A Medieval Conspiracy: The Slow Seduction part 1

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Marshal Stefan Girard waited anxiously in his chambers as rain poured heavily outside.

Surely, this thunderstorm that had suddenly come over the palace had to be a bad omen, a warning to the proud Marshal to abandon his plans. And yet, the stubbornness of the veteran warrior was nearly as famous as he; having fought fiercely in the civil war and winning his position as Grand Marshal to the crown when the war was won last year, it was plain for all to see that Girard was a man who prized stability in the realm beyond all else.

And if he thought that this plan was the only way to save the kingdom from further shed, nothing could convince him to abandon it.

And just as Girard took a deep breath to steel his resolve, there came the knock on the door that he’d been expecting.

“Marshal,” the man at the doorway greeted with a timid croak when Girard answered the door. “My apologies for keeping you waiting. It was far more difficult to get here in the rain than I had expected.”

There were two cloaked figures there. Even through their disguise, he recognized the man, Oscar Delgado, and deduced it must’ve been his daughter beside him, Silvia Delgado.

Ignoring the man, Baron Delgado’s apologies, Girard quickly ushered them inside.

“You, girl.” Girard commanded, as soon as they were safe inside and away from spying eyes. They were short on time, and he didn’t want to waste any more. “Let me see you. Take off your cloak.”

Since he sent for the Delgados weeks ago, Girard had been anxious to learn whether or not the Delgado girl’s beauty was just as he’d heard. The realm was ripe with beautiful young girls, but only one of them had proven suitable for the Marshal’s desperate plan. To his relief, however, Girard found that the countless sleepless nights he had spent going through hundreds of potential candidates had not gone to waste, for when the girl took off her cloak she revealed a dashingly gorgeous young lady beneath, with flowing brown hair and attractive green eyes.

“Your honor, it has been a while since we last talked.” Oscar Delgado began speaking tentatively, interrupting Girard’s thoughts. “How fares the court in the absence of the King?”

“Less than a dozen people know of the issue.” Girard spoke plainly, hoping his underhanded warning would not go unnoticed. His dispute with the King was sensitive news, and word of it could not get out. “Those that know wisely choose to remain tight-lipped, for the sake of the realm, but more than few courtiers have begun to get curious. We are running out of time.”

He paused for a second to consider his own words, and for a second, it almost looked like Baron Delgado was actually going to say something intelligent for once as his brows furrowed into a frown.

“If I may be so bold as to wonder, your honor, then why not just let the boy do as he pleases? After all, he is our King.”

The powerfully built Marshal nearly exploded at that suggestion. “King or no king, he is still a boy, and ruled by boyish desires.” Girard spat venomously. “While I’m still alive, I will never allow any member of the royal family to disgrace themself by eloping with a lowly peasant! Never!”

Indeed, just talking about it made his boil. Crowned at the tender age of fourteen in the aftermath of civil war, the young king was wise beyond his years, but yet still ish and immature. Somehow, he had not managed to grasp the ramifications of declining marriage offers from the realm’s most powerful houses, and tried instead to marry a peasant girl.

That was something Girard could not allow, for such a move would have been sure to anger the lords and ladies of the realm, and throw the kingdom back into chaos. Unfortunately, any attempts at explaining this to the king was futile, for alas the foolish boy was a teenager, and in love. Nothing would stop him from having his way.

“How long has he been gone?” Oscar continued to ask, oblivious of the Marshal’s growing anger.

“About three months.” Girard shook his head, recalling how angry he had been the day he found out. “He took a retinue of Royal Guards loyal to him and boarded a ship with his peasant sweetheart, then fled to Obelisk Isle.”

“The small island off the shore of the mainland? Why would anyone want to go there?”

“Because there he knows he is safe. None of his regents and councilors can force him into marriage without letting the entire realm learn of this debacle while he is there.”

And if word ever got out that the young king had been strong-armed or manhandled out of his own marriage by his Marshal, the outrage from the lords and ladies of the realm would be just as bad. Girard knew this, and so did the boy king.

“That’s why he intends to stay there until he comes of age next year.” Girard muttered bitterly. “And by then, it will be far too late for us.”

“Hm,” Oscar seemed thoughtful. “This is indeed a dire situation. You have a plan, though, right?”

