
This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

It was nearly 3 o'clock on a very warm Tuesday afternoon last Spring and I was for a cup of coffee when I spotted a mobile caf?in a secluded lay-by in rural Northumberland.

There were a few lorries and vans parked up but most of the drivers were in their cabs. Three were sitting at a plastic table and chairs. I bought a coffee; a bottle of water and a bar of chocolate. As I turned to walk back to my car a bald lorry driver offered me a seat at his table.

"Hello pet," he smiled and held his hand out for me to shake, "I'm Owen."

"I'm Linda." I replied as I sat down and politely shook his large calloused hand.

"What's a pretty lass like you doing around these parts?" He continued in his broad Geordie accent; still smiling.

"I work for a catering company." I told him as I unwrapped the chocolate; "So I've been up the Valley all morning and not one of the sods would make me a cup of coffee."

"Don't mind him." His fat colleague chuckled, "he's a nosey bugger and likes to know the ins and outs of a fart!"

The two men then playfully argued for a minute or so.

Over the next 15 minutes or so we chatted like long lost friends. Owen delivered furniture throughout the North and Scotland; his helper was Greg, and he was asleep in the van. The other man was Martin and he delivered car parts. Both men were in their late 50's or early 60's and were very pleasant company.

As I bent over to pick up my bag I heard Martin suck in his breath. I froze for an instant as I realised that he'd seen my white lace thong because my hipster trousers must have slipped down slightly. I just carried on as normal smiling to myself at the effect a glimpse of my panties would have on two oldish men. When I stood up to leave Owen told me that I was welcome back any time and he was always there on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I smiled and told them I just might call back the following week. I did return and every Tuesday for the next few weeks, always wearing hipsters and deliberately choosing sexy thongs or g-strings to wear underneath as I knew that I would be bending over two or three times every lunchtime for my new admirers. The chaps were always there as promised and they soon introduced me to a few more of their lorry driver friends from all over the country as the weeks went by. I was quickly accepted into their exclusive little club. The conversation was always fun and could get very ribald sometimes especially when they realised that I too have a dirty sense of humour and don't embarrass very easily.

One week Owen got embarrassed when someone gave him an envelope with some cd's inside.

"What music is that?" I innocently asked him as I tried to pick up the package. He instantly blushed and stuffed it into his overalls.

"That's not a music cd!" A young van driver called Jeremy laughed. "That's his fucking porn stash!"

"Oh dear!" I grinned and shrugged my shoulders, "sorry." The conversation soon deteriorated as his friends ribbed him about the porn he watched in his cab and shared with the other drivers; young women, lesbians, threesomes and stockings especially stockings!

The conversation and a second cup of coffee had a strange effect on me. I'd really enjoyed the attention I'd previously been getting from all of the guys but this was different; the talk of sex and porn was turning me on. Even making me squirm on my plastic chair.

"Shit!" I groaned as I looked around.

"What's the matter?" Andy asked.

"I need a pee and there are no toilets." I grimaced as my bladder instantly began to swell and threatened to leak; "I don't think I can last until I get home."

"You'll just have to go behind the wagons like we do then." Martin laughed and dug his elbow into Owen's ribs.

"With you dirty lot around?" I squinted my eyes, "I don't think so."

"Don't worry," Martin 'assured me', and “I'll make sure nobody watches."

I didn't believe him for a second but I was very rapidly becoming desperate.

"I'll be listening!" I warned them as I hurried behind a big green lorry. Just as I unzipped my trousers I heard faint giggling and the shuffle of some feet. I couldn't wait any longer so pulled my trousers and pants down knowing some of the lorry drivers were watching; then I squatted with my arse pointing up and out towards them. In an instant my piss gushed out onto the grass and I was overwhelmed with a sense of relief; but the knowledge that I was being watched pissing behind a lorry made my pulse race faster than ever before. No matter how much I tried it seemed like I couldn't stop pissing! It was probably over in seconds but it felt like minutes. Eventually I wiggled my hips to shake off the last few drops and dried myself with a tissue. By now the giggling wasn't even being stifled but thankfully when I stood up and rearranged my trousers no one was there.

I walked back to where they were sitting and playfully scowled at them.

"Same time next week?" Martin nonchalantly asked; much to the amusement of the others who were nearly as they tried to keep their laughter in.

"Maybe," I hissed, "but then again........maybe not!"

