Milking my wife Angelique's big tit's.....

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Milking my Wife Angelique’s big tit’s... I put her big tit’s on a real dairy cow milking machine and milked her dumb ass bone dry.......

My dumb ass wife Angelique always tried to please me from the very first day we met no matter what it was in every way she could, to show me how much she “so called” really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she’d do anything I tell her stupid ass to do, no matter how damn wild it was. I told her the first day we got together how much I liked wild and very damn freaky sex, she was all for it, hell she couldn’t wait to see how far we would take it cause she had lead such a sheltered life, well up until she met me that is. Ha ha ha. She was only 16 when we married and after 2 long years of living with her stupid fat ass I saw just how fucking dumb and extremely gullable she really was and how far she’d actually go to keep me from leaving her fat ass, so I took full fuckin advantage of that weakness! I started treating her like shit, telling her she wasn’t worth a god damn and how no other man in his right mind would ever want her sorry fat ass for anything other than a quick piece of fat pussy once in a while when he was really hard up and just couldn’t find nobody else to fuck, and never wanted anybody else to find out about him fuckin her! This is the best part, I started drugging the stupid ass cunt on a daily basis soon there after. But everything I did to hurt her just seemed to make her cling to me that much more. I knew I had the stupid ass bitch right where I wanted her then and could make her do any damn thing I wanted her to for me.
I made up my mind to turn her big dumb ass into a whore where at least I could make some money by using her fat ass cunt for something other than taking up space. Cause I knew I wasn’t gona stay with the fat ass slut after I started making her fuck every damn one of my friends that came over to the house, and hell she kind of enjoyed doing it way too damn much after I her to do it day after day sometimes several times a day with many different men.
Hell it wasn’t even a month before I started renting the stupid fat ass cunt out to friends of mine whenever they would have these big parties and needed a whore to work their party. I always told ‘em once she’s rented out for the night then they could use her big fat ass for whatever they wanted to use her for, hell I didn’t give a shit about what happened to that fat ass slut!
She got to be such a good slut, she’d tease everybody that came to the damn house always dressing in these skimpy ass little clothes that showed off everything anybody wanted to see and way more of her bbw body.

After I had to pay for her 4th abortion in less than 12 months, the stupid fat cow got her ass knocked up again!
When she told me she was knocked up again for the 5th fucking time, I got mad as hell at first and said, God Damn you fuckin sorry ass cunt you’ve got to start telling these fuckers to pull out of your damn pussy and cum in your mouth or on your fat tits! Hell beg ‘em to pull out and cum in your mouth, I know you love to swallow cum. Tell ‘em you’ll hold all of their cum in your mouth till they are completely finished shooting off then they can watch you hold your mouth wide open and slowly swallow every damn drop of it, shit most of ‘em will be glad to watch you do that! She said, ok baby that’s a damn good idea.
I got to thinking, I’d just take the fat ass cow to a friend of mine that’s a Vet, and he could perform her abortion to keep down all these cost’s on my end. I knew he would do it cause we had already talked it over a while back and he said, hell yea I’ll be glad to clean out Angelique’s cunt for ya Cliff, but it’ll have to be way after office hours and kept completely between us. I took her over to his clinic several nights later and Doc scd her cunt out for me. I knew Angelique was already lactating and men would pay big time to fuck the fat ass cow now due to that fact.
That’s when I came up with the idea to see how damn far I could actually make her stupid ass go just to keep me from kicking her to the damn curb like I told her I was gona do. It was Friday afternoon and I was about to start my plan. I came in from work and I acted like I was pissed off at her the second I walked in. I started cussing and telling her all she did all fuckin day was lay around here, watch tv and get lazy as shit and I was fucking sick of it. Hell you aint even cleaned up the fuckin house you sorry fat ass whore! I said, this is it Angelique I’m gettin rid of your fuckin stupid fat ass today!
