Private Heroes - The Devils Breath Part 10_(0)

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Rick's POV the morning after the party.......

I wake up next to Sarah and smile. I picked her up from her sister's house and we went out for dinner. She was all smiles and laughs. I'm glad that she's ok. We didn't talk about the incident with Richard Parker but I'm guessing that when he eventually stands trial, they'll ask me and Daniel to stand as witnesses. With Sarah's testimony added to that, Parker's going away for a long time. After dinner, me and Sarah came back to her place since the door's fixed and has a few extra locks fitted. We made love and fell asleep together.

I climb out of bed, leaving Sarah to sleep and make myself a coffee. It gives me time to think about things. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about Maximus Price yet. Plus I'm worried about Daniel. When Tyrone told me about his suit, I didn't pay much attention to it. But when Daniel wouldn't tell me the truth about it, it had me very concerned. I need to do some research. Now that I think about it he never told me why he came to Woodchip. I never thought to ask. I was busy dealing with everything else. I'm shaken out of my thoughts by Sarah coming into the kitchen. We hug and kiss then I make her a coffee. She smiles ear to ear as I hand her the cup.

"So what's on your mind?" She asks. "Just work and family things. Too many things to figure out." I tell her and she nods. "You're strong enough to fix anything. I have faith in you." She tells me as she walks round and hugs me. With me sat in the chair and her stood up. My head is being pressed against her breasts. I ain't complaining but it makes it hard to focus on the conversation. Mercifully, she releases me and sits back in her chair. "So what are you doing today?" She asks. I sip my coffee and say "I have to begin training my cousin. Speaking of which I better get going." Sarah follows me to the front door, we share a kiss and I tell her I'll call her later.

Daniel's POV

I wake up with no hangover. It's a s I'm proud of. The sun shines through the gaps in the curtain. Once my eyes adjust to the light, I look at the clock and see its 10:45 am. I see Holly awake and sat up in bed with her arms folded. "Morning babe." I say as I sit up stretching. "you ok?" I ask as I see she looks irritated by something. "Yeah I'm fine." She says. "I mean I love waiting for my loving boyfriend to wake up so I can get the hard fucking he was SUPPOSED to give me last night." She tells me and now I remember getting ready to fuck her into next week. Then I passed out. "Whoops." I say quietly. "Yeah whoops. You better rock my world for making me wait!" She says and her angry face turns into a smile. Its at that moment I roll on top of her and start kissing her neck making her giggle. Then it happens. KNOCK! KNOCK! I put my finger to my lips and whisper "Shhhh." And holly smiles. I continue kissing her neck when we hear knocking again.

Getting annoyed I jump off the bed and open the door a crack. Rick's stood there in his suit and tells me it's time to go to work. "Can I just have an hour?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "it's time to start your training. But if you're not really commited I'll have to cancel the paperwork." He says and I sigh. "Okay. Okay, I'm coming." "I'll be getting in the car in 45 minutes. If you're not there, I'll be leaving without you." He says and walks away. I shut the door and look at Holly who has a pouty look on her face. "Don't worry babe. I'll make it up to you." I tell her getting back on the bed. "Damn right you will!" She says still pouting. I kiss her cheek and get ready to leave. Holly brings me everything I need. Including a water bottle, some lunch, body wash, towel and deodorant. I kiss her as I leave and I get in the key with seconds to spare.

An hour later in the gym.......

Oh my god im gonna die. I'm in the gym with Rick and I swear I've never worked out so hard in my life. "fff....ifffty....thr....eeeee." I struggle to say as I try to do another push up. Sweat is literally dripping from my face. I'm working in a pair of gym shorts and Running trainers. My heart is trying to beat its way out of my chest.

Next I'm on my back lifting weights. I can feel the sweat running down my head as I lift up and down. Rick is kneeling beside me coaching me. "C'mon Daniel, you got this. Come on. Keep going. Just one more!" He says as I lift one more time. That's when rick takes the weights and sets them down.

Next I'm running laps on their indoor track. Rick's running beside me. He looks like he's having no trouble, while my shirt is soaking wet and I'm desperately trying to breathe. I feel like my legs are gonna collapse from under me. I can see the finish line in sight but my vision is going. I think I'm going to pass out. It seems like the closer I get the further away it is. Finally, I pass it and let myself drop to the ground panting, desperately trying to catch my breath. "Well done pal! You've come a long way. Take a minute to rest. You okay?" Rick asks and I just hold a thumbs up to him.

