Pleasure Island: The Bikini Chapter 10

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Chapter 10. Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates Planning and Plotting

"Let's claim my first treasure ship." There is no hesitation for Wendy.

"Yes, Captain. We will set a course for the primary shipping routes at once. The treasure ships are heavily armed and sometimes escorted by other vessels. It may get dangerous. It will be tomorrow morning before we are in position. Is there anything that you require tonight?"

"Send in a bottle of rum for now. My wench and I need to speak." With a nod Sully was gone. She looks at you. "So if we fail, then you and I are stuck here." She let out a long breathe as she slumped into a chair.

"Yeah, I kinda caught that too. What do you want to do?"

"A city is almost impossible to take, merchant ships usually would be carrying rum and I didn't know if that would qualify as successful to get us out safe. So, I chose the most sure of ways."

"Maybe we should get to know the crew or at least the officers by morning. At least that way hopefully we can effect the outcome and make it out of this whole."

"What do you think, dinner and drinks?" She asks sarcastically.

"Uh, actually yeah. We could go out with the crew and be in their way, not learn how to sail to help out with that, and piss everyone off. Or, we talk over a meal, learn strengths, learn weaknesses, derive some sort of pirate strategy, and share a couple bottles of rum."

"Ok, I understand now. Shit maybe you should have been Captain. Well on the other hand, I guess that the Captain should have the largest swinging dick though. Oh, when I came out of the tent I guess that the Captain Gods thought I should have a swinging dick because my cock cage is gone." She lifts her skirt to show you and then guides your hand to it. "You're going to finish what you started in the restaurant."

Sully reentered the room and set the bottle on the table. Wendy's back was to the door so Sully couldn't see your hand on Wendy's cock. "Sully, have a fine dinner made up for this evening for the whole crew. We'll dine with the officers in here this evening."

"Very wise Captain. It shall be at 6th bell." He turned and exited.

As soon as the door shut you began stroking her in earnest. You pulled her close and began sucking on her ear. She has the largest heavy gold earrings in. I guess that pirates did keep their wealth on them and what better way for a pirate queen to carry hers than in earrings. You gently rub against her lobe as you tug against the extensive length between her legs. She's at five inches and still growing.

You pull her in for a deep kiss. Wendy is passionate and aggressive. She pulls back from you. "You'd better either start sucking or fucking, Wench."

"Oh, we are going to fuck tonight on deck."

"I guess that means that we know what you're doing now then." She kisses you again before pushing you to your knees. A quick thought passed that if you're going to spend this much time on your knees that you're going to require knee pads soon. Either way, you pull her skirt up to reveal her half erect dick at eye level.

You take it in your mouth and within a moment she is a hard as a rock. You deep throat her from the get go and relish the feeling of her in your throat. You grasp her ass and pull her hips into you her to face fuck you. Once she takes over the motion you begin running a finger of one hand over her ass hole caressing the outside. You use the other hand's fingers to push inside of her pussy. In no time you're rewarded with rope after rope of thick cum down your throat and her pussy jetting cum down your forearm. You clean every bit of cum from her cock and pussy with your mouth. Got to keep the Captain clean and all. Other than some anal play before your change you'd never had any real homosexual thoughts. Now though, you can't get enough of her cock in you and couldn't drink enough cum. A small light bulb goes off on the spouse's contract.

"Did you write into the contract that I'd love cum?"

"Hmm? Oh, uh no I didn't. I think that the cum loving is all you." She stares slightly dreaming into your eyes. "I did make one change that may effect you on that regards though." A sheepish smile crosses her face. "You did saw the part about changing a person into an animal right?"

You nod slowly a bit scared. "Well, it would have been fun to experiment with a great big horse cock for a night or two, but I found something even more interesting. Do you know what a Succubus is?"

"A vampire, but takes life from sex instead of ?" You're shocked, but it kind of makes sense with how much you've been craving it all lately.

"Yes and no. A Succubus gains life energy and strength from sexual acts. It doesn't take from any of your partners, or at least much. I only put that level to 30% of a change to your DNA, so you don't have to live off of sex, but the sex makes you stronger. Actually from the contract info it said that at 40% if you had sex 3 times a day that you wouldn't even have to sleep anymore with the strength gained."

"Counting this morning, I've already had some form of sex 3 times today." You mentally roll this into around in your mind. "What other changes happen with a Succubus?"

"Basically the only other change is that when your horney or need sexual energy others around you have their inhibitions lowered so that they are more apt to get down to the deed that you need. I figured why not make you a bit stronger when all that I'm ever going to want to do is fuck you anyway. I mean we both win."

It's a bit hard to fight that logic. And you did love everything that she was giving you and the feeling afterward, well you did feel a bit more powerful.