Owen and Martin were grinning like mad men as I drove out of the lay-by so I tooted my horn and blew them an exaggerated kiss; much to their delight. I only had one more customer to see on my journey home and could hardly concentrate for thinking about my time at the truck stop. The final 40 minute drive home went by in a blur as I re-lived every second of my time behind the lorry.

My flatmate (Gina) probed all night to find out why I was 'so happy during the working week'. While I'd been making the pasta for our dinner I'd actually been dancing and singing to Madonna which had sparked her curiosity. I decided not to tell her what had happened as it was just 'weird'....even I couldn't understand why showing my knickers and pissing in front of men older than my dad had not only made me joyful but was really turning me on!

I was soon desperate to go to bed to play with myself as I'd spent all afternoon and evening in a state of sexual delight thinking about flashing my knickers and pissing in front of a group of strangers!

I knew it would be a struggle to get to sleep as I couldn't get the afternoon's scenario out of my I quickly let my hand slip between my legs as I relived pissing behind the lorry without any knickers on. My pussy felt very warm and sticky as my fingers ran up and down my slit. At 24 I'd been a regular masturbator for 10 or more years but tonight was different....I wasn't dreaming about Robbie Williams or the footballer Les Ferdinand ravishing me or even one or more of the handsome studs from my gym or even Craig an ex-boyfriend with an unfeasibly large dirty mind couldn't stop thinking about the scruffy lorry drivers and the things I wanted to do for them and what I wanted them to do to me!

I was soon panting and my clit was tingling as my thumb flicked it while two fingers probed my hot hole. "Oh my God -- Oh my God!" I eventually gasped as I had a very satisfying orgasm but naughty thoughts about letting them watch me pull my panties down and stick my arse out at them meant that I kept rubbing and fingering my pussy until I had a second deeper orgasm then drifted off into sleep.

I woke up just after 2AM with my fingers rubbing my clitty in my sleep! I'd already cum twice but still wasn't 'old faithful' had to make an entrance. I silently opened my bedside table and fumbled at the was there. My pulse was racing as I slid it out of its packaging....I just hoped that the batteries were still working and Gina had washed it when she'd borrowed it recently. I didn't mind and was secretly turned on by the thought of my best friend using my sex toy but she didn't always wash it afterwards.

'Buzzzzzzzz'......"Thank God for that." I thought as it burst into life at the flick of a switch. In a nano-second it was buzzing between my legs.

My brain was now in overdrive with dark and dirty thoughts as an inch or two of pink plastic vibrator prodded my pulsing love hole. After all of these years of solo sex; the anticipation of sliding a dildo inside my cunny still made my muscles tense and tighten....but the sensation as it forces its way past my clenched pussy lips always feels like losing my virginity again...and again....and again!

My eyes bulged and I had to pant for breath as I fucked myself with all eight inches of a fat buzzing plastic cock. I soon lifted my knees up to my chest to make it go in as deep as possible then the fingers from my other hand started diddling with my engorged clitty. As usual the sensations the vibe were creating sent me into a self-induced sexual frenzy....sadly no man has ever had the same effect on me but fucking a guy is so very different anyway....masturbation is MY time and I love it.

Soon the fingers on my left hand were a blur rubbing my clit as hard and fast as possible while I slid down the bed with my legs waving in the air and my right hand pumping the life like vibe in and out of my soaking cunny. I was desperately trying to stop myself cumming.... but also desperately trying to make myself cum louder and stronger than ever before!

Then it hit me.....right up from my toes.......mmmmmmMMMMMMMFUCKINGMMMMMM!

It was one of my absolutely best orgasms EVER. I was shaking like a leaf for minutes afterwards with the vibe still stuck inside my pussy buzzing away. It eventually slid out on its own accord leaving my pussy feeling very very empty but I felt absolutely amazing as I drifted off into a deep satisfying sleep.

Of course I returned the following Tuesday as requested. On my way there I drank half a litre of cold water and a can of cola then two large cups of coffee in the lay-by before going through the charade of 'forgetting that there wasn't a toilet' so had to pee behind a lorry again; hoping and knowing that they would be watching me again. I chose a large black and white wagon from Morton-Ashley Recovery Experts. I was shaking with excitement as I slowly wriggled my tight trousers down to my ankles I leant forward and moved my legs wide apart then raised my arse as high in the air as possible....then... 'let go'....the hot piss stream must have shot out over a yard and lasted over a minute (I timed it!). I was so excited I thought that I might accidentally cum as my fingers gently spread my pussy lips to guide the piss away from my feet. When I'd finished I slowly and deliberately pushed the tissue between my pussy lips as I thoroughly dried myself knowing that they could see every intimate part of my anatomy.

