, we've gotta run. See you later!"

She silently watched the couple depart. You'd think Susan could lighten up, Melissa thought. Kevin's gonna have bruises tomorrow. Did she find out about last semester?

A few minutes later she'd visited the ad-hoc bar and navigated to the end of the hall. Melissa wrinkled her nose at the faint hint of reefer, and peered into the crowded room. She didn't see Darryl among the bodies.

"Well, well. Lissa Bednar. I'll bet you 50 bucks you can have more fun than I can."

The coed turned at the familiar challenge. She recognized the student facing her, but couldn't remember his name. Not that it really mattered; they both knew what she wanted.

"You're on. Where can--"

He pressed her firmly against the wall, driving the breath from her lungs, and ran two fingers up into her juicing slit. "Hell, let's do it right here!" His mouth covered her own and smothered her protest.

Melissa could hear him unzipping his fly. Rolling along the wall towards the occupied arm, she was able to break free. Suddenly the wall ended and she stumbled backwards a few steps into one of the rooms along the hallway. A quick glance revealed no other occupants, until her pursuer entered behind her.

"Geez, Lissa, chill out. It's not like everybody doesn't already know you're a slut or anything." He pushed the door most of the way closed without latching it. "But the bed would be more comfortable."

This wasn't working out the way she'd planned. "I am not a slut!" She'd accept that from Jacqui, but not from some... well, whatever. "I just want to take things a little slower, that's all."

An expression that might have been a smirk quickly crossed his face and was gone. "Oh baby, you're so hot I can't go slow. And I know you want it as bad as I do. It's gonna be a great night." He slowly fisted the cock protruding from his jeans, then unfastened them and let them drop to the floor.

With fading reluctance, Melissa tore her eyes from his organ and quickly shucked her own clothing. Hopefully the owner of the room wasn't going to return any time soon. Then the time for thought was past and she was falling backwards onto the bed, already arching herself to pull his throbbing phallus more deeply within her.

He rode her hard and furiously, almost painfully, but Melissa was pumping back against him just as urgently. Their mingled cries were only of pleasure, and Melissa realized how badly she'd missed fucking. Still, she was still approaching her own crest when she felt him shudder and spend himself in her.

Damn! It would have been worth the $50 if he could have held out... "No, don't stop now," she moaned.

The reply came from an unexpected direction. "Don't worry, babe, we won't."

Surprised, Melissa pushed her hair out of the way and looked up. The room seemed filled with men, most of them at least partially naked. Her erstwhile partner rolled off her and stood with the others, looking at her. She fought an urge to cover herself.

"Now wait a minute, guys," she began. True, this was starting to shape up like Halloween night had, and it was what she had wanted, but it didn't feel quite right. In fact...

"We owe you, Lissa." What? "Remember, I bet you that you'd have more fun than I would. Well, I can't afford to loose the money, so some of the guys offered to help me out. Go with the flow, babe!"

One of the men moved over her; Melissa didn't recognize him at all. She began to consider flight more seriously, but abruptly he himself on her. Not that much actual physical force was required to embed his throbbing penis into her creaming pussy.

This time, when she opened her mouth to protest, another cock plugged it. Angrily, the coed decided somebody was going to get a kick in the balls. Her mind stuttered to a halt when she realized her legs were already wrapped around her assailant's waist. Reflexively her body resumed its rocking motion.


The humiliating part was that she continued to orgasm. They'd been working on her for a long time now, uncounted anonymous pricks that invaded her body and sprayed their juice in all of her holes. Enough semen remained to cover her exposed flesh, as well. And the scent in the air suggested at least some of the wetness was urine rather than spunk.

Melissa was very tired, and more than a little fearful by now. There was none of the tenderness she'd always sensed from Jacqui, just raw brutal sex. Even the lingerie party hadn't been like this. More than once she'd tried to make a break for the door, but weight and sheer numbers were always against her.

