The Horrors of Humanity- The night intruders

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

The Horrors of Humanity-Night Intruders.

Warning this story has harsh and mature subject matter. Its not for the faint of heart or weak stomach that said if you keep reading enjoy. This series will have different characters for each story. The events portrayed in the story are all made up from my sick and twisted mind. Any resemblance to any real life incidents is just proof of the fucked up world we live in.

Never in a million years would I think I be in a hospital waiting to see if my wife would live or die while my daughter Anna who's only eight years old would be so traumatized she can't even speak and is suffering from temporary blindness. Let me back up a little bit my name is Trevor Glubolsky I'm a thirty four year old white male about five foot ten inches tall I been married to Molly for about ten years and have an eight year old daughter Anna. My life has always been typically average even from my hood. You see I was never good looking enough or gifted in sports to be one of the popular s and I also wasn't smart or anti-social enough to be classified as a nerd. I was a B-C average student all my life even in college.

I always tried out for the basketball teams and was cut or rode the bench, but on my 3rd year of college I met my future wife Molly. I was riding then bench fidgeting around because my ass got sore and numb from sitting on a wooden bench someone should really invent a more comfortable bench. It was a done game my team was up by fourteen points and for some reason the coach threw me a bone and let me play for the last two minutes of the game. I was ecstatic but my ass was still asleep even so I got off the bench and shuffled my way to the court. I didn't last long I guess they could tell I was the weak link of the team and the visiting team was a bunch of sore losers, because before I knew it I had tripped on one of there feet and they jammed an elbow to my face. Needless to say I was out on my back and dizzy as hell. That's when I saw Molly who was over in the stands staring right at me.

Molly was a vision of pure beauty. She had long dark brown hair full voluptuous lips and big hazel eyes. She jumped down from the stands and tried to help me back to the bench with coach and a referee help. She was trying to help as much as she could but her psychology courses didn't cover extensive first aid. I was out of the game but didn't care having her nurse me back to health was great until she dabbled some rubbing alcohol on my cut lip. That woke me up out of my dream state real quick. She apologized by pressing my head into her soft and comforting B cup sweater covered breast. I was in heaven but I knew I had to lock it down and so I asked for her email and she gave it to me I was in I thought to myself.

After a few days on yahoo instant messager I got to know she was from a suburb not far from Chicago my home city. That gave me more things to ask and get to know her better. We both loved goofy movies that made no sense unless you were heavily stoned or wasted also we both were Cubs fans....ok I was a Sox fan but hell for her I root for the Lakers in a baseball game if she did too. After the third night on yahoo I asked her if she would like to go out. It took her a total of three minutes to reply back I thought she might be dying of laughter at me but she said yes. We agreed I'd pick her up on Friday night after classes and we go out in the city.

I didn't have too bad of luck with getting laid but I was the best first dater. I took a few moves from my teammates who both had girlfriends and got laid from random chicks. I played the total jock asshole type I thought it was working but come to the end of a three course dinner a two bottles of champagne and Molly looked completely out of it and tired of me by the end of the date. After I drove her back to her dorm I felt like I totally blew it. I guess you need the looks and talent if you going to play the jock douchebag. I was about to walk back to my car when I said fuck it. I apologized to Molly for acting like a jerk and begged her to give me twenty five minutes to show her the real me. My groveling worked because she for some unknown reason gave me a second shot.

That twenty five minutes changed my life. Molly and me were together for the rest of our stay in college and eventually moved back to Chicago where she took a job offer as a school councillor and I had a office job. Two years later Molly had Anna and we decided to move out to the suburbs because..well if you been to Chicago you know why it's not the best place to raise your . We lived happily even after or we were supposed to anyways. Molly got had to quit her job to take care of Anna I was stuck in the same office job eight years later. We weren't the riches family but we pulled threw at the end of every month...barely.

I wasn't much of a drinker but sometimes I stayed out late with the guys from the office and drank a few cold ones while watching a game in a sports bar. No big deal and Molly never seemed to mind. Even if I stayed out all night on Fridays and to be honest I should've suspected something but things were ok with Molly and me so I figured if I didn't need to know everything it's probably for the best. Things carried on like this since Anna was six years old I stay out with the guys drinking and sometimes gambling and Molly would stay with Anna or so I thought. Little did I know that Molly was more then happy to have me out for a day and a half every week. This gave her all the time she needed to have an affair with Mike her former colleague from her days as a school councillor.