That’s when she started crying and begging me not to leave her, exactly like I knew she would. “I’ll do anything you want baby just please don’t leave me”, she was trying to kiss me and hug me, I just shoved her fat ass away. She said, baby I swear to you I’ll do any fucking thing you tell me to do as long as it makes you happy with me, cause I just won’t live without you! I swear baby any fucking thing in the whole god damn world, all you got to do is tell me and I’ll do it for you, I don’t care what the hell it is!
I looked down at her with an evil grin on my face and said, yea right fat ass I ain’t gona fall for the same old line of bullshit again Angelique! She looked at me and said crying like hell, “I swear to fuckin God baby, anything you want me to do I’ll do it, right now”!
I said, ok you fat ass cow I’m gona see just how bad you wana stay with me, follow me you fat ass cow. I took her in our bedroom and said go wash your damn face so you won’t look like a damn racoon with all that makeup running down your face. She did then I said, ok take off all your clothes. She took ‘em off and I handed her a tiny silk bath robe and told her to put it on. She did and I said, now go get your sorry fat ass in the truck, she looked at me for a few seconds, but went on out and got in the truck like I told her to do. I followed her outside, got in and drove us both over to the dairy farm. We pulled out on the road and she said where we going baby? I said, you’ll see just shut the fuck up and be happy I brought your fat ass!
We got to the farm, I pulled up to the milking barn. I got out and said wait in the truck I’ll be back in a few minutes. She smiled and said, ok baby. She’s so damn dumb she didn’t have a fuckin clue what I was really up to. I went in the milking barn where my friend Calvin was waiting for me. I told him when I walked inside, ok I got my fat ass bitch outside in the truck is everything set up and ready for her? Calvin laughed, hell yea it’s ready and waiting on her fat ass I just got to start the video recorders. I said, ok when you start ‘em recording go out to the truck and tell Angelique I said to get her fat ass in here. If she ask’s you why, just say hell I don’t know, you want me to go ask him. She’ll come on in, cause she think’s I’m already about to kick her ass to the curb.
He laughed and went outside to get her. I walked over to the milking stall we’d set up just for Angelique and waited. About a minute later she came in followed by Calvin, she said what’s up baby? I said, come here Angelique. She walked over to me. When she got where I wanted her I said, take that damn robe off!
She looked at me with this puzzled look on her face then she looked back at Calvin. I said, God Damn it bitch hurry up, it ain’t like Calvin hasn’t never seen your fat ass naked! She shrugged her shoulders and slowly undid the belt that held it closed and took it off. Calvin took the robe and hung it over a rail. I said, now get your sorry fat ass up here on this platform on your hands and knees. She said, baby are you really serious? I said, Shut the Fuck Up and Get your ass up on this God Damn platform like I fuckin told you to do!
She slowly climed up on it saying, “I can’t believe I’m doing all this shit for you! Does this prove to you how much I love you baby? she asked. I said, not yet it don’t bitch. Now Calvin is fixen to hook your tits up to this milking machine then we’re gona milk your big fat tit’s for a little while, so hold still till he get’s done hookin your tit’s up. Calvin walked up beside her laughing and took the suction unit off it’s hook behind her this is the one that we had modified to work on Angelique’s tit’s. Calvin said, Cliff turn on that switch over there beside you where the pumps will start up. I fliped it on as Calvin reached under Angelique and roughly grabbed hold of her huge left titty and squeezed it hard, he said ok here we go Angelique as he attached the vaccum tube to her big hard dark pink nipple..this is what it looked like…... The suction inside the tube quickly pulled Angelique’s nipple and a some of her huge 4 inch wide areola down into the suction cup about 3 inches or more before it finally sealed and formed a tight vaccum! Angelique quickly threw her head back and let out this loud squeel when it sucked her nipple down into that damn tube and sealed itself the way it did! Calvin reached back under her again and grabbed her right titty, he attached the suction tube to her right nipple, and it quickly sucked her nipple down into the tube about 3 inches before it finally formed a tight seal around her areola which was sucked down into the tube about the same as her left nipple was now and Angelique let out another loud moan from the amount of suction that was being applied to both of her big fat nipples!
