A Quiet Friday – Her Story (Part 3)

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I awakened to the aroma of a fresh pot of coffee and took a few moments under the cozy covers to gather my wits. My clit was a little tender from the workout it had just gotten. I hadn’t imagined my ‘day of seduction’ would start like this. But so far, I had learned what to expect from an experienced man. I’d never be satisfied with the fumbling fingers of a novice again. Now, I was eager to learn how to make love.

Robert was on the porch. I threw on my panties, robe and slippers and dashed to the bathroom to pee and clean myself up. When done, I decided not to wear panties, instead tucking them in the pocket of my robe. Then I poured myself a cup of coffee before going out to the porch, where I sat down, hiding behind my long-dark hair and waiting for him to say something.

He asked gently, “Is everything OK?”

I replied, “Yeah. Fine... Just not what I expected.”

“Sue, I'm sorry.” His voice was full of remorse, “I promised not to look and not to touch. I broke both promises and I'm really sorry.”

"No. No. I didn’t mean it that way. I meant I didn’t expect to come like that – all wild and crazy. Did I scare you?” I looked over at him and our eyes met for a long moment.

He smiled, “No. I’m glad you’re not shy. Was it half-as-good as it seemed?”

“Ummm. First time I didn’t do it myself. You made me feel … I mean it was … ” I stopped unsure how much I wanted to say.

“I know. I saw you. I almost came in my pants just watching.”

I couldn’t help smiling, savoring the thought of making him come without even needing to touch him. It made me feel sexy and confident. I sipped my coffee looking out at the beautiful day, gathering my courage to take him back into the bedroom.

Finally, I took a deep breath, “Well. Are you ready?”

He looked surprised.

I added, "We had a deal, didn't we?"

He fumbled, “Yes … Yes, of course.”

“Not gonna chicken out on me, are you?”

I stood, offered my hand and led him to the door. He seemed reluctant. Once inside, I locked the door behind us, then led him into my bedroom, where he stood, looking nervous.

I sat on the rocking chair and casually gestured toward the bed, “Go ahead. Let’s get started.”

He folded down the top sheet, then sat on the edge of the bed. His nervousness made me feel even more confident. So I added,

“I thought after watching me, you’d be eager to go… maybe even crawl in bed with me. You didn’t go jerk-off somewhere, did you?"

“No. No. I didn’t. Honest!”

“Good. Then you should be ready to deliver. Yeah?”

“It’s just that I’ve never done this before, not even for your sister."

I interjected impatiently, “Sure you have! You told me yourself. You shot your load for a bunch of giggly girls when you were twelve.”

He moved on, “You know, it gets a little messy."

"No ding!? I parried, “Let me guess. You’re gonna deliver some baby-juice for me! ”

“We don’t want Barb to find stains on the sheets.”

I countered, “Maybe you should use a condom.”

“Let’s just get a towel."

"OK. Where are they?"

“Hall closet across from the bathroom."

When I returned, he stood and I spread the towel on the bed.

“Enough excuses. Let’s get started.” I waited, “Well, you gonna get undressed?”

He hesitated.

“Look. Why not be honest? It’ll make this a whole lot easier.” I paused, “I know you’re nervous. I get it! If you really don’t wanna do it, we’ll go back outside and forget the whole thing. OK?”

He protested, “No! That wouldn’t be fair.”

“Right!” I said sharply. “So, let’s get down to business or are you too embarrassed to let me see that you don’t have an erection?”

He froze – a deer in the headlights.

I went on, “Well. Now that we both know, let’s pull down your jammies and get a look at you.”

I squatted to slip my hands under his tee-shirt. Touching his bare skin excited me. I noticed a musky scent as I dipped my fingers inside the waistband of his PJs and slipped them down. They fell around his ankles. I slowly ran my fingers up over the bulge in the front of his briefs, hooked my fingers on the elastic waistband carefully lifting it clear of his semi-flaccid penis. Once I slid them down to his knees, I couldn’t help staring. This was the first time I had actually seen a man’s sexual apparatus and my sister’s strong scent mingled with his semen was getting me aroused.

He asked, "Haven’t you seen one before?”

“No. Can I touch it?”

“Go ahead. It won’t bite.”

He took my hand and guided me. It was warm and soft; bigger and heavier than I expected. Touching him sent a shiver through my body. He formed my hand around it, guiding thumb and forefinger into a circle and coaxing me to make little strokes.

“There. That’s it! That’s how I masturbate.”

His penis was getting larger. The smooth tip fascinated me, so I ran my finger-tips around the place where it flared before joining the shaft. Robert’s erection grew stiffer.

He said, “My glans is super sensitive, just like your clit.”

I couldn’t resist caressing it and watching him grow.

“Feel good?”