Feeling very mischievous and desperate to see if anyone had the nerve to mention that they'd watched me pee; I re-joined them at the table. They didn't say a word but there was a lot of giggling and nudging like naughty schoolboys. We sat in an embarrassed silence for a few minutes then the guys eventually made 'polite conversation'.

My pussy was on fire for the rest of the day.

Thankfully my flatmate wasn't round when I arrived home because I rushed straight into my bedroom and pulled my vibe out of the drawer in the same movement that I pulled my trousers and pants down. They were hardly around my ankles as I drove the vibe as deep and hard into my cunny as possible. I really wanted a real life cock but the sex-toy had to make do and it was simply thrilling as I fucked myself rigid for over 5 minutes making myself cum 3 wonderful times. ...reliving my latest naughty escapade and fantasising about the men grabbing me and taking advantage of me with my knickers around my ankles.

I played the same game for the next few weeks -- always wearing low cut blouses; that showed plenty of my 36DD cleavage and hipster trousers with a sexy pair of panties on Tuesdays. The guys would talk about work and football quickly getting around to discussing the different porn films that they'd watched in intimate detail; then I'd go behind a lorry for a long sexy piss. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I'm not shy -- far from it. But to deliberately pull my trousers down and let a bunch of dirty old men (6 I guessed one week!) watch me piss out in the open defied belief. Strangely enough I didn't have a regular boyfriend at this time which might account for my behaviour and I was soon furiously masturbating 2 or 3 times a night 4 or 5 times a week to satisfy my lust filled urges.

I did 'pull a young guy' at a night club one Saturday night. We had a serious snog outside of the club and I guess I made it pretty obvious that sex was on the agenda when we got back to my place. Everything was going swimmingly -- he had my bra off and had given my tits a serious tongue lashing when I said, "I need to go to the you want to watch?"

He nearly freaked out and couldn't get away fast enough!

In early June I slowly drove back along the pot holed lane eventually finding a space between two big lorries about 10 yards opposite the van. I quickly applied some lipstick then went to the boot of my Vauxhall Vectra to get my handbag. The bag had slid to the back and just as I stretched to retrieve it a gust of wind blew my skirt right up; revealing my knickers and tights.

"Wahay!" Owen shouted in my direction accompanied by laughter from a group of drivers sitting near him. I grabbed my bag and slammed the boot closed.

"I knew that would happen if I wore a y skirt!" I told myself as I turned to face three new burly lorry drivers grinning at me as they sat smoking and drinking coffee at a picnic table beside the mobile caf?

As assertively as possible I walked up to the van and ordered a coffee and a bacon roll.

"Did you enjoy that then?" I sarcastically asked the fattest lorry driver whom I didn't recognise, who was still grinning like a Cheshire cat at the table next to Owen.

"Too y right, I did." He chuckled and tried to embarrass me. "That view will get me going tonight when I'm parked up in Glasgow."

If only he'd known what I got up to every other week!

He then turned to Owen and the others and crudely rubbed his crotch; "It's just a pity she wasn't wearing stockings!"

"You dirty old man. That's disgusting!" I sneered as the fat man continued rubbing his crotch.

"It's not as disgusting as what I'd be doing if you had been wearing stockings!" He bellowed and rubbed even harder, "I'd have to get it out and do it for real!"

I just rolled my eyes as the men all laughed then talked over each other.

"I love nylons." "I wish that my missus would wear them!" "She's certainly got the legs for stockings."

"Are you quite finished?" I playfully scolded them. "If I'd known I was going to put on a show for you I actually would have put some stockings on this morning." It was only at this moment that I realised that I'd always worn trousers on my previous visits. How remiss of me!

"Would you really?" A man with a face that looked liked it had been marinated in lifetime of misery asked incredulously.

"She's taking the piss!" The loud fat one told him as he pushed his friend making the cheap plastic chair wobble. Even I giggled as he tried to steady himself.

"Pull up a chair sweetheart." Owen suggested as I looked around for somewhere to sit, "Come and sit with your friends."

