Private Heroes - The Devils Breath Part 4

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Its Monday and I'm pulling up to the office and head in. David said he had a job for us but wouldn't discuss it on the phone. That already tells me that its big and its unlike any job we've done before. I head upstairs and find David and Katy sat in my office. "I gotta change that lock." I say as I close the door. As soon as im sat in my chair, David places a report in front of me. While I read David tells me about the case. "Tommy Bishop. He's 24 and works at a bar on weekdays. Now he's sitting in a jail cell facing charges. The victim was a young girl. Amy Trent. 19 years old, studying to be a nurse. Her body was found in a dumpster in an alley". I look at the report and it tells me that the suspect was found in his bed covered in . The weapon, a butchers knife, was found in the kitchen. The police even have an eyewitness that saw him the victim. Now I'm a little confused. "Ok so what's the problem? They have an eye witness, the weapon and the suspect. Why are we bothering with this?" "Because the suspect swears that he doesn't remember anything. Says he passed out and woke up covered in . No drugs or alcohol in his system and no history of mental illness." I look up at him confused before saying "Ok you've got my interest what does he want us to do?" "he wants us to find out what happened. He doesn't deny ing anyone because the evidence is clear. He just wants to know what really happened." I nod lightly still reading the report. "Ok we'll take the case!" At that statement David's eyes light up. "Let's go talk to Mr Bishop shall we?"

Daniel, Same time somewhere else...

When your not getting an early wake up call from angry bikers, sleeping in hotels ain't that bad. But I gotta keep moving. I'm driving down the freeway and it's hot as balls out. On the other hand there's plenty of things to keep my mind off the heat. A few minutes ago a ginger woman flashed her tits at me. Man I love this country. It's getting dark and I know I'll need to stop for the night soon. Once I turn off the freeway I find myself entering a town called Stormesville. Looks like a peaceful place but I have a feeling I should wait til the end of the night to make that claim.

I just hope its not one of those places where everyone dresses in cowboy boots and hats. I drive around for a while looking for a hotel. On my travels I notice a burger joint that I might go to later. A few minutes later I find a hotel and put myself down under the same fake name. First things first back to that burger restaurant. It doesn't take me long to find it again and once I enter I see its nearly empty. I'm wearing my leather jacket and jeans again this time with a grey shirt. There's a young red headed girl behind the counter who smiles upon seeing me enter. I sit in a booth in the corner. The red head wastes no time coming over with a menu. "Hey there! I'm Holly, what can I get ya?" She says smiling. I look her up and down simple waitress outfit. Stockings, black skirt, black shirt with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows. She has a nice heart shaped locket around her neck. She has a soft, beautiful face with pale skin. Her red hair is tied back in a bun. I guess I was looking longer than I should have because she's blushing.

I smile at her and ask her when the restaurant closes to which she says "In 30 minutes." I nod and say "In that case can I just get 2 cups of coffee please." "Wow you must be tired." She says writing my order down. "Nope, the second cup's for you." I say simply. She looks up at me with wide eyes. "You don't have to do that." She says. "2 cups of coffee please" I tell her smiling. She blushes again and walks away. It only takes 5 minutes for her to come back with the coffee. "Have a seat." I say pointing at the chair opposite me. "I really should get back to work." She says unsure. "The restaurant closes in 20 minutes, no one else is gonna come in. C'mon please don't make me waste my money." I tell her. She's biting her lip thinking about it but eventually she takes a seat opposite me and sips her coffee.

"So what's your full name?" I ask her. "Holly Blackwood." She says. I extend my hand to her and say. "Daniel Green." I say and she shakes my hand. I don't know why I gave her my real name. It just sorta came out naturally. I'd forgotten for a moment that I was supposed to be keeping my cards close to my chest. But I tried to keep the conversation going. "so how long have you worked here Holly?" I ask her. "A few months now. It's a nice place, good pay and it's pretty easy." "Sounds ideal." I say sipping my coffees. "Yeah it's great here but sometimes it feels like I could be doing more with my life." I nod at her, I understand it's the same way I felt back home. Its partly why I became Crossblade. "So what about you? I can tell your not from around here." Holly asks. "I'm travelling. I'm looking for my family in Woodchip." Holly smiles and says "That's nice. It'll be a good family reunion." Says Holly. "You ever do any travelling?" I ask her. "No, I've never left the town. To be honest I don't know what I'd do if I did." At that moment I pull my wallet out and check the money situation. I still have a couple hundred bucks left. Easily enough to get me to Woodchip. I'm unsure about what I'm about to ask but I don't want to lose contact with Holly. I like her. I like her alot.

"Holly how do you fancy a holiday?" I ask her and she smiles. "I could really use one but I just can't afford it." "No I mean why don't you come with me to Woodchip?" I say and she s on her coffee. "But i just met you!?" She says, I knew it would go down like this. "I know but. I like you Holly and you deserve a break. Besides I'll be glad to have a travelling companion." She raises her eyebrow and says "you do know how dodgy you sound right now?" Says Holly and I have to laugh. "Yeah I guess I do sound creepy but I promise I don't do this with all the girls I meet. I just want more time to get to know you." "Ever heard of facebook." She says quickly. I smile and say "Look im sorry I brought it up. If you don't wanna go you don't have to. No drama."

We're sat in silence for a minute before she says. "I can't afford it." I'm more then willing to pay for her but I don't wanna make her feel bad. "All you need is a packed bag and some spending money. I've already got the hotel booked. I'll be in Woodchip tomorrow evening if I leave in the morning." I tell her. I can see she's still unsure. She's brought out of her thoughts by someone calling her. "Hey Holly!" We both look at the counter and see a heavy set black man with an apron on. "I'm turning the cookers off now! You can leave when your ready." He says looking at me. "Ok Gustav! Thanks." Holly looks back at me and takes a napkin from the table. She takes out a pen and writes something down before sliding it to me. I take the napkin and see it's her number. "Can I have time to think about it?" I nod and say "I'll call you tomorrow, I wont leave until you decide." She smiles and says she has to go.

I walk her to her car we make small talk until she suddenly says "Shit!" I look over and see someone walking over. A guy about 5'8, toned. He has a bushy mustache, a bandanna wrapped around his head and a gold chain around his neck. #wannabe gangster. "Holly, we need to talk!" He says with a thick Mexican accent. "Go away Enrique. I've got nothing to say to you." You don't have to be a detective to figure out he's an ex. "Well I have something to say to you. Let's talk" he says wrapping his arm around hers. That's where I step in. "Look mate, she said she doesn't wanna talk. So just leave her alone." He looks at me with some shock then anger. "Listen hermano, bad things happen to people who don't show respect. Find some respect or I teach you some." He's trying to scare me but he's only making me angry. "Holly go to your car and go home." Holly needs no encouragement. She runs for her car and Enrique tries to go after her but I step in his way. "Unless you want a beat down, I'd step aside." I smile at him and stay planted in his way like a tree. I see Holly drive off watching us as she leaves the car park.

"You made a mistake messing with me pendejo! I'd watch your back if I were you." He says confidently before walking away. I go to my car and sit while I wait for him to drive off. Once he's out of the car park. I see him make a left. I start the car up and follow him. He makes a stop at a warehouse where I see him talking to a group of guys. He's talking angrily about something and they just nod obediently. Once he's back in the car I follow him to a run down house in a rough neighbourhood. He parks the car in the driveway and heads inside.

I'm smiling as I head back to my hotel. Once in my room I send Holly a text telling her everything's ok. She blows up my phone asking me what happened and I just say that he left after you did. Then she tells me that his crew will be looking for me. I just tell her that I can handle myself. She doesn't like my optimism and tells me to take this seriously. So I just tell everything will be ok and to get some sleep. She says she'll text me tomorrow and that's the last message I get.

Once I put the phone down I start looking through my bags. I pull out a black suit with a crossblade symbol on the chest. It's kinda tight but its cozy. I use to have a set of swords that went on my back in a crossblade position but I had to leave those behind. I pull out the mask and stare at it for a moment. It's a plain black mask with red eyes that look like shades. The last time I wore this my best friend was ed. I brings me sadness as I look at it. I pull it on and look at the mirror. I always thought I kinda looked like Spiderman. I wonder if real life heroes can get sued for copyright. Oh well! Time to go hunting.

I'm standing outside the back of Enrique's house and see all the lights are off except one. How am I gonna do this? I can't go inside. The noise might wake the family. I need to get him outside. Think! Think! Oh wait! I have an idea. I grab a rock and throw it at his window. After a few seconds I see him look out the window but im hidden in the bushes. When he walks back I throw another rock that cracks his window. His window flies open and he screams "FUCKING PENDEJO! WHO DID THAT?!" I stay hidden but call out "asshole!" That's when he storms outside his house with a flashlight and a gun. He's scanning the bushes with rage on his face. He unknowingly shines the light right at me but walks past me. Once he does I jump from my hiding place and deliver a shot to the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious.

Its nearly 20 minutes when he wakes up. I have him tied to the fence of his back yard and I've gagged him. When he finally realises what's going on he starts struggling. That's when I step into view and he looks at me scared. But then like always, fear turns to anger. He starts shouting at me through his gag. I kneel down in front of him and punch him, breaking his nose. Then again and again. When I'm finished, he has a black eye, a cut above his other eye, his nose is ing and he's about to pass out. Whenever he's about to pass out, I slap him like a bitch. Now that I have his attention I decide to take it down a notch. I take a permanent marker and write the words "cock sucker" across his forehead. I also draw a dick on the side of his face. I can't help but laugh at Mr. Tough guy with a cock on his face. I pull out my phone and start snapping pictures of him. He struggles to turn his face away from the camera but only gives me a better angle to catch on the camera.

After taking 20 pictures I decide its time to talk. "Enrique?" I say and he looks at me, his eyes practically glowing with anger. "I want you to do something for me. I want you to stay away from Holly. Can you do that for me?" He starts angrily shouting at me but the gag muffles his voice. "If you don't, ill send these pictures to everyone who knows you. How much respect is your crew gonna have for you when they see this. What about the whole town. You're not bad. You're just Enrique cock sucker. That's what they'll say." It's now that I see the fear once again. "If you ever start any trouble for Holly or anyone else in this town again, I send the pictures. Understand?" He nods frantically and I smile behind my mask. "Then I guess we're done." He sighs in relief and im guessing he's waiting for me to cut him loose. "Sorry! I don't have anything to cut you loose!" I say mocking sympathy. "Don't worry I'm sure your parents will find something when they find you here tomorrow." I say walking away. I can here him thrashing angrily against his restraints but I keep walking not looking back and disappear into the darkness.

Rick, same time at the police station.

I'm here signing the papers so that I can talk to Mr. Bishop. David's getting us a couple of coffees as I sign the last bit of paperwork. We've got friends and enemies here. Friends who are grateful for our support in their cases and enemies who don't appreciate our "interference" in their cases. Chief Belfast is the worst. Yes that's his real name. He doesn't like helping us but he can't legally stop us. So he just does whatever he can to make our jobs difficult. Usually that involves sitting on his ass when we need him for something.

When the paperwork is finished, I hand it to Dorothy. She smiles and tells me to "Wait right here sugar!" She's a 40 year old black lady. She's alot of fun and never short on jokes. I always look forward to seeing her. She appreciates what we do and gives us a sneaky favour when she can. No! Not sex. She's like the aunt I never had. If we need a piece of evidence for example and cant afford to wait she'll sneak it under her desk.

David returns with our coffees and that's when chief but munch comes out and tells us that we have 5 minutes with his arms folded. We follow him to the holding cells and he unlocks one of them. "Hey er! You got visitors." I walk over and see a man nearly my age, dressed smart with a purple shirt and a pair of jeans. His curly hair is a mess. The bags under his eyes tell me hasn't slept much. I can't say I would either if it were me. It's his face that has me feeling for the guy. Its mixed with pain, guilt and self hate. He's sitting on the floor against the wall, his arms are resting on his knees. The chief looks at us with an annoyed expression and leaves us.

I enter the cell and he stands up to sit on the bed. David pulls out his note book and pen and I start the questioning. "Mr. Bishop, my name is Rick Green. This is my partner David. We're private heroes." That's when his eyes light up and he speaks. "Can you help me?" He says hopefully. "I can definitely try but im not sure what you want me to do. You were found with the weapon. You were covered in . Your DNA was all over the body." That's when he starts crying. "Mr. Bishop, I need you to focus. I know what your going through. Bury that shit man and focus. Keep the pain hidden until the right time to feel it." He looks at me for a moment as if he's trying to read me, then he just nods. "What happened?" I ask him. "I was out clubbing, I wasn't drunk cause I don't drink, i was just having fun and then I just blacked out." I sigh in frustration. His details are too vague. "Tommy if you want my help, I suggest you stop wasting my time and tell me every detail you remember." I tell him harshly. Now I have him thinking. "I went out to smoke. That's when I saw a girl crying. I dropped my cigarette and followed her around the corner. I saw her talking to a man. A big man. He slapped her. That's when I blacked out." I hold up a picture of the victim and say "Is this her?" He nods lightly. This is starting to get interesting. "What club was this?" I ask him. "The panther." He replies. Ok it's not much but its a start. I need to figure out who that man was.

David notes down what Tommy said and closes his book. "I'll look into it. Just sit tight Mr. Bishop, we'll be back when we know more." I tell him and we leave the station.

Me and David are in the car, driving towards the club. This case is a mess, I have no idea what we're doing but I guess we just try to find out what happened. "Hey Rick!" Says David. "You think he's telling the truth?" I rest my head in my hand and say "I don't know. It makes no sense for him to lie. Who confesses to a then claims they don't remember? There's definitely something funny going on here." I see David nod before he asks "so what do we do?" "we do what we're being paid to do. Find out what happened." I reply. "And if it turns out to be an open and shut case?" Asks David. "Then at the very least we can fill in some blanks for Mr. Bishop. But he mentioned seeing a man slapping a girl in the alley." I say thinking. "You think it's connected?" "Possibly. Do you remember that show NCIS I like?" I ask him. David looks at me confused and nods. "Rule number 3, don't believe what your told, double check." David laughs at my reference and says "Really? Using a crappy tv drama to help you in a real life case?" "I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that!" I say smiling.

Its 2 am when we arrive at the panther. I like this club, me and Jake have come here a number of times. That's gonna change now! We show the doorman our badges and he leads us through to the manager's office. Je knocks the door twice and pokes his head in. "Mr. Carter there are two badges here that wanna see you." He says. "Send them in!" I hear a deep voice say. The doorman stands aside allowing me and David to enter. It's there we see a slim black guy sat behind a desk. He's wearing a black and orange Hawaiian shirt, he has an expensive looking gold necklace and a gold watch.

He stands and extends his hand to us. "Gentleman, Vincent Carter! I own this club." Me and David both shake his hand and introduce ourselves before we sit back down. "So what can I do for you?" Vincent asks as he slouches back in his chair. "Mr. Carter we're investigating a involving someone that came to your club last week." I say and Vincent shakes his head and says "Ain't no s happen here!" "No, the victim was found a few streets away. But both the victim and the suspect were seen at your club!" Says David. "We need to see your security footage." I tell him and he nods. He begins typing away on his computer and spins the monitor around for us to see. It's a view above the door. You can see people lined up to get in. On the left is an area where people are smoking. It's there I see Tommy. He stood against the wall smoking when a young girl runs out crying. Just like Tommy said, he dropped his cigarette and went after her and they disappear out of view of the camera.

"Can we follow those two?" I ask Vincent. He shakes his head and says "sorry man that's the best view you're gonna get." I sigh in frustration. I need to get a description of the big guy Tommy saw. I can do that tomorrow. We both stand and shake Vincent's hand. We thank him for his cooperation and leave. David wants to stay for a few drinks. I roll my eyes and tell him to watch his back before I leave.

I drive home and don't think of the case til morning. Instead I think of Jodi. We haven't had any play time in a while. She hasn't said anything about it but I know she misses me. It's been a couple of years now since we first had sex. I'm still getting used to it. I find its best to see her as an older fuck buddy who acts like my mom. I mean it ain't wrong cause she's not my mother. She's a woman who adopted me and took on the mother role. I'll give her some much needed loving tonight. With that thought In mind I pull into the driveway.

I walk in to find Jodi in the kitchen chopping an onion. She's wearing her pink tank top and jean skirt, Her nipples are pointing through her top. She looks up at me and says "Hello sweety! How was work?" I sigh and say "confusing". She puts the knife down and walks over to kiss me on the cheek. "You'll work it out you always do." I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a tounge kiss. She's shocked for a second before she returns the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. She breaks the kiss and says "The s are out with their friends!" With a wink. "I'm gonna take a shower, wanna join?" She asks before walking off. "cheeky!" I say slapping her ass as she walks off. She looks back at me with a naughty smile as I head up to my bedroom. I strip down to my boxers in record time. It's at that time I hear the shower start.

I head towards the bathroom and she Jodi stood in the shower with her back to me. Creeping slowly inside, I take the time to admire her ass. I push my boxers off and creep in behind her, pulling her into my boner. She moans lightly and starts grinding against my erection. I start kissing her neck from behind as I reach round and grope her breasts. She reaches back and strokes my hair while I run my finger over her nipples. I keep my right hand on her breast and slide my left hand down between her legs. The water's still splashing on us. I start rubbing circles around her pussy and she's starting to gasp as she looks up to the ceiling. I can't wait anymore as I bend her over and thrust my cock into her pussy, making her squeal. I place my hands on her hips and take a few slow strokes before I start hammering into her. Seeing her tits bounce back and forth. "Pull my hair Rick! Take control of me!" She says through clenched teeth. I take a handful of her soaked hair and yank her head back. "Oh Yeah! Fuck! Fuck me Rick!" She shouts. I double my efforts and pound into her pussy. She's going crazy on my dick and I reach down and grab her tit.

In one quick move I spin her round and push her against the wall, I hook her left leg in my arm lifting it up. I aim my cock at her whole and thrust back into her. We stare into each others eyes as I thrust into her. Jodi reaches down and starts rubbing her clit, desperately trying to cum. I feel myself starting to cum as she grips me tightly and I shoot my load inside her. "AAAH AHHH RICK!" She screams. "Aaaahhhh Sarah!" I say through clenched teeth. We slide down the wall and just hold each other making out.

"We should get ready for bed!" Says Jodi. I nod and we help each other up. Once we're dried up, we head to the bedroom and climb into bed. I place my arm over her shoulder and she snuggles up, resting her head on my shoulder. "Who's Sarah?" She asks me. "What?" I ask confused. "When you came you said her name." Now I remember and now I'm nervous. "Jodi I'm sorry..." She waves me off and says "Don't worry about it. If my boy's finally found a woman, I won't interfere. I'm proud of you. So who is she?" I tell her the story of how we caught her husband and how she and I had sex. Jodi smiles and says "Do you like her." I'm not sure if I can answer that. Yeah we had sex but it was just to get back at her husband. Do I actually like her though. "She's an amazing, beautiful woman. And... Yes... I really do!" Jodi smiles again and says "Then ask her out." I shake my head and say "It's not that simple what about you?" I ask her. "Don't worry about me. To be honest, I've been thinking about meeting someone else. I'm not getting any younger. I just hope Jake understands." It's then that I remember, I completely forgot to tell her about Jake. "Jodi about that! I spoke to Jake and he's found someone too. He's been trying to get a job to impress her." Jodi looks up at me confused. "Why didn't he tell me?" She asks a little disheartened. "He was scared of hurting your feelings." It's then that she nearly breaks down in laughter. "What mother doesn't wanna see her little boy meet a special little lady?" She asks and I chuckle with her. "I'll talk to him tomorrow" She says. We kiss each other and hold each other. As I lay there I think on what she said and decide to call Sarah tomorrow.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000