The pot smoke filling the room seared her lungs and raw throat. The occasional alcoholic refresher only worsened her thirst. It was nearly all she could think of, even as her asshole stretched to accommodate another large male member. She'd threatened to scream, really scream, when somebody offered her some cocaine "to make her feel better."

She slumped on the sodden bed, exhausted, when the man behind her withdrew. The teen had felt him come, hard, but nothing had jetted into her this time. Perhaps they were finally getting tired. At least most of them had left.

"That's cool, man! Have you got any more? That oughta get the slut juiced up again for sure!"

Something about the comment grated on Melissa and she summoned the energy to look in the direction of the speaker. She felt the adrenaline rush of pure terror at the sight of the hypodermic needle. "Get that fucking thing away from me!"

The sperm-drenched coed scrambled off the far side of the bed and awkwardly regained her feet. The hypo wielder advanced slowly on her. Melissa decided later her apparent calmness must have a sign of near-shock; she grabbed a metal ruler she hadn't consciously noticed from the desk behind her and lashed out at the hated instrument. The fragile device was smashed to the floor as the man screamed and clutched his slashed hand.

"Shit! Shit! Oh shit!" He didn't really seem to care about his ing fingers. "Bitch! You fucking bitch! You know how much that stuff costs?!"

Melissa continued to wave the ruler threateningly. "Not as much as your medical bills if you guys come any closer! Party's over. Get out of the room. Now! Or I'm calling security. And lock the door behind you!"

Amazingly, it seemed to work. When the door latched, she rushed forward and threw the deadbolt, they leaned heavily against the door as her legs turned rubbery. Suddenly she felt nauseous and scrambled for a nearby trash can; the tension, and alcohol and semen on a nearly empty stomach, left her heaving for several minutes. The cup of water Melissa allowed herself after rinsing her mouth tasted like sweet ambrosia.

She wanted to sleep, but the teen herself to locate her clothes and dress. She had to settle for wiping the worst of the gunk off herself with a discarded T-shirt; there was no way she was going back into that hallway to reach the bathroom. More than ever she appreciated the simplicity of the night's outfit. She found her purse, but somebody had taken the cash from it. Bastards.

The hallway... Melissa pondered, then decided a little tomboy behavior was in order. There had been no attempts on the door, so she unfastened the deadbolt -- the room's owner was going to be unhappy enough without having to break down the door to get in. Then she walked across the room, opened the window, and looked out.

Second floor. Easy drop, she told herself. Melissa tossed her pumps to the grass below, hiked her mini up to her waist to free her legs, and shimmied out the window. The sleeve of her blouse caught on something, and she cursed at the sound of the rip, but it was too late to do anything but drop and roll. A minute sufficed to restore her appearance to something vaguely approaching normality -- at least in the dark.

Whatever the hour was, it was late enough the campus was deserted, for which Melissa was grateful. She limped across the grounds, feeling the incipient aches throughout her body, and pulled herself up the two flights of stairs in Gridley.

A last unpleasant surprise awaited her. Melissa found herself on the verge of tears when she discovered someone had filled her keyhole with superglue. Damn it, she silently wailed to herself, why does this have to happen to me? She pondered the thought of calling Josh for assistance, but shrank from it. Likewise, there was no way she was going to stay out all night.

With extreme reluctance, she crossed to the door marked "301" that had once been hers, and knocked softly. After a second, louder, knock, the door opened and Rich peered out.

"Lissa? Are you all right?"

Melissa wished it were darker. "I'm fine. I, ah, forgot my room key. Can you let me in through your room?"

Rich's eyes flicked to her hand, which fisted tighter about the key in question, across the torn sleeve of her blouse, then back to her face. She'd never felt so low. Melissa knew she reeked of sex, surely he could smell it. God, if she broke down in front of him...

"Sure, no problem."

She made a determined beeline for the safety of her room.

"You're sure you're okay, Lissa? There's nothing wrong? You look kinda--"

"I'm fine, damnit! Just leave me alone!" Then she had one, and finally both, doors between them and could give in to the sobs that wracked her frame.