Calvin laughed saying, damn girl it ain’t even started pumping your tit’s yet, hell that’s just the vaccum pressure to hold the suction tubes on your fuckin nipples so the tubes won’t fall off. Angelique tried to play it off by saying, “oh hell I know.” Calvin walked over to the milking machine control panel and started to increase the suction pressure on the milking pumps. He said, hay Cliff watch Angelique’s nipples while I’m turning the suction up, if her milk don’t start flowing into the tubes pretty quick we’ll have to squeeze on her tit’s for a few seconds to force all the milk ducts in her nipples to open up wide. I said, ok and watched as he increased the pressure. He said, ok it should be pulling down on her nipples then kind of releasing them a little bit now. I said, yea it is. I can see her nipples going up and down about 1/8th of an inch, but there ain’t no milk coming out of ‘em yet. He turned it up higher, and her big dark pink nipples started moving a lot more. I said, that’s better about ½ an inch of movement now. Calvin turned it up higher and said, how about now? As Angelique moaned even louder I said, oh hell yea her damn nipples are stretching out real good now, they got to be stretching well over a inch or more! He turned it up a little more and came back over to where we were. He looked at her nipples and said, hell we’re gona have to force her milk ducts to open up. I said, ok lets open ‘em fuckers up! He said, Cliff if you’ll squeeze on her left titty, I’ll work on her right one and we’ll have this fat ass whore producing milk just like one of my damn milk cow’s in a few seconds.
I said, ok and he moved over to her other side. He said, look just wrap your hands around her titty and squeeze it kind of tight while you’re pulling down on it. I did just like he did and we both grabbed hold of Angelique’s huge tit’s and started squeezing and pulling down on ‘em. Hell just about the same time we squeezed on ‘em, her breast milk started squirting out of her nipples from several different little holes. I said, oh hell yea now her milk’s flowing, so we let go of her tit’s and stood there watching the show! Calvin said, is this the first time you’ve got any milk out of Angelique’s tit’s since she started lactating? I said, oh hell no everytime somebody fuck’s her and they suck’s on her damn nipples she’ll release milk and then she’ll just drip the rest of the night and soak the fuckin bed. He laughed and said, you do realize now that all the little milk holes in her nipples have been completely opened up like we did ‘em that she’s gona leak milk just like a damn cow after her tit’s start to get full everyday. I said, hell that’s good. You know before milk was just coming out of one tiny milk duct, but the way we all the holes in her nipples to open up when we squeezed ‘em they won’t close back up unless you don’t milk her completely dry everyday for a week or two.
I said, shit we ain’t got to worry about that cause I’m planning on milking her damn big jugg’s twice a day from now on just like we’re doing her fat ass right now. How much milk do you think she’ll produce for us? I asked. He said, well one of my cow’s produce’s about 8 to 12 gallons a day, and if you milk her twice a day like this we can probably make her give us at least a few gallons as big as her god damn tit’s are. Which her tit’s will get a hell of a lot bigger than they are now after we’ve emptied ‘em out like this with this pump everyday for a while. I said, no shit? He said, oh hell yea man her fucking tit’s will get several sizes larger than they are now especially if we completely empty ‘em a few times every damn day. Her body will think it’s producing milk for a baby and the more her tit’s are completely drained the more milk her mammory glands will produce which will cause her tit’s to grow and stretch way bigger, and as long as they’re drained completely dry she’ll produce more milk each day. I said, hell fucking yea! I walked up beside Angelique and said, how does your tit’s feel while they’re being sucked dry by this pump? She turned to me and said, it hurt’s but baby as long as it makes you happy it’s ok by me. I said, good then you’re gona do this twice a day until I get tired of doing it to you. She didn’t even argue with me, which surprised me a little. Calvin got close enough to both of us where he knew Angelique could hear what he was about to say and said, Cliff there are people that will pay some real good money to watch this being done to Angelique on video if you want to record it. I mean it’s just an idea if you were interested in doing something like that with her, he said. I went along with it and said, aw bullshit! He said, no bullshit man!
