The Titchester Chronicles - The Law Firm (3)

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Michelle, Mary, & the 'D'

Mary Tolliver looked at the split-screen showing, Selwyn Mead and Sam Warner.

“The embrace was her idea?” she asked

Sam nodded. “I had Ben do a walk by and get her attention. The girl embraced him too except she didn't break contact until he ordered her.”

“Did you include that in the programming?” asked Mead. “If not it's possible she copied my deliberate embrace as a greeting earlier.”

“Not specifically. Standard messaging about showing respect for male colleagues, deference and respect for male colleagues in authority, alpha females etc. Usual” Mary made a note on her pad “We may include a section for her that emphasises the embrace as a way of showing respect for men in general and alpha women. It is inappropriate but not overtly so which means she can do it when in public”

“The 'S' scene with the Asian twat was a bonus” smiled Mead.

Mary agreed, her attention was drawn to the 6 screens on the far wall. One was playing the incident between Shan and Michelle on a loop “Again we didn't include that in the initial programming. Just the standard themes of savouring each other's humiliations and looking at each other's naked bodies without shame or embarrassment. Cunts, tits are to be stared at, enjoyed and be aroused by. Same with cocks etc. Now that we can finally plug her fully into the system we will be showing her subliminal piss and toilet themes constantly as well a high proportion of this content in the porn feed she can register on a conscious level”.

Mary made another note “She made no move to stop you fingering her” she asked Mead.

Mead smirked “Almost too easy”

“Amazing what working on a girl's subconscious mind for three weeks will accomplish” responded Mary dryly.

“And fuck you too” replied Mead. He lifted a remote and pressed. The background humming got louder. Mary assumed Judy, Mead's secretary, was getting her holes ravaged by the fucking machine he had installed in his office. The poor cow could barely keep her insides, well inside, these days. I must have Judy checked over Mary thought idly. Her own secretary Anne, though younger, was facing a similar problem. Mary's arousal spiked at the thought of the women's ruination and then subsided just as quickly as she turned back to the task in hand.

“I am sure the girl would have been just as receptive if we hadn't used you as a specific model for the authority imprinting” smiled Mary

Mead pressed the remote again. Mary could have sworn she heard squealing through the heavy gag Mead was no doubt using on Judy.

Mary resisted the temptation to tease Mead further and have him take it out on Judy. It was a cheap shot anyway. Whilst Mead had been pushed on Michelle there had been secondary programming promoting herself and on a lesser setting Banks. All three Partners where constantly lauded as supreme authority figures in the subliminal programming that all subs were immersed in throughout the working day and at home.

“The girl is very receptive,” said Sam.

“The initial test we had her complete showed that she would be” replied Mary “Automatically defers to authority, obeys the rules, eager to please, no significant male figure in her life which is something she yearns for and we are providing by showing her all men are significant. We are also changing the rules she has to obey. The girl needs a structure with rules and we will replace her old structure and rules with new ones that reflect our values and way of life”

“Right, thank you for that gentlemen” Mary finished up, “the girl will be here shortly and I will spend an hour with her which will, I think, be productive. Are you having anything nice for lunch” she asked them both with a knowing smile. Mead simply pressed the remote again and grinned.

“Sissy” replied Sam.

Mary nodded approval. Sam had initially been borderline hostile to gay sex, yet two years at the firm had broadened him and made him a better person. She closed the screen and pressed her own remote to shutter the bank of screens on the wall and waited for Michelle.

Michelle and Karen approached Miss Tolliver's office. Michelle's head felt very stuffy and confused. She should be thinking about what she was going to say to Miss Tolliver but the thought of Karen pissing into her mouth was still consuming her. It was if her mind was struggling to absorb different norms and she was unsure what was right and what wasn't. Was anything right any more?

Karen announced themselves to Anne. The Chinese woman nodded. Her elfin figure at odds with her large fake breasts. Anne pressed the intercom and informed Miss Tolliver. A minute passed before Mary gave permission for them to enter.