Jacqui had been right; she shouldn't have gone to the party. A little less luck, and she could have ended up like Janet. It was hard, so hard, being alone. But perhaps it was safer. She would, Melissa decided, watch her step very carefully from now on.


Predictably, the public got a different spin on the story. Even Melissa couldn't help hearing about how she'd been so horny that she'd gone to the party and paid a bunch of guys to gang-bang her. There'd been no repercussions about the trashing of the room in Beckman, but Hell Suite was proudly displaying a grimy, stained sheet they called "The Shroud of Spermin'." The locker room joke was that any girl who lay on it would become as big a slut as Melissa Bednar.

Rich gave her a few strange looks during the following week, but she refused to talk with anyone about that night. As if anyone wanted to do something as mundane as talk to the Slut of Sullivan. Even Pamela was unable to drag Melissa out of her shell.

Chapter 19

This virtual stasis held until spring was far enough advanced for baseball season to begin. Melissa had grown accustomed to holding herself aloof from dorm affairs, but when she saw the sign-up sheet announcing the formation of a coed softball team for the dorm, she couldn't resist. It wasn't the same as real baseball, her favorite sport, but it would be close enough to be fun, even if she had to put up with the disdain of the other team members.

On the day of the first practice, Melissa rummaged in the bottom of her trunk until she located her Twins cap and her trusty glove. It still was tied tightly around a baseball and smelled pleasantly of saddle oil. Pleased to feel the well-broken-in leather was still supple, she unwrapped the glove and slid it onto her hand. The fit of cap was slightly strange when she tugged it into place, thanks to the missing ponytail, but Melissa adjusted it slightly and decided she was ready to go. The brunette bounced down the stairs and headed out to the field, feeling better than she had in a long time.

Melissa recognized the future members of her team tossing a ball around on one of the diamonds. She was surprised to see Rich among them; Melissa hadn't figured him for a sports fan, but he appeared to be holding his own. Not surprisingly, the girls were not well represented, although at least it looked like most of them could throw a ball half decently.

After positioning herself within range, Melissa called, "Hey, throw one over here!" and held up her glove. There was a pause; apparently she had been previously unnoticed and it was clear her arrival was unexpected. With a shrug at the others, one of the players lobbed the ball in her direction. Melissa deftly fielded the catch and returned the ball with a smooth, powerful throw that smacked loudly into the target glove back across the diamond. Pleased to see a few welcoming grins among the raised eyebrows, she settled into the game.

By the end of the practice Melissa had captured the position of shortstop. A few throws and some at-bats confirmed her suspicion that she was one of the better players on the team. She was relieved to see most of her teammates were glad to have her playing with them. As they were walking back to the dorm, Rich moved alongside to comment, "You're a pretty mean player, Lissa. Where'd you learn to throw like that, anyway?"

She laughed easily before replying, "I used to play all the time with my brothers when we were growing up. It must run in the family, we're all baseball fanatics, I just love it. I don't know how I'm going to survive the season without a TV, but at least this will alleviate some of the withdrawal pain."

Rich offered, "Yeah, I'm more of a watcher than a player, myself. I figure I'll spend a lot of time 'studying' in front of the television in the campus center." For a moment she thought he was finished, but her suitemate surprised Melissa with an invitation. "Hey, are you interested in joining a rotisserie league? A couple of us are putting one together this year."

Melissa had heard, vaguely, of them, but wasn't sure how exactly they worked or if she wanted to participate. The hesitation must have shown on her face, for he rushed to add, "Just come over Saturday night and check it out. That is, if you aren't doing anything. We'd be happy to have you."

When finally she nodded, Rich beamed, "Great, see you then. Look, I gotta run, talk to you later!" and trotted off. Melissa watched him go and wondered what she'd gotten herself into. Well, it looked like she'd finally get to attend one of his Saturday gaming sessions; it should be interesting, at the least.