When my breathing steadies, Rick holds his hand out to me and I take it. He pulls me to my feet, my legs are still shaking but I can stand. "Let's get some lunch." He says and its the best idea I've heard all day. Rick prepares my lunch for me and it's a perfect combination of protein and carbs. I eat like a mad man and Rick has to tell me more then once to slow down. "Take it easy man! The food ain't going anywhere!" He says laughing. When I'm finished with lunch, Rick gives me an hour to rest before we start my hand to hand combat training. Don't really know why I need to learn since I can already fight but I'm not gonna question my teacher.

Since I have an hour, I decide to talk to Katy. Just to clear the air a little. I look round and see Tyrone sat at the front of the room watching the tv. "Hey T, do you know where Katy is?" I ask and he turns to face me. "I think she's in her office. You need some rubbers?" He says chuckling and I return the smile. "Not what I'm after. I just need to talk to her." I say with my hands up. "Yeah that's how it always starts. But she's a sly one." Tyrone says and we both laugh.

I knock on Katy's door and I he's her say "Come in!" I enter and she looks up at me and smiles. "I knew you'd be back for more." She says and I have to laugh. "I figured you'd be the one crawling back." I tell her, she laughs and says "You and Holly fucked me real good but I'm not the one who calls back." I smile and shake my head as I sit in the chair across from her. "Listen I just wanted to make sure everything was cool. We did kinda you!" I say and we both laugh. She's still typing on her computer as she says "Don't worry. That night turned out to be better then I thought. Actually it was amazing. I mean I've given it to some women but I've never taken it from a women." She says. I'm stunned at her openness but at least she's ok with it. But there's one more thing I need to know.

"Listen something's been bothering me." I say and she stops typing on her computer and faces me with a look of concern. "Last night, you knew I had a girlfriend why did you try to have sex with me?" I say it and I see something I've never seen. Katy looks nervous. Fuck that! She's scared. "Listen, I was drunk. Really drunk. I can promise you two things. One, I never would've never done that if I wasn't drunk. Two it won't happen again." She says and I can tell she's being honest. "Okay. You're forgiven." I say and I can see the relief in her face. "but you should probably explain that to Holly too." I say and she nods. I give her Holly's number and decide to get back to the gym.

The next hour is spent with Rick teaching me different stances. I'm stood with my right leg bent in front of me and my left leg straight behind me. My hands are up by my face. Rick has a pair of boxing gloves on. He makes a straight shot for my face, I step back putting my right leg behind me straight behind me and bending my left leg. I hold my arms together in front of my face. They form a shield as Rick's attack is blocked. Rick makes another shot for my face and I step back and Shield my face again. Another shot and I step back again. And again. And again until my back is against the wall and he peppers me with shots. I'm stuck against the wall and my defence is lowered and shot after shot hits my face until I drop.

"Never let your enemy back you into a corner. You have so many places to go, don't just choose to go backwards. Again!" I get to my feet and take the stance again. He starts throwing shots again but this time I move around a bit more, making it harder for Rick to get a shot in. "Good! Now let's try something else." Rick teaches me about easy targets. Roof of the nose, easy to break and painful as all hell. The collar bone, also easy to break and makes the arm useless. The shin, easy target if you're caught in a headlock.

"Next thing to learn about is joints. Give me your arm." He says. I shrug, hold my arm out to him and he takes hold of my wrist. "Okay so what are you AHHHHHHHHH!" I scream as Rick twists my hand and pushes it inwards. I fall to my knees and Rick releases me. "Effective right?" He says smiling but I don't see the funny side. "You could've just explained that to me with words!" I say to him angry. "Could have, but I wanted you to understand how useful it is." He says still laughing.

In the last hour of training me and Rick are sparing. Rick makes a shot for me and I grab his wrist, turn and back into him and plant my elbow in his ribs. Rick grunts and stumbles backwards. He looks at me and I see approval. We're back at it, delivering shots to each other and blocking. It's now that I decide to make conversation. "Jodi told me you used to work for the CIA." I say blocking another shot. "Did she now? What else did she tell you?" He says as I do a twist kick that lands on his chest, pushing him backwards. "Not much! Just that I should ask you what you did." I make a shot for his face and he blocks, punches me in the face and kicks me to the ground. "I stopped the bad guys. Terrorists, tyrants that sort of thing." He says and I get to my feet. "So you ed people." I don't know if I'm asking or telling but Rick gives me a what the fuck look. "That's not a question you ask someone." He says as we take our stances again.