Mary strode towards them as they closed the door “Michelle, Karen” she smiled warmly. Immediately both girls smiled back. Karen curtsied and Michelle made to embrace then stopped and also curtsied.

Fascinating thought Mary. The embrace is currently for men. Perhaps we should reinforce that and leave the curtsey for alpha women.

“How have you found your first morning Michelle. Mr Mead said very nice things about you Your attitude and behaviour has been most pleasing to him”

Mary watched the genuine delight on the girls' faces at the news. Turning to Karen, Mary said “You looked after Michelle very well this morning. Now I want you to go outside and wait with Anne while I talk to Michelle”

“Yes, of course, Miss Tolliver,” said Karen immediately, turning to the door.

“And don't forget to compliment Anne on her latest implants and tell her that she looks like a big titty moo-cow. Don't ignore her as you did with Judy. You don't want to be rude again do you, Karen?”

“No Miss Tolliver. Big titty moo-cow” she repeated making sure she got it right.

“That's right. Tell Anne that I said to show them to you and that you can prod and poke her huge udders as much as you like. If you do a good job I will drop the 201 citation”

Karen's face positively lit up “Thank you, Miss Tolliver. I will spend all the lunchtime poking and prodding them. And thinking up names for them too. Like - giant fuck bags!”

“You do that Karen. Now off you go”

The door snickered shut and Mary turned back to Michelle who now had a slightly dopey expression.

Three shots of Boost with increasing levels of potency will do that to a girl Mary thought.

Boost contained female hormones that triggered and amplified the sexual state a girl experienced at the point in her cycle where she was most fertile and receptive to sexual stimuli. It also contained a contraceptive that stopped the natural cycle and mimicked pregnancy, meaning her breasts were becoming more swollen and tender. It also had a mild muscle relaxant which also dulled the mind. made it more open to suggestion and promoted a sense of well being.

“Come and sit with me on the couch Michelle,” said Mary. She led the girl to the couch and sat next to her. Mary pressed her leg against Michelle's and was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. Good thought Mary. The Boost is really hitting home.

Michelle smiled warmly at this gorgeous woman. She was feeling something akin to love right now and knew she would do anything for Miss Tolliver. The girl watched as Miss Tolliver poured out a generous tumbler full of Boost. Michelle liked Boost.

“I think you need a pick me up,” said Mary and pulled out a capsule which she broke open and emptied into the Boost. “That should do the trick”

Michelle almost cried at how wonderful and generous and hot, god she was so hot, Miss Tolliver was. Mary helped Michelle hold the drink as she gulped down half the contents. “Imagine if this drink was piss,” said Mary.

Michelle felt fire raging through her. Oh, she so wished it was piss. Mary's piss, Karen's piss, Mr Mead's piss, anyone's piss. “Please yes” slurped Michelle “Please can I have piss, I want to drink lots of piss”

“You will,” said Mary “But you have to listen to me first. Will you listen to me, Michelle?”

Michelle nodded. She felt euphoric, horny as hell and desperately wanted someone, anyone, to piss on her. She must also honour this woman Michelle thought hazily. Honouring surely meant she would receive some warm, yellow piss.

Mary smiled as Michelle slipped to the floor and started lapping at her shoes. '...honour and obey our benefactors and leaders like Mary Tolliver. Debase yourself before her and worship her' had been one of the many subliminal messages working on Michelle's brain since her first day. Gently at first with mild doses of Boost via the coffee. The day Michelle rebelled after reading the overt philosophy of the firm the messaging had been how she had disappointed everyone, how miserable she was now and how no one would look at her or care for her.

Michelle pressed her lips to Mary's shoes wanting to desperately show her love and affection for this Goddess. Mary stroked Michelle's hair and guided the girl's tongue so that it covered both soles and heels. All the time she did this Mary murmured “lick away at my feet like the worthless piece of garbage you are. Ripe for nothing but and cock and piss and spit” Mary spat on Michelle as she said this. The globule landing on the side of Michelle's face “You're just a walking cunt and tit bag who likes nothing better than to lez off with other worthless cunt and tit bags and only come alive when being fucked and d by men who are so superior to you that you are not even fit to be in their company unless you are showing them your pussy or fuck bags or gaping arsehole...” Mary's voice continued on but now through the speakers in the office repeating the message, and variations of it, via tape over and over again.