Girard sighed. Though he had made mention to the Baron of his dispute with the king, the Marshal was careful not to divulge very much else. Besides not trusting the incompetent man, additional details were not needed to convince Oscar to help him, for Baron Delgado was only a mere “minor” lord, and very far below the Marshal’s own station. If that was not guarantee enough that the man would consent to Girard’s plan, then his daughter’s interesting predicament was.

“About a month ago, I received terrible news from one of my sources...” Girard hesitated for a moment, but then decided that if they were going to be his co-conspirators, he might as well tell them everything. “The king has officially gotten married to the peasant girl.”

Oscar’s eyes widened. “What?”

“I know, I had not expected it either. Somehow, the boy had managed to convince the local village priest to perform the rites. Now, the two are officially wed as husband and wife in the eyes of the church.”

“But if it is done, then we are too late. That peasant girl is our queen now.”

“Not necessarily.”

Girard smirked triumphantly. He had always considered himself a formidable opponent in both the battlefield and in matters of courtly intrigue, and by hatching this scheme, the Marshal knew that no one could ever possibly question the sharpness of his wits.

“While the king has managed to outsmart us thus far, he still remains as much the lovestruck fool I have said he was.” Girard explained.

“The girl is barely on the cusp of adolescence and her teenage years, younger than his majesty.” The Marshal turned and began to pace around his room. “Under normal circumstances, most would say she was old enough for sexual activity, thus sealing their marriage. But the foolish boy loves her, and thinks she is still too young. He’s afraid of hurting her, and wants to wait.”

Girard felt his lips curl into a cunning smile and paused to turn to the two listening figures in his room.

“They haven’t consummated their marriage yet. And that means it could still be annulled by the church, given one of them chooses to seek annulment because of a... strong enough reason.”

Finally, it was time to turn his attention toward Silvia. The beautiful girl, unlike her father, seemed sharp, and had chosen to remain silent instead of running her mouth with questions thus far. The entire time they had been speaking Girard noticed her quietly listening and digesting everything they’d said carefully.

“That is where she comes in.” He motioned to the girl. “She will be the wedge that drives them apart.”

If Girard had learnt one thing in all his years, it was that the right woman, if used correctly, could bring down any man. That was why he had placed so much importance on selecting the right girl for this plot, and had spent so much precious time carefully considering each and every potential candidate.

The girl for this job had to be older than the king, but just a little older, in order to possess the womanly wiles and charms needed to arouse his interest, and yet still maintain the youthful innocence that a young teenager like the king would irresistibly be drawn to. In short, Girard needed a girl who was not only one of the fairest maidens in the realm, but also precociously gifted with ss in carnal pleasure. And none matched that description better than Silvia, exactly because of her unique predicament.

According to rumor, Sylvia had long lost her maidenhood by this point. A silver-tongued and quick witted bard had been boarding in her father’s estate for several days, and had charmed the girl enough to take her to bed. When discovered, Sylvia was firmly reprimanded and the bard banished from the household, but it was already too late. Sylvia, having been given the taste of a man, continued to constantly crave the sensation of a cock plunged deep inside of her, and became quite insatiable in her hunger for men. In the span of two years, she must’ve fucked half of her court, including her cousins and younger brother, before her father found out and confined her to her bedroom to hide his shame in abstinence.

That was, at least until Girard heard of the tale just a week ago and sent for them.

“I hope that she pleases you, your honor.” Oscar said, bowing deeply. Surely, he was eager to get rid of this stain against his family’s name quickly. Fortunately for the both of them, Girard was just as eager to take her off his hands.

“You can leave us now, Baron.” Girard said, eyes fixed on the young girl. “A ship will be waiting for you at the docks to take you back.”

Oscar, relieved at that, gave one more bow, and hurried away without even glancing at his daughter, closing the door behind him.

Now finally alone together, Girard took a step toward Sylvia, closing the distance between them.

“Now that it’s just us, darling,” Girard began to say. “I will admit that, while you are indeed stunning, I’ll have to make certain you truly are perfect for the part.”

Indeed, she was a fair young maiden. At seventeen, Sylvia was at the absolute prime of her youth. Physically her body was that of a woman’s, and yet she was still young enough to yet retain the sweet innocence of a teenager, which allowed her to still be a sight to behold in the simple and inconspicuous plain white skirt she wore.