Actually, Melissa enjoyed that Saturday night immensely. Conversation was minimal as they waited for everyone to arrive and Rich introduced her to his friends. She and the others listened carefully as Ed and Mike explained the game for the benefit of the newcomers. Things loosened up considerably as they conducted their "draft" in conjunction with a spirited debate on the pros and cons of various favored players.

It was refreshing to have a hard-core baseball skull session with the guys and, as at softball practice, Melissa's obvious expertise and enthusiasm won over the others. Although no serious action could begin until the major league season started later in the year, Rich invited Melissa to join them again next week for some of their other games. The suggestion was seconded by the others.

Still a little nonconformist, Melissa decided as she prepared for bed, but it appeared she had a social life for the first time this semester. Of course, some of these guys probably hadn't even noticed she was a girl, but it was refreshing to have men treat her as something more than a brainless, breathing sex doll. She sighed; if only somebody would treat her as an intelligent, human sex doll. Well, one step at a time...


The following Saturday found them gathered again in Rich's room. Both Melissa and Rich (so he said) were feeling a bit sore after the afternoon's first game. They'd lost, but it had been a narrow defeat. Rotisserie business was concluded quickly and they began preparations for the evening's gaming session.

Fascinated, Melissa tried to follow overlapping summaries from Ed and Dennis while an amazing number of books, papers, colored dice and tiny figurines were spilled onto the beds. Obviously much more went on than the verbal fencing she'd been accustomed to eavesdropping on.

It was weird, but by the end of the evening she'd decided she liked it. She still felt lost half the time, but there was something about the creativity and interaction that made the game much more exciting than just reading a book or watching a movie. The others had loosened up considerably after she'd taken in stride a visit to their base of operations, the combination restaurant and brothel she'd heard about.

Melissa, in the guise of her fighter "Minuet," had even slain her first orc. She thought about it again, looking at the delicately painted lead figure with hair dark like her own (before she'd had it cut). The tiny sword held in its grip reminded her of the metal ruler she'd wielded in Hell Suite, an intriguing echo of reality. But here an imaginary sword would suffice to defend her; she was among friends. 'Friend,' rather; it was after midnight and the others had already left.

She realized Rich was talking to her. "What?"

"I said, 'you should do that more often.'"

"Do what?" Apparently she'd spent more time than she'd thought reminiscing.

He met her glance, hastily dropped his eyes to the papers he was sorting, and cautiously looked up again. "Smile." Rich tried a grin. "I've been here over half a semester, and except for today and last Saturday I've never seen you smile, Lissa. It's too bad; I'd like to see more of it. Our company must agree with you."

Inwardly the coed cringed. Was he hitting on her? She realized that subconsciously she'd believed his earlier disclaimers. Did Rich want Lissa, or the Slut, or was he just making conversation? The Slut was definitely not available, but Lissa didn't want to damage a new friendship unnecessarily.

"Um, thanks, Rich." Something in her tone must have been off, because she could see him flinch. "I've gotta hit the sack now, I'm bushed." She set her figure beside the others and rose.

Rich stood as well. "Sure, it is kinda late." His hands drifted for a moment before he shoved them into his pockets. "We all enjoyed having you over. I hope you'll be able to make it again next week."

God, she didn't want to leave him like this, it reminded her too much of herself, well, before. There must be something upbeat but noncommittal she could say... "Sure. See you tomorrow at brunch?"

Melissa wanted to kick herself even before she finished saying it, but that goofy grin was back on Rich's face. It looked like she was committed, and it was only a meal in the cafeteria. Still, what had she been thinking of?

The question stayed with her until she fell asleep.


That brunch was the first of a great many meetings Melissa and Rich had throughout the following weeks. He was a gentleman, never hinting he wanted more than just her company, ignoring subtle and not-so-subtle jeers from some of the other students.