Mary noticed the girl had stopped licking her shoes and was now just drooling on her carpet. She judged she would be out like that for a good hour and stepped out to see Anne.

Karen turned excitedly “I have been complimenting Anne on her enormous balloon sacks as you requested Miss Tolliver”

“Well done Karen. Has Anne thanked you for your kindness?”

Anne was flushed from the humiliation and arousal which the younger girl's commentary on her absurdly large breasts had stirred in her. “Thank you, Karen, and thank you, Miss Tolliver, for instructing Karen to comment on my stupidly, oversized tits,” said Anne quickly.

“I poked them a lot too,” said Karen. She stabbed at Anne's left tit with her finger “ They are very hard”

Very good” said Mary. She reached down and picked up a black felt pen and wrote 'moo' and 'cow' on Anne's right and left tit. “Go to the fourth floor and fetch me my usual lunch from the cafeteria,” she told Anne. “Show everyone your new tits and ask for their opinion. Karen, I want you to come back in an hour. Make sure you drink lots and mix in some extra Boost from the medical dept”

“Yes, Miss Tolliver” both girls chorused.

Satisfied Mary went back into the office. Her own voice greeted her '…you like looking at cunts and tits of other slags, you just want to lick and touch them. You want to stick your tongue deep into their shitholes'

Fifty minutes later, Michelle moaned and stirred. She was sitting back on the couch where Anne had put her after delivering Miss Tolliver's lunch. Mary finished her cherry yoghurt and said. “We have had a lovely chat about how much you love working here, how friendly everyone is, how open and liberated the office is and how you want to work here permanently. What a relief it is to be able to live your life as it should be lived, free from outdated rules and concepts and finally accept that you are just a hole to be d..” Mary savoured that last part. “We make you happy and fulfilled but you are very, very thirsty at the moment and would love something warm and salty. Lots and lots of streaming pee...” Mary had been repeating this theme of acceptance, fulfillment and thirst for piss on and off for the last 10 mins to a semi-conscious Michelle.

“Miss Tolliver?” mumbled Michelle.

“All the excitement of this morning left you sleepy so you are just waking from a brief nap...” Mary went on as a befuddled Michelle came round. “We were talking about you working here permanently. Mr Mead is very keen to employ you. It would please him if you did join our happy band.

Michelle felt a rush of happiness “I want to please Mr Mead” she replied. “And you Miss Tolliver” Michelle had an odd taste in her mouth and she had a dim memory of licking Miss Tolliver's heels. The memory was faint but it too made her happy “I think I would be very, very happy here Miss Tolliver”.

“That's wonderful Michelle. We would love to have you in our family”

Anne buzzed through “Karen is here. Miss Tolliver”

“Thank you moo-cow. Send her in. Your friend is here” Mary said to Michelle.

The 'moo-cow' didn't register deeply with Michelle. She heard it but accepted it as normal. Anne was a girl so would be addressed in any way Miss Tolliver deemed fit.

Michelle suddenly realised she was very thirsty.

Karen came through all smiles and bouncy energy. The girl was so fucking annoying thought Mary.

“You brought refreshments, Karen? Michelle has been talking so much about how happy she is here and how lovely everyone is, I'm afraid she has worked up quite a thirst”

Michelle looked at Mary with adoring eyes. The woman was a Goddess. The image of her slobbering over Miss Toillver's heels flashed in her head. Michelle badly wanted to touch herself.

“Refreshments?” Karen looked worried.

So, so dense Mary sighed. She turned to Michelle and held her hands looking deep into the girl's eyes. “If you could have anything to drink right now what would it pee?”

Michelle blinked, hotness swamping her thighs. Tears formed. “What you said Miss Tolliver” she whispered.

“I didn't say anything dear. Now please tell me”

“Piss” croaked Michelle. “Piss” firmer this time.