Apparently this started when Anna was in first grade and had a teacher parent night. I was out getting drunk and watching the game with the guys and she ran into Mike. Mike also had a going to that school they laughed and joked about her time working as a councillor. They exchanged numbers just to talk at first but talking escalated to coffee in the afternoon to hand holding to giving him head in the school parking lot. I was completely oblivious to this happening for a while about three years if you want to put a number down on it. You might be asking yourself "Well Trevor how did you find out?" well let me tell you about that. I grew suspicious when Molly and I grew more distant in our sex lives. On the rare moments we did have sex she would try something new at first it was how she swirled her tounge while sucking on my dick or how her gag reflex had disappeared. Then it was how she acted more aggressive and used dirty talk during our fucking.

Most guys would be glad and never suspect anything is wrong maybe she got her hands on some literorica or gotten to a sex site with random sex stories or porn. I how ever knew Molly wasn't the type to sit in the house and masturbate to porn or even read any of those "smut books" as she called them. No I knew if she was learning these new tricks someone had to be teaching them to her. The next question became who....

I asked for a day off from work wasn't hard either I had a few sick days left over so using one allow me to see what my wife was up too without sending the family into the poor house. I acted as if it was a normal day got up brushed my teeth showered and got dressed for work I spent the first hour parked down the block after I left the house. I saw Molly send little Anna into the school bus and wave her off. Nothing happened for the next few hours I began to feel like an idiot thinking my perfect wife would cheat on me. Then by 11:30 am Molly came out of the house wearing a new blue dress I never seen before and locked the door just as a slick all black Lincoln pulled up in front of the house. "That bitch." I yelled as I smacked the front dashboard. Looking at the licence plate and jotting it down on a piece of paper I followed them until they pulled into the city. They drove up a parking garage and then walked into a Starbucks. I was a little bit calmer maybe it's just a friend who she meeting up for coffee it the 21st century people can have friends of the opposite sex now a days and be completely platonic.

Hell he might even be a gay and I have been just over thinking of the worst possibilities. After seeing nothing wrong with them drinking coffee and then heading back towards the garage I decided to end my investigation by waiting them out in the parking garage. It was relatively empty for a Chicago parking garage and I found the car quickly. I parked around the corner and stepped out ducking beside a car. Completely looking suspicious as all hell if anyone found me. Thankfully it was dark enough in the garage that they walked right pass me and entered the car. They didn't drive off right away though after a minute what felt like a hour to me I walked up casually to see what's going on.

I saw the driver seat laying half way back as my wife was gulping down the man's cock like it was her last meal. Her head bobbing up and down on his dick you couldn't even see the base of the the dick just her brown hair being roughly pulled up and down on the guys cock. I was stunned what I also saw was her hand was up in between her dress and a leg on top of the dashboard she was getting off while sucking the guys cock. He definitely wasn't a gay or my wife of ten years. She was down right cheating on me with this guy. The worse part of it was the guy saw me looking jaw slacked and gave me a smile and thumbs up. If it was a random encounter in Chicago I be clapping and giving the guy a thumbs up back at him, but I knew just then that I married a whore a two bit cheating whore.

I didn't think she even notice that fact that I saw her blowing some guy off in a parking lot in the city I needed a drink fast. I got in my car and drove to my old neighborhood found a bar and drank myself stupid. Half way into a Jim bean bottle I noticed an old friend from my hood. Jacob Pervesona a old school "friend" more like my old bully from grade school. He spotted me quick. "Trevor? Is that you? How are ya old son of a bitch I haven't seen you since eighth grade graduation." Jacob bellowed. Jacob was always a foot taller then me and even most of the teacher were scared of him and boy did he know it. "Fuck off Jacob I'm not in the mood for your shit." I slurred back at him. Any other person would've answered to him like that they would not be talking right for the rest of there life but for some reason he didn't beat my face in. "Whoa holy shit no body ever spoken to me like must have a death wish or something." Jacob said as he stepped closer to me. The bartender started to reach for something under the bar when I spoke up again "Go head me I got nothing to live for nothing at all." Jacob steps stopped and I prepared for the beating of a life time by taking another shot. "What the hell gotten into you Trever?" Jacob asked and the bartender put another glass next to mine. I filled them both up and told Jacob the whole story.

