The Titchester Chronicles - The Cuckold Club (1)

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The Reverend, the Heifer & the Herd

It was a bright sunny morning in Titchester, the birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, the radio was playing 'Sounds of the Seventies' on Radio Titchester, and the inhabitants at No. 17 Lychfield Close, hummed with industry and endeavour.

“Have you got the fancies and nibbles on the table, Mary?”

Mary Quinn bustled into the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron “Yes I have Jane, now stop fussing”

Jane Parish eyed her friend with a touch of asperity “I'm not fussing Mary I just like to have everything just right. It's an important event today. My granddaughter Juliet pregnant and about to be pledged. I just want everything to be right for her”

Smiling Mary hugged Jane. They had been friends since their twenties and nearly forty years on they bickered at each other like an old married couple.

“Why don't you get changed,” Mary said to her “I'll finish up here. You'll feel better once you are in your pledge outfit.

“Thanks, Mary. I guess I do fuss a bit” Jane brightened at the thought of getting into her new outfit. It should show off her trim figure and legs a treat she thought. Even at 61, she felt she could turn the odd head and Mary definitely could with her more matronly and statuesque figure.

“When are the boys here again?” a voice called out from the living room. Jane popped her head around on her way to get changed. “About 11:30 dear” she replied to her daughter June, Juliet's mother, “Roland and David”

June's eyes lit up. She was petite like her mother, auburn hair where her mother was now blondish silver. She was dressed in an off white tight sweater top, light tan pencil skirt and 3' inch heels. “Hubby will be disappointed he missed them”

“Business still keeping him away then,” her mother said “Still, he needs to keep you in the lifestyle you deserve, that is his role”

June smiled “It's his only role”

The doorbell rang “Oh that will be Lucy,” said Jane.

“I'll get it, mother,” said June “You go and get changed.”

“Thank you, dear” Jane hurried upstairs.

Opening the door, June was assailed with “Auntie June!” by two teenage girls. A stooping man in his early forties with thinning hair and a worn pallor tried to usher them through, a blonde woman with a dissatisfied expression brought up the rear.

“Roger will be taking the girls home in a few minutes. They just wanted to say hi to the new pledge and mum to be. Is Juliet here yet?”

“Not yet”

“Oh, mum,” the two girls said in unison. The eldest, Linda, pouted with natural ease. She was darker than her sibling.

“Well, it can't be helped. Now go with your father"

“Is Daddy not invited?” asked Linda.

“No darling. It's for real men” her mother said acidly. The girls giggled and Maggie, who had the most divine caramel complexion, smirked at her pale father.

Roger flushed and kissed his wife on the cheek “Have a lovely time dear”

“I will” Lucy replied, “Now behave yourself and no teasing you father “ she added to the girls but her affectionate tone belied her words.

“Yes, Mummy” they chorused and trooped back to the car, their father in tow.

Closing the door June looked at her close friend. She was a few years older than Lucy and empathised with a harassed mother.

“I would for some wine,” said Lucy “and tell me we have some black boys” her eyes were hungry.

“Roland I believe”

“Oh thank you god” exclaimed Lucy. “It's been ages”

June looked at her friend, her tone serious “Now this is Juliet's day so don't go all diva tramp on us”

“I won't but I do so need me some black cock -” Lucy stopped abruptly as she entered the living room and saw Mary standing there, a glass of wine in hand.

“Language dear,” said Mary. She kissed her niece on the cheek and handed her the wine.

“Sorry, Aunt Mary. Where is Jane?” said Lucy.

“Upstairs getting changed”

Jane at that moment was securing her corset. She tapped her flat tummy proudly. “Not bad for an old gal,” she said. Sitting in the edge of her bed she pulled on her stockings, secured them to her suspender belt and slipped on some modest heels. No panties. Jane couldn't remember the last time she wore panties.

A bump came from the other bedroom and Jane picked up the little red number she had purchased for the occasion and walked through.

“Morning Raul,” said Jane brightly to the young Latin man lying on the bed. Bill, a stocky man and Jane's husband for 37 of his 62 years, was on his knees sucking the young man's handsome cock.

“Mrs Parish” he smiled back showing lovely white teeth “You like my tux?” he pointed to the outfit hanging from the wardrobe door.