“What are you saying?” Like all young maidens, Sylvia became nervous and giggly when alone with the six foot four Girard, who towered over most with a physique formidable enough that none could resist when he made advances toward them, old or young, married or not. As Girard stepped closer, she averted her eyes and he saw that her face was flushed and red.

“I think you know.”

And indeed she did. Without difficulty, the girl disrobed, pulling off her clothes until she was naked, and then looked back up at Girard with anxious excitement. The Marshal, meanwhile, was thoroughly impressed at the sight, and eyed her naked figure lustily.

In all the years that the experienced warrior has lived, Girard has been able to bed any woman he wanted, if he so desired. And yet, even though most maidens many would consider to be pretty now bored him, Girard could see that Sylvia was something different. The youthful innocence about her, combined with her aura of sultry, sexy confidence which undoubtedly stemmed from her precocious sexual prowess, made her probably the most desirable woman in the entire realm.

And Girard knew that he just had to have her.

Cupping his hands over her perfect breasts, Girard felt how smooth and supple the skin was and let his thumbs to run circles around her soft, perky nipples. This elicited a soft but audible moan of pleasure from Sylvia, and before long he could feel that her nipples were completely erect every time he ran his thumbs over them.

As Sylvia continued to moan in pleasure, Girard began to massage her entire breast with one hand and let the other hand roam, and the girl’s moaning became louder and more frequent as her body began to rock back and forth in rhythm with the Marshal’s teasing hands. By the time he had made it down to her crotch, Sylvia was literally dripping wet, with her juices making plopping noises as they dropped onto his chamber floor.

Having given her a small glimpse of what pleasures he was capable of giving her, Girard decided that the foreplay was over, and took her hands in his. Slowly guiding her hand down his heavily muscled body, he stared right into her beautiful green eyes and watched as her breathing quickened in anxious anticipation, until her hands finally reached his groin.


Sylvia’s eyes went wide the moment her hands bumped into the huge, stiff protrusion that jutted out of the Marshal’s pants. Instinctively, her practiced fingers curled around the girth of it through his tunic, marveling at his size. It was not an unusual reaction; Girard normally did have that effect with women, and unsurprisingly so. He was gifted with a cock in the likened as that of a stallion, and was more than eager to show it to this young girl.

Literally ripping off his shirt and pants, Girard allowed his naked body to stand there in the light of his chambers for a few moments, causing Sylvia’s jaw to nearly drop. The Marshal’s body was built like an ape; layers upon layers of muscle packed heavily into his thighs, chest and arms, and he was absolutely shredded from performing his fat-burning daily calisthenics. Already, the Delgado girl was nervously caressing his bulging abdominal muscles, and Girard could tell just how much she admired his brilliant physique.

Standing at attention right below her caressing was Girard’s rigid shaft, which twitched in its aching need for attention. Standing at a fully erect length of ten inches and with a girth of a little over six inches, Girard was confident that Sylvia had never had anyone even close to his size, which made sense because while the girl was obviously turned on by the Marshal, she seemed to be also quite nervous, as she tentatively reached toward the Marshal’s throbbing member. Unable to wait any longer, however, Girard impatiently grabbed the girl’s wrist.

Yelping in both surprise and perhaps fear, Sylvia was forcibly spun around by her wrists as the Marshal bent her over his bed. Her knees were now on the ground, and her torso was pressed up against his bed.

“Ah-Ohhhh...” The girl moaned as Girard roughly manhandled her. In this position, Sylvia had her rear stuck out into the air, which gave the Marshal very good access to her pussy.

“You love this, don't you?” Girard muttered, smiling devilishly as he took his cock and gently massaged the area around her exposed, and completely bald pussy with his throbbing tip. The girl only moaned even louder and began rocking her pussy back and forth.

She was extremely wet by now, and Girard could even see drops of her pussy juices running down the inside of her bare thigh. It seemed that she could not wait to take his massive cock any longer, and luckily for her, Girard could not wait to be plunged deep inside of her either.

Lining up his huge rod with her pussy, Girard put one hand on her lower back to steady the girl. The thrashing and writhing that would follow after his huge cock enters her tight, teenaged rosebud was inevitable, but from experience, Girard knew that it came only from a small mixture of pain and a large amount of pleasure.

Pressing the tip of his penis lightly against her entrance, Girard was at first slow and gentle as he felt her lips parting slightly to give way. As he continued to press forward, however, the resistance against his intruding cock began to build up, which caused the friction against her lips to increase.