"So you recruited David before anyone. Did you work together?" I ask as I try to get a shot at Rick's face. He catches it and spins me round, trapping me in a headlock. "David's a brilliant agent. We didn't work together but he begged me to recruit him and I saw no reason not to. We believe in the same thing." Rick says and I kick him in the shin and elbow him in the ribs which breaks the headlock. "And what belief is that?" I ask him. "That some people need a hero." Rick says recovering.

Training ends and I'm sore all over. I'm so sore that Rick has to support me as we walk to the car. We get back get back to the house at 17:00 and we both walk through the door with my arm over Rick's shoulder. Jodi looks over at us with a smile that turns into a concerned look as she runs over to help. "Honey are you ok?" She says worried. "Yeah I'm good, training session kicked my ass. So did Rick!" I say making Rick laugh. Rick and Jodi lead me to a chair and drop me on it. "Where's Holly?" I ask. "She went into town with Ashley again. She'll be back later." Jodi says and I nod.

We all sit and Jodi makes us coffee. I swear that's her thing. When the world ends, have some of aunt Jodi's coffee. Rick tells Jodi about our day in the gym. "He did better then I expected. There's a strength to him. When we were sparring I had to fight harder then I thought just to get him down." Jodi looks at me with pride. "Yay! I'm a professional asskicker!" I say and everyone laughs.

Not long after, there's a knock on the door. Jodi gets up and answers it. As soon as the door opens, im shocked as a fist comes through the doorway and makes contact with Jodi's nose. Jodi goes down and I hear someone scream BITCH! I know that voice. Rick jumps up to help and I watch as my mother who hasn't seen me yet, storms in and rains down shots on Jodi. She's wearing a deep blue dress with heels, the sleeves are rolled up and I see she still has her rings on her hands. Rick grabs my mother from around the waist and tries to pull her off Jodi. Mom throws her arm back and elbows Rick in the jaw. Rick stumbles backwards and mom goes back to Jodi. I jump up to help but I'm still sore. I think I'm gonna fall, shit im going! I'm going! SMACK!!! I fall flat on my face and my impact with the floor catches everyone's attention and I see my mom finally notice me with wide eyes. "DANIEL!" she screams and runs over to me. "Daniel! Baby are you ok?" She says frantically. "Yeah mom I'm fine. Help me up." Mom gets my arm over her shoulder and lifts me to my feet. "C'mon baby lets go home." She says leading me to the door. "No mom!" I say making her freeze and stare at me with wide eyes. "This way!" I say pointing towards the stairs. She leads me past Jodi and I tell Rick to help Jodi. "Don't worry I got her." He says as me and mom start up the stairs.

I lead her into my room and she sits me on the bed. Once I'm sat I pull my mom in for a hug which she returns enthusiastically. "I missed you!" I tell her as she crushes me with her hug. "I missed you too. I was so scared. I thought I lost you." "I know mom I'm sorry. I've been trying to call you for days I couldn't get through. I wanted to tell you I was ok." I tell my mom and she breaks the hug and looks at me with a tear in her eyes. "I'm sorry baby. After we last spoke I tried calling you over and over again. When I got no answer I got straight on a plane and came over here." She tells me and now im remembering that she doesn't have a mobile. Just and house phone. "Are you ok baby?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah im ok. I've been working out I'm just a little sore." I say and she hugs me again. "So what happened?" She asks. I tell her the story about how I was mugged and Jodi gave me a home to try and praise Jodi a little. But mom only sees that I got mugged because Jodi kicked me out. That pisses her off to no end. I continue my story about how I've been working with Rick for a job which she's skeptical about but listens as I continue. I deliberately don't tell her about Holly. When I do tell her, I want the air to be cleared.

"Mom I want us to go downstairs and try to figure this out as a family." I tell her but she shakes her head. "No! We're going home. Come home with me baby! We don't need the slut!" She says which pisses me off. "She's my aunt!" I tell mom which shocks her. "Honey you were attacked because she threw you out!" She says trying to make me understand. "You think I wasn't pissed about that?" I tell her "It was a mistake and we've moved on from it. More then that, we've bonded alot." I tell my mom who looks almost horrified at my words. "Baby she's not who you think she is. She may seem like a rainbow and daisy's but she's done some very bad things to her family." She says now I'm curious. "What happened?" I ask and as I guessed she just shakes her head and says she cant talk about it. "How can I trust you if you won't trust your own son with the details of your problems." "I'm sorry baby I cant it hurts too much. Please don't make me tell you." My mom pleads and I know how to get her and Jodi to sit down. "Mom will you do anything for me." I ask. "Yes honey anything. You're my life." Exactly what I wanted to hear. "We're going to sit down as a family and sort this thing out. Cause I'm not ready to go home yet. I've got things going on up here. Just sit down with Jodi and talk or fight. Just find a way to exist around each other."