Gradually the wary brunette relaxed again, and found she enjoyed his presence. He had a quick mind and a quirky sense of humor, and seemed to enjoy startling her into laughter. In revenge, she took to trying the same with him, although it was difficult to surprise more than that lopsided grin onto his face.

They shared the softball games and practices, and the Saturday gaming sessions. The occasional meal together expanded to nearly every meal, and Melissa no longer had to eat alone when her schedule didn't match Pam's. The pair became a regular sight in the dorm lounge whenever a game was on the TV, often intermixing comments on the game and their current CS projects. Rich joined the girls on the jogging circuit, once, before declaring he wasn't ready to die before his time.

Rich even became the first man to enter the sanctuary of her room since Christmas break, although he was especially circumspect there. He avoided the queen bed as if it were a vat of sucking quicksand. Melissa finally had to pull over the chair from the unused desk so they could study the coursework at her desk, seated side by side.

That evening, as she smirked at her mental picture of Rich helplessly disappearing into the depths of the bed, Melissa finally admitted to herself that she wanted him in that bed -- with her. The worst part was that she had absolutely no idea how to go about accomplishing it.

It wasn't clear he'd ever get around to making a move on his own; maybe that was her fault. The only approach she had any experience with called for stripping and cornering him in his room, then getting to it, hot and heavy. But that definitely wasn't Rich's style. Moreover, Melissa didn't want to live down to the images he must still have of her from after the party and that first day in the bathroom. Maybe he'd be repulsed by The Slut.

She began taking more care with her wardrobe again, even for the Saturday night sessions, but couldn't think of a way to let Rich know it was for him. Melissa was at her wit's end as spring break approached.


Her eyes were starting to cross as Melissa struggled through the relativity chapter for a second time. She greeted the staccato knock that was Rich's signature with a sense of relief and rolled away from the confounded book with a sigh.

"Come on in, Rich! Rescue me from these miserable physicists!"

After pulling off her glasses and tossing them aside, the coed looked up and realized her suitemate looked about as tense as she'd ever seen him. Something was definitely up. She gestured for Rich to take a seat and hunched herself into a sitting position as she asked, "so, what's new?"

"Do you, ah, have any, ah, plans for next week?"

A very interesting question, Melissa reflected. Rhetorical too, as she'd made no secret of them. Or lack thereof; she'd expected a quiet spring break on a nearly deserted campus. Could it be that one of her miserable lame hints had actually reached its target?

"No, not really," she admitted. "Lie around, practice being shiftless, maybe work on my tan." She had to ask: "You have any better suggestions?"

Melissa could see him swallowing, then Rich made eye contact with her and held it. "Well, my family has a cabin up in the mountains; we're going up for at least part of the week. We've got plenty of room, as long as you don't mind using a sleeping bag, and it's okay with my folks, they won't mind, and--" He seemed to realize he was running on, and took a quick breath. "Would you like to come, Lissa?"

Wow. She'd been hoping Rich would stick around for a day or two so they could get some time together; this was far better than Melissa had hoped for. On the other hand, a family outing might not have much privacy... What the heck; at least they'd be together. Oops! It looked like Rich was holding his breath.

"I'd love to, Rich; thank you." Melissa smiled as she replied, knowing she was going to see that stupid-looking grin again.

"Really? Perfect! It's gonna be a great week, I know it!" For a few moments he wore a full-fledged smile, then it faded to the expression she knew so well. But she could still see the smile in his eyes.

Maybe it wasn't such a silly expression after all. Melissa laughed, surprising him. "I don't suppose you could take me now, before the physics test?"

Chapter 20

Melissa gazed out at the pine forest. Towering behind the trees, mountains stretched like a giant wall running as far as she could see to the east and west. Then it was hidden from view again as the dirt road cut around the side of another hill. It was all very different from Sullivan College's desert environs or Minnesota. She glanced speculatively at Rich, who was preoccupied with keeping the pickup away from the worst of the numerous potholes in the road.