"That son of a bitch!" Jacob said as he slammed his glass down. "She a cunt too doing my pal like that as if you deserve that for providing for your family all these years." I finished my drink and then said "Yeah I know right? I mean I fuck the hell out that pussy pay the bills and get her expensive crap like dresses and shit just for her to be fucking some random mother fucker." After another bottle was a quarter of the way done Jacob asked "You know this fucker? Where he works or stays I'll tell him to stop fucking your wife like she's some type of slut." I took a piece of paper out my jacket and showed him the licence plate number. "That's all I got from the mother fucker he drives a Lincoln all black." Jacob took the paper and said he could find the guy and even do worse to him then he been doing to my wife. "I can have this guy dealt with..for a price." I look at him just to see if he was serious.

The look of a serious man was on his face so I said "Do it get him let me just call the whore to make sure he isn't there yet." Jacob poured himself another drink as I called home. "Hello? Molly? You there?" Molly sounds bothered. "God damn Trevor are you drunk already? Well are you?" I was a bit pissed off she would ride me like I was her fuckers dick. "No. Are you alone? I'm not drunk...drunk...I'm just having a drink with the guys be home in a while ok?" Molly was caught off guard by my question. "Of course I'm alone Anna staying over at her friends house for a sleep over remember?" I slurred out my next words "A sleep over huh? How covenant." Molly then asked sounding a little worried "What do you mean hunny?" I didn't hear shuffling or panicked breathing on the line. "Oh nothing I'm just a little drunk be home around 12 ok babe?" Molly sounded like she was a bit relived. "Ok hunny take a taxi home love you." I hung up I couldn't bring myself to even try to fake the words I love you.

Jacob was on the his cell phone with someone else. "Ok right fine thanks I'll pay you back later." Jacob then asked me for $2000 for making my problem go away. I was able to talk him down to $1200 and another bottle of Jimmy bean. He then told me he was able to get the name and address of the guy from one of his cousins who was a cop. The cops that's the last thing I needed I almost walked away from it right then but Jacob assured me his cousin was as crooked as the Chicago streets after winter. So I gave him a check and off he went to handle my problem. While I was driven by taxi to my home or down the street to my house to be exact. If the guy was at my house I was to call Jacob as soon as possible. Luckly his car wasn't in the drive way or in front of the house I even checked around the block and didn't see it at all.

Jacob had the easy job once he got to the guys house he smashed a garage window and tipped over a trashcan. Mike came out to investigate and got sucker punched in his own gang way. Once Mike was on the ground Jacob said "Like to fuck other men's wives huh? Thought we wouldn't find out? You piece of shit!" and stomped his size 11 steel toe boots into Mike's head until he didn't move anymore. Then stabbed him once in the throat and took his wallet. Mostly empty with a few credit cards. Jacob left the American express credit card on the ground next to the now lifeless body of my wife's lover.

I on the other hand had to deal with Molly I was just going to talk to her at first confront her with the truth. I snuck into the house threw the back screen door and found my wife was showering in the bathroom next to our bedroom. I grabbed a pillow case and threw the pillow on the bed. As I got into the bathroom my wife gasped as she saw it was me threw the clear glass doors of the shower. "Oh shit Trevor you scared me I thought you were going to be out for the night." I looked at my wife she used to be a bombshell had a small waist nice hips and perky tits. Now all I see is sagging shrunk tits from breast feeding Anna and stretch marks all over her stomach. Her stomach had a pouch or small beer gut look to it now. Her eyes that used to be so bright and cheerfull were now dim. "I called it a early night. I wanted to spend time with you. Is that a problem?" Molly didn't miss a beat and cheerfully said "Awe hunny that's so sweet. I love to spend a night with you cuddled up watching tv just let me finish showering." I began to undress and opened the clear shower doors. "Maybe I should join you instead." Molly giggled "your so bad...come here hunny."

I gave Molly bite on her.shoulder lightly and pushed her against the shower wall. "Oh your so strong hunny." I began to kiss her body sucking her nipples in my mouth then biting them hard both. "Ow not so rough..." I laughed as I pushed her down on her knees and my dick down her throat."ow...mmphmm." was all I allowed Molly to say as my cock jabbed the back of her throat. "You like it rough don't you?" I grabbed the back of her long brown hair and pulled it back balling it up into a half ponytail half ball as tears welled up in her eyes. "No..." I slapped her right across her face "Don't lie to me cunt. You like it rough the rougher the better. Right?" With another slap across the face she cried for me to stop. "Hunny why? Why are you doing this?" Her eyes had that same youthful glow to them I wasn't sure if she enjoyed this or was terrified. Maybe it was the water that was running down her face or the tears that gave her eyes back that youthful brightness.