I dunno how I managed it but I convinced my mom to sit down. We head down to the kitchen to see Rick tending to Jodi's injuries. "Rick can you give us a moment please?" I say and he looks unsure. "Is she gonna be ok?" He asks nodding towards my mom. "Don't worry." I tell him and he nods. Rick leaves the room and me and mom sit at the table opposite Jodi. Mom is staring daggers through Jodi with her fists clenched. They clearly aren't gonna talk so I'll start. "Aunt Jodi, I want mom to stay here with us." I tell her and she gives me a nervous look. "I don't think that's a good idea honey." She says it and mom is on her. "Don't call him honey like you care for him." She says with venom and Jodi is quick to reply. "Well when he was in trouble he chose to come here rather then stay with you so don't lecture me!" She says hotly. "He could've come to me and I certainly wouldn't have thrown him out because of a fight he wasn't involved in." My mom nearly shouts and Jodi shrinks under my mother. "I'm sorry." Is all my Aunt Jodi can get out and my mom creeps over to her. "My son could've died because of you!" My mom says with more venom then a thousand rattle snakes. "I know Jade and I can't apologise enough. I wasn't expecting him and when I realised who he was I was backed into an angry corner." Aunt Jodi says on the verge of tears. "You wanna punish someone for what happened. You take it up with me. Not MY! Son." She says and I think she's getting ready to punch Jodi again. "Mom sit down." I tell her with authority. Mom looks at me and I know she doesn't like being told what to do. Nevertheless she sits back down beside me with her arms folded.

I'm pissed off that they won't talk to me about and it's starting to show. So I decide to take some authority. "Mom, Jodi since I'm obviously not trusted enough to know what the problem is with my family. I'm gonna let it go but either you two sit down and work it out or im out and I promise neither of you will see me again." "WHAT!" They both say at the same time. "You heard me. I'm not taking sides here. I love you both but you're keeping secrets from me and I won't have any of it. So either you two work this out or I'm gone. I'm gonna leave you two alone now. Fight, scream, shout. Do what you have to but sort this shit now!" I say pissed off as I stand and leave the room. I close the door behind me and see Rick looking at me questioningly. "How'd it go?" He asks me with a straight face. "I guess we'll find out."

We sit there and wait, we hear talking from inside the kitchen alot of it heated, from both women. An hour passes and all goes quiet. Suddenly something smashes and we hear what sounds like fighting. The door bursts open and Jodi falls through on her back with mom on top of her. Mom's punching Jodi in the face. Rick tries to step in but I grab him and pull him back. He looks at me confused and angry. "This has to happen. Let them sort this out once and for all." Rick doesn't like it but he stands back as we watch my mom continue to punch Jodi. Jodi grabs moms hair and rolls her onto her side and kicks my mom away. I don't like this and I have to keep reminding myself that this is the only way to fix the family. Jodi stands and grabs my mom by her hair and pulls her to her feet before throwing her against the wall. I watch with a great deal of pain as my aunt punches my mom in the gut. Mom is in pain but grabs Jodi's head and head-butts Jodi on the nose. Jodi stumbles backwards holding her nose and falls on her ass. She looks at her hand and sure enough her nose is ing.

Jodi gets too her feet and mom charges her screaming at her. She tackles Jodi to the ground and starts punching again til Jodi brings her knee to mom's crotch and mom rolls off her in pain. Jodi gets on top of mom and rains down punches on my mother. Mom's trying to shield her face with little success. Eventually mom grabs Jodi's head and bangs it against the wall. Jodi falls beside mom holding her head. The two lie there recovering from there fight. I don't know why but soon after they both start crying. "I'm sorry Jodi." My mom says in tears. "I'm sorry too Jade." Says Jodi and they both sit up and hug each other crying into each others shoulders. So first they hated each other then they were fighting now they're hugging each other. Women are confusing. Nevertheless, I'm happier now then I have been in a long time. My family is now complete.