His parents had picked them up from Sullivan on Friday night and they'd all returned to the Nelson's home on the east side of the metropolitan area. She'd hit it off well with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and had felt quite comfortable by the time she was shown into the spare bedroom.

That morning they'd gathered around the kitchen table to discuss "the change in plans" over a late breakfast. Apparently something had come up and Rich's parents couldn't get free until the middle of the week. Mrs. Nelson had then suggested that instead of losing a few days in the valley, Rich and Melissa could go up immediately with the truck and supplies, and the others would follow on Thursday. The brunette tried to avoid appearing too eager when Rich looked to her for approval before agreeing.

Now, several hours later, she and Rich were almost there. They turned off the main road to follow an even narrower track over a small bridge and through a few more twists. The A-frame was nestled between some pines and a huge sycamore; when they got out of the truck, Melissa could see some apple trees behind the house and heard a small creek somewhere nearby.

"It's beautiful, Rich! Did you really build it yourselves?" she asked. She shrugged into a light sweater as she listened to the reply; they'd warned her it was about 20 degrees cooler than in the city.

"Yup. With a little extra slave labor. In fact," Rich warned, "you're probably gonna get drafted this week. Judging by the cement in the truck, Dad's gonna put in the footings for the porch extension."

"I think I could survive that," the coed admitted. "So, show me around! I want to see everything!" And that especially includes you, Mr. Richard Nelson, she added mentally. Porches could wait for later.


It started after dinner. They'd grilled steaks and baked potatoes, and argued good-naturedly about how to cook the meat. There had been a box of cookies among the groceries for dessert. After they'd cleaned up the few utensils involved, Rich had insisted they go for a walk.

"It's a tradition. We always go on walks after dinner. Besides, if 'Minuet' can't go adventuring tonight, you'll have to fill in for her."

The walk had taken them perhaps a mile around the small cluster of cabins, with Rich pointing out landmarks or other oddities along the way. Melissa enjoyed the smell of the clean, crisp air and watched the sky turn rose and then a deepening blue behind the silhouettes of the trees.

When they reached the small bridge they'd crossed on the way in, she leaned on the railing, looking downstream, and let the music of the water relax her. She was surprised to feel Rich's breath on the back of her neck; she hadn't heard him approach. The skin on her arms prickled.

"Do you like it here?" he asked softly, almost whispering.

"It's beautiful." More words would have spoiled it.

Rich surprised her again. "You're beautiful, Melissa."

She reached behind her, finding his hands with her own, and pulled them around her until she was enfolded in his embrace. The initial resistance left his arms after a brief hesitation, and Rich tightened his grip on her. Now Melissa could feel his excitement through the two layers of denim separating them; her own body was responding as well.

A moment later she was turning to face him and they kissed. It was a chaste kiss, a bare touching of their lips, such as she'd been accustomed to bestowing on relatives. But it left her as breathless as a hard sprint, and the liplock that followed gave her no chance to gasp for air. Certainly it was different than anything she'd shared before, except perhaps with Jacqui.

The pair broke away from each other, trying to regain their balance, after they reeled into the bridge railing. Rich was staring at her, wide-eyed; Melissa was sure her expression was much the same. She debated taking him here, now... but she wanted something more than just raw sex this time.

"Let's go home, Rich. I want to go to bed."

His mouth opened, and it seemed she could see his face lose much of its color. "Melissa! I-I didn't--"

That idiot, she thought. Is he blind? "I am not planning to sleep in it alone." Suddenly, the coed giggled. "Actually, I'm not sure I'm planning to sleep at all!"

He moved forward and before she realized what Rich intended, he had scooped her up and twirled in a dizzying circle. Several times. Melissa wasn't sure if her exclamation was surprise, fright, exhilaration, or a little of all three, but Rich silenced it with another kiss. Luckily he continued to support her, because she wasn't sure she could support her own weight.


An indeterminate time later, Melissa found herself facing Rich across the bed in the master bedroom. She'd visualized herself gracefully shedding her clothing while locking a sultry gaze on him, but her jeans had other plans. After teetering off-balance, snared by one ankle, the brunette fell face-down on the bed.