“Hmm,” said Mary smiling “Well that was unexpected and a nice surprise. What is it, Karen?”

Karen was hopping from foot to foot “I do have the refreshments Miss Tolliver” she squealed with excitement.

Hallelujah. Brain of fucking Britain finally catches up Mary muttered to herself.

“Well hear that Michelle. Karen saves the day” said Mary hugging Michelle. “Would you like your friend to piss on you?”

Michelle nearly passed out in excitement “Oh god please yes Miss Tolliver “ she started to cry again I'm an emotional wreck Michelle thought wiping her eyes.

“Let's go through to my private bathroom,” said Miss Tolliver taking both girls by the hand.

They went through a partially concealed door and the lights flickered on. It was a large wet room with a giant shower head in the middle with nozzles down one side, a toilet and a sitting area. Mary private video camera system flickered on automatically.

Michelle was still a little unsteady and sat down on the raised tiled bench to the left.

“Shoes off ladies,” said Mary “Leave them outside” Karen helped Michelle slip off her heels “This is going to be so much fun “ Karen smiled at her

Mary sat next to Michelle and put her arm around the girl while Karen looked at them both in excitement and anticipation.

Lift your dress Karen, show us your pussy” ordered Mary

Karen whipped up her dress and dug her fingers into her wet folds and exposed her pink, wet twat. Michelle shook off her fug and stared at her friends glistening hole “That's what having a whore bag like Karen as a friend means Michelle” murmured Mary “Showing your cunts to each other” Michelle unconsciously moved her own legs apart “Don't you just love to stare at that dripping slag hole?”

Michelle nodded, mesmerised by the red-head spreading herself with wanton lewdness, desire contorting her pretty young face. Michelle had never thought about looking at another girl like this but it seemed so natural and right. The new voice in her head told her so and the original Michelle voice, protesting its wrongness, was swept away in a wave of lust.

“See, girls like you, no matter how old they are, are just meat to be used and fucked like disposable cum rags” explained Mary kindly

“I'm a cum rag Miss Tolliver” panted Karen. She started spanking her pussy, grunting, her clit reddening and poking out in anticipation. Mary smiled and reached out to twist Karen's clit.

Karen moaned with pleasure and pain. In her two years with the firm this was the first time she had been invited to a private session, and with the firm's alpha female Dom no less. She was determined to make the most of it. She spanked her pussy even harder and begged Miss Tolliver to hurt her tits.

Mary ignored her. Michelle splayed her legs, her pussy open and inviting. She desperately wanted Miss Toillver to touch her twat which was dissolving into a puddle of sticky girl juice. Michelle had never known herself to be so wet. She sank down, half lying against the back support.

Mary stood and helped Karen straddle Michelle on the tiled bench, squatting so her cunt was inches from Michelle's face. Opening her mouth Michelle looked with mute appeal into her friend's eyes and whispered “Fill me up with piss Karen, please fill me up”

“Not until you beg more you fucking piss mop,” said Mary sharply.

The words raked across Michelle and she gasped, her internal heat threatening to explode “Piss on me! I'm a fucking slag whore!” she yelled and with that Karen silenced Michelle with a powerful hot stream directly into her mouth.

Michelle thought the orgasms would never stop. The pent up desires, heightened by the drug in her system, exploded as she gulped and swallowed as much of Karen's piss as she could. It drenched Michelle's hair and soaked her top. An expanding puddle formed under her.

It was bliss. No one was physically touching her but every nerve end burned as the flow kept coming. If Michelle drowned, she would die content.

Karen was equally pumped and screamed at her new friend “You fucking piss cunt” she yelled “Stupid twatty stinking piss hole!” She started to finger her still pissing pussy and moaned as she added cunt cream to the cocktail raining down on Michelle.

Mary was quietly filming the scene on her phone. Karen's stream slackened then tailed off. She grabbed Michelle's head by her hair and mashed her pussy over the supine girl's face. “Eat my pussy you bitch” she demanded roughly and Michelle did as she was told. Her tongue delved into a girl's pussy for the first time, no a slag's pussy – we are all just slags she corrected herself. All she could taste was piss and a hint of slag juice. It was heaven.