Soon, the skin along his shaft was stretched taught, his erection only inches from my lips. Kathy sucked her boyfriend and I wondered whether he expected the same. But, I wasn’t ready for that. So, I patted the bed,

“C’mon. Sit down. Let’s make you feel good.”

He sat, then laid back on the bed. I slipped off his briefs. He spread his legs. Sitting beside him, I began to gently stroke.

“Is this the way you do it?”


I kept stroking and he seemed to be getting more and more excited. So, I was surprised when he stopped me.

“That’s good, Sue. But let me finish. OK?”

What?! I was crestfallen, certain I had done something terribly wrong. In fact, he was just too self-conscious to let me finish. But I didn’t know that then. In time, I’d learn how to put men at ease and read the subtle cues needed to finish them off. For now, I could only watch.

He centered himself on the towel, spread his legs, closed his eyes, and started stroking. I stayed seated on the edge of the bed, watching and waiting.

"Thinking ’bout my sister?"


"I heard you two last night."

"It’s hard to make love without making noise."

“Didn’t you know I’d hear you?”

"No. We thought you were asleep."

"I should stop my chattering, shouldn't I?"

He answered sarcastically, “Only if ya wanna watch me come.”

I shut up for what seemed like a long time. Finally, I couldn’t help asking,

“Does it usually take this long?”

He stopped. “No. I’m having trouble.”

I reclined beside him and turned his face toward mine. “Robert, you helped me, now let me help you. I wanna use my mouth. OK?”

“No, Sue...Don’t do that. Barb tried and didn’t like it. I’ll get there, just be patient.” He paused, “But, one thing. Would you cover me when I come. I don’t wanna make a mess.”

He showed me how to cup my hand over his penis with finger tips lightly touching his glans.

I agreed, then added. “I have a little present for you.”

I took my panties from my pocket and wiped them between my legs, soaking up my hormone-scented wetness. Then, I folded them into a square slightly larger than my palm and held them close enough to watch him begin to respond to my scent.

“Trust me?”

He nodded.

“Good. This will help you get in the mood.”

I held my panties firmly over his mouth and nose, just as Kathy told me she did for her boyfriend.

“Take a deep breath.”

He inhaled, held it and then exhaled.


His body quivered as took another deep breath, slowly closing his eyes and giving in. Kathy said my hormones would work quickly.

He sighed, “Oh, Susan...”

I interrupted, “Again.”

He started masturbating again, more slowly this time. In a few minutes, his rhythm developed into long slow strokes.

I whispered, “Working. Isn’t it.”



His pace had gradually quickened. Kathy advised taking my panties away from his face to let him reset himself.

I asked, “Still fantasizing about Barb?”

He kept pumping, too far gone to answer. I gave him as seductive a kiss as I knew how.

“No... I didn’t think so.”

I set my panties back on his face and he drew a deep breath.

“That’s it. Just a little more. Let it take you to the finish line.”

His body language told me he was feeling the full effect. As his breathing got heavier and faster, he began moving his hips and making delicious little noises.

“Oh, Susan. I’m getting close. Cover me.”

He tensed when my finger tips touched him. His indecipherable vocalizations grew louder. Among them, my name. Soon, his legs stiffened and began to tremble. He thrust his pelvis forward. His moment was at hand.

He grunted, “Oh, God! I’m coming!”

His whole body convulsed as he shot his first load.


I watched him ejaculate, and felt the strong jet of warm, sticky semen hit my palm. Then he unleashed his second load, and a third and a fourth. They came like the ticks of a clock. Each time, his body recoiled and more warm semen filled my hand. His clock-like spasms continued, until the sperm-laden liquid just dribbled out, running down onto his fingers. As his orgasm faded, he relaxed his grip. His body went limp. He was finished.

I took the panties from his face, wiped my hand and held them first to my nose, then to his.

“My scent and yours. Together. Nice don’t you think?”

He responded dreamily, “Ummmmm. Nice.”

He rolled on his side and drew up his legs. I kissed his shoulder and tucked him in, pleased with myself. The morning hadn’t been anything like I’d imagined, but in retrospect it seemed perfect. I had learned what to expect from any boyfriend worth having. And, I was beginning to learn how to please a man.

When he drifted off, I left my panties on the pillow.

In his bedroom, I found what I needed. A box of Trojan-Enz and another of Kimono Micro-Thins, both titillatingly new to me. I counted, two Kimonos, and eight Trojans. We’d only need one or two. But, which brand? I took both boxes to the porch and stashed them out of sight.

Again on the porch, sitting and waiting with a warm cup of coffee, I day-dreamed about making love with him. More than anything, I longed for his touch. Eager to get started, I left my coffee on the table, tiptoed back into the bedroom, disrobed and slipped under the covers behind him. What might have been a mistake earlier, now felt totally right. I dd my arm over him, being careful not to wake him, and for the first time experienced the thrill of his naked body against mine – a moment, more than any other, I’ll never forget.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000