She should have stuck with a skirt, Melissa berated herself. She heard Rich back a laugh, then he pulled the offending garment clear and bounced onto the bed beside her.

"I love it when you act sexy," he teased.

She sniggered. Helplessly, they both began laughing. A moment later, breathless again, Melissa rolled sideways to find Rich studying her intently. "Rich? Is anything wrong? You aren't a...?" Her voice trailed off uncertainly.

He managed a sheepish grin, just the barest quirk of his lips. "No... It's just that I'm sure you have a lot more, ah, practical experience than I do." More nervously, he continued, "I guess I'm afraid I might not measure up."

"You already measure up, Rich! You're probably the only person on campus besides Pam who has any appreciation for me as anything more than a super-deluxe sex doll. I'm tired of being the 'Sullivan Slut!'" She reached far enough to grip his forearm. "I heard you tell Ed and the others you weren't interested in The Slut" -- he twitched but remained silent -- "but I know you're interested in me, Lissa. We've shared so many other things, Rich, I want to share this with you too."

"And don't worry about experience." She smiled, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "I'm sure you're a good student. We can study together." Decisively, Melissa reached for his fly. "But these clothes have got to go!"

Soon they were both completely naked. As she'd expected, Rich's cock was quivering, as hard as her own aching nipples. He ran a hand softly up her thigh, just missing her drooling slit. "You really are bare! God, I thought I was hallucinating. Lissa, you're beautiful!"

She realized he was referring to the morning they'd first met in the bathroom. "You look quite delicious yourself, if you don't mind my saying so."

The brunette took him in her mouth, delighting in the taste of the pre-cum that coated the head of his organ. Within seconds Rich moaned and jetted copiously, clutching her to him. Melissa swallowed rapidly, just managing to keep up with him, and savored the salty treat as his orgasm ended.

She looked up at him, worried her lover might be upset at coming so quickly, but Rich appeared to be taking matters in stride. Her fears were unfounded. Rich caught his breath, and melted her insides with a new, heated version of his usual grin.

"Wow! Okay, Lissa, my turn. I've wanted to taste you for the longest time..."

It seemed to take him the longest time, too, she decided as she squirmed helplessly atop the bed. His kisses, licking and soft stroking meandered across her heated body for an eternity before, seemingly by chance, he drifted to her creaming hole. Melissa gasped sharply at the contact with her swollen clit but Rich's tongue had already moved on.

"Rich!" she panted between breaths, "I thought... you said... you didn't... have much... experience!... Oh God... don't stop!"

His head lifted, and she could see the usual impish smile had returned. "I said 'practical experience.' I have conducted an extensive literature survey, however. I take it my efforts meet with your approval?" A probing finger took the air from her lungs before she reply, and he returned to his task.

When it felt like every muscle in her body was drawn taut, Melissa grabbed desperately and pulled Rich's face firmly into her crotch. His tongue began probing her vigorously, and she peaked in a prolonged climax that had her crying out and bucking wildly.

The initial frenzy was satisfied, but Melissa could feel the penetrating heat of deep arousal warming her entire body. She remembered to open her eyes, and found Rich had edged up beside her. She doubted the wetness glistening on his face came from the sweat covering her limbs.

Without speaking a word, his mouth covered hers and Melissa felt his again-rigid phallus pressing against her. There was a moment of uncertainty before she guided him into her slippery depths, and then they were pressed tightly together along the entire length of their bodies. Wanting more, she pressed her pubis upward, then relaxed. In response, Rich began a slow thrusting motion.

Melissa wallowed in the delightful ecstasy of their act, knowing they were building to another peak but wanting the moment to last. She ran her hands along Rich's back, feeling the play of his muscles under the skin as he pumped into her, and collected her scattered wits.

"'Literature survey,' my ass! I thought you boys never looked at anything besides the pictures!"