Then Karen gasped as piss exploded over the back of her head and rained down on Michelle in fresh torrents. Mary Tolliver stood over them, minus her skirt, directing her flow at the two girls below her. Karen tried to clear her eyes so you could see and catch Miss Tolliver's piss as it meandered over her and Michelle.

“Thank you Miss Tolliver” gurgled Karen happily

Michelle coughed and spluttered at this new source of delicious urine. That it was Miss Tolliver's made it even sweeter. Mary rubbed her sodden, stockinged toe over Michelle's face “Suck it bitch” she ordered

Taking Miss Tolliver's piss drenched toes into mouth ratcheted up the fire in Michelle. She sucked for all she was worth and her body twitched as she orgasmed again. Karen was also licking Miss Tolliver's foot still murmuring joyful thanks.

Mary withdrew her foot and placed her sole on the side of Michelle's head, pushing the girl's face into the pool of piss. “Lap it up. Enjoy it” she ordered. “You are such a suck-up” smiling, amused at her own joke, Mary stepped down from the bench and stripped off her stockings, discarding them into a plastic bin.

“Squat between Michelle's legs and take her piss” she ordered Karen

Scrambling down Karen did so, her tongue lapping at Michelle's pussy in eager encouragement. I've never peed on a girl before Michelle thought. She smiled inwardly. Except you are pissing on a slag the new Michelle voice said. That's right, new Michelle chastised herself, Karen is just a slag. I'm a slag. A piss happy slag. The pressure on Michelle's bladder grew and she let a jet of urine soak Karen's face.

“Thank Michelle for her lovely present of piss, whore” instructed Mary

“Thank you, Michelle, that was wonderful,” said Karen earnestly.

“Thank you for your lovely piss, slag” smiled Michelle

“Good. Now stand up and follow me” ordered Mary walking to the wall which turned out to be an optical illusion as it morphed into a small corridor leading to another area with a row of showerheads and a glass door at the far end.

Both girls held hands as they squelched behind Miss Tolliver. Their clothes were sodden with urine and Michelle dimly noted they were starting to irritate her skin.

“Strip and leave your clothes here. You will both spend until 3:30 pm in the 'D' stalls with no more than one hour of service for you Michelle. I'm messaging Mrs Haggerty with these instructions. You can access to the 'D' stalls service area through that door” Mary indicated the glass door. “At 3:30 you will come here and collect your clothes and report back to me in my office. Is that clear?”

Both girls now naked, and shivering slightly, nodded.

“Good. By then I will have your new office phone and tablet ready Michelle plus a supply of Boost for use at home until we arrange a regular home delivery. It is not to be shared with your mother. It is a propriety product. Now go. Mrs Haggerty is waiting for you.”

“Yes, Miss Tolliver” the girls chorused and headed for the door with Karen leading the way.

The 'D' Stalls

The passage was dimly lit “What are the 'D' Stalls?” whispered Michelle as they walked along, their arms linked.

“The service girls who act as urinals for the 'D''s.” explained Karen “It's a specialised position and you have to be at least 45 or older to work there full time. Very often it goes to Dom Exec's family members as a sign of their commitment. Sam's mum is down here, as is Matt's. Mrs Haggerty runs it. She is Mr Haggerty's wife. He runs the Accounts Dept.”

Michelle savoured the thought of being a urinal for men like Sam or Mr Mead. Her simmering desire flared up.

“But all subs take a shift every now and then. I've done quite a few. It can be hard at first but it's our duty and our pleasure to serve” Karen finished.

They rounded a corner where the urinal girls were gathered. There were four holes in the wall to their right. Two oval and two smaller and more triangular-shaped. A light pinged over one of the smaller holes and an elderly black woman quickly knelt down and positioned her nose and open mouth into the hole. She soon started swallowing noisily.

A white woman in her sixties approached. Naked, shaven pussy, with pendulous breasts.