I said, damn we’ll have to check into that then. I said, what cha think Angelique, hell you’ve already fucked everybody within 30 miles of here, and it ain’t like you ain’t really damn popular with ‘em all. She said, but what if my family were to ever find out about a video like that of me baby? I said, oh God Damn come on now Angelique you’ve got the reputation of a fuckin whore and I’m sure they’ve already heard that so don’t even fuckin worry about it. She looked down and said, ok baby if that’s what you want me to do.
I said, hell yea it is bitch. I said, hay Calvin go ahead and check into selling some videos of us milking Angelique like this and see how much I can make off her fat ass and I’ll even cut you in for a good percentage of the profits we make from her. He said, ok you got a deal.
We again started watching as Angelique’s huge tit’s were pumped. Calvin said, look at the collection jug she’s doing real damn good, hell we’ve done pumped over half a gallon of milk out of her tit’s and it’s only been pumping on her for about 10 minutes! I looked over at the huge collection jug and saw the amount of milk she had in it and I said, damn bitch you’re doing pretty damn good so keep it up! She said, but baby these suction tubes are really starting to hurt my nipples the way they’re stretching ‘em! I said, oh God Damn you’re a tough fat bitch, don’t start whining about a little bit of pain already just suck it up and make me proud of you! After I said that, it was like it gave her a big boost to her ego and she smiled and said, am I really making you proud of me baby?
I said, of course you are Angelique, hell you know I love to watch you show off and you’re doing a good job now that we’re milking you. Oh hell I made her day when I said that, she was all smiles now and she was starting to get into it a lot more by moaning and humping herself back and forth in the stall as her breast milk kept on flowing real damn strong! I walked over to Calvin and he said, man she’s got to be the dumbest fuckin whore I’ve ever seen, hell all you had to do was show her a little positive attention and it just made her fuckin day! I said, I told you the bitch was stupid as shit. Hay go in the other room and bring one of the small video cameras back in here with you, I wana see how she’ll react to us recording her fat ass right now. He said, you sure? I said, well you saw how she acted after I gave her just a few words of attention, I wana try video taping her today and we’ll see how she does for us. He said, ok and went to get it. I walked back over to Angelique and said, damn girl look over there in that collection jug at how much milk we’ve done got out of your big fat tit’s, it’s up to nearly ¾ of a gallon and this is just your first time being milked. Hell you’re doing damn good, I’m proud of all that milk you fat ass. She smiled big as she could and said, I’m really trying my best for you baby, exactly like I told you I would. I said, you damn sure are and I appreciate it.
Calvin came back and gave me the handheld camcorder and I said, hay Angelique I’m gona record you for a while so put on a good show for us, ok. She said, ok baby and she put on a little show once she knew I was taping her while her tit’s were being milked. Calvin looked at the jug and said, damn bitch you’re milk is still coming out pretty damn strong, hell I figured you’re tit’s would be getting empty by now!