“Yes, oh give me all of it, please!” Sylvia moaned even louder as pleasure rocked her body like the thunderbolts outside.

The young girl’s begging was more akin to that of a dirty whore than a noble girl, but this only served to excite the Marshal’s arousal even more. Doing just as she wished, the larger man pulled back slightly before pumping forward in one powerful thrust. His pelvis slapped hard against her fleshy buttocks as the entirety of his length slipped inside of her.


Just as Girard had predicted, Sylvia’s back arched and her body trembled as his cock entered her. Luckily, the experienced man already had his hand ready, and he held her in place as he began sliding his cock in and out of her tight rosebud, even as she began quivering under his hold.

“Oh yes, fuck me, fuck!”

Girard had picked up good speed, and was rhythmically pumping his entire cock in and out of her in quick strokes. Nevertheless, the smaller girl’s enthusiastic moaning never seemed to fade, and it had taken the man quite some time before he understood that the girl’s seemingly nonsensical screaming was actually her begging to be fucked harder. At that, the Marshal had no words. Truly, this little slut from House Delgado was an insatiable nymphomaniac.

Before long, Girard found himself actually panting and groaning too as he smashed his strong pelvis against her rear again and again at nearly blinding speed, which caused the girl’s body to spasm and shake uncontrollably several times while he gripped her wrists and body tightly under him. Girard knew that each time Sylvia did that, she had actually reached orgasm, and yet he, never once did pause to give the girl a reprieve after each of her climaxes. Instead, Girard only continued to fuck her more intensely, which always seemed to bring about her next orgasm even quicker.

Finally, after the girl had about a dozen of her orgasms, some of them even in immediate succession after one another, Girard too felt himself reaching his limit. Grunting and exerting himself like he hadn’t in years, Girard gripped the girl’s body tightly as his rod impaled her time and time again in strong, winding strokes, until he finally could not hold on any longer.


With a loud yell, Girard achieved the strongest orgasm he had in years, pumping load after load of his thick, virile semen inside of her. By the time he had completely emptied himself inside her, the Delgado girl had stopped screaming from his relentless final assault against her pussy, and was now softly whimpering in pleasure as the both of their panting filled the silent room.

Sliding his already softening cock out of the teenager, Girard watched as both his cum and her juices spilled out, joining the puddle of Sylvia’s sex juices on his chamber floor. It was not only the floor that was drenched in her juices, however. The Marshal quickly found out when the both of them, drained from their sexual activity, collapsed in an amorous embrace onto the bed, that his sheets too were absolutely soaked. Indeed, this girl was really something.

“Stay with me tonight.” Girard said, holding the young girl close to him. “Tomorrow, I’ll let you know more about what you will do. Then at night you will depart for the Obelisk Isle.”

Sylvia was purring softly, snuggling close into the older man’s muscled chest as she sensually rubbed his thickly built abdomen. Already, he could feel the mass between his legs stirring again.

“But tonight,” Girard breathed into her neck, cupping her breasts into his strong hands passionately. “Stay with me.”

Moaning at the feeling of her breasts being groped, Sylvia cooed and nodded an agreement.

And so, they spent the night together in the Marshal’s room. Sylvia alternated her time there between riding the Marshal’s thick cock and being plowed through on her back, screaming in pleasure into the silent night sky each time. Girard, meanwhile, ended up cumming in her at least half a dozen more times.


The sunset had long passed, and yet, the two lovebirds sitting on the sand of the shores of the Obelisk Isle had not noticed.

“Oh, Damien...” Ava moaned softly into the boy’s lips.

Both the young King Damien Brand and his Queen, Ava, were locked in a passionate kiss as they sat under the now dark night sky. During the entirety of their stay in the Obelisk Isle, the two lovers were always together. They ate together at mealtimes, shared walks together, studied together under an old tutor, and even when King Damien trained in arms in the courtyard, Ava was always there, looking on. And it was not just all for show; truly, they were inseparable.

During the civil war, when soldiers stormed the castle and ed his entire family, Damien had managed to barely flee into the woods. And it was there, at the boy’s lowest and most desperate hour did Ava find him. With his royal garbs torn and shredded, there was no way that the little girl could have possibly recognized the young prince then, but the distressed look on the boy’s face was reason enough for the empathetic peasant to quickly take him to hide. Only after she did bring him home to her mother did the older woman recognize the heir to the throne, and made the difficult choice to shelter the fugitive prince for three and a half years in a village of peasant farmers.