I stepped out of the shower pulling Molly behind me by her hair as I grabbed the pillow case I left on the sink. Molly screamed as I threw her on the bed face first violently. I then mounted her pulling her arms back and above her head when I tied them up. To stop her screaming I pushed her face into the mattress. "Yeah you like this kind of shit don't you Molly. What's a matter Molly doesn't Mike tie you up like a fucking whore?" Molly stopped struggling and stayed still she might have even stopped breathing for a few seconds. "Look hunny I'm sorry I broke it off with Mike today I swear..." Molly turned her face to look at me to plead that I stop this before I end up ing her. "You fucking liar. I saw what you did didn't look like a break up I ever been threw. Sucking on his cock in a parking garage is how people break up now a days?" Molly began to sob "I broke up with him it's over its just me and you baby I swear it. I never loved him like how I loved you." I punched her head from behind bouncing her face on the mattress. I then noticed my dick is rock hard and decided to try some anal. Molly never let me fuck her in the ass she was always uptight about it.

Molly began to sob harder and say ouch as I smacked her upside her head but then she gave a high pitched yelp as I stuck my stiff cock up her ass. Surprisingly it wasn't as tight as I thought it be in fact it was as loose as her pussy. "You slut! You gave your brown cheery to that prick?" Molly's heavy sobbing was all the confirmation I needed. I kept fucking her until I felt her ass hole close around my dick. "Look at you. Your nasty as fuck getting off while my dick is shoved in your ass." Molly wiped her nose that was ing and running with mucus on the bed sheets. I then grabbed for anything in reach I end up grabbing a candle stick in the drawer next to the bed. I shoved that candle stick so far up her ass only the wick was barely sticking out. A few quick slaps on her ass was all it took to have her creaming all over the sheets. I pushed on the candle with my two fingers as her ass tried to push it back out. Realizing I haven't nutted yet I shoved my cock in her pussy and began to thrust rapidly into her.

With every few thrust I slap or punch her head or the top of her ass sending her into a orgasm. I flipped her over and then smacked her tits back and forth as I thrust into her pussy. Every time I saw her ass pushing the candle stick out I shove it back in using my cock to ram it deeper into her swollen and red sphincter. After twisting her nipples until they turned purplish I decided to slap my dick on her clitoris witch was huge the biggest I ever seen it. She was obviously getting off as I savagely d and assaulted her. Never once did I notice that Anna wasn't at her slumber party she walked in half way to me and beating her mother and my wife. I didn't notice that was until she began to cry in her room maybe she was crying all along and I simply never noticed. Shortly after I nutted all over Molly's stomach I grabbed the pillow case that tied her hands together and pulled it over the bed banister. "If you fucking move I'll you." I spat out as I had my finger close to Molly's eye. With fear in her face she just put her head down and began to quietly sob

After calming Anna down and putting her to bed she was so quite she didn't even snore anymore. I went back to Molly having sober up from the extensive fucking I just gave Molly I saw her for the first time as a human all night. She was badly beaten and ing from her nose and even her the top of her head. I felt bad but all the pity I had for her was gone when she opened her big fat mouth. "I'm sorry hunny please...please just let me go I'll disappear you don't have to me please." Her eyes were the same as I first met her. "You bitch you'll abandon Anna?! Bad enough you cheat on me for who knows how long and then your going to leave our only daughter?" The beating I gave her was horrible I gave her left and right punches as broke two of her ribs and a cheek bone her nose was so bent I'm surprised she could breath.

I called for an ambulance around 4 am. After beating and fucking her then beating her again. The official report was someone broke into the house d my wife and beat her nearly to death. Thanks to the confirmation of Molly the cops are probably still on the look out for some mad serial rapist that never was. My daughter regained her sight but never did talk again. She still lives with me and my wife. Molly yeah she never cheated again I made sure of that I lock her in the house and give Anna the key. Soon even Anna bossed her mother around thanks to me reminding her of how much of a whore her mother truly was. Turns out Anna wasn't even mine found that out on her 18th birthday when Molly was allowed to drink and she spilled the beans. Turned out she fucked some guy she met in the grocery store once in the back seat of my car. I popped Anna cheery later that night after Anna beat Molly up for being such a slut. Molly face was so disfigured no man would ever look at her twice with out crying or laughing at her.

So basically a happy ending for Anna she got to keep her mommy/a sex slave out of it too. I was able to keep my job was eventually promoted and kept my wife. Molly well...she lost her lover her looks and her dignity but at least she got her health long as she acts in line and stops being a whore.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000