She looked at him and said, could you check my tittie’s and see how they feel to you Calvin, I don’t really know when they’ll be empty since this is my first time being milked like this. He said, sure I’ll check your tit’s for you. He walked over to her and started squeezing and pulling down on both of her huge tit’s, and he said well you’ve still got more milk in ‘em we should have it all pumped out in 20 or 30 more minutes unless I increase the pump pressure a little bit more. I said, yea turn it up higher Calvin where her tit’s will empty the hell on out, cause she’s got 2 customers to fuck afterwhile and both of ‘em are high dollar appointments. He said, ok and increased the pressure as I taped the milk being out of her nipples in even larger streams. Angelique tensed up tight as hell and started crying when he turned the suction up higher, she said God Damn it baby that feels like my nipples are being pulled off of my tit’s! I said, you’re doing fine Angelique, hell just cry if it hurts that bad ya damn pussy. And she did too, I made sure to get the pain on her face on tape. I enjoyed seeing her in pain a lot more than I thought I would. We her to keep still by holding her down in the stall until the pumps had completely and fully drained both of her tit’s of every damn drop of milk which took about 15 more minutes and when they were both empty she really started yelling louder as the pumps tried to keep on dry pumping her tit’s! Calvin finally switched the suction pumps off and she calmed back down, he said, I’m gona ease the vaccum pressure off of your nipples now Angelique but I can’t stop it all at once so you can stand up if you want to but don’t try to pull the suction tubes off your nipples I’ll take ‘em off of your tits in a few minute’s. She said, ok and slowly stood up for the first time in well over an hour and a half. Calvin came over and stood with me as I said, damn Angelique you did damn good today for your first time being milked. Now we’ll be milking you 2 or 3 times a day from now on and I’m gona make several videos of you being milked in here and see how much money I can make from ‘em. She said, well I’ll do my best for yall baby, and you know I will cause I love you so damn much and I felt so good when you told me you were proud of me a little while ago. I said, you’re a good fat ass slut baby I’m proud of what you did for us here today. Calvin was standing where she couldn’t see him and he was laughing his fucking ass off at how damn stupid Angelique actually was! When he finally stopped laughing he walked around to where Angelique was standing and reached up grabbing her right titty, and said ok we can take these tubes off your nipples now Angelique and he squeezed her titty hard and pulled on the suction tube, it came off her nipple with this loud pop, and he grabbed her left titty right quick and pulled that tube off causing another loud pop as the seal was broken around her nipple! Both of her nipples were extremely extended, stretched and swollen! Calvin said, aw hell don’t worry they’ll go back down to almost normal before it’s time to milk her fat ass again in the morning. All the women I’ve milked nipple’s always swell up the first few times they are pumped on the cow milker and once their damn nipples get use to being pumped they don’t really swell up very much at all.
I said, damn Angelique your tit’s went down too damn much, but I like the way this machine stretched your fuckin nipples! Calvin said, yea they did go down, hell we pumped over three quarters of a gallon of milk out of her tit’s this time, and her nipples will get a lot longer and wider the more we do this to her! He looked at her and said, damn girl I’m proud of your big ass! Hell I thought you were gona fucking whine and bitch the whole damn time like some of the other women do that get brought out here to be milked. Angelique said, oh you have other women that do this out here too? Calvin said, hell yea girl why did you think you were special or something? Hell you just love to be the center of attention don’t you girl? She giggled and said, well ..., I uh.... guess so. I mean yall liked watching me do things like this and I love being watched, so I guess I do.
I said, shit Calvin this little whore loves for anybody to look at her big fat ass when she’s naked, and most especially when she’s getting fucked real damn good and rough that’s when she really puts on a good show for ‘em, she’s an exobitionist from hell now a days! Ain’t you Angelique? She smiled big as hell and said, you better believe I am baby.
Calvin said, oh what do you wana do with all of her breastmilk we pumped out? I said, pour it up and lets see exactly how much my little fat ass whore gave us this time. He went and got a gallon jug and we emptied the collection jug into it and it came to almost exactly eight tenth’s of a gallon. Angelique was proud as she could be for giving that much milk. Calvin looked at her and said, hay Cliff you see what I was talking about look at how her big tit’s are already leaking. I looked and said, damn that’s pretty good ain’t it, I mean since we just finished pumping ‘em out a few minutes ago and she’s already leaking again? Calvin said, hell yea she’s gona make a damn good milk cow for you.
Angelique was still standing there completely naked and Calvin reached over and handed her robe back to her. She said, baby do you care if I put this back on now? I said, yea cause we gotta get back to the house your five o’clock appointment will be there in about an hour and you got to get ready for him. I said, you need to thank Calvin for everything he did for you today. She smiled and said, thank you Calvin do I owe you anything? He smiled and said, I’ll put it on your tab and collect it this weekend if that’s ok. She said, sure that’ll be fine. I said, keep her milk in the refrigerator and we’ll just add her milk from tomorrow in with it. Calvin said, you know we can sell her breast milk for a pretty penny don’t you? I said, how much? He said, over $100.00 a fuckin gallon. I said, oh hell yea hook it up for me, but I got to get this whore to the house. We shook hands and I left.

STORY BY: UNDERTAKER919.................

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000