Me and Rick both tend to our mother's injuries while they talk happily like nothing happened. Jodi tells mom about Jake and Ashley then tells mom about a guy she met on the internet. "Oh no sis! Stay away from the internet creeps." My mom says imparting her infinite wisdom. "But he's really cute!" Jodi says desperately. "And he probably eats ren." Mom says laughing. Jodi playfully shoves mom and tells her to shut up. It's great having my mother and my aunt talking again. I can barely remember a time when they were in the same room together. Me, Rick, mom and Jodi are all sat in the kitchen having coffee. While I tell mom about private heroes. I tell her about my training and she tells me how proud of me she is. "We haven't formally introduced." Rick says to mom. "I'm Rick!" He says holding his hand out to my mom. "Nice to meet you." Mom says with a smile as she shakes his hand. "Oh uh sorry about your jaw" mom says remembering the hit to the jaw he took trying to stop their fight. Rick doesn't seem to bothered about it and tells her it's fine. "Jodi you're son's a stud!" She says and I give her a WTF look. "Jade he's my son." She tells her. "Relax I'm just teasing." She says laughing and Jodi slaps my mom on the back of the head.

We continue talking, well mostly its mom and Jodi catching up while me and Rick watch them reconnect. Eventually mom turns her attention back to me and asks for more details on what I've been doing. There's only one thing I haven't told her. "I have a girlfriend." Mom nearly s on her coffee and looks at me with wide eyes. "What! Really!?" She asks and im a little put off by her reaction. "Yes really! I don't know whether to be offended or not." I tell her and she shakes her head. "Oh no baby! I'm happy for you, I just wasn't expecting you to say that. So who is she?" I tell mom about Holly and how we met. "She's amazing mom, she's helped me alot. I'd never have got this far without her." I tell her and mom gives me a hard look. "So when do I get to meet the girl that looks after my son now." "Soon. She's in town with Ashley at the moment she should be back soon." My mom nods and we continue talking.

It's about ten minutes later that Ashley and Holly come back carrying five bags in each hand. I get up to hug and kiss Holly then I hear my mom clear her throat. "Holly." I say leading her to mom. "This is my mom, mom this is my girlfriend Holly." Holly looks at me with wide eyes as my mother comes over smiling. "So you're dating my son?" Mom says shaking Holly's hand. "Yes." Holly says nervously. "Daniel didn't tell me you'd be coming by." Holly says. "That's because he didn't know. I came to look after him but apparently you've been doing that just fine." My mom tells Holly. "I did what I could." Holly says unsure of what to say. "Well that's bullshit! But I'll let it slide. I'd like to get to know you if you'd like to go shopping with me tomorrow." My mom says and Holly looks to me for help but I'm staying out of this. Holly looks back at mom and says "Yeah sure. That sounds like fun." Mom smiles and leads Holly to the table so that they can talk. Rick and Jodi join me in the front room to watch tv. Jake and Ashley meet mom and make a point to welcome her by cooking dinner for her. Ashley is an amazing cook and made one of the best meals I've had in years. Jake helped her and washed the dishes afterwards.

With me mom and Holly all staying in the house Rick was running out of bedrooms. It was decided that me and Holly would keep our room and mom would share a room with Jodi. Rick wanted to offer mom his room while he stayed at Sarah's house but she declined, not wanting to push him out of the house. We all went to bed at the same time and I had to hold my hand over Holly's mouth while I fucked her so that she didn't moan too loudly. We're sitting in bed when Holly says "Thankyou for making it up to me." She smiles a goofy smile as she comes down from her orgasm. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "I've been waiting since last night for you too fuck me. I've been going crazy waiting for your cock." She says and I love her dirty talk. "Oh I haven't made it up to you yet!" I tell her and she gives me a questioning look. "I have a very special surprise for you." I say smiling sadistically. She looks nervous but I can tell she's excited. I can see her soaking her panties with anticipation. I kiss her on the forehead and say "But not tonight! Goodnight!" I switching the light off and lying down to sleep. I feel her cuddle up to me and we fall asleep.

Jade Green's POV same time....