“Mrs Haggerty” Karen greeted her with a peck on the cheek.

“Lovely to see you again dear. We need a good hard-working girl like you at the moment. Cynthia has taken a bit poorly.”

A young blonde girl was doubled over near the other wall with another older woman helping her.

“Take her through to the office Evelyn” Mrs Haggarty called and then hurriedly said excuse me as a light pinged at one of the larger oval holes. Stooping quickly Mrs Haggarty pushed her head through, mouth and eyes wide. She, like the black woman, was soon gulping away.

Evelyn returned after a minute and said hi.

“This is Sam's mother Evelyn” introduced Karen.

An attractive blonde woman in her mid-fifties smiled at Michelle. A trim figure, well-toned with some thickening around the middle. Michelle objectively analysed women without being conscious of it.

“Always lovely to meet a new girl,” said Evelyn

“Your son is gorgeous,” said Michelle “it would be wonderful if I had the chance to please him”

“He is” replied Evelyn with obvious pride “you will be very honoured if he deigns to notice you though. He is an important and powerful man.”

The stench of urine was strong in the passageway which the two girls barely noticed. Rosie, the black woman, “Matt's mum” whispered Karen, was still gulping away and Michelle wondered if she was serving another Dom. Eventually, she stood and gave them both a hug. Her lips and lower face were shiny with urine.

“I see you girls have been busy judging by your red eyes” smiled Rosie. She was in her sixties too but a very handsome woman with a generous figure and breasts.

Michelle had gotten used to the stinging in her eyes and noticed that Karen's eyes were pink as were Rosie's and all the girls down here.

Mrs Haggerty rose, wiping the piss off her face and out of her eyes. She picked up the phone on the small ledge on the left side and scrolled through,

“Karen you are next up” she called “And Michelle I want you to be the end hole where you will be called into service in about 2 minutes”

Michelle moved to the far hole. It was oval. Her tummy fluttered a bit. Mrs Haggerty put her arm around her. The stench of piss was overwhelming but Michelle's own senses were already overloaded making her nose blind. “You'll be fine. Just keep your mouth and eyes open and swallow as much as you can” the elder woman said reassuringly.

Mrs Haggerty removed the plastic clipping round the hole and attached a fresh one. “Change these frequently and dispose of them in the sack in the office. You can pick up fresh ones there. Shower off at least every 30 minutes. Ammonia can burn a little. In fact, take one after you service this next gentleman” she looked at her phone and then the light went on “which is now” and she pushed Michelle's head towards the hole.

Michelle blinked as she settled her face and chin within the plastic support. The light was brighter in the 'D' and she was surprised to see each urinal was partly obscured from its neighbour. Aware that a 'gentleman' was standing in front of her she looked up, eyes wide and mouth open. Michelle's heart skipped a beat.

Mr Mead.

He stared down with a beaming smile. “Lovely to see you again my dear. Settling in well I see” he unzipped and pulled out his fleshy cock. It was semi-hard. Pulling back the foreskin he aimed at Michelle's face and covered her in pungent piss. Michelle coughed as some hit the back of her throat and she struggled to get it down. His stream then hit her full in the eye and he kept it there with Michelle trying to keep them open as ordered.

“You will make a superb addition to our specialised support team here at McCraddock, Banks, Tolliver and Mead.” He switched back to her mouth. “Just let it collect there for a while dear. Hold my piss in your mouth. Don't swallow”

Obediently Michelle did so trying to keep his amber urine from falling out of her mouth.

Mead finally finished up, shaking his cock in her direction, “Now swallow and thank me you dirty fucking piss hole” he smiled.

Michelle gulped down his piss and mumbled: “Thank you, Sir, thank you very much”. And with that, he was gone.

Michelle and Karen grabbed a quick shower, were sympathetic to Cynthia who was slumped on a chair, legs open ' matter the circumstances a naked sub employee will always display her one redeeming asset. Her cunt'. Michelle recognised her as the blonde with Mr Mead at the coffee machine the other day. She was very pretty with stunning, firm large boobs. Lovely cunt too thought Michelle '...always check out other sub employee's cunts. Rate and objectify them'.