I smiled my appreciation and took my place at the tea stained plastic table. The three lorry drivers that I didn't recognise introduced themselves and chatted and joked as I ate my bacon roll. The fat man was known as Big Vid, the miserable one Smithy and the smallest fattest one was known as Carrsy. Big Vid was about 60 and over 17 stone with silver hair pulled back into a pony-tail and had a matching silver goatee beard; his overalls were particularly smart and immaculately clean.

"Do you really wear nylons?" The miserable looking man -- Bobby, repeated.

"Yes I do." I smiled trying to take control of the situation, "not usually for work, but I quite like to wear them on weekends and special occasions."

As usual the conversation remained quite sexually charged for the next twenty minutes or so as I drank my coffee and ate my sandwich. The regulars became a bit agitated because the fat man was commandeering my time asking about my job and my love life and awkwardly flirting with me; but I was revelling in the attention.

My pulse and heart were racing as I finished my second large cup of coffee and it was 'time for my show'.

"Have you seen the time?" I gasped as theatrically as possible when I looked at my watch, "I'd better get going."

Owen and Martin looked crestfallen as I stood up and began walking towards my car.

"Shit!" I said in a stage whisper, "I'd better have a pee before I set off. Is it OK if I go behind one of the lorries?"

My 'regular' friends all grinned and breathed a collective sigh of relief as I walked halfway along a huge green container lorry and stopped; lifted my skirt right up to my waist. then slowly pulled my tights and thong down to my ankles. There was the usual shuffling of feet in the grass and stifled giggling as well as hushed sighs as my audience took their place about 7 or 8 feet away.

"Fuck me!" I heard Big Vid gasp, "the dirty cow is going to let us watch her take a piss!"

"She always does!" Owen confessed.

This was nearly as exciting as the very first time and my heart was pounding as I leant forward legs apart and out a long stream of golden piss.

"She doesn't fucking care? Does she?" He laughed again, "If she can then I can."

As my pee splashed onto the grass I heard him unzipping his overall trousers then the unmistakable sound of his piss too landing on the grass. I slowly pulled my tights and pants back up; taking my time to make sure that everything was tucked in properly. When I turned around Big Vid and a second younger guy both had their cocks out and were shaking the drips off.

I raised my eyebrows and sexily purred, "mmmmmmmm." Big Vid's cock was some size and was growing longer and thicker as he pulled and tugged at it; the younger guys cock was long and thin with a floppy foreskin but still soft.

"Sorry to disappoint you boys but I really do have to get back to work!" I chuckled as I sauntered past them wiggling my hips as sexily as possible.

"Well, I'll be back here at the same time on Thursday." The fat man sniggered, "If you want to come back with some stockings on."

"Maybe I will!" I winked at Owen and Martin as I drained my coffee and walked back to my car still wiggling my hips for the lorry drivers' amusement.

As I opened the car door I could feel their eyes burning into my back. Without a second thought I quickly lifted my skirt and gave them another flash of my baby blue thong.

I could hardly sleep on the Wednesday evening for thinking about Owen, Martin and Big Vid being at the truck-stop waiting to see if I would turn up wearing stockings for them.

I'd already bought two new pairs especially for the occasion and some new sexy see through matching underwear. I masturbated twice to get to sleep then woke up as Gina was noisily leaving the flat. I'd woke up feeling especially mischievous and just as horny as when I'd gone to bed.

I picked up my robe and instantly discarded it; deciding to go commando around the flat. As usual Gina had opened all of the curtains so if anyone looked in...Well... They would get a real eyeful...wouldn't they? Thankfully it's a third floor flat...but you never know who's watching do you?

It felt amazingly decadent and erotic as I wandered around completely naked....deliberately walking in front of the windows in both the kitchen and the living-room to make sure that the weather was as windy as I'd hoped. It was nice and sunny but windy enough to make the trees sway. Terrific.

After coffee, cereal and toast I showered....a long lingering hot soapy shower...paying great attention to my boobs and between my legs. I had no idea what would or indeed could happen if I went back to the lay-by....maybe Owen, Martin and Big Vid would be there...but then again maybe not. Perhaps I would 'chicken out' and not actually go; but for now -- it was something worth preparing for inasmuch as I neatly trimmed and shaped my pubes. A girl has to look her best....even if it is for fat dirty old men.

