Designated for Consumption_(0)

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000



Mariah stood in line anxiously, waiting to hear her fate. Her graduating group was today’s batch to be assigned their designations by the Bureau of Resource Distribution. She found some comfort in the presence of her best friend Alan, standing in front of her.

“Where do you think they’ll send you?” he had turned around to ask her.

“I’ll probably end up sewing clothes in a warehouse.”

“No way. I bet they put you in Human resource management, maybe. You’re really good with people.”

“I can’t really see myself in a management position, I couldn’t even organize that Memorial Day picnic.”

“I’ll probably end up welding or swinging a pick-axe in the new tunnels.”

“Next!” a sharp voice interrupted their conversation. A quick intake of breath came from Alan’s gut and he stepped forward to the woman distributing the designations. “Name?”


Her long nails clicked hurriedly across the keyboard. “You’ve been assigned to food production. Go through the door labelled “Agricultural Development” at the end of the hall on your left and they will tell you the specifics about your new designation. Next!”

“Good luck, Mariah. Maybe I’ll get to see you in the next stage.” Alan shuffled away toward his new role and new life.

Mariah took small steps toward the woman in the window. Her expectations were not high; after all, she was not very good at math or at science nor was she particularly athletic or organized. Surely, though, they could find a place for her in the workforce. The alternative seemed so terrifying, there was no possibility it could happen to her.



The time it took for the woman to type her name into the computer seemed to take an eternity. Finally, she looked back up at Mariah solemnly.

“You’ve been designated for breeding. Please go through the door labelled “Agricultural Development” down the hall to your left.”

The world appeared to freeze around Mariah and her feet seemed to move by a willpower that was not her own. She followed the same path her friend Alan had tread before her though her gait was significantly slower than his. It was now definitely possible that they would be seeing each other again, but there was no possibility that it would be in any flattering position. She had known her entire life that if she had performed poorly enough on her assessments that the system could find no other position for her then she would be designated a breeder; she just never believed it would happen to her.

She has no recollection of that walk down the hallway and through the door for Agricultural Development. Her previous life was now a dream to her. She is now a breeding sow whose body will be utilized to grow several generations of food That will be prepared for the general population.


“What slot we supposed to be putting the new girl in?”

“Slot eight, at the end of this row. She’ll be fertilized with this batch in another two weeks.”

The two men working in the stockyard breeding room wheel in Mariah’s dangling body. Her arms and legs have been amputated and hooks have been attached to the ends so that they could provide an anchor for the suspension system that would keep her in a position that allowed easy access to all parts of her body necessary for the regular hygiene routine. The move her into slot 8, a metal cube three meters tall with extendable cables protruding from the wall to which the hooks on her arms are attached. Her torso is placed on a chair-type apparatus with a hole underneath it through which her waste will fall. The hooks from her legs are attached to two retractable cables at the front of the cage. This set up will allow the ranchers to manipulate her body into varying positions that make it easier to clean the sows, to facilitate birthing procedures, and to move them enough to keep away bed sores.

Mariah now rests in her chair, a feeding tube extends from her nose with the loose end dangling against her cheek ready for feeding time. She is conscious, though she cannot see; she can feel her eyelids moving but her mind receives only blackness. The only thing she can hear is an eerily soothing music that is being transmitted to her through implants in her ears. It is intended to keep her relaxed during all procedures and to prevent her from hearing any speech from the ranchers that might cause her unnecessary distress. Her vocal chords have been damaged so she cannot produce sound above a whisper. As a final measure during her transformation, Mariah had been lobotomized. Her consciousness is now disconnected, and she now finds it even more difficult than before to think critically about her circumstances. Her reactions are driven primarily by instinct and she currently feels relaxed by the music and the comfortable posture in which her body had been placed.

“The new bitch needs a bath,” one man says, though Mariah cannot hear it. “I think you’re ready to perform one on your own. Go get the equipment and you can get her all clean on her first day.”

Mariah’s arms are slowly lifted by the cables to raise her above her chair until she is supporting only by her suspended arms. The cables for legs have moved to the far corners, making her appear like a spider in the middle of its web. Unlike a spider, of course, she is not the hunter but the prey. She moves her head around out of habit, but her perceptions of the situation do not change. Her first sensation of the bath is the soft patter of warm against her breast. It moves up and down her body, the water beading across her young skin.

The rancher who has been assigned to bath her is younger than she is, likely in his late teens and obviously new to the agricultural industry. He had not yet been desensitized to the presence of nude women constantly surrounding them and the naked body that now dangled before him appeared irresistible. What’s more, Mariah had been one of those few young women who was in the habit of shaving the entirety of her pubic region. All the folds of her flower have blossomed fully in front of him. His hand reaches out to touch them gently, surprised by the velvet texture and alluring warmth. First, he strokes the exterior folds, preparing himself to penetrate the heart of the bloom. He can see its pink dampness through the water dripping from the rest of her torso.

He glances at the woman with empty eyes looking ahead at nothing, aware only of her most instinctual reactions to his touch, and then one finger begins to penetrate. It is quickly followed by another until both his fingers are buried inside her pelvis. The girl begins to squirm on top of his hand, grinding her hips against his knuckles. Her response to his touch encourages him further and he suddenly finds himself wanting to taste those delicious juices. He abandons his shower head and moves his head between her legs. He kisses her labia gently before pushing past them and licking gently the entrance to her vagina. A deep sigh escapes from the girl and the rancher’s consumption of her juices becomes more voracious.