Breaking the kiss, Damien opened his eyes and gazed upon Ava’s face.

When she found him, she had only been a girl of eight, and he a boy of ten. And yet during their time together, living the simple life of a peasant farmer, a deep connection between the two ren had developed. If Damien claimed it was true love, an adult would cynically laugh and dismiss that, but the boy did not care what anyone had to say. If this feeling and care he had for Ava was not true love, then love did not exist.

“We should head back now.” Ava admitted regretfully. “We’ve been gone quite some time. Your guards will begin to worry that their King had become lost in the dark.”

“They will worry for you too.” Damien smiled kindly, his deep blue eyes seeming to twinkle in the moonlight. “Sir Lionel and his men are loyal to me. They worry as much for their Queen as they do for their King. But you’re right.”

Damien got up off the sand, sighing. Although it was not uncommon for them to escape away from the watchful gazes of their men since they had been joined officially as husband as wife, this time, they had been gone far too long.

“Come on. Let’s head back.”

Because the island was so small, it didn’t take long long before the two young lovers spotted the looming figure of a stone castle, the island’s only one, and the lights of the small fishing village that made up the population of the entire island.

“Good evening King Damien, Queen Ava.” Came the greetings as soon as they entered into the village. The peasants here all dropped what they were doing to face their new King and Queen with broad smiles when they passed, bowing deeply and greeting them happily. Because they mingled amongst the people freely and moved around the island without a smothering detachment of guards, both the young teenagers were well loved and respected by the common folk here.

“My King,” a familiar voice called when they finally reached the castle gates. “I was just about to begin looking for you.”

Damien spun around to see Sir Lionel, dressed in the regal uniform of the captain of the crown’s Royal Guards. He approached the two and bowed deeply to both the King and the Queen.

“Sir Lionel,” Damien greeted, smiling. “I was worried that you’d have already left.”

“Thankfully not.” Sir Lionel smiled back. “I already knew you wouldn’t be keeping track of time when together, so I guessed that you s would be out late.”

That was true. When Damien was with Ava, time just seemed to slip by. The days could feel like minutes, and moments without her could feel like years. Back when he was attending to court in the palace for the past year, Damien had been absolutely miserable because he rarely got to spend any time with Ava at all. That was all behind them now, though.

“I actually had something for you,” the Captain continued to say, producing a scroll from his pocket. “It’s a message, with Marshal Stefan Girard’s seal on it. Very likely, it was sent weeks ago, but the pigeon that carried it here must have been delayed by the strong winds that have been plaguing the Isle recently.”

“The Marshal?” Raising a brow, the boy took the scroll curiously, and quickly opened it to read its contents.

“Your majesty,” it read, “if this letter does end up finding you, I hope it finds you well. We have had our differences before, but as I sit here in the palace, I cannot help but think of you. Since I found you in that dirty village nearly two years ago, I have fought for you loyally and have always tried to be as much of a mentor to you as I possibly could in the place of your parents. Because of this, I still feel that it is my obligation to offer you congratulations on your marriage. I feel ashamed of myself that you must have had your ceremony in secret with no more than a handful of guards and lowly fishermen in attendance, and even more embarrassed that you must have received no gifts for this momentous occasion in your life.”

Looking back up at Sir Lionel questioningly, Damien frowned. This was very much unlike the proud man Girard was, and the boy king could not help but feel wary of it.

“Just keep reading.” Sir Lionel insisted.

“Even though I do not agree with it,” the scroll continued, “what is done is done, and as your fifteenth birthday is fast approaching, I have decided that I will send you a gift in honor of your nearing birthday in place of a wedding gift: half a dozen carefully selected handmaidens, for your bride. No proper Queen should ever do without companions to see to her daily needs, and I feel as though I have already unintentionally slighted you by depriving you of a proper wedding ceremony fit for a King, with an abundance of gifts and pomp, because of our disagreement. I am truly sorry it had to come to this, and if you do choose to reject this gift, I understand. But if not, please take this as a token of the beginning of what could be reconciliation between us both, for I have always thought of you as my own son. Yours truly, Marshal Stefan Girard.”

“Wow...” Damien was at a loss for words. “I don’t know what to say...”