After scrunch drying my naturally curly blonde hair I opened my knickers-drawer and took out my new rather sexy see-thru Lejaby bra and full panty set in white nylon with pink roses. I soon felt and looked delicious when I saw myself in the wardrobe mirror. Then I took out an 8 inch deep white suspender belt with 6 straps on. I'd only ever worn it once before (for a boyfriend's birthday) and it was a struggle to get fastened but I knew it was going to be worth the effort as I fastened the final strap to the welt of my coffee coloured 8-denier seamed stockings. I chuckled to myself as I turned to check that the seams were straight.....even if I didn't get to meet Owen and his friends my customers were definitely going to be in for a treat.

I then opened my wardrobe and took out a knee length brown pleated skirt and a white chiffon blouse. The blouse was very sheer and you could definitely see the pattern of my bra through it and if you looked closely my nipples too....a good choice I thought. My gamble was that this skirt would make it much easier for the wind to blow up and expose my stocking tops and knickers!

I checked my watch and realised that I was running late. I quickly applied my make-up and some bright red lipstick then made my way downstairs to my car. Just as I locked the front door a gust of wind lifted the back of my skirt up and gave two teenage schoolboys a right eyeful. What a great start to the day.

Work flew by; because I could hardly concentrate! The combination of my non-wired bra and high heels meant that my boobs wobbled when I walked. This combined with my seams and swish of my nylons made me the centre of attraction in every call I made.

A couple of customers were particularly attentive and gave me larger than usual orders; prompting me to decide to dress like this more often! But my thoughts were elsewhere. I rushed around my territory and rang a couple of pubs in the far flung corners instead of actually visiting them. I'd managed to do a full day's work and accidentally flashed my knickers and stocking tops a further 3 times by 1.30!

As I sat in the last pub car park finishing my paperwork thirty miles from 'the lay-by' I suddenly had second thoughts. I'd already gone further than I'd ever imagined I could -- pissing outside in broad daylight for a crowd of randy lorry drivers -- it was madness. I soon put the feelings of backing out to the back of my mind as my heightened libido kicked in and I just had to tease the truckers at least one more time by flashing my knickers and stockings.....then frig myself stupid when I got home.

45 minutes later I was slowly cruising into the lay-by past 6 or 7 lorries and a bin wagon all parked up next to the mobile caf?I was so excited I was struggling for breath as I slowly drove past Owen sitting in his regular plastic seat. My heart was nearly bursting out of my chest when I saw Big Vid smile and point to my car as I painted on an extra coat of ruby red lipstick, then he said something funny to the man sitting next to him. Satisfied with my scarlet lips I undid an extra button on my blouse revealing just enough of my 36DD cleavage to make the next few minutes very interesting. I opened my car door, hitched my skirt up an extra inch or so and sucked in a lung full of cold Northumbrian air then casually strolled to the van making sure that my tits bounced nicely for effect.

Big Vid sat as cool as a cucumber watching me walk towards them and the burger van while every other man drooled as they mentally undressed me. Sadly the wind didn't blow my skirt up as I'd dreamed about.

"Hello sweetheart." Owen winked as he took a bite from a pie. "I didn't really think you'd come back today."

"I wasn't sure I would, either." I huskily told him as nerves had made my throat parched dry. I ordered a coffee and a cheese bap then motioned to sit down opposite the silver haired lorry driver. It was quite chilly in the shade of the trees and I could feel my nipples sticking out like puppies noses. Owen continued nonchalantly eating his pie and drinking his coffee but his eyes were all over me finally alighting on my legs as I crossed my legs in such a way I knew that he would be able to see my stocking tops up my short skirt.

"You're looking very nice today." He smiled as he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve.

"Well thank you," I replied and brushed some imaginary dirt off my skirt touching a suspender strap at the same time. I crossed my legs and pretended not to notice that I was showing a complete stocking welt and two suspender straps.

The atmosphere was electric for the next 15 minutes or so as the men made no pretence at not noticing my stocking top.

"So," Big Vid grinned, "are you gonna put another show on for us today then?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." I lied as I brushed some more invisible crumbs from my blouse and accidentally touched a very stiff nipple.

"Are you gonna let us watch you piss again?" He bluntly asked, while rubbing his crotch, "It looks like you've dressed up for the occasion.”

"Would you like me too?" I cheekily asked as I cocked my head. Even though he'd watched me piss behind the lorry half a dozen times Owen's eyes were out on stalks as Vid talked to me in a way that he dare not.

"It's all I thought about when I was wanking last night!" The silver haired man laughed.