The pressure in his pants grows unbearable and is compelled to unzip them and bury his penis inside her. In only a few thrusts, he fills her belly with his seed and stumbles away from her to quickly resume his cleaning and erasure of the evidence of his violation. He leaves the taste of her juices on his lips to sustain him for the remainder of his shift.


Mariah is pregnant though barely showing. The rancher who had explored her body on the first day was still an amateur though his penetrations into her body now lasted longer and his repertoire had added a few new positions into which he could manipulate the bitches. Mariah is not his only target, but she remains his favorite. The hair on her pelvis had grown into a soft blanket that framed nicely the portrait of the flower within. She would wait anxiously for the days that he was assigned to bathe her. His touch excited her though he had yet to bring her to climax.

He is thrusting rhythmically inside of her as if in a trance and does not hear the door to the warehouse open behind him. “Enjoying yourself, son?”

Startled, the young rancher invading Mariah leaps away from her torso and clutches his pants to his knees. The older man who had shown him how to operate the breeding rooms was standing next to him. He is a tall gentleman with large, rough hands and broad shoulders. His appearance is not angry, however, but amused.

“That’s an interesting technique y’got there, but I think you could use a few pointers.” The startled boy remains silently pinned against the wall. “Have you made her cum yet?”


“Y’know, orgasm. You should never penetrate a woman until she has been properly stimulated, even a meat girl like this one. You’re only cheating yourself. Let me show you a trick for properly preparing a bitch for penetration.”

The older rancher grabs the discarded shower supply and moves it toward Mariah. He turns on the water and waits for it to warm to the proper temperature.

“See this hood at above all the folds? It’s like a button and if you press it properly, it makes magic happen.”

“What sort of magic?”

“If you can work it properly, you will have the bitch squirming on your dick and licking her lips for more. Watch this.”

The rancher licks two of his fingers and inserts them inside Mariah. He moves the shower head toward her pubic region and directs the gentle water toward her clitoris. The rhythmic patter is tantalizing, and Mariah’s pelvis begins to move on the rancher’s hand. He begins to tease her, moving the water closer to the hood and then farther away. At the same time, he is curling his fingers inside her to tickle her bladder and uterus. The sensation that she needs to urinate is starting to build inside Mariah and her squirming grows more voracious. Suddenly the sensation has reached its maximum and the squirming becomes vulgar and erratic thrusts both against and away from his hand.

“I think she may have squirted a bit, s’hard to tell when you’re using the shower head.”

“And what is that supposed to accomplish?” the young man asks his mentor.

“Find out for yourself.”

The young man approaches the dangling girl and slides his still exposed erection inside of her. For the first time, her hips bend toward him and she is rocking up against his pelvis. The sensation was overwhelming, and the young man found himself too stunned to move for several seconds.

“Is that the only hole you’ve tried?”

“Well I can’t reach her mouth.”

The older rancher laughs heartily. “That other pink sphincter wasn’t made for you to just rest your balls on.”

“You mean her asshole? I don’t think I could fit in there,” he says, still thrusting with slow, deep motions inside the bitch’s pelvis.

“Any asshole can take a cock if its properly stretched and lubricated. Let’s give hers a test run. Just stay here and try not to cum yet or you’ll miss the best part.”

The older rancher leaves the room briefly and returns with a medical inspection tray. He pumps the lube onto a speculum and holds it up to the light.

“This should give us a good enough view without reducing the elasticity of the muscles.”

The young man unwillingly pulls out of the depths of heaven to make room for the older rancher to approach the girl moving her blank eyes around the room in a fruitless attempt to discover the source of her current pleasures. She was not likely to enjoy this next part as much, at least not this early in the training. He places the cold metal against her asshole and sees her tense up due to the cold. Holding her pelvis in place with his hand on her stomach, the speculum slides slowly into her clinching sphincter. The girls breathing has quickened and her eyes appear nervous but not in significant distress. With one final push, the speculum is completely engulfed and the girls breath is returning to her.

“Watch this part closely.”

The older rancher begins to turn the butterfly screw at the bottom of the device and the speculum starts to open. It exposes the throbbing pink interior, untarnished and prime for penetration.

“She looks like she could take you. Only one way to find out.”

The rancher starts to remove the speculum without closing it and Mariah lets slip a little more urine as part of the release from her body.

“Put some of that lube on yourself and give her a try.”

The tip of young man’s cock begins to break the barrier of her sphincter and Mariah lets out a voiceless squeal. Her asshole tightens around his shaft as he pushes it deeper inside of her.

“Rub her clitoris, but keep it gentle, and she’ll accept you better.”

The young man’s clumsy hands brush against her clit, already sensitized from the earlier orgasm. It’s enough to re-stimulate the squirming she had demonstrated early.

“Oh shit!” the young man exclaimed and filled her ass completely with his cock. “Oh shit! This is- shit- oh my god.” The young man barely pulls his cock back before he has thrusted even deeper inside the bitch’s abdomen. He filled it with his seed and stepped back to survey his deed. The cock leaving her ass paired with the hand that had been clenching her pussy made her orgasm again, though the tremors this time were less violent than they had previously been.

The older rancher now demonstrates the most effective routine for cleaning a bitch after she has been fucked and the two leave the room and the breeding women ignorant of the violation that had just occurred.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000