Me and my sister get my luggage from my car and head to her bedroom. We change out of our clothes into our pyjama's. It's not weird for us to change in front of each other. We used to do it all the time when were s. I look at my little sister's hot bod and I have to admire that she still looks good. She doesn't notice me looking as she says "So how long do you think you'll stay?" "I'm not sure me and Daniel will have to talk and figure out what we're gonna do." I say thinking of how much my son seems to like it here. We're both stripped down to our bra and panties and I notice Jodi looking. She's got a plain white bra and panties and I'm wearing my favourite dark blue bra with matching panties. "Something catch you're eye?" I say joking with her. "Oh no! I just can't believe how good you look. You been working out?" She asks and I enjoy the praise. "Yeah everyday. I'll have to find a gym nearby to keep up my routine." I tell her and she nods. "Well Rick's got a gym at his office and I don't think he'd mind you using it." She says. I nod and I notice her looking at my breasts straining to get out of my bra.

Suddenly I'm taken back in time to when me and Jodi were teens trying to learn about our bodies. I decide to test her and say "Remember when were a couple of school s who knew nothing about sex?" I say and she smiles and nods as she thinks back. "Yeah, oh how far we've come" she says she says making us both laugh. "Ain't that the truth." I say and slowly walk towards her. "Remember our practice sessions as we called them." I say and she looks up at me unsure of where I'm going with this. "Yeah that was a long time ago." She says firm but I can see she's nervous. "But you enjoyed it." I tell her confidently. "Yeah but it was supposed to be us experimenting." She says firmly. "And you ended up being my submissive slut!" I tell her placing my hand on her shoulder and running it down her arm. She shivers at my touch but stands her ground.

"Jade no!" Suddenly I put my hand on Jodi's panties and they are literally drenched. "You're mouth says no! But you're pussy says fuck yes!" I say with a dominant tone. I look her in the eye and say "You miss it! Obeying my every wish. Being my submissive slut! Tell me you miss it." Jodi's shaking now and she's nearly dripping as I keep my hand on her pussy. "You miss it don't you?" "Sssometimes." She whispers and I smile. "You want it don't you?" I ask and she doesn't answer. "What was it you use to call me?" I ask. "Mmmistress." She mumbles. "What were you?" I ask rubbing her pussy slowly through her panties. "Slut!" She says.

"Be my slut again Jodi. Be my submissive sister slut!" I say in a menacing tone and she still has a little fight in her as she shakes her head. "Get on your knees!" I order her and she doesn't move. "Now!" I say a little louder and in an instant she falls to her knees. "You wanna cum don't you?" I ask her. "Yes." I watch as my little sister is on her knees in front of me begging me to make her cum. "Call me mistress." I tell her and she looks at me with pleading eyes. "I'm your mistress and you're my slut! Say it." She doesn't answer. "Fine this is a waste of my time." I scoff and walk back to the bed. "Please Mistress, make me cum. I'm your slut and I want you to make me cum!" She says quickly and desperately. I stop in my tracks and look back at her smiling. "You've forgotten everything I taught you. I'm gonna have to train you again." I sit on my bed and spread my legs. "Crawl over hear and eat my pussy slut!" Jodi quickly crawls over to me and tries to move my panties aside. I push her head up to my face me and say "Beg to eat my pussy slut!" I say and like a needy slut she begs me "Mistress please! Please let me eat you're pussy, let me please you!" I smile as she has fallen back into her submissive identity. I pull her head in-between my legs. "Eat my pussy slut! Make your mistress cum." I say trying to make her as horny as I can. So that once she comes, it'll blow her mind and she'll be begging for more and more from me. I place my hands on the bed for balance and stare up at the ceiling as my little sister expertly licks my wet cunt. Nice to know she hasn't forgotten everything I taught her.

I place my hand on the back of her head and hold her to my pussy as I start moaning loudly. "Aaaah yes! Oooooh Lick my clit slut! Make me cum!" Jodi's mouth closes around my clit and she licks it. "AAAAH! Aaaaahhh yes bitch make your mistress come you nasty whore!" I scream as I spread my legs wider and place my other hand on the back of her head. I puller her deeper into my pussy and start grinding against her face. "Ooooh fuck! Ooooh shit Jodi I'm cuuuummmminnnng!" I cry as explode in an earth shattering orgasm and collapse on the bed.