"Okay then." I nonchalantly told them; but my stomach was twisted and cramped with nerves for the first time since my game began.

"Come on then." Vid told me with a big grin on his face, "let's get the show on the road." We all stood up together and I counted 10 men as we walked behind his big blue St. James of Gallowgate lorry.

"Where do you want me?" I croaked through my dry throat.

"That'll do nicely." He told me when I got level with his cab but was still hidden from the road by the bin wagon.

The men gathered in a circle around me as I slowly and dramatically lifted my skirt up to my waist facing Owen and Big Vid. Their faces were a picture as they all stared longingly at my stockings, suspenders and transparent panties.

"You might as well take your skirt off." Vid told me in a low commanding voice as he stared hypnotically into my eyes. I was transfixed and in his power now. I unhooked the clasp and pulled the zip down then let the short skirt fall to my feet. With straight legs I bent over from the hips to make my plump arse look as tight as possible then picked it up to hand to Owen.

"Now the top." Vid told me again. I slowly unbuttoned my blouse and handed it too to Owen who looked stunned by my obedience.

I was now only standing in my sexy see-thru bra and panties, deep suspender belt, seamed stockings and three inch heels waiting for Big Vid's next command.

I didn't have to wait very long; "Get your knickers off."

A second later they were around my ankles and at least two men were capturing every second on their mobile phones.

"Now do it." Vid commanded as he unbuttoned his overall pants.

All I could hear was the sound of the traffic about 30 yards away as I lowered myself into a squat but my nerves were making it difficult for anything to come out. My bladder was full -- just like Tuesday as I'd drank two large bottles of water before the coffee at the caf?but I couldn't go. I tried but nothing came out at first. No one seemed to mind as they were obviously enjoying looking at a 26 year old woman only wearing a bra and seamed stockings squatting legs apart bald flaps dangling.

"What's the matter?" The fat man asked, with a slight concern in his voice.

"I don't know," I replied smiling and still squatting as I tried to force something out, "stage fright I guess." I was pressing so hard I thought that I was going to poo at the same time; I knew that would be too far to go (but maybe another time!) thankfully nothing came out of that end.

Then it finally came out. With a whoosh.... what seemed like a gallon of hot piss gushed out of my gaping pussy. Vid and three others soon had their cocks out. Two pissed close by me; not quite splashing my feet; but Vid and another man were openly wanking.

The lorry drivers gathered even closer and I could hear everyone of their utterances.

"The dirty fucker', 'She's up for a gang-bang', 'fucking slapper', 'fucking hell -- she's shaved her twat,' 'I bet she's been fucked that much her cunt'll be like bucket', "I bet she fucking loves spunk'.

I'd never believed a woman could be as degraded as I was at that precise moment but still be as turned on.

I wiggled my hips to shake the last drops off then stood up; suddenly wondering what was coming next. I hadn't planned for this and I certainly hadn't planned any further least not outside my fantasies.

"I'm not sure I want to waste this on a wank." Vid grinned as he pulled his foreskin back to reveal an evil looking purple knobhead, "come on, get in the cab." He raised his arm and released the driver’s door. "Up you go....get your arse up there."

I picked my knickers up and handed them to Owen who looked like he'd already had three heart attacks but lived to tell the tale.

I struggled to reach the step on the lorry but two men helped by virtually lifting me up taking the opportunity to feel my tits and legs, one even tried to get his hand between my legs but pulled away at the last moment like a frightened schoolboy.

With one foot on the running board and the other bent up and forward to get into the cab I suddenly felt two sharp smacks on my arse cheek from Vid.

"Come on you dirty fucker...get a move on!" He laughed as his huge hand slapped my arse a third time. I'd never been spanked before....but liked it! The hot stinging sensation was sending me into sexual overdrive.

I had to clamber on my hands and knees across the driver’s seat to get to the passenger seat; obviously giving everyone a good look at my sticky shaved gash and my swinging tits in the shallow cup of my bra. Judging by the rude comments and whistles they liked what they saw.

Vid soon joined me and pulled me towards him by my shoulder before forcefully kissing me on the lips. I'd never kissed a man with a beard before and it scratched and tickled in equal measures. His huge rough calloused hand immediately grabbed my tits; squeezing and rubbing them then teasing and rolling my erect nipples through the nylon of my bra.

"Get your fucking legs open." He grunted in his Mancunian accent as he stroked my stocking clad legs. I obliged and his hand went straight for my honey pot.