“Very nice dear. Now, remember you don't come down until 11:30. That's when the boys arrive. Only Juliet's husband Daniel is allowed downstairs before then. Have you decided on Bill's frock?”

“A floral, flouncy number. Very pretty” Raul slapped the older man on the head who hadn't missed a beat when his wife walked in. “You're very excited aren't you Betty?” Betty/Bill looked up and smiled at the young man “Yes sweetie” he replied.

“We're all excited,” said Jane “A big day for the family. Juliet pregnant and pledging to the sire” a note of familial pride crept into her voice. “I may even your balls later. Just like the old days”, she added to Betty/Bill fondly.

His mouth was again full of Raul's large cock but his eyes flashed thanks at his wife.

It's going to be a wonderful day thought Jane happily. She closed the bedroom door and went downstairs.

The guest of honour arrived at 11:15 am. Juliet glowing in her pledging outfit. Short white skirt, white stockings and elegant white heels to match and her white halter top proudly displaying her heavily pregnant belly. A small veiled hat with a purple splash sat atop of her straight black hair which with her dark skin highlighted her Sri-Lankan heritage.

Daniel was hopping round her in his simple two-piece suit, anxiously carrying a small bouquet. Juliet ignored him and embraced her mother and grandmother “Nana you look wonderful!” exclaimed Juliet “That red dress suits you”

“Thank you dear” beamed Jane and hugged her granddaughter tightly “I'm so proud of you” she whispered “Thank you Nana” Juliet whispered back gratefully.

The two women clung to each other before breaking.

“Look at me being a silly old woman,” said Jane wiping a tear

Juliet was also emotional “You're not old Nana, you look hot, doesn't she mum?”

“You look stunning mum," agreed June "Putting me in the shade”

“Now stop it you two” but Jane was pleased. She was feeling good about herself.

They chatted for a few minutes, ignoring Daniel who hovered around them. There was a hubbub in the hallway then Lucy shouting “The boys are here” as Roland and David walked in.

“Michael is just coming,” David said to Juliet as Lucy accosted them before slipping her arm through Roland's and then steering him away with a guilty backward look at June.

Mary shook her head and leaned into Jane and June “I'll keep an eye on her” she said

“Don't worry dear. She has needs as we all do” said Jane. She was in too good a mood to be concerned but June nodded agreement to Mary.

Juliet grabbed her mum's arm as Michael walked in. Like David and Roland, he had a big solid build but whereas David was sandy blonde and hirsute Michael was all cropped dark hair and smooth tan.

“Oh, mum” murmured Juliet transfixed by Michael, the sire of her unborn . “He is so gorgeous”

June squeezed her daughter's hand.

“Well go to him dear,” her mother said gently, and then sharply “Not you faggot” June grabbed Daniel's arm as he made to follow his wife.

Juliet went over to Michael who smiled in warm appreciation.

“Darling” he murmured, he took Juliet in his arms, kissing her tenderly.

“Oh Michael. I miss you so much” she breathed, kissing him back with increasing urgency as her need and desire for him asserted itself.

David had gathered Jane and Mary in his big arms and was hugging and kissing them both “Don't you just love to see a couple about to be pledged” he said in his soft burr.

Both older women hung onto his arms enjoying the comfort and security of them. Mary was quiet, absently playing with her half-crescent nose ring as she watched the couple. Jane was tearful.

“Oh dear,” said Jane “I'm off again. Let me get you, boys, a drink.” Jane took David's request whilst Juliet turned to her husband. “Fetch Michael a glass of wine” she ordered.

“Yes dear” Daniel rushed to do so.

“You can have me with some beers later” joked Juliet to Michael.

“I will be having you for the next five years” he grinned.

“Oh god yes,” said Juliet and kissed him hard.

“Your drink Sir,” said a returning Daniel.

“Just wait there cuck,” said Mary “Your wife is with her man. Leave them be until they are ready”

Pink faced Daniel nodded, watching mutely as his pregnant wife made tiny mewling noises in a passionate embrace with their alpha.

The Ceremony

They were gathered in a small marquee in the garden. Officiating was the Reverend Harriet 'Harry' Mead, sister to local dignitary Selwyn Mead. Harriet was a stout no-nonsense woman of 40, Square faced and cropped hair she was a notorious lesbian with a penchant for delicate feminine girls.