I lay there panting for what feels like forever. All the while Jodi is kneeling at the foot of the with her hands behind her back. Waiting for me like a dog waiting for it's owner to come home. I manage to get some strength back in my legs and stand up. I look down at her with my hands on my hips. "What do you want now!" I ask in a frustrated tone. "Please mistress, I need to cum. Please can I cum?" She begs like a whore which has my juices flowing again. "Stand!" I order her and she does, keeping her hands behind her back. In one quick move I grab her hair and throw her over the bed. I smack her ass and she whimpers. I call her names while I spank her. "Bitch!" SMACK! "Whore!" SMACK! "Slut" SMACK! she whimpers and cries as I spank her and her ass is bright red but her pussy is practically dripping. "Lie on the bed and raise your ass!" I order her.

She does as she's told without hesitation. Her head rests on the bed while her ass is in thee air. I run my finger up her slit and she shivers. I decide to tease her and gently run my tounge up her pussy. She gasps loudly and grasps the bed sheets. "Mistress please....pleasee... Make me cum!" She gasps. "Where are your toys!" I ask her in a menacing tone. She points towards a set of draws beside the bed. "Sssecond draw." She says panting. "Stay like that!" I order her as I climb off the bed and walk towards the draws. In the draws I find a but plug a, huge black dildo and a strap on which surprises me. "What's my baby sister been doing with this!" I ask her smiling. I drop the toys on the bed and take the but plug. I walk back behind Jodi and start poking her asshole gently. "I'm gonna have to train your ass again."

I drop it beside her and start licking her ass. She gasps loudly and moans as I tounge her ass. I place both my hands on her ass and pull her into me. Once her ass is nice and wet I take the but plug and start rubbing her hole. Slowly I start pushing it in. Jodi moans and grunts as I push it in. Once her ass is plugged, Jodi starts shaking. I put the strap-on on and stand in front of her. "Do you want me to fuck you, slut?" I ask her and her pleading eyes lock onto mine. "Please mistress I can't take it anymore. Please fuck your slut!"

I climb on the bed in front of her and grip her hair, shoving her down onto my fake cock. "Suck my cock slut!" Jodi bobs her head up and down desperately. I grab her head and thrust my hips back and forth, fucking her throat. "Aaaag aaaag aaaag" she gags on my cock. I pull my cock from her mouth and go back to her pussy. Her ass is filled time to fill her pussy. I grab her hips and push my cock all the way into her pussy. She throws her head up and damn near screams. I start fucking her hard and fast. She's going crazy, I smack her ass while I fuck her. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thankyou!" She cries as she's about to burst. "Do you wanna cum slut?!" I ask her and she nods desperately. "Yes Mistress! Yes I wanna cum! Please can I cum?!" she begs and I decide she's waited enough. "Do it slut! Cum for your mistress!" I order her and like the flick of a switch she cums, squirting like a burst hose pipe. Her legs are shaking like crazy and she collapses on the bed shaking like a leaf.

"We're not done yet!" I tell her pulling off the strap on. "Please Mistress.... I... I can't take.... Another!" Jodi says trying to catch my breath. "I wanna cum again so stop being a selfish, lazy slut and get over here." I say as I grab her legs and roll her onto her back. She's got no energy to move. So I spread her legs and position my pussy above hers. Jodi looks like she's gonna fall asleep so I slap her a couple of times and her eyes shoot open. "Wake up slut! I'm not finished with you yet!" I start rubbing my pussy against hers and she's now fully awake and she starts moaning again. We're both grinding against each other moaning, I have her left leg over my shoulder and her right leg down beside me. Jodi looks down at her pussy rubbing against mine as our orgasms build. I start grinding harder and faster as she screams "Aaahh Aaaah yes! Yes! Uuuuh Uuuuh!" My orgasm creeps higher and higher. My pussy is burning I can feel it cumming. "Aaaah Aaaah Aaaaahhhhh shit!" I scream as we both cum together. We both fall back on the bed panting as we come down from our orgasmic highs.

After we recover, we both climb into bed and hold each other. "That... Was... Amazing!" Jodi says and I giggle. "I forgot how much I missed that!" She continues. "Get used to it. I will have you again!" I say and her eyes go wide but then she smiles and nods. "I've been thinking." I tell Jodi. "Careful you'll hurt yourself!" She mocks and I playfully slap her. "I think we should tell Daniel the truth." I tell her and she looks at me with uncertain eyes. "I've been thinking the same. I feel better about it knowing you feel the same way." She says and I nod. "He's my baby boy and I can't lie to him anymore." I say tearing up. Jodi holds me and says "We'll tell him together. Tomorrow." I nod in agreement and we hold each other and fall asleep. I've missed you baby sister, it's good to have you back at my side.

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