"Untrue! Why, some of my favorite books don't have any pictures in them at all. How would you know what boys look at, anyway?"

"Spying on my brothers. Ouch!" Rich had tweaked a nipple unexpectedly. "What was that for?"

He smirked. "Spying. It's a nasty habit. I also seem to recall you mentioning you'd been listening to me..."

Holding her close, Rich rolled until Melissa was atop him, then directed his attention to her breasts, working them in his hands and pinching the stiffened tips of her nipples. Reflexively Melissa started riding herself up and down his jutting cock, picking up the pace.

"Aaaah," she sighed, feeling her wetness soaking the junction between their bodies. "God, Rich, yes, don't quit now!" Melissa bore down hard upon the hardened flesh that impaled her, as if seeking to push all of him inside her glistening folds. Then, recollecting the previous semester's lessons, she began exerting her abdominal muscles and it was Rich's turn to gasp with unexpected pleasure.

"Lissa! Jeez... Oh..." He pulled her against him once again. "Uh... Yesssss... Oh!... Oh! Oh, God!"

Rich shuddered in her arms, mouthing unrecognizable exclamations. Melissa felt him spurting inside her, his trembling cock pumping jets of warm semen into her equally heated pussy. Hugely aroused, she loosed the reins of her self-control and slid into a climax no less powerful than her partner's.


Melissa hadn't realized she'd closed her eyes until he kissed her, some time later, and she opened them again. Rich twisted a hand in to brush a strand of her sweaty hair from his face, which creased into his usual grin. She felt an answering expression form on her own face.

"I feel like I've been mauled," he sighed. "It seems rumors of certain other of your nasty habits have some basis in truth."

Melissa stuck out her tongue and blew him a soft raspberry. "Don't believe everything you hear." Although, she mused, gossip was likely to run a poor second to reality in her case.

"Oh, I don't." Rich rolled her gently to one side, adding, "I expect a significant amount of 'research' will be required to confirm or deny them." His fingers teased her jawline, then traced softly to the locket and down nearly to her breast before she captured his hand in hers. "Will you assist me?" he queried earnestly.

She leaned closer for a soft kiss. "Just try and stop me, Rich!"

"Hmmm, I fight I'd love to lose..." His grin widened and Melissa mentally braced herself. "Speaking of bad habits, what do you think about using a hash table instead of a b-tree for next week's parsing problem?"

"Rich!" The coed thought briefly of bashing him with a pillow, but it seemed like too much work. In a sense, she was pleased; Melissa knew he meant the question seriously, despite the context, and this sort of intellectual banter was one of the things that had attracted her in the first place.

But still... "Screw programming! This is supposed to be something special. Don't you have any respect for this moment?" She tried a glare, but couldn't hold it in the face of his quirky grin and the tenderness in his eyes.

"I'd rather be screwing you, Lissa, but I'm afraid I'm pooped out at the moment. And I'll always remember you falling out of your jeans." Rich squeezed her hand to reinforce his next statement. "Seriously, I could never forget this evening, Lissa, and I'll always treasure you. But I prefer to look forward to the many experiences I know we'll have in the future rather than what lies in the past."

Touched, Melissa eagerly moved into his embrace for another lingering kiss. This one, fueled by emotion greater than affection but no longer lust, lasted for an eternity. Melissa broke it with an unvocalized sigh, lips still parted, when she realized Rich had drifted to sleep. Men! It was clear the future would not start until the next morning, she reflected.

She rolled away enough to the lamp beside the bed, then snuggled close against Rich's warmth. It seemed like a lifetime since she'd last been able to fall asleep in another's comforting presence. Melissa hugged Rich closer; she'd missed this so much!

Rich had been right, she realized. She was looking forward to nights spent spooned comfortably against him, and days when they could work and play together. Melissa's final decision crystallized just as she was drifting off. She would share a few of her "bad habits" -- this time on her own terms.

The smile was still on her face when Rich woke the following morning.

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