"Fuck me.... you're wet!" He said with misplaced surprise in his voice. Then he jabbed his long thick middle finger straight in with no finesse......which was just what I wanted. His finger felt as big as some of the cocks I'd had but he turned and twisted it inside me which is something a cock can't do. My eyes were like saucers as he probed and prodded my internal organs while licking my tits and nipples through the thin nylon of my bra. Impulse took over and I deftly opened the top button of his trousers then pushed my hand inside his jockeys. "WOW!" It really was quite a size as I pulled it out of his pants.

I curled my fingers around the girth and there must have been an inch or so of hot cock poking out at each end too. It certainly looked in proportion to his huge frame. I shuffled to make myself comfortable eventually resting my left ankle on the dashboard and curling my right leg in between the seats. Vids' fingering was absolutely amazing -- he was finding new places that I didn't know existed and after a couple of minutes he'd coaxed my big tits out of their holders and was sucking the life out of them as I furiously wanked his fat cock.

"Fuck it! Get down there and suck it!" The silver haired lothario suddenly grunted as he grabbed my head with his left hand and my face down to his groin. I forcibly stopped myself when his purple knob was about an inch from my mouth. I was so excited my mouth was salivating and I was actually struggling for breath as Vid tried to push my face against his big throbbing dick.

I took a gulp of tepid air and with my mouth gaping open I let him push me the final inch. I felt like a with a mouthful of toffee as he thrust his hips forward his cock to the back of my throat.

"Come on you dirty cunt.....suck it!" He growled as he twisted his long finger even deeper inside my pussy.

I tried to comply; but he was so big and was jabbing his hips upwards it was difficult to do a good job. I tried as best as I could to relax but Vid was thrusting so hard he was actually fucking my mouth. All I could do was breath through my nose and keep my mouth open; occasionally licking the velvet knob as he kept my head held tightly in place. His fingering was getting faster and harder and his calloused palm kept brushing my clitty -- infuriatingly bringing me close to orgasm several times...then he would change position and I couldn't cum. Bastard!

After a minute or so he slowed his thrusting down allowing me to what I'm best at....cock sucking!

"Oooooohhhhh yes!" The big man cooed as I sucked and licked his magnificent cock. The shaft was covered in engorged blue veins and the shiny knob was like soft velvet as my tongue slid all over it. Exploring every lovely millimetre.

I was soon in 'another world' as I cupped and squeezed his hairy bollocks and sucked his cock while he slowly fingered my slippery cunt. Then I heard the door behind me creak open and a couple of guys cackle as they climbed in behind me and struggled to get as close to the action as possible. I was past caring and got an extra buzz from knowing that they were so close to me.

"Come on mate." A voice I recognised as Jeremy's laughed, "there's enough here t go around us all." Then he began rubbing my leg that was stretched out onto the dashboard; his fingers eventually tugging and twanging my suspender straps and slowly squeezing my already spread arse cheeks.

"Okay then." Vid grunted between gasping for air and pulling his finger out of my hole, "you can go first."

I realised what was happening and tried to close my legs; but Vid grabbed a thick handful of hair and my mouth back onto his cock while Jeremy ran his fingers along my sweaty crack.

"You've done a good job mate." He chuckled as he lifted my leg up and nudged his cock against my labia, "She's fucking soaking!"

"Oh my God!" I thought in-between slurps on Big Vids' cock "he's going to fuck me! I'm going to get roasted!!!!" This was a long held fantasy of mine.....but never in a million years did I expect it to be in the cab of a lorry with two strangers in front of God knows how many of their friends.

Before I'd even completed the sentence inside my head Jeremy had his cock inside me. I was so happy I wanted to laugh and squeal and whoop and holler but the fat cock in my mouth wouldn't let a sound come out.

"OH FUCK....OH FUCK!" He kept panting into my ear as he fucked me from behind as fast as he could manage. I was in absolutely sensory Heaven with a big fat cock in my mouth and another long one in my pussy while both men mangled my tits and the crowd outside the cab shouted their delight and encouragement.

Soon Jeremy was pummelling me with his cock and I couldn't concentrate on Vid's cock any longer. I managed to free my head from his grip and threw my head back in I panted for breath and met every one of his short sharp thrusts with a one of my own.

Vid contented himself with pressing my tits around his cock and giving himself a titty-fuck as his pal fucked me rigid.