Juliet made her way on her mother's arm to where Reverend Mead was standing with Michael. She gave a quick smile to her father Betty/Bill as she passed him. June gave her daughter's hand a reassuring squeeze and then stepped back as Juliet took her place next to Michael.

With a small cough, the Reverend Mead began “Dearly beloved. We are here today in accordance with the authority invested in me under Titchester by-law 1702, all bless the by-law,” the audience murmured their blessing, “to pussy pledge this heifer Juliet Parish to this bull Michael Dean for three years with an option of another two years if so agreed.”

Reverend Mead paused and turned to Michael “Do you Michael Dean agree to take this heifer Juliet Parish to cover, to inseminate and to breed from this day forth until the end of this contract?”

“I do”

“And do you undertake to tend and care for this heifer's sexual needs per your status as her Bull and in return accept the pledge of her pussy and her body to use and control as you deem fit?”

“I do”

“Finally please state the name of your herd and the number of heifers and cows to date”

“Dean's Milkers. 3 heifers and 4 cows. 1 cow is with and it will be her second”

“Thank you, Michael” the Reverend glanced at the pregnant pledge “Fertility is not an issue then.” she said drily, the audience tittered "You have the ring?”

David stepped forward “ I have it Reverend”

Reverend Mead nodded and turned to Juliet.

“Do you Juliet Parish agree to be covered, to be inseminated and to be bred by this bull Michael Dean from this day forth until the end of this contract?”

“I do”

Jane dabbed her eyes with a tissue and Mary put her arm around her friend.

“And do you agree to join this Bull's herd 'Dean's Milkers' and to pledge your pussy and your body to your Bull for him to do with and use as he sees fit subject to his commitment to your care and happiness and needs?”

“I do”

“Can I have the ring?” asked Reverend Mead.

David stepped forward and handed the ring to her.

“Michael please take this ring and lay claim to your heifer”

Michael picked up the ring and turned to Juliet “You okay babe?” he whispered. She nodded, eyes shining.

Michael reached up and secured her nose ring. It was made of twisted gold, just under an inch in diameter with an embossed '8'

The audience burst into spontaneous applause which Reverend Mead quietened.

“With this ring, you will officially be a member of the aforementioned herd, 'Dean's Milkers' for the duration of this contract and will be known as heifer No 8. Your husband will be known as Danielle and will also take your Bull's last name. Do you all agree?”

“I do,” said Juliet, Michael and Daniel(le) together.

“Then by the powers vested in me under Titchester by-law 1702, I now pronounce you Bull and heifer” Harriet turned to Juliet and smiled “You may now fellate your Bull”

Happily, Juliet hugged Michael and dropped to her knees. “Take our Bull's cock out Danielle” she ordered her husband.

Nervously Danielle did so receiving a slap round the head from his new pledge Master. “Be quicker next time,” said Michael curtly. Danielle stammered his apologies his eyes transfixed by the size of the cock that he released from Michael's trousers.

Juliet looked around at the happy shiny faces watching. Her mother and grandmother smiling proudly as Juliet turned her gaze with reverence to the cock before her. Michael's member was familiar enough but she was always struck by its weight and magnificent beauty. With a contented smile, she took his girth into her mouth, the sound of cheering ringing in her ears.

As they watched Juliet filling her mouth with her Bull's cock, her tiny throat starting to bulge as she accommodated him, June said to her mum “she is one lucky girl”. Jane nodded absently, imagining what it would be like to have that Bull with his size and girth inside her. Jane's body ached with longing. A thick arm circled her from behind. It was David.

“As mother and grandmother to the new heifer would you ladies care to feast on some fine country sausage?” he asked.

Both women laughed and June said “If feasting also involves fucking then by all means”

“I think we can safely say it involves fucking” grinned Dave and with that, he led mother and daughter back to the house accompanied by the sound of birdsong filling the garden and a d “Oh thank fuck” from the bushes.

Jane turned and saw Lucy straddling Roland, her pussy cream streaking his black cock which seemed to glow in the iridescent sunlight that lent enchantment to the graphic scene. Jane smiled and hugged David tightly. Oh, to be in Titchester now that pledge season is here she thought happily.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000