“Your birthday,” Ava nudged Damien. “That’s in a month”

“That does confirm that this message had been sent a while ago.” Sir Lionel nodded, and looked to the Queen. “And if the Marshal’s estimates were accurate, this means that your new handmaidens will arrive tomorrow morning in time to help in the preparations for your birthday celebrations..”

“Handmaidens? Oh, I wouldn’t know what to do with them...” Ava seemed unsure. “I’ve never...”

“It’ll be quite alright,” the Captain reassured. “It won’t take long to get used to, and the Marshal was right. No Queen should ever have a lack of handmaidens by her side. They will be a fine addition to your retinue.” He looked to Damien. “Of course, only if your majesty would accept them?”

Damien was still in a shock, and couldn’t reply right away. Had Girard really sent that? The two had parted on rather bad terms, and he wasn’t sure if they’d ever be on speaking terms ever again after he fled to the Obelisk Isle.

“We will accept them.” Damien finally said after several seconds of thinking. “Of course, we cannot turn down such a gracious token of apology from one of our most loyal supporters during the war.”

“That is a wise choice.” Sir Lionel agreed.

Damien looked to Ava and managed a weary smile. “Now, if you’d excuse us, we’d better retire for the night. If the handmaidens are arriving tomorrow, we’d best be ready to receive them, and tonight has been rather tiring.” He turned to the captain. “My apologies for staying out too late, I... hadn’t noticed it had gotten so late.”

The older man suddenly raised an eyebrow curiously at the possible implication of that statement, and Damien suddenly found himself blushing as he realized what that could mean.

“N-No! I mean, we never...”

Unable to form a cohesive sentence while still stuttering embarrassedly, Damien gave up after a few more seconds and ended up just keeping quiet.

“That’s okay,” Sir Lionel eventually said, laughing it off when he saw the boy’s cheeks growing red. “My job here is to protect you, not judge you.” He looked to Ava and then back to the king affectionately. “I trust you, your majesty, and I know you’ll make the right choices. But for now, you are right as ever. If you want to be ready to receive your new handmaidens tomorrow, you had better go and get some rest. Sleep well.”


It was a well known fact amongst all who knew the King and Queen how much they cared for each other.

In fact, after their union as husband and wife, the two could often be seen together all around the island, by both the locals and their retinue, lost in bouts of deep, heavy kissing, much like the one they shared earlier that evening while watching the sunset. And sometimes, when they were afforded more privacy, they would even engage in such kisses in varying states of undress, depending on how passionate the young teenagers felt that day.

But no matter how much he wanted to, or how crazy it drove him some days, Damien never allowed things to go any further than just that: kisses. The young boy had married Ava not for lust, but for love, and though the young girl was an extremely pretty little thing, her young age was reason enough for Damien not to allow things to get any more serious.

“But I’m ready! I promise!” Ava would say, her eyes wide as a pup.

Ava said a lot of things that weren’t true when she thought she wasn’t being good enough for Damien. But the truth was, she just wasn’t ready.

Altogether, Ava had known Damien longer than anyone else alive, and the two had spent a lot of time together while he was in hiding. But Damien had been dirty and alone then, and basically indistinguishable from the other village ren. Things were different now, with Damien being King. He always had servants and guards all around him, and the young boy knew that because of this, Ava was afraid she would lose him if she ever made him unhappy. That was why she always tried to be so tough, pretending to be stronger than she actually was. She was afraid of being cast aside and replaced by one of the countless people waiting in line to tend to the King.

But from Damien’s objective point of view, he saw things as plainly as they were: Ava was just a , still as much the wide eyed little girl that she had been when she found him that day in the forest. Her body just wasn’t mature enough for sexual activity yet, and if he ever did try to consummate his marriage with Ava, he knew she’d only get hurt, or perhaps even worse if she actually ended up getting pregnant.

And that was why Damien promised himself that, no matter how Ava pleaded, he would always resist the temptation of having sex with her until she was really ready.

But whereas it was easy for Damien to keep his vow when the two of them were out in the clear light of day, it was far more difficult for the boy in the late night and early mornings, especially since they shared a bedroom that gave them nearly infinite privacy for an entire night.

That was when Damien found himself truly tempted; when the night was dark and the boy’s hormonal young cock would throb and beg for release, pleading to be dipped into the wetness between Ava’s pretty little thighs irregardless of his earlier promises.