You both spend a couple of hours looking over maps and reading a bit about about attacking other ships from the Captain's Log Book that has been filled out by previous Captain's of the ship. Your startled to find that many attacks were lost and the Captain that had signed on were then made crewmen for Captains after them.

Basically, we either win and head back to the island or we become indentured to the island serving on the ship. Some served for several years before being released. This is a bit more serious than originally thought.

You decide to meet with Sully just before the dinner with the officers to get more information. He tells you that he was a guest of the island 4 years ago when he decided to Captain this ship. He lost and was now stuck here. Two more victories and all but three of the crew would be released.

You ask the obvious question if how best to ensure that you win. His answer was to take on a merchant ship, but your already decided on a treasure ship so there was no changing the plan. You'd already made the choice, so a conscious change of plans wasn't allowed. There was the small chance of happening upon a merchant the next day instead of a treasure ship, but that was unlikely.

The best course was to get everyone excited and motivate them the best you could do that they'd go all out tomorrow. "Everyone wants to win as it gets them closer to being released, but they can still be injured. If you are cut with a saber is real and you'll have to heal. If you're delivered a death blow then you'll basically stay on the boarder of death for some time until you slowly heal. Either way, the pain, the infections, it's all very real."

You and Wendy now understand his far in trouble you actually are. "How can we best motivate everyone?" you ask almost afraid that there is nothing that you can do.

"As I said, most of us are almost free, so we are motivated. A little liquid courage, good sleep, dreams of home, and and happy thoughts are about the most that can be done."

Wendy speaks up then, "So the dinner and rum isn't a terrible idea then?" Sully shakes his head in agreement. "How many people do we have onboard?"

"Sixty three. Fifty five men and eight women. Some of the men wouldn't mind having two more women until their time runs up. It's not like they get to go to the island for more intimate interactions while they're here. And it may be four or five months before a new Captain comes along to give them a chance at another victory."

"Ah hell, so they are horney and need more female crew to bang?"

"Pretty much. And you two are very lovely to look at," Sully stated matter of factly.

You jump in with a quick thought. "So guys want somewhere to stick their dicks and two more victories. What would happen if we took two victories tomorrow?"

"Only one Captain has tried that before. They managed the first, but lost the second."

"But would that give the two victories required to set free everyone?" you push.

"For sure all of us that only require two more and it should help even the others out as two in one day is such a feat that it should count as extra. Be weary though, if you lose the second then you will still be indentured the same. And if you say that we will win two in a day and you call off the second, you'll likely have a mutiny and lose like that."

You both look at each other and the choice is made. "We will make the announcement shortly that this is what we're going to do."

"And there will be drinks afterward. And a nice dinner for everyone," you add on.

Shortly after several of the officers began to come in for the dinner. There were 6 not counting Sully. Rosa was the most striking with short green hair dark red lips pierced with a small gold ring. Gregory was a 6 foot viking with blonde hair to his shoulder blades. Kemorea was an Island Pacific man at about 5'5". Victor was a gothic pirate of there was such a thing dark hair laid back and all dark dress. Torres was a Hispanic man that topped out at 5'3" shaved head and thick eye brows. And then there was Lucinda, a small blonde haired lady at 20 or so who looked like she wanted to blend into the background afraid to be seen. It was odd that she was an officer as it looked like she would hardly be able to lead anyone with a timid as she was.

"Please sit," Wendy gestured to the table. Each took a chair with three on each side, Wendy and Sully taking opposite ends of the table. That's when you realized that there was no seat for you, so you stood beside Wendy. "We have spoken to Sully and now understand the rules of engagement for our battle tomorrow. We understand that we must be victorious or we will be made a part of the ship. We also understand that most of the crew are only two battles away from earning your freedom."

She took time to look each of them in the eye. "We have decided that tomorrow we will ensure each of your freedom by assuring two victories." This bright a decent bit of murmurs from the officers. "We are already committed to taking a treasure ship and after that we plan on finding a merchant ship as well. We understand that the merchants will be the easiest to take. Does anyone have objections or insight to provide?"

"It's never been done before." Lucinda said softly. "Nobody has been able to complete two victories in a row. At least none I've seen." Several nods and agreements from her fellow officers. "Why do you think you can?"

"We know that, " you started but were quickly cut off by Kemorea.

"The consort has no seat at the table and therefore has no say in the proceedings of a Captain's Mass. You would be better served pouring rum or servicing the officers herein as you do not share our fate. Should we fail tomorrow," he gestured around the table, "then we all suffer, but you will return to the island. The Captain becomes one of us, but you do not have to share her fate."

Your a bit pissed at being talked down to, but also surprised by this news. "Julia is my partner, not consort. Except when decide to have that fun. She has every right to speak."

"Captain, I beg your pardon, but she actually does not. Not during Mass. When we've finished and move to a dinner setting, then by all means, but for now during Mass only the Captain and Officers have voice in the matter. It is one of the rules of Mass." Sully was calm and not condescending, but simply spoke factly.

You lay a hand on Wendy's shoulder to show that it's alright. "Not happy about that, but as Julia was going to say, if we have everyone in high spirits, highly motivated, then we can pull this off. We have the weapons, we have a strong crew, we have all that we need. What can we do to motivate the entire crew?"

There are more mutterings. "Speak up, nothing is of the table."

"What can we get under the table?" This comment was from Torres as he and Rosa shared a laugh.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked. You had a sneaky suspicion of what it meant.

"There are eight ladies on board, two are officers and can't fraternize with the rest of the men, two more are gay, and Sally has warded off all sex since her consort was sent back to the island when she failed as Captain. That leaves three ladies with over fifty men. If half of them had half a chance to make one or both of you crewmen and had a shot at getting laid, they'd set down their arms tomorrow morning."

"So, once again they're horney. They can get laid after we win two battles tomorrow."

It was Rosa's turn, "Captain, we've seen many promise victory. The truth is that someone will win tomorrow and someone will lose. We only required fifteen victories from the start of our time. I've been in forty three aboard several ships. Most of the crew didn't believe that you'll have one tomorrow let alone two. The promise of sex being possible tomorrow versus taking matters into their own hands to give them a shot at sex with you as crew is something that they are weighing out." She spoke earnestly.

"Most of us have seen years on board ships for some time. Some of us will be fighting crewmen that we've served with aboard other ships and some may even see their lovers tomorrow on another ship. Hell, I've even seen a mutiny before a battle just so that a couple of the guys could fuck the new Captain. Everyone came to Pleasure Island to get their freak on. Everyone that has come to the island is a sexual deviant of some sort." Rosa explained.

"So what, we give up because they can't have sex? If you can't fraternize, then I'm sure that I can't."

"Captain, you can't." Gregory looked your way. "But a consort has no restrictions." Everyone agreed with nods at once.

"What the fuck?" you say. Everyone looks more stern and you fermenter that you can't talk.

"You want Julia to fuck fifty five guys? And you think that I'm down with whoring her out?"

"There are fifty five men, four are gay, and five are in this room. Besides a couple would be happy just to watch." Your head is reeling enough that you're not even sure who said it.

That would be a lot of dick. Most actual, professional, get paid for it, whores don't fuck that much in one day. It's physically impossible. Yet your nipples are rock hard.

"So give my girl over to what forty horney dudes and we win. That simple?" More nods and agreements. Another light bulb. You lean in just to talk into Wendy's ear.

"Ask since in the air that can't talk and won't share your fate if I can fight tomorrow."

"What difference does that make?"

"You made me a Succubus. How strong would I be in a fight after something like that? And all of the rest would have their motivation."

"Holy shit! And you'd be willing to do something like that?" You nod grimly. "Can Julia fight tomorrow for us?" Everyone looked at each other and there was a mutter of I don't know why not. "Julia was made part Succubus. She's not enough to take from a person, but does receive strength from sex."

Lots of murmurs now. Lucinda is shocked and unable to stop herself, "I made myself one as well. That's why I haven't fucked anyone in seven years. I'm 60%, so I do take from people. Julia could fuck everyone onboard, and then fuck me and share her power with me and we'd have two overpowered Succubi to fight for us tomorrow. Hell, she could fuck everyone, share with me and fuck everyone again."

"Whoa, now calm down. A Succubus only has to be in the area to gain strength. Why can't you do the same?"

"Oh I can, and every obey in a while I've had to, but then I end up taking from two people. If I followed her as she fucked everyone aboard then nobody would have the energy to sail let alone fight. But taking from a Succubus is different. It's more like sharing. Both get half of what the other has."

"Are you sure about this," Wendy asked Lucinda. If we adjourn Mass and let me and Julia have a room for a while we'll find out." She smiles at you.

"What else can we do to assure two wins tomorrow?" Wendy asks.

"Um, I hate to ask, but can we partake a well? I mean it's been a while for all of us except Rosa and Torres. Greedy fucks." Said Kemorea.

Wendy looks over at you. None of the the people on the ship were bad looking by any means. And it looked like you were going to be fucking a lot of guys tonight anyway. You nod your head in resignation. Just a well motivate the hell out of everyone. No need in admitting that your pussy is leading right now thinking about all of the sex that you're about to start having.

"Then we adjourn Mass and start the orgy." Wendy declares.

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