The two girls serviced a few more Dom's, showered again and headed back the way they came. Michelle had enjoyed the camaraderie of the 'D' girls so she was sorry to leave even if, in the end, she was struggling to consume anymore piss. They found their clothes laid out, unwashed, but dry.

“Walking around with the aroma of Miss Tolliver's pee on me will make me the envy of every sub” giggled Karen “You too”

Mary wrinkled her nose as she let the two girls back into her office. She dismissed Karen.

“Stand don't sit,” she told Michelle. “Mr Mead is delighted with you am I” she admitted with some reluctance.

Michelle almost swooned, such was the surge of pleasure and happiness these simple words engendered.

“Here is your new work phone and tablet” continued Mary. “They contain your mandatory viewing assignments. We log your viewing hours so do not skimp. We also have audio files that contain inspirational and life goal messages. Play them if you ever have doubts or feel unsure. Play them on a loop as you fall asleep. They will relax and soothe you.

Also, video all solo sexual activity. The video will upload automatically. Video thoughts or feelings or suggestions on how to be a better cunt as these will be shared if deemed of worth. Men will be taking pleasure from watching you and that is one of your primary goals whilst working for us. Any sexual contact with a man ask him to record some or all of the acts. If he doesn't want to then try and at least to get him to rate you and the more graphic the better. For example”

Mary flipped a tablet around for Michelle to see and the video opened. A naked blonde was on her knees looking up. Lighting was poor and seemed to be shot in some bushes at night. A hairy belly was in the foreground and the blonde had her lips firmly clamped around his cock. It was Cynthia. There was laughter and several pairs of boots in the background.

“Fuck if you ain't a champion cock sucking bitch” hairy belly panted. There were another 10 seconds of Cynthia sucking and then it cut to Cynthia still on her knees with semen dripping from her face.

“Me and my mates will give this dog cunt a 10 for sucking cock. Good fuck too but she only had one condom on her and we didn't fancy sticking our dicks in this dirty bitch without a coat on” Everyone laughed and Cynthia said in her elegant accent “Thank you, sirs. I am pleased you enjoyed this dog and the dog apologises for not bringing more condoms. It has been a busy evening.”

More laughter “woof goodbye bitch”

Cynthia woofed.

Michelle nodded. Her pussy ached such was her reaction to Cynthia's commitment to her degradation and determination to please men. Yesterday's events popped into her head and eagerly recapped what had taken place in the sex shop.

“Very good Michelle. That is exactly the behaviour we endorse and encourage here. Go back to your desk and write this up in your work blog. If you can contact Keith and get him to give a rating and a review even better.

“Two bottles of Boost are in your car.” continued Mary “Blue is for use when making tea or coffee. Red you are to take 250mls at 09:00, 15:00 and 21:00. It's all in your health app.” “You will spend the rest of afternoon at your desk reviewing the firms manual and logging some mandatory viewing hours on your personal 'instruction' feed.” including your own performance with Karen and at the 'D' stalls she thought with amusement. “Now sign this. It is your servitude contract with the firm” Michelle gladly signed the lengthy document before her.

Mary relaxed and sat back. “Drop to your knees and crawl under my desk” she commanded. Michelle did so, her heart racing as she crawled between Miss Tolliver's parted legs and saw her exquisite pussy with a thin strip of hair marking the way. “You will spend the next 10 minutes servicing my alpha cunt. You will make me cum 5 minutes after you have started and before 10 minutes is up. If you transgress I will punish you.”

Michelle had already buried her face in Miss Tolliver's pussy but managed a muffled “Yes Miss Tolliver” before pushing her inexperienced tongue deep into the Goddess hole. What Michelle lacked in technique she made up for in enthusiasm and by attuning herself to Mary's reactions she was rewarded with small gasps and increased rivulets of musky scent.

Mary Tolliver's orgasm clocked in at 8 minutes and 24 seconds.

Michelle Leason was now a full-time employee at McCraddock, Banks, Tolliver and Mead.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000