And unfortunately for the boy king, tonight was one of those nights.


The young couple laid together on their bed, wearing nothing but their undergarments. Even though they had mutually agreed not to engage in sexual activity yet, Damien had allowed for Ava’s request to sleep together with as little clothes on as possible. “I want to feel you,” she had said, “your skin against my skin. Perhaps we cannot join together as husband and wife yet, but the feeling of our bare bodies pressed together would surely have to be the second closest thing.”

Still confident in his own self-control back then, Damien had foolishly accepted. Ever since then, on the nights that the boy had found it difficult to control himself, the intimacy between the young couple and the skin-on-skin contact they shared kept him awake all throughout the night as he went crazy with desire.

“Hm?” He finally answered, though the boy remained facing away from Ava on the bed. He had decided to put some space between them, for if she were pressed up against him while his cock was hard and rigid, Damien knew that it would be another long night spent resisting her, which was not a battle he was always certain he’d win.

“Did I... do something wrong?” Her voice sounded sad and disappointed. “I know I took too much of your time today. I’m sorry.”

There it was again, Ava was afraid she had upset him somehow.

“I just need some space.” He said honestly. “I’m fine, Ava.”


She tried reaching out to him, but he shuddered at the warm sensation of her touch on his bare back. Instinctively, he pulled away, for the boy was wary of any form on intimacy right now.

“I see... Goodnight, Damien.”

Damien sighed. He could not do this to her; the boy felt terrible, and Ava must have felt even worse going to sleep thinking she had somehow upset him. If he wanted this to work, Damien knew that he’d have to be honest with Ava, even if it embarrassed him.

Turning around on the bed, Damien managed to catch Ava’s eyes before she turned around and went to sleep. “Ava, you didn’t do anything wrong. I promise.”

She smiled a little at that. “Oh...”

Damien continued, beginning to feel flustered as he thought of how he could explain this. “I just... it’s just that it’s getting hard for me, being so close to you like... this.”

He gestured to Ava, and in a moment of weakness, allowed his hands to run down her barely covered body. Damien felt every ridge, bump, and curve on her young adolescent body, from her bare shoulders down to her smooth and trimmed waistline and hip. At being touched so intimately, Ava shivered and moaned softly. Fortunately for him though, Damien managed to shake his head and snap out of it.

“It’s just, it’s harder than I realized.” He admitted, cheeks red with shame. “And I would never hurt you on purpose, but I don’t even know if I can control myself anymore.”

At his crotch, the single piece of cloth that acted as Damien’s undergarments bulged as his rigid six inch cock strained against the fabric. Ava’s eyes flickered toward it, lingering there for several seconds before she looked back up to Damien’s blue eyes.

“Damien...” One hand was stroking his messy golden hair. “It seems almost as if I’m... I’m the one hurting you.”

Opening his mouth to say rebut her words, Damien found no words as he realized what Ava was saying was at least partially true.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Damien. Not ever.” Her pleasant chocolate brown eyes seemed to smile at him, and on her face Damien saw all the sweet, soothing innocence that she had all those years ago when she found him afraid in that forest. “And you could never hurt me. Never. I promise.”

Swallowing, Damien found it difficult to think clearly as Ava stroked his hair. How long had it been since he last had his release? Two weeks? Almost three? A cloud of lust had fallen over the boy once more, and Damien felt his heart racing in excitement and anxiety. He was busy training and studying all day, and spent all his free time both publicly and privately with Ava that Damien never had any time to take care of his own teenaged “needs” anymore.

And while Damien had been lost between her words and his own raging lust, Ava’s free hand had slowly and tentatively crept down toward the boy’s aching bulge. When the tips of her fingers finally brushed against his shaft through the thin cloth, Damien’s eyes widened as a shiver of pleasure ran down his spine.

“Ava...” He groaned, breathing hard. Damien did indeed love her, but no matter what, he was still a fourteen, nearly fifteen year old boy with raging hormones, and found himself almost giving in. “Ava, oh...”

Never before had the boy been touched there like that, even through his undergarments. Taking his soft moans and sighs as a signal to allow her to continue, Ava began to slowly rub her palm against the outline of his crotch, and tried to concentrate on the head of his shaft. Since Damien’s cock was pressed up against his belly because of his waistband, this meant that Ava was stimulating the underside of the tip of his penis, which sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his young body like he never felt before.