"Ugh....ugh....fuuucckk!" Jeremy gasped as he clung onto my hips and I felt my pussy fill up and get very nicely wet. "What a.....fucking.....fuck." He panted, "That was....fucking...fucking great." With one last stroke of my leg he rolled backwards pulling his softening cock out of my dripping hole.

My eyes met Vids' as Jeremy tried to swap places with another man. Vids' piercing eyes looked like they were about to explode and his nostrils were actually flaring like a bull.

"Fuck off!" He coldly told the man behind me; "I'm gonna fuck her now!" The look on his face told us both that he meant business. "Turn around." He commanded and grabbed me by the shoulder and tried to turn me away from him.

I looked down at his throbbing fat cock and couldn't turn around quick enough! I took a couple of clever movements but I was soon lying on the faux leather seat with my arse pressing against his dick with my left knee on the passenger seat and right foot in the foot well and presented my recently fucked cunt for his inspection. As Vid spread my arse cheeks and examined my erogenous zones I looked around. There must have been 9 or 10 guys clinging onto the outside of the cab with shit-eating grins watching my live sex show....and one complete stranger kneeling waving a six inch cock right in front of my face.

"Ffffuuuuccckkkk!" I squealed as Big Vid rammed his cock up what I thought was a well lubricated stretched pussy. I'd never felt anything like it as he pulled back and rammed it in was like a y baseball bat! He held onto my hips and banged away like a rampant bull for what seemed like an eternity. The guy kneeling in front of my tried at least three times to get his cock into my mouth but Vid's fucking was so vigorous I couldn't do anything to help. It must have looked like a kinky fairground stall as he tried to grab my head and fuck my mouth! Eventually he did and just knelt there grinning like a ninny while Vid fucked me so hard he me forward onto his cock.

"You're fucking loving this aren't you?" Vid grunted between thrusts and sharp spanks onto my wobbling arse cheeks. "

I desperately wanted to tell him just how much I was enjoying myself; but could only concentrate on breathing through my nose to stay alive.

"You dirty little fucker." He continued as his spanks got harder; "I'm gong to fucking sell you to the fucking lads all over the fucking country."

"Ooh...yes please." I thought as my arse stung and my battered cunt ached like a hangover.

"That's it....I'll fucking sell your ring........aaaaaggghhhh...Oooohhh...uuuggghhh!" With one last powerful thrust he filled my womb and belly with who knows how much hot spunk. My head was spinning as we remained frozen like this for a good few seconds then the guy I'd been sucking suddenly sprayed my face with his sticky spunk.....spurt after spurt. Each one greeted by a cheer from the lorry drivers outside the cab. I automatically opened my mouth and licked some delicious drops that were around my lips.

Vid slid backwards and his cock plopped out of my well stretched cunt leaving a warm empty feeling. Eyes closed; I flopped forward unable to take any more. Jeremy and the other man climbed out of the cab to the congratulations of their colleagues but without as much as a thank you for me.

When I opened my eyes Vid was gently stroking my back and hair.

"I know it's a bit late to ask; but...." he whispered; "are you OK."

I awkwardly moved onto my side and smiled and nodded.

"We all got a know....carried away." Vid carried on looking a bit embarrassed.

"Don't worry babes," I cheekily whispered back, "that was fucking amazing. I've dreamed of something like that since I was a teenager!"

"Oh." Was all he could say as he stroked my nylons and suspenders and then between my legs; scooping up the warm cum that was running down my thighs and wiping it on his pristine overall trousers. We stayed like this in silence for a minute or two as we listened to the other lorries and vans drive away.

"I suppose I should try and get your clothes back." He winked as he handed me a cloth to wipe myself and then opened the driver’s door.

"It would be the gentlemanly thing to do." I grinned. As soon as his door clicked shut I began rubbing my clit! It only took a minute for me to cum. It wasn't one of my best (I do compare them!) but it was satisfying and that was just what I needed.

Vid soon returned with my discarded clothing. "They'd left them with Kevin in the coffee van." He smiled and handed them to me. My knickers were missing but everything else was there. It was difficult but I managed to get dressed in his cab.

Vid then walked me to my car.

"This might seem a bit odd." He said without making eye contact, "but....I'd like to see you again....not know.....take you out for dinner and shit like that."

"That would be sweet." I told him as I kissed him on the cheek. With that we exchanged phone numbers and I drove off with the biggest smile on my face.

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