Lost in the throes of pleasure, Damien nearly did not feel his young wife’s hands reaching up to his waistband and tugging it down. Only when the head of his cock came free and poked out into the cold air of the room did the teenaged boy regain his senses and gasp in surprise.

“Ava, no!”

With whatever willpower he had left, Damien pushed himself away from Ava and quickly turned away. Surprised at his sudden outburst, the poor young girl yelped in surprise and yanked her hand away from him.

“I’m...” Ava’s voice cracked. “I’m sorry.”

Damien was breathing hard, his chest heaving up and down as he panted. That was close, too close. If he had just allowed that to go on for even a few seconds more, Damien wouldn’t have been able to resist any more and would’ve given in to his desires.

“Don’t be sorry... It’s my fault.” He readjusted his undergarments so that it properly contained his cock. “I should never have allowed things to get that far.”

He swallowed hard and thought of saying something else, something more reassuring, but eventually chose to remain quiet. Bristling at Damien’s sudden coldness toward her, Ava sniffled a little before muttering a goodnight and turning the other way. That night, they both slept for the first time apart from each other.


Far away, sailing on a small ship toward the Obelisk Isle was Sylvia. While below deck, the five other young women all slept soundly in their own private rooms, sleep could not find Sylvia, and she decided instead to go up to watch the stars in the night sky.

Adjusting the simple but elegant dress she had on a little, Sylvia considered herself for a moment. The one she had on was similar to the ones the other handmaidens wore, for it was the uniform of the Queen’s companions. And yet, on Sylvia, it was so much more.

Altered slightly to cling onto her shapely body a little tighter, her dress was indeed more revealing, not in a obviously lewd way, but in a discrete and modest way. The material of her dress was thinner, and its bust hugged her chest tightly, causing it to seem as if her breasts could only barely be contained in the dress. Her waistline was also sewn tighter, giving her body more of an allure than the other girls, and her skirt was also cut just a tiny bit shorter than it was supposed to be, revealing a generous glimpse of her creamy, smooth thighs.

Given this, Sylvia surprisingly did not feel cold even as the night winds blew, for a million thoughts were racing in her mind. Namely, how her father had left her without even saying goodbye, the wild night she had spent with the formidable Marshal, and of course, her mission.

“Damien is a boy, and has loved no other than that peasant girl that he is so taken by.” Girard had told her before she left. “But Ava is no more than a mere , while you...”

Sylvia shivered as she remembered how the Marshal caressed her naked body that morning in bed.

“You are a woman, the most beautiful and fairest in the entire realm. Any man or boy could see that.” His hands had rested on her breast. “And without a doubt, so will Damien. He will come to his senses once he gets a taste of you, I just know it.”

In short, what the Marshal wanted was for Sylvia to seduce the King.

“Damien is a prideful boy, and the quarrels I’ve had with him have only served to strengthen his resolve. If you are successful, he may take you as a lover, but he will not seek separate from his wife.” He had continued saying. “Thankfully, the girl is different. Ava is sweet, sensitive, and will be prone to jealousy. Really, she is very much just a . Turning the newlyweds against one another would be the only chance we have at manipulating them to annul their marriage.”

Sylvia shuddered at that, and rubbed her arms as she remembered the Marshal’s suggestion of allowing Ava to catch her abed with Damien. Just the thought of that made her anxious. She was attractive, yes, and precociously talented in the arts of sexual pleasure. But this was the King they were talking about. It didn’t matter that Damien and his new Queen were just ren, what Girard was asking of her was treason through and through.

And yet... did Sylvia care about that very much? After all, Girard did promise her riches, and a position at court that far exceeded the lowly station of her own father. Ever since she had been a little girl, Sylvia did always dream about becoming a beautiful maiden in the court of the King, which had always been unattainable with the influence her father had. Did she really have another choice, now that her dream was finally within reach?

Not at all.

Surely, the risk her mission posed had to be worth it. The King was still under the Marshal’s regency, after all, and had not yet obtained his full powers as monarch. For the most part, besides his retinue of Royal Guards, Damien had zero support behind him, and was as much of a King as a clawless and toothless bear was a beast. If Sylvia played her cards right, the King would prove to be a mere harmless boy, helpless to resist her charms just as so many other boys had been.

And with that in mind, Sylvia smiled to herself as she watched the gentle sea sparkle under the